· tm.x.uji...

J' tm .X.uji iw.JUjijiii'iwu.M"iutiMuwUu;vjuw 1Y ft II flM '. m ,J w Jl" Jr & w $& K'" '.!1 '.ILL." 1- -t MJLS'Zlii! ".ye Vol. Xlir. o. 1917. HONOLULU, II. I., SATURDAY EVENTS, APRIL Id, 1888.. CO 0ENT8 SUDBbRIPTION PEH MONTH. B? H- - Vf 5 iH 'wffi ; Tffft D&ELY BULLETIN Is printed and published nt Iho oilico, Qucun Street, Honolulu, H. I., every afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, 50 cents nor Month. Address nil Comtnunicutlnns Daily Bulletin. Advertisements, tc cn3ure insertion, to Bliould be handed iu beforu one o'clock P. M. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor JAS G. CLEVIOR Manaaor Bulletin Staam Printing Office. Newspaper, Book and Job Printing of nil kinds, done ou the most f.worablo terms. a Boll Telephone No. 250 Mutual Telophonc No. 250 Daily MMii Summari Published twico a Month. An Inleiestlug and comprehensio publication, nud contilns from 40 to CO columns of rciding ln.itter on locil top. les, anil a complete resume of Honolulu and Island Nevb. It is the best piper nubllshed in the Kingdom to send to friends ubroad. Subociiption (mailed) S2.C0 a year. Commission Hox-onants- . rr xia.okitisijD & Co., General Commission Agents. 07(i ly HONOLULU (i, W. MACFATvLANE & Co. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION ilEHCHANTS, Honolulu. H. I. Queen street, - - 1,018 BREWER & COMPANY, O . (Lnmtd) Gknekal Mercantile and Commission Agents. list of offh'eks: P C- - Jones, Jr. .. .President & Manager J." O. Caktkii .Treasurer & Secretary diiikctokb: Hon. C. R. Bibuop. S. C. Allen, H. WA'itniiousE. iM ly T. WATERHOUSE, JOHN Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1 S. N. Castle -- J. B. Atherton-- G. P. Castle Si OOOKE, CASTLE Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers iu General Merchandise, No 80 King st., Honolulu. Claus apreckeis. Win. Q. Irwlu. IRWIN & COMPANY, WGr. n Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 "ILDER a CO., w 1 Tt- YY Ueaicrs in i.umuer, xmuia, Oils, Nails, Sal, and Building Materials c trl.i.1 nnr Knrt. nnrl tlnp.Oll St.. Ul UVWJ mim, w""--- ' - ' Honolulu. QRINBAUM fit CO., MS. Importers of General Mer chandise and Commission Merchants, Honolulu, and 121 California street, 1 San Francisco, Cal. R. Lowers. V. J. Lowroy, 0. II. C'ooko. EWERS & COOKE, L (successors to Lowers & Dickson,) Importers and Dealers in Lumber and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu Qonsalves Sc Oo.9 Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants 280 Beaver Block, Honolulu. Notice of Removal! THOMAS LINDSAY, Manufacturing Joweler Sl Watchmaker Has rcmovi d to ono of the New Stores in the Thomas JHIock, King Street, Three doors from Castjo & Cookes', Where he is niepireu to lnauufaeture all Alndbtf Jewelry. 00 A. M. HEWETT, Stationer & Newsdealer, Merchant Street, Honolulu, H.I Mutual Tel.71. Koll Tel. aO. Law Books & Lawyors' Stationery a Specialty. W QEi., Oi Jora taken for Newspapers, Poriodi- - wMme cals, IJoolcs, music, eio., irom nuy n jll)n,j Professionals. MALCOLM BROWN, WOTARV PUBLIC For lhoIlnnd of Oahu. Office, : Gov't Building, Honolulu. yoif A. HASSINGER, JOHN Agent to take Acknowledgments Contincts for Labor. Interior Office, Honolulu. m 1?h"ompson7 Attoi'iicy-al-JLiin- Office in Campbell's Block, Fort& MerclmntSt1-.- , Honolulu, 11. 1. PRACTICES IN THE COURTS. ttS When desirul, will uivo tlio law in written opinion, us to tho probible ie-su- of tho contention upon the facts stated. lf.SSIv T M. MONSARRAT, J . AITOKNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. Heal Estate in any part of tho IClugdom bought, bold ami leased, on eoinmifcsion. Loans ucgotta ted, Logal Documents Drawn. No. "J" Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands UW BROWN, Attoinei and Counsellor at Law Notary Public, aud Agent for taking Ac know lodgments of Instruments for the Island of Oahu. Meichnui ttrcct, Hono-'ul- u. J ALFRED MAGOON, AT I OltMEY AT LAW. 173 42 Meichant street. Honolulu, ly VETERINARY. A RITCHIE ROWAT, 21i Veterinary Niirgcon. Office and Itssidence: lfaO ICiiigMrett Mmiiil Telephone JDI. O dcia left at Hotel Stable will bo teethed and pr niptly attended to. 4i Jin J. H. SOPBB, M. D. Consulting Physician and Surgeon. S. W. ConiLr Sixth mid Murkit sticcli, opposite Hawaii Nei Alilln.cry Estab- lishment, San 2.5 Office 42 Merchant St., Honolulu. Collector & Real Estate Agent. 18hr U. M. liLNSOI. G. W. SMITH. BENSON, SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists. 113 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu. Depot for BotricUc & Scechlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Rick-ecke- i' Perfumes and Toilet KcquiMUS, i2y H0LL1STER, & CO,, Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fo-- t Street, William's Block, ITono-21- 0 Honolulu, II. I. WENNER & CO. 3uiiiilai'turiiiK .Sun cllei'H, no. oa sroixrc htiujet, Constantly on band 1 largo assortmen of overy descriptionot Jew elrj , "Walthts Gold and Silver Plated Ware, Scc. OSS ly J. A. DOWER, Ship Carpenter & Boat Builder. Hailng improved facilities lsprepircd to 1111 orders at hhort notice. 1831 tf HONOLULU CARRIAGE CO., Nos. 33, 45, G2, 03, 07, 73 & 97. K. :. Mciiuiuuu, - I'roiulctor. 1ST Stand Corner Merchnnt aud Fort Slieets. Sr TcloplioncH, !IUB. -- 53 inch a SU ly CARRBAGE CO. Carriages at all hours, day and night. Saddle Horses, Buggies, Wagonettes and Village Carts itn stylish nud goutla hoi bus to let. FOK SALE. A few Ilorpo", gunraiitocil, Bc(ond Uacl.8, Open and 'lop Ijuggics, K?s or wio worm, iiuvuii; hiuuu n iif taitnanu Huiness KF t rncuts thorofor wlillBt in Ban WS od Rubber Uuui to Order. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Beaver L, Saloon Tho Best Lunoh in Town, Tea and Coffee at ill Hours Tho Flnrst 13rau.l of bSk4?CL 3J35. jVl-wtiy- on llnnil. II. J. nm.TM, Proprietor. COFFEE SALOON and RESTAURANT, 8M K.1XG BTKEI'.T. rpnoMAs Muliioon will A onen his saloon on ? SATURDAY. March 31st. and will supply his pit i ons with escry doll, enry piocurable. Meals at all hours. 000 lm GHR. GERTZ, Importer aud Dcalci in (SnitH. Ladies', V diHaron'M Boots, Shoes aud Slippers, Tlio Uhoiccbt Brands of ( n rc-- i Mifraiip .i.fcaRv.b U fl I il SiKi'a, m 'i SSSgSsSfi: Always on Znn;I. C5?" Orders fioin the other Islands solicit! d. 79 if J 73 HDUAHU STREET. MRS. ROBT. LOVE, - PROPRIETRESS. Every desciiption of PLAIN & TANDY Bread & takers, FRESH SODA CRACKERS AND SALOON BREAD A! u 113 s on hand. MILK BREAD A SPECIALTY. Island orders promptly attended to. OS (lm PIONEEK STEAI CANDY FACTORY AND i!.,VK.JEirsr. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. ts&T Tclcphono 74 W3I. McCANIWLESS, No. 0 Queen sticet, Fish Market, Dealer in choieest Reef, "Veal, SZiittou, t',Inh, Ac, Ac Family and Shipping Ordtrscarofully attcudLd to. Live siock furnislied to vessels at sho.'t notice, and Vegetables of all kinds supplied to order 1140 ly 2 t:,SFTVl 'VtfiSifS. A Metropolitan Meat Company 81 King Street, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager. Wholesale & Hettil Butchers AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. 1717 ly Polled Anps Stock ITOJR. S. Dull Calves Irom 10 to 13 months old. Heller Calves Irom 1 0 to 13 months old. APPLY TO J. I. D0WSETT. Houolulu, June 21, 1837. 70 NOTICE. IVTESSRS J. E. BROWN & CO. XvJL Aru authoribed to cnlkcl tor tlio llUI.M'TIK Honolulu June 8th, 18S7. H7 B! Illngup'lVlerhon.-.orapplyi.- . !L QNLy LV pApER )n JJIILUS & MAYIiKY. 1 Honolulu The Dally Bulletin,' TiK' ANY IHING, ... In tl,n nir.v Itm.i.WlN lui4 ly rn cents iiioniu. NEW GOODS ! Just Recehcd per AT ! "Australia," THE POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE, 101 Fort Street, Honolulu. N. S. SACS-SS- , - - - Proprietor. A Large & Unique Assortment Selcclod by Mr. DlUiughani in England and America. Call nud exmuino tiic goods, now being opened by tlie Pacific Hardware Oo.9 yort Wti'tjot, Honolulu. A. MORGAN, Blacksmith Work, gv. "?a Carriage Building, Painting and "(y Trimming. 79 ft 81 Eii 'smut, - - -- - ou Bon fran DEulr-mic'ti- i'rom Kinjy and Heruhant ,StH. Every description of woik in the above lines peifoimed ina first clas manner. Also, Horse Shoeing a Specialty. "Bell Telephone, 107- -a (mih1.88.1y) Tclnphone, 107-- a HAY 175. Corner 8 -- "jV II .. M.t V1A"V"I p IV SMtf.WW-- .; GOODS HAY AND -- GRAIN GRAIN Largest Stocks, Choicest Quality, Lowest Prices. ummm feed co. Telephones JOI I0TT. 1. J&ITy83", 4?rfxrtzcz:Zjit&E7a&ris?iim HSp Granite, lion NSW Edinburgh & Queen Streeta. Knataraam Strom ' ! mmmmmmmm & - and Tin Ware Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns, WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE, House Keeping Ooods, PLUMBING, TIN, C3PtfER AND 993 SHEET IRON WORK, BABE CHANCE FOIL INVESTMENT BETTER THAN A GOVERNMENT BOND OFFER CO n n n il ASSETS OVIJK OF THE UNITED HpHE protection of Life Insurance tomblnud with the Investment Principles of X n Savings Bank Eim)loof u 20 year Endowment Policy for $10,000 taken out at the age of 25 yeirs: Annual Totil Puiniuins Cadi Fund Equivilent Paid Annuity Picmium Paid in W j r Tuen due. Up Policy fcr Life. "" for Life 4Q7 $9,740 $18,110 $43,800 51,310 Estimates for difitunt amounts and different ages cheerfully given. Protect your tamllv from futuio wunt or provide for your own old age. Policies Free. Indisputable, .tc., ifcc. For full particular apply to Alexander J. Cartwright, 1010 ly General Agent, Hawaiian Islandc. MBWUIWJWIr"HII "MWfWIW H' WALESB. & EEDWAED, ContractorH : JLtullacif. Brick. ctnne and Wooden Buildings; es- timates given. Jobbing piompt' at- tended to. 1G King Mtrtcl. Bell Tclo-phon- u No. 2. P. O. Bo, 4'JJ. ap 5.1y riEORGE LUCAS, - Contractor -- . aud Builder,1 rtfif?2'm-?- ? Honolulu Steam Planing MiIIe, Jispla nadc, Honolulu. Manufactures all l.lnds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Fiaracs, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work finish. Turning, Scroll aud Band Swing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-mi- :, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and woik guaranteed. Orders from the other di bollcitcd PLANING MILL. Alakea, er Jueen JSt. Telephone 55. SfrPn HONOLULU IRON "WORKS, KRTajSteam engines, Bugar mills, boil- ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead casti- ng-.; machinery of every description inadu to order. Paiticular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 NEW- - Merchant Tailoring Establishm't Tho undersigned having opened n first-clas- s Merchant Tailoring Estab- lishment at the Cor. King and Bethel Streets, (Damon Building) under the llrni name of MabersnaGher&Go. Bogs kac to folicit. tho patronugo of Ills fi lends and public generally. 50 Gm F. HABEBMACHER. J. O. MERCHANT, (Siiccesfor to T. G. Thrum) Book-hinde- r, Puper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer, FUnd Building, Bclhil tired, Hono. 82 lulu. tf' A. If. KASEMANN, Book-hinde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. W sites to notify tho public that he lm removed to larger quarters, No. 13 Kaahumnnu Street, ' Z3T UP STAIKS. -- a 81 Urn FERTILIZERS! Fcr Plantations, Gardens, Lawns, Etc., Etc. Tor Sulo liy HANMOS A H3IVTII. WE aro now jiropircd to receive nil oideis foi the above Fertilizer of a supnior nuullty, lliormighly cured and warranted one of the best articles of tliii kind In tlio inarktt. Ordirs may 00 ILIl Willi L. P. HANSON, SCO Quern ttnet. G. M. SMYTH, Uw. Hon 1 Stable. ta lm Tlio Inter-Islan- d Steam Navigation Co., Limited, Keep constantly on hum for sale Steam Family and Blacktmith Goal nnd u general assortment of no. Ear iron. 'pHE DAILY BULLETIN his the X laruofc' circulaiion of iiny paper iruiid in this Kingdom. 60 cents per mouth. BY THE nee Co bTATES. 680,000,000. FIRE, LIFE, a MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Firo Insurance Co. Assets, $5,055,000 Commercial Insurance Co. (Fire and Marine) Assets, $150,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation (Fire and Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Firo and Marine Ins. Co Capital $10,000,000 New York Life Insurance Co. Assets, $75,000,000 C.O.BERGER HONOLULU. General Agent, Ha'w'n Islands. 1053 ly CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Firo & Marine Insur'co Agonts. AQENTS loll The Xcw Jinclanrt MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMP'Y, of Boston. Tho JEtna Firo Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn. Tho Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co. of San FinucUeo, Cala. lUlly Prussian National Insurance Comp y ESTAKLISKED 184.1, Capital 9,000,000 Hclchsmnrki. riHE undersigned, having been np X pointed agent of the above Company for the Hawaiian Ibhiuds, ib prepaied to accept risks, against Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, Bugar Mills etc., on the most Favorable Terms Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable In Honolulu. H. RIE.MBNSCHNEIDE1J, 670 ly Rt Wilder & Go's. Husiacefe Robertson, IkiMfrntMAa DBAYMEK. LL orders for Cartage promptly at. XX. tended to. Particular attention paid to tho Storing & Shipping of goods In transit to the other IsluLds. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit nt lowest prices. Oftlce, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'s auction room. 932 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10. M. It. COLBlTRN, miAYSIAN. ALL kinds of dinjago nttended to promptness. "Whlto and Black band delivered in quantities to suit. Also. Bluck Bock and Coral Hock. Oftlcoi With J. F. Colburn, King stroct, near Jlauuukcs. 73 3m NOTICE. "jTH. IoIih Jlagnon Is mithorhcd to lY-- i. collect for our account, and 6lgn rtt elpiH. J. r;, BHO WN i- - CO. Jan. 10, lbSS. 1535 J"OB PRINTING of all kind) exe. at tho Daily Bollx-u- n Office i ! .1 4"

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K'" '.!1 '.ILL." 1- -t MJLS'Zlii! ".ye





Vf 5

iH 'wffi


Is printed and published nt Iho oilico,

Qucun Street, Honolulu, H. I., every

afternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, 50 cents nor Month.

Address nil Comtnunicutlnns DailyBulletin.

Advertisements, tc cn3ure insertion, toBliould be handed iu beforu one o'clockP. M.

WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor


Bulletin Staam Printing Office.

Newspaper, Book and Job Printing ofnil kinds, done ou the most f.worabloterms. aBoll Telephone No. 250

Mutual Telophonc No. 250

Daily MMii SummariPublished twico a Month.

An Inleiestlug and comprehensiopublication, nud contilns from 40 to CO

columns of rciding ln.itter on locil top.les, anil a complete resume of Honoluluand Island Nevb. It is the best pipernubllshed in the Kingdom to send to

friends ubroad.Subociiption (mailed) S2.C0 a year.

Commission Hox-onants-.

rr xia.okitisijD & Co.,

General Commission Agents.

07(i ly HONOLULU

(i, W. MACFATvLANE & Co.


Honolulu. H. I.Queen street, - -1,018


Gknekal Mercantile andCommission Agents.

list of offh'eks:P C- - Jones, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ." O. Caktkii .Treasurer & Secretary

diiikctokb:Hon. C. R. Bibuop. S. C. Allen,

H. WA'itniiousE.iM ly

T. WATERHOUSE,JOHN Importer and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1

S. N. Castle --J. B. Atherton-- G. P. Castle

Si OOOKE,CASTLE Shipping and CommissionMerchants. Importers and Dealers iuGeneral Merchandise, No 80 King st.,Honolulu.

Claus apreckeis. Win. Q. Irwlu.

IRWIN & COMPANY,WGr. n Factors and CommissionAgents, Honolulu. 1

"ILDER a CO.,w 1 Tt-

Y Y Ueaicrs in i.umuer, xmuia,Oils, Nails, Sal, and Building Materials

c trl.i.1 nnr Knrt. nnrl tlnp.Oll St..Ul UVWJ mim, w""--- ' - 'Honolulu.

QRINBAUM fit CO.,MS. Importers of General Merchandise and Commission Merchants,Honolulu, and

121 California street,1 San Francisco, Cal.

R. Lowers. V. J. Lowroy, 0. II. C'ooko.

EWERS & COOKE,L (successors to Lowers & Dickson,)Importers and Dealers in Lumber and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu

Qonsalves Sc Oo.9

Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants280 Beaver Block, Honolulu.

Notice of Removal!

THOMAS LINDSAY,Manufacturing Joweler Sl Watchmaker

Has rcmovi d to ono of the NewStores in the

Thomas JHIock, King Street,Three doors from Castjo & Cookes',

Where he is niepireu to lnauufaetureall Alndbtf Jewelry. 00

A. M. HEWETT,Stationer & Newsdealer,

Merchant Street, Honolulu, H.IMutual Tel.71. Koll Tel. aO.

Law Books & Lawyors' Stationery a Specialty.

W QEi., Oi Jora taken for Newspapers, Poriodi- -

wMme cals, IJoolcs, music, eio., irom nuy n jll)n,j



WOTARV PUBLICFor lhoIlnnd of Oahu.

Office, : Gov't Building, Honolulu.yoif

A. HASSINGER,JOHNAgent to take AcknowledgmentsContincts for Labor. Interior Office,


m 1?h"ompson7Attoi'iicy-al-JLiin-

Office in Campbell's Block, Fort&MerclmntSt1-.- , Honolulu, 11. 1.


ttS When desirul, will uivo tlio law inwritten opinion, us to tho probible ie-su-

of tho contention upon the factsstated. lf.SSIv

T M. MONSARRAT,J . AITOKNEY AT LAWand Notary Public. Heal Estate in anypart of tho IClugdom bought, bold amileased, on eoinmifcsion. Loans ucgottated, Logal Documents Drawn. No. "J"

Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands UW

BROWN,Attoinei and Counsellor at Law

Notary Public, aud Agent for taking Acknow lodgments of Instruments for theIsland of Oahu. Meichnui ttrcct, Hono-'ul- u.


173 42 Meichant street. Honolulu, ly


21i Veterinary Niirgcon.Office and Itssidence: lfaO ICiiigMrett

Mmiiil Telephone JDI. O dcia left atHotel Stable will bo teethed andpr niptly attended to. 4i Jin

J. H. SOPBB, M. D.

Consulting Physician and Surgeon.S. W. ConiLr Sixth mid Murkit sticcli,opposite Hawaii Nei Alilln.cry Estab-lishment, San 2.5

Office 42 Merchant St., Honolulu.

Collector & Real Estate Agent.

18hrU. M. liLNSOI. G. W. SMITH.


Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists.113 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu.

Depot for BotricUc & Scechlk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Rick-ecke- i' Perfumes and Toilet

KcquiMUS, i2y


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fo-- t Street, William's Block, ITono-21- 0

Honolulu, II. I.

WENNER & CO.3uiiiilai'turiiiK .Sun cllei'H,

no. oa sroixrc htiujet,Constantly on band 1 largo assortmen

of overy descriptionot Jew elrj , "WalthtsGold and Silver Plated Ware, Scc.

OSS ly


Ship Carpenter & Boat Builder.

Hailng improved facilities lsprepircdto 1111 orders at hhort notice.

1831 tf


Nos. 33, 45, G2, 03, 07, 73 & 97.

K. :. Mciiuiuuu, - I'roiulctor.1ST Stand Corner Merchnnt aud Fort


Sr TcloplioncH, !IUB. --53inch a SU ly

CARRBAGE CO.Carriages at all hours, day and night.

Saddle Horses, Buggies, Wagonettes andVillage Carts itn stylish nud goutlahoi bus to let.

FOK SALE.A few Ilorpo", gunraiitocil, Bc(ond

Uacl.8, Open and 'lop Ijuggics,K?s or wio worm, iiuvuii; hiuuu n iif taitnanu HuinessKF t rncuts thorofor wlillBt in Ban

WS od Rubber Uuui to Order. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES.

Beaver L, Saloon

Tho Best Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Coffee at ill Hours

Tho Flnrst 13rau.l of


jVl-wtiy- on llnnil.II. J. nm.TM, Proprietor.



rpnoMAs Muliioon willA onen his saloon on

? SATURDAY. March 31st. andwill supply his pit i ons with escry doll,enry piocurable. Meals at all hours.

000 lm

GHR. GERTZ,Importer aud Dcalci in

(SnitH. Ladies', V diHaron'M

Boots, Shoes aud Slippers,

Tlio Uhoiccbt Brands of(

n rc-- iMifraiip .i.fcaRv.bU fl I il SiKi'a, m

'i SSSgSsSfi:Always on Znn;I.

C5?" Orders fioin the other Islandssolicit! d. 79 if




Every desciiption of




SALOON BREADA! u 113 s on hand.


Island orders promptly attended to.OS (lm


AND i!.,VK.JEirsr.F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Cook and Baker.71 Hotel St. ts&T Tclcphono 74

W3I. McCANIWLESS,No. 0 Queen sticet, Fish Market,

Dealer in choieestReef, "Veal, SZiittou, t',Inh, Ac, Ac

Family and Shipping OrdtrscarofullyattcudLd to. Live siock furnislied tovessels at sho.'t notice, and Vegetablesof all kinds supplied to order 1140 ly


t:,SFTVl'VtfiSifS. AMetropolitan

Meat Company81 King Street,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager.

Wholesale & Hettil Butchers



Polled Anps Stock


Dull Calves Irom 10 to 13 months old.

Heller Calves Irom 1 0 to 13 months old.


J. I. D0WSETT.Houolulu, June 21, 1837. 70


IVTESSRS J. E. BROWN & CO.XvJL Aru authoribed to cnlkcl tor tliollUI.M'TIK

Honolulu June 8th, 18S7. H7

B! Illngup'lVlerhon.-.orapplyi.- .

!L QNLy LV pApER )n

JJIILUS & MAYIiKY. 1 Honolulu The Dally Bulletin,'TiK' ANY IHING, ...In tl,n nir.v Itm.i.WlN lui4 ly rn cents iiioniu.


Just Recehcd per






101 Fort Street, Honolulu.

N. S. SACS-SS- , - - - Proprietor.

A Large & Unique AssortmentSelcclod by Mr. DlUiughani in England and America.

Call nud exmuino tiic goods, now being opened by tlie

Pacific Hardware Oo.9yort Wti'tjot, Honolulu.

A. MORGAN,Blacksmith Work, gv. "?a Carriage Building,

Painting and "(y Trimming.

79 ft 81 Eii 'smut, - - -- - ou Bon franDEulr-mic'ti- i'rom Kinjy and Heruhant ,StH.

Every description of woik in the above lines peifoimed ina first clas manner.

Also, Horse Shoeing a Specialty."Bell Telephone, 107- -a (mih1.88.1y) Tclnphone, 107-- a


175. Corner


-- "jV II ..M.t V1A"V"I p IVSMtf.WW-- .;



GRAINLargest Stocks,

Choicest Quality,Lowest Prices.

ummm feed co.Telephones

JOI I0TT. 1.J&ITy83",


HSpGranite, lion


Edinburgh & Queen Streeta.

Knataraam Strom

' !mmmmmmmm &

-and Tin Ware

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,

WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,House Keeping Ooods,




n n n



HpHE protection of Life Insurance tomblnud with the Investment Principles ofX n Savings Bank Eim)loof u 20 year Endowment Policy for $10,000 taken

out at the age of 25 yeirs:Annual Totil Puiniuins Cadi Fund Equivilent Paid AnnuityPicmium Paid in W j r Tuen due. Up Policy fcr Life. "" for Life

4Q7 $9,740 $18,110 $43,800 51,310

Estimates for difitunt amounts and different ages cheerfully given. Protectyour tamllv from futuio wunt or provide for your own old age. Policies Free.Indisputable, .tc., ifcc.

For full particular apply to

Alexander J. Cartwright,1010 ly General Agent, Hawaiian Islandc.MBWUIWJWIr"HII "MWfWIW H'


ContractorH : JLtullacif.Brick. ctnne and Wooden Buildings; es-

timates given. Jobbing piompt' at-

tended to. 1G King Mtrtcl. Bell Tclo-phon- u

No. 2. P. O. Bo, 4'JJ. ap 5.1y

riEORGE LUCAS,- Contractor -- .

aud Builder,1 rtfif?2'm-?- ?

Honolulu Steam Planing MiIIe, Jisplanadc, Honolulu.

Manufactures all l.lnds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Fiaracs, Blinds,

Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll aud BandSwing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-mi- :,

Morticing and Tenanting.Orders promptly attended to and woik

guaranteed. Orders from the other di



Alakea, er Jueen JSt.Telephone 55.

SfrPn HONOLULU IRON "WORKS,KRTajSteam engines, Bugar mills, boil-ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead casti-ng-.; machinery of every descriptioninadu to order. Paiticular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1

NEW- -

Merchant Tailoring Establishm't

Tho undersigned having opened n first-clas- s

Merchant Tailoring Estab-lishment at the

Cor. King and Bethel Streets,(Damon Building) under the llrni

name of

MabersnaGher&Go.Bogs kac to folicit. tho patronugo of

Ills fi lends and public generally.


J. O. MERCHANT,(Siiccesfor to T. G. Thrum)

Book-hinde- r, Puper-rule- r & Blank-boo-k


FUnd Building, Bclhil tired, Hono.82 lulu. tf'


Book-hinde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


W sites to notify tho public that helm removed to larger quarters,

No. 13 Kaahumnnu Street,'


81 Urn

FERTILIZERS!Fcr Plantations, Gardens, Lawns,

Etc., Etc.

Tor Sulo liy HANMOS A H3IVTII.

WE aro now jiropircd to receive niloideis foi the above Fertilizer of

a supnior nuullty, lliormighly curedand warranted one of the best articlesof tliii kind In tlio inarktt. Ordirs may00 ILIl Willi

L. P. HANSON, SCO Quern ttnet.G. M. SMYTH, Uw. Hon 1 Stable.

ta lm

Tlio Inter-Islan- d SteamNavigation Co., Limited,

Keep constantly on hum for sale

Steam Family and Blacktmith Goal

nnd u general assortment of

no. Ear iron.'pHE DAILY BULLETIN his theX laruofc' circulaiion of iiny paperiruiid in this Kingdom. 60 cents per



nee CobTATES.



MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Firo Insurance Co.

Assets, $5,055,000

Commercial Insurance Co.

(Fire and Marine)Assets, $150,000

Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation(Fire and Marine)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000

South British Firo and Marine Ins. Co

Capital $10,000,000

New York Life Insurance Co.

Assets, $75,000,000


General Agent, Ha'w'n Islands.

1053 ly

CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Firo & Marine Insur'co Agonts.

AQENTS lollThe Xcw Jinclanrt


Tho JEtna Firo Insurance Co.of Hartford, Conn.

Tho Union Fire andMarine Insurance Co.

of San FinucUeo, Cala.lUlly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp y


Capital 9,000,000 Hclchsmnrki.

riHE undersigned, having been npX pointed agent of the above Company

for the Hawaiian Ibhiuds, ib prepaied toaccept risks, against Fire, on Buildings,Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, BugarMills etc., on the most Favorable Terms

Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable InHonolulu.

H. RIE.MBNSCHNEIDE1J,670 ly Rt Wilder & Go's.

Husiacefe Robertson,


DBAYMEK.LL orders for Cartage promptly at.

XX. tended to. Particular attentionpaid to tho

Storing & Shippingof goods In transit to the other IsluLds.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit nt lowest prices.

Oftlce, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'sauction room.932 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10.



ALL kinds of dinjago nttended topromptness. "Whlto and

Black band delivered in quantities tosuit. Also. Bluck Bock and Coral Hock.

Oftlcoi With J. F. Colburn, Kingstroct, near Jlauuukcs. 73 3m


"jTH. IoIih Jlagnon Is mithorhcd tolY--

i. collect for our account, and 6lgnrtt elpiH. J. r;, BHO WN i-- CO.

Jan. 10, lbSS. 1535

J"OB PRINTING of all kind) tho Daily Bollx-u-n Office




1 4,By'

r I

Br ?

-.1 f.




.-- Jt.,rAV 'BISHOP & Co., BANKERS

Honolulu, Hawaiian IMatuls

Draw ExchiUfo on thoBivnlc ot California, fe. X

And tholr ngcnlfl inNEW YORK, UODTON, HONG KONG.

Mcssr?. K. M. Rothcullrl & Son, LondonThe Coinnicrcittf Uatik Co., of Sydney,

Londou,Tho Commercial Brink Co.. of Sydney,

Sydney,The Hank of New Zealand : Auckland,

Cltrlstuhurcli, imd Wellington,Tho Bank of British Columbia, Vic

torlrt, B. 0 nnd Portland, Or.

AK!) -Transact a General TtonkiBit Bualneps

(li'.o 1 v



Irritnlod throats nml annoyingcoughs nro quickly relieved by theKcmiino Butter Scotch, only to befound at the Tioneor Steam CandyFactory of 1'. Horn. Plenty of testi-inonial-


'X" J I 03

Plcdcpcd to neither Sect nor Party,But established for the benefit of all.



Not only do certain individuals,but the public generally, deprecatethe degeneracy of the youth in thiscity, from good, steady, well-behav-

boys, to the worst of hood-lums. Not many years ago, itwould have been impossible to havefound a boy in the city, who couldtill all the rcquiiements that go tomake up the accomplished hoodlum ;

but now all is changed, and they areas numerous in Honolulu as in nnjcity of its size in America.

This is a new clement of societyin Honolulu, and as yet the questionof how to deal with it, and rid thecity- - of hoodlums, has not been prac-tically brought before the public.

There arc perhaps several ways ofaccomplishing this object, but themost eflicient, and at the same timethe least expensive, would be tohave the police rigorously enforcelaw in such cases made and pro-

vided. A few convictions in thePolice Court, followed by a littledisciplining in the ItcformatorySchool, would have a very bene-ficial effect upon the behavior ofthat class of individual. Heroicmeasures should be adopted tostamp out the evil before it assumesgigantic proportions, and embracesall classes of boys, for it is contagi-

ous, and if left to itself will developinto an evil that will defy theauthorities to control.


Considering the snmllness of thiscountry, it has received at differenttimes quite a big share of attentionin the foreign press. Everythingthat has been published could notbe characterised as "hue and cor-

rect." In fact, sometimes islandaffairs get considerably mixed inforeign papers. Persons and thingsbecome so jumbled and distorted,that at home, where thej' should beknown at sight, they aie scarcelyrecognisable.

Of course, it is not very pleasingto this country to be misrepresentedabroad. That is, when the misre-

presentation is of a nature to reflectdiscredit upon us. If we are shownto better advantage thr.n the stricttruth admits, that is very nice, andwe have not the slightest inclinationto correct the blunder! Indeed, itis not very pleasing sometimes evento be correctly represented, andpeople who are candid enough toconfess the truth must admit thatwe have more than once gotvery mad because Home foreign

' paper has approached too close toaccuracy.

Some people in this communityK now large a proportion oi mo wnole,

wo cannot tell have a strong aver-

sion to the reproduction by the localpress of matter from foreign paperswhich is not fluttering to this coun-

try, whether true or false. Thereis no objection to publishing any-

thing and everything of a compli-

mentary nature, no matter howjnucli exaggerated. Uul the otherclass, keep it out. Do not let your.readers know anything about it.

We confess wo have no sympathywith this view. Wc seo no reasonwhy the people of the islands shouldnot be made acquainted with whatIs said about them and the countryabroad, and the majority of themJiave no means of learning except.through the' local papers.




-- - 1 .7


EuiTort l3cu.nTix- :- What tire-some nuisance has this veto agita-tion the goodness to bo ! Shall weever have a rc9t from it? Castingretrospection's backward eye overthe nearer end of the overmuch be-

spoken and bescribblcd past, cover-ing a space of six long and wearymonths, wo discover that duringone hundred and eighty-on- e daysthere have been no less than 378articles nnd comments written onthis veto blunder. Are we nil hogs?Is this not enough? And mind youthis does not include the legal wis-

dom which exploded behind air-tight windows and doors, and ofwhich the common folks only got afaint iodoforous smell.

We had sincerely hoped to seethis question forever buiied whentho gentlemen of tho "Bulwark" ofour Constitution decided it. If itwas, as it ought to have been, killedstone dead, then and there, we areforced to the belief that the agita-tion of this "Royal" pierogativc isentitled to relationship with Phoenix,only with this distinction : Phojnixarises from wooden ashes while thispersistent and endless agitationsprings from wooden head. Nooffence, gentlemen. After offend-ing the community so long, Oh 1

how long! you should not be hastyin taking any.

Please desist to inflict any moreof this blockheaded mania on ourcommunity. Change the subject.Tell us to go in when it rains, orabstain fioin eating nails or anvils,and that would be progress witha p.

One more article on the veto andwe shall surely become either block-heads of supreme opacity or lus-

trous lunatics.You may fancy that th'i3 dose

may cute your bodies, may saveyour souls, but it will kill eternity.

John- - F. Smith.


EniTon 1Jii.i.i:tik : The kindpeople whose dear wish it is to seein these islands only two classes ofpopulation, the rich planters andtheir Chinese or Japanese coolies,must verily feel elated at the hourlyprospects of prompt realization oftheir fund dream, when they lookupon the growing lists of departuresby every steamer, especially sincethe beginning of the present jear.

The last departure of the Aus-tralia was a sad sight for the oldkamaainas who are left behind, butthe prospects of the near futuie arcworse still, and throngs aie rapidlycoming to realize the predictionsmade by those who see a little fur-

ther than the length ot thcil noses.The white laborers, mechanics,

and small store-keepe- or lelailcrscan thrive nay, can live in thiscountry only by' and through alarge clement of while settlers, andevery white family that departs, isonly reducing the chances of laborand trade for those who remain, sothat every white person whose ex-

odus is noted at the present time,is only preparing the foieed depart-ure of so many more who will haveto follow ere long.

It is true that, as a compensationto the losses I am talking about, wehad the other day, the ingress ofover 500 Asiatics, but the futuie willsoon show whether the gain of ahundred Asiatics does really com-

pensate or not for the country, theloss of one white man, and the timeis not far distant when even ourpotentates of large mercantile linnswill begin to feel this truth, and sowill the native Hawaiians, though,of course, these will probably be thelast to suflcr as long as they canprocure their poi and fish.

But we, the people of the whi eclement, we cannot stand it muchlonger, and the records of the next12 months will tell the tale of thiscontinuous drain and exodus of themost precious marrow of the coun-try, and it will be possible to meas-ure it by the list of failuies andbankruptcies, which will weigh evenon the largest firms.

Then will not the divine justicebring on at last the turn of thosekind Christians whose public mottois that "such of the white peoplewho cannot compete with Chinesehad better go to the dogs, or at anyrate go out of the country''" Willthey not have to go also beforetheir Asiatic slaves who will becometheir masters? He who sows windcan only expect to reap tempests.

A. ilAlilJULS.


The Germans have invented horse-shoes for bad roads. Thib is howthey do it; The blacksmith, whenfinishing a Iiore'a shoe, punches ahole in the tuo ends. When theshoe is cold ho taps in a crcwtliiead and sciowb into tho shoo,when on tho hor&e'a fool, a shnrp-poiule- d

stud of an inch in length.With shoes thus fitted tho horsetravels pecurely over the worst pos-sible roads, iloth riding, drivingand draught horses are shod m thesame way. When tho horse coniesto the stable tho groom unscrewsthe pointed stud and screws in ubutton, bo that no damage can hap-pen to tho horse, and tho screwholes arc prevented from filling.When the horso is going out thogroom takes out thu button andscrews in the pointed stud, Thereis no fear of the horse coming backwith broken knee3 or strained sinewsand the public are spared the biylitof Iioa'Co down or slipping in alldirections. fLoudou Times.

?&? ' i S.tfcgj--1" t rg M m


Y. M. 0. A. Gospel Praise Serviceat C:3u r. M. Come and bring a friend.

Kawaiaiiao Cntjrtcn. Hev. II. n.Pnikcr, pastor. Sunday school at 10A. M. Preaching at 11 A. M.

KAUMAKAl'It.I CllLTtClI. ROV. J.Wulamau. pastor. Sunday school atf) A. m. Preaching at 10-S- A. M. and7 :30 v. M.

QccES Emma 11am. Gospel andsong service for llawallnns who speakEnglish at at 3 v. m. Good sluglug.bhort talks. Everybody welcome.

jArANESR Skhvice : Gospel andSoiin Services nt 11 a.m.; Ulblo Class7:80 r. M., In the Japanese Y. M O. A.Room, Quurn Emma Hall, corner ofBtretanla and Xtiuauu streets.

CrxTttAL Union Cnuncn. Rev. E.G. Iieckwlih. I). 1)., pastor. Sunday

I'luml and llllile elnss at 9:15 a. vices at 11 A. m. and 7;30 v. m.

Ciunesk Cituncu. Port street, nearcorner llcietanla. Mr. Kong Stmt Kaputugelist. t hlncso Sunday school,0:30 a.m. Chinese and English bun-da- y

School. 2:30 t. M. Pi etching 11

A. M. and 7:;i0 i t. Hlblo class hiChinese Y. M. U. A. Hall, GtM v. m.

Roman Catholic Cathwikai..0 and 7 a. m.. low ma; 10 a. m.. highurn"!, w.ih sei inon eli her in Hawaiian.Poitugiii'Se or English, alternating

to the tlnee piltielpnl iliituieulnationalities of the chinch: a 1 M.. ro-"a- ry

and ealeehNin; 1 :liO v. M., instruc-tion nnd benediction of the Ulessedbaerameiit.

St. Amiui'.w's Catiikduai.. TheMr ices at M. Andiew's Cathedral to-

morrow will be: llolv Communion,('.:;!( a. M. Matins with sei-iii-

at ti:!'0. Hawaiian l ending at:i:.'!0r. m. Emmi-oii- j; with seinion at 0

i. M. beats are Congregation. Rev. Ceo.

Wallace, pastor. Muni'in prayer,with at 11:15 a. m eveningprayer with senium at 7:!!0 i .m.

Sunday sc mil meets at 10 a. m. Sealsfree at all services.

A New England clergyman wroteseveral books on such subjects as'What?' 'Where?' and '"Whither?'The author has since died. lie hasgone to find tho answers to his ques-tions. jS'ewai k Advei liser.

Auction Sales by Lewis J. Levey.


Messrs G. W Maclarlanc & Co. willhold an Auellon Sale of

ITnii.v iiurt Olhev CSoodwAt their Salerooms,

TEStS EVEK1KG. April 14s,The following Goods will be offered for

sale:Printed Indiac, Fancy Dress Gocds,Victoria Iiiwn, India Linen, Nainsook.Biirmiili Muslins, Tuikisli Towels. Per-siii-

Khyher, .Vccfa & Axminsw-rlliigs- ,

Crockery unci Clast.wuro !

Oil iiintiius & Sit el EniuviiiuB, Uiii.n.lirac, Stiiuia y in hroi.ze, J.'iKpie &Terra 1'nitn, etc., etc , tie., no, e'e.

A's , .i I.hicol lhe llestI2nti-n-- l V' "Iirlc l'"" u nil tu ro !

' 0'iiprisiii',' Par, or ,. G'lmmlur Sc 3,Elcu-'Hi- t (her. Maine!-- , Card T.U k--,Wii ing Pc Uh, Purlor andLibraiy Furni'tiie, iK, eic., eic.

Also a Small Line ofLADIES' GAUZE & SATIN FANS,Il.iiidtomcly iinhroiiiired and Hand

Panned.CSTCooi's will bu sold at cost in order

to clnsi! iMMiices.rjSTSala Ccmmoncas al 7 o'clock sharp.

LEWIS J. LEVEY,10 2t Auctioneer.

.TfcT- - r :na "itct'x ii-- i --g.

of Nobles !

For the Islands of iViaui, Molo-ka- i

and Lanai.

Elofior-- i of Noble for the aboveALLIslniuls we ii.vihd to a' tend anudjoiiriuil inet-'iiii- lo be held at

Kahiiliii, Haul, Thursday, April 19th,

At ! oVIocU it. in..To hem ii'poit of oimnnit'iT xlvln;r ex.i vc-doi- ! 1' views in leud 10 mra'tircs1 lcly to hi considered at. lhe nest ses-- s

o i of the Lcu'blaiure.If. I). WALUKIDGB,

Chairman Ex'cnthe Committee.17!t


'TMlK member of ih i Myitlo BoatX Club nro i'rjio-tei- l tn meet at tintHon Uonsu al 10 . m. t ) MOKKOW,( u.iduy.) M. D. CNtJARUAT,17 It President.


'HIP, Lap Holii', L n'eni. and aKukui .N'nt I ntk i. with mni.o.

gram, ami 'a Iff nnd o'dld's photos in.side. A iv mil will be giwn on ie.luinliitf iho nlioio nrtlclu to thin olllcc.


Tonsorial Artists, 88 King St,

of Pie aseGtEXTLEMEXI that a neat liar herShop has heen opened next door lo the

down stairs, 83 King ftieet,hy two or llni oust piitiUcttl limbers Intown. Gcnl'cincu aiu icrjuested lo giveih a trial. o gnuiuntcu satlsfaelion.Childreiu' hair cutiirg a spt'oialliy.

M. 1'. .lAHUni,17 lm ANTOX 31. LUCE..... . ....i p..n iw - y ..Mm

Annnal Meeting,

''rnilE annual meeting of iho ineinhcrsJL of the Hawallun .loelsey Olnh willhe held on MONDAY, April lOih, at7'i!() v. m at lhe Hawaiian lldel.

C. 0. IIUHOEH,1ft lw Secretary.

IF YOU LOSE ANYTHING,X advertibo it in tho Daily Buujitik.

tsiiAjl.tX.'. juai. ,i;' tviaAuction Sales by James F. Morgan.


ALE of FURNITUREBy order of W. 0. Parke. J3q Assignoo

of thu Estatoof II. S Swinton,bankrupt, I will sell at

Public Auction,

On TUESDAY, April 17tli, '88,

AT lO O'CliOCK A. 21.,

At thbprcmlsei, Baictnnla slrcct, nearPllkol street,

Tho Entire Househ'd Furniture,-- co.MrnisiNG'

1 TTiiiinlofoTiofl Donlrnii in iw in iiii in rX UjJllUJI.ll.UX Oil i. IU1U1 IJUlj

Black Walnut T.hle, lli;s, DonrJlutJ, I Chundellen, Wlndo.v Cuitaiir,

Black Walnut Bedroom Sets,

31 ittrns?i", Mosquito Net',

One iiI lral. etc., ete.

JAS. F. MORGAN,t'ICGt Auctioneer.


jV'X" auction.On WEDNESDAY, April 18th,

AT 10 O'CLOCEt A. ."(!.,

At the residence of ,Mis. if Ui'igor,King st i ret. near Alnktvi strt el, 1

will sell in Public Auction, (on ac-

count of dcpaittue).

The Entire Househ'd Furniture,-- COMPIIISINO-

strmQ R snmE riSUi UiU U B E CA5JBU

Center ling', Vt!so, Lamps,


(Col'a'd&Cdlard Jlakcts.)Decorated Hanging Lamps. Blnck

nlmit Jlirble Top Budtouin Set,

SprlugMatt. Mosquito Nets

Single Bedsteads.Cine Scat Chairs,

Dining it(nm Furniture,Meat bale, Ciockery,

kLie, Etc , Etc.. Etc.

JAS. P. MORGAN,01G-l- t Auctioneer.

aiiiuBiB tteai Mia e



XOK. SALE.By order of Mr. V. Mi'gcmann I will

sell at Public A'.cimn, (on ac-count ot owner's


On SATURDAY, April 28th, '88,

AT lii O'CLOCK XOOS,At my SiilesiTOin, Queen street, Ihat

Desirable ResidenceOn ICInati Ktrcet,

Adj lining t lie icsldince of Mr V. R.( liiille, anil al present fcupitd hy Mr.Sieucniiinii. Tin Lot ha-- , a froniage uf7.J feet on Kinau stictl and a depth of

0 J feci. Tlicieisa

Largo li Commodious Dwelling House,

On the picmi-P- ", contnitiiug Parlor,Dining llnnm, a lludiuoins, liith-loom- ,

Pnntiy, Kitcl en, etn, withClntlics Closets in IJult(im; 6er-viin-

Houses, On i lingo llousu andStables, eic The House has beenlately painted and put In thoroughrepiirj wale- - laid on thioujjlioul.The picmlKes are laid out with avariety of trees and

Terms-P- art Casli, balance on Mort-


CSTliitendln puinhasers can inspectlhe premisfs find lcam fuither furtl-cnlar- s

on appliculon to

JAS. F. MORGAN,12 cod Auctioneer


TO the Crelitoih of lhe Eslnte ofFrancisco G mes Potclr.i, of Ilono.

lulu, a Uankitipt, take notice.That the unilLislgned, Assignee of

the Estate of Pinnclsuo Comes PeieirJ,a Bankrupt, has preparatory to hi Untilaceouiil anil dlvhlend Mibniitteilcounts u h bitch assignco and liltd themine before Hon. A. F Judd, ChlelJubilee of lhe Supit'ine Ceiirt, at Ma( lianibeie, to whom hn "ill npply nt 10ii clock a.m. on TLESDAY, the 17ihdiy of Ap'il. f"r eiiieineni of tuldaceonnis and for a dlsuhare f mn allliability as bucli uBSignee mid fur auorder to make a llnal dividend.

And tliat any peibon inierebted maythin and theio njireir ;ind cnu'rt thebanie. F. M. SWAKZV,Abriimee Estato of l'lancloco Comes

Pcrtlirt.Houululu, Apiil 12, 18 8. 10 3t


MARRIED couple wife tn rook, nmlman for ICealakikua, Ha.

wnlt. Muk be ncciisp pii'd in fencingtt ul rail tpliltuiii Applv lo

J. K. BROWN & CO.,llll w lia Meichunt utreet,

THE ONLY PAPER inid bv allJ. clubttb The Dally Bullciin." CO

cents per month.

U- .' j jhli iMzjmm.'tumn.irui.iJt tJtCm'atL,XfiJut:m)ui:niiui.'e.-UiX- i U!


Has j ist received n vorylutiJEOtno nsorlmoiu of all tho

Latest Mt" Novelties

In tho 3Iillincry Hiiiic, such ao


Trimmings, Flowers,

Ornaments, &o., &o.

Also, a Most Excellent Assortment of

--OP JU TJ IMC 3ES S00 IHrrct fron 5npopp. lm

ROAD NOTICE."While the bridge nt Wnlklki isbeing reconstructed, one side of itonly will he open lo Unfile. Pcoploarc cautioned to di'ive carefullyover it, and to refrain from entry,ing heavy load.

II. F. HEBBAHD,1'07 If Road Sii.oivlsor.

RECEBVEOPer " Natutm,"

A Small Invoice ofTtlSA.!.-- !

--.n flGopliOiniiul mDirect from thepotleiiei in Stafl'oid.

bhiie Enhuiil.-- FOR SALE BY- -



N account of depar.tin i.

California CaniagefitiSL: irwOSf Horse;

1 lllaek M ire, broken for harness andsaddle;

1 Top Buggy, Hrnos. Siddlc, etcApply V. KTEGE.MANN,

14 lw at H. Hackfcld & Co.'s.


We are glad to know that au intelligentcommunity appreciate and patronize

au institution that has KIUST,JwV&'I'anriALL'l HETIMB,given paiiiculuily brilliant

BARGAIN SALES!We have exUlid, and by Hie PEOPLE'SVOTE we de-ii- e tu ei'ist. Diive afiereli iw have wo givun, and thousand. upontltouianel high priced GOODS haolloatcd out lo the popnhcc, at

comparatively SMALL COST.


Brain Sales I

So tiajs Hit Pcojilv.

ThW Week wo continue our SPECIALCHEAP SLn. Every Ailicle

is Maiked Down.

Our $4 00 Jorscys will bo said for $2 00Our $5 00 Jcrsoys will be sold for $3 00Our $G 00 Jerseys will bo sold for $4 25Our $8 00 Jerseys will be sold for $5 00

Wiiucijil KurgrtiiiH in

Itas, Hals, LacesAND- -

Black, Cream ft White Brocaded

iPSTWc oll'.r Etraoidiiiary BargainsIn Odd Lots, lleniiiantB and Odds andLuiL.

Chas. J. Fishel,Corner Fort and Hotel Sts.

87 lm


AMKETING. of tho stocltlioldm ofTelephone Oninpnny

will lie held nt tho Cmnniiiy'R buildlnir,on WEDMCSDAY, April Shlli. nt 3im.

0. O. BERQER,15 td Bcorctary.


The New and Elegant Fitted Store of ffl. McINERNY, corner

of Fort and Merchant Streets,

eisi P8 eBk?B?) $b ssg'iffii ;?i ii mm mm m m)ww hmi

?Sae! esj-- j ssy w w aaingBjj"Whore will bo found an Elogant Display oi Goods of such

grades, as this corner has boon always noted for.

Entire !N"ovr Lines of Goods selected by Mr. E. A. MoInerny now East. Among my very General

Stock will be found

Ladies', hisses'Freiicli KM Button Bot

Ladies' Misses' &, Childrens' Feb. & St. Goat But. Boots,Doiigola Kid Button Boots,

" " " Shoes & Slippers, vari. styles,Ladies' Silk Hose.

Ladies' Silk and Merino Undervcsts,Ladies' Misses' & Childrens' Lisle and Balbrigan Hose,

HEWS S!Men's Silk Undershirts & Drawers,

" Perforated Silk Undershirts,


Lisle Thread & Balbri-ga- Undershirts,Saxony Lambs "Wool Undershirts and Drawers,White and Eed Shaker Flannel UndershirtsDrawers,



ii Anglo-Indi- a Gauze &


SSS'r'? SS, 6S2Sk,5HfSi0RSi)5'S

& Childrens'

its K


Merino Undershirt's.


and Silver.

Laflies1 Gent's & Boy'a


Boy's Undershirts. My usual Fine Assortment of

Men's asic! Boy3s Fine Shoes & SlippersMen's Elegant Keck "Wear, Very Choice Line of Sus-

penders, Jouvins White and Colored Kid Gloves,Gent's Fine Hiding and Driving Gloves,

Buck Gauntlets.

Every Style & SMe in lei's Hals & Bey's Straw Hals

Umbrellas, Walking Canes xxjl


jra&aEj3ft . fjMjffi'rjfi rsjs&j

I have the most Complete Assortment in Elegant Fashion-able. Styles from the best houses in the United States.

Very Elegant Tweed and Cass Suits,Cheviott Suits

Black Dress Suits,Black Frock Suits.

All My Clothing is Warranted Shrunk, Well-Cu- t, CarefullyMade and Will Give Very General Satisfaction.

Razors and Pocket Knives,Razor Straps and Brushes,

Tooth, Kail and Hair Brushes,Flesh Brushes, Back Scratchers,

Hand Mirrors, (heavy plate) ,

Glioico Perfumes al Otler Toilet Articles.

Ladies' and Gents' Solid Sole Leather Trunks,Gents' Solid Sole Leather Valises,

Gents' Fine Leather Traveling Bags & Satchels,Shawl and Trunk Straps,

Traveling Rugs, (very fine) , which every traveler ought to--


Tie Usual Fine Stock of



Ladies' & Gents' Gold and Silver Chains, Solid Gold andSilver Jewelry, Dimonds and the famous GORHAM

STERLING SILVERWARE, warranted 925 Fine.E2TN. B.No Plated Goods Sold in this Establishment."!!

Thanking tho public generally for the very liberalpatronage bestowed on this house during the last 26 years,and soliciting a continuance of the samo at the Kcw Pre-mises, The Clerks will be found ready and willing to cour-teously attend to all ladies and gentlemen visiting thisestablishment.

M. EVEclNIERNY.Honolulu, March 9, 1888. 8G lm

1 T










w ,r.m

rfewWOTW.cwAw'Wi'fc'!i''''i'TTMi mmii. ..,u,v..,.,ti,iWjjiwafgn,w,yV,l0li5.','i'i''' i"M"Y't'M'jrti'il vtui''ji!V7wVf;i:''fftfciHV'j'3;:tMWJS'ty,g

For Fancy Goods & trimmings, m Shades in Dress Goodsj

Bargains in Embroideries. Barg'ns in Embroid'ed Dresses, ft.lrttai.QAI4


Go to

The Arcade-EG- AN & CO.

Til 33

fjatl'g uniftnSATURDAY, APRIL 14, 1888.

AKitU.US.Apill ll

Stun- - Llkclll.e (rum KahululStinr from Hawaii8uur Walalealc Iiom KuitnlSjtuir Waltn.uialo fiom WalmanaloSchr Canute fiom Kuait

Haleakala from PepeekeoSchr Mantiokawal from ICouluuSchr Kaalokal fiom LahalnaSehr Llliollho from Kukaiaii

Stmr Llkelike for Knlinlul nml waypoi ti III "i p m

Stmr Kllauoa Hon for llamakna at C

p inIJktuo S X CaMlo for San i rauclscoStair. I A 0111111111111 for Kool.vuStmr Kaalu for aiaimo ami WalaluaSchr Ilaleakala for PepeekeoStmr O it Blxhop for Kauai at 1 p inSlinr.Ias MaKeo foi Kap.m at f p m


Fiom KaliuHil and way poit-3- , perstmr l.ikeliko. Apiil 14 T W Lveiett,G lloint'iiiaun, ) Uaker, 31 M T.iyloi ,

Mr Ciopluy. J U Knwaiuui, l)r Lmer-so- n,

l)r Wood, l)r Biodlo, '.! lepois, :t

Chinamen and iV.l deck.Fiom Kauai per stmr Walalealc, April

14 K .A Maello jr. 11 Jiuikeineic, J Ka-kiu- .i,

--' Chinamen auk 12 dock.


Stmr Llkelike I2W bgs siigtr.Stmr Walaleale 3.1SS liysSoli Jlaiiuokaw.ti !!8!) g sugar.Schr Kaaiokai 020 bgs Lihoiibo 1,027 bgi Kllauoa lion :U'2 bjr tugar, 201

hides and !!( lid of cattle.


At Kulaokaliua, Honolulu, at 2 a. in.,Apill lltli. to tlio wi.e of Samuel Mahe-lon- a,

a son.


FiNr. weather is lepoited fiom Ha-waii and Kauai.

'The hle.iinuri. Kintui, IMikahala,Lehu.i and Mokolii will be due here


Tin; bte.unei Iwalani will sail foiLah.iina and Uaniakua on Tuesdaymorning, at S o'clock.

TiiBniembeib of the Myitlu BoatClub .lie requested to bo at the boathouse at 10 a. in.

Captains of btc.uncis coming bythe way of Barbel's Point speakhighly of the light-hous- e there.

The captain of the echooiici Wai-o-li

was nearly ill owned whilo goingthrough the mirf on a. lumber raft, atllonomu, this week.

On entering the haibor passage atnight time the guide lights are veiyobscure on account of the glare ofthe cloctiic lights.

Tun King at lived at Kawaihaolast Monday by the steamer W. G.Hall, and will come to Honolulu bythe Kinau

The funcial of the late Mrs. M. P.Kobinson will take place at H:30o'clock afternoon fromthe family i evidence, Nuuanii Valley.

The ptiMini'r Suipiibo stiuck tliosand bank in the haiboi parage,while coming in this morning, butgot oft" again befoio tlio tug could getto her.

The Portuguese' imniigiants by theTlios. Boll woic not landed until thisafternoon, on account of tome hitchbetween the Go eminent and tlioagents of ho Bell.

Mil. Dows-tHt'f- l launch, formeily theMontague, was launched this morn-ing. It :n now a sjilendid ciaft. Shewill he fichoonewigged and will limea suit of tails niado by Mi. J. Oat.

Thiiki: laigf pumpa that came bythe hark Di'ittHohland will bo shippedto Kauai, by tlio Bishop, on Monday.One of tho pumps is for llanainaiilu,one for Nnwiliwili and the thiid forICckaha.

Lunai.ii.0 Homo will not be out1ono by tho town people in LeapYear eng.igenienlH. A 73-ye- womanpopped the question to a Do-ye-

anjii at tho Homo the other day, andwas accepted.

A neat and commodious baiberfilmp lias been opened by two fustclasa tonsoiial i.rtist, next door tothe restiuii.iut No. $8 King blieot.Their long wpuiiene is piactieulbaiherb, is n guaiantec that theirwoik will be liist class only,

Mn. C. Cheong Ping notifieB thonubile that ho ntill holds a full powerof attorney to net in all muttem ofbusiness for Kui Koo, of tho iirin ofWing On Wo it Co., and that ho has

' authorised Man Chip to act as hisMihstituto, and ho can sign tho rumiinnio by procuration or proxy.

Magistrate (to witness) Do youknow the nature of an oath, UncleUastus V Undo Uastus repkon Idocs, yo' Ilonah. Ise owned a bulkymule for foahteen ya N, Y. Sun.

A correspondeiit'niixes metaphorsa little when he writes of politicians:"They btand at the Governmentciib with an ux to grind."

The telegraph says that tho recenttonn in New York was the cause of

suspending tiavel on Brooklynfridge. Isn't travel usually hus-peud-

on Brooklyn Bridge ?



At-- EGAN & CO.The Arcade


Auction salo of art and fancygood3 at G. W. Macfurlauo & 7 o'clock.

Entertainment in the Y. M. C. A.ball by the Bluo Ribbon Lcaguo at7:S0 o'clock.

auctIqnTalenight.Mr. L. J. Levey will wclld the

hammer at tho sale of ait and faucygood at G. W. Macfarlane & Co.'s

The goods offered forsale, comprise di ess goods, linens,lawns, crockeiy, glassware, oilpaintings, steel engravings, funii-tiu- e,

etc. Great bargains will beoffered, as the goods will be soldwithout reserve to close invoiced.


The enlPitainmcnt this eveningat the Y. M. C. hall under theauspices of the Blue Kihbuu Leaguewill be as follows:Piano ?oloSong T. .Itftites

I.CiutlsSong W. bniithRecitation Mi? Ann 'nil- -

Song Miss llerniee FaikeAddict lle. W. O. Sleuitt


During the meeting of tho Hawai-ian Blanch of the Y. M. C. A., atQueen Emma Hall, last evening, awedding took place. The attend-ance wa3 unusually huge and about2."i persons signed the temp era neepledge. When the members thoughtthe entertainment was over, Mr,Henry Waterliousc, acting for Hon.A. F. Judd, announced somethingmore to come. Whereupon Mr.McGwin escorted a young nativegirl, Kaw amnako.i Emma, by name(tlio latter appellation being afterthe late Queen Emma, who was on avisit to England when the abovejoting lady was baptised) up to theplatform, and the two were joined inwedlock by Rev. Ur. Hyde. Thebride was dressed in satin and woiea long biidal veil in a becomingway.


KErOltE riiUbTO.V, J.

Saturday, April 14th.The Couit opened at 10 a. m.

Foieign jurors in attendance, and at12 m. took recess until 1 r. m.

E. B. Thomas vs. M. Mclncrny,assumpsit; being tiied before afoieign jury. Paitly heard yebter-da- y

and continued untilF. M. Hatch and Cecil Blown

for plaintiff; W. A. Whiting andA. S. ILutwell for defendant.


Here is a case that happened outWest a few years since. The gradu-ating class in one of om medicalcolleges was advised at the last bythe old Professor never to acknow-ledge ignorance, but always, whencalled, to give some tieatment. Oneof the class settled in a Westerntown, and after 'ome years the oldProfessor in tiavcling got a piece ofhone in his throat in the same town,and the young doctor being calledfailed by ever means in his powerto dislodge the obsti notion, and thenhaving iceogiii.ed the old Piofessor,stiipped him and rubbed liiin withlaid. This so amused the old Pro-fessor that he could not restrain ahearty laugh, which dislodged thebone, and he asked to Doctor;"Why in the thunder did you greaseme?" The leply was: "You toldlnewhenl was about the graduatealways to do something, so Igi eased3 ott, not knowing what else to do."

Williamsport Sun and Banner.


A Boston inei chant who lived anddied on Summer sticet was a cu-

rious instance of one who was aninvalid fiom childhood, always

hypochondriacal, who neverinnmined himself ill when he wasnot, nor exaggerated his actual ill-

ness, nor feaied, unduly, sickneshor pain or death itself. But it wasthe business or Ids life to take care ofhis health, and he devoted himself tothiH work with a woudertul assidu-ity. Ho lode just so far each day,when the weather was fair, and atsuch an hour, lie posessrd a greatvariety of clothing, which ho regu-lated with precision by the thermo-

meter, Eoniutimes changing his diessmany times in a day, and selectedfor his overclothes when ip lode outthe veiy garment which the mercuryindicated, He had a weathcicockput upon his stable within fair viewJrom hia bed-ioo- and sitting-room- ,

and that and hit. thermometer, andall possible or impossible signs ofHie weather, he was watchiim, y,

and found in these occupa-tions a very agreeable way of em-

ploying all his day and all his days.How far liib long life is to bo attri-buted to tub excessive eaio it is im-

possible to tell ; but ho outlivedoveiy bi other and sister, everybiother's wife, every sister's Imihand, and his own wile, and died in1837 at the age of eighty-on- e.

lBotun Advertiser,'ItHlM jm.:.4tS9X.m

One leason why the gill offbopel lod knows so litllo about house-keeping is because the young manof the period could not be

to com, in a kitchen. Mil-

waukee Journal.

At--EGAN &The Arcade- - CO.


Every American who visits Eng-land takes an interest in the upperclasses, just as he docs in parishbeadles and powdered footmen, be-

cause they arc a part of thoof the situation; and I

doubt if there was ever one suchobserver, however determined atoady he or shu might be in spirit,who was not bitterly disappointed ifexpecting to sec among them anysuperiority of physique. It is notuecessary'lo have the entree of drawing--

rooms in order to observe thisclass ; they can be observed at theHouse of Lords, they can be watchedin the paiks, they can be bludied atthe opera perhaps the one pointwhcic the Englishwomen at leastappears to the greatest physical ad-

vantage, because the line shouldersand erect carriage aie seen and thetest of the often clumsy figure d.

How any American can saythat the class thus studied is aneminently handsome class 1 cannotconceive. In the House of Lords itis easier to accept the dictum ofMr. Jenkins, author of the once-celcbial-

"Ginx's Baby," that it isa pioblem in nature why noble earlsshould be so ugly.

Who can look'at a lcview of thefamous regiments of guaidsnieti inLondon and not bo struck with thephysical superiority of the men inthe tanks to the olllcers who com-

mand them ? No doubt the recruitsarc picked men, but what becomesof the theory that the olllcers aie apicked race also? When visitingHat low School I had young noble-men pointed out to me and could seein Ilium no especial physical beauty ;

nor among many ladies and gentle-men of that class into whose vicinityI was once thrust by accident at areview of tioops at Aldershott. Dur-ing a residence of twelve years inNewport I saw quite a number ofyoung Englishmen of rank, at clubsand elsewhere, and they weie in norespect superior in face and figureto the aveiago Englishmen. I re-

member one public or semi-publ- ic

hall there, at which 1 was quite im-

pressed by the inferior physique ofthe young New York lashionablcswho had conic on expressly to at-

tend it; they looked to me likebilliard-marker- s ; and then an Eng-lish viscount came in, who was byall odds the most insignificant-lookin- g

man in the room although, asit turned out, one of a good deal ofintellectual pionnsc. fllaiper'sWeekly.



A sheep-shearin- g machine, whichis descubed as an importantimprovement upon the ordi-nary method of shearing, has beentested at the Adelaide (Australian)Exhibition. One trial was uponmerino wethers, the ordinary shearsbeing. handled by a skilled shearer.The machine occupied six. minutesand forty-liv- e seconds, and theshears seven minutes fifteen seconds,in taking off the fleeces. Theudges having found that the

sheiuer's woik was good aveiagework, the machine went over hiswork again, with the result that afurther seven and a quarter ouncesof wool was obtained. The nexttrial was upon two merino lambs, themachine taking six and three-quart- er

minutes, the sheaier seven anda quaiter and again the machinetook seven and three-quarte- ouncesof wool fiom the lamb after theshearer had done with it. Phila-delphia Ledger.


What has become of the inter-mediate Kings of the once powerfulmonarchy of France? In one indis-tinguishable mass they lie beneaththe high altar of St. Denis. FiomClovis down to Louis XVI, theirstately monuments indeed stillstand aiound the church, but thetombs beneath these monuments aieempty. For the bloodthirsty l evo-

lutionists of 1793 the murder of theliving King was not enough. Thodead also must be rooted out theirveiy ashes destroyed. No less thanllfty-on- e tombs were, by decree ofthe Convention., rilled and despoil-ed. The bodies of kings, queens,and princes, in every stage of decay,weie tossed indiscriminately intotwo great tienolies dug without thechurch. Ihu corpse of Henry IV(suriiaincd the Great) was found inneaily peifect preseivation. A sol-

dier wantonly cut off his beard andwore it on his own lip as a mustache.Another was stuffed into a glasscase and made a show of to gratifyidle curiosity. The icccnUy interredbodies of Marie Antoinette and theunhappy Louis were also cast intotho ditch, and some attempt wasmade to burn them, put appaientlywith only partial success. For whenLouis XVII T caused the remains ofhis ancestors to bo withdrawn fromthe common trench (to bo robiuledin consecrated ground) it was stillpossible to separate these two fromtjie rest, and they wore placed intemporary wooden shells until, nodoubt, some moie fitting i coeptaclocould be provided. That time, how-cvc- i.

novei ciiine. After the Julyiv' olutiou even their olllgieH weieieii)ivt.i uiul hidden away in thedarkest coiuoi of tl)p ciypt, andwhen wo visited the spot, some fewyears ago, the unfortunate Louisand his stately queen still lay in their


The Arcade-EG- AN & CO.WU Qf fm

Arcade-EG- AN

Steam Works, Sunny South,Tele, Hell 180, Mutual 245.

Depot, 28 Merchant Streot,Tele., Bell 172, Mutual 360.



The Only English Apparatus making High Class


ne, R&SDbesTYade.,And PUBE, STRONG

PLAIN SODA WATER.gfiS" Orders delivered to any pait of the

10 tf

pauper collln. A long, narrow slitin the wall, guarded by iion bais,showed us the interior of a plainlyaiched vault, immediately beneaththe chancel. The two dusty-lookin- g

colllns, of common, uiipaintcd deal,stood side by side, standing fiomnorth to south. Placed in a littloniche immediately above them, asmall Etruscan lamp gave forth afeeble light, and enabled us to seethat they were supported by stiong,wooden trestles, painted black.Several rows of other similar ties-tic- s

stood in readiness around, butfew of them were occupied, andthose ehielly by tiny colllns of little,loyal children. Pall Mall Gazette.

Bill Why don't yer git interpublic life an' be somebody, Jim?Jim I did try tcr get a office, hutthese durncd Civil Service rules kepme out. "What ofiice did yer tryfer? Janitor of a public buildin'.They asked me how much two an'two made, an' cause 1 failed on thofirst answer they wouldn't have me.Niver mind, Jim, I'll help yer gitinter public life. I'll get yer elect-ed School Director; that "don't re-quire no 'xaminatipn. OmahaWorld.


IF YOU really want jour money'sworih of the finest HomcMiulc

French and Plain Cundics. the mostDelicious Ice Ci cutis, or F.incv andPlain Cu'ic--, call at the Pionrur BtcamUindy Factory, Bikciy iiu.l Ice Ui damP.u lore, established SC3, Hotel, Bethel sticet F. Hoitx, PracticilConfet tinner, P.isliy Cook and Oiun-inuntc-

1 S. The only place vhciethe Genuiuc Butter Scotch is ni.inn.factuied and sold. 10 tf

THEBEST ICE CREAM, OnkesX unu C'liiioies at the Elite. 13 lw

DIE GROSSTE AUSWAHLvonbriber Wii.uen tur IIocli.

.fits lesclienke zuin Verkauf bel M.Mclnerny. OS tf

GENTLEMEN ABOUT purclms.presents will Had a

tine nssoilment ot Solid Silver Ware littho btore of M. Mclin.rny. OS tf

CLEAN RAGS anu second handwill be giatefully lecelv-e-d

for the ue of the inmate ot theBrancli Bojpital for Lepers at Kakiiako,or at tiic Leper Sittbiunt on,if left with J. T. Walerhouse, ji., lit thoQueen Street Store. t&f tf

BOAT BUILDINGRYAN'S Kear of Lucas' Mill.(Ill


LEASE of property on cemelery,

with dwelling house thereon.Lmse yi yenis to tun. Iltiildinijs maybo removed at expiration of lease. Price

150 Apply to17 lw J. E. DROWN & CO.

Ex "XHtutia,"

An Invoice of White Bros.'

ortianti Cement!For Stile at Lowest Hates



11 lw

MISS. P. TIIIELE,On llcrotanla street nnnr Pliliol.

(Formerly McQulro's House,)

Kindergarten & Elementary,

Daily & Boarding School.

Also, French nml German taught, andAfusio Logons given.

A tiifo conveyance will c.aI for nml cturn tliilui'i'ii living at a distance,

73 Mutual Tokphoiio No, flOL fJm


rjMIK uiiderslgntfl h.uii g roam' d r,X AiMtmlla a a!iipmtit of Counterhiptions ot on iminovut t,vi(c, aie nowpn pa el to siijip y siIouin and o herwhn Plain ti a.u, (J In get Alo and 'lalnilLimoiudii put up hi tbis oueuleiitfotm. at low ran.

j. i: nuowN & no..Proprietor Tahlli Ijinoimdu Woik,

23 Merchant Street. 09 liu

Tho & CO.



city. Island oiders solicited. Jp5?



AP0LL1NARIS TOW!"The Queen of Table Waters."



13 lw


NO HOE U hereby given that thelower of attorney given to 0.

Ohcong Ping dated October 1, 18SG, isherein revoked, and said C. CheongPing is no longer auilionzed to for,or sign our linn nurnc, or to bind thefirm in anv manner.

WING OX WO COMPANY.Honolulu, April n, 1SS8.

From and afttr the above date Mr.Man Chip only is authorized by fullpower of attorney to act for us in allmatters.- - Y. O. W. Co.

14 lw


ALL pcions will take notlco thatpower of attorney dated Mav

31st, 18b7, to act in all leapects toi K.iiKee. of the linn of Wing On Wo & In full force and tun evoked, ami thatas such attorney 1 have authorized ManChip to act lib my substitute, but not toMgii the siid linn name except per pro-em, ition or by pioxy and that, nil notices,otherwise stating aie lueoiiecr.

O. CIlEtJXG P1XG,1G 7t Attorney in fact for Kai ICee.


Tho Waikiki residence of Mr. Fred HHaj selden situated at Kapiohini Paikbetween iho residences of lion. W. G.Irwin, and Mi. Frank Brown, U oilercdfor rent, lease, or sale. For terms applyto tho undersigned02 tf FKED II. HAYSELDEX.


Tho premises at Kdihi Valley ndjoin.iug Hie residence of Jin. Mukhani m.dknown as tho Gttei rem Homestead, Theyconsist of ilirec distinct lou, viz:

1 llouso lot upon which stands a sub-stantial two-sto- houso andArea about 1 3-- 4 acres.

2 Houso lot of about 3-- 4 of an aero.3 House lot and taro land. Area about

2 acres.

For further particulars apply to

J. M. MONSAHRAT,74 Morchnnt Slrtet. .tf


AW, a TTIVE minutes' walk from-- t UMcc. Salt.

BifeiTi able lor a bachelor.Apply to


TO LET.rnnmon cottages inX Palunin,Apply ltt

Wm. NeCANW.ESS,01 tf at tlio Fish Market.


rpVO COTTAGES fullyftrvtvfil til ui I lififiiitlf Hi

PiSkiS locatid, v.'llhiii 5 minutes'walk of tho Post Olllcc. Anopporluulty seldom o(lercd to secure a comfort-able homo vvlthiu ciisy reaih of thbusiness part of tho city. For purti.eulars inquire at001 tf GULIOK'H AGENCY.


1)ETVI;ENt PilUoi and Kco.JL an mill. ti Hlln, I .. tnt rilllH

!&?& tlnoiii'h to mriet, 100

.t i fiontif'f O'o! tn'iuiBpt. Coittpicontains 0 room, eiriiiiKi 1101.40 i it

tables for 3 ni 4 It ,(dtn. ltulll r. 0 peimow . Am )y to

u ,, UUOWK & CO.,itf art 31 . ('hunt tt ueU

THE ONLY READABLE !?AR 111 the RiUKtiom "Teh

Dally llulletlu." CO cent per month.


:NOTIC:By the S. S. Mariposa; clue here on the

12th, Mr. Ehrlich will return to Honoluluwith the balance of the Stock of Goods ad-

vertised to arrive here on the Australia.Tho Goods which were purchased in San

Francisco arrived on tho Australia and arenow open for inspection, but those pur-

chased in New York did not arrive in SanFrancisco in time to be shipped on thatsteamer owing' to some delay in railroadtraffic.

They will be hero, however, on the 12th,and will be well-wort- h inspection to whichthe public is cordially invited.



Opposite lrwiu

All kinds Brackets,

G. WEST & CO.'S.large assortment Bird Cages,

G. WESTjfe CO.'S. ,

Crockeiy, Glassware and Jelly Glasses,

G. WE8T& CO.'S.Oil Paintings, Engravings, Allotypes and I Chromos,

Dressing Albums andBooks,

Brackets, Easels, Mirrors and

Purses, Ladies' Bags,Scrap

G. WESTBedroom Furniture, Book


G. ESTBaby Carriages, Doll Carriages,



65 street.&

of tit

A. of at


ew at

.'S.Frames, tit


& CO.?,S.

Ctises, Desks, Meat Safes andat

CO.'S.Boy's Carts and Small

"Wheel Barrows, at. WJE5T &; CO.'S.

Combs, Brushes, Fans and Dolls, at


Pianos, Organs, Guitars, Aecordeons, Drums, Flutes,Yiolins, Banjos, &c, fcc., at

G. WEST& CO.'S.Guitar, Violin, Banjo, Zither and Piano Strings, at 'u


Picture Frames, Cornices and Matlrasses made to order atG. WEST

Pianos and kinds of Musicaltit



-- i IfAS JUST



& CO.'S.

Instruments and

& CO.'S.


Canary Birds, warranted Singers,

CO.'S, 185 Fort Street,JfXOIVOIJ,XJ3UU. Iymil






Dupee Hams & Bacon, Kits Salmon Uellloa, Kits Mackerel, Kt"sJieef, Kegs Poik, Smoked Halibut, KxlraSulcet Oysters, Salmon,Cranberry Sauce, Boston Browu Bread, Tablo Fruits, Germea,

UitcUiiiH & Friiuuo American Feed o.'h Ansort'd Seupti,Itiilgea Food, Imperial Oraiium, ttolled Oats, Breakfast Food,, Oriliam Wutei,,, 0.un Wufm, Snow Flake & CreamC1..1.UT, Wiui-e- r Wnrcti,, Cnowolutu Wafers, lVetzeU, Prunes,Datei, Isuts, Ajiplvs, Fieneh IVas, lp Corn, Guillen Seeds,Whcut, Flout', UiUtui, Honey, I'Juui I'luUliiitf, oto., elc., etc.

And a mm Assur'l or staple & Fauqy (iMcerles, at Prices to Suit (be Times.

X3-J- Leave your oiders, or ring up 11U. -- a






' -. v

. fliM

f i syvia


t, SiS



















INSPECTION B flfl VSTE E3.17.-- 1 ly

Jus! Received at Hoilister & Oo.'sA largo assortment of

PERFUMES! PERFUMESComprising the well-know- n brands of





Sale fc e



Genei-ti- l .AgsuiiiMExport Accountants and Collectors, Real Estate, Fire &. Lifo Insurance

Agents, CustGm-Hous- e, Loan and Exchange Brokers.

Departments of Business:Books and Accounts nccuriteh kept and piopcily aujusicrt.

Colletions will receive special attention tiutl returns pioinpily nnule.

Conveyancing a Specialty. Hccords searched ami coirtet Abitiacts of Titlefurnished.

Legal Documents and Papers of every description carefully drawn and hand.somcly engrossed.

Copying; and Translating In nil languages in general wc i this Kingdom.Beat Estate bought and & .Id. Taxes raid and Pioperty safely iusured.Houses, Cottages, Booms, Offices and Land lenscd and rented, and rent? collected.

Fire and Life Insurance .rt'ccted in flrst-c- l iss Insurance Compauics.Custom-Hous- e Business transacted villi accuracy and dispatch.

Loans negotiated at favorable rates.

Advertisements and Subicriptions solicited for Publishers.Any Article purchased or sold on most favorable terms.Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention.

rar All Business entrusted lo our care will receive prompt and faithful attention atmodcrato charges.

Having had an extensive business experience for ocr twenty-flv- e years inNew York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of anintricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respectfullysolicit a trial.

Bell Telephone No. 274. JEIn.-wn.iia- JBusinoK.s Afjoncy.1an. 8 ly

Telephone Both Companies 240.


FRESH GOODS fiom California ou ICE, by each steamer of the O. S.

' A COMl'LETE tlS'II 01 '-- -




A Very Choice Lot of N. Z. "(IN KEGS.)

All of which we offer to the Public at REASONABLE PRICES.

Fresh New Zealand Butter, ON ICE, In 1 Pound Pats !

By each arrival from New Zealand SOMETHING FINE.ISM



New Goods received by every racket from the Eastern Slates and EuropeFrc3h California Produce by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended toand Goods delivered to any part ot the city free of charge, lolnnil uulcrb toll-cite-

Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Ofllco Box 140. Telephone No. 92. IDS ly

MlonteliiiCo.OF SAN


Made hi Amciica.

Meals Superior to all Others.

GONSALVES & CO.,Hole AcentH or tho Hawaiian

iNlnmtx.78 tf


ALL persons who want to eominunlwith tho Poituiruese, cither

for business, or for piocui irig workmen,ncrvants or any other helps, will find itthe most profitable way to udvertUointho Luso jaivaiiuno, the new organ oftho Portuguese co.ony, which is pub-liehc-

on Jlerchant stt tot, Gazette Build,iup. (Post-Offlc- o Letter Box fi.), andonly charges lunsonablo lutes for tulvcrliscmuutR.


forma Port, Madeira and Malaga,for sulo in kcs and cases by

GONSALVES & CO.,01 Queen street.

THE OLDEST DAILY, .tUo"l'lio Daily Bulletm,"

CO cents per month.


P. O. Box 297.


S. Co.



Taranaki Butter,"




Cooked Tarn Flour !

Tho New Procoss to make the Bestof Poi with hardly any


rpilE Hawaiian Fruit & Taro Com.X. pany of U'uiliiku, Jlaui, will be

piepari-- to bupply the public nf Hono-lulu and tin; other IMand.-- , cu llm ii n tl

day of Apil, 38bS, villi anew jireparaHon or Tho Flour called CuOKliDTARO FLOUR. This oniric U farsupeiior to thu old raw Taio Flour.Tbii artl. le U already cooked and it ic.quires hardly any woik to iniiko thobest of Poj and other irceipt", by Coolud Taro FJnur to ljoiling hotwiucr Ilka pnp.uing com meal yourPol U inudfi at once, Thoio (1c;1i1iikunir Pol will have to Jet it Hand athums. If too thin or sour add freshpaste of Cuoked Taro Flour. Our re,celpts villi I'uoh b.ijrs will givo full p'ir.lieu'ars. It our (liuiuions with etiohbae; me stuctly folbnvtd it will notfad to make iho cleanest and best ofI'oj. This now process of Cooked TaroFlour Is made by machlnuy fo tlierooiniiot bo any dirtlne.s-- i or llilluiith intills way of making Pol. All giocervstores will bo furnished with CookedTaro Flour on iho abovu date. Our re.tall price per 0 lb. bag will jo 40 centspor Bag in Honolulu. Any ovir.ehaigowill be refunriel by notifying W. II.Ouinmings, Bell Telephone No. 'i'i'i. Alloiders from tho other Islands can botilled by fending yourordor to

W- - H. DANIELS, Manager,Wailuku, laul,

W. H. CUMMINGS, Atjent,Honolulu.

JCSyTIic Company is prepared ifrodobiied to bupply hard Pol, not includ.Ing lots of water, in ono or moio barrelsor bag lots, at Iowcm possible price3.

103 lm


The other evening MeSaliva tookhome somo fine oysters mid wentdown to the kitchen to open them.Hearing considciablc noise Mac'smother-in-la- called down tho stairsto know what ho .was opening themwith.

"With an oyster opener," was thoreply. "Did you suppose I was do-

ing it with a toothpick V"

"No, certainly not," quietly ve-

rnal ked the old "lady. "But judg-ing from the language used Ithought you were trying to openthem with prayer."

Thoaces of


follow ins tablo shows thethe aionarclis Presi

dents of the principal countries ofIke world, anil the year of their ac-

cession to power, including in thelist Empoior William of Germany.The names arc ui ranged accordingto ago :

Ago Acres-clo-

William III of the Nether- -

lauds 71

Uhiistian IX of l)cnmaik.70Victoria of England . Oil

Peter II of Ob

Nassercil Dccu of Persia. .GO

Fiancis Joseph of Austria. oi)

Oscar II of Sweden o!

David Knlakauaof Hawaii. 53Grover Cleveland, Presi-

dent of U. S 51Marie F. Carnot, President

of France 40Alexander 111 of Russia.. .11Humbert of Italy IIMutfeuhito of Japan 37ltuang Su of China 17

Alphouso X1I1 of Spain(Hides by liogent 2

Frederick III 57



$3White Bros.' Port. Cent

Blacksmith Coal,Bucks,Clay,

Coal Tar,j

Stoclloli Tar,61 eel Bails,Wire Nails,F. Staples,

Filter Presses, Sugar Coolers,

Iron Tanks,F. P. Cloth,IIubbuck'B Paints,

Etc, Etc., Etc.H.VTjK BY

H. Hackfeld & Go.

74 King st.



09 If








U King st.

Importcis of

Rattan & Reed

& FurnitureMovul with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid,

COEMIGEPOLES.Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.






PITT & SCOTT'SCleiiernl Khipplus Asi-iu-- nud For-i'Ijj- ii

I'nri'i'lH i:.i)i'NH.

Goods, Parcels, Baggago, Etc., Etc.,

Forwaulud to and fmm (ill parts ofiho v Ol Id

C. O. D. amounts of services collectedin miy country.

til' It ate on Apiillintioii-K- iGeneral Agents for Hawaiian Islands,

J. E. BROWN ond CO.,'

00 2S lurch u.ibiitot. tf






187-- 1


iVliulo Bonl, ISO feet limit. 3 feet8 feet wide: ii 22 leu hurt UoatB:T... '1 18 fctt Buif 2 Diclitd I luncer


10 leet long, 0 feet fi Inches wide, 3 feet(1 inches deep, with must and salUallcomplete; 1 Si feet Sulllng Scow, withmnst and sails all complete, Anidv to.

E, H. RYAN.Boat Bulldor and Ooneral Jobber. .11 tf


WE beg to intimate that Mr. AV. L.Oreen who ha hitherto, with

Mr. (J. IV. Mai'farlano, conducted curagency here, ictlres fiom tho same ason 1st January. 1W.

Mr. G. V, Macfailane, nsbifted byMr. Robot Caitoii.! continue torepresent our ilrm horc.

MIRHLEK- -, WAT.-O- .t CO.Honolulu, 2Urd Fcbiuary, 1868.

7U tf

npHE PEOPLES' PAPER-T- hoX Daily Bulletin 50 cts per month.

Bulletin" SummaryArnit, 7. No. 32.

60 Columns of Original Matter.

Is now issued and will be found tobe an interesting and comprehensivenumber, containing GO columns ofreading matter on local topics, anda complete resume of Honolulu andisland news. There is no better paperpublished in tho Kingdom to send tofriends abroad. Subscription S2.50per annum,, including postage toforeign countries. To be had from

J. II. Soper, Merchant street,A. M. Ilcwett, Merchant stieet,and Btn.urriK Ollice.


Arrivo at Honolulu from San Francisco.

Marjpos-- Apiil 12Australia May 1

Kcalumliii May 10Australia May 2!)

Alameda June 7Australia June 2G

Maiiposa . July 5

Australia Inly 2J.

Zenlamlia August 2

Austinliu August 21Alameda August StAustralia , Soplembcr 18Maripo.-- a September 27Austialia Octoboi IBZcnl.uiili.i Octoboi 25Australia Noveinbei 13

Alameda November 22Austialia December 11

Leave Honolulu for San Francisco.

Alameda MayAustralia MayMaiiposa June .')

Australia JuneZculundiii JulyAustralia JulyAlameda July 2D

Austialia July 31Maiiposa August 2G

Australia .' August 28Zoaliinclia September 23Austi alia September 25Alameda Octoboi 21Australia October 23Mariposa Nmomlicr 18Au.str.ilia November 20Zcalamlia December 1(5

Australia December 18Alameda . . . .(1889) Junuary 13

Richard JJayford,VETERINARY

Shoeing IBJ'orie,l'ort St.. Next I.uoat,' 3S1I1.

Shoeing, from SI. 50.

Horses and Cattle Treated forall Diseases.

Residence: :$1 Ainken Street,r. o. BOX 498.

Bell Telephone


i -- I" P-- 61.ukucc, IMS.






A Hpcriilc for

RHEUMATISMNoroliilii, Nail Jtlieimi,

Xuui'niuia, Itini; IVorin,And all olhcr Skin anil Blood Diseases.

It R filiates tho

LIVER AND KIDNEYS,Cure Indigestion, an-- l nil Diseases

arising Irpin an enfeebled con.dilion of the system.

Dr. Martlae, of London, the celebratedspecialist, fays of PARDEE'S REMEDY :

" I Imvo used it tor twenty years forBlood Diso'ises, Mioh as con fu'a, SaltRlicuin, Titer and Cmccr, and I tnunotrecommend it ton highly,''

'1 ha Rev, Dr. Tin in is of linns Kong,China, siijs: "PABDEE'S REMEDY is awouilirfiil medicluu fir the blood, Ihate prtsoilbcd i himdri'ds of t nies forlepiosy, and, wi en given in lime It alyajH cured the patii nt. I can tafe'y taythat lepiosy will novor.bii alt cut on pir-Epn- s

who tnka Pardro's Remedy rcu;ii.larly, nnd I advise all pertons lulng incount! ic win 14 le rn-- y is prevail ntt'fako Pardee's Reined) i s a procmip.''

por Galo by all. Druggists In Honolulu.Ap-4!h-


8amoanViews !

At J. J. Williams'.05 tf

"THE WORKINGMAN'S PAPERJL "Tho Daily Bullollu." CO ctnisper month.


Anstralian Mail Service,

FOR SAltf FltAXCIKSCO,Tho now and flue Al etccl steamship

"Alameda,"Of the Oceanic Stcnntthlp Company, will

be due at Honolulu from Sydneyand Aucklaud on or about

May 6, 1888.And will leave for tho abovo port withmalls and passengers on or about thatdate.

For Height or pnsfnpc, havingACCOMMODATIONS, apply

TO Q. IRWIN & CO., Agenta

For Sydney and Auckland,

SITho new ami fine Al stool steamship

it lanposa,Of tho Oceanic StriimMiip Company, will

bo duo at Honolulu from SanFrancisco ou or about

April 12, 1888,And will havo prompt ill patch withimilH and pussongeis fir the a I ovupoiti.

For lrclght or jaffiigf, havingACCOMMODATIONS, aiply

to:i7 Wtt Q. IRWIN & CO., Agents.

New York Line.jqB- -

asssiPAn Al vessel will bo despatched

this Lino for Honolulu, to UaoJJew loik in all May.

For further Information apply to

W. H. CROSSMAN & BRO.,77 Ss '7lt Broad Stico,

New York.

D7 3 m

Bell Tel. 172.

-- OR-

CASTLE & COOKE,Honolulu.

Mutual Tel.O. Box 409.

Firo Proof Stone Building42 Merchant Street.




General Commission Merchants

General Agency for Haw'n Islandscfthc

Burlington and Chicago Railway

Across America.Connecting at Boston with the Azores

and Madeira.

Through tiol:ct granted from Honoluluto all points Fast.

' Accountant Department.Merchandise stored and sold on com.

mission. Consignments tolicited.Shipping and Custom House Business

aitcndcd to.Books and Accounts kept and audited.Legal Documems prepared.Average adjusted.Propei ties leased, rented aud sold.Le 'al documents drawn.

To Let Kq ?,9 Klnau street; parlor, 3bedrooms, kitchen, suvant's room,stable, cairitiRG house, gulden, etc.Rent or iiiatlcnuc.

Cottage at Wnikiki, opposite Sunnybonili; largo yard, stable, etc. Pesversion ou 1st Apiil.

rtellTel. aiH.V,


.llutiinl Tel.O. JIox IIS.

38 Merchant St., Honolulu

General Business Agency.


Conveyancing a Specialty Records search-ed abstracts oi tltlo furnished ontlioit notice.

Copying, Translation, engrossing in nilInnuungcs in general use in tho King,ilom.

Custom tlouso biokcragc Fire LifeInsiuancQ icecivc piompt nttention.


MR. JOHN GOOD J R.- -Colieaor,






-- Authoiized

Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.

1F5EAL ESTATE,bouolit, sold and rented.

Several valuable properties In nndaround Iho city now for salo on crsyterms.

Convenient Collages in desirable healthylocations in nnd near tho city to let orleabO at tcnsomihlo rates,.

Employment Wantod by several men nndbos, Uo will iiinke themselves use.ful in performing tho various officesand chores reiiulud by ptivaU' families.

Full pmtioulars given on applicationot thoagi'upy.

Orders ironi the other Iblnnds prompt-ly attended to.

THE DAILY BUTlETIN is'ulwoJL evening paper. 50 cents por mouth,

Notice to the Public of these islands

JflH i 5H fSfc n n

Ladles or gentlemen who contemplate giving orders for the above arti-cle are respectfully requested to call nt the Honolulu Pioneer Steam Can-dy Factory aud Bakery, established 1808, before going to any other house,as ray establishment is POSITIVELY the only establishment in Honolulu,notwithstanding all tho ridiculous, empty aud pompous newspaper blow-ing and puffing, a here n cake can be procured to give tho greatest satis-faction to the most refined tastes, nnd to be an ornametit'of exquisitewoikiuanship on your table which will hot crumble in piecoa when cut,but be n credit to the fine art of the Confectioner, which has not only' fortwenty-liv- e years but still bids competition defiance to Ibis day. All at-tempts in any other establishment are inferior to initio nnd not worth theprice you pay. It is an Indisputable fact that all over the world a goodworkman's productions aye always cheaper than n halfmade one's are.Having had over half a century's practical experience the undersigned isenabled to ornament Cakes in all and tho highest styles of art.

IB1. HOKN,The only Practical Confectioner ill all branches; Proprietor

Honolulu Steam Candy Factory and llakery. Hotel be-

tween Fort and Kuuaim Streets, Honolulu, II. I.07

m mn pure m1?S JTTSi. v3 mV??. n VTV JPXT&. er'.MV Jfirvs. A5TA

m WwM m wiws?WypMudc of iho colebnited

S2.TOX S2001

afftKV4A i9A 12& Rrr Tr lil iSS Hffl I'B

CREAM "Woodlawn Daily,sold at the great reduced price of


:E,jr:oL,i!5i-x.E-2 ises.SS-A- s some evil disposed persons who are openly boast-

ing of the intention of ruining my business and villanousbyinlsefying my GOODS and ICE OEEAM I will forfeit

100 to any person who will prove by analysis that myICE CREAM is not strictly pure although sold cheaperthan anywhere else.

' ' ' '-



Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook & Ornamenter

Both Telephones Xo. 7i. Hotel St. bet. jSfuuanu & Fort St.70 2m

Rubbish! Rubbish! Rubbish!

THE undersigned having been in tins'for the pnai 16 mouths,

and now being aprointed by Hie Boardof Health as liubbish Collector. 1hereby wish to thank tho public lortheru liberal patronage, hoping a

of the same with a morelist of customers. I shall as

heretofore have 1113' rubbish caits go oueach street where required three timeseach neck, except in very lainy weather,then two times each week. Afier thismouth each cait will carry a boll toannounce its appeuianeii on thu si Oct, ono will hnvc an excuse for notsetting out their di.t.

BKsrl'jlces aa heretofore: OrdinaryHome ltubbibh and "Yanl Sweeping,50 centf, 73 cents and 81.00 per month,if put in containers.

TI10 above pi Ices arranged accordinglo the amount of rubbish takin away.

Trio Trimmings and Ilcfeu Litterwill bo charged extra.

lloreo-"- Bullocks, Uog3 and Dogs willbe buiicd at icasonable laics.

N. F. BURGESS.P. S. Anyone kuowing of one who

is lequired to have their rubbibh removed, who ii not ablo to ray the tax,if tho party or parties will let 111c knowI will do their carting fieo of charge.00 lm N. F. 1$,

RESOBIVEDBy tho S. S. "Austialia" 8th Fobruaiy,

AND NOW ON SALE- --California Orangcs"-prim- o sample, Barrels

Saurkraut. Kegs Saurkrant, Ciatcs WhiteHeart Cabbage,- - Celery on Ice,

Crates Cauliflower,

AND ALI, SUASONA lll.U VAItir.Tir.B 01'

A.J?ixli:fcj A.IS'X XJ!:A.ItH 1

A largo consignment ofPotators, Figs, (J.mnctl Fruit?, .Tellies,.Tump, Prunes, Ituisins, Chuslnuts, Walmils, Haidiiuts, Alinondntitf, UanneilTomatoes, J5tc, Ktc,, Em., Ktc, KtcE27-L0-



GO It in iv Htrcct, Monulisln. t




ES RINKSkating! Skating! Skating!

Corner Queen & Richard Streets.

V111 be open every evening from 7 to0:30 i. m.

51USIO: Tuei-day- s and Saturdaysevening for tho Public in General.

THOMAS 12. WALL,1601 Proprietor. lyr

of tho


Horse Gripping'!NEATLY HONK nnd with despatch

HAWAIIAN HOTEL STA-PLES. Hand Clippers. 82tf

Honolulu LibraryANB

Readinq Room Association.

Cor. Motel &. Alnkcn Streets.Open every Day and Evening.

Tho Library consists at thu preseatime of over Five Thousand Volume's.

Tho lieadiiiK Room is supplied willabout fifty of thu leailmg newspapers-an-

periodic ils.A Parlor is provided for conversation

inil games. .Terms of membership, fifty cents a

Jionth, payable quarterly in advance.No formality required in joining exceptsigning the roll.

Strangers from foreign countries andvisitors from tho olhcr islands are wel-come to llio rooms at all times as guests.

This Association having no regularmeans of support except tho dues ofmembers, it is expected that residentof Honolulu who desire to avail them-selves of its privileges, aud all who fecitin interest in maintaining an institutionof tills kind, will put down their uauicsand become regular contributors.

A. J. CAHTWKIGHT, Prcs.,31. 3L SCOTT, Vice-Preside-

II. A. PAUMELEE, Secretary,A. L. SMITH, Treasurer,0. T. ItODGEItS, M.D.,

Chairman Hall and Library Committee.

Continental and Colonial

AGENCY.30 Hue de TJunkorquo, - . - Paris,

Executes Indents for every descriptionof French, Delgian,Swh, German, and English floods, atthe 1 cm HtinufticturerH' Lowest Prices- -

fnmmUslnn. Two.aiuba Half per cent.All Tiadu and Cash Discounts allowedto Clients. Oiiginal Invoices forwardedwhen requeued.

llcmltuiurc, through a London orParis Hardier, payable on delivery ofShipping documents; or, direct to theiiuiivigei,

'i'liu Agency Ueprcfents, IJiiys, anelSi'lU, fur Homo and Coloniul Firms.

Piece Goods, 0 ishmcrcs, Cambrics,Silks, Vclvetb, Lawns,,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Oloves,Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery,Gold aud Silver Lace,Flannels, Feathers, Pearls,Ilootb and Shoes, Glus-s- , andChina-ware- , Clocks, Watches,Jowelliy, Fancy Goods,Elcctro-plnt- c, Musical Instruments,Fan', Ecclesiastical andOptical Goods, Mlirorp, Toys.Perlumeiy, Wines, &o ,

Ollmnn'8 Stores, Hooks, ArtisticFuinlturo, Stationery,Chromos, Machinery, &c, &c.

lilO ly S

TF YOU WANT A SERVANT,J. advertise in the Daily Tuxuctik,



. t

&; , , r Jif" ' ,$' f

at ', I y. l, U i