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Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Nigeria MAJLIS ATFAL HANDLERS MORAL TEACHING HANDBOOK (Qur’an Memorisation) FOR For Group III (Age 13 – 15) 1

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Majlis Khuddam-ul-AhmadiyyaNigeria


(Qur’an Memorisation)


For Group III (Age 13 – 15)



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Qur’an Memorization (Age 13-15)Memorization of Nas with meaning.

1. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.2. Say, 'I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind,3. 'The King of mankind,4. 'The God of mankind, 5. 'From the evil of the sneaking, whisperer, 6. 'Who whispers into the hearts of , men,7. 'From among the Jinn andmankind.

Memorization of Suratul Falaq with meaning

1. In the name of Allah, the Gracious. the Merciful.2. Say, 'I seek refuge in the Lord ofthe dawn,3. 'From the evil of that which Hehas created,4. 'And from the evil of the nightwhen it overspreads,5. 'And from the evil of those whoblow into knots to undo them,6. 'And from the evil of the envierwhen he envies. '

Suratul Ikhlas with meaning.


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1. In the name of Allah, the Gracious. the Merciful2. Say, 'He is Allah, the One;3. 'Allah, the Independent andBesought of all.4. 'He begets not, nor is He begotten;5. 'And there is none like unto Him.'

Suratul Lahab with meaning.

1. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.2. Perished be the two hands of Abu Lahab, and he will perish. 3. His wealth and what he hasearned shall avail him not.4. Soon shall he enter into a blazing fire; 5. And his wife too, who goes aboutslandering.6. Round her neck shall be a halterof twisted palm-fibre.

Suratul Nasr with meaning.

1. In the name of Allah, theGracious, the Merciful.2. When the help of Allah comes,and the victory,3. And thou seest men entering the religion of Allah in troops,4. Glorify thy Lord, with His praise, and seek forgiveness of Him. Surely He is Oft-Returning with compassion.

Suratul Kafirun with meaning.


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1. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.2. Say, '0 ye disbelievers! 3. 'I worship not that which youworship;4. 'Nor worship you what I worship.5. 'And I am not going to worship, that which you worship;6. 'Nor will you worship what I worship.7. 'For you your religion, and for memy religion.'

Suratul Kauthar with meaning.

1. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.2. Surely We have given thee abundance of good; 3. So pray to thy Lord, and offer, sacrifice.4. Surely, it is thy enemy who iswithout issue.

Suratul Maun with meaning.

1. In the name of Allah, theGracious. the Merciful.2. Hast thou seen him who rejectsreligion?3. That is the one who drives awaythe orphan.4. And urges not the feeding of the5. So woe to those who pray,6. But are unmindful of their Prayer.7. They like to be seen of men,8. And withhold legal alms.

Suratul Quraish with meaning.4

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1. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.2. Because of the attachment of theQuraish3.His making them attached to their journey in winter and summer4. They should worship the Lord ofthis House,5. Who has fed them against hunger,and has given them security againstfear.

Suratul Fil with meaning.

1. In the name of Allah, theGracious. the Merciful.2. Hast thou not seen how thy Lord dealt with the People of theElephant?3. Did He not cause their plan to miscarry?4. And He sent against them swarmsof birds,5. Which ate their carrion, strikingthem against stones of clay.6. ~ n d t h ums ade them like brokenstraw, eaten up.

Suratul Humazah with meaning.

1. In the name of Allah, theGracious, the Merciful.2. Woe to every backbiter, slanderer,


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3. Who amasses wealth and counts ittime after time.4. He thinks that his wealth willmake him immortal.5. Nay! he shall surely be cast intothe crushing punishment.6. And what should make thee knowwhat the crushing punishment is?7. It is Allah’s kindled fire,8. Which rises over the hearts.9. It will be closed in on them10 . In thef orm of extended columns.

Suratul Asr with meaning.

1. In the name of Allah, theGracious. the Merciful.2. By the Fleeting Time,3. Surely, man is in a state of loss,4. Except those who believe and do good works, and exhort one another to accept truth, and exhort oneanother to be steadfast.

Suratu-Takathur with meaning.

1. In the name of Allah, the Gracious. the Merciful.2. Mutual rivalry in seeking worldlyincrease diverts you from God3. Till you reach the graves.4. Nay! you will soon come to know.5. Nay again! you will soon come to


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know.6. Nay! if you only knew with certain knowledge,7. You will surely see Hell in this very life.8. Aye, you will surely see it with theeye of certainty.9. Then, on that day you shall becalled to account about the worldlyfavours.

Suratul Qariah with meaning.

1. In the name of Allah, theGracious, the Merciful.2. The great Calamity!3. What is the great Calamity?4. And what should make thee knowwhat the great Calamity is?5. The day when mankind will belike scattered moths,6. And the mountains will be like carded wool. 7. Then, as for him whose scales are heavy,8. He will have a pleasant life.9. But as for him whose scales arelight,10. Hell will be his nursing mother.11. And what should make theeknow what that is?12. It is a burning Fire.

1. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.2. By the snorting chargers of thewarriors,3. Striking sparks of fire,4. And making raids at dawn,5. And raising clouds of dust thereby,6. And penetrating thereby into the centre of the enemy forces,


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7. Surely, man is ungrateful to hisLord;8. And surely, he is a witness untothat;9. And surely, he is very keen for thelove of wealth.10. Does not such a one know that/when those in the graves are raised,11. And that which is in the breasts isbrought forth,12. Surely their Lord will, on thatday, be fully Aware of them.

Suratul Al-Adiyat with meaning..

1. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.2. By the snorting chargers of thewarriors,3. Striking sparks of fire,4. And making raids at dawn, 5. And raising clouds of dust thereby,6. And penetrating thereby into the centre of the enemy forces,7. Surely, man is ungrateful to his Lord;8. And surely, he is a witness unto that;9. And surely, he is very keen for thelove of wealth.10. Does not such a one know that when those in the graves are raised, 11. And that which is in the breasts isbrought forth,12. Surely their Lord will, on thatday, be fully Aware of them.Suratul Zilzal with meaning.


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1. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.2. When the earth is shaken with herviolent shaking, /3. And the earth brings forth herburdens,4. And man says, 'What is the matterwith her?'5. That day will she tell her news,6. For thy Lord will have revealedabout her.7. On that day will men come forth in scattered groups that they may be shown the results of their works.8. Then whoso does an atom'sweight of good will see it, I9. And whoso does an atom's weight of evil will also see it.

Suratul Bayyinah with meaning.

1. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.2. Those who disbelieve fromamong the People of the Book and the idolaters would not desist fromdisbelief until there came to them u the clear evidence3. A Messenger from Allah, recitingunto them the pure Scriptures.4. Therein are lasting commandments.

5. And those to whom the Book was given did not become divided until, after clear evidence had come to them.


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6. And they were not commanded but to serve Allah, being sincere to Him in obedience, and being upright, and to observe Prayer, and pay the Zakat. And that is the religion of the peopleof the right path.7. Verily, those who disbelieve from among the People of the Book andthe idolaters will be in the Fire ofHell, abiding therein. They are theworst of creatures.

8. Verily, those who believe and do good works-they are the best of creatures. 9. Their reward is with their LordGardens of Eternity, through which streams flow: they will abide thereinforever. Allah is well pleased with them, and they are well pleased with Him. That is for him who fears hisLord.

Suratul Al-Adiyat with meaning

1. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.2. When the earth is shaken with her violent shaking,3. And the earth brings forth her burdens,4. And man says, 'What is the matterwith her?'5. That day will she tell her news,6. For thy Lord will have revealedabout her.7. On that day will men come forth


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in scattered groups that they may be shown the results of their works.8. Then whoso does an atom's weight of good will see it,9. And whoso does an atom's weight of evil will also see it.Suratul Al-Qadr with meaning.1. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.2. Surely, We sent it down on the Night of Destiny. 3. And what should make thee know what the Night of Destiny is?4. The Night of Destiny is better than a thousand months.5. Therein descend angels and the Spirit by the command of their Lord-with every matter.6. It is all peace till the rising of thedawn.Suratul Al-Alaq with meaning

1. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.2. Convey thou in the name of thyLord Who created,3. Created man from a clot of blood. 4. Convey! And thy Lord is Most Generous,5. Who taught man by the pen,6. Taught man what he knew not.7. Nay! man does indeed transgress,8. Because he thinks himself to beindependent.9. Surely, unto thy Lord is the return.10. Hast thou seen him who forbids11. A servant of Ours when he lprays?12. Tell me if he (Our servant)follows the guidance13. Or enjoins righteousness, whatwill be the end of the forbidder?14. Tell me if he (the forbidder)rejects and turns his back,15. Does he not know that Allah seeshim?


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16. Nay, if he desist not, We willassuredly seize and drag him by theforelock,17. Aforelock lying, sinful.18. Then let him call his associates,19. We too will call Our angels ofpunishment who will thrust him into Hell.20. Nay, yield not thou to him, butprostrate thyself and draw near to God.

Suratul Al-Inshirah with meaning

1. In the name of Alliih, the Gracious, the Merciful.2. Have We not opened for thee thybosom,3. And removed from thee thyburden4. Which had well nigh broken thyback,5. And We exalted thy name?6. Surely there is ease after hardship.7. Aye, surely there is ease afterhardship.8. So when thou art free, strive hard,9. And to thy Lord do thou attendwhole-heartedly.

Suratul Al-Duha with meaning

1. In the name of Allah, theGracious, the Merciful. 2. By the growing brightness of theforenoon,3. And by the night when it becomesstill,4. Thy Lord has not forsaken thee,nor is He displeased with thee.


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5. Surely every hour that follows isbetter for thee than the one thatprecedes.

6. And thy Lord will soon give thee and thou wilt be well pleased.7. Did He not find thee an orphanand give thee shelter?8. And He found thee wandering insearch for Him and guided thee untoHimself:9. And He found thee in want andenriched thee.10. So the orphan, oppress not,11. And him who seeks thy helpchide not,12. And the bounty of thy Lord,proclaim.

Suratul Al-Lail with meaning

1. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.2. By the night when it covers up!3. And by the day when it brightensUp4. And by the creating of the maleand the female,5. Surely, your striving are diverse.6. Then as for him who gives and isrighteous,7. And testifies to the truth of what isright,8. We will facilitate for him everyfacility.

11. We will make easy for him the13

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path to distress. 12. And his wealth shall not availhim when he perishes.13. Surely it is for Us to guide;14. And to Us belongs the Hereafteras well as the present world.15. So I warn you of a flaming Fire.16. None shall enter it but the mostwicked one,17. Who rejects the truth and turnshis back.18. But the righteous one shall bekept away from it,19. Who gives his wealth to becomewurified.20. And he owes no favour to anyone, which is to be repaid,2 1. Except that he gives his wealth to seek the pleasure of his Lord, theMost High22. And soon will He be wellpleased with him.

Suratul Al-Shams with meaning

1. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.2. By the sun and its growingbrightness,3. And by the moon when it followsit (the sun),4. And by the day when it reveals its glory,

5. And by the night when it draws aveil over it,6. And by the heaven and its making,7. And by the earth and its spreadingout.


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8. And by the soul and its perfection-9. And He revealed to it what iswrong for it and what is right for it10. He indeed truly prospers whopurifies it,1 1. And he who corrupts it is ruined. 12. The tribe of Thamiid denied the truth because oftheir rebelliousness.13. When the most wretched amongthem got up,14. Then the Messenger of Allahsaid, 'Leave alone the she-camel ofAllah, and let her drink.15. But they rejected him andhamstrung her, so their Lorddestroyed them completely becauseof their sin, and made it (destruction)overtake all of them alike.16. And He cared not for the consequences thereof.

Suratul Al-Tin with meaning

1. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.2. By the Fig and the Olive,3. And by Mount Sinai,4. And by this Town of Security,


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5. Surely, We have created man in the best make;6. Then, if he works iniquity, Wereject him as the lowest of the low,7. Except those who believe and do good works; so for them is an unending reward.8. Then what is there to give the lie to thee after this with regard to the Judgment?9. Is not Allah the Best of judges?

Suratul Balad with meaning

1. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.2. Nay, but I do swear by this city3. And thou art dwelling in this city4. And I swear by the begetter andwhom he begot, 5. We have surely created man to face hardships.6. Does he think that no one haspower over him?7. He says, 'I have spent enormouswealth.'8. Does he think that no one seeshim?9. Have We not given him two eyes,10. And a tongue and two lips?11. And We have pointed out to himthe two highways of good and evil.12. But he attempted not the ascentcourageously.13. And what should make theeknow what the ascent is?14. It is the freeing of a slave.


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15. Or feeding in a day of hunger16. An orphan near of kin,17. Or a poor man lying in the dust.18. Again, he should have been ofthose who believe and exhort oneanother to perseverance and exhortone another to mercy.19. These are the people of the righthand.20. But those who disbelieve OurSigns, they are the people of the lefthand.21. Around them will be a fireclosed over.

Suratul Fajr with meaning

1. In the name of Allah, theGracious, the Merciful.2. By the Dawn,3. And the Ten Nights,4. And the Even and the Odd,5. And the Night when it moves onto its end,6. Is there not in it a strong evidencefor a man of understanding?7. Hast thou not seen how thy Lorddealt with 'Ad-8. The tribe of Iram, possessors oflofty buildings,9. The like of whom have not beencreated in these parts-10. And with Thamud who hewed out rocks in the valley,1 1. And with Pharaoh, lord of vastcamps?


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12. Who transgressed in the cities,13. And wrought much corruption therein.14. Thy Lord then let fall on themthe whip of punishment.15. Surely thy Lord is on the watch16. As for man, when his Lord trieshim and honours him and bestowsfavours on him, he says, 'My Lordhas honoured me.'17. But when He tries him andstraitens for him his means ofsubsistence, he says, 'My Lord hasdisgraced me.'18. Nay, but you honour not theorphan,19. And you urge not one another tofeed the poor,20. And you devour the heritage ofOther people wholly,21. And you love wealth withexceeding love.22. Nay, when the earth is completelybroken into pieces and made level;23. And thy Lord comes and also theangels ranged in rows after rows;24. And Hell is brought near thatday; on that day man will remember,but of what avail shall be hisremembrance?25. He will say, '0 would that I hadsent on some good works for my lifehere! '26. So on that day none can punishlike unto His punishment,27. And none can bind like unto Hisbinding;28. And thou, 0 soul at peace!29. Return to thy Lord well pleasedwith Him and He well pleased withthee.


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30. So enter thou among My chosenservants,3 1. And enter thou My Garden.Suratul Ghashiyah with meaning

1. In the name of Allah, theGracious, the Merciful.2. Has there come to thee the news of the overwhelming calamity?3. Some faces on that day will bedowncast;4. Toiling, weary. 5. They shall enter a burning Fire;6. And will be made to drink from aboiling spring ;7. They will have no food save thatof dry, bitter and thorny herbage,8. Which will neither fatten, nor satisfy hunger.9. And some faces on that day will be joyful,10. Well pleased with their labour,11 . In a lofty Garden, .12. Wherein thou wilt hear no idletalk;13. Therein is a running spring,14. Therein are raised couches,15. And goblets properly placed,16. And cushions beautifullyranged,17. And carpets tastefully spread.18. Do they not then look at the camel, how it is created?19. And at the heaven, how it israised high?20. And at the mountains, how theyare set up?

21. And at the earth, how it is spreadout?


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22. Admonish, therefore, for thouart but an admonisher;23. Thou hast no authority to compel them.24. But whoever turns away anddisbelieves.25. Allah will punish him with thegreatest punishment.26. Unto Us surely is their return27. Then, surely, it is for Us to call them to account.

Suratul Al-A’la with meaning

1. In the name of Allah, theGracious, the Merciful.2. Glorify the name of thy Lord, theMost High,3. Who creates and perfects,4. And Who designs and guides,5. And Who brings forth the pasturage,6. Then turns it black, rotten rubbish.7. We shall teach thee the Qur'anand thou shalt forget it not,8. Except as Allah wills. Surely, Heknows what is open and what ishidden. 9. And We shall facilitate for theeevew facility.10. So go on reminding; surely, reminding is profitable.11. He who fears will soon heed;

12. But the reprobate will turn aside from it,13. He who is to enter the great Fire.14. Then he will neither die thereinnor live.15. Verily, he truly prospers whopurifies himself,


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16. And remembers the name of hisLord and offers Prayers.17. But you prefer the life of this world.18. Whereas the Hereafter is betterand more lasting.19. This indeed is what is taught in the former Scriptures-20. The Scriptures of Abraham andMoses.

Suratul Al-Tariq with meaning1. In the name of Allah, theGracious, the Merciful.2. By the heaven and the MorningStar3. And what should make thee know what the Morning Star is?4. It is the star of piercing bright5. There is no soul but has a guardianover it.6. So let man consider from what heis created.7. He is created from a gushingfluid,8. Which issues forth from betweenthe loins and the breast-bones. 9. Surely, He has the power to bringhim back to life10. On the day when secrets shall bedisclosed.11. Then he will have no strengthand no helper.12. By the cloud which gives rain after rain,13. And by the earth which opensout with herbage,14. It is surely a decisive word,15. And it is not a useless talk.


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16. Surely they plan a plan,17. And I also plan a plan.18. So give time to the disbelievers.Aye, give them time for a little while

Suratul Al-Buruj with meaning

1. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.2. By the heaven having mansions of stars,3. And by the Promised Day,4. And by the Witness and that about whom witness has been borne,5. Cursed be the Fellows of theTrench6. The fire fedwith fuel7. As they sat by it,8. And they witnessed what they didto the believers.9. And they hated them not but because they believed in Allah, theAlmighty, the Praiseworthy,10. To Whom belongs the kingdomof the heavens and the earth; andAllah is Witness over all things.11. Those who persecute the believing men and the believing women and then repent not, for them is surely the punishment of Hell, and, for them is the punishment ofburning.12. But those who believe and do good works, for them are Gardens through which streams flow. That is the great triumph.13. Surely the seizing of thy Lord issevere.


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14. He it is Who originates and reproduces;15. And He is the Most Forgiving,the Loving;16. The Lord of the Throne, the Lordof honour;17. Doer of whatever He wills.18. Has not the story of the hostscome to thee?19. Of Pharaoh and Thamud?20. Nay, but those who disbelievepersist in rejecting the truth.21. And Allah encompasses themfrom before them and from behind them.22. Nay, but it is a glorious Qur'an, 23. In a well guarded tablet.


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