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Preached On 17th August 1989BRO. VIN A. DAYAL

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This message entitled, The Breach Between The Trumpets And The Vials  Pt. 2 has been taken from a recorded sermon and printed by members of the Third Exodus Assembly.

This message was preached on 17th August 1989 in Trinidad by Bro. Vin A. Dayal and put into book form solely for the believers of the local Assembly.   

Should this book fall into the hands of other believers, please note that it is not meant to promote any special person or doctrine, but only that it might edify the reader and cause him/her to have a greater faith in the message of the hour brought to us by God’s prophet, Bro. William Branham. 

This book is made available by free-will contributions from members of the Third Exodus Assembly and is distributed free of charge.


‘Breach means a gap. Between the Ages and the Seals it had a gap. And here we find gaps appear in many places in the Bible. And I told you there are also intervals because he said Revelation 7 is an interval between the 6th and 7th Seals.

And we found, there was an interval between the 6 th and 7th

Ages. We found it had an interval between the 6 th and 7th Seals, the 6th and 7th Trumpets, the 6th and 7th Vials.

There are intervals but the Ages keep on going, the Trumpets keep on going, the Vials keep on going. But then these tie blocks now are put here to hold things together; one holding the Ages and the Seals, one holding the Trumpets and the Vials and so on. Okay.’ (Page 36)

The Breach Between The Trumpets And The Vials Pt 2Thursday 17th August, 1989

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He has come to lead God’s eaglesAnd I know He will guide meAnd keep me in His Word.

Oh my! Let’s bow our heads and close our eyes. Truly, if that is the desire in our hearts, we can find that humility to humble ourselves. Say, “Lord we just want to follow. We know we cannot lead our own selves but we thank You for the Guide that we have, the great Holy Spirit. He was sent to make sure we don’t come up lost.” What a confidence that we can have tonight. Blessed be His wonderful Name.

We bow our heads and close our eyes. If there is one who has a special request tonight (we don’t have any written), you may just come into the house of God and down in the depths of your heart, there’s something that you are desiring the Lord Jesus to do for you and you believe that He can do it; for it would do no good to lift your hand if you don’t lift it with faith, if you don’t lift it believing that God shall supply your needs according to His riches in Glory but if you believe and you want to lift your hand to show unto Him, why don’t you do so? His angels are here, as the Prophet says, taking a record tonight. Amen.

Father, we thank You for the faith that the people have indicated by lifting their hands tonight, that they have in You as the true and living God, the One Who is able to know what they have need of and the One Who has promised to supply that need. We do things Lord, many times, so simply but it expresses Lord, such a great faith and confidence that we have in You, the God Who we serve and have come to gather around tonight. Everyone Lord, with unspoken requests but yet we are so fully satisfied in

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our hearts that You know every request because You know the thoughts of every heart.

We thank You for serving a God like that. We thank You Lord, for the precious promise and the invitation that You have given unto us that we can come before Your Throne of grace. We can make our requests known unto You with joy. We can have the confidence that we have the petition that which we desire of You, when we know we ask according to Your will. Hallelujah.

May You grant every need tonight, Father, because these wouldn’t lift their hands if they didn’t believe. And Lord God, they are asking, no doubt, because they have been taught in Your Word; they are asking for something that would draw them closer to You, that would cause them Lord, to stand and live for You in the way that You desire and require of them in this Hour. And You said if we know that we are justified in asking these things, Lord, then we can have the confidence. Glory to Your precious Name.

And I believe dear God, we have one common desire also, that is to hear from You tonight in this Hour that we are living in, as we see the darkness sweeping across the face of the earth, as we see the great hideous things coming on, spoken in this Book of Revelation and the warning that we have been given by the Holy Spirit through the end-time Messenger. You’ve sent Malachi 4:5 to turn the hearts of the children back to the faith of the fathers, lest You come and smite the earth with a curse. Oh God, just as they did in the days of Noah, those who saw and recognized what that prophet was saying and the hour, seeing the vindication of the Word and they fled into that ark.

Even those in the days of Moses, when they saw the wrath of God being poured out throughout Egypt but they saw a prophet in the land. They heard a message being proclaimed. They knew the hour of deliverance was at hand. They fled under that blood Lord, in desperation they applied it.

Even in the days of Elijah, Lord, when they saw judgment sweeping the land, You moved Your prophet into a secret place where he was fed hidden food. Great things happened Lord, among the Elect, those who were willing to sacrifice to the Word of that prophet who held that sacred responsibility in their hearts to keep that Word alive. It did great things in their midst in that


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Hour. So Lord, we are standing in the same kind of Hour. Help us, I pray, to recognize it.

May Your Holy Spirit deal with us in such a way that everyone of us – there would not be one here in our midst Father, and also them that we can warn because the Bible says, “the Spirit and the Bride say come and he that heareth says come also,” that we’ll warn every man, Lord, and we too will hasten to enter into that Secret Place.

May You move Your people out of all blasphemous names, everywhere that death is going to strike; into the Only Provided Place where the Blood is on the door, where the Name is; where they are feeding on the Lamb. Oh God, where they are eating the bread in haste, where their feet are shod. I pray that here will be a place like that tonight. I pray that everyone would find that place under the revealed Word, where in our hearts we will know we have passed from death unto life; that revelation would be a reality in every heart.

But Father, the things that we are seeing happening roundabout us daily, only so that Thy judgment will begin to fill up, oh God, and that cup is brimming and fixing to run over. He that is filthy will soon be filthy still. He that is righteous will be righteous still. He that is holy will be holy still. And He said, “Seal not up these things for the time is at hand.”

As we endeavour to look into these great things, the Prophet said, “There is such a great Message. I’ve been looking at those Vials the other day, such a great astounding Message laying in there. I feel so definitely led,” he said, “to preach on these last Seven Vials.” Oh God, how Lord, we rejoice and being warned so expressly by the Holy Spirit as You opened up those Seven Trumpets to us last year. Oh God, it followed that great Supernova. Lord God, it followed that great sign, Lord, the International Year of Peace, when they began to set loose those doves and all these great things but every time it happens, Lord, You reveal right here in the assembly to us, what is happening.

Just looking last night, Lord, and seeing Lord, that moon go into a total eclipse but to see Your people gathered around the Message, the handwriting is on the wall, oh God, a Prophet in the land; one like Daniel, dear God; Lord, in the form of Malachi 4:5, revealing these things, that Babylon is fallen is fallen. Oh God, may we


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wake up and recognize, Lord, what is happening as gross darkness is upon the earth, bringing back all these end-time signs one more time. Help us Lord, that we would have spiritual discernment and we would move under the leadership of the Holy Spirit and the sounding of the Message.

May we take earnest heed to the Things that we have seen and heard lest at any time we let them slip. May we not neglect so great a salvation that You have given unto us in this Hour. May we earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered and has been restored. Let us fear lest we seem to come short of this promise of entering into Your Rest. But oh God, as Your Spirit would speak so expressly, may we labor and take heed to enter in, Father. Grant it, oh God. Speak to each and everyone tonight.

Help me to bring these things to Your people, which You have laid upon my heart. I pray for Your Divine grace; I need it tonight, Lord. May the people be in one mind and in the Spirit. May there be such a pull of faith. May the Holy Spirit be able to work and operate so freely amongst us; great things would break forth by the inspiration of the Word that we could leave strengthened, we could leave under the effects of the Message. Grant it, dear God. We pray and we ask these things. We commit everyone into Your hands now, thanking You in advance, for we ask it in Jesus’ precious Name and for Your sake, amen and amen.

Amen. God bless you. Let’s turn in our Bibles to the Book of Revelation chapter 13. I want to welcome everyone in the house of God tonight. May God richly bless you. May you have a prayer in your heart for me tonight. I’m certainly trusting to kind of finish up and feel satisfied, as I try to take this little “THE BREACH BETWEEN THE TRUMPETS AND THE VIALS”, and just by the grace of God to see it set in a place where we can just have our hearts ready; for Sunday morning we want to take the first Vial. I have most of the message already to speak on it and just waiting before the Holy Spirit but I would like to finish up here tonight with this little Breach and have it set in order. And I believe it’s going to be a wonderful time for us.

We have come through the Church Ages, we have come through the Seals, we have come through the Trumpets, and we’re coming into the Vials. We had it in a measure back in 1984, all these things back there in a measure but when we have reason to


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see, God promised to make it plain. And as we come to a great winding out time, all these Things that have been spoken would be fulfilled.

And we are also trying to preach just maybe for an hour and a half or so, right into the Message so we can make the tapes in a proper way, that if the Lord would have us to maybe put it in book form for you to read and study it on your own, then we would not run into too much problems and these things. It just takes the grace of God to help us. We can’t do these things by our own self and our own human ability. It would depend upon the leading and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and the way He would give it and it would depend much upon our faith here in the assembly.

When we come, we come right in the meeting prayed up, sitting right there with a prayerful heart, with an attentive spirit, just with a pull of faith in the Word that God can come right down while it is fresh in our minds; strike it there in our hearts and we can just leave under the effects of the Word and really receive the nourishment from the Word; the vitamins that the Holy Spirit wants to give us – the warnings – because these things, when we get here, it is not so much a nice rejoicing time; we are on the judgment side. It is a fearful time. When these things are happening, it’s now: Did you apply the Blood? Did you make your wrongs right? Are you standing there without any condemnation in your heart? You see, we’re looking back now.

When He was coming in the Ages, we were looking forward because out of the Ages comes the Seals; but when it comes to the Vials, it’s finished, because the Ages have already sounded, it’s already run out. The Seals have already sounded. The Thunders have already gathered the Bride. The Trumpets are showing the Jews are back in their homeland; the earth is fixing to be destroyed. Israel is waiting for the sounding of that Seventh Trumpet and it shows the doom that is going to strike those who have failed to receive the Word in this Hour; those who have failed to apply the Blood. See, that is why we are looking back. We are looking back now. We are at the end of the Book.

So, in speaking these things, it would take the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to strike it just right that we can stand where we ought to stand looking at it. We know it is foretelling what is coming in the sense of the pouring out of that wrath, but the people who are


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going to be there when those things happen, are the ones He’s speaking to in this generation right now; not another people. So it’s – Did they take earnest heed? Did they mix the Word with faith or did they murmur and complain while they were on their journey? Did God swear in His wrath they weren’t going to enter into the Rest? Have they come to the borderline now and are falling back and going into sin after they lived so clean and right and tried to do so many things coming along in the journey? Are they to be made manifest now when they ought to be going over and seeing the Holy Ghost upon their children, upon their own lives, having expectation, loving His Appearing? Are they drifting back now? Are they cooling off now? Do you understand what I’m saying? This is a very serious time.

Revelation 13. Let’s try to go right in the Word as quickly as we can. I have to skip and jump a lot and the reason I am doing that is because I designated two services to take “THE BREACH BETWEEN THE TRUMPETS AND THE VIALS”.

And I want to bring it, not as information, that is why I spent quite a long time Sunday showing what was also preached, what the Holy Spirit gave us between the Trumpets and the Vials in the church right here too, and many of these things have already been preached but I believe it is the same Spirit finishing the work. That is why I feel the Inspiration is not leaving it undone. The same way the Holy Spirit knew that those Seven Trumpets were to be opened up, same way He knew those Seven Vials were to be opened up. And you can’t just try to play around with the Word. God has to give you inspiration to go to the Word and when God reveals those things, then you can go to it and it is timely. It is timely.

If everybody doesn’t go in the Rapture here in this church, some are going to remain behind and there is going to be a reason why they missed it too. They sat under the Message and they weren’t made ready. Then when people come right under the Word and they fall away too, and fall into those conditions and God’s wrath comes down upon them, you see things are going to happen. You’re going to see how these things are very, very personalized.

We were speaking there last night, sharing with some of the brothers there how a Seal opens up in your home. There are Trumpets in your home, there are Vials in your home being poured


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out in your home. Oh, there is for the Age, and there is for the individual, God poured out a Vial upon you. Sure! Vial is the wrath of God.

While Paul was trying to bring mercy to the mayor, he smote the next man blind who was trying to hinder the Word. It was the wrath of God that came down upon him and judged him because he wouldn’t cease but try to pervert the right ways of God. And you see God pour out a Vial on people sometimes; they go into insanity, they go into all kinds of conditions, backslide, go into sin. It is God who poured out a vial upon them. You see some get blessed when they receive a revelation: “Blessed art thou; flesh and blood didn’t reveal this to you.” My! It changes your life, brings a New Birth. It’s a Seal opened. Sure! They caught the Message of the Hour and they moved with it. Sure! Revelation 13:

1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and I saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

Same Beast we had Sunday morning in Revelation 12, the great red Dragon, we meet him over here again.

2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

3 And I saw one of his heads as though it was wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast; and they worshipped the beast saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.

6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.


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saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, ...

Same one who was fighting Michael in Heaven, same Beast but now he’s on the earth. Now the whole earth is going to worship him because that is exactly what he wanted to have in Heaven. Now it is very important for you to notice all these things that are put here between the Trumpets and the Vials. If these things weren’t put there, you wouldn’t be able to correctly explain and reveal what those Vials were. It’s put there to tie the two together for that very purpose and that’s why it is revealing these things. It is not like a happening. It’s not like verse by verse but it is just a lot of different things laid out here. Verse 9:

9 If any man have an ear, let him hear. 10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into

captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.

11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; [now]

First one came up out of the sea, this one comes up out of the earth,

...and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.

12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

You see what he’s doing? He is causing them to worship the first Beast.

13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth and in the sight of men.

14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them who dwell on the earth that they should make an image


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to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, and in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Let us pray one more time. Oh gracious Father, may out of the abundance of Your mercy, as we stand here, a needy people before You, desiring oh God, to be prepared by Your Word and have a clear understanding, and have the wisdom of the Holy Spirit to have the spiritual discernment of these things that are taking place on the earth in this Hour; knowing it is happening all round about us, but how we need to see and to understand and come under the effects of the Word in order to live, Lord God, with faith and be made ready and keep our eyes and our affections on things above and not be ensnared with the things of this life. Breathe upon us the revelation of Your Word, tonight. May it come forth with power to every heart. We ask it in Jesus’ Name and for Your sake, amen.

God bless you, you may have your seats. So I’m just going to take it like part II and go right in “THE

BREACH BETWEEN THE TRUMPETS AND THE VIALS”. Now, as I said, this year we are going to try to strike and go into these things in a very deep way, and many of these things, if we don’t leave something there, no doubt we are going to get it when we get back under the Vials, but we are going to be back and forth in the Scriptures and these things must come from Genesis to Revelation, if it is a revelation. I’m not going to try to bring


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something and say that’s a revelation, that must come from Genesis to Revelation and it must compare with all the Word.

If any man tries to bring an interpretation of anything in that Book, it must compare with all of the Bible. It must start in Genesis and come all the way through Revelation. And when we took those Seven Vials, I remember in 1984, we proved that over and over, back and forth, that those things were coming from Genesis to Revelation. And a lot of those things, we may have to repeat ourselves and it would be good to refresh because it is very timely.

You look and see; last night there, you know, it had a great sign in the heavens, how the moon went into a total eclipse. And we as believers in the Message, we are familiar with, in 1963 when the moon went into a total eclipse, it was speaking of what was happening on the earth. Amen? And here it was, God’s Prophet had just a couple years before that, had preached those Seven Church Ages and showed what was happening on the earth in the Book of Revelation; and God would show it in the sky then, exactly as it was taught, and how the Holy Spirit had wrote those things on the wall. And you know, I really didn’t think on those things, and here it was, last night we had that tape designated to be played, The Handwriting On The Wall [1956-0902 –Ed.] and it was happening right at the same time here, when we are thinking of opening up these Seven Vials right here, which is judgment and all these things and we know it is timely. It’s timely because we see around the world, what is happening.

Just this evening, I was out there talking to a couple of the saints before we came in and we were talking about the Scriptures there, you know, how it was saying there in Revelation chapter 17, how it says, “For God hath put in their hearts (He was talking about those ten kings), to fulfil His will and to agree and to give their kingdom unto to the beast.” Oh it’s shaking the whole world – these communists. God is making them agree with the western world. God put it in their hearts to agree. God is making them give over their kingdoms, open up, bring back the Catholic Church. Let the Beast begin to set up himself; take over. Let them de-communize and get into the free world of trade and all these different things. That is happening right before us so that they will fulfil God’s will. He put it into their hearts to agree.


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Forty years, those leaders stood up there and closed down those churches, put those people out, send them into labour camps, all kinds of things; took away their rights from operating. See? Communism began to move and take over in the earth and all these things; conquering territories. And all of a sudden it comes like that. And it just began to, right in the Soviet bloc: Put up a cardinal in every one of those nations opened back all the Catholic churches. ‘Roman Inroads’ they said in Time Magazine [1989-0807 –Ed.]. When we were there in Poland just this month – last month rather, there, we saw all those things. From east to west across the breadth of the land, all those Catholic churches, numerous, in rapidity, big ones going up all over, buildings are being built at the same time. It is all happening quickly.

You see these things, how it’s moving. And you know, the thing about this Book of Revelation, it has baffled so many people. I remember it was one of the first things that really woke me up in 1984, when I realized that many of these things are not down the road; it is already happening. It’s already happening because, “I will send Elijah before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.” [Malachi 4:5 –Ed.] The generation that sees Israel in their homeland will not pass away until all these things be fulfilled. This is the last generation; there is not going to be another one. Do you believe that? Sure! There is not going to be another one and we see those things happening and we see how the Holy Spirit have dealt with us.

Look at that message there: On The Wings Of A Snow White Dove [1965-1128e –Ed.] when we took that message with Noah. The Holy Spirit gave that unto us and He showed how death was all over. And the fowls of the air, the crow was feeding upon the dead bodies that life had left, while the dove was ministering to them who had believed the Prophet’s Message and shut up in the ark. Amen. Sure, all over, it doesn’t matter, every side you take the Scriptures. When you see, when the last-day Messenger comes and his Message is rejected, there is no more Message to the Gentiles.

There are Seven Church Ages and there are Seven Church Age messengers. Amen. And at the end of the sounding of the Seventh Church Age Messenger, down is going to come a Heavenly Angel. Is that right? And He is going to bring the next announcement and


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His Message is going to gather the Bride together. Amen. He is the One in the earth right now, the great Holy Spirit, (amen) the end-time Messenger, leading the Bride out in this great exodus and this exodus is a different exodus. It is not like the first one and the second one, this one is going to that theophany. Amen.

“In My Father’s house are many mansions, I go to prepare a place for you and I will come and receive you unto Myself...” Is that right? And He has come down in this Day; St. John 14, the Second Coming, He was speaking about Revelation 10, He has returned and began to gather them together to take them up in the Mystery of the Seventh Seal, “...that where I am, there they would be also.”

Oh, it’s baffling the whole world. In the natural realm of science, they’re trying to work with such rapidity and labouring there day and night, trying to find life on another planet because they have seen the effects of those Seven Trumpets. They don’t know it is the Seven Trumpets but they know all nature is fixing to take a tumble. They know that, but you see, the scientists break down nature to mean the environment: earth, sea, fountains and rivers and lakes and the atmosphere. Sure, nature, the environment that man lives in and they see everyone: the earth, the seas, the rivers, the lakes, the atmosphere; they’re all polluted and being destroyed right now.

They came to Jesus and said, “What is the sign of the end of the world?” They asked Jesus after, “What is the sign of your Coming?” Is that right? And He began to reveal the Coming and then He went to the end of the world and we took that – how in the days of Noah we saw the Coming; God came to His prophet. Is that right? The prophet began to call the people out and then we saw the end of the world; those who failed to give heed to the Word of the prophet.

We saw Abraham sitting at the tent door. We saw the Coming of the Lord. Is that right? We saw the last sign before the discernment. We saw Him reveal the mystery to Abraham. Is that right? It brought the change and we saw the end of the Gentile world by fire and Jesus said, “As it was in the days of Noah, as it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be,” and He began to reveal the sign of His Coming and the end of the world because He read the same Genesis we read.


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And then when He came back in this Day, here He was in His Prophet, coming to the Gentiles and revealing to us, the royal Seed of Abraham, exactly in the Bible, what He was referring to and where He was pointing us, that we might see the Hour that we are living in and what is coming upon the face of the earth. That is why it is a very tremendous time for us here, and you know, we see all these things moving in rapidly and we want to be ready. We want to be ready, amen.

The Prophet went to the place in the Message, he went there to Exodus and preached The Token [1963-0901am –Ed.]. He says, “This is the highlight of my ministry; this capped it off. This was the one needed to follow the Seals.” Then he came the night with Desperation [1963-0901pm –Ed.]. “Don’t be a church member walking with your Bible and saying, ‘I’m in the Message.’” No! He’s saying “Be desperate or perish!” Amen. Yes sir. He said “The Token must be on display; It must be seen.” Amen. There is no one going out who never displayed the Token before they went out. Everyone who went out had displayed the Token before they went out. Is that right?

Many houses, but one place – under the Blood of the Lamb, the Life of the Lamb – many houses! That’s why it is an encouragement to me to see the Holy Spirit moving into your hearts and getting many of you serious. Amen. Many of you are taking heed. Many of you are getting a spirit of obedience even though you don’t fully understand. That’s the right attitude. That is the right attitude. Begin to obey and walk in It and God will come and meet with you and let you know whether It is His Word or not. And especially if you read it out of the Bible and you don’t understand It, believe It anyhow because It comes out of God’s Word and God’s Prophet said It and It’s read to you and It is quoted to you, do it anyhow because God said It in this generation. Amen.

Don’t waste time. Don’t say, “Well, like God deals with me differently. God doesn’t do this with me.” It is not God you’re talking about; God is this Bible here! There is nobody here who has any experienced that they’re calling God that is not in this Bible, (amen) because when God came on the earth through that Prophet, he said, “The only way we can have faith in anything, it came out of that Bible.” He said, “I know God can do a lot of


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things but let me see it in the Word first.” Amen. He said, “When that Angel comes and speaks, He always speaks according to the Bible. Then you will know if the Angel is talking to you or if it is your own imagination.” Amen.

When that Angel, Who is the same Angel that came to the Prophet, He will keep speaking the same way because the Bride will know it’s He because we already know how He speaks when He comes. Is that right? Sure. We want to be serious in the Word. We want to believe the Word from the bottom of our hearts. We don’t want to come around on this side, and come around on the side here and say, “I believe It you know, but I really can’t take all of It and I want a little place for my human spirit.” No! You have to believe the Word! The Word says that, take It like that! Amen. Hallelujah!

I tell you, you’re going to see the faith muscles come on. You’re going to see the strength come on. It takes obedience and humility to the Word of God and you’re going to see the deliverance come. Let me tell you, the old leaves will just fall off for themselves. Amen! Because when a sincere heart gets under the Word, the old things will just pass away and you will see the new Life coming up there by the grace of Almighty God. Take God at His Word. Amen? Amen.

And you know, all these things that we see, as we say, just moving in, moving in with rapidity—And here when that Prophet was identifying those things, he took Elijah, he said, “Look, judgment was coming in the land (amen) but before the judgment struck, God sent the prophet, a type of the Bride, into a Secret Place, before the judgment.” And he preached Spiritual Food In Due Season; [1965-0717 –Ed.] hidden Food, hidden from the world.

Jesus said, “I have meat that you don’t know of.” [John 4:32 –Ed.] Is that right? While there was famine, there are Vials being poured out; but the Seals were breaking to Elijah and he saw the seven thousand who were going up; but he saw the Vial of God and the judgment striking the land in famine and different things – famine, depression and war to destroy them completely. Is that right? Sure. But where did it come from? The mouth of the Prophet. He said, “Ahab, you, the political system and Jezebel, you, the perverted church who is controlling the politics; all of you are going to perish! The communist, the dogs will eat your flesh.


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They will destroy you!” Elijah stood there and put it. By his mouth came mercy and by his mouth came judgment because the judgment seat and the mercy seat is the same seat. Amen.

Oh, may we be grown up in the Word now. May we not be playing with our little carnal church ideas but may we be walking in the center of the will of God, knowing He has come to us by the revelation, by the unveiling of His Word, amen. His Will has been made plain. He didn’t leave us to guess and He didn’t leave us to presume.

“You go up!” Moses said, “I preached to you the will of God. I preached to you the Word of God. I brought It to you from the Pillar of Fire, from the Bible and the Message and you want to put That aside and go up with another thought?” He said, “You go up and presume; you will never have any victory.” Is that right?

And Brother Branham preached, Presuming, [1962-0117 –Ed.] venturing without scriptural authority. He said, “The Bride will have THUS SAITH THE LORD or keep still.” Is that right? Yes sir! Let me tell you, we have to stay in the center of this Word. We have to be grown up. We have to be rugged to take the Word and say, “Lord I believe Your Word.” Amen! “Thank You for It, Jesus.” Amen! “I see It in the Word!” You know It cannot fail.

Because let me tell you, when you come to death’s door and you try to play your little tricks and go along with your little carnal ideas; let me tell you, you’ll want reality then. And the very thing that you played around all your life and try to make and bend to fit; you’ll want to cast that aside then to find the Word because you know that is not real. Don’t be trapped in that folly. Don’t be a victim of your own folly. No sir! Say, “God, filter my thinking.” Amen. Hallelujah! “Renew me in the spirit of my mind. Let me put off the old man.” Amen! Glory! “Make me the kind of son You want me to be. Make me the kind of daughter You want me to be.”

The Hour is here, we are at the end! It is the last days! Amen. What else do we want to see, to know the Prophet has brought THUS SAITH THE LORD? We should be convinced! We should know he brought THUS SAITH THE LORD; then it would be an insane man to say that is THUS SAITH THE LORD and then don’t want to line up with it.


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Any man who knows that’s THUS SAITH THE LORD, let me tell you, you’ll want to walk in It just the way he said. And if your friend doesn’t want to go, that’s your friend’s business; God called you. Amen. It’s an individual thing. If you’re a Gentile, it’s an individual thing, otherwise go in Israel and wait for Moses and Elijah. It’s not a group business, amen. Sure! It’s an individual walk with God! Yes sir. You line up and get your life right. It’s not my brother, not my sister but it’s me, oh Lord, standing in need of prayer. Amen. Lining up in this great Hour because you see what is coming in upon us. Amen.

And I’ve been taking this title, THE BREACH BETWEEN THE TRUMPETS AND THE VIALS and I know—I don’t know if some of you have the idea. You know sometimes people get some ideas that they have no foundation for and they kind of hold them as conceptions and then it gives them little battle with the Word and they say, “How could you bring a breach here because I thought the breach was in Revelation chapter 5.” Breach just means a gap, you see, that just means a gap.

Because the Book of Revelation is a book of visions – it is not like a writer writing Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. It’s visions here, it’s visions there; it is the same things that were shown in a first vision; showing back something else. I’ll show you something like that in the Bible. Ezekiel saw the sealing Angel coming. Is that right? Now, he foresaw Pentecost, the Prophet said. Ezekiel foresaw Pentecost. He saw a man with an inkhorn coming to mark them in their forehead. That was Pentecost he saw; the coming of the Holy Spirit. And then he saw the coming of Titus, the slaughtering angel, coming after the Elect was sealed.

Now, Daniel saw the vision of the sanctuary being destroyed with a flood – the same coming of Titus. The people of the prince shall come and the sanctuary shall be destroyed with a flood, but Daniel didn’t see the sealing Angel in his vision. Do you understand what I’m saying? He didn’t see that part.

Then when Jesus came, He knew the sealing Angel had to follow the Son of Man because He was the Lamb and He came to make available the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost couldn’t come without Him releasing the Life but Ezekiel didn’t see that part. Do you understand what I’m saying?


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So one is seeing this part of the vision and then God is taking a particular part of that vision and showing it back here with something else. Many things Daniel saw – Daniel saw the fourth kingdom: the legs of iron and it’s going down to the ten toes. But then when John saw it, it was the same ten toes but over here now but it is like ten crowns; same ten kings. Do you understand what I’m saying? But it is the same thing God is dealing with.

So the Book is not like, you know, you are reading like this all the way along. No. You see, the Book was meant to be interpreted by the rest of the Bible. Every one of those things there, started in Genesis and comes all the way down and you always have to go back to the beginning of the Book for it.

So he brought that breach, and I want to read something here, when he was preaching this message, Revelation Chapter Five [1961-0611 –Ed.] It was way back in 1961, close to two years before the Seven Seals had opened up, and he had preached The Seven Church Ages, which is the first three chapters of Revelation.

Then, he had chapter 4 and chapter 5 before he came to the opening of the Seals, but he knows after the Ages come the Seals. But he couldn’t just jump from the Ages to the Seal, he had to explain chapter 4 and chapter 5 because they were put there between the Ages and the Seals for a purpose. See?

So he went there and he preached on that and that’s what I was showing you on Sunday. From the First Trumpet to the Seventh Trumpet, was from Revelation chapter 8 verse 7 to Revelation 11 verse 19 and that covered the Seven Trumpets. But then after Revelation 11, you had Revelation 12, Revelation 13, Revelation 14, Revelation 15 and then you have the Seven Vials, but out of the Trumpets come the Vials – but you just can’t jump to it like that, you have to find out what it is because it’s God Who wrote the Book.

It is not John who wrote It; he was just a scribe. It is the Revelation Of Jesus Christ; the sealing of the last will and testament of Jesus Christ. And it is written in a certain way so that it would not be understood by everybody. Is that right?

We don’t want to go into all those backgrounds but I just want to put enough for some who mightn’t be here and would hear the tape, it would help them. Okay.


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So right inside of there, it was put like that for a purpose, and we find out that when he came here on the message Revelation Chapter Five, page 758, he says,

Now, a few months ago we went and background the... A few days ago, rather, we went and background... the 3rd chapter to the 4th chapter. And now, last Sunday, we background the 4th chapter to the 5th. And now, today, we want to background the 5th and lay a foundation for the oncoming 6th..

Now why I’m reading this and why I’m doing this, I’m trying to show you that was the pattern and to show you that when God comes to go into something, there is always the right way to go in, otherwise you would not understand and be able to put everything together. And I believe if the Holy Spirit is opening the way, then it must be a way that we can have confidence in; that it’s a way that was used. Alright. Because remember, the Book begins in Revelation chapter 1 and it unfolds and unfolds and unfolds until the whole Book is opened wide before our wondering eyes. Alright.

Out of the Ages come the Seals, out of the Seals come the Trumpets, out of the Trumpets come the Vials and it is sealed up by those Seven Thunders. Those Seven Thunders uttered their voices are making these things like a Roman candle: Out of them fire rockets come down fire rockets because those Seven Thunders are bringing out that revelation that was hid in the Book. Is that right?

Okay, now as I say, this is like on teaching a lot, so we’ll have to go slow in some places. I’m just kind of reading certain things but we want your undivided attention and I want you to kind of read between these chapters. Do it when you go home; read it to get yourself familiar. Because when I stand up here and speak, to save time many times, I just quote the Scripture; but the thing is, if you don’t know in the Bible what that is and what that is saying, you might see the mark of the Beast and say, “Mark of the Beast? Which part of the Bible is that?” You’re looking down somewhere in the Old Testament. It’s there but you wouldn’t see the words ‘mark of the Beast’. Alright.

Remember these things are all through... We found that Naomi coming back was Trumpets. Is that right? We found that Elijah was seeing Seals back there. So it doesn’t say, Trumpets and Seals


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and Ages. We found Abraham’s life was revealing the Seven Church Ages. We found the Gentile world being burnt was the Sixth Seal but it doesn’t say that, but it is hid in the Book. Amen.

Well the same way, all the Vials were in the Old Testament but it doesn’t say Vials. It just says, the wrath of God poured out; you see judgment because Vials is just a symbol word. Ages is just a symbol word. See? God is putting it in symbol form in the New Testament but it is really speaking of something; and for us to really understand the symbol, we have to go back and see what the type was, what it is speaking of, then we can see what these things really mean.

You see like over there in Revelation 12, Michael fought the dragon in Heaven but over in the Old Testament – “How art thou fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning” – same vision – “because thou hast said in thine heart…” Do you understand what I’m saying? Cast down to the earth and then Jesus in the New Testament said, “I beheld Satan fall as lightning from Heaven.” Alright.

So then, we can look back there and see how those things came down through the Book in the Old Testament, so we can know it is correct. There is a way that you can know it is correct because all the Word fit together. You’d know that you’re not presuming because it must make one goal and one purpose when it comes together. You could put together what you want. It is one goal and one purpose. It is a threefold secret but part is called Vials, part is called Seals, part is called Trumpets, part is called this but it is really one goal and one purpose.

Keep these simple things in your mind so we can just go free. Amen? You have been taught on these things, you have been established on these things; this is the type of ministry we have, so you should be familiar with many of these things already but I just know it is necessary to background some of these things. We have a lot of new people come in since between ’84 and ’85 – since even after ’88 when the Trumpets were preached, we have a lot of people coming in still. So I say some of these things for them so that they would know and be able to follow up. If after these things they want to listen to certain tapes to have a better understanding, then they can know what tape to ask for in the library, where to fill in the blank places in their mind to help them


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in their own personal study. But you, the general assembly should know and be established in these things. Alright.

So here when he came to—after he was finished with the Ages he had to come to the Seals. So he explains Revelation chapter 4 and 5, so he came to the church and he said, ...today, it’s my purpose to set in order the Scriptures for maybe in the future, I don’t know when it will be, but if the Lord provides, someday to take the seven day’s meeting in the Tabernacle on the Seven Seals.

This is 1961, June. The Seals didn’t open until March, 1963 but here as a Prophet, he knows that must come because that’s the Seventh Angel’s Message. He knows he was that Seventh Angel. See? And he knows, “I must come to chapters 4 and 5 if I got to go to the Seals because that’s my message that’s going to be coming.” So he comes there a year and a half almost and says, “My purpose is to set in order the Scriptures for when that time is coming and that’s why I’m taking this because the time is here but I must take it first.”

[And] I don’t know when it will be but if the Lord provides [which is for him to have that meeting; and it says] We had the Seven Church Ages, now we are going to take seven nights of the seven mysterious seals of God, opening a seal each night till it comes down to the seven seals. Now, I don’t know when the Lord will provide that, but if He does, I’m just going to lay the background of it this morning.

And getting down on the last verses of the scriptures, [He said, the last part of the Scripture] we will bring in the Seventy Weeks of Daniel...

And you know that is exactly how he preached it, because from the 4th to the 19th chapter... first three chapters is the Church Ages, the Church goes up in the 4th chapter, doesn’t appear until in the 19th chapter. From the 4th to the 19th chapter God is dealing with the Jews. Is that right? The Jews were given seventy weeks; seventy weeks are determined.

Paul said, there is a part left for Israel because Israel will be blinded until the fullness of the Gentiles. So we realize that when Israel was blinded at the Cross there, they refused the Messiah, God began dealing with the Gentiles for Seven Church Ages and out of the Gentiles called a people for His Name’s sake. We have had Seven Church Ages, Seven Church Age messengers, amen;


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it’s time for the Bride to go off the scene. We see the last Age is being blinded so the Gospel could go back to the Jews, the same way they were blinded for It to come to us. And while the nation is blinded, God was dealing with a handful of the Elect: Peter and James and John and Paul and them. Is that right? They were seeing what the Holy Spirit was doing but Titus was gathering his armies and getting ready to come and destroy the rest. Is that right?

The same thing is happening right now. God is not dealing with the whole world, He’s dealing with the Bride, the elected ones who recognize what is happening. The Holy Spirit is getting them ready, amen, and the armies are getting ready to come and destroy the rest of the world, to bring on the Third Woe. Exactly how it happened there, it is happening here; so we are at the end. And since Israel had sixty-nine and a half weeks already completed, they only have three and a half weeks remaining. Daniel 9 explains that.

So then, we know then that we are at the time when the Bride is being pushed upward. That’s why all these conditions that are coming on the earth is not to get you all flusterated and scared. It’s pushing you upward. You may find you have to loosen up and let go a lot of things that you got familiar with, that you got to like, that you got bound to down here and like God is shaking it up. Don’t be bothered. Don’t cry and try to look back like Lot’s wife. Amen! Move on with God. God will take care of it! If you have to go without a meal, don’t get vex and think you’ll become a vagrant. Going with three square meals is not Eternal life. Amen!

If you have to wear two suits of clothes – having a full wardrobe doesn’t mean you’re going in the Wedding Supper. Make sure you have on the right robe so you wouldn’t get thrown out of the Wedding Supper – the Robe on your soul, the Robe of the Word. Amen. Let me tell you, be ready to abase sometimes. Sometimes God wants to abase you—And be ready for the abasing, just be confident that you’re in the will of God. Amen! That is the blessing! Don’t cry and be jealous that this one has this and you don’t have this and you want that and you’re going through all kind of fears, and then you’re trying to get back in the rat race; forget that!


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Say, “God, You’re shaking me down. I thank You for it! I know You would never leave me.” Amen. “If that is what I need, let me serve You.” Amen. “Let me hold a true testimony here just like when I have plenty.” Amen! Be matured in your belief. Don’t serve God for bread and fish. Be a little more rugged than that. Amen! Be a little more rugged than that. Have confidence in what God said. God said, “I will never leave you!” If your faith starts to shake as your food begins to disappear or two or three things start to disappear; it just shows what you have confidence in. Your confidence should be: God is with you, you’re walking with God, and that’s no sign that God isn’t with you or left you. Lack of this and lack of that – once you’re filling up with the Word, once you’re filling up with the Holy Spirit, that’s what’s important. Amen?

Learn these things. Get it rooted down in your heart. Don’t let it bypass you. The little shaking down is good; you’re going to come out with gold tried in the fire! Buy of Me gold tried in the fire! Amen. A little purging is good. A little shaking is good. God puts us on an ash heap, the Prophet said, to bring us out with a testimony: “I know!” Hallelujah! Glory! When you get on your ash heap, don’t be afraid and discouraged, wait there. You may not get any inspiration for a while but you know that your faith is in that Sacrifice. God puts bit in trouble’s mouth and harnesses it, and controls it to give you a testimony of, “I know”.

Let me tell you, we’re in the Rapture right now. It is already going on but where is the rapturing faith if we’re in the Rapture? Where is the revelation that we are in the Rapture? Amen. Glory. Amen.

Elijah’s food went down too, and then God moved him from there, but he wasn’t bawling and screaming, God said, “I’ve already commanded the ravens to feed you.” Hallelujah! Amen. Glory be to the God in the Highest! You’re in the same kind of Hour. You don’t get scared for those little things; you move right in there with God. Amen. Your eyes are on God. Many times our eyes are on so many natural things, that God removes these things to get our eyes on Him, to realize everything comes from Him. It’s good when He removes it sometimes. It is just our pride that we feel embarrassed to come before people with an old shoe and an


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old dress – that’s our pride; that isn’t God. God has nothing to do with that. Amen!

A new dress doesn’t give you favour with God. Sure! Amen. Brother, we have to get in the Spirit. We have to get real faith. God doesn’t want make belief faith in this Hour. My! My, my, I tell you.

He said, We had Seven Church Ages… we’re going to take seven nights of the seven mysterious seals… opening up a seal each night till it comes down... Now, I don’t know when, he says ...but ...I’m just going to lay the background of it this morning.

And then he’ll end up with Daniel’s Seventy Weeks. He said, at the end we’ll bring Daniel Seventy Weeks. (Amen) ...we will bring in the seventy weeks of Daniel ...tie it in with the Pentecostal jubilee that brings in the people to the last seals, and then be setting ready for the lamb to open up the seals.

That’s why I’m trying to capture some of these things in here, like those mysteries: the Dragon in Heaven, the Woman in Heaven, the Dragon on the earth, the Beast on the earth, the image of the Beast, the three angels’ messages, all these things in between there, so when we get to the Vials here, and I say, the Third Angel’s Message and so and so...and God strikes the man with the mark of the Beast; you know what is happening. If you don’t get that, you wouldn’t know who we are talking about. It is put there to get you ready for when he steps in there (amen), and we know the mark of the Beast is going on all now – to reject the Holy Ghost. The manifestation of the marking will come later on, but it is to reject the Holy Spirit.

Then it needs discernment. Remember I preached that message right there: Sin Lieth At The Door [1989-0528 —Ed.] right there in the mind; the gate to the soul where decisions are made, where you accept and reject (Is that right?) – where the Holy Spirit presented the Word and the enemy presented his lie and Eve believed Satan’s lie but Mary believed the Angel’s message. Is that right? Sure. It’s right there. It’s right there. Let me tell you... you could tie every Word in this Bible together.

And remember, the seals are a mysterious thing. The book was sealed and it was on the back, had Seven Seals that was not even revealed in the Bible. These things are not even written in the


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Bible. [It was hid in the Book. It wasn’t written; it was hid.] But if anybody would give an interpretation of it, it would have to compare with the rest of the Bible.

And the same thing with these Vials. If any man gives an interpretation of it, it would have to compare with the rest of the Bible. Did those Seven Trumpets compare with the rest of the Bible? Sure, throughout the entire Bible, it compared, same way with this. Watch and see. Then pages 760 and 761, he says:

Now, we find out then that in this first beginning of the chapter, that we find that the 5th chapter is just a tie block, it’s a diamond hitch…

I tell you the Prophet had language. He says, that 5th chapter is a tie block. Well that is exactly what the 12th to 15th is, a tie block. It ties the two together; a block between the Trumpets and the Vials. He called it a breach, he called it a tie block, he called it a diamond hitch. He could have said diamond hitch between the Ages and the Seals but it may have sounded too dramatic. He could have said tie block, you know, it may have sounded too crude. So he said breach (amen), not too crude, not too dramatic – the breach. Alright. See?

So that’s why I’m using back the same words, you see. I’m using back the same things because I’m just trying to walk the same path as the Spirit reveals through the Word, you see. So I’m saying the breach but I’m trying to show you it’s a tie block; it’s a diamond hitch. Amen.

He says, that ties the last part of the Church Age of the 3rd

chapter. The 4th chapter tells what John was taken up into heaven. And the 5th chapter is preparing for these... Where you went through the Seven Church Ages, then John’s lifted up in the 4 th

chapter. And the 5th chapter, he’s just setting a scene here for the opening of the Seven Seals…

That’s all Revelation 15 is – Revelation 15 is a scene being set, “I beheld seven angels having the seven golden Vials, which is the wrath of God,” and all these different things. Then we have to find out what these Seven angels are, what the temple is and what the wrath is. All these things we have to find, to know what he is talking about. Alright? And we took a lot of that the last time, but as I said, what I want to emphasize this time, is God’s character in judgment.


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Oh, He’s a great God who came down in the form of man. God walked in a humble Kentucky Prophet; they spat in God’s face; God humbled Himself. God did all these things – they laughed at him, they used his name to pull money from the people, they sent filth to him in the mail, all these things. My! Mercy!

When we come here, His eyes are like a flame of fire, His feet like fine brass. There is a sharp two-edged sword coming from His mouth; the Voice of many waters. When we comes here, they’ve already had their time to repent – because the Prophet preached and the Bride preached and they sinned willfully because they had a knowledge of the Truth. But I’m trying to show you, one place is the Age but God is judging the world; God is judging nations. Is that right? God is judging churches. God is judging families – homes. God is judging individuals—And we’ll try to pick up all those Vials that has come on individuals; Vials that was poured out on the nations.

Bro. Branham said when one of those Vials was poured out back there after World War II, Influenza killed twenty thousand. Is that right? Sure. There’s a temporary judgment every time a Church Age closes – Vials are poured out. Sure. Exactly right. When you get a revelation, for a real believer, it will be more like chastisement sometimes (amen) but to the unbeliever who is unrepentant, then it would be to their destruction. The believer, brother, he sees the Truth, he falls to his face and repents, you see.

Even in the very home, the father comes in there, begins to reveal things to his children. Oh sure, it’s a seal, he’s revealing things to them that was previously hidden from them; that they didn’t know, that was in his mind alone, that he had planned for them: “I’ll carry you all out for a little vacation; I’ll spend a week with you all... so and so and so on.” He begins to reveal things to them. Sure – things that are in his heart, thoughts he’s thinking, things that he wants for them; a blessing he has in store for them. Sure.

Many times he comes home there, he has to come in investigation judgment, pull them aside, find out who’s caused the trouble in the home. Sometimes he has to lock them away in the house. Is that right? Sometimes he has to pour out a vial there and put a good spanking on them and display his wrath. Sure! It happens. See? Always through the Bible, but it is all gathered up


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for the last great Seventh that is going to strike everybody that is not under that Blood. Amen. What a time. What a time!

May God take these things in this Hour and drive it down in our hearts to such a place that we could realize how far up the road we are, where we are standing in the Presence of Almighty God and the things being spoken to us – how responsible before God we ought to be; and how He’s expecting us as faithful and dedicated children that love Him (because He first loved them) to carry out His will exactly the way and please Him, because that would be the desire of their hearts. Amen. My!

That’s what he did. He said, And the 5th chapter, He’s just setting a scene for the opening of the Seven Seals, just as He did in the 1st chapter of Revelations...

Before it came to the Church Ages, God had a first chapter of Revelation. Is that right? And that had to be revealed before you could understand the Seven Church Ages: “I’m Alpha and Omega”, sevenfold glory, and all these things – Seven Stars in His right hand. Seven Candlesticks meant the Seven Church Ages; Seven Stars meant the Seven Messengers, all these things. And in each Age, he said He’s the One with the white hair, He’s the One with this. If we didn’t have that first chapter, you couldn’t go into it. The same way he said if you didn’t have this 4 and 5, you couldn’t go into the Seals. The same way I’m saying, if you don’t have this 12 to 15, you can’t go into the Vials. See?

...He’s to look upon as Jasper and Sardius stone, and He’s preparing for those seven church ages.

He’s preparing for those Seven Church Ages. Can’t you see Him tonight, preparing for the Seven Vials? Could you really see Him there? Shows up an eclipse in the sky, a total black out and everything? You sit down right there around the Prophet of God. Wasn’t anybody—I explained a lot of different brothers’ state to the church, different things, see? And here, then all of a sudden – BOOM! We come right there, handwriting on the wall, the moon is in total blackout and here’s the Prophet, the Voice to this generation, “Babylon is fallen!” Amen, sure. All these things about Mystery Babylon and all these things; look what is happening; it’s doomed, it’s gone. See?

Right there we are talking about these Vials, and do you know what these Vials are? Judgment upon the Beast and his kingdom,


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Mystery Babylon, Nimrod and his state. That’s what it is – Lucifer in his Eden – the God of this evil age in his Satan’s Eden with all the souls in prison who reject the Blood. Exactly. You’re going to see these things. We’ve went through that many, many times but I’m bringing it in a little different way.

Now he’s preparing for the opening of those seven seals of redemption. See, that’s what the 5th chapter is. That’s the reason I kinda read it and then just take it from there, and talk on it and give the other parts of the Scripture; [And that’s what I’m doing.] ...is because it isn’t verse by verse, something that’s happening… [Revelation Chapter Five Part 2 —Ed.]

And that’s why these things here, I’m trying to pick it up in bits and pieces just to show it like that. I took part there, Revelation chapter 12, which is part of the breach. I’m taking Revelation 13, which is part of the same breach, okay. And we’ll pick up a little part of Revelation 14 and 15, which is part of the same breach. Because when we get to the Vials, we are going to have to come back there to see—because the First Vial, He’s pouring out that Vial on the earth. The Second Vial, He’s pouring it out on the sea. Third Vial, He’s pouring it out on the fountains and the waters. Fourth Vial, He’s pouring it out on the sun; exactly what it was back under the Trumpets. But there were three woes in the Trumpets: woe, woe, woe – three birth pains this earth went through to bring a New Earth. Is that right? But under there, we found out they were working in science and war and all these things, building up their Eden.

Under the Vials, he was not building up his Eden; he was reigning over his Eden. He wasn’t now a spirit in the bottomless pit, he was the Beast who ascended out of the bottomless pit; the devil incarnate, the man of sin himself. He’s in flesh now. He’s in his kingdom with all his angels in flesh. Do you understand what I’m saying? Two woes have already gone, but now they’re in the third woe, the third birth pain. So it comes back to the earth, the sea, the rivers and the atmosphere – because why? It comes back to the third birth pain on the same earth to purify that earth, to bring back the Eden for the Millennium.

After the Vials is the Millennium. Armageddon cleans off the earth. There is nothing between there. I’ll show you how 17, 18 and 19 in Revelation, are also under Revelation 16. If God helps


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me within the next half hour here before we close, to cover Revelation 12 to Revelation 19 and show you the tie block, and Revelation 16 to 19 is really the Vials – because it just gives you the history of the Catholic Church, it shows how she controls the economy of the world, it shows how God destroys her, but it already tells you He is destroying her under the Vials.

Now you didn’t know who it was, it just says the Beast and his kingdom, but it tells you here now where that kingdom is. All the kings of the earth, all the merchants that trade by the sea, all these people here that she had; that’s where her wealth went. It just said she was decked with jewels and these things in one place, but it lets you know a little further what it is now. See? Amen.

May God help us. I was just praying. I say, you pray for me because I sat down watching that First Vial there and I’m watching and watching and watching it and I said, “How on earth could I really preach this? This is one message to come out there.” I was telling Bro. Kenny, this is about five messages alone just to put this thing right, to hit that one First Vial, and then from there it wouldn’t be basically like Vial by Vial, because I’ll have to pick up the whole environment. I’ll have to come back and pick up the earth, the sea... because it is the whole earth and the inhabitants of the earth again.

You see under the Trumpets they destroyed the earth. Under the Vials He’s destroying them who destroyed the earth. Do you understand what I’m saying? Sure. When we get there you’re going to see. You know, I look at some of the things and I don’t want to just kind of go all different places here, because I already know what I’m going to be preaching Sunday. Some of it just want to jump out here. See? I just have to have a little temperance. Amen.

He says, And if you get the preparation, then... you’re ready for it then. And that’s the way it is by faith or anything else…

This is a whole step of faith here. I just see it, believe it and Saturday night there when it dawned on me, “Look, the breach between the Trumpets and the Vials. Take that there and start here because that is going to open up this and that’s the way you’re suppose to go to it to bridge that Trumpet to come to the Vials because the Trumpets end in Revelation 11:19. And the Seventh one was the Millennium; the kingdom of this world becoming the


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kingdom of our Lord and His Christ.” So it means all those Vials is somewhere inside of there because the Seventh Trumpet end with the Millennium. See that? But right before Revelation 11:15 is Revelation 11:14, “Behold the third woe cometh quickly” – Armageddon. What is that? The battle that started in Heaven ends up on the earth. Can’t you see how the Holy Spirit came and gave us all those messages on the Three Battlegrounds [1989-0514 –Ed.] and all those things – taking it out of Heaven, taking it to the human mind and now He’s bringing it to the last battleground and right there we’re catching all these Seven Vials?

I mean, you could see – by spiritual discernment, you could see this is a perfect leadership of the Holy Spirit. The Word is so straight and so timely and so direct. I mean who else could plan It or think It but God. That is why I say never fuss, never struggle, just walk. You don’t understand – walk. You have nothing to say, just whistle and sing. Amen! He’s going to put It in your mouth when He wants you to say It. Don’t go and struggle and wrestle with anything because He promised to do it. It doesn’t come by him that willeth and him that runneth, it doesn’t come by your might or power, it’s by My Spirit saith the LORD and you apply that with anything else in your life. It’s just a principle. You’re walking by faith, trusting God, going on His merit and His grace; He said He’s going to give It to you before you even knew It had that as a promise – before you even recognized you had a need for It, He already said He’s going to give It to you and died for you and secured It.

So what are you fussing about? Just do what He says to do. Obey Him and you’re not going to miss anything. In your mind here, you start to compete because you think you’re missing this, you will miss this, you will miss this and you have to try a little harder because you have to do this. No. Just surrender, just let go and keep walking with a desire to please Him and He’s going to take care of everything because in any case you’re not going to be what you are not. Amen. See?

So I thought I would lay that in there and I want another quote with that because that tie block... He found a tie block, a diamond hitch, between those Ages and the Seals and the same way we find here... and that is absolutely necessary. But when Bro. Branham preached Future Home—and remember we had a whole series on


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Future Home right here: Baptism of the Holy Ghost, New Heaven and New Earth, [1987-0906 –Ed.] New City in the New Heaven and the New Earth [1987-0927 –Ed.] and all those great things that God came and showed to us out of that message.

And that was the message Future Home, where he said he asked Bro. Billy Paul, (which he mentioned in his testimony) “Did you understand what I preached, Billy?” He said, “Not so much understood what I preached.” And when God opened up those things to us, we found out why nobody understood what he said, because look what he was talking about. And people’s minds were fifteen hundred miles around the tabernacle and they started to move into Jeffersonville and were staying there looking for the Millennium; and he was a million miles from talking that.

He was just giving an illustration of what it was going to be like and he was really talking about the Plan of redemption to bring a New Earth – to bring a New Heaven first, a New Soul. Is that right? Then a New Body, then a New City; the theophany in that New Earth. That’s what he’s talking about and a baptism of the Holy Ghost on the 8th day which is this very Message that brings the New Earth. Amen.

And on that message when he struck that message he had seen something and he said, “I’ve been telling you... [this is page 4] in the times past, about the Seven Seals, the Church Ages, and the things that’s been taken place.

Now, this morning, I have a very important subject. To me, it’s a very blessful one. [And] I hope it strikes you the same way. ...if I could only give it in the inspiration I received it in, [it will] be wonderful, but that’ll be up to God to do that. See?

Many times you get things and to really say it in the way you get it, if the person hadn’t been brought the way God brought you, many times they can’t really appreciate it the way you’ll appreciate it because when it comes to you it comes through a series of experiences leading up to that. Sometimes when they’re hearing it, their experience might be somewhere else. Do you understand? So when he got this message, he says, it would be up to the Holy Spirit to give it to you in the inspiration that He gave it to me in.

He said, I’ve been telling you about where and what is happening, and we see all these things taken place.


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He had preached all those things in 1964: Shalom, [1964-0112 –Ed.] Proving His Word [1964-0816 –Ed.] and all those things coming up there and he said:

Now, I’m speaking, this morning, on: The Future Home Of The Heavenly Bridegroom And The Earthly Bride, where they’re going to live. And I trust by God’s grace we’re all a part of that great economy....

Then he said, Now for this great subject, … I suppose, if I would take my time on this, ‘cause you have to bring in many things, it would take weeks. But I’ve wrote down some Scriptures, [and] some notes, just to hit the highlights of it, to where it’ll let you study.

That is what we are trying to do; to let you study a lot of these things. And when you study it, when the Word begins to preach, let me tell you, it will just explode in your heart. You are going to see it.

He said, Then soon, maybe, the Lord willing, in October, [this was in August ’64] ...I don’t know when, but whenever He will provide, I’d like to have a few days, just of constant meeting, on the 12th chapter of Revelations, to tie in with this here. See?

He had seen something with Revelation 12 that ties in with Future Home. Now Revelation 12 is Lucifer up in Heaven who desired to build his own Eden too. And how he built his own Eden for 6000 years, which is just the perversion of God’s Eden because on Future Home he’s dealing with the earth being redeemed through water, blood and fire. But the reason it needed redemption is because the earth fell when man fell, and it is Satan that caused man’s fall and began to build his own Eden. And when the fire comes, God is really moving the cosmos, removing Satan’s Eden not annihilating the earth. Do you understand that?

So when he broke into that, he said, “I must take Revelation 12, this will never be what it is supposed to be. If you don’t see Revelation 12, then you won’t understand how Satan got your life, deformed your life – that it is going to take the Baptism of Fire to transform your life that is deformed. And remember we took that here about all the trees and we took the air and all the earth (Is that right?) being deformed and all these things. Is that right? Sure, we took it. We went through those things.


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So he says; I’ll like to take this constant meeting on the 12th chapter of Revelation. And I want you to see how the Holy Spirit, knowing it was the Spirit in the heart of the Prophet wanting to have these things, though he never really came and brought it out in the way he would like, but it is laying there for the five-fold ministry to take it up and polish up these things and show you what is laying there.

He says, Oh, I believe it would be great. It’d just be. It would be great to see how He done.

Now on page 9, Now, I think in this, that, not knowing what time that the Lord Jesus might appear, I thought it would be good, it seemed pleasing to the Holy Spirit that we’d speak on this, then; and maybe come back to it again, two or three times…. The Future Home.

He said, we should come back to it two or three times and he did, in God Of This Evil Age, [1965-0801 –Ed.] Satan’s Eden, [1965-0825 –Ed.] God’s Power To Transform, [1965-0911 –Ed.] you see him bringing up those things over and over and over.

Remember we took the message—a Tape Service and we studied it for three services, Power Of Transformation [1965-1031m –Ed.] and we took that earth, how it is deformed, how it is being transformed. And we took it with this earth also, and showed you the same thing that is happening.

... I won’t have quite ample time to get all this out. As where you hit a subject that might be a little stumbling to

someone, you can’t carry it all the way out to make it plain, then you come back again to catch the next subject.

And then later on, if the Lord willing, we come into the 12 th

chapter of Revelation, which lays between the Coming of the Lord and the ending of the Trumpets, and so forth. [The Future Home Of The Heavenly Bridegroom And The Earthly Bride—Ed 64-0802]

See? He had just preached Feast Of The Trumpets [1964-0719 –Ed.] the end of July, Recognizing Your Day And Its Message. [1964-0726m –Ed.] Then he came over into August the 2nd and preached Future Home, and in Future Home he says, “Now...” He said “Revelation 12, I want to get that to you, show you how Lucifer was in Heaven, all these things.” And if you noticed, he said that is laying between the Coming of the Lord and the ending of the Trumpets. Exactly so. He just said it differently; back to front,


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because Revelation 11 is the ending of the Trumpets. Revelation 19 is the Coming of the Lord to bring the new Eden. And Revelation 12 deals with Satan right there – how he was in Heaven. Revelation 13, he’s in his Eden on the Earth.

So from Revelation 12 to Revelation 13 is eons. Do you understand what I am saying? From the battle up in Heaven to when he was cast down, it is so much millions of years or billion that was. Then six thousand years, you add that to this time where he builds up his Eden. Now he is getting ready to be enthrone as God.

So Revelation 12 is Lucifer with his five ‘I wills’ in Heaven trying to overthrow Michael’s Kingdom. Revelation 13 is Lucifer in his Eden ruling over his subjects. He’s not the antichrist spirit, he’s not called false prophet, he’s called Beast. And that was the trinity of the devil (Is that right?) when he becomes incarnate in flesh; which is really Nimrod in Babylon in his world state because it is a mystery in Babylon, it’s a mystery in Nimrod; everything is under him. So watch how all those things we had—got those messages from the Holy Spirit, just coming into this.

Watch. Revelation 14. What is it? Armageddon. The Reaper coming to reap the earth, the winepress destroying that entire system, all those things. We have the message in the library. We played it here many times, after I preached it in 1984. What is it? It is the battle that started in Heaven – Revelation 12, ends up in Revelation 14 because Armageddon is in Revelation 11– the third woe cometh quickly.

Armageddon is in Revelation 14. Armageddon is in Revelation 16. Armageddon is in Revelation 19. Armageddon is in Daniel 2; the Rock smiting the toes. It’s Armageddon all the time and Armageddon always follows the Third Angel’s Message. Sure. Revelation 10, the Third Angel’s Message; Revelation 11:14; Armageddon. Revelation 14:9 to 11, the Third Angel’s message. Revelation 14:14 to 20, Armageddon. Amen. Sure. Revelation 18:4, the Third Angel’s message; Revelation 19, Armageddon. Armageddon follows... because that Angel comes between World War II and World War III. He comes to pull the Bride out before a bomb falls. “I will send Elijah before the earth burns as an oven.”

Let me tell you, the supreme Faith that you can have in this Message, seeing where we are sitting, seeing what is coming,


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seeing that they are going to destroy themselves as in the days of Noah, but the grace of God comes to a Prophet to pull you out that you wouldn’t be atomic fodder – like He pulled Abraham out before the Gentile world was burnt with fire and Abraham was changed. Just exactly what God promised us in this Hour.

We live for this. If our souls could only stay in that place where God can talk to us and keep feeding us on the Hidden Food, the Divine revelation of this Word. Let me tell you, we will walk with Him daily, not just come to church on Wednesdays and Sundays and Thursdays; we’ll walk with Him daily!

It’s just God’s love towards us; come in a prophet, a humble prophet, begin to pull us out, begin to reveal to us what is coming, begin to show us He has already provided, knows our fears, knows how we are so prone to get scared when it gets dark. He said, “Don’t you fear. There will be a Man here that will turn on the light for you.” Amen. “He wouldn’t let anything happen to you; that great Holy Spirit.”

It’s such a… you know, it’s like the bigger brother was comforting the little sister when he was preaching the Message to us; letting us know everything will be alright. He got the Word, he got the assurance, he said, “My hand is on the Chief Engineer right here.” Amen. “That Pillar of Fire you see, He’s going to move you in the Secret Place. You’re going to feed on the Hidden Food. He’ll take care of you in the time of drought; it will hit the world but He’ll take care of you. You will have something to eat.”

It wouldn’t be famine for bread and water alone but for the hearing of the true Word. You’ll be able to come in the Presence of God, feel the Presence of God, be filled with the Presence of God, walk with your faith growing and coming into a perfect faith; while people are going into religion and getting more and more worldly everyday, while they are getting all kinds of bingos and buncos and parties and this and that and the other and you will be walking into a New Body because there will be a Word that you can feed on that can bring you into a New Body.”

What was that? God’s provision, thinking about you, while we were out in the world. He had it all stored up. He was storing it up when you were in the world looking for rubbish in garbage pans. Amen! No wonder the wrath of God will be Divine when people spurn that kind of mercy. When man walk away from that kind of


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correction of the Word, when man refuse the Divine leadership to walk in their own imaginations, no wonder the wrath will be Divine. They would be without excuse. Amen.

So he said: [...we’ll come back there and take] The 12th chapter of Revelations, which lays between the Coming of the Lord and the end of the Trumpets, and so forth. We’ll try to bring that back, to show who is Satan, what he did, where he come from, what’s his purpose, and how that his great beauty that was give him caused his fall. His deceit caused him to fall; beauty.

He said we will find out who is Satan: 1. What he did: 2. Where he came from: 3. What’s his purpose: 4. 5: How his great beauty that was given to him caused his fall.

And in God Of This Evil Age, Satan’s Eden, God’s Power To Transform, And Knoweth It Not, [1965-0815 –Ed.] those Messages there; he goes right into it and he goes back in Heaven – how Lucifer wanted to build a kingdom more beautiful than Michael’s; how he came down on the earth through the Serpent, came into the human race; how through Cain he began to work in science; he began to build up his own kingdom. Is that right? He came back through Nimrod after the flood, began to build his great cities and these things. Right down until this day, they destroyed the earth and hell is created on the earth now. It is all there; he brought it out for us.

On page 25; if you take that and you compare that with page 25 in Satan’s Eden, you’ll see where he says—he refers right back to this message and said, “Remember when I was preaching on those feasts and these things, I told you I was going to bring that in here and all those things.” Because the accuracy of the Holy Spirit knowing that every vitamin of the Word had to be placed in and revealed and laid in the Message – everything that we would need to grow into the full Word, that we would not be caught here unaware of what is happening. We would be able to have it laying there because he said, “By a commission I’m storing this up.” He said, “I’m staying under the anointing of the Holy Spirit for Him to show me which one of these Mysteries to open up.”

He was staying there under the leadership of the Spirit and God was showing him, open this up, open that up, open up this, open up that, and they were all being stored away. He said, “And when that baby begins to grow in you, you’ll find that there is a crave. And


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you’ll be craving things and those ministers are going to find it right there in the Word already stored up waiting for you and begin to bring the spiritual Food in due season, that Hidden Food to you that you can feed upon It and have something to eat in that Hour.”

That is why it is one of the most precious things for us to have this Word, to sit in the Presence of It because this Word, the Revelation of Jesus Christ is He Who came down from Heaven. He is the Bread of Life Himself. He Who came down from Heaven is the Bread of Life and that’s the One, he said, you are feeding on; not on a man but the Unfailing Body Word. And that Message, the Shout was the living Bread of Life to gather the Bride together – he said on The Rapture [1965-1204 –Ed.] page 27.

What is it? It’s to feed upon – oh you hunger for It. “Labor for meat that perish not.” That’s His Word. Labor to enter into that Land where you eat the old corn and not these little manna that get rotten and these things anymore. You crossed over Jordan and you get in there and begin to feed upon the mature Word, amen, that is going to give you strength to stand in this Hour. And you stand there as an overcomer, amen, and hold a testimony – and have a testimony that you please God before you are translated. Amen.

So the word breach means a gap. Its after nine now; I’m getting ready to close. I promised you that and I’m going to stay with that because I don’t want to be long. I just want to be right there and just put the Word in.

Breach means a gap. Between the Ages and the Seals it had a gap. And here we find gaps appear in many places in the Bible. And I told you there are also intervals because he said Revelation 7 is an interval between the 6th and 7th Seals. And we found, there was an interval between the 6th and 7th Ages. We found it had an interval between the 6th and 7th Seals, the 6th and 7th Trumpets, the 6th and 7th Vials. There are intervals but the Ages keep on going, the Trumpets keep on going, the Vials keep on going. But then these tie blocks now are put here to hold things together; one holding the Ages and the Seals, one holding the Trumpets and the Vials and so on. Okay.

And since we’ve come through these Seven Trumpets, as I said, we went into it in a very deep way and we knew that we were going to come here and pick up the Seven Vials, because back in


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’84 we were just mainly proving that those Vials were not Moses and Elijah; it was the ministry of the Seven Church Ages angels.

So when we come back to that first Vial we’ll pick back up Paul again because he is the one that preached, “...the mystery of iniquity doth already work:” [2nd Thessalonians 2:7 –Ed.]. And when he comes to pick up his resurrected body at the last Trumpet, do you know what is going to happen? When the Bride goes up, Satan will come down to become incarnate to fulfill what Paul said. He will see this whole Age reject his Message that is going to judge the world. He said, “The world will be judged by my Gospel.” And Malachi 4 says, “I preached what Paul preached.” He was sent to restore – to bring back the original apostolic faith.

Paul said, “My Gospel will judge the secrets of the hearts of men.” And that’s the very Word that came and discerned the hearts of men because it was The Revelation of Jesus Christ; quick and sharp and more powerful – Hebrews 4:12 – the Word made flesh. Amen?

So watch all those things, how we are going to get all those things. It is very tremendous when we go into it, but all these things we’ll be taking, Revelation... maybe I should just read another Scripture with you, another – bits and pieces here.

Revelation 14. Now Revelation 14:1 to 5 is dealing with the 144,000 and I won’t take that part because it deals with the Name written in the forehead. I’ll pick it up later on because that’s the Seal of God, you see. Revelation 7:2, they were being sealed in their foreheads; Revelation 14, they have a name written in their forehead. And when we come to the Mark of the Beast, we’ll have to pick up the Seal of God, so I’ll be able to get that. But I want to just touch something here which would be very good for us to read, part of the same breach, part of the same tie block, this diamond hitch. Revelation 14 verse 6:

6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, tongue, and people,

7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come:

Watch this now:


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...and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.

And His judgment is going to judge them who destroyed the heavens, and the earth, and the seas, and the fountains of waters. That’s those four things under the Trumpets, that’s those same four things under the Vials but the judgment is going to come. And watch those four things right there again, you will see how it comes right back in the first four Vials; those four things come right there because God is destroying them who destroy His earth. Alright?

The Hour of His judgment is come. There is an Hour when the judgment is going to come. The Hour comes first and the judgment will be in that Hour, like the Day of vengeance. Is that right? They had the Acceptable year of the Lord, then the Day of vengeance. And then we find even before when the Hour came, before He went in judgment, He comes down in investigation judgment.

Just like in the Garden, He came down, “Why have you done this? Have you eaten from the tree?” He didn’t come down and started judgment left and right. No, He investigated, then He said, “Cursed, you go on your belly.” He told the woman, “Also in sorrow you shall bring forth. Cursed be the earth.” Is that right? Then with Cain, when he killed Abel, He came down again, “Where is thy brother?” He knew but He comes down in investigation.

Revelation 18, comes down in investigation. Revelation 10... Genesis 18 rather. Genesis 11, when they were building Babel: “Let us go down and see again.” Investigation always; then judgment. And that’s why when that Cloud turned, it was showing we are in a time of Investigation Judgment but there has been a lingering time – the longsuffering of God waiting all these years; waiting, waiting all these years.

And may you who have sat here and took a lot for granted, may through these messages you see the Divine grace and mercy that was yours and see if in your heart you appreciated it. See if after that kind of mercy with this kind of judgment that was coming behind, if you had obeyed His Word and made ready because you were so thankful for what He did for you, and if not, just in your


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heart repent before Him. Always may He find a repentant heart when you recognize you were in the wrong. Amen.

Then the next verse, 8: 8 And there followed another angel, saying,

Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.

From those who destroyed the earth and the sea and all these things – Babylon – see where it comes from now? Exactly. That Serpent seed that started through—let me show you something. That Serpent seed that started through Eve came out through Cain’s false worship. It came to its fullness in Nimrod when he built the tower of Babel because that is where Satanic religion had its origin in the earth. Amen. It was actually a worship of Satan. Cain was ignorantly worshiping the devil thinking he was worshipping God; was corrected and he refused to do it. Is that right? Sure, but then back there they totally were rebelling against God’s Word, set up their own system, then God came down and destroyed it.

And it’s the same way, like with Paul, we find where he said, “As the serpent beguiled Eve, so I fear these beguile you the Corinthians.” 2nd Corinthians 11, the second Eve now; the Eve from the second Adam. Is that right? The Nicolaitans were coming and begin to deceive her, then it ends up into what? Thyatira Age; Mystery Babylon. Is that right? Sure, he begins to bring the whole world under that Roman power; until today, look what is happening.

So he says here, Babylon is fallen, is fallen,... because she made

all nations [the kingdoms of this world] drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.

9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image and received his mark...

Now the first time that this is ever mentioned in the Bible in the Book of Revelation, it’s in Revelation 13. See? 13, 15 and 16 where it speaks of the image of the Beast, where it speaks of the mark of the Beast, where it speaks of the number of the Beast; it is the first time in the entire Book of Revelation it is mentioned and it


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is mentioned right in that tie block. Right in that breach it comes up but the mark of the Beast started in Genesis. It started in Genesis. We are going to get it on Sunday. It started in Genesis and comes all the way in Revelation, because the first Vial was being poured out on men who had the mark of the Beast and men who worshipped the image, but God will never judge man without first warning him. Is that right? God has never ever done it.

God doesn’t ever judge man without first warning. He said, “The day you eat you shall surely die.” He told them back there. Is that right? He told Cain, “Sin lieth at the door...do like your brother.” Is that right? They came up to the land in the time of Moses at Kadesh Barnea. They had come to the knowledge of the truth. They saw the land was a good land and they refused to believe it. Is that right? And they rejected it and then their punishment followed after.

After the rejection of the Word always comes the punishment. What is the Vials? The punishment that’s following the rejection of the mercy. What was the mercy? The Seven Seals – God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son; the Son of Man that is to be revealed to the Gentiles in the last days. Amen. God rich in mercy, coming down; the plan of redemption being revealed; the Seven Seals, the Blood of Jesus Christ speaking better things. What shall you do with Jesus called Christ? The Blood is on your hands. Is that right? They spurned It; mercy sent by a Prophet, then the punishment comes afterwards; the wrath of God. They spurned mercy. Exactly. But here, here it is. It is mentioned again a second time now but this Angel is warning them. First, it says what it was. It was Lucifer up in Heaven, who was the great red dragon, comes down on the earth, had his own kingdom and set down his mark. Is that right?

But here was an Angel warning you about that mark and then under the first Vial you see they are being judged for it. Why are they being judged for it? They never listened to this Angel. That is why they ended up there because they never listened to this Angel. God never judges a man without warning him first and here is the warning coming.

Can’t you realize what you’ve been sitting under? Do you understand what I was saying on Sunday? When the Word comes to people and warns them and warns them and talks to them and


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they don’t give heed to It, then they reject the warning of the Spirit and they go into problems. And God lets them go into there because He cannot bless them for their disobedience. He pours out a vial upon them, sickness hits them, put them on a bed of affliction or something else. Sure! Because they refuse mercy; they refuse correction.

Look at Uzziah, ended up a leper in the leper house, when the priest talked to him. Sure. Look at David, after he went and sinned there and Nathan says, “Watch what is going to happen to you.” Sure. It always comes. Those that are of God, they repent and get back right with God but these here, watch when the Vials were poured out, they were blaspheming God. They sinned away their day of grace already. It’s a hideous condition.

Brothers, let me tell you, it is so serious, the Hour that we are living in; and where we are sitting, seeing the Word of God that has been laying here since It had been delivered since 1963. And in 1989, to get us ready, the Spirit of God screaming out on those tapes. And then here it is, in this late Hour, when God is looking to take His Bride off the earth, so many people who have been around for so many years—when Rahab heard one message and she got that Token on display, her house was marked and death could not touch that house. The Holy Spirit forbid the slaughtering angels; “Touch not them who have the Seal of God.”

Watch under those Trumpets too – is that right? “Touch not My anointed. Touch not where the Blood is applied. It showed they have obeyed the Word of God. I promise them I’ll preserve them,” amen, “leave your hand off of them but slay everything else.” All God is watching and respecting is His own covenant; all through the Bible.

If any man worship the beast... Look at the warning of the Spirit. This Angel is warning with a

loud voice. A loud voice; it rocked all Laodicea. It rocked all 969 denominations. It is still echoing in the earth, that Angel proclaimed with a strong voice, “Babylon is fallen!” Another voice cried out, “Come out of her My people!” Is that right? Sure! That’s the Message right here. The Hour of His judgment, Babylon is fallen; that’s where His judgment is going to come, on Babylon, Mystery Babylon who corrupts the whole earth. Is that right? Sure. And who has the mark and who is worshipping the


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devil – lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God, having pleasure in unrighteousness rather than the revealed Word.

If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,

Some may not want it in their forehead but they may take it in the hand. Do you understand what I’m saying? Oh, they may know better, sit here and being taught the truth of what the Beast is, what it is, what denomination is; but Esau, that fornicator, sold his birthright for a morsel of meat. Do you understand what I’m saying? He looked for a place of repentance and he couldn’t find one.

10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation;

And what is that? Those Seven Vials. The wine of the wrath of God being poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation.

...and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb.

Because the Lamb in Revelation 19 is come with His holy Angels to pour out the fierceness of His wrath – all those Seven Angels who stood there and brought mercy to every Age, because that is where the Throne of mercy was; in those messengers. Is that right? The Holy Spirit, the Voice of the Blood, in every Age said, “He that hath an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church” and the Revelation was coming to one man for the Age. Is that right? And unto the angel of the church I am he who has the seven stars in my right hand. [Revelation 2:1 –Ed.] One man, the Angel! And the end, [of each Age –Ed.] he that hath an ear to hear what the Spirit was saying.

And they were calling the names in the Book and that system started there. The mystery of iniquity was already at work and Paul says in the last days, it would become the incarnate devil sitting there, and the Lord shall destroy him with the brightness of His coming; 2nd Thessalonians. Is that right? When He is being revealed in Heaven and the Day of vengeance and all these things are going to come and His name shall be glorified, then Paul


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comes back to pick up his body and here he is on the earth. That’s what he preached.

Do you think he’d be surprised? He’ll say “I preached that.” It is revealed in the Book of Daniel because Paul in 1st Thessalonians 4 before Revelation 10 was even written, saw Daniel 12… 10 to 12. Because Daniel 10 to 12 is the Seven Thunders where the mighty Angel comes with the open Book to deliver the names, and He comes to us first and then to them. Sure. Paul saw it, you see. Daniel 10 to 12 is Revelation 10, exactly. They saw it. That’s why Paul said, “Remember when I was here with you I told you these things” (those Thessalonians) “and about the man of sin shall be revealed in his time?” Where is it coming from? The Book of Daniel: the fourth Beast, the fourth kingdom, Mystery Babylon; all these things we have been taking these past services.

11 And the smoke of their torment ascended up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast...

And we know what that is – that is why we are in this Message; and His image – that is why we will not be pressured under any circumstances. If we have to walk the street as a vagrant and die on the street, if God bids it so, we would rather it go down that way than to go in the system for bread and butter and sell out our souls, because we know we are going to come up in the resurrection. Revelation 20:4 says, and they who were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and they who didn’t worship the mark and who didn’t worship the Beast was with Him in that resurrection but the rest of the dead lived not for a thousand years. Sure.

Where was that being uncovered to us? In this Age. This Message revealed the Mystery of those things to us. He said, “That rider there, look at him going there. He’s an antichrist spirit. He’s come into the false prophet; now he has come into the Beast.” He said, “He’ll set down his mark then.” He said, “That image is the World Council of Churches.” And that didn’t start until 1948. If you remember my message here on The Third Angel’s Message [1987-1108 The Seal Of God And The Mark Of The Beast Between The 6th And 7th Trumpets –Ed.] when I preached that; showing you what that was.

…and whosoever receive the mark of his name.


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The Breach Between The Trumpet And The Vials Pt 2 1989-081712 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they

that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

Right here it is. Right here are they. You have this Revelation. You have patience as the Word was saying tonight: Tried by the Word of the Lord. You have the faith of Jesus right here, knowing God’s Word will never, never, never fall to the ground. It’s been spoken, THUS SAITH THE LORD. That Pillar of Fire is hanging there not to show just a supernatural Light; It came for vindication. The earthly Messenger was sent by the heavenly Messenger: “Behold I send you, Elijah.” Is that right? And that Message is going to turn your heart back from all false worships, like when Elijah called them from Baal, repaired the altar and brought them back to the original faith of the fathers. He is going to bring us right back, the very same thing; to repair the altar for the Evening Sacrifice. Exactly right. Ahab and Jezebel was in the land – all those things happening.

Over and over and over, we can go into the Word with those things and see that we are sitting here by the grace of God under the revelation of the Hour that came to us by a Prophet of God; a holy Prophet that was vindicated by the Pillar of Fire with a Message to pull a Bride out. May we be pulled out from every contrary thing: all worldliness, all sin, all our own ideas, all our own ambitions – all worldliness! And may we be pulled by the Third Pull into a perfect faith. Amen. Hallelujah!

So I took a little part there to show you that Third Angel’s Message and when you go home, you read the rest. Revelation 14:14 to 20 is Armageddon and Revelation 15 is setting the scene for the opening of the Seven Vials (amen). So Sunday morning we are going to pick up the first Vial. I tell you we are going to get back—I’m going to try to remember as much as I could where I left out spaces here but this is just setting to show you, the breach between the Trumpets and the Vials is put there for a purpose. Amen. And those things are necessary to understand those Seven Vials; it is the tie block. It ties the Trumpets and the Vials together.

And when we come to those Seven Vials, that earth is going to take us back to Genesis when the earth was created. That sea is going to take us back to Genesis when that sea was created. That


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river is going to take us back to the river in Genesis when it was created. It goes right back to that Faith Civilization because the Vials will clean off the earth to bring that back. Exactly right.

Then that mark of the Beast, oh, I tell you, it’s tremendous. We don’t have time tonight but Sunday morning. Try and pray over the weekend. As I said – I asked you last week; faithfully, you do what you have to do. Get your things planned. Don’t go haphazardly. You know, you see the Holy Spirit told us before. You have your little washing to do, you sisters, try to do your washing early – keep it back. Get up extra early to do the work in the house. Get all those things that you need to get done, get it sorted out by the grace of God that we can come in here early.

We want to start exactly at seven o’clock. By 7:30 or 7:25, if I can come to the pulpit right away, by 9 o’clock in the night, if we can finish. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday we have those services there. Start Sunday morning, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and then we’ll finish Sunday morning because that’s about the time I would have. So, that would be five services and in those five services, we can capture a real lot.

We had Seven Trumpets in just four services right there; cover it off. They were long services, but here, if we have to get maybe a second portion, I can always get it after when I come back. As I said, I’ll be away for two weeks after that, but right in here, we just want to pour this in here to show the Hour.

Oh how necessary it is to have the Token on display; because way back in 1984, I told you, there were two things: the Token and souls that are in prison – redemption and judgment: those who were under the Blood and those who were outside the Blood. Souls that are in prison are those who are outside; under the wrath of God. The Token is those who were under the mercy of God that entered in. Amen.

That’s exactly where it stands tonight. It doesn’t stand any other way and that’s why, when we see all these horrible things, horrible things moving in. How we want to be ready. You watch and see when these things start to come out, you’re going to realize so much right now.

Jezebel was doomed that day when Elijah said, the dogs shall eat Jezebel’s bones and these things. She didn’t die until years after. When Elijah put judgment on Ahab, he didn’t die until years


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after. And the people of this generation, let me tell you, they don’t have much longer because as soon as the Bride goes up, it is a matter of three and a half years for Moses and Elijah. And those Gentiles will look so powerful on the earth until Moses and Elijah come because they are going to have their system well organized. Everybody would have their jobs, everybody has this, everybody has the way they are going to get different things and they have their little worldly security and these things and they think, you know, everything is alright.

You know, they are being a little smart, some of them trapped into it; they don’t even know what is going on. Foolish virgins who hang around will be hunted down like dogs and it will be a persecution like it was back there in pagan Rome. They are going to slaughter them. They will have to seal their testimony with their blood. The dragon will spill water out of its mouth to make war with the remnant of the woman’s seed. [Revelation 12:15, 17 –Ed.] Is that what It says? The devil comes down but he knows he has but a short time. Sure, just exactly.

Remember we took that – while Solomon was there being crowned, Adonijah was making himself king on the earth and when they heard the shout in the valley of grace... See?

Then he said, “What is that? They said, “Solomon is crowned king.” And every man started to scamper and Solomon was coming

there with the sword to smite every one of them; execute judgment. The Hour of His judgment is come.

When we hit these Vials, it is not the Hour of His judgment, it is not Investigation judgment; that is finished too. This is now, God, executing Divine judgment. I wonder if we understood how we have been coming. From the time that Cloud turned, every Message that was preached since that Cloud turned, you watch and see what it was.

First one was It Is The Rising Of The Sun, Quickening Power – the Resurrection. He’s come to judge the quick and the dead and just like Daniel 7, the Book was opened. When he opened those Seven Seals there and the names were being called, those who are going to have part in the first resurrection.

Then, from there he went on and preached Does God Change His Mind About His Word? [1965-0427 –Ed.] and then he started


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with the series, One In A Million [1965-0424 –Ed.] right on to Choosing A Bride. [1965-0426 –Ed.] And at the end of Choosing A Bride, the wrath of God belched out, “Oh, Los Angeles, Los Angeles city of the Angels...” On that Message, for half an hour he didn’t know what he was saying and judgment was pouring out of the Throne of God, pronouncing judgment upon that West Coast.

And then he went to Africa and he came back and he said, “I’m definitely lead to start with these Seven Vials,” and he started with Ashamed. [1965-0711 –Ed.] I always told you Ashamed to Communion [1962-0204 –Ed.] and all those messages are under that, since that Cloud had turned; showing judgment was coming. He began to bring in those Trumpets, those Vials and those Thunders and was tying them together to follow the Ages and the Seals.

Many people never saw it was that he did, but God by Divine grace let us see it was that he did and brought the revelation to prove it was that he did. And then here when these things follow there, it was the sign of the end of the world. Sirs, could it be, my brethren? All these things are happening like that. It is going to just pass right through people except they have the Token to examine it, it will pass right through them. Take a little time and examine it. What does it mean?

“Oh, it is not that late. You’re trying to scare us, Brother Vin. You’re just trying to make us come to service on time. You know, be a little better and these things but you don’t really mean all that.” Well then I’m the biggest hypocrite there is. I mean that from the bottom of my heart because when I see God’s Prophet way back in 1957, [1957-0417 –Ed.] The Second Coming Of The Lord; 1958, [1958-0108 –Ed.] Handwriting On The Wall; all those different things bringing those things there. 1962, [1962-1230e –Ed.] Sirs Is This The Time; could it be my brethren. 1963, [1963-1110m –Ed.] Souls In Prison; screaming out, “Oh, God, have mercy. My family isn’t saved yet, Lord!” 1964, throw the rock up on the mountain and all those things; 1965, turned the Cloud. We don’t mean that in 1989?

We are going to start that first Vial – The Revelation of the Seven Vials – We would start that first one right here Sunday morning. And may you pray and may I pray and may God in His grace come down amongst us and make it so real in our hearts; the


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Hour that we are living in. And as we recognize His mercy towards us, while we still have it passing through and fading out, as Bro. Branham said – get a hold of that Lifeline. Tie It to your soul. Get your soul washed in the Blood. Come up right before God. If he as a prophet screamed out for his family, don’t have your children wandering around all over. You get It there and start to scream, “Oh God, my children are not saved! They don’t have the Holy Ghost yet, Lord.” You get out there too.

It wasn’t emotion that had him doing that; it was revelation had him doing that. Well, you have revelation the same way and it puts your heart in the same condition, wouldn’t it make the same behaviour? Sure, it would. See? That is why with these things, you don’t want to be fussing. You want to be adults. You want to sit down; wife and husband could sit down and say, “You know we disagree. We’re always carrying on this way. Let’s stop these things, honey. You know, I feel God is speaking to my heart. I want to really get right before God. I don’t want anything to stand between us.”

You know, get the children there. You pray with them. Get in the place where God can really move in your homes and where you know you are marked, you are sealed away. His sign of ownership of a finished work is put upon you. Not trying to bluff your subconscious: “Oh Billy, you’re too good a Christian. You know the woods really good, you are not lost.” No. Down in your heart you want to know, “Father, I know You hear me always. Father, I know I have done this according to Thy will. You showed it to me, Lord and I know I obeyed every Word. Father, if I have missed it somewhere, then show me because I don’t want to be found wanting. I don’t want any trouble at the river on that day.” Can we find that kind of sincerity in our hearts? We need to be in that condition. We need to face up to the Word.

Don’t just come around like a spiritual vagrant, like a spiritual beggar almost, “Well, I don’t know, saints... you know, brother, you know...” come to the place in your heart, amen. You know some people get so slothful; spiritually slothful. You come to the place to say, “Brother, you know the Word shook me up tonight. I realize that I need to walk closer with God and thank God for the Word that can convict me because the Spirit has really been dealing with me. But tonight, I feel like God really set it down and


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I’m done with all this foolishness. I’m willing to line up by the grace of God. Pray for me.” Somebody will always respect and honor that.

When you’re coming around almost like, “Well, I don’t know.” The Word came forth and showing you how to come out and be delivered and yet you still want to drift around in darkness and play around in the world, nobody can respect that. It is a discouragement. But I’m trusting by the grace of God where we have failed to praise Him, where we have failed to thank Him, where we have failed to surrender, where we have wrestled with Him and will not really yield to Him; and where we’ve resisted His will, it will just bring us to a full complete surrender and say, “God, you have been so merciful to me and I never even realized how much grace, how late it was and how much I was playing around and failed to recognize and yet You long suffered with me. But from this day on, Lord, I want to walk up and take my stand and bear my responsibility as a real Christian in this Hour.” Amen. And I tell you, God is going to bless it. God is going to honor it by the grace of God. Amen. As sincere as I could be; I believe that tonight.

Let us all stand to our feet. Amen. Praise be unto His wonderful Name. Do you love Him tonight? Do you appreciate His Word? Are you going to be praying for the service on Sunday? And let’s try and come out early by the grace of God, just get right up into His Presence. I know He’s going to bless us. I can already feel it coming in upon us tonight. I trust that you see what we are trying to lay out for you to show you.

It’s not verse by verse happening. We have to take the Scriptures here and explain part and throw out little things here to show—because when the times for the Vials are to be poured out, the Beast, the image, the mark, you know, the nations coming together for Armageddon; all those things will already be in motion in the earth.

Are you seeing it in motion in the earth already? Are you seeing it coming up where the money situation is being tied up? Do you see the kings of the earth, the nations being—communist world uniting, church world uniting, Western World uniting? Do you see all these things happening? Do you see all the economies of the world breaking that they have to bring it to the place where


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they have to change the money system and all these things? Are you really seeing these things in the world? Do you know what these things mean? Then, remember it is upon those people. Why had they remained in the systems when Malachi 4 came to them first before he came to us?

The king had called Vasthi first and she refused. Do you realize that? He said, “I must go back in evangelism and look for a Bride because Jesus Christ has been turned down. They have rejected Him; the Blood is on their hands. I’m looking for character now.” Eliezer had to sweat it out. God was looking for character that will say ‘I will go’, that will water that Word, that would sit on That and follow that messenger, knowing It is going to take you to that unseen Bridegroom.

Let me tell you, with all my heart I believe that this Message, as we walk in It, we are going to walk right into the arms of the Lord Jesus Christ. Oh, I want to see Him, look upon His face. Wouldn’t it be wonderful? We have the opportunity right now let us recognize it and let it not bypass us.

I had so seen God move in 1984 when those Vials were preached and things happened in the church. And I thought right there and then, it would have come to its end right there but God knew how many more were laying [seeds to be quickened –Ed.] But now let me tell you, when these things are revealed, it’s not leaving you with any doubts in your mind, you know. Those Seven Trumpets finished it. That wasn’t even supposed to be for us in the sense of saying it was supposed to be for us. It is there while looking into the Things that are to be and when we see it’s already coming to pass, how you ought to lift that head up and look up, knowing your redemption draweth nigh. Amen.

Let’s sing a little song with real feeling in our hearts. Amen. O To Be Like Thee... song number 43 in your Melodies of Praise [A songbook –Ed.] ...blessed Redeemer. This is my constant longing and prayer. Gladly I’ll forfeit all of earth’s treasures. Jesus Thy perfect likeness to wear. Amen. Do you want to be like that tonight? Let us sing maybe a couple verses before we pray – that’s what the Word ought to do for us.

O to be like Thee, O to be like TheeOh, blessed Redeemer pure as Thou art


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Oh, come in Thy sweetness, Lord Come in Thy fullnessStamp Thine own image ...

O to be like Thee lowly in spirit… lowly in spiritHoly and harmless (yes, Lord!) Patient and brave O, meekly enduring cruel reproachesWilling to suffer others to save... Oh let’s lift our hands...

O, to be like Thee, tonight.... be like Thee...Oh, mean that from your heart now.… to be like TheeBlessed Redeemer pure as Thou artCome in Thy sweetness, come in Thy fullnessStamp Thine own image deep on my heart

O, to be like Thee… Lord I am coming as an individual, tonight.

I hear You call, Jesus. I am coming.… Lord I’m coming Now to receive the anointing divine… anointing divineAll that I am and have I am bringing… I am and have I am bringingLord, from this moment… Do you really mean that tonight? All shall be Thine...unreservedly!

O, to be like TheeO to be like Thee; O to be like TheeBlessed Redeemer pure as Thou artCome in Thy sweetness, come in Thy fullnessStamp Thine own image deep on my heart

O to be like Thee... while I am pleading, tonight. O to be like Thee… Earnestly plead. Cry! Ask Him, He’ll not

fail you. Pour out Thy Spirit Lord, fill with Thy love.


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... Spirit fill with Thy love Make me a temple meet for Thy dwelling… a temple meet for Thy dwelling Fit me for life and Heaven above … and heaven above

And everyone with their hands lifted, singing, ‘O, to be like Thee…’ all around the building, all in the mother’s room. Hallelujah! Lift your hands and sing. Praise our God tonight!

... to be like Thee… Express that deep desire of your heart to Him.

Blessed Redeemer pure as Thou artCome in Thy sweetness come in Thy fullnessStamp Thine own image ... … own image deep on my heartAs we bow our heads, we close our eyes looking unto Him

tonight. O, to be like Thee, full of compassion, loving, forgiving, tender and kind. Helping the helpless, cheering the fainting, seeking the wandering sinner to find.

Oh, what a revelation of Him expressed here, tonight. This song, bringing that Divine Nature out; those characteristics expressed through all these circumstances described here, that when we are walking in the same pathway, faced with the same things, we could see that behaviour. We can see that same influence upon our lives; showing He’s the same yesterday and today and forever. That Token has been applied and is now on display.

Oh, what an Hour. Here we are standing, seeing the wrath of God and what it is and who it is going to be poured upon. We should be on the inside looking out; sealed in under the Blood by the Holy Spirit; knowing that death will not come nigh us. It is going to pass by. “When I see the Blood I’ll pass over you.”

Oh, today it’s the Life of the Blood; the Holy Spirit. We don’t want to be on the inside – on the outside rather. After so long a time, we’ve been hearing these warnings. One of these days we will hear it for the last time, then he that is righteous will be righteous still; he that is holy will be holy still, he that is filthy will be filthy still. But before that time comes, You said, “Seal not up these Things,” Lord. “The time is at hand.”


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Back in Revelation 10, You said, “Seal up these Things. Write them not but in the days of the Voice of the Seventh Angel, when he begins to sound it will be finished.” But when that time comes, the Holy Spirit said, “Satan wants to get a hold of these Things. It is not time yet; when you have reason to see, God will make it plain. You’re not suppose to get it yet, but it’s going to come back around a second time and you who have been faithful in your ABCs (Always Believe Christ), would catch on when these other Things come.”

Oh my brother, my sister, I pray tonight, that here in this Hour, in this atmosphere of His Word being revealed and placed out so clearly – Heavenly Places, the Bride’s position in Christ – living in a world of perfect faith, a perfect revelation of the Word (Oh my!) your heart is so full of faith looking to go with Him when that Trumpet sounds. If it’s not that way tonight, we ought to be ashamed of ourselves. We ought to be in desperation, crying out, “Oh God, do not pass me by. I want to go, Lord. I don’t want to be left behind.” We ought to be doing everything that we could to make sure we would not be found wanting. Today, if you hear His Voice, harden not your heart.

As we close out tonight, think on these things. Think on the Hour. We had a blackout last night; a complete blackout of the moon. Back in 1963 he said that meant the church world but to you Bride, he said that means – good morning, the breaking of a New Day. I wonder what it means now, if our time is time to go and judgment is going to strike this world. Bro. Branham says, even the ink drop is for a purpose. When that was happening in God’s Bible up in Heaven, look what you were gathered around in God’s Word on the earth. Handwriting on the Wall, could we read it? Can we see it? Is it not what these things are about, Babylon is fallen, is fallen; judgment is coming; flee the mark of the Beast; have the Seal of God in your life? Oh my!

Our gracious heavenly Father, as we come to the end of the service, it is so hard to close out but dear God, knowing that we are in an Hour and in a time when so many Scriptures are being fulfilled with such rapidity, the Prophet said, “Not even the Born Again Christians could keep up with it.” It is accumulating so fast even he himself, Lord, said, “What am I doing out in the Arizona desert, here?” He said “The Scriptures, the Word of God is


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accumulating so fast,” then he begins to talk about the rock being thrown up and the Cloud being turned and the sign of the beginning of the time and all these things.

Here we are all these years after Father, seeing how all these things have unfolded down, how you have dealt with us right in the tabernacle, just finishing that series Lord, on The Battle For The Mind [1989-0608 –Ed.] and Sin Lieth At The Door [1989-0528 –Ed.] and Behold The People Are One [1989-0707 –Ed.] and all these things. Then on the faith side of it, the Bride’s side of it, God’s great Mystery of love expressed – Oneness; no longer twain but one, uniting time and sign; God and man being one.

Oh Father, it is all around us, Lord, but It says the people have eyes but they cannot see, and ears but cannot hear and their hearts, as though waxed gross that they can’t understand. [Matthew 13:13-15 –Ed.] I pray tonight that You’ll be gracious, Lord. These that have sat under the voice of Your Word here tonight, if there is a desire and a longing in their hearts to be right, to serve You truly, not to escape hell, Lord, but to serve You, to love You, who recognized the provisions that You have made, and is willing to accept God’s provided way, turn away from the world, turn away from the darkness to come to the Light; I pray that they would find grace and mercy tonight.

I pray that the Blood would speak to them tonight. As they call upon the Name of the Lord, their sins would be blotted out and in their hearts, they would be turned around, Lord. A new heart and a new spirit You would give them; Your Holy Spirit, to cause them to walk in Your statutes and Your ordinances and You’ll remember their sins and iniquities no more. Oh God, may You grant it!

As we leave this place to go to our homes. We go with our hearts trembling, thinking of the Hour, thinking of the Word; how many times You have spoken to us, how many times You have shaken us, how many times You have warned us. You do it over and over and over again because You love us and You are willing that none should perish. You stand longsuffering, pleading. Oh God, may we recognize that, Father. It’s Your grace towards us. May we receive it.

Looking forward to beginning on Sunday, the opening of this Vial, the First Vial; trusting and believing by the grace of Almighty God, the Holy Spirit of God, would just come down


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amongst us in such a way that You would speak out of Your Throne, Lord. The Word would be made plain by the Holy Spirit from Genesis all the way to Revelation that we could stand with a clear vision. Lord, may it not just be information. We don’t want the Word to be like that but that It could be relevant and applicable to us, Lord, in a personalized way that we would not see the world; we would see ourselves, where we have come short, where we have failed, where we need to line up. Oh, how we need to stand in this Hour. Oh God, may You grant it.

I pray, dear God, that You would dismiss us now, not from Thy Presence but from this place. Grant us traveling mercies as we go. So many demon powers on the road and on the way but we ask that the grace of Almighty God, the Angel of God Who encamps round about them that fear You, Your never failing Presence would go with us all.

Keep us under prayer, keep us walking with a tender heart before Thee, mindful of Your Presence that would cause us to conduct and behave ourselves in a manner pleasing unto Thee, that we would not bring reproach and we would not be a stumbling block but our lives would now be an example. Others will see the Light and glorify Thee, our Father, Who is in Heaven. The salt of our lives would create a thirst for them that we’d come in contact with, as we give every man a reason of the hope that is inside of us. And bring us back on Sunday morning where we will anticipate You would meet with us, the pouring out of a great blessing right here in our midst that would cause us to walk closer to You in this Hour.

If there be any unsaved in our midst, oh God, You would remember them in such a special way and bring such a deliverance. We commit everyone into Your hands now, asking You for this grace as we go, in Jesus’ precious Name, amen and amen.

God bless you. You may have your seats. There is a prayer request here. Sister Anita Cunningham is requesting prayer for traveling mercies and grace, that He would have His way with her as she would leave for St. Lucia on Saturday to grieve with her family because her mother has died. Who is that sister here? Is she here somewhere tonight, around; this sister here from St. Lucia? Okay, let’s just commit her to the Lord to give her a safe


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trip. Her mother has died and you know how it is when you lose a member of your family; especially one like your mother.

Oh God, Thou art One Who could be touched, Lord God, by the condition that we find ourselves in many times where it brings grief and pain. Thou art the Comforter that could come and bring comfort and strength and give assurance in times like these. We ask that this grace will be so freely given to our sister, as she would go to meet her family at this time. She would go with the Word of God in her heart that she would be able to give strength and encouragement to them and a witness of the Holy Spirit that could even open up the way of salvation for them, that they can come in and receive the Comforter, the Holy Spirit.

We ask that You would stabilize her, our sister, at this time. Let them see that comfort in her, Lord. Let them see that faith and let them be touched by it, we pray, as she goes, and may You bring her back to us safely; for we ask it in Jesus’ Name, amen.

God bless you! We are dismissed.


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For Further Information:

Third Exodus AssemblyDepot RoadLongdenville, Chaguanas.TRINIDAD, West IndiesPh. 868-671-4528E-mail. [email protected]