· web viewclass begins? zung. hi, i’m zung. i come from a family...

A Very Long Long Journey In Medicine- How I came from being a doctor to an insect doctor By Pei-Chieh Chiang Master of Fine Arts In the Theatre Arts Program of the School of the Arts COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY

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Page 1: · Web viewclass begins? Zung. Hi, I’m Zung. I come from a family that has been doctors for all generations. My 10 father is an urologist; my mother

A Very Long Long Journey In Medicine- How I came from being a doctor to an insect doctor

By Pei-Chieh Chiang

Master of Fine Arts In the Theatre Arts Program of the School of the Arts


Page 2: · Web viewclass begins? Zung. Hi, I’m Zung. I come from a family that has been doctors for all generations. My 10 father is an urologist; my mother

Fourth Draft Sheng Pei-Chieh Chiang

(Music 1)Projection 1A very long, long journey in medicine.

-How I came from being a doctor to an insect doctor.

(Music 2)Projection 2Part One When I was in senior high school

Scene 1(Medical summer camp for senior high school students)

(Patrick, 23 years old, a medical university student, also a counselor of Sheng’s team in the medical summer camp)

PatrickSheng, Sheng, wake up.

(Sheng is sleeping in the class, while the professor is teaching something about the materials of medicinal use or value)

Sheng(wakes up a little bit) What? What happened?

PatrickYou are in class right now.


(sees the professor speaking on the stage, and tries to wake up more)(notices there are many students nearby)

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Oh, I’m sorry. Seem to make a mistake. 1 PatrickYou usually sleep in the class during daytime, but are so energetic when it comes to playing games in the evening.

Sheng(A little embarrassed)Oh, really?

I didn’t notice.

What time is it right now?

PatrickIt’s 4:40pm. In an hour the class will end and we’ll have dinner. And at night we’ll have a lot of games, too.

Enjoy it.

ShengOh great.

How about tomorrow evening, are there still many group games?

PatrickTomorrow night we have a class. Gross anatomy. You forgot.

ShengOh. What? Gross anatomy!? We have to see a…

PatrickYeah, definitely.

ShengOh, I... can’t. I mentioned it before. I thought I told you.

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PatrickBut you want to be a doctor. 2

ShengOh, maybe a psychiatrist or something. I really can’t stand it. I’d mentioned it before when I applied for the summer camp.

PatrickBut it’s a required class in medical school. Whatever you choose in the future, psychiatry or something else. It’s still required.

ShengOh no.


I think I have to go back to school tomorrow morning. We have summer school and a lot of exams to take. I’m afraid my teacher would think I have too many absences. And my grandfather is in the ward now. I think I have to go see him soon as well. I’ll go back to North city tomorrow. I have to.

PatrickIt’s not as difficult as you imagine. A lot of girls were also very scared in the beginning. They hid themselves in the corner out of the anatomy room and cried, and just refused to do it. But after they were forced to see it, they just thought… it was really a “creature”, nothing different from other creatures.

And you’re a man.

Nothing to be scared of.

(You should) Get into medical school. You won’t regret it. (Many girls and women would fall in love with you, and you will have very high social status.)You’d have many different and beautiful girlfriends, and very high social status. Nothing to be afraid of.

Sheng(Murmur) I’m not interested in women.

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PatrickWhat? What did you say? 3

ShengOh nothing. I was just talking to myself.

PatrickGo for it. Just take it easy. It’s a piece of cake.

ShengWhat a disgusting cake it is.

Scene 2(Next day, morning)

(Ronald, 25 years old, a medical university student, also a counselor in this summer camp)

RonaldO.K. Let’s begin our acupuncture and moxibustion class today. Why is there an empty seat there?

PatrickOh, it’s…(thinks about it for some seconds)


Where was he going?

StewartOh, he was going to take the train back to North city this morning. He said he had to go back to his senior high summer school soon and prepare for his application for the university…something like that.

WalterAnd I know his grandfather is in the hospital now.

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PatrickThat’s no excuse, I told him yesterday. He is a timid guy. 4

StewartWhat? I thought he is very brave, just has to go back to school sooner.

WalterHe told us some of his stories in the dorm these days; we think he is a bold guy.

PatrickWhat did he tell you?

StewartHe said he was chased by five dogs once, and did a crazy thing with a friend in junior high school.

PatrickWhat crazy thing?

WalterHe said in order to protest a math teacher was not upright to all the students in the class, / gave up the students who can’t get high score in the class, he went to her classroom and threw all the potted plants down to the first floor.

PatrickYou call that brave!? More like intimidation and crime.

StewartI don’t know. I just thought that was…really bold…and cool.

PatrickPut in the totally wrong place and way.

Scene 3(In the ward)(Sheng is going into the ward)


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Look, who’s coming!

Grandfather 5Sheng

ShengHi Grandpa, hi mom.

GrandfatherNice to see you today.

ShengAre you feeling better right now?

GrandfatherYeah, of course. Especially (the moment) when I see you.

MotherYour grandpa is really proud of you.

Didn’t you go to Medical summer camp?

ShengOh yeah.

I have to go back to school sooner, and wanted to come here earlier, so I left the camp early today.

It’s O.K. There was only one more day and would end soon. I think it’s all right.I almost know what they are really doing in medical university, so it’s O.K.

MotherYou left early.

Hope it would be O.K.

(To grandfather) He went to a medical summer camp for two weeks and just left today.

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Grandfather(Give Sheng a thumbs-up) 6

MotherGrandpa is so proud of you, and he thinks you’d be a very nice doctor in the future.

ShengYes, I will. I think I will. Try my best.

(To his mother)What did the doctor say?

MotherI’m not sure about it. But he said he is in good condition and will recover soon if he rests well.

ShengOh great, that sounds great.

(To grandpa)

How do you feel right now? Better than yesterday?


ShengThat’s great. Keep relaxing. I’ll come see you again tomorrow.

GrandfatherIt’s fine. Go to school. You must have a lot of work to do. You can do it well.

ShengThat’s O.K. I’ll bring you some fruit or something as well.

Bye, Grandpa, sleep well,

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Bye, mom, don’t tire yourself out.

Grandfather 7Bye, have a nice school day.

MotherBye, Sheng, take care as well.

Scene 4(Sheng is talking to someone on the phone)

ShengI didn’t mean to let you alone for a long time, I just…

BrantStop trying to explain. How do you view our relationship? Are you serious? Or are you just playing?

ShengOh Brant, listen to me, I didn’t mean to…I’ve been too busy, so many exams and a lot of work, and I have to begin my applications for university.

You know I just participated in a medical camp, and my grandfather…

BrantExcuses, excuses, no more excuses! Am I still in your heart? Do I still exist to you? There’s someone else, right? Since when?

ShengBrant, Darling, you’re imagining things, I’m just too busy, there isn’t anyone else. I promise. It is impossible.

BrantO.K. I have to ask you one important question, and you have to answer me right now. After knowing your answer, I swear, I won’t bother you anymore… for the rest of my life.


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Brant 8 Which one is more important to you, your grand and fucking “Dream”, or me?And now, please choose one of them.

ShengOh Brant, it’s not a question...I don’t have to answer it. I think this is really a great misunderstanding...and…

(Brant hangs up)

ShengHello, hello…

Oh, shit…

Scene 5

TeacherYour grades have been really bad recently, what happened to you?

ShengWell, I joined a summer medical camp recently, and my grandfather is in the ward, and I broke up with my boy....oh no…girlfriend, a few days ago.

TeacherBoy…girlfriend!!?? What is that?

ShengGirlfriend. Who is like a boy sometimes when he…she is angry at me.

TeacherO.K. Well. Whoever said you could have girlfriend in senior high school?

Especially as you’d like to apply for medical school, Sheng.

You are a very intelligent student; don’t waste time in any boy or girl. You are too young to fall in love now, you would regret it if you spend too much time on it right

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Sheng 9I get what you mean, but I just…

TeacherAnd you’ve violated regulations. We don’t allow students here to date.

ShengO.K. I see. But that’s O.K. It’s over. Everything that’s causing me problems happened to me recently, and I think I’d overcome it. I really hope to go to medical school and I would use all my efforts to apply for it.

TeacherO.K. Great.

How’s your grandfather right now? Does he feel better?

ShengYeah, I think so. Thanks for your concern, I’ll pass it on.

TeacherO.K. Hope you will be successful with your application, and I believe your ability and personality are both very suitable for being a doctor.

ShengThanks. I’ll work hard.

TeacherGood luck.

Projection 3Part 2-Medical School

Scene 6

ProfessorWelcome to medicine department, could you all introduce yourselves before the

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class begins?Zung

Hi, I’m Zung. I come from a family that has been doctors for all generations. My 10 father is an urologist; my mother is a gynecologist-obstetrician. My grandfather is an orthopedist; my great-grandfather is a Neurosurgeon. And my elder sister is a pediatrician, my younger sister is a Psychiatrist, my elder brother is an Ophthalmologist, my cousin is a Dermatologist. And, I’d like to major Plastic Surgery in the future. Thanks.

ProfessorWhy? Which part of plastic surgery are you interested in?

ZungBecause I saw how my relatives are tortured like dogs. I don’t want that kind of life (then). I’d choose Plastic Surgery because one, it pays better, takes less time, and today, many people go to Plastic Surgery. It would become a popular field in the future.

ProfessorYou have to have very good grades before you can choose Plastic Surgery.

ZungSure, fine. It would be no problem for me.

ProfessorO.K. Great. Next.

KungHi, I’m Kung. I’m not from an affluent family, but I think healing patients is my vocation. When I was 9, I saw a dying patient near my house, but I couldn’t give any help to him. I swore I’d become a doctor to learn how to heal diseases in the future. I swear, I have the dream.

ProfessorWonderful. A good guy, and a promising doctor. Doctors should be like that. Which department are you most interested in?


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Professor 11Oh. Why?

KungYou know, as I mentioned before, I was not born from a very affluent family. I couldn’t say that I would like a very wealthy life in the future. But I have a father, a mother, three Persian cats, and would maybe have many wives and girlfriends in the future,(female fans) I mean many patients that I would treat as tender as my wife or girlfriend. I am pressured by the reality, and I know that Dermatology is the easiest way for me to get what I need.

ProfessorYou should get the highest score all the time in class so you could have the chance to apply for it.

KungO.K. I see. I’ve heard that before. And I think that wouldn’t be a huge problem for me. I never got second place in my whole life before, and there would be no exception from now on.

PaulHi, I’m Paul. I’m very interested in the Medical area. And I’d like to do research on the disease and the molecular genetics of a person. Since there are many diseases that still can’t be healed today, I’d like to continue to work on them. I have very good sense in such work. And I hope I could discover something different. Thanks.

ProfessorO.K. So what kind of disease would you like to study?

PaulConsidering the factors of practicality, I hope I could be a Dermatologist first, and then do the research. I think I have to have a main profession, and then realize my dream and idealism. I think it would be a better choice.

WeiHi, I’m Wei. Well, actually I’m only 15 year’s old. I didn’t go to junior high school, and

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I only went to senior high school for one year, and then yes, I passed the application for medical school, and yes, my parents have high expectation on me, and yes, they hope I can do very well here. And yes, I think being a doctor is my vocation, and yes, I hope I can build a hospital for people who can’t afford their treatments in the future, and yes, of course, I found that many doctors’ wives are very beautiful(and intelligent), and so are their mistress, oh, no, I meant their daughters. I’d like to have such happiness as well.

ProfessorWhat do you want to research or major in?

WeiOh, I haven’t decided yet. But I think it’s something about skin. I found that the skin doctor has the most vacation and earns most, with the least effort. Oh, no, I think people’s skin is very important to them…it’s almost a person’s life…

ProfessorO.K. Great.

You have to get the highest score in every subject if you’d like to be a skin doctor.


I can remember everything as long as I see it once.

Never had any problems in my life before.

ProfessorO.K. Great.

Is there anyone in the class who hasn’t introduced themselves yet?

Sheng(raises his hand, with a little bit of hesitation)

ProfessorO.K. What’s your name?

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ShengHi, I am Sheng. I think I’m very interested in the medical area. Being doctor is my 13 dream. Yes, and…I like rock music.

Scene 7 (Intermission)

ShengSkin skin skin, everyone would like to be skin doctors.It is an age that the external is worthier than the internal.

Scene 7(In the dorm room)

ZungDid you finish your 1290 pages textbook for tomorrow’s exam?

ShengYes, of course, it’s not a big problem for me.

ZungWhat are you busy with recently?

ShengI went to the drama club, and also the rock music club.

ZungOh, that sounds cool. What are you reading?

ShengHamlet machine. It’s an experimental theatre work.

ZungIt sounds strange and cool.

Sheng(gives him a small bag)Do you want to try some?

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ZungWhat’s this? 14


Zung(Almost screams, but then restrains himself) Oh, how can you…

(in a small voice) It is a medical school.

ShengSo it is, true to its name. “Medical” school. Full of “Medical” things in “School”.

ZungHow dare you do that? You’d be kicked out if you’re seen like this.

ShengI don’t mind.

ZungHow did you become like this? I thought you have strong ideal and passion here before. And you are intelligent. Why would you destroy yourself in this…



(takes some drug)

You know, my grandfather was died three weeks ago, and until now, I still can’t accept it.

I think my dream is completely broken.

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I don’t have any energy to be a fucking doctor now.

Zung 15(surprised)Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.You didn’t tell us though.But I think…he wouldn’t want you like this.

ShengYou know, when I….

(Sheng couldn’t continue with the sentence)

It’s ironic…

When I try to call him to say that I finally got into medical school,

My mother told me that…

It’s so ironic…

(Sheng couldn’t resist his tears anymore)

Scene 8(In the Drama club)

LanDo you know that Sheng left the medical school recently?


LanHe dropped out of the school yesterday.

WengHow did you know that?

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LanMy father is one of the professors in the medical department, he told me so. 16

WengWhat!? It’s entirely impossible.

LanI heard that he seldom went to class, didn’t study too much, went to the Drama and rock music club more often than his classes, got drunk on the street, cheated in the exams, didn’t get along well with his patients…so of course he got expelled soon.

WengHow could this happen? It’s impossible. He is a genius, and he never lost at anything.

I didn’t even think he had to study anything to stay in the medical department.And his parents are very famous people in the law area.

LanI don’t know. Maybe he no longer has any interest in this area.

WengEverybody wants to go to Medical School. Yet many of them don’t have the ability to achieve it.

LanI don’t know.

WengHe is so stupid.

Scene 9

Sheng(monologue) (song 1)He was gone,In that ward.It totally broke my dream.

The inappreciable body,

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The atrophied, sapless body,He used to be strong and healthyHe used to always stand much higher than me. 17

He’d closed his eyes,And never waked up again,Life is like a dream,Sometimes,

My heart is bleeding,No medicine can heal it,How can I believe in, Medicine,Again,

The white robe,The white gown,Life is like a dream,A totally broken dream,

When I saw him,The tears fulfilled my eyes,

The last time,I told him he can run,But he couldn’t,

What sorrow that can kill a person’s heart,

How can I suffer such great pain,

Without a


(Music 3)

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Projection 4PART TWO: The Animal DoctorMy second university

Scene 1 18

ProfessorHey guys, welcome to our Animal Medical School. I’m your main professor, Dr. D. I hope you’re proud to be here. Forget the pain that you’re not in the human Medical school. I think many of you couldn’t possibly get a high enough score in the National University Exam, so you got into this program unexpectedly. But don’t be sad. Cheer up!I think you should be proud to be an Animal Doctor, you can also have that honor.

AaronI don’t mind. I’m more interested in healing animals than human. Animals are very innocent and cute. I like dogs and cats. Many people have pets nowadays, and I saw my neighbor, who is a veterinarian, earns 100000 dollars every month by having his own Animal Clinic. And it’s better to work with animal as well. I am very happy, and see a good future here. I hate Medical school.

(many students give Aaron big applause, Sheng doesn’t have any special expression)

BenYes, I totally agree with that. And The SWEET Patients won’t threaten you or accuse you when they are not satisfied with your treatment.

We will have a more wonderful life.

CaryI like bigger animals. Like elephants or lions, I think it must be a really strange experience that you have to use guns to inject them. Extremely lovable patients.

AaronHow about you, guy? You still didn’t say anything. When you walked into the classroom, no any facial expression, no kind enjoyment on your face, what happened to you, he looks like a living corpse, doesn’t he? You are a doctor!!??

(some classmates look at Sheng)

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ShengOh, nothing. I am very happy to be here. And yeah, healing animals is my interest and vocation. I’m very glad to do it. And yes, I’m very proud to be a veterinarian, and what else?


What animal are you most interested in?

ShengOh, I think… it must be…giraffe.

(some classmates talk with each other)

CaryGiraffe!!?? Why? It sounds really..special. Why do you have a preference for this kind of animal?

ShengOh, Because, I think..

They are too tall..

So they must need more doctors..

It must be very difficult to heal a Giraffe

FordThat makes sense.

I never thought about that before.

GeoffreyYou must have to use a ladder to heal them.

ShengWhat’s your name?


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Geoffrey Geoffrey.

My first name is the same as the last name. Strange coincidence.

Sheng 20Oh great, that sounds great.

GeoffreyWhat part of a Giraffe do you want to heal? I think it’s must be really different if you heal the different parts of a Giraffe.

ShengOh teeth, of course their teeth.

GeoffreyTeeth? Why?

ShengDon’t you think it’s really difficult for Giraffe to have teeth treatment? So I’d like to do it.

(Many classmates laugh)

AaronI think you have to transfer to the Dental school. It’s just down a block.

(Many classmates laugh)

BenYou are so cool, I’m very proud of you.

CaryThe amazing and promising Giraffe Teeth Doctor would be born in our class.

ShengO.K. Not only teeth, the whole body, of course.


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He adores the Empire State building, and not only the 102 floor, the whole building.

Geoffrey Giraffes are very cute.


All right. Yes, that’s my vocation. I don’t like cats and dogs. Giraffes are my goal in the future.

AaronGo, boy.

BenThe promising Giraffes’ TEETH’s Doctor.

Scene 2(Music 4)Projection 5Kenya Picture (Internship in East Africa)

DirectorO.K. I think today we’ll stay here for two weeks. Everybody must be very tired after that long plane journey. Get some rest early, and we’ll gather here for breakfast together at 4:00 AM. Good night.

FordFour!!?? That’s the time I usually go to sleep.

GeoffreyOh dear, I hope the sun is already up at that time.

(The students walk toward the room they’d sleep in)

AaronWhat fucking house is it?


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Could it be called a “house”?

CaryWho proposed us to go to this fucking internship?

ShengYou said you wanted to come.


I never thought African people live in such a fucking place.

BenCould it be called “human” Life?

CaryShut up, we are animal doctors, though.

FordWhat do you mean?

Geoffrey He means that people living here are not worthier than animals.

ShengO.K. I’m a little tired. I’ll go to sleep soon. Good night, guys.

AaronCan someone wake me up in the morning?

BenYou forget to bring an alarm clock?

AaronI’m just afraid I won’t hear any sound at that time.

CaryO.K. I’ll wake you up if I can.

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AaronYou can’t say “if I can”. You have to make sure about it for me. I’m afraid I won’t wake up at that time in the morning.

CaryI can’t promise you 100 percent because I can’t totally promise you that I can wake up and also wake you up at that time. I don’t want to lose the credit.


You have to make sure of everything before, you are a doctor.

CaryWhat? What’s the relationship between this and that. I don’t understand.

BenCan you stop fighting here right now? I’m a little tired, and I think the room has to be quieter, someone has to sleep.

ShengEven a doctor can’t promise everything, believe me.

AaronO.K. I’ll wake myself up tomorrow morning. All of you are quite selfish.

CaryI must explain I didn’t mean that. I think you misunderstood me. My words are about logical thinking.

AaronYou shit fucking coward no-ability doctors, how can you treat a patient in the future?

BenO.K, don’t be so serious, Aaron, it’s just a small thing.

AaronIt’s not a small thing.

(Ford and Geoffrey come into the room)

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FordWhat happened? The atmosphere is a little..strange here.

GeoffreyA fight? I can feel a little smell of gunpowder.

FordYou know the bathroom? Oh, it couldn’t be called bathroom. It is totally an outdoor wild. What’s the strange feeling that “taking a bath in a wild field.” Fortunately it is not cold now. I’m just afraid if I use the water too much, I would sink into the wet soil.

GeoffreyAnd I’m very afraid the cute snake would take a honey shower with me.


AaronCould you wake me up at 3:45?

FordOh sure, but it’s already 3.

Go to bed.

GeoffreySee the stars.Projection 6 Stars

AaronO.K. Thanks.

FordYou’re welcome.

Sheng(murmur) Am I a coward?

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Scene 3(Music 5: African 1)(The students are eating breakfast together)

BenI never cooked breakfast by myself before.

CaryThat charcoal sucks, but it’s fun, isn’t it? 25

FordI found that life is quite interesting here, I never get up so early, and I notice how the stars are really shining. Don’t you feel the air is much different than in our home country?

GeoffreyYeah, it’s quite interesting. But I couldn’t possible live in such a place any longer. I can’t bear it.

AaronWhat’s wrong with you, guy?

GeoffreyI had a bad night. I don’t know why. I can’t sleep in a peaceful situation. Maybe I am too sensitive.

Just can’t adapt to a different environment very easily.

AaronWhat’s that?

ShengOh, it’s a pencil box.

AaronOh, I thought it’s a puppet.


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Oh no, actually it’s a pencil box but it looks like a puppet.

AaronIt looks so cute.

BenWhat’s that?

Aaron 26You see this, a toy Giraffe.Projection 7 Oyster

BenOh, it’s so cute, whose? Sheng?

ShengOh yeah, it’s mine. I bought it many years ago.

CaryOh man, I think it’s a toy from young Japanese girls.

ShengIt’s my pet actually, I’ve taken it with me for many years, it’s a lovely pet and friend.

I just don’t like something that is really alive.

It would have life forever if it didn’t have real life.

A forever alive creature.

FordYou are so pessimistic, boy.

Every creature must physically die at the end.

ShengSo I won’t accompany it.

His name is Oyster,

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Because you see,His face really looks like an Oyster.Isn’t it funny?

He is so cute.Every time I’d like to talk to him. And when I see his face, I can’t stop laughing and being in an enjoyable mood.And I’d never have to worry about the face leaving me one day.


Coward? An over sensitive poet?

An animal doctor always is taken with a no-life creature.

It’s funny, isn’t it?

ShengYou don’t understand.

Scene 4(In the room)

GeoffreyI know you transferred from medical school.

ShengHow do you know that?

GeoffreyMy father told me. He is a medical school professor.

ShengOh, small world.

GeoffreyYes, it is.


Page 30: · Web viewclass begins? Zung. Hi, I’m Zung. I come from a family that has been doctors for all generations. My 10 father is an urologist; my mother

So what?

GeoffreyI think you didn’t have to give up so early.

ShengGive up what?

Geoffrey 28 Being a doctor.

ShengNo, I think you have a huge misunderstanding of me.I really like animals, and I think every live creature has to be respected.

GeoffreyI know your thing, I know that.

I know you are too sorrowful about something, But I’d like to tell you every result has all its reasons,Your grandfather’s death is not because the medical mistake,It’s just because..

ShengShut up, how dare you say this fucking shit thing.

GeoffreyYou are just too sad.

ShengNo, I’m not.

GeoffreyYou have the intelligence, and ability.

ShengCan’t you stop peeling my skin now? I am hurt.

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GeoffreyEveryone dies in the end.

ShengHow can I continue to Believe the fucking shit Medicine again? How can I continue to study that fucking bullshit when it can’t save him anymore?

GeoffreyMy father also had some failure before. You must receive the truth that everything has its risks. Life is full of adventure.

ShengSave the animals. Nobody wants to heal them, because they don’t bring human interest.

GeoffreySo what do you think about your no-life Oyster?

ShengI think it’s quite none of your business.

Scene 5(In the field.)Projection 8 Lion

AaronI think he is recovering now.

BenGood operation, for the lion.

CaryEven if the lion would get sick.

ShengProjection 9 Oyster ?Dear Oyster

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He is always there.No complain, no change of heart and mind,He is always there.

He is always lying there,He is a good lover,A good listener,He climbs on my computer,He is always here, and there.

He always smiles, 30Is always quiet, He may never leave,He is my Oyster.

FordIt is quite hot today.

AaronWhere are Sheng and Geoffrey?

BenI don’t know. They disappeared after going to the laboratory.

CaryWhat happened? I hear some people disappeared after they came to Africa.Hope that hasn’t happened again.

FordMaybe they just fell in love with each other there.

AaronWhat? Are there any homosexuals in this team?

BenStop talking about such boring things. That’s not important.


Page 33: · Web viewclass begins? Zung. Hi, I’m Zung. I come from a family that has been doctors for all generations. My 10 father is an urologist; my mother

Hope not. Hope they won’t announce “After this long journey in our life, we suddenly found out that our Mr. Right is just…” and “We decided to get married ” at the final day of this trip. That would shock me too much.

FordGeoffrey has a girlfriend?

AaronMany girlfriends.

Cary 31Gays always have many girlfriends.

FordI used to be a gay.

ShengWhen I wake up,He is there,When I sleep,He is also there,He never leaves,He never closes his eyes.

He never says goodbye,He never is angry, He never cries,Like he never laughs with real voice,He is just there.Very quiet.

I love Oyster.He is always there.He is quiet.He is always there.

AaronHi Sheng, you are back?

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BenWhere is Geoffrey?

ShengI don’t know.

CaryI thought he just went with you,

Sheng 32Yeah, we were in the lab together. But later, I don’t know, I just left, and came back here. I don’t know though.

FordWhat happened?

ShengNothing. I just want to come back sooner, and I’d finished my work there today. How’s your work though? What did you do?

AaronWe just made an operation on a lion. It’s interesting. I think he is recovering now.

ShengA lion, that must be exciting.

Hope he is okay now.

BenYeah, he is well now. We have good skill, and good judgment, he would be O.K.

CaryHow about your giraffe plan? Begin clinical diagnosis yet?

ShengI haven’t found a sick giraffe here.

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Just looking for it.

FordNo news is always good news.

AaronGood news means no doctors have anything to do every day.

BenNice. (sees the sky) wow, see the clouds there, it’s so beautiful.


Oh heaven, I’d like to take pictures of it.

FordBig rainbow. (Projection 10)

Smile, Sheng. He is taking our picture.

ShengOh, I…

AaronSay Cheese,

BenWe are in east Africa now.


FordJump and run.

Scene 6(In the house)


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Geoffrey hasn’t come back yet. It is very late.

BenDo we have to go to look for him?

CaryIf he doesn’t come back in thirty minutes, maybe the answer is yes.

FordI don’t have a very good feeling right now.



I think…maybe I should go to find him.

AaronWhat happened in the lab though?


Just had different opinions on something.

BenDid you fight with each other?

ShengYeah, sort of.

But I didn’t hurt him or anything.

Just some difference in opinion.

CaryOh God, hope it would be O.K. It’s not our hometown now. It’s Africa. I hope nothing happens. I think it may not be an easy thing to go look for him now.

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FordI have a bad feeling about this.

ShengI’ll go. Where is the map?

AaronO.K. Sheng. I think this is not a very good way to solve things right now. And you are not very strong. I’m just afraid it would cause more problems if you go look for him. I think it’s better to call the emergency police right now. It’s a better choice.


It is not New York. Not so convenient. And could they speak English well?

CaryIt is a good question.

FordOh lord, I hope everything would be fine.

ShengI’ll go look for him.

(Geoffrey enters the room)

GeoffreyOh dear, I’m so sorry.

AaronWhere did you go?

BenYou had us terribly worried.

CaryOh, fortunately…


Page 38: · Web viewclass begins? Zung. Hi, I’m Zung. I come from a family that has been doctors for all generations. My 10 father is an urologist; my mother

I’m very sorry. I met a group from another medical hospital. They came here to treat patients without charge. They had a traffic accident on their tour bus. It broke down on the dust road. I helped them to solve the problem. I also talked to them and met some friends.

FordYou should have called us.

GeoffreyI’m sorry. I lose track of time. And my phone ran out of batteries. I’m very sorry to cause you trouble. 36

AaronThat’s fine. It’s good that you’re back. That’s fine.

BenYou shocked us terribly.

CarySheng was just going to look for you.


ShengOh yeah, I thought you got lost or something, I thought maybe I’d go look for you.

GeoffreyOh thanks.

ShengOh, it’s nothing.

Scene 7

ShengA special feeling is in my mind,I thought they were dead,

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But it seems that they’re not. Why is my heart upside down,It’s like somebody has thrown a small stone into a defunct lake, But waves are spreading increasingly now.

I thought my heart was dead.At that moment, I thought it would never be revived,There is no cancer of the heart only, I thought my heart had already stopped beating then, But why does it pulsate again.

37I found my blood fluid in my vein, I found my mind clear and conscious I found I couldn’t close my eyes again,In this stirring shining night,All the stars are glowing brightly in the wild sky,I smell an extraordinary atmosphere.Projection 11 Romantic stars’ heart I thought I fell into,A very big, and unexceptionable trap.Again.

Scene 8

ShengWhere did you go last night?

GeoffreyI met a group from a medical hospital. They came to offer voluntary treatment. Are you interested in going with me today? I’d like to go visit them.

ShengO.K. I’d like to go.I feel kind of bad about our conversation in the lab yesterday,I hope you don’t mind.

GeoffreyOh, that’s fine. I felt sorry as well.

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Forget it then, let’s go together to visit them.

ShengYeah, all right.

(They arrive at the place, and see many African people and patients there)Projection 12 Picture African people and patients

ShengOh my goodness.


They really lack medical resources here.

ShengMuch more than I imagine.

GeoffreyLook how fortunate we are.

ShengNever thought of that before.

(Dr. Eraser comes)

GeoffreyHi, (to Sheng) this is Dr. Eraser, he’s from the Chilies hospital, he goes to a lot of different countries and treats patients for free.

ShengHi, I’m Sheng, nice to meet you.

Dr. EraserHi, I’m Dr. Eraser. I’m a pediatrician.

GeoffreySheng is my classmates, and yeah, we both study in animal medical school.

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Dr. EraserIt’s more interesting, isn’t it?

GeoffreyHe’s also a former student of my father’s, we met each other many years ago.

ShengYes, life is interesting, isn’t it?

Dr. EraserI did some operations for some children yesterday. They really lack the necessary

medical resource here. And there are so many people with AIDS here. But be careful, some of the patients are prone to violence because they are addicted to a kind of leaf.

ShengWhat noble work. Maybe I can help if you need anything. I’m available today, with no giraffes to heal.

Dr. EraserAll right, you can help the patients fill out information forms and take their blood pressure, or give out the medicine.

GeoffreyI think he could do more than that, because, oh, I think I forgot to mention again...

Dr. EraserBecause what?

Sheng(Eyes full of tears) Oh, I used to be a medical student, and also majored in pediatrics .

Dr. EraserOh, and why did you ...?

ShengNothing. Just wanted to change my major.

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Dr. EraserAll right, but you don’t have license. O.K, maybe you can be my assistant, do you remember some things from medical school?

ShengYeah, I think so.

Dr. EraserDon’t cry, being an animal doctor is good, too. Animals also need doctors.

Sheng 40Yeah, I know. But, nothing…

Dr. EraserJust go on, it’s all right.

ShengYeah.(Geoffrey hugs Sheng )

ShengWhat a fucking feeling when a man chooses to love a patient who’d begun to give up on himself, What is the fucking feeling.Why doesn’t he give me up as I’d give up my dream, I thought he was so mean. I thought I was totally destroyed,But why he still chooses to save me,I thought I’m an outcast already kicked out by the God, How can I forget the pain. And yet it’s actually begun to heal, What is more painful?Being loved, Is really too heavy,And too sweet.

Scene 9


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This is totally different from when I was in the hospital.

GeoffreyThey were really lovely patients.

ShengGod isn’t always fair, is he?

GeoffreyWe can overcome God.

41Hi, how’s your day?

AaronThe lion woke up today, and it seems that he’s really better now.

BenHe really shocked us, how wild and violent it was, you must see it.

CaryWe have to give him more tranquilizer tomorrow, or I’m afraid we’ll be in danger.

FordI’ll never say anything without the real experience.

GeoffreyWe worked in the voluntary medical group today, there were so many bugs there.

AaronHow can they live in this kind of circumstance?

GeoffreyA small thing can still change a lot. As my friend Dr. Eraser said, one little effort would cause a great influence in the future, never give it up.

ShengIt’s really nice to work with the people here. There’s really something they have that’s different from our city. I feel the trip is really worth it to me.

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GeoffreyWho’s healed?

Scene 10(Yaaa, a 28-year old young lady, takes pictures of wild animals) (Chao, a 28-year old man, sits beside Yaaa on a big stone)

YaaaThe same species of animals won’t divide into two parties. The Green and the blue.


(laughs) It is not the Republic of China. Projection 13 Green and Blue

YaaaI think I’m really tired of that situation.

ChaoJust take a rest.

YaaaI think I’d quit forever, as long as the national wild animals channel would take me.

ChaoIt may be better.

YaaaWhy do they only care about “who wins”? There are not just two voices.

ChaoThat’s a kind of habit from animals

YaaaFortunately I don’t see any Green or Blue giraffe here. If so, I’d go crazy.

ChaoMaybe the spots on their bodies can divide them into two main groups.

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YaaaThere aren’t only just TWO.

I’d rather there’s individual war.

ChaoIt seems that people always like to split everything into TWO. That would make everything simpler.

Yaaa 43 Is that more interesting?

ChaoFortunately there are some different animals in the world.

YaaaI love you. But I’m half woman and half man, I’m very glad you can accept the real me.

ChaoDon’t talk about the gender issue again now.

YaaaIn the end, who wins?

ChaoThe third one besides the two.


Projection 14(intermission)Music 5

Scene 11

(Yaaa and Sheng met each other )

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YaaaHow are you?

ShengFine. And you?



Where do you come from?

ShengNew York. And you?

YaaaRepublic of China.

ShengOh, I lived there before.

You came here on a trip?

YaaaYes, sort of. I came to do work for an animal channel. A new job and life. And you?

ShengLike you, sort of. I came for an internship. I’m an animal doctor.

YaaaOh, great, that must be very exciting, especially here.

I take many pictures for those wild animals.

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ShengYou came here alone?

YaaaNo, with one of my friends. And you?

ShengWith my university classmates.

YaaaGreat. 45

(Chao comes)Yaaa

Hi, this is Chao, and this is Sheng, an animal doctor.

ChaoHi, nice to meet you.


You’re also a reporter at Animal Channel?

ChaoOh no, I’m her husband. We’re po…(liticians)..

Yaaa(interrupts him and in attempt to drown out Chao’s words)

We’re just here for the animal channel. I’m a documentary film director.


YaaaMaybe I could make a record of your internship. I have a camera, and I think your

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work sounds really interesting. What do you think?

Sheng(Surprised) Yeah, it does sound interesting.

Yeah, maybe you can do that. I could talk to them, though. It would be fine. I think they would like it.

YaaaThat sounds great. Where are you staying?

Sheng 46At this hotel. (shows Yaaa the name card) I think it can’t be called a normal “hotel” but…anyway.

YaaaO.K. Maybe we can move over after tomorrow, and go visit you.

ShengO.K. That sounds great.

YaaaWhat kind of animals are you responsible for?


YaaaOh, that sounds great. I really like it.

But how can you tell if they’re sick or not?(They are too tall)

Sheng(takes out of a telescope from his bag)

By using this. Magic kaleidoscope (microscope).Projection 15 Giraffee in Kenya

Yaaa(laughs) O.K. I see.

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See you then.

ShengSee you. Bye, Yaaa, and Chao, right?

Chao Yeah, right. Good memory.

Have a nice day.Scene 12


That pain

I know I can still feel the pain when people call me “animal doctor”,It is not related to human or animal,It is like something used to belonged to you, But then you lost it.The feeling is not very pleasant.

Secondary.Being depreciated.Being degraded.

It’s like I was dropped, from being a prefect and beautiful person, to a place that made me constantly painful. I am like a perfect person without a foot, How can I become perfect anymore.

Scene 13

The death of an animal

ShengI’d seen them die on the roadKilled by cars.The pigeons, and the mice.

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The dogs, and the cats.How can people value their lives.By what does God measure their lives.

The passersby have to walk on in the same speed, The cars have to run as usual,They all have to continue with their paces, Who has to stop for a while, Or cry for a while. I had many silkworms when I was young.I raised them from when they were still eggs. 48That day when one of them hatched from the egg,I was very excited and screamed, I thought it was the joy of birth.They grew bigger and bigger day by day,I liked the sounds of them eating leaves. Thirty-some silkworms eating mulberry leaves sounded so loud in a quiet place, Made me cheerful and peaceful every day. And I found I developed strong affections for them gradually.

One day I found a silkworm sick,I saw he behaved differently,And didn’t eat anything.He looked very uncomfortable. I didn’t know what I could do. I wanted to heal him, and hope he would recover soon one day.I began to isolate him in a small box like a special ward, And gave him the best and tenderest leaves, and the best and special care,Why couldn’t I have known how to heal him at that time, At that time I was only 9 years old.But I couldn’t find any Rxs from any encyclopedias. Why didn’t any humans research it.

That day when I came home from school,I found him dead, in that personal ward I built for him,The body had become rigid. He didn’t move, anymore.

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I boohooed, terribly,The tears were like the flinders of the broken heart,I suppose I couldn’t see him clear anymore through the tears.

I wish I could save him,But I couldn’t.

I called my father, Wanted to tell him this news and pour out my sorrow,But he was not in a place where I could contact him.

That moment when I saw his dead body, 49It was totally out of my expectation,My heart was shattered completely,

(Sympathize for an animal.)Why he couldn’t be the same as others. Why he couldn’t be healthy.Why couldn’t I save him.

I recall, at that time,It’s that momentI began to want to be a doctor.

At that time,When I was 9 years old,When he was dead.

What’s the meaning of a “Life”I questioned it at that moment.

I didn’t like the moment,They never moved and breathed,I don’t like the moment.I don’t like the time they had to suffer.

The life of the silkworm

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Scene 14Oyster is on the bed.(The Giraffe toy, Oyster, is lying on Sheng’s bed)(Sheng walks into his room) Projection 16 Oyster

ShengOyster is on the bed,He couldn’t speak any words,He couldn’t move or anything,He won’t die,And he won’t live, either.Sometimes I expect him to suddenly come to life one day. He would open his month to speak, 50To me.He would move his body by himself,Not by me.No life, no death.But never dying, Means never having life eventually.

But he could still become older day by day, Since he is a stuffed toy, He would get dirty possibly,Since I moved him and touched him sometimes.

Sometimes I felt he looked like the big dead body of that silkworm,No life,Only smile,I hugged him near my heart,Tightly.He would never leave,He would never die,We have the same dream,Every night.

Hope he would have real breaths, Follow every my heartbeat At the same time.

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Scene 15(East African, day)Music (They are in the car on the way to another place; it is raining)Projection 17 Rainy day

AaronNot every day is a sunny day.

YaaaWe have to take records today. Sigh.

Ben 51That’s fine. This is the real life. The sun doesn’t shine every day.

CaryVery heavy rain.

FordI’m worried about the car, and the hugely wet dust.

GeoffreyDrive carefully…wait…more slowly…

AaronYou scared me.

ShengWhat’s that?

ChaoOh my goodness.(Projection 18 elephant)

BenIt is an….elephant!!?? He fell over on the road!!??

CaryAnd he is bleeding, seems to have been hurt.

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FordOh my goodness. I see it clearly now. Stop the car.

GeoffreyAnyone have an anesthesia rifle?

ShengI do.

GeoffreyLet’s get out of the car.

52(Geoffrey and Sheng try to get out of the car, and the other members make to follow)

AaronDo we need umbrellas?

BenPut on a raincoat.

GeoffreyWe don’t have time.

(Talks to Sheng) Follow me.


CaryI can hold the umbrella for you.

(Cary gets out of the car) Yaaa

Should I record this with my camera?

ChaoYeah, I think so.

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FordWatch your own safety.(Ford takes an umbrella and gets out of the car)

(Geoffrey and other members run onto the road)

GeoffreyOh my goodness, I think he seriously hurt. How cruel.

Get the medicine and shoot at it right now.

Sheng 53Yeah, all right. (with a little nervousness)

AaronCan you do it? You are a giraffe doctor.

ShengWhat’s the difference?

AaronTotally different.

GeoffreyWe don’t have time now, just need trust, do it, quickly.

ShengO.K. (Sheng quickly shoots the elephant with the medical gun.(Sound??)

GeoffreyAgain, one more time.

ShengAll right.(Sheng shoots him again, with some tears)

GeoffreyWe don’t have time to cry now. You are wonderful, you did a good job.

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(Aaron takes out the medical box)

AaronShould we do a surgery right now?

GeoffreyYeah, try to stop the bleeding.

BenDoing surgery in the heavy rain.


Maybe we should carry it to another place.

GeoffreyDon’t have time, get more umbrellas here right now, we have to do it here.

FordOh my goodness.

GeoffreyO.K. Calm down. Use all we have and everything we learned in class.And Chao, could you please help us to keep a look out if there’re any other animals coming near us, too? Thanks.

ChaoO.K. No problem.

YaaaI could help with this as well, I have a cam recorder.

GeoffreyO.K. Who is best at this? Sheng.

ShengYes, I could do it, but I’m nervous.

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GeoffreyO.K. Try our best.

(They begin to do a surgery for the elephant)

YaaaNo other animals.

ChaoBut it’s getting darker now.

GeoffreyO.K. I think the wound is almost healed, but now, maybe we should try to take him back with us.

AaronIs the car big enough?

BenI don’t think so.

CaryCall and get the emergency car to come here. It can carry wild animals.

FordHow fast can they get here, ask them.

ShengI have an idea.

If we use a big plate and ropes to connect it behind our car, would it work?

GeoffreyIt may be a good idea.

AaronBut if we do that we have to drive very slowly, and if a lion comes up and wants to eat him, what could we do?

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BenUse the medical gun to shoot the lion.

CaryI think we can combine the two methods. I’ll call the car, and we’ll keep moving, too. It may save time on both ends, and we can meet each other halfway in the middle.

FordGreat idea. But do we have any plates?

YaaaI think I may have one, although it’s used to carry the big cameras or something. 56

AaronHope it won’t make it break.

BenWhat a huge patient, isn’t it?

CaryWe are the greatest doctors in the world.

FordI’m soaked by the rain.

GeoffreyIt’s for a good cause. We should be proud of it. Let’s get started right away. The elephant’s wound is very serious.

(Sheng helps Yaaa to move the plate)

AaronHow do we move the elephant?

GeoffreyO.K. Put on your gloves. Together. One, two, three.

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(Everybody moves the elephant)



CaryI called the car, they’ll arrive soon.

FordYou have to watch out if he awakes, wild elephants are very violent.


Don’t worry too much, he got a bad wound.

ShengI want to eat a lot tonight.


(Everybody laughs loudly)

YaaaDon’t joke around now.

(They get into the car and Chao begins to drive)

AaronIt is so slow.

BenWatch the rope.

CaryMost superb ambulance in the world.

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FordThe star is so bright.

YaaaA very romantic night.

(Geoffrey and Sheng see each other)

(Sheng looks at Geoffrey tenderly) (Music 6)

Scene 16(They arrive at the wild animal hospital) Projection 19

Geoffrey 58 O.K. We have to do a second surgery for him soon. Move him to the ward now.

AaronReally hungry. But do it right now.


CaryI’ll go prepare some food for you.

FordDoes he still have any hope to survive?

GeoffreyJust try our best. Nobody knows what will happen.

(Sheng pushes the big plate)Sheng

Big elephant, was attacked and its teeth were hacked by the human. How cruel human beings are.Now he is near his last breath, Will he still continue to breathe?

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God, why god why,

GeoffreyNever give up until the last moment.

(They push the plate into the ward)

AaronI think we really did our best.

He could have stopped breathing earlier if it weren’t for us.

BenDon’t say that too early. Just wait for him to wake up. He will wake up one day.

59But I’m really hungry now.

(Cary yells to them on the ground)

CaryHey guys, I’ve prepared some BBQ for you, let’s eat, you must be starving.

FordThat sounds weird. We make such efforts to save an elephant, but then eat the meat of other animals. It sounds really ridiculous.

GeoffreyThat’s a little different.

ShengWho can define whose life is more important?Humans.(sings) humans are really cruel…We can eat cattle…but we save an elephant…

Who decides what we can eat, what we can’t…


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You can also choose to be vegetarian. There are still many people insisting we couldn’t eat cattle, either.

BenO.K. I think it’s not a good time to talk about this right now. I am really hungry…I think I really need some food now, any food. I can’t do such deep thinking anymore...or discuss any serious humanity issues.I just…need something to eat... even if it’s a..


CaryHi, the food is on the table, clean your hands first...enjoy.

60 GeoffreyThank you very much, Cary.

YaaaI could take pictures and record for you.

ShengIt would be named “how you save an animal and then eat another animal”

ChaoI am laughing.

AaronWe are the kindest…and cruelest animal doctors, cheers.

BenCheers, I don’t want to eat any meat right now, so ridiculous.

CaryEat the vegetables, I cut them from outside.

FordSo the plant’s life is not life? You still kill.

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GeoffreyStop talking about it. We do what we think is right.

ShengHuman thinking.

AaronCheers for the animal doctor who kills the plants.

BenThat is different.

CaryYou can choose to eat something has no life. 61

FordWhat is that?

GeoffreySheng’s toy giraffe—Oyster.Projection 20 Oyster

ShengWhat are you talking about?

(Everybody laughs)

YaaaSay cheese(Yaaa takes a picture for them)

Scene 17

AaronDo you see it? There are many plants that seem to have some disease here, the color of them is totally changed as well.

GeoffreyYes, it is so weird.

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ShengWhat would cause it?

AaronI don’t know, maybe the climate? Or the Environment.

GeoffreyI’m worried it would infect the others. That all the plants would have these kinds of diseases.

FordThe animals would be so unlucky. They have to eat these leaves, right?

Sheng 62What can we do now?

GeoffreyTake pictures of them. Maybe we could send them somewhere and ask for help. The earlier we do it, the better chance the danger would decrease.

(Yaaa begins to take pictures of the sick plants)

AaronPlants are so pitiable. They don’t have any mouths, they can’t cry out, people won’t know they are sick. But they are still a kind of life.

FordI think it may be caused by something related to humans again. Maybe pollution, or people did something to it.

Geoffrey(Looks at the leaves carefully ) The over avaricious humans. Projection 21 Leaves

But I am not good at botany.

ChaoI have some friends studying about rainforests in New Zealand, maybe we could look to them for help.

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ShengNew Zealand? That sounds interesting.

ChaoThey’ve studied botany for a long time, maybe they could help to solve the problems here.

GeoffreyWhere are Ben and Cary?

AaronThey are in the ward taking care of the elephant today.

Geoffrey 63Did he wake up yet?

FordI think it still needs some time.

GeoffreyBut he is still alive right? Hope so.

AaronYes, I think it is.

Hope so.

ShengWhy not I go to New Zealand right now? I could help to talk with them and solve these problems.What do you think about it?

FordSheng, you really astonish/amaze me. I never thought you’d have this kind of strange ideas.

AaronThe shyest one is always the bravest one.

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ChaoWhat strange logic.

GeoffreyI think it may be a good idea, that way we could communicate with each other faster, and can solve the problems faster. I know you don’t want to see all the plants infected by this disease and all the animals die, either, right?

AaronDo you want anyone to accompany you? You’d go alone?

ShengI think it’s fine. You have to stay here for these animals. Since there are no giraffes sick recently, and Geoffrey can also help me to handle that, I think I could go now. 64

ChaoI can go with you, as long as someone could help me take care of Yaaa.

AaronOh, of course, I could take care of her for you.

FordBe serious. They are married.

GeoffreyYes, I think we can help you take care of her, you won’t need to be worried about that.

(Sheng stares at Geoffrey)

GeoffreyAnd you have to take care of Sheng for us.

ChaoAll right. It’s a deal.


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Don’t say that. It’s not a war or business.

FordTell us what is interesting in New Zealand every day, we will miss you very much.

YaaaWe can use skype to talk to each other any time. (every moment)

ChaoIt seems like an East Africa and New Zealand live show.

Geoffrey(says to Sheng) Don’t worry too much. I’m really proud that you choose to do this.

Sheng 65Don’t say that.

(sings)Just a little jealous,When he said he would help take care of Yaaa.What’s the relationship between them.But one of them is married, and her husband would accompany me, What should I have to worry about.Lover’s mind is always so limited and anxious.

Will leave him, for a period of time,Seems for the dream, or the greater love, Would I lose this love again, I’m a little worried,Long distance,From Africa to New Zealand,Would our love become different,It seems like a kind of gambling,Who would know what’d happen in the future,For love, for his suggestion,I don’t want to be pinned down by him,I still want to remain myself,Although it would be a greater worry,

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To separate,For a bigger dream.

(Ben and Cary yell loudly on the third-floor ward)

BenThe elephant is waking up now!!!!!!!

CaryThat is a miracle!!!! Projection 22 elephant

Part Three-The plant doctor Projection 23Music 8

Scene 1(In New Zealand)

Sheng 66 With this and that small and big wounds deep in my heart, I chose to be a doctor. Heal the humans, heal the animals, and am now ready to heal plants, I hope I would never get hurt again.I hope I could heal my own pain.

There is still hope and miracle in the world, Never say give up if you never really want to give up,Keep breathing blissfully is not a very difficult thing.He could survive,It means I could survive. I saw the pictures in Africa they helped the elephant to walk again,Projection 24 elephantI saw the pictures there they made the elephant able to trust humans again,Projection 25 elephantI saw the days when his tusks would grow again, Or if just with a false tooth he could still get used to live again,I saw the prospect that the wound would recover gradually,And he would become

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A stronger and differentElephantWhen that day comes.Projection 26 elephant Projection27

ChaoHi, this is my friend- A botany scientist- PeiderniciaForndiaciwastinimapfowuegdjslslhegsjdkflg;kehfshkflgdlepfihshdklgsppfou. And this is my new friend- Sheng- an …animal doctor. But now he would like to learn something about plants, and would like to be a plant doctor.

Patricia(Very hardhearted) Oh, hi, nice to meet you, I’m PeiderniciaForndiaciwastinimapfowuegdjslslhegsjdkflg;kehfshkflgdlepfihshdklgsppfou. You can call me “P”.Thanks.

Sheng( With a little surprised) Hi, I’m Sheng. New Zealand is very beautiful. Hope I can learn something from you about the botany. 67

Patricia(Very coldly) Oh, I have to go back to my room now, see you next time. Soon.

Sheng(To Chao)Is she always like that?

ChaoOh yeah, I have got used to it, so I don’t have any special feeling about it.

ShengShe is really…. special.

ChaoYes, she is an authority in botany, there’s nothing she doesn’t know about botany.


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Does she have any time to teach me?

ChaoYes, I think so. Or maybe you can work with her in her lab or be her assistant, I don’t know what she is researching recently.

ShengDid you talk to her about this before?


ShengAnd she promised that she could teach me something here?


ShengIt is very weird. It doesn’t look like she would do so, so I just… 68

ChaoShe always looks like that.

Don’t worry too much.

When she looks like she likes you very much,It means the truth is actually the opposite.


That is really


(murmurs) So does she always hit her husband or something?

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(In the mansion) Projection 28 Beautiful New Zealand scene

ShengWow, the scenery is really beautiful.

ChaoYeah, I’d never been here before.

ShengThe air is so fresh.

ChaoYou can take in every breath deeper.

ShengDo you want to call them right now?

What time is it in East Africa?69

ChaoI don’t know. I think it may be (looks at his iphone)…5:22AM in the morning now.

ShengOh, we are 3:22 PM in the afternoon.

It seems so far…between us.

10 hours faster.

They are still asleep.

Don’t wake them up.

The world is so big, isn’t it?

ChaoYeah, it is.

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ShengIt seems a new life would begin.

Scene 2(In Patricia’s laboratory)

(Patricia, wearing an entirely green “plant costume”, is standing in front of the lab) Projection 29 Rainforest

PatriciaWelcome to my latest modern Rain Forest Save the Environment Super Top Botany Research Lab, please put on this typical lab costume and then come inside, thanks.

ShengOh, it looks…amazing.Should I have to leave anything outside the Lab? I’m afraid…

PatriciaNo, you don’t have to be naked. 70

ShengCould I wear contacts…or…

PatriciaYes, I’m afraid you’ll run into something easily.

ShengNo, I mean…

PatriciaLet’s go in now.(Sheng tries to go into the lab, Patricia opens the door of the Lab)Projection 30 Many Cactuses

ShengWow(Sheng is totally shocked by what he sees at first, he screams loudly)

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(There are quite a lot of very big cactuses inside)

ShengWhat the hell…

You said this was a rain forest research lab, right?


(Sheng is stabbed by a big thorn from a cactus)

That hurts…

PatriciaBe careful. That’s why I said you must be able to see everything very clearly.

ShengWhat sort of rain forest lab…

But the cactuses are so many, as many as a rain “forest”… 71

So… disgusting…a little bit..

PatriciaWhat are you talking about…?


Just have some personal feelings…

PatriciaCome here now and do this experiment with me.

Sheng(sees the cactuses) It is really like a labyrinth with huge danger.


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That’s why I call it a rain forest.

ShengHow weird.

Where is the “rain”?

PatriciaBecause they don’t need any water.

If you give them too much water, they will die soon.

ShengOh, that’s easy. I only worry about forgetting to give the plants water.

PatriciaThat’s the point. When I was in junior high, I fed a cactus. And I really wanted him to grow up very well. I didn’t know many things about cactuses at that time, I still gave him some water sometimes.All I wanted is for him to be very well, or even better than I wished.But that day when I came home, I found him a little ...sick, it seemed. 72I was really nervous and put him in the back of a dehumidifier. But you know, he was dead soon after that. And his color was changed all over. I was so sad…and buried him one day… How could I hurt him because I just wanted him to be well… Or better…

ShengOh... there was a background story.

PatriciaAfter that I realized a very important thing. We all need water very much, but cactuses don’t.We can’t treat everything in the same way…Because everything is different after all…

ShengIt seems to make much sense to me.

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That’s why you wanted to study cactuses more…

PatriciaYes, I was interested in a plant which doesn’t need water, that inspired something in me.

But I am still thinking what the greatest connection with me is…

Why I am so interested in them.

ShengIt is more interesting that you chose to live in New Zealand to do research on a kind of plant from Africa, and call it a rain forest.

PatriciaYes, it sounds like everything is the opposite from what it’s called.

ShengSo you’re really an authority of botany?

Patricia 73Yes, I hope so.

ShengYou know, there is some horrible disease among the plants in East Africa now, it may infect others soon, so it is really dangerous. Do you know what it is, and how to solve it?

PatriciaOh, sounds like it’s related to plant pathology.

Yes, I have some books on it. You can study them here.I am a botanist but I am not a phytopathologist. You can find all the information here.

ShengOh, that sounds great.

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PatriciaBe careful of the splinters of the cactuses.

ShengIt is really like an amusement park.

PatriciaWhat did you study before? Are you studying Biology?

ShengOh, not at all. I…majored in medicine..and then transferred to.. veterinarian.And now I’d like to research in phytopathology.

PatriciaOh, that sounds really weird.

Your patients become smaller and smaller..

What is next?

I think it would be insects, wouldn’t it? 74

ShengOh, I’d never thought about that before.

So are there any spiders sick here right now? I could use the stethoscope to check what is happening to his heart.

Patricia(laughs) that sounds interesting…haha

ShengIt’s better if you can laugh. I seldom see your laugh at all.

PatriciaOh really? Maybe after the cactuses died, I seldom laugh. Live in the sadness.


Page 77: · Web viewclass begins? Zung. Hi, I’m Zung. I come from a family that has been doctors for all generations. My 10 father is an urologist; my mother

I can understand how you feel. Maybe.

But it’s not all your fault.

PatriciaOh, did something happen to you before?

ShengOh, not really.

Just that I can sense...something…similar.

PatriciaCheer up, we may have to overcome something…similar…right…


She has the same wound, she has a wound similar to mine.She has a good heart, and also a fragile one...

75She is a good friend..

She was also at a funeral.She also cried before. Many people suffered the similar things before..Not only me..

We are humansWe are human beings..Once you have a heart and feelings..You may get hurt..

That is the life.

Plants also have lives.

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But they don’t cry.

Scene 3(reading a book)Projection 31 Pollution

ShengThe pollution in the world is so serious now…

PatriciaYou got it. I think that would be the main factor plants would get sick.

And then plants affect the animals and humans as well, all of us would get sick then.

ShengIt sounds really horrible.

PatriciaSo we must save the environment first.

ShengThat’s why you do research on the rain forest here in the first place.

Patricia 76Yeah. And here it is also a place without any pollution.

ShengI still don’t know what the disease in the plants is.

PatriciaMaybe I could introduce another person to you tomorrow. Maybe he would know something about it.

How are your classmates in East Africa now?

ShengI thought they were well. But one of my friends said the disease has become worse now. And some animals have become sick. They are trying their best to save them.

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PatriciaOh, that sounds awful. Why are there such selfish and cruel humans? I think they want to gain interests for themselves and would destroy the environment in exchange.Projection 32 destroy the environment

ShengI can’t imagine what would happen in next ten years. Does the earth still have any hope to survive?

PatriciaYes, let’s hope small strength could cause big effects. Do you know that many kinds of animals are also sick now?

Sheng Yes, I know.

PatriciaThose people are crazy.

ShengTry our best.

(Sees the picture) Projection 77

Oh, look at this. I thought the disease may be this one. Do you think it looks like it?

PatriciaYes, I think so.

Sheng“Caused by the polluted water”

So we just have to…

PatriciaOh, god bless us.


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I’ll tell them right away.

PatriciaWhat time is it in East Africa?

ShengI think it’s 3:30 Am right now.

PatriciaDo you think it’s good to wake them up right now?

ShengYeah, I’ll write an emergency email. Hope they would notice if someone sleep-walks.


ChaoHi, how are you doing now?

PatriciaI think we found the disease affecting the plants.

Chao 78Great.

ShengI am emailing them right now. Hope it would be solved soon.

ChaoI haven’t talked to Yaaa for quite a long time, hope they are well now.

ShengTime really causes a bigger distance than I imagined.

PatriciaThings will be fine. A little separation causes more affection.


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Hope so.

ShengA big trial.

PatriciaYou’re married. Don’t worry too much.

ShengHe is afraid she would fall in love with giraffes these days.



ShengYou surprised me.

ChaoMaybe it really did.


You are so annoying.

ChaoThen what should I go do now?

PatriciaGo to get some treatment…with these sick plants.

ChaoI am laughing.

Sheng(sings)That was not very funny to me,That is a big secret.

Page 82: · Web viewclass begins? Zung. Hi, I’m Zung. I come from a family that has been doctors for all generations. My 10 father is an urologist; my mother

Nobody knows I fell in love with Geoffrey,Nobody knows the big secret.

When they were kidding,I felt a little nervous,I felt a little jealous. I still don’t know what Geoffrey is really thinking,I still can’t grasp what he is thinking every moment, But I would like to know,But I don’t have courage to know.

My heart is up-side-down,Don’t know anything but still want to know,It makes me struggle,I thought he also loved me,But it is possible he doesn’t know the right answer,There are all kinds of possibilities,Human’s heart changes every moment,How could I know what he is really thinking right now.

Has he changed in some ways during these times when I can’t see him.80

Trust everything about him,That is the only way. To live.

Sheng-The third part Projection 34An insect’s lifeThe scarab

ShengHis name is a child.I don’t know when he has come into my house, in father’s office. I don’t want to let him go anymore.I tied a rope to his feet, So he couldn’t escape from me anymore.

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We ate together, and slept together.Sometimes I’d take him on a walk outside, and exercise outside.He is like my pet,A very little pet.

One day I decided to cut the rope on his feet,I was afraid he didn’t like the feeling of losing his freedom. And I found he wouldn’t fly away.He got used of doing everything with me.It was like he had accepted the training before.Or he’s got used of it imperceptibly.

We still ate together, slept together, Spent break times together. He wouldn’t fly away,He wouldn’t escape from me.

I prepared many good fruits for him, He ate quite a lot.

One day he flew away suddenly,I thought maybe he was in his heat period,He was gone, suddenly. 81

Never came back again.

Projection 35A tree circled by lights- She is bound,By very hot and bright lights Some humans are selfishThey want to see a romantic scene, They don’t care how she feels

“I couldn’t yell,I don’t have a mouth,It makes me uncomfortable.They are stupid and mean. “

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Christmas,Valentines’,My body feels really hot. I feel I am almost stifling.

The twinkling light,The gorgeous scene,Was built on,Their sacrifice,My,True,Feeling,And,Body.

Projection 36 Rainforest is destroyed/ VideoThe environment.The environment is sick now.Some people are really sick,But they don’t know that they are sick. They are not smart/good enough to know they are sick,Nobody wants to tell them,Do I tell them they are sick and really ignorant? 82

Do you have the courage to tell them,Because they are not good people.Is it worth it to tell them,Or better to just protect yourself more.What’s the meaning of surviving? Should I tell them they are sick?

The sick and greedy people. Some people are sick/evil,Because they have to live with the sick/evil people.Because they had been hurt by other sick/evil people and couldn’t recover.Is it fair?It is like an infectious disease

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How do I survive,Find a good way.Prepare to go and leave.

Waste of my time.

The world is really sick now.

Scene 4

PatriciaThe insect is dead.



ShengOh, how come?

Patricia 83Just a very small insect.

(Sheng comes closer to see the insect)

ShengNo, he is still alive.Still moving a little bit.


ShengDo you know how to save him?

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PatriciaNo, I’m not an insect doctor.

ShengYou may know some of the ways.


(Sheng tries to put the insect on a paper, and put it on the desk)

ShengFirst aid for the insect now.

PatriciaIt’s like a child or a toy.

ShengYou don’t know.

I have taken care of many insects before, And I know how to get along with them.I have similar experience.

84(Sheng goes and takes out some encyclopedias and check something on the computer)

(It’s like Sheng begins to do some operation on the insect)

PatriciaYou are not interested in botany now.

ShengTrying to save some smaller lives as well. He will get recover.

PatriciaMaybe he ate something wrong.

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ShengPoisoned by the plants?

(Sheng thinks about something)


The small insect.You are the most difficult patient to me.Too small.Nobody cares about you much.Not too much record for you.

The most difficult one.

PatriciaGo to an insect medical school.

ShengMaybe it is a good suggestion.

Scene 5(Sheng makes a phone call to east Africa)


Hi Geoffrey, how are you?

GeoffreyHi Sheng, it’s very nice to hear from you. I’m good, and you?

ShengYes, I think I’m well.

GeoffreyHow’s everything going?

ShengGood. We found out that the disease of the plants is caused by the water and

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wetland pollution there. That was caused by human.

GeoffreyOh, that sounds bad.

ShengThe environment and rainforest have many huge problems now.

GeoffreyOh my goodness, it sounds like a problem too big for us to solve alone.

ShengHow’s everything in east Africa recently? Did the elephant recover well?

GeoffreyYes, I think he has got better now. But there were some zebras that got sick recently, we just helped them to overcome it.

ShengOh, that sounds bad. Are there any Giraffes sick recently?

GeoffreyLuckily I think there are none now. Maybe you gave them good prophylaxis before.


Good good good.

GeoffreyAre you planning to come back soon? We’d love to have you come back here.

ShengYes, I wish I could go back soon. But I found out about one thing recently, and I think I’d go to an insect medical school soon.

GeoffreyInsect Medical school? What’s that?


Page 89: · Web viewclass begins? Zung. Hi, I’m Zung. I come from a family that has been doctors for all generations. My 10 father is an urologist; my mother

I found that some insects here are sick recently, and I’m interested in researching what’s going on in their bodies. I think it would be a big project for me to study insect medicine, it would relate something to me and to the medicine of human.

GeoffreyOh, that sounds really strange and interesting. I would encourage you to go.Where are you going to study insect medicine?

ShengI think it may be near the Amazon river, a real rain forest.

GeoffreyOh, that sounds great. A place I went to heal patients for free before. Be careful when you go there. Remember to bring some pomander.

ShengI would be an insect doctor, don’t have to bring those kinds of things.

GeoffreyBut you are not a real and big insect, trust me.

ShengO.K. Follow your advice this time.


Great. I have to go to see the zebra now, hope to hear your voices again soon.

ShengMm, hopefully.

GeoffreyBye, have a nice day.


Part Four-Amazon Insect Medical School Projection 37(Music 7)

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Scene 1

ShengI feel many places of my skin are itching very bad.

Skin Doctor(Charlie)I think you’re bit by a kind of insect and infected with a kind of disease.

ShengOh no.

CharliePut this kind of medicine on the itching spots and stay in the hospital for a good few days.

ShengAll right.

CharlieWhat did you come here for?

ShengGo to an insect research medical school here.



ShengYou mean because they bit me?

CharlieNo, I think there are much more serious problems here than healing those insects.

ShengThat may be the main purpose for my coming here.

CharlieWhy do you choose to research insects?

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ShengMaybe for some greater cause.

CharlieYou know there are many horrible diseases caused by insects here.

ShengMaybe learn to understand them more, and kill them.

CharlieGood. Hope you’d know what is more serious here and what is really baneful.

ShengI know. I also know there are serious problems with the rainforest here.

CharlieGood. I’ll be going to heal some patients around here recently. If you can come, maybe you can go with me, I need some assistants.

ShengOh, why me?

Charlie 89I think you may be very suitable for the job.

ShengOh, really?

But I have to go register at the insect medical school soon.

CharlieWhat is that odd medical school? I’ve never heard of it.

ShengBut after the orientation, I think I can go help you.


Page 92: · Web viewclass begins? Zung. Hi, I’m Zung. I come from a family that has been doctors for all generations. My 10 father is an urologist; my mother

O.K. Great. Remember what is more serious now.

ShengYeah, I’ll try to figure it out.

Oh, very itchy.

CharlieTry to rest well these few days.

ShengDear Oyster,It seems my patients are hurting me instead now, Should I go save them later?

CharlieThere are a lot of different kinds of insects.

ShengGood and evil,There are also many kinds of people.

CharlieBe which is the kind you would be. 90

ShengMeet a new skin doctor.

Scene 2

CharlieHow is your class?

ShengGreat, a very weird morning insect class; I tried to heal some butterflies yesterday.

CharlieGood, that sounds interesting, butterfly doctor.

Page 93: · Web viewclass begins? Zung. Hi, I’m Zung. I come from a family that has been doctors for all generations. My 10 father is an urologist; my mother

How is your skin now?

ShengYeah, it got better.

CharlieGo with me to see some patients next week and (takes out a list) find some time to read these books. They’re all about infectious diseases.

I know you can do it.

ShengWhy would you think I can do it? I’m…

CharlieI was in the same medical school with you before,



Charlie 91I was one of the consultants in the medical summer camp.

ShengOh. My Goodness.

CharlieLife is like a circle, sometimes.


CharlieYou’d never seen me before, but I knew you.

Page 94: · Web viewclass begins? Zung. Hi, I’m Zung. I come from a family that has been doctors for all generations. My 10 father is an urologist; my mother

ShengA circle?

CharlieTry to study hard, about the skin and insect problems.


CharlieI know you can do it.

Scene 3

(They go into the ward) (Projection 38)Charlie

His disease was caused by insects.


CharlieAre you O.K? 92

ShengYes. It’s nothing.

Just made me recall something.

CharlieThey don’t have enough medical resources here, so they can only wait for some kind of miracle every day.

ShengOh, that sounds awful.


Page 95: · Web viewclass begins? Zung. Hi, I’m Zung. I come from a family that has been doctors for all generations. My 10 father is an urologist; my mother

We are already very lucky, aren’t we?


CharlieWatch what I do and help me.

ShengAll right.

CharlieHave you recovered from your disease?

ShengHope so.

(The phone rings)

GeoffreyHi Sheng, how are you? Haven’t heard from you for quite a long time.How is your research on insects? Successful?

Sheng 93No, I think I have to change my mind currently. And I am in a ward now. I was infected with a skin disease a few days ago and now…I’ve become a skin doctor, I’m helping someone in the ward now, and the disease is very serious here.

GeoffreyAll right. I just wanted to tell you we’ve completed our internship and have to go back to New York now. Hope everything is well for you.

Do you want me to go see you?

ShengWill you come here?


Page 96: · Web viewclass begins? Zung. Hi, I’m Zung. I come from a family that has been doctors for all generations. My 10 father is an urologist; my mother

Yes, I think New York is very close to the Amazon, I can go over after getting back to New York.

Do you want me to bring something for you?

ShengNot really, I think I’ll be very glad if you’ll just come visit me here.

GeoffreyO.K. Well, see you then. We have to board the plane now.

ShengO.K. See you then, hope you have a very nice trip.


CharlieWho was it?

ShengOh, malefriend. Oh. No, just a male friend who is very much like a male.

CharlieWhat’s that? 94

ShengI don’t know.

CharlieDon’t spend too much time on any strange friends, be a good skin doctor.

ShengO.K. Well.

(The end)

I am a woman actually.Music 1

Page 97: · Web viewclass begins? Zung. Hi, I’m Zung. I come from a family that has been doctors for all generations. My 10 father is an urologist; my mother
