+ tips & tricks to help you make money online! tricia belmonte likeus communications...

+ TIPS & TRICKS TO HELP YOU MAKE MONEY ONLINE! Tricia Belmonte LikeUs Communications @triciabelmonte www.facebook.com/ likeuscommunications

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Page 1: + TIPS & TRICKS TO HELP YOU MAKE MONEY ONLINE! Tricia Belmonte LikeUs Communications @triciabelmonte  ns



Tricia BelmonteLikeUs Communications



Page 2: + TIPS & TRICKS TO HELP YOU MAKE MONEY ONLINE! Tricia Belmonte LikeUs Communications @triciabelmonte  ns


What value does your business offer?

Knowing your value is the most important starting point for any marketing planning – on or offline

Page 3: + TIPS & TRICKS TO HELP YOU MAKE MONEY ONLINE! Tricia Belmonte LikeUs Communications @triciabelmonte  ns

+Planning Stage

Know your value

Know your target audience

Know your competition

Know your purpose and objectives

Know what you stand for

Know what you want people to do = call to action

Page 4: + TIPS & TRICKS TO HELP YOU MAKE MONEY ONLINE! Tricia Belmonte LikeUs Communications @triciabelmonte  ns

+GOAL: Become the Authority in Your Industry

Content is key to showing what you know

It’s not enough to have great content – you also need to get it out there!

Page 5: + TIPS & TRICKS TO HELP YOU MAKE MONEY ONLINE! Tricia Belmonte LikeUs Communications @triciabelmonte  ns

+Search Engine Optimization

Also known as SEO

SEO is basically a set of processes that will affect how your website appears in natural “organic” (unpaid) search engine search results

Aim for the top #1 spot on Google – you at least want to land on the first page!

Being at the top means continuous work, but it doesn’t need to be hard work

Always be on top of the questions people are asking in your industry*

Page 6: + TIPS & TRICKS TO HELP YOU MAKE MONEY ONLINE! Tricia Belmonte LikeUs Communications @triciabelmonte  ns


Keywords are the foundation of everything else you should do online. They are the starting point that let’s search engines and others know what you are about

A great place to start: http://www.googlekeywordtool.com/

There are many other free keyword finders. Another very useful one is: http://keywordtool.io/

Page 7: + TIPS & TRICKS TO HELP YOU MAKE MONEY ONLINE! Tricia Belmonte LikeUs Communications @triciabelmonte  ns

+KEYWORDS: group exercise Keywords are the foundation of SEO. They tell the search engines

and customers what your site is about*

The 2 most important pages on your website are usually the home and about us pages

We will select some keywords for you to use on these pages

1. Select about 3-5 keywords to target for your website

2. Choose one keyword for your home and about us pages. TIP: use a keyword for 2 pages MAX. on your website.

3. Brainstorm natural questions for the keyword*

4. Use leftover keywords to brainstorm article/blog ideas

Also use keywords when deciding on social media account names or what to write posts about

Page 8: + TIPS & TRICKS TO HELP YOU MAKE MONEY ONLINE! Tricia Belmonte LikeUs Communications @triciabelmonte  ns


Look at the first page of competition on search engines for your keyword – note what they are talking about

Look at the top competitors to see where links to their site are coming from. TIP: listings should only be from high authority sites

Look at the first page of Google for ideas of other places you should be listed

Page 9: + TIPS & TRICKS TO HELP YOU MAKE MONEY ONLINE! Tricia Belmonte LikeUs Communications @triciabelmonte  ns


Before you do anything, you should know your target audience

Ideas of things you can post about: tips and tricks, comment on industry news items, call out to your customers, share quotes or photos your customers would like, answer customer questions, announce something, do a review of some of your industry products or services

Where to find things to post: listen to your customer questions and post answers, comment on posts you found interesting, Facebook post planner, Contentgems.com, Hootsuite

Keep an eye out on what your competitors are posting – go so far as to join their email lists!

Page 10: + TIPS & TRICKS TO HELP YOU MAKE MONEY ONLINE! Tricia Belmonte LikeUs Communications @triciabelmonte  ns


Followers: never buy followers!

Start by following others, liking, sharing, retweeting, etc. – show others you are interested and want to participate

Follow groups, then follow everyone in the group

Think of what you want people to do/the action you want them to take – these become your calls to action

A good goal is to create content others cannot resist sharing!

Social advertising: is very targeted and relatively inexpensive for the exposure you get. Use your keywords!

Page 11: + TIPS & TRICKS TO HELP YOU MAKE MONEY ONLINE! Tricia Belmonte LikeUs Communications @triciabelmonte  ns


Google+ has over 500 million users and over half are very active on it. It is fantastic for recommendations, sharing, having meetings, etc.

Google+ has a number of business benefits including assisting you to come up in search results, helping people find and interact with you and measuring tools to help you grow your business

Page 12: + TIPS & TRICKS TO HELP YOU MAKE MONEY ONLINE! Tricia Belmonte LikeUs Communications @triciabelmonte  ns


We will create Google business pages. To set up a business page you first need a Google personal account. Google accounts are used for many things including email (through Gmail), Google maps, gchat, YouTube. It is also where you set up Google analytics and Google webmaster tools.

We will list your business on Google maps

McMaster Innovation Park: http://mcmasterinnovationpark.ca/ offers many free or sponsored services including a potential business address

Everyone pick a classmate and over lunch think of a testimonial you can leave on the other person’s Google account – no partners!*

We will join each others accounts to make them look full

You can claim a vanity URL after 30 days and after you have 10 followers

Exercise: Let’s write out what our first post will be *

Page 13: + TIPS & TRICKS TO HELP YOU MAKE MONEY ONLINE! Tricia Belmonte LikeUs Communications @triciabelmonte  ns

+Website Prep.

Before you build a website, you should do some planning

Name the top things potential customers should learn from your website i.e. they should know how to contact you

Write down your prospects top 10 questions and answer them throughout your website

Consider what you want customers to do on your site = CALL TO ACTION i.e. phone you, fill out a form to be on your mailing list, etc.

Add social share and social follow buttons to encourage customers to interact with you and spread your business information for you

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+More Tips to Rank Higher in Search Results

Your website quality is very important. This includes content, internal links, having an optimized site, etc.

Your content should answer the questions people are asking

Use internal descriptive anchor texts (ensure they do not have a pattern)

Aim for QUALITY, high authority external links. Great links to have are from media, well known charities and educational institutes!

Constantly develop content

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+Thank you! Let’s connect:

[email protected]


