this is the name given to the mass slaughter of jews by the nazi’s during wwii. the nazi’s...


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The Holocaust This is the name given

to the mass slaughter of Jews by the Nazi’s during WWII.

The Nazi’s killed 6 million Jews.

Hitler lays out his plan for the Holocaust in his book Mein Kampf.

The Nuremberg Laws These laws were set up by the Nazi’s against the

German Jews in 1935. A few examples of the laws:

1. Jews could not be citizens.2. Jews could not marry someone non- Jewish.3. Jewish passports were marked with a red


By 1936, ½ of all German Jews were jobless. 1938—Jews are no longer allowed to practice law,

practice medicine, or own a business. Despite all this many Jews remained in Germany

because they didn’t want to leave the lives they had worked so hard to create.

German Jews are forced to wear the yellow star of David

Nazi’s holding hands at a university to “protect” it from Jews

For fun, the Germans are forcing the Jews to scrub the

pavement of the streets

Kristallnacht In 1938, a young Jewish

refugee killed a German diplomat in Paris for revenge of how Jews were being treated

To send a message Hitler ordered Kristallnacht

The night of broken glass or “Kristallnacht” is when Nazi’s went into Jewish homes and businesses and destroyed them.

The secret police force called the Gestapo arrested at least 20,000 wealthy Jews. (35,000 reported)

Herschel Grynszpan

Burning of a synagogue

Nazi Camps These were established to house the Jews and

political prisoners. Buchenwald was the largest Concentration

Camp. It did not have gas chambers but many people died there from exhaustion and horrible living conditions. This was a work camp.

Auschwitz the largest Extermination Camp. 12,000 people were killed each day at this camp. 1.6 million total. This was a death camp.