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Name: ___________________________________________ Date:_________________ Period_______Unit 2: Enlightenment & Revolution (Chapters 6 & 7)

1. Take notes as you read, using the questions on the left to focus your attention and answering them in Cornell notes form on the right.

2. Highlight any vocabulary terms and textbook bolded terms in your notes. Vocabulary is due on Fridays3. After your have finished reading the section, please answer the questions at the end of your notes thoroughly and in complete


Chapter 6—The Enlightenment &

RevolutionSection I. The Scientific Revolution

Identify the factors that contributed to the Scientific Revolution.1 What factors brought

about the Scientific Revolution?

Summarize the development of the heliocentric theory.2 What observations did

Galileo describe in his book, Starry Messenger?

3 Why did Galileo’s observations frighten religious leaders?

Describe the scientific method.4 How did the work of

Bacon and Descartes help advance the scientific method?

Explain Newton’s law of gravity.5 What is Newton’s law of


Evaluate the importance of the scientific methods in other fields.6 What tools were

developed as a result of the scientific method?

7 How did the scientific method further the field of medicine and chemistry?























Summary of the section (at least 5 sentences)






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Chapter 6—The Enlightenment &

RevolutionSection II. The Enlightenment in Europe

Analyze the ideas of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke.1. What natural rights did

Locke argue for?

2. According to Locke what is the purpose of government?

Explain the ideas of other Enlightenment philosophers.3. Why did Montesquieu

believe in the separation of powers?

4. What kind of democracy did Rousseau champion?

5. Why did laws exist (according to Beccaria)?

Describe the role of women during the Enlightenment.6. What did Mary

Wollstonecraft argue for?

Evaluate the legacy of the Enlightenment.7. Why did the

Enlightenment lead to a more secular (non-religious) society?

8. How did the Enlightenment promote individualism?


Compare and contrast the philosophies of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. What effects did both of these philosophers have on the development of democracy?






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Chapter 6—The Enlightenment &

RevolutionSection III. The Enlightenment Spreads

Examine the spread of Enlightenment ideas throughout Europe.1. How did salons promote

the ideas of the Enlightenment?

Describe changes in art, music, and literature during the Enlightenment.2. How are baroque and

neoclassical art different from each other?

3. What form(s) of literature became increasingly popular during the Enlightenment?

Analyze the reformed monarchies of Central Europe.4. Why did enlightened

despots support the Enlightenment?

5. What reforms did Frederick The Great put into place?

6. What was Joseph II’s most radical reform in Austria?


Summary of the section (at least 5 sentences)__________________________________________________________________________________________






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Chapter 6—The Enlightenment &

RevolutionSection IV. The American Revolution

Describe the American colonies in the late 1700’s.1. How did Britain’s trade

policies benefit the colonies and Britain itself?

Identify the events that led to American Revolution.2. Why were the

Continental Congresses formed?

3. How are Enlightenment ideas reflected in the Declaration of Independence?

4. Why did the Great Britain lose the war?

Explain the Enlightenment’s influence on American government.5. What were the Articles

of Confederation?

6. Why did the Article of Confederation weaken the federal government?

7. Why was a system of checks and balances written into the Constitution?

8. How is power divided under the federal system?

9. How does the Bill of Rights protect the rights of individual citizens?

























How did the Enlightenment thinkers and their ideas influence the American Revolution?







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Chapter 7 – The French Revolution and Napoleon

Section I. The French Revolution Begins

Examine the three estates of the old regime.1. What was the Old

Regime? Describe the estates

Identify the factors that led to the French Revolution.2. How did Enlightenment

ideas inspire the third estate?

3. What issues was France facing?

Describe the creation of the National Assembly.4. What was the purpose of

the National Assembly?

Analyze the significance of the Great Fear.5. What was the Great

Fear? Why did it sweep across France?

6. What did it force Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette to do?


What were the causes of the French Revolution?__________________________________________________________________________________________






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Chapter 7 – The French Revolution and Napoleon

Section II. Revolution Brings Reform and TerrorExplain the National Assembly’s reformation of France.1. What did Declaration of

the Rights of Man guarantee every French citizen?

2.Summarize the positions of France’s political factions.3. Why did the Legislative

Assembly split into three factions?

4. What were the three factions?

Analyze the implications of warfare and execution on the French revolution.5. Why was the National

Convention created?

6. Who were the Jacobins?

Describe the Reign of Terror.7. Why did Maximilien

Robespierre rise to power?

8. Who was executed during the Reign of Terror?

Evaluate the policies of Maximilien Robespierre.9. Why was the Directory

























How did the Enlightenment thinkers and ideas influence the French Revolution?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Reading Notes Unit 2: Enlightenment & Revolution 6

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Chapter 7 – The French Revolution and Napoleon

Section III. Napoleon Forges an EmpireIdentify the factors that contributed to Napoleon’s rise to power.1. How did Napoleon

overthrow the Directory?

Examine Napoleon’s restoration of France.2. What changes did

Napoleon make to France?

3. What was the Napoleonic Code?

Describe the extent of Napoleon’s empire.4. Why was Europe fearful

of Napoleon?

5. What is the significance of the Battle of Trafalgar?
















What were some of Napoleon's achievements during the years of peace following his government takeover? Why were they so important?


Chapter 7 – The French Revolution and Napoleon

Section IV. Napoleon’s Empire CollapsesExplain Napoleon’s tactical and political mistakes.1. What was the goal of the

Continental System?

2. Why did Napoleon invade Russia?

3. How did the scorched-earth policy help Russia defeat Napoleon?

Summarize Napoleon’s









Reading Notes Unit 2: Enlightenment & Revolution 7

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downfall.4. Why did Napoleon

return to France in 1815?

5. What were the Hundred Days?






Summary of the section (at least 5 sentences)


Chapter 7 – The French Revolution and Napoleon

Section V. The Congress of ViennaAnalyze the results of the Congress of Vienna.1. What were Klemens von

Metternich’s three goals at the Congress of Vienna?

2. Why did the Congress want to strengthen France’s neighbors?

3. Why was the Congress of Vienna a success?

Examine the French Revolution’s legacy.4. Why did European

monarchs sign the Concert of Europe?

5. What effects did the French Revolution have across Europe?

Notes Due:__________________________________________________________________














From France’s point of view, were the Congress of Vienna’s decisions fair?


Reading Notes Unit 2: Enlightenment & Revolution 8

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Reading Notes Unit 2: Enlightenment & Revolution 9