warm up! what does the word symbol mean? what are a few (3-4) symbols you can think of and what do...

Warm Up! What does the word symbol mean? What are a few (3-4) symbols you can think of and what do they represent?

Upload: anthony-mcdonald

Post on 21-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Warm Up!  What does the word symbol mean?  What are a few (3-4) symbols you can think of and what do they represent?

Warm Up! What does the word symbol mean? What are a few (3-4) symbols you can think of

and what do they represent?

Page 2: Warm Up!  What does the word symbol mean?  What are a few (3-4) symbols you can think of and what do they represent?

Symbol: An object or name that stands for, represents, or suggests something else. They often take the form of words, visual images, or gestures that are used to convey ideas and beliefs.

All human cultures use symbols.

Symbolism is the representation of something by the use of figures, images, or literary devices.

As you view the following symbols think about their meaning/association and how they came to be commonly known symbols.

Page 3: Warm Up!  What does the word symbol mean?  What are a few (3-4) symbols you can think of and what do they represent?


Page 4: Warm Up!  What does the word symbol mean?  What are a few (3-4) symbols you can think of and what do they represent?


Page 6: Warm Up!  What does the word symbol mean?  What are a few (3-4) symbols you can think of and what do they represent?



Page 8: Warm Up!  What does the word symbol mean?  What are a few (3-4) symbols you can think of and what do they represent?


Page 9: Warm Up!  What does the word symbol mean?  What are a few (3-4) symbols you can think of and what do they represent?
Page 10: Warm Up!  What does the word symbol mean?  What are a few (3-4) symbols you can think of and what do they represent?
Page 11: Warm Up!  What does the word symbol mean?  What are a few (3-4) symbols you can think of and what do they represent?



Demanding, humorous, thankful, trusting

Wife of Fred Sanguine, mother of Joey and Melina

Who loves family, friends and standing up for what she believes in

Who loves it when her students smile, loves it when the dinner table

is full,

and enjoyed proving people wrong

Who fears losing those I love most, what it will be like when Joey goes


college and dropping Melina off on her first day of preschool

Who discovered that being a mom is a tough job but wouldn’t trade it

for anything

Who wants to see my children discover the world with open eyes and

enjoy every second of it

Born in New York and lives in Waxhaw


Page 12: Warm Up!  What does the word symbol mean?  What are a few (3-4) symbols you can think of and what do they represent?

RED P=excitement, energy,passion, desire, strength, health, good fortune, power, heat, love

N=aggression, anger, danger, fire, blood, war and violence

ORANGEP=balance, encouragement, warmth, enthusiasm, courage, confidence, friendliness, energy

N=ignorance, warning, danger, fire

YELLOWP=joy, happiness, imagination, hope, sunshine, cheer, caution, laughter

N=dishonesty, cowardice, deceit, illness, criticism, lazinessGREEN

P=nature, environment, healthy, good luck, youth, spring, money, hope, go

N=jealousy, inexperience, envy, greed, guilt, disorder

BLUEP=Peace, tranquility, calm, devotion, honor, dependable, unity, trust, truth, patience, cleanliness, security, loyalty, water, ice, sky, baby boy

N=depression, fear, coldness

WHITEP=purity, simplicity, cleanliness, peace, truth, protection, innocence, youth, good, glory, birth, marriage, winter

N=blind, surrender, cold, distant, unimaginative, death

BLACKP=dramatic, classy, serious, authority, sophistication, elegance, wealth, style

N=mystery, fear, evil, anonymity, unhappy, sadness, anger, mourning, death, ignorance,

PURPLEP=royalty, nobility, power, mysterious, wisdom, respect, religion

N=cruelty, tension, arrogance, mourning, bruised

BROWNP=earth, hearth, home, friendship,



reliability, balance, intelligence,

dignityN=old, sadness,

boring, depression

P=positive N=negative

Page 13: Warm Up!  What does the word symbol mean?  What are a few (3-4) symbols you can think of and what do they represent?

Practice: Write a Biopoem describing yourself.

Apply: Pick either Alfons or Helen to write a biopoem about.

Pick from lines 2-9 in the biopoem to create/illustrate a symbol that represents either Alfons or Helen.

You must use color and write a paragraph explaining the symbolism and how it matches the character you chose.