misedgar.files.wordpress.com …  · web viewa 250 word summary of your research of the cotton...

Level Achieved Attitude Grade Students Comments Teachers Comments Completed Date Level Awarded Task 1 – Jeans Production Task 2 – Pros and Cons of Fashion Industry for 1

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Page 1: misedgar.files.wordpress.com …  · Web viewA 250 word summary of your research of the Cotton Industry. A comparison of fashion using 4 styles of dress from the 100 year period

Level Achieved Attitude GradeStudents Comments

Teachers Comments

Completed Date Level AwardedTask 1 – Jeans Production

Task 2 – Pros and Cons of Fashion Industry for countriesTask 3 – The Five ‘W’s of CottonTask 4 – Period Costume

Task 5 – Religious Clothing ExplainedTask 6 – Your clothing and You


Page 2: misedgar.files.wordpress.com …  · Web viewA 250 word summary of your research of the Cotton Industry. A comparison of fashion using 4 styles of dress from the 100 year period


Page 3: misedgar.files.wordpress.com …  · Web viewA 250 word summary of your research of the Cotton Industry. A comparison of fashion using 4 styles of dress from the 100 year period

During this homework Project you are aiming to meet the following objectives:

√ To recognise the role of fashion in society

√ To illustrate a period of fashion change from history

√ To summarise the industry of fashion from production to retail in 2008

√ To relate fashion to religious and moral beliefs

√ To contrast the effects of the fashion industry in MEDCs and LEDCs

Your completed project will need to consist of all the work for each task. You will need to hand in all the tasks listed below in order to complete this project to an acceptable standard:

A map with every country identified and named

A report which answers the question: Does the fashion industry have a positive impact in MEDC or/ and LEDC nations? This will need to be at least an A4 sheet of paper in length

A 250 word summary of your research of the Cotton Industry

A comparison of fashion using 4 styles of dress from the 100 year period 1867 – 1967

A leaflet identifying and explaining the religious meaning and impact for the wearer of an item of Muslim clothing

Two completed gingerbread men showing your clothing now and in your future career along with a summary of the meaning that this clothing has for you and those around you

You will need to ensure that you have followed all the instructions in this booklet. If you are finding it difficult you will need to ask your teacher for help before the deadline. Your work will be checked on a weekly basis by your teacher. If you do not meet the deadlines then you will be placed in detention in order to catch up with your work.


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Task 3: Jeans ProductionWhich countries in the World are involved in the production of a pair of jeans?

Find out the names of the countries numbered above.

What does this map tell you about the production of Jeans in the world? Write a description of the map and try and explain some of the patterns you see. Write your paragraph in the space provided. The diagram below will help you.


1. __________________ 2. __________________3. __________________ 4. __________________5. __________________ 6. __________________7. __________________ 8. __________________9. __________________ 10. _________________11. _________________ 12. _________________13. _________________ 14. _________________15. _________________

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Task 2: Benefits and Problems Associated with the Fashion Industry in MEDC and LEDC Nations

Does the fashion industry have a positive impact on MEDC or/ and LEDC nations?

1. Using the information in the diagrams below, and your research, brainstorm the points you will include in the table below:

Try to think of at least two points for each box (although if you can think of more points feel free to add them)

Positive NegativeMEDC


Remember for a Level 6 you will need to show what you consider to be the most and least important point.



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2. Writing your report – (Refer to the diagrams on the previous page)

Your report will need to have:

An Introduction – This must explain what it is that you are going to do and why it is important that we assess the impact of the fashion industry in different countries


Some useful starter sentences: I have found out about… In this piece of work I am going to…

In MEDCs the most important benefit which has come from the fashion industry is … A second important benefit to MEDCs is … In contrast a major downside of the fashion industry in MEDCs is … In LEDCs the benefit is … In addition the fashion industry has also brought the benefit of… Sadly a major disadvantage of the fashion industry for LEDCs is…

In conclusion I believe that the fashion industry has created more _______ consequences for MEDCs. This is because…

In addition, in my opinion, in LEDCs the major consequence has been ______. This is because …


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A Main Discussion Section – This will need to clearly set out and give evidence for:

o The Fashion Industry being a positive element in MEDCso The Fashion Industry being a negative element in MEDCso The Fashion Industry being a positive element in LEDCso The Fashion Industry being a negative element in MEDCs

A Balanced Conclusion – This will need to reach an opinion based on the evidence you have presented in your work and it must give your own opinion




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Task 3: Cotton

The what, where, when, how and why of the Cotton Industry in history?

For this task you must research the cotton industry. You will need to find out the answers to the five W’s and create an A4 page report on your findings.

1. What is Cotton?2. Where is Cotton produced?3. When did the Cotton industry begin?4. How has the Cotton industry grown?5. Why is Cotton important?

Your report must be a minimum of 250 words, which must be your own, and not simply copied from the internet.

These websites will provide you with a good starting point for your research.





Alternatively see your teacher for some other resources to help you.


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Your Report



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Task 4: Period Clothing

What clothing has been associated with different periods in History? What does this reflect about Society?










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For this task you must look at the images of dress shown on the previous page. Choose 4 pictures from during the 100 year period. Draw and annotate a sketch of each in the four boxes below. Remember to clearly label the date of the pictures you choose.

Write a summary of what each image looks like? How has dress changed during the 100 years?


Date: ________ Date: ________Summary of the 2 images



Date: ________ Date: ________Summary of the 2 images



Page 13: misedgar.files.wordpress.com …  · Web viewA 250 word summary of your research of the Cotton Industry. A comparison of fashion using 4 styles of dress from the 100 year period

Task 5: Arab Clothing Explained

How can we translate belief from the clothes people wear in their culture?

Below are 2 images showing traditional Arab dress. Your task is to explain its meaning Its origin Its significance to the wearer.

Use the information to produce a leaflet

Notes from research

Item 1



Meaning… Origin… Significance…

Item 2



Meaning… Origin… Significance…


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Explanation page of your leaflet


Front Cover of your leaflet


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Inside your leaflet


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Task 6: Your Clothing and You

What does your clothing say about you?

1. On the first gingerbread man outline you need to draw yourself in the clothes that you normally wear. Remember to label (annotate) your diagram to help you show the different items of clothing/ jewellery/ makeup etc.

2. In this box explain the items you wear and how they are significant to you. What do they symbolise about your character and who you are?

3. On the second outline on the next page you need to draw the clothes that you imagine yourself to be wearing in your future career. Think carefully about what clothes will be appropriate. A mechanic wears very different attire to an office worker! Remember this is your future working clothes, not what you will wear in your spare time.

4. Now explain in the box below your choices and why you have made them.




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Page 18: misedgar.files.wordpress.com …  · Web viewA 250 word summary of your research of the Cotton Industry. A comparison of fashion using 4 styles of dress from the 100 year period

Marking and Assessment Grid

Use this grid to help you to identify what you must do. Remember what your target level is and strive to reach this!

Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6Task 1 Attempts all stages of

the task States clearly

countries involved Makes some

statements of fact about the production of Jeans

Completes all stages of the task

Describes the stages of the process that occur in the production of jeans in different countries

Orders work in a series of paragraphs

Completes in detail all stages of the task

Explains the patterns which can be seen using terms such as MEDC and LEDC

Demonstrates a clear knowledge of the world through the use of continent names

Completes in detail all stages of the task

Explains the patterns which can be seen as well as suggesting reasons for these patterns

Shows clear use of knowledge which has been gained from an additional source such as the news, internet or a reference book

Task 2 Attempts all stages of the task

Shows some planning for the report

Uses at least 2 facts in your writing

Completes all stages of the task

Describe the information from the diagrams in the points you make

Write a conclusion

Completes in detail all stages of the task

Explains the positive and negative sides of the fashion industry in a clear way

Uses the evidence to explain the pros and cons of the fashion industry on MEDCs and LEDCs

Completes in detail all stages of the task

Explains in a clearly structured piece of work the impact of the fashion industry in the world

Give reasons which are explanatory for why the industry has different impacts in MEDCs and LEDCs

Task 3 Attempts all stages of the task

Writes statements in bullet points about the cotton industry

Gives at least 2 facts about the cotton industry

Completes all stages of the task

Describes the cotton industry answering all the questions

Writes in one continuous piece of writing

Completes in detail all stages of the task

Explains the development of the cotton industry over time using the questions to structure your response

Gives some indication of the most important moments in the development of the cotton industry

Completes in detail all stages of the task

Explains the development of the cotton industry in a clear chronology

Clearly identifies the importance of different events in the development of the cotton industry


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Task 4 Choose 4 images of different styles of dress

Give I fact about the dress

Try and say how each type of dress is different

Completes all stages of the task

Describes each type of dress in some detail

Attempts to compare the different types of dress and gives a reason for why they are different

Completes the task including researching further information

Explains the differences in the images shown and tries to gives reasons for the differences noted

Begins to relate changes in fashion to the changes that were occurring in society at the time

Completes in detail all stages of the task including detailed research carried out on changes in society from 1867 – 1967

Explains the changes in fashion and relates these to society and the way this developed over the entire 100 year period

Orders changes in importance and relevance to society in modern times

Task 5 Includes at least 2 factual statements about each item

Presents the information in a leaflet

Describes the meaning of each item

Presents information in a colourful and well planned leaflet

Show an understanding of the positive and negative impacts of your chosen symbols

Complete the task following all instructions to produce a leaflet to accurately convey the information in an appropriate format

Give a detailed analysis of the pros and cons of religious symbolism in society including references to examples

Produce your leaflet in a clear and detailed manner ensuring it conveys information

Task 6 Attempts all stages of the task

Draws clearly the items you wear both now and in the future and label them clearly

Answer the questions giving reasons for what you wear and will wear in the future

Completes all stages of the task

Complete the diagrams and clearly annotate to show the meaning of the items you wear and will wear

Describe the significance of your wardrobe choices

Complete all stages of the task Provide detailed sketches which

are annotated to explain the meaning and significance of the clothing you wear and what it says about the person you are

Explain the significance of appearance in shaping the life you lead and the society you life in

Completes a detailed and fully annotate image which shows clearly the significance of your dress both now and in the future

Explain in detail the importance of appearance

Identify examples of appearance having a positive (getting a job) and negative (mistrust of teenagers in society) impact on you and society


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Use this page to make notes on any questions or problems you may have about your work. It will remind you to ask your teacher for help in your next lesson.