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Lou Principe



Miracles In My Life

Mom and Dad

My dad Frank Principe married my mom in 1939, and lived in Patterson New Jersey. My dad was working as a waiter at Frank Dailey’s Meadowbrook in Cedar Grove, New Jersey. While working he started to experience pain in his belly along with a high fever. They were so poor he continued working carrying heavy trays of food for days suffering in severe pain thinking it was a stomach bug, not realizing his appendix had burst.

Shortly thereafter, he was rushed to Paterson General Hospital Room in New Jersey. Upon examination, they immediately performed appendectomy surgery. When the doctors opened his swollen stomach it was full of bacteria and concluded they couldn’t save him. They closed the incision with 42 steel staples instead of stitching him normally and told my mother he wouldn’t live through the night. A Catholic Priest was called and my dad was given a sacrament called Last Rites.

MOM 1940s


Miracles In My Life

Miracle # 1: My mom, Phyllis Principe only married for six years was about to become a widow with two small children, ages 5 and 3, and pregnant with me. She had no money and listened to her sister in law, my Aunt Mary from Kingston, New York to abort me using a coat hanger.

The scar from the coat hanger on top of my head.

Miracle # 2: My dad did live through the night and passed away many years later, they never removed the 42 steel stitches. I am so grateful to have survived the abortion attempt in order to fulfill my earthly mission.

Miracle #3: When I was 17 years old, I was in a car accident which resulted in my being in traction for months in Englewood Hospital, Englewood New Jersey. While in traction before my surgery, I had my first out of body experience. I remember floating to the ceiling of the room and floating out of the room, down the hallway. I was hovering above the nurse’s station, I saw the nurses below me, I heard them typing and talking, I was panicky and tried with all my might to yell Help, Help, but no sound came out of my mouth. In an instant, I returned to my body. I didn’t tell anyone about that experience for years because I thought people would think I was crazy.

Miracle # 4: Years later, my oldest daughter Louise was born with the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck, she was blue, purple, gray and not breathing. The doctors worked on her for several minutes and were about to give up when an older doctor came in the room grabbed her by her ankles, rapidly and repeatedly slapped her back very hard until a plug came flying out of her mouth and she started crying.


Miracles In My Life

Miracle # 5: When my son Joey was 7-year-old he looked like he had the flu.He told me, while showing me his hand, “I can’t stop opening and closing my hand.” I though he was kidding and told him to stop it, he said he couldn’t.

We were in a House of Worship, I told him to lay down on a couch in the foyer. A friend of ours said he looks gray and we should take him home. On the way home, my wife was holding him in her arms when he started convulsing and he stopped breathing. My wife started screaming, “He’s Dead, He’s Dead.”

I drove like a maniac through the opposite traffic and over median strips on the roadway heading to the nearest hospital, St. Petersburg General Hospital. I grabbed his lifeless body from my wife’s arms and carried him into the E.R. screaming: “MY SON NOT BREATHING, HE’S NOT BREATHING, I NEED HELP NOW, HELP, HELP.”

There was a rush of nurses and doctors, I remember hearing someone yelling over the loudspeakers: “CODE BLUE ER, CODE BLUE ER.” They worked on him for several minutes, which seemed like hours to me. As soon as they had a pulse, and started breathing again, we went to the C.A.T. room. The next thing I remember was a doctor brought me over to what looked like a radar scope and said: “Do you see the big black thing that looks like a golf ball in the center of his brain?” I nodded, he continued, “He has a neuroblastoma tumor, it’s a highly aggressive cancerous tumor normally found in the stomach. We called an ambulance to transport him to All Children’s Hospital.”

As we arrived at All Childrens, a doctor introduced himself, told us he was the only Pediatric Neurosurgeon in St. Petersburg, he is going to operate on Joey tonight, “but we will probably lose him.”

God works in many mysterious ways, He is God and doesn’t owe us any explanation.

I called my mom and dad and told them about Joey. Mom started crying and handed the phone to a cousin who just happened to be visiting from Brooklyn.

My cousin asked, “What’s s going on? What happened, Aunt Phil is crying.”I explained to her what I just told my mother about Joey.


Miracles In My Life

She then asked: “What is the phone number you’re at?” I told her I was in a telephone pay booth at the hospital. She said: “Give me the phone number and stay there, I’m going to have JoAnne, (her sister, my other cousin), call you, she works at N.Y.U in Pediatric Surgery.

You can’t imagine the emotions I was going through, now a cousins whom I haven’t seen in years are involved, I thought it was insane, but I’d give it a couple of minutes before I went to check on my son.

The phone rang: “Lou, this is JoAnn, tell me exactly what’s going on?” I repeated everything again. “Don’t go anywhere, stay by the phone, my boss Fred Epstein is going to call you right away.”

The phone rang: “Lou, this is Fred, tell me exactly everything.” I was getting annoyed by repeating things over and over…. He went on to say, “I teach Pediatric Surgery at N.Y.U, fire the doctor, NEVER BUY A MUFFLER FROM A MUFFLER SALESMAN.”

Me: “He’s the only pediatric neurosurgeon in town.”

Fred: “I’m your doctor now, tell them my name is Fred Epstein from N.Y.U.”

Me: “You’re in New York.”

Fred: “You have a choice, come to New York or my partner Dr. Mickle is at Shands Hospital, University of Florida in Gainesville. I’m on the case, GO BACK AND FIRE THAT DOCTOR NOW.”

I though some guy over the phone telling me their might be a chance, or a doctor who told me my son will probably not make the operation.

I walked up to the doctor and said, very sheepishly, “You’re off the case.”

Dr: “Who do you think you’re going to get?”

Me: “Dr. Fed Epstein.”

Dr: “There’s no…, you don’t mean Dr. Fred Epstein at N.Y.U., do you know him?”


Miracles In My Life

Me: “No, but my cousin works for him.”

We could both hear the nurse saying: “Yes Dr. Epstein, Yes sir, no we don’t have an M.R.I., but St. Anthony’s close by does……”

Dr: “No problem, good luck with your son,” then he walked away.

Dr. Epstein called me within an hour at the nurse’s station. “Joey is going to be stabilized with medication for tonight, in the morning transported for an M.R.I. at St. Anthony, Tuesday morning he’ll be transported to Shands Hospital in Gainesville, Dr. Mickle will operate on him Wednesday morning.”

When we arrived at Shands Tuesday afternoon, half of Joey’s body was paralyzed. I met with Dr. Mickle Tuesday night, he put the films on an X Ray Illuminator Light Box, and in reviewing them said: “It’s one of the most aggressive tumors and in your sons case, it’s located in the motor reflex area. If he makes the operation, the best to hope for he’ll be in a vegetable state. We’ll do an angiogram first thing in the morning to identify the roots.”

Me: “Is there anything I can do tonight?”

Dr. Mickle: “Yes, do what I do, pray.”

In the morning, Dr. Mickle came out of the Angiogram Room with tears in his eyes: “It’s worse than I thought, the roots are wrapped throughout his brain. If he survives, he will be lucky if he lives a year as a vegetable.”

The thought through my mind: “I’ll take him anyway I can.”

At 11 A.M., Dr. Mickle called from the operating room: “We just took the skull cap off, holding it up to the light, its paper thin, we can see right through it. There is so much dried blood on the brain and it’s so swollen, prepare your family for the worst.”

Exactly at 12:01 P.M. Dr. Mickle called again: “I don’t know how to tell you this”…he paused…


Miracles In My Life

I COULD FEEL MY HEART DROP OUT OF MY BODY AND THROUGH THE CONCRETE FLOOR I WAS STANDING ON……Please let me know if anyone else has experienced this feeling of your heart sinking.

Dr. Mickle went on to say: “Your boy is in the recovery room moving all of his limbs. It was a gross total removal, he’s going to live a normal life. We’ll be up after we scrub to tell you what happened, but we can’t explain it. He’s going to be fine, I didn’t cut into his brain at all and it’s not cancerous, but well send it to two other hospitals to confirm it.”

We were waiting in the hospital corridor which seamed forever, then all I could see was a sea of white coats. Shands being a teaching hospital, and the rarity of the case, a dozen or so doctors were in the operating theater and came up with Dr. Mickle to the waiting area.

Dr. Mickle: “After I called and told you to prepare for the worst, it’s like God put HIS hand”, motioning with his hand upward, his finger spread wide open, “in your son’s brain and lifted the tumor out with all the roots. Your son is looking at a cure.”

He then took the chart from a nurse and wrote across it for everyone to see, MIRACLE.

I didn’t know it at the time, but D. Fred J. Epstein and Dr. Mickle were internationally renowned pediatric neurosurgeons credited for the development of pioneering neurosurgical techniques to treat children threatened by brain and spinal-cord tumors. (Google report).

Miracle # 6: Six months later, we went to St. Anthony Hospital for a follow up M.R.I. After Joey was sedated and slid into the tunnel, for lack of a better term, another nurse had remembered him from six months earlier.

When the M.R.I. test was over, I wanted to see my son. The nurse explained to me they will not take him out of the machine until the doctor reads the films. She invited me back into the room and we continued our conversation about what happened at Shands and how Dr. Mickle wrote across the chart the word, “MIRACLE.”

From the enclosed area, Zone 3, the nurse and I both heard someone in a very excited and loud voice say, “Why are we doing an MRI on this boy?”


Miracles In My Life

We were both horrified at his tone of voice, without saying a word to each other we knew what running through both of our minds, ‘the tumor grew back and why are we wasting time doing an M.R.I. when this boy needs an immediate operation.’ As the doctor was walking towards us, the nurse replied, “This boy had a neuroblastoma tumor removed in his motor reflex area six months ago.”

Dr. Egan: “What? There is no widening of the neoplasm site, no gliosis, nothing to say he ever had a brain tumor.”

Miracle # 7: When Joey, the same son was eight years old, I had the opportunity to baptize him by immersion in a House of Worship. When he came up out of the water, he asked: “Who were all those people dressed in white I saw when I was under the water”? I explained to him we have a cheering crowd seen and unseen. It was our relatives who had passed away and also the future generations yet to be born.

Miracle # 8: My youngest daughter Victoria had no life signs after she was involved in a car accident. My other son Christian was driving her to school and ran into the rear of a garbage truck going 45 M.P.H.

My son’s car.


Miracles In My Life

My daughter was in the process of buckling her seat belt when the impact occurred. A neighbor called to tell me about the accident. I called to the emergency crew. I could hear the Jaws of Life cutting my son out of the car, he was alive, and meanwhile, others crawled under the garbage truck and reached my daughter.

They told me they couldn’t get a pulse, there were no life signs on her. I could hear the Medical Helicopter land from Orlando Regional Medical Center. The emergency crews worked on her for over an hour trying to save her, she finally had a faint pulse and they were taking off. They didn’t arrive.

I called back to the accident scene, they lost her again. (Only those that have experienced something like this can understand the emotions I was going through). The EMTs didn’t give up and kept trying to resuscitate her. After 45 minutes I was told, “they got a faint pulse again and we are immediately taking off.”

When they brought her into the Trauma Ward at Orlando Regional Medical Center where I was waiting, there was blood and glass all over her body, half of her face was hanging by a piece of skin, even her toes were bleeding. They told me at impact she slid under the glove box, the floorboard gave way and was dragged a few feet under garbage truck. I was told later she was in the process of putting on her seat belt and if she had, she would have been decapitated.

I was worried about getting a plastic surgeon to repair her face. The doctors told me she probably had a punctured lung and several bones in her body broken. The plastic surgeon was the last person to be called.

I asked if anyone wanted to join us in a Prayer Circle. Doctors, nurses, family members and friends formed a prayer circle around her. The only one who didn’t join us was one nurse who was taking the glass out of her eyes. I have always prayed: “May They Will Be Done.” Some of us may have the power to extend life, but that may not be what is best for the person, only God knows.

Several hours later, the doctor told me no broken bones; her vital organs, and lungs were fine, and they just called the plastic surgeon.


Miracles In My Life

Miracle #9: After the Plastic Surgeon repaired her face, he told us she would need more surgeries. She never had another surgery, the scar reduced itself and it’s not even noticeable.

I went through a divorce, left the materialistic world and everything behind.

Miracle #10: After my divorce, I met and started dating a woman who was raped just weeks before meeting me. She didn’t know it at the time, but she was pregnant.

A few weeks later, I took her to Tampa to The Colombian Restaurant to see their show. She was embarrassed to tell me that she wasn’t feeling well.Bottom line, she started hemorrhaging.

I laid her down in the back seat of my car and started driving towards the hospital while calling 911. The Emergency Responders met me at an intersection. After they quickly examined her, they decided it would be too dangerous to move her and escorted us to the University Hospital in Tampa.

After the initial examinations, the doctor explained she was pregnant about two months and she lost the baby. He explained to her about her needing a D & C to remove the tissue, (the tiny remains of the baby), from her uterus, she’ll be lightly sedated, and wouldn’t feel any pain. She was frightened and asked me to say during the procedure.

After the procedure was finished, before the doctor left the room, the nurse was instructed to order an ultrasound to confirm all the tissue had been removed. A few minutes into the ultrasound procedure, the technician jerked her body, she seemed startled at whatever she saw on the screen, and stopped moving the transducer. She looked as if she saw a ghost.


Miracles In My Life

Instantaneously she stood up, while sprinting towards the door said: “I’ll get the doctor.” With that reaction, I though, whatever she saw, must be life threating.

In a flash, the doctor, nurses and the technician returned. The doctor picked up the transducer, stared dumbfoundedly at the image on the screen, he obviously was aghast. I wanted to ask what was wrong, but I didn’t want interrupt him and take his concentration away from saving her life, or so I thought.

The doctor checked her and finally said: “There is another baby alive, you had twins.” I freaked out because they could have suctioned the other baby out with the D & C.

Miracle #11: A couple of months after the baby was born, I took her, the infant and her 5 year old son to a pediatrician because he needed a health exam for school. After a while in the waiting room, we were escorted to an examination room. The doctor came in, looked at the baby, while ignoring the three of us, took the infant from the baby carrier and while reaching up into a cabinet, yelled at the top of his lungs, “CALL 911, WE HAVE AN INFANT WHO IS ABOUT TO STOP BREATHING.” He took something out of the cabinet to supply oxygen to the baby, while he was working on the baby to stable him the nurses were preparing the injections.

The Fire Truck and EMTs quickly arrived and took the baby to the hospital where he stayed for several days with breathing issues.

Miracle # 12: In 1997, I weighed 317 pounds and had a heart attack along with Bels Palsy which froze half of my face with no muscles, they had to tape my frozen opened eye shut. I couldn’t speak without mumbling my words and when I ate, some food would dribble out of my mouth, I couldn’t speak for a living anymore, I thought my speaking days were over.


Miracles In My Life

Then I was told I needed bypass surgery. I avoided the surgery by going to a Dr. Kirti Kalidas in Orlando, he is an Internist MD and also a Naturopathic Physician. He treated me for a six week period with chelation and other therapies he developed. Through his education, he helped me lose 100 pounds and I kept most of it off. When I went back to the cardiac surgeon for a new MRI, he was shocked to find my arteries were clear and bypass was no longer needed.

Throughout the following thirteen year period, I did return to some of my old habits of eating greasy fried foods that I knew were not good for me and gained 45 pounds, little by little. How does an ant eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Miracle # 12: Fast forward to New Year’s Eve 2011: Because of chest pains, I was taken to the emergency room at the University of South Alabama Hospital and immediately scheduled for bypass and valve replacement surgery..

The cardiac surgeon came in the night before surgery, told me to open my mouth, stuck a flashlight in it and asked: “When was the last time you have been to a dentist?” I told him it had been a couple of years.

He told me, he was cancelling surgery because if I had any bacteria in my mouth, it would disintegrate the tissue valve he was going to put in. He told me he would not operate without a clearance from a dentist.

He released me from the hospital with additional blood thinners. Six weeks later, when I had the clearance from Green Dental, I went to my cardiologist in Pascagoula, Mississippi.

When the cardiologist looked at the DVD from the University of South Alabama, he told the nurse to make arrangements, I had to see the surgeon that day! I went directly from the cardiologist’s office to the surgeon’s office. The cardiac surgeon told me “you are a walking heart attack” and wanted to check me into the hospital immediately, the earliest time he had available to operate on me was the following Tuesday. We had a prayer together and he told me exactly what open heart by-pass and valve replacement surgery is about and the risks involved.


Miracles In My Life

“I would be on a ventilator, my body temperature would be lowered to 64 degrees, allowing the chest cavity to be opened, the heart stopped, and the blood would circulated by a heart-lung machine, and I might die.”

I chose to go home with additional meds and work on my will & other legal papers knowing I had a pretty good chance of dying during or after the bypass.

The very next morning, five days before I was to have bypassed and heart valve replacement surgery, I met Dr. Parish, a dentist, whom I had never met before. I brought up I was scheduled to have bypass & valve replacement surgery the following Tuesday in Mississippi.

Dr. Parish explained to me that years earlier, he was scheduled to go to the same hospital and the same surgeon to have open heart surgery to replace his defective valve he was born with. Dr. Parish’s father insisted he get a second opinion from Dr. Patrick Gene Parrino at Ochsner Hospital in New Orleans. Dr. Parrino, was on the original heart transplant team at Cleveland Clinic in Ohio.

Dr. Parish explained to me his father gave him a hat that said: “God is Good All the Time” and showed me the hat which he kept on a coat stand in his office. Dr. Parish told me, “I had never seen a hat like that in my life”, and I told him, “Neither did I.” I thought it was cool looking.

Dr. Parish went on to explained because of his father’s constant insistence, and knowing what the risks were with open heart surgery, he didn’t want his dad to feel bad if he didn’t recover, so he did set up an appointment at Ochsner Hospital in New Orleans with

When he walked into the waiting room at Ochsner, Dr. Parish was shocked to see a man wearing a hat, just like the one his father gave him: “God is Good All the Time” Dr. Parish took it as a sign from God that is where God wanted him to be.

He told me Dr. Parrino was able to repair his valve through his groin, avoiding open heart surgery, which normally, up until that time was the only way to replace a defective valve.


Miracles In My Life

Honestly, I heard everything Dr. Parish had said, but, in my heart of hearts, I was told years ago when I had my first heart attack, I needed bypass surgery.

As I was leaving Dr. Parish’s office, I thanked him for his advice, (he wasn’t even my dentist, I met him by accident), but upon leaving, his final words to me were “please think about what I said”.

After leaving Dr. Parish’s office, I had a prior appointment at the Pascagoula Police Department in Mississippi to help a person from Mexico to help fill out a stolen vehicle form.

As I walked into the police department, I was shocked when I saw a man of color, who looked identical to my dad who passed away over 20 years earlier, sitting on a bench inside the police department, wearing a hat that said:

“God is Good ALL the Time”

My Dad, God’s Agent at Frank Principe Pascagoula PD

Needless to say, I called Dr. Parrino’s office at Ochsner Hospital and set an appointment for Tuesday, the day I was supposed to have bypass surgery in Mississippi.

I then called the surgeon who was scheduled to operate on me and told him to cancel my surgery. You can imagine what he said to me.


Miracles In My Life

Miracle # 13: At Ochsner Hospital during the cauterization, I heard someone screaming, “LOU, WAKE UP, LOU WAKE UP, LOU, LOU, LOU WAKE UP”, I open my eyes and moaned, the anesthesiologist said: “I thought we lost you, you stopped breathing.” After the cauterization, Dr. Parrino informed me, “If you had bypass you would be dead by now because you have good blood flow, that’s why in your case we went through the left wrist, it’s harder to lean over your body, but we needed to see all the other veins.”

I did have open heart surgery at Ochsner to replace my totally calcified artoric valve in April 2011, almost immediately I felt 30 years younger because of the additional oxygen to my brain.

Miracle # 14: In October 2011, just six months after the open heart, I was involved in a major car accident in Orlando Florida. I heard metal crashing, not even thinking it was me, and then I saw the airbag coming at me in very slow motion. The next thing I knew, in a split second I was over the hood of my car looking at my skeleton behind the steering wheel, I knew I was dead, my body had released my spirit. I wasn’t frightened like my other out of body experience I had 55 years earlier. It was a very peaceful moment and I received transcendal knowledge, it changed my life completely. I was able to understand more and ponder spiritual thoughts. In the past, I thought I was religious, I went to a House of Worship every week, paid honest tithing and offerings to it, and was totally truthful in my business and personal life. I thought I was spiritual by saying morning and night prayers, before meals, and read the Bible almost daily for years.

When I was looking at my body in spirit form, I received True Spiritual knowledge, the realization that life is eternal, that unprecedented suffering leads to unprecedented spiritual growth and humanity has to realize with full consciousness real peace and happiness will come when there is a purging of selfishness.


Miracles In My Life

I was hovering over the hood of my car, looking at my skeleton behind the steering wheel.

Miracle 15: My second son, the one involved in the car accident with my daughter, was in the army and stationed in Fairbanks Alaska. He would call me on a regular basis. The last time I talked with him, he had told me he was being treated for an injury he received.

About a week or 10 days later, I answered my phone and was told my son was in the base hospital, but his condition worsened and he was transferred to a civilian hospital in Fairbanks, they went on to say his condition was rapidly deteriorating and wasn’t expected to live more than a few days. I was devastated. I quickly made travel plans, his mother was able somehow to get an airline ticket immediately and left first.

Within 24 hours, I received another phone call, the doctors changed his medication and he was stabilized and will be fine.

Miracles: 16, 17 & 18: God, the loving Father that He is, permitted me to save three lives throughout the years. One: a girl was drowning in the swimming pool at a health complex in Pascagoula, Mississippi. I was the only other person in the pool area. I was recovering from my open heart surgery, however, I was able to dive underwater, put my arms around her and lifted her up to safety.

Another, shortly after my heart surgery, in a brief moment of insanity, a very strong young man tried to kill his brother by choking him, his mother hearing my screams to help, came outside, once she realized what was happening, she hit her son in the head, while he turned to look at her, I was able to break his grip on his brother’s neck. The third; I am working on saving myself and others. God is in control and nothing happens without a purpose.


Miracles In My Life

My life since then had been like a Sage, I rescued myself from the world for years as much as possible, lived and still live very humbly, lost all my desires of this material world, researched and studied the words of the Prophets of all religions throughout the ages, prayed, meditated and thirsted for more knowledge. It brought me closer to God than I ever thought I could be in my earthly existence. A wise person looks at all the options available. Fools because of their closed mind, has to learn things the hard way, which is painful, time consuming and expensive.

I could remember as a young child of three or four years old, I was very compassionate. My mother considered me special because I lived through the abortion attempt and she thought it was a double miracle because my dad was expected to die that night and he lived. Therefore, since childhood, I was expected to become a Catholic Priest. My mother would drag me to the Catholic Novenas every Wednesday night and church on Sundays.

My Catholic Holy Communion, Age 7

My only desire now is to share my knowledge of how a Saint or Sinner can spiritually connect with God, regardless of their religion, or lack of it.

It’s taken 71 years for God to mold me with life’s experiences to write this booklet for you. A wise person learns from others. I realized that I am the potter and the clay is myself. We mold ourselves based on ideas, life’s experiences, the things we think we know, and the things we don’t know, we don’t know. I’ve just had more life and spiritual experiences than most.


Miracles In My Life

Please remember to explore all the possibilities with an open mind, research those things that challenge your mind and then decide for yourself what is true. You cannot trust anyone in life, not even the leaders in the house of worship, if you attend one. Some leaders and most people have grown up in the traditions of their parents and only know what they think is true.

Seneca Reading this hopefully will get you out of your comfort zone. A comfort zone is like a room thermostat, if the thermostat is set at 78%, we are comfortable, this booklet should either lower or raise your temperature to the point that you may want to get up to adjust your thermostat to stay in the same comfort zone you have been in most of your life, but I beg of you, don’t do it.

Read this with your heart, have an opened mind. Your mind is like a parachute, it has to be opened to work. Keep whatever religion you believe in, but please pray, study and research for yourself to find Eternal Truths. Don’t endanger your eternal progression and that of your family, find the truth about your spiritual lives.

There have been many Avatars and Prophets throughout the history of the world, an Avatar is the Spirit of God in man form. We are so entrenched in our religions because of traditions we have been programed not to listen, read, or talk about religion or anything spiritual because maybe the Booggie Man will get you.Keep whatever religion you want, but please connect with the spiritual side of yourself lurking in the shadows of your mind. The more you think about, ponder, and meditate, it will manifest itself to you. You were born with a raging fire of God’s Love, but the world has put ashes on it, however the embers are still there. You need to fan the embers to ignite the fire of love again.


“Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by

the wise as false and by Houses of Worship as

useful.”Seneca the Younger

“Religion is what we are taught as children by tradition. Some of us have to learn to be more spiritual to connect with the Devine.” Lou Principe

Miracles In My Life

Do you know why people are so afraid of the Truth about God? Because they may have to admit, they have been relaying on a Pastor, Priest, Rabbi, or Cleric to save them, when in fact, those may be the ones who need to be saved the most.

No one wants to admit they have been wrong, but to delay learning additional knowledge about the Spirit of God within you, is shirking your responsibility and risking your eternal progression. You and you alone are responsible for your eternal life. Ignorance of God’s laws will not get you off the hook, mercy cannot rob justice.

Satan would like us to choose one of his paths. As a matter of fact, Satan has such a hold on this world, consider him the god of this world. He tempts us with money, power, sex, television shows and movies to entice us. We have become so programmed, especially over the past 70 years, we don't realize the effect it has on our family values.

Today’s world is like ancient Babylon, people obsessed with idolatry, pride, money and power is the name of their god. Babylon was the largest city in the world from 1770 to 1670 B.C, This in the only time in the history of the world, someone besides God can destroy it.

In this materialistic, illusionary world, studying what the various Prophets taught throughout the ages brought me to a much greater understanding of true love and commitment. To find it, we have to get further and further away from ‘I’ ‘my’ ‘me’ and ‘mine’. A wise person learns from others how to sidestep the many pitfalls in life.

True love is found when you are willing to look for the good in others instead of pointing out their worst, when you can practice supreme tolerance and sacrifice, when you desire to help others even at the expense of self, when you can love those who are hard to love, and when you can love strangers as much as you love your own family then, you are on your way to learning the Art of Loving God.


Miracles In My Life

You will stand alone at the Judgment Bar, not with any worship leader. Your life will be reviewed and you will be judged based on your works in this life. Whoever is your True Prophet during this dispensation, He or She will be there to advocate for you: Moses, Abraham, Jesus Christ, Mahammad, Buddha, Sei Baba, Maher Baba, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Ganapati, Avatars of Vishnu and others.

God’s Kingdom is a perfect kingdom and any flaw will hold us back. You have no idea the millions of years you have had to bring you to this stage of life. Because of all the good and bad experiences we have had, we are who we are today.

The strongest spirits that were to be born or reborn now near the end of time to herald in God’s coming, are not being born because of abortions and governments regulating who or who should not be born. What a paradox, I was to be aborted and now, I am an agent for God. If you were part of an abortion, you owe God payback by serving others.

A high rise condominium called The Marlborough House was built in Winter Haven, Florida U.S.A. in the 1980s. After the slab was poured, the inspector found a tiny crack in the foundation and passed the inspection. By the time the high rise building was completed, the tiny crack flaw became magnified and the building was condemned and torn down costing millions of dollars. Any flaw we have, no matter how small will hold us back in God's kingdom. Now is the time recognize our flaws and get rid of them.

Aristotle taught centuries ago, we are nothing but a habit. People change their habits or thinking for only two reasons, pleasure or pain. If you can visualize how the future will be better if changed your thinking, or realize how painful the future will be if you don’t.

The Challenger disaster could have been avoided. An engineer told his superior that a tiny ‘0” ring should not be used when the temperature was below a certain degree. The supervisor replied, “The temperature is close enough”. Please don’t live your life by being close enough. You are a Spirit Child of God having a Human Experience.


Miracles In My Life

If we could treat each other as if we’re four years old, without any hidden agendas, just trying to help each other to find the way back home. If you arrive in heaven and find streets paved in gold, you’ll realize it’s because you have laid the bricks of gold during your earth life.

Blessing to all who read, share and promote this. We are all Spiritual Brothers and Sisters.

Lou Principe