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CALENDAR 7 STRATEGIES TO CREATE Profitable Joint Venture Partnerships

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Post on 03-Aug-2018




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CREATEProfitable Joint Venture


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Week 1Monday

AM1. Look over your Worksheet notes. Have you

decided on your first joint venture type?o If not, make a choice, based on:

o What would be easiest to youo What would be easiest to your

partnero Whether or not it’s the best fit to

your preferred partner’s goals—and yours

2. Have you decided on your preferred potential JV partner yet?

o If not, look over the spreadsheet of possible JV partners you created during your Worksheet exercises, and make your top three choices, in order

3. Write out:o The benefits of partnering with eacho Benefits you would bring to each

4. Retrieve the template you put together during the Worksheet phase. Start crafting a letter to your preferred partner


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1. Now that you have a plan, decide:o What needs to be createdo What needs to be set up

2. Write out who will do what:

Me Partner

3. Determine the perfect bonus or gift to offer your partner for her subscribers. Start creating it or outsource its creation.


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AM1. If you haven’t already created a tracking

system, do so now. What you want to allow for is:

o Contact informationo A JV-partnership record

Create two separate tracking sheets or spreadsheets—one for simple contact information only, and another to act as a record for actual JVs that happen.

2. If you haven’t already done so, write down assets that you can leverage; both in your JV and in your inquiry letters to potential partners

3. LOOK AT WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE. Set in motion any new task that needs to be outsourced.Tackle the rest of the tasks.

4. Interact with experts you have chosen to follow. Participate in any courses or challenges you’ve signed up for. GET INVOLVED WITH THEIR COMMUNITIES.


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1. Make plans to stretch your borders and do more networking in the local community. What organizations do you need to join or get more involved in? Put their next event on your calendar, or volunteer to give a talk or put on a small, informal workshop.

2. Interact with experts you have chosen to follow. Participate in any courses or challenges you’ve signed up for. GET INVOLVED WITH THEIR COMMUNITIES.

3. Work on any task you started from last week that is still outstanding.PARTICULARLY MAKE SURE YOUR WEBSITE IS READY, IF SHE DECIDES TO SIGN UP. Make sure you have a relevant sign-up gift in exchange for her email address, and that your sign-up process is working perfectly.(Most likely she will not sign up, but you never know when a potential JV partner will decide to see what one of your subscribers experiences.)

4. Reach out to chosen experts socially, saying something like, “I love your [product/program]. How can I help spread the word?”Do this even if you are not ready to approach the experts on your list as a JV partner.


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1. Time to take action on getting JV-ready! Figure out:

o Alternate or additional bonus you can be ready to supply

o What perks you can offer2. Put them together or commission them.3. Create a media sheet or speaker sheet for

yourself, if you haven’t already done so. Upload it to your site.It will be waiting and ready for your JV partner to access, if she needs to grab information (say, for writing an introduction for her interview of you)

4. Gather any stats that can help your cause and increase your desirability as a JV partner

5. Take time to interact with experts you have chosen to follow. Participate in any courses or challenges you’ve signed up for. GET INVOLVED WITH THEIR COMMUNITIES.

6. REVIEW YOUR WEEK. What still needs to be done? What took longer than expected, and what did you complete quickly.Consider outsourcing any areas of prep that took longer than you wanted, to save yourself money and time.


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Week 2Monday


1. Make sure your Autoresponder is working properly, and create an email series for your partner (and her affiliates) to use.

2. Create an email series for yourself.3. Upload any gift or incentive you have

created for this JV.4. Go over any bonus gifts you have created

carefully, to make sure each one is flawless.5. Test your uploaded new email series and gift

download link/page.6. Interact socially with experts you have

chosen to follow. Participate in any courses or challenges you’ve signed up for.


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1. Search your preferred JV partner on her site, in Google and on her Facebook or Twitter feeds. SEE IF THERE IS ANY EVENT COMING UP IN HER LIFE THAT (a) you can help her with (b) might cause you to alter your plan of asking her to JV, or change the JV date

2. DECIDE ON YOUR BEST APPROACH. How well do you know her? Would it be better just to pick up the phone, or talk to her at a local meeting you both attend? If not…

3. Take your draft letter of inquiry, and revise it, to tailor it to your preferred JV partner.

4. Proof it very carefully. Set it aside for an hour or until tomorrow.

5. If you need to set up or edit your Calendar app, so that she can access it and book in a time for you, do so.

6. Interact with experts you have chosen to follow. Participate in any courses or challenges you’ve signed up for.

7. Re-read your letter to her. If you are happy with it, send it!


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AM1. Continue to create whatever resources you

need to create2. Draft up your landing page (do not publish!)3. Make sure you have recorded your request

in your tracking spreadsheet4. Continue to plan your JV event while waiting

to hear from her. (Resist the urge to check your email every five minutes! 😉)

5. Interact with experts you have chosen to follow. Participate in any courses or challenges you’ve signed up for.


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AM1. Create content for your list. Today, work on

growing your list and being active within your chosen community.

2. Create a new email series for your list, with juicy, valuable tips, links, curated content and at least two great blog posts from you

3. Interact with experts you have chosen to follow. Participate in any courses or challenges you’ve signed up for.


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1. Review your week.o Did you manage to stay on target

with your JV partnership preparationo Did you contact your top preferred JV

partner?o What is still left to work on?

2. Work on any outstanding tasks.3. Make sure your tracking and documentation

is organized and current.4. Interact with experts you have chosen to

follow. Participate in any courses or challenges you’ve signed up for.


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Week 3Monday


1. Choose a new JV partner and prepare a proposal, planning to use the resources you created for the current JV partner you are waiting to hear back from.Keep this new proposal in reserve.

2. Interact with your list. Continue with your efforts to grow this list.

3. Go over material you have created. Proof it. Refine it.

4. Interact with experts you have chosen to follow. Participate in any courses or challenges you’ve signed up for.


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1. You have heard back from your proposed JV partner (or her assistant!) She has agreed to your proposal that _______________________________________________________

2. Read her acceptance letter very carefully. Check to see if she has made any specific requests that you need to take care of straight away.(Example: “Please give me a call before noon tomorrow at _____” or “Please provide me with___”).TAKE CAREFUL NOTE of any deadlines.

3. Respond, clarifying any details that need spelling out and providing any links or material that she needs/has requested.

4. ASK HER WHAT ELSE SHE WOULD LIKE FROM YOU that you may not have thought to suggest.

5. Get busy making any changes or tweaks to draft landing pages, content, etc., based on her response.

6. Interact with experts you have chosen to follow. Participate in any courses or challenges you’ve signed up for.


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1. START TO PROMOTE YOUR JV. Talk about your partner. Send your subscribers to her posts.

2. Sign up for her affiliate program.3. Arrange an interview with her, if possible.4. Create and/or provide any resources or

content she has specifically asked you for since accepting your proposal.

5. Interact with experts you have chosen to follow. Participate in any courses or challenges you’ve signed up for.


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1. Continue to work on your JV partnership, promoting your partner, talking about your mutual topic in social media and blog post.DON’T BE AFRAID TO CONVEY YOUR EXCITEMENT AND ENTHUSIASM FOR THE TOPIC you are both going to be covering.Drop hints. Provide teasers. Start sending out POLLS (fun ones) on the topic.If you aren’t excited about what’s coming up, you can’t expect your people to be excited about it!

2. Interact with experts you have chosen to follow. Participate in any courses or challenges you’ve signed up for.


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1. Review your week. How are you feeling? What do you need to do for yourself, if you’re feeling stressed or off-balance?Plan to reward yourself for scooping such an awesome JV partner by doing something fun, completely away from your computer, this weekend.

2. Check in with contractors, if needed.3. Review everything you’ve created up till

now. Make sure nothing needs correcting, testing or tweeting.

4. Create a Surprise Freebie for your partner to give to her list—one that wasn’t in your original agreement.Make sure it is something that is easy for you to repurpose or create but that its value and quality equals top paid levels.

5. Interact with experts you have chosen to follow. Participate in any courses or challenges you’ve signed up for.


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Week 4Monday


1. Contact your JV partner and make sure she is happy so far, and has received or reviewed everything you both agreed on.

2. Create new content for your list this week.3. If you have actually never heard back from

that initial JV partner, and it has passed the response date you indicated, send out a new JV request.If you got a “no”, it is important that you DON’T TAKE IT PERSONALLY. Experts say “no” for all sorts of reasons—most of them personal or a matter of conflicting commitments/timing and none of them a reflection on you.If someone has said “no” and given you critical feedback, take the time to respond and thank them for doing that (no matter how much you disagree with what they’re saying).Act on their suggestions.

4. Interact with experts you have chosen to follow. Participate in any courses or challenges you’ve signed up for.


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1. Prepare for any interviews you are going to be given by your JV partner (or prepare to interview your JV partner)

2. Create a list of questions you’d like to ask them/them to ask you, if they offer

3. Run the list by your JV partner and ask for further suggestions

4. Make sure you know exactly what she would like you to mention during the interview (her website, her offer0

5. Make sure she knows exactly what you want her to mention during the interview (your website, your offer)

6. Interact with experts you have chosen to follow. Participate in any courses or challenges you’ve signed up for.


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1. If the interview is going to be via webinar, schedule and set up the webinar, and create your landing page.

2. Let your email subscribers and social network contacts know that the interview is going to happen.

o Ask if they have any questions they want answered.

o Tell them how to submit those questions.


3. Keep up the conversation on your big topic (the one your JV event addresses)

4. Interact with experts you have chosen to follow. Participate in any courses or challenges you’ve signed up for.


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1. Send your JV partner any new resources or promotional graphics you’ve created.

2. Continue to talk up your JV topic and the event itself

2. In your emails3. In your posts4. In social media

3. WRITE A SCRIPT OR CUE CARDS, if you’re doing an interview, paying particular attention to CALLS TO ACTION:

o At the beginning of the interviewo During the interview at some pointo At the conclusion of the interview

4. Interact with experts you have chosen to follow. Participate in any courses or challenges you’ve signed up for.


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1. Test your webinar set up.2. PRACTICE YOUR INTERVEW. Learn your

script or cues.3. Set up REMINDERS for your interview or

launch or whatever your JV event in your email Autoresponder

4. Write calls to action for:o Your social postso Your emailso Your reminderso Your event announcements


5. Check in with your JV partner. Make sure you’re both all set to go

6. Prepare your FOLLOW UP for the JV event—this is as important and critical as the JV event itself!

o Draft a thank-you letter to your partner

o Draft a thank-you email series for her subscribers and affiliates—and yours

o CONTINUE TO PROMOTE THE REPLAY, if there is one, after the event

o BLOG about the event afterwardso Record results and stats

7. LAUNCH YOUR JV and initiate follow-up.8. Start deciding on your next JV partnership!


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