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Relatore: Prof.ssa Elisabetta Marino

Candidata: Viviana Quaranta

A. A. 2016/17




1. European CV and U.S. Resume.......................................................................................3

a) Length....................................................................................................................4

b) Paper size for printed versions...............................................................................4

c) Personal information..............................................................................................5

d) High school information.........................................................................................5

e) Photo......................................................................................................................6

2. Resume formats.............................................................................................................7

a) Chronological.........................................................................................................7

b) Functional...............................................................................................................7

c) Curriculum Vitae....................................................................................................8

d) Federal...................................................................................................................8

e) Infographic.............................................................................................................8

3. How to write a U.S. Resume.........................................................................................10

a) Contact Information.............................................................................................11

b) Objective..............................................................................................................11

c) Education.............................................................................................................11

d) Experience............................................................................................................12

e) Skills.....................................................................................................................12

f) Training – Certifications – Licenses.......................................................................13

g) Professional Associations.....................................................................................14

4. How to write a successful Cover Letter........................................................................15

6. Resume sample............................................................................................................17

7. Cover Letter sample.....................................................................................................18



Studying Human Resources, I approached business and digital world, something

that I have never considered before, and I became passionate about it. It gives me

a new perspective on my professional future and for this reason last year I decided

to attend a Master in Digital Business Management in Philadelphia, where I spent

three months. It represented the opportunity to take advantage of my skills and to

increase my practical and theorical knowledge on Marketing area, but it also gave

me the chance to know closely the U.S. business world and the different approach

from the European one.

This experience gave me the idea to write this essay, in which I want to analyse

the differences in search and recruitment of personnel between Europe and

America, focusing on the resume formats and the importance of writing a good

cover letter.

1. European CV and U.S. Resume

First of all, I am going to describe CV and Resume. It is important to understand

that there are many differences between the European CV and the American CV

and resume. In fact the CV acronym, which comes from Latin and refers to the

professional document known as the curriculum vitae, has a different meaning in

the United States than it does in Europe and the European CV is not quite like

either the U.S. CV or resume. We are now going to consider those differences,

underling the main features of them.

Before we go further, it is necessary to specify that the term “European” is here

used in a generic sense, in order to refer to the shared business norms among

Western European countries. This does not imply that the CV is exactly the same

across Europe or that there are no cultural differences between European


Countries. However, for the purpose of the present essay, it is useful to use this

generic term when referring to what CV expectations are like in this Countries.

Unlike the European CV, the U.S. ones is often a detailed document used to apply

to academic, medical, research and teaching positions. It is much more

comprehensive than a U.S. resume, which is almost always one page long and is

the most used by American job seekers, as well as the most requested among

American recruiters. What Europeans know as a Curriculum Vitae, in the US it is

called a resume (even if there are some differences between them, both in the

content and in the layout). As we have already said, the difference is not just

geographical, so now we are going deeper to analyze the 5 most remarkable

differences between the European CV, the U.S. resume and the U.S. CV.

a) Length

The ideal length for a European CV is 2 to 3 pages. This is the length an applicant

will get if he or she use then online form for the Europass CV

(https://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/it/documents/curriculum-vitae). On the other

hand, an American resume is usually a single page document, whereas a U.S. CV

starts at 3 pages (20 pages would not be inappropriate for a seasoned

professional). Since the CV is usually written by a researcher, educator or

academic, it lists all of the researcher’s achievements, including his or her

educational background, scientific papers and experiments, teaching experience

and awards received.

b) Paper size for printed versions

The European CV should always be printed on ISO A4 paper, the standard paper

size used for many different types of business correspondence in most of the

world. ISO A4 paper measures about 8.27 × 11.69 inches. Instead, the U.S.


resume and U.S. CV should always be printed on American “letter size” paper. In

the U.S., “letter size” paper is 8.5 × 11 inches. The exception would be an

American acting resume, which is always printed on, or attached to the back of, a

professional 8” x 10” headshot.

c) Personal information

It is acceptable, although increasingly optional, to include some personal

information on a European CV. Many European CVs start off with the following

types of information: marital status, age, date of birth, nationality, gender. Also, at

the bottom of them, are usually listed personal interests and hobbies of the

applicant. On the other hand, sharing any type of personal information on a

resume, CV, or cover letter is considered very unprofessional in the US. The one

exception may be gender, since it’s not uncommon for a person with a gender-

neutral name such as Jessie, Dominique, or Casey to put the “Mr.” or “Ms.”

honorific on their resume or CV to indicate their gender. But, this is always

optional. Now, some American resumes and CVs still mention personal interests

or hobbies, but this is usually considered outdated in today’s highly competitive

job market, unless the applicant’s hobbies are exceptionally relevant to the

position for which they are applying.

d) High school information

A European CV is always expected to contain some secondary school

information, even if the applicant has an advanced college degree. On the other

hand, a U.S. CV does not contain this information. A U.S. resume may contain

this information, but only if the applicant has not completed any college courses.

Even this is sometimes considered optional.


e) Photo

A European CV will, in some countries, contain a photo, usually a professional-

looking headshot. Instead, a U.S. resume or CV will almost never include a photo.

Acting resumes and modeling resumes are exceptions.


2. Resume formats

The purpose of writing a resume, as well as a CV, is to get an interview. The

recruiters will decide whether or not to consider an applicant for a certain position

in less than thirty seconds, by quickly going through his or her resume. This is the

reason why this must be clear, concise and compelling. In addition, it must be

tailored to the specific position for which you are applying and point out your

relevant skills, experience and achievement. Furthermore, you need to double

check your resume, in order to avoid any misspelling or grammatical error.

In the U.S. there are different types of resumes. We are now going to list

all of them and describe how to write an effective American style resume. There

are five main types of American resumes, that can be summarize as follows:

a) Chronological

It is the most common format: a chronological resume in which are listed your

education and experience in reverse date order, with your most recent information

first. It is best used when your employment history shows growth and

development, you are seeking to stay in the same field, the name of your most

recent employer is an asset, and prior job titles are particularly impressive.

b) Functional

A functional resume allows the candidate the opportunity to highlight skills and

experiences that are relevant to the employer, rather than chronologically listing

their work history.  This style is typically used by those who are changing careers

or who have gaps in their employment history.


c) Curriculum Vitae

A curriculum vitae is more extensive than a resume and is primarily used when

applying for teaching or research opportunities. To differentiate between the two,

consider your target careers. In the world of academia and scientific research, a

CV is the standard job search document. The CV differs from a traditional resume

in that it lists publications, professional presentations, classes taught, and other

relevant academic information. While resume length is limited to one or two

pages, the CV can grow with your career. Undergraduate students just beginning

their academic or research careers may choose to build upon their traditional

resume by adding undergraduate research, significant academic papers,

publications or presentations.

d) Federal

This format includes the same content as a resume, as well as information

required for Federal applications, such as social security number, country of

citizenship, position details, high school credentials, salary history and references.

Your employment history, education, and related training and skills should be

listed in reverse chronological order and your content should emphasize specific


e) Infographic

An infographic resume is a visual timeline that details your work history and

professional skills and illustrates who you are as a candidate. Infographic resumes

often contain images, data/charts, text, and color that describe your experience

and expertise in a visual way. Infographic resumes are appealing in certain


industries and to many employers because they are a representation of your

creative skills. Some of these industries include public relations, marketing and

graphic design. It's important to note that most non-profits and government

agencies will not accept this style of resume. While many employers find

infographic resumes appealing, it is important that you create a traditional resume

as well.


3. How to write a U.S. Resume

Talking about a resume, there are some tips that you have to follow, in order to

write an effective one. For what concern the length it must be limited to one page,

single sized (max. two pages) and do not contain any photo. You should create

your resume on 8.5 x 11 inch paper with 0.5/1-inch margins on all sides, the

standard size for an American resume. Always avoid any misspelling or

grammatical error, and do not use abbreviations. Attach documents or diplomas to

the resume only if asked. It is important to stress that the resume should be

adapted to the type of position and tailored to the job you are applying for. For

this reason, it is a good idea to make your resume specific to the position you are

seeking when you are responding to an announcement. To do this, present your

educational and professional experience in a way that matches the requirements

and duties of the position. Remember that your resume is a reflection of you and

it is a picture of your skills and experiences that can determine whether or not a

company will interview you. So it is important to present a well-formatted, clear,

concise and highly informative document. The document do not need to be dated

or signed.

As we have already seen, American resumes follow a specific format. If your

resume does not follow that format, the hiring manager may view it as poorly

prepared. Due to the differences analyzed above, even the best resume or CV in

your country may not be appropriate for an employer in the United States, just as

an American resume may need to be altered for an employer in a different

country. In order to be effective, your resume need to be clear and allow the

recruiters to quickly and easily find key information. You can use a default form

for the resume, but also add your personal touch through layout and content, in

order to make it particular and unique. Here is the structure that should follow a

resume, with the main sections and their content.


a) Contact Information

Required details include your full name, current address, primary phone number –

which is most likely your mobile phone – including international dialing code,

and e-mail address. If you have a professional Web site that features work

samples, you may include the URL. If you are abroad and use Skype, you may

include your Skype number so that employers can easily communicate with you.

Do not include personal information such as age, date or place of birth, gender,

height, weight, marital status, religion. It is illegal for U.S. employers to make

employment decisions based on certain attributes or preferences of applicants and

that is also the reason why a resume does not contain a photo. If you share this

kind of information in your resume, you may actually discourage an employer

from contacting you out of fear of future legal problems.

b) Objective

This section is optional and is most effective when you know the specific industry

or type of work that interests you, or when you are transitioning from one career

to another. If you include it, clearly and concisely state your career goal or

summarize your professional experience so that employers immediately know

what you seek.

c) Education

Educational experience should include the name of all post-secondary institutions

attended and their locations by city and state, the degree or certificate received,

the dates of attendance – including the month and year of graduation, or


anticipated completion – major, minor or concentration. The names of post-

secondary schools and companies should be written in your native language,

while everything else should be written in English.

Begin with the most recent degree have earned and list additional degrees in

reverse chronological order. It is useful to include the institution and its location,

if you have studied abroad academic term and concentration. You can also add the

Grade Point Average (GPA), coursework, research or papers relevant to the

desired position, followed by a brief description. Scholarships, academic awards

and other honors can be included in this section or listed separately. Relevant

courses, class projects and independent studies can also be included, if they are

relevant to the requirements of the position for which you are applying, and often

help bolster credentials if you have less relevant work experience.

d) Experience

For your work experiences, list for each entry the company or organization name

and location (by city and state) on the first line. On the second line list your

position title and department (if applicable) and employment dates (month/year).

On the following lines craft concise statements – not full sentences – and use

action verbs (such as managed, directed, achieved, organized, or prepared) to

briefly describe your duties and accomplishments, in max. 2-3 lines per each

entry. Demonstrate to employers how you applied select knowledge, skills and

abilities to achieve desired outcomes. Emphasize relevant experiences that you

have gained through part- and full-time employment, paid and unpaid internships,

volunteer positions and leadership positions with student organizations.

e) Skills

Include a short section at the end of your resume that includes a description of any

special skills you have such as knowledge of computer programs and foreign

languages. Most employers spend less than a minute when reviewing resumes so


it is essential to make your skills as clear as possible to employers. Skills can be

separated into sub-headings that include:

- Language Skills : list the language and the level. You can classify levels

into beginner, intermediate, advanced and include the ability to translate,

speak or write in each language. If present, mention language certificates

or degrees.

- Computer Skills : include any software and/or programs you've worked

with and highlight your ability to run analytics with various social media

platforms and/or content management systems.

- Special Skills : include specialized skills you've honed professionally

and/or academically such as policy analysis, training and facilitation,

conflict mediation or public speaking skills.

- Leadership skills and/or Community Activities : list your degree of

involvement with university and community activities. Your activities can

provide evidence that you have key skills that will benefit you on the job.

Participating in student organizations, taking part in a theater production

or playing on a sports team all offer you the chance to show an employer

that you have leadership, teamwork, communication and organizational


f) Training – Certifications – Licenses 

If you have successfully completed trainings or earned certifications or licenses

that relate to your career goal, name the section accordingly and include key

details. You can add in this section all the courses, seminars, congresses or

conferences relevant to the position, including the course length (hours or days).


g) Professional Associations

Through a description or a list of your accomplishments, extracurricular activities

or professional associations, employers begin to learn about your interests,

motivations and skills. For all leadership positions held, list the organization’s full

name, your position title, membership dates and a brief description of your key

accomplishments. For involvement as a member, list the organization’s full name,

membership dates, and activities in which you have participated that relate to your

career objective.


4. How to write a successful Cover Letter

While a resume gives a clear picture of your education and past experience, a

cover letter should give a more personal and specific view of your background,

strengths and goals. It should highlight key points from your resume, but not

repeat any part of your resume word for word. Your cover letter should help

explain exactly why you are a fit for the position for which you are applying. And

it should be interesting enough to make the hiring manager want to read your


The cover letter must be dated on top left, by writing respectively month, day and

year. Below the date, the letter head will contain your contact information: first

name, last name, address, e-mail and mobile phone.

Whenever possible, address your letter to an individual and include his or her title

and address. If you don’t know whom the recipient is, address the letter generally

to “Hiring Manager”, followed by the company name, or “To Whom It May

Concern”. Just like the resume, the cover letter must be no longer than one page,

written on 8.5 x 11 inch paper with 1-inch margins on all sides. Use the same font

and format as your resume. For what concern the style, use a polite and formal

one and compose short and clear sentences, in order to be concise, objective and

persuasive rather than simply describing and. Make sure your English is proper,

your sentences are complete and your spelling is accurate and do not forget to

show a positive attitude.

The letter should contain a maximum of 4 paragraph, each of which made up of

an introductory sentence, a closing sentence and one to three supporting sentences

in between. The paragraph should be divided as follows.

- Paragraph 1The objective of the first paragraph is a short introduction of who you are and

why you are applying for a particular position. You should mention something


about the company and what you are seeking, showing your enthusiasm about the

position offered.

- Paragraph 2 & 3The central part of the cover letter has the aim to highlight why you are qualified

academically and professionally for the job, focusing on your education, any

experience you have that is relevant (even if it is not on your resume), personal

strengths (i.e., hard worker, well organized, team leader) and skills that

specifically relate to the position. Back up general statements with facts and

emphasize one or two main experiences that could stand out your ability and

skills, in order to show why you are qualified for the position. You should talk

about important and significant achievements tied to the relevant field. You can

also include which are your long-term career goals and personal goals, such as

what you hope to learn with the job you are applying for.

- Paragraph 4Close the cover letter stressing your personal and interpersonal skills. Express

interest in a telephone interview and indicate your availability to provide more


Insert a blank line between each paragraph, but do not indent the first line of the

paragraphs. Close the letter with “Sincerely yours” or “Best regards”, followed by

your first name and last name.


6. Resume sample


7. Cover Letter sample

May 4, 2017

VIVIANA QUARANTAVia del Calice 5900178 Roma (RM, Italy)E-mail: [email protected] Mobile phone: +39 3669527280

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to apply for the job position in HR department. I am interested in Human Resources Internship position and I became aware of this position through Monster Corporation’s positing on the website. I believe that my education and career interests make me an ideal candidate for the Internship position.

I am interested in HR and in particular in staff recruitment and management and I would like to improve my skills in this field. Talking about myself and my experiences, I graduated in University of Rome Tor Vergata in Foreign Languages and Literatures. I am currently working on the two Master programs which are one in HR in Rome and the other in Global Marketing Communication thanks to a scholarship and I am working as a tutor in one of the master. Last year I stayed in Philadelphia for three months to study Digital Business Management, where I become skilled at working with programs such as Wordpress I am currently carrying out an internship at Impresa e Servizi, an advertising agency where I works with social media and marketing strategies. In My future I would like to work in HR area and for this reason this position would be the perfect choice that fits with my education and skills.

Thank you for considering me for this position. I would love to discuss these and other qualifications with you. If you have any questions, please call me at 123456789 or e-mail me at

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Warmest regards,

Viviana Quaranta



American Resume vs European CV, 2012. Accessed at



Baude, D.M. 2006. The executive guide to email correspondence: Including model

letters for every situation, Prompton Palins, NJ: Career Press

CVs and Resumes Compared, 2012. Accessed at


CVs in the European Jobmarket, 2012. Accessed at


Flynn, N., and Flynn, T., 2003, Writing Effective Email, Revised Edition: Improving

Your Electronic Communication, Rochester (NY), Axzo Press

Letter Writing Guide, 2012. Accessed at http://www.letterwritingguiude.com