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Tropical Wet Climate Type (all measurement in Fahrenheit and inches... sorry rest of the world) What Seasons Does it Have? Seasons don't change in Tropical Wet, so there is only 1 season. As our Earth revolves around the sun the equator always receives direct sunlight and warmth throughout the entire year. Direct sunlight is different than indirect sunlight. Indirect sunlight may not deliver warmth--similar to the light that hits the polar areas, but direct sunlight mean light and warmth. What are the Temperatures like? Temperatures stay the same throughout most of the year because these areas are found along the equator and receive constant direct sunlight. The average temperature is about 80 degrees (27 Celsius) as you can see from the line below. The temperatures feel hotter because the humidity is usually very high. Humidity is the amount of water in the air. Daytime temperatures rarely go over 93 degrees, and nighttime temperatures rarely go below 68 degrees.

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Tropical Wet Climate Type(all measurement in Fahrenheit and inches... sorry rest of the world)

What Seasons Does it Have?Seasons don't change in Tropical Wet, so there is only 1 season. As our Earth revolves around the sun the equator always receives direct sunlight and warmth throughout the entire year. Direct sunlight is different than indirect sunlight. Indirect sunlight may not deliver warmth--similar to the light that hits the polar areas, but direct sunlight mean light and warmth. What are the Temperatures like?Temperatures stay the same throughout most of the year because these areas are found along the equator and receive constant direct sunlight. The average temperature is about 80 degrees (27 Celsius) as you can see from the line below. The temperatures feel hotter because the humidity is usually very high. Humidity is the amount of water in the air. Daytime temperatures rarely go over 93 degrees, and nighttime temperatures rarely go below 68 degrees.

How Much Precipitation Does it Receive?Tropical Wet gets it name from the regular rainfall it receives throughout the year. It sometimes rains every day--usually in the morning or early afternoon. The reason it rains so much here is because of the regular warm temperatures, which evaporate water and keep the humidity high. Most areas of Tropical Wet receive over 100 inches of rain per year, although some receive nearly 300 inches per year.

What Kinds of Vegetation (Plants) Does it Have?The constant rain and direct sunlight at the equator allow tropical rainforests to develop. This is the only climate that can support true rainforests. Tropical rainforests only cover 6% of the Earth's surface, yet they produce 40% of the oxygen and support nearly half of all plant and animal species known to Earth. These forests are so packed full of trees they top layer (canopy layer) often blocks all sunlight from reaching the forest floor. The picture below shows the layers of a tropical rainforest.

Tropical Rainforest Layers Dense Rainforest

What Kind of Animals Does it Usually Have?Since the main vegetation is forests, monkeys are common in Tropical Wet. Snakes, frogs, birds, and small mammals are also found here. The largest group of animals are

insects. Many of the animals in the rainforest are brightly colored, have tails, and unique calls (sounds)--all important survival characteristics in a thick forest.

Macaw Giant Thorny Phasmid Poison Tree Frog

Tropical Wet and Dry Climate Type(all measurement in Fahrenheit and inches... sorry rest of the world)

What Seasons Does it Have?There are only 2 seasons: wet season (summer) and dry season (winter). Usually the dry season is longer. During the dry seasons plant life and animal life suffers, but as the rainy season begins life flourishes in this area. This climate is caused by changing wind and ocean currents.

What are the Temperatures like?During the wet season, temperatures average about 77 degrees. During the dry season, temperatures average about 68 degrees. The temperatures stay high throughout the year because of the latitude where this climate occurs. Areas near the equator receive constant direct sunlight and therefore, heat. The slight difference in temperature is enough to change the wind patterns and keep this area dry for much of the year, until the winds shift and the rainy season begins.

How Much Precipitation Does it Receive?The change in precipitation is what gives this climate type is name. Precipitation only falls during the summer months, usually from May-August with June and July having the heaviest rain. The whole dry season usually has less than 4 inches of rain. During the wet season, at least 25 inches will fall. Some areas of Tropical Wet and Dry in the path of monsoon winds can receive incredible amounts of rain. Cherepunji, India once received over 1,000 inches of rain in a year! Northern Madagascar has the record for rain in one day--71 inches! Mawsynram, India is known as the "wettest place on earth" because they average 467 inches of rain per year. These incredible rainfall records are due to seasonal winds called monsoon, which bring dangerous amounts of rain.

What Kinds of Vegetation (Plants) Does it Have?The lack of regular rainfall prevents most trees from surviving in Tropical Wet and Dry. So, the most common vegetation are types grasses and shrubs with an few scattered trees. These types of plants have adapted to long periods of dry weather. The large grasslands are often called savannas.

What Kind of Animals Does it Usually Have?The grasslands of Tropical Wet and Dry support many herbivores (plant eaters) who graze in the grasses. Most of these animals usually migrate and run in large herds for safety. Examples include wildebeests, gazelles, zebras, elephants, giraffes, etc. Many carnivores (meat eaters) follow and hunt the herbivores. Lions, cheetahs, hyenas, and large birds hunt the savannas of Africa.

Wildebeest Hyena

Mediterranean Climate Type(all measurement in Fahrenheit and inches... sorry rest of the world)

What Seasons Does it Have?Mediterranean climate is very mild (few extreme temperatures), so it really on has 2 seasons: summer and winter. Summers are longer than winter, and the winter is very mild. Very few places experience snow in a Mediterranean climate. The seasonal changes are due to changes in ocean currents and water temperature.

What are the Temperatures like?The climate is known for warm to hot, dry summers and mild to cool, wet winters. Winter temperatures are usually between 30 and 65 degrees. Summer months all average above 50 degrees. The warmest month averages about 72 degrees. The cause of this climate is directly related to large bodies of water such as the Mediterranean Sea and ocean currents. During the summer, cold currents keep the climate mild and dry. Ocean currents shift as the seasons change. During the winter the water that was warmed up all summer moves in and keeps the land warm and often brings rain.

How Much Precipitation Does it Receive?Mediterranean climate is a fairly dry climate. Almost no rain falls during the summer, so most of the rain falls during the cooler winter. The summer experiences cold ocean currents that bring dry air and no precipitation. During the winter the currents shift and warmer, moist air brings rain to these areas. Snow can fall in higher elevation areas or places that are farther north. Mediterranean climates receive around 20 inches of annual (yearly) rainfall.

This chart shows the average maximum and minimum temperature in red and the average precipitation in blue. You can see the rise in temperature and the drop in precipitation during the summer.

What Kinds of Vegetation (Plants) Does it Have?Plants in Mediterranean climate must be able to survive long dry summers. Evergreeens such as Pine and Cypress trees are mixed with deciduous tress such as some Oaks. Fruit trees and vines such as grapes, figs, olives, and citrus fruits grow well here. Other plants include what are called "scrub", which include small shrubs, grasses, and herbs.


What Kind of Animals Does it Usually Have?In order to survive here, animals must be able to live in rugged land and not depend too much on large areas of grass to graze. The natural wildlife found here include goats and sheep. These animal graze, but eat a wide variety of plants compared to cows who rely on grasses. Rabbits, jackels, and lynx can also be found here.

Lynx Jack Rabbit

Humid Subtropical Climate Type(all measurement in Fahrenheit and inches... sorry rest of the world)

Where is it Usually Located?The Humid Subtropical climate is found on the east coast of continents between 20o

and 40o north and south of the equator. The southeast United States is a good example of this climate. Florida has a Humid Subtropical climate.

What Seasons Does it Have?Temperatures usually stay high (above 70) throughout the year, but cool down for a few months, so there are really only 2 seasons here: summer and winter. However, the winter season is not a cold winter. Summer season lasts longer, since Humid Subtropical areas are somewhat near the equator.

What are the Temperatures like?Humid Subtropical climate is known for hot humid summers and mild winters. During the summer the average temperature is between 70 and 80 degrees. The coldest month usually averages 45-50 degrees. Since Humid Subtropical is found between 20o and 40o latitude, they receive direct sunlight for a large part of the year.

How Much Precipitation Does it Receive?Most Humid Subtropical areas receive about 48 inches of rain each year. The rain falls throughout the year. The regularly high temperatures evaporate water, which causes humidity and precipitation. The high humidity in this region makes summer temperatures feel even hotter. Humid Subtropical areas usually experience strong storms such as tornadoes and hurricanes.

What Kinds of Vegetation (Plants) Does it Have?The natural vegetation found in Humid Subtropical areas are mainly evergreen trees, bushes, and shrubs. These are not the hardy evergreen trees like pine and spruce. Most of these evergreens are more delicate. The reason many plants here are evergreens is because of the long months of warmth and regular rain. These plants have adapted to the regular climate conditions. Many broad-leaf evergreens such as palm trees and ferns are found here. Many plants can be farmed here since the growing season is sometimes 8 months long.

Palm Trees are Evergreens Spanish Moss in a Forest in Georgia (USA)

What Kind of Animals Does it Usually Have?Humid Subtropical supports many types of mammals, reptiles, and amphibians. Alligators, deer, and panthers can be found in the US. Brazil's subtropical area has the capybara, which is the worlds largest rodent.

American Alligator Florida Panther

Marine West Coast Climate Type

What Seasons Does it Have?The range of temperatures is fairly small compared to other climate types--this means the temperatures don't have major differences during different seasons. For this reason, Marine West Coast really has on 2 seasons: summer and winter.

What are the Temperatures like?This is a very mild climate, with few extremes in temperature. The coldest month rarely averages lower than 30 degrees and the warmest month averages about 72 degrees. The ocean keeps the air over the land cool in summer and warm in the winter. This creates a mild, but wet climate. This climate is similar to a Mediterranean climate because of the influence of ocean currents, but they are greatly different in the level of precipitation. How Much Precipitation Does it Receive?The amount of precipitation is different in different regions of this climate type. Some areas of Marine West Coast only get 30 inches of rain while others can receive as much as 98 inches! In some places it rains 150 days out of 365! Some regions, such as North America receive so much rain they have what are called "temperate rainforests". Temperate is a term that refers to the mid-latitude area--an area of moderate climates. The rain is a result of the warm moist air from warm ocean currents, which hits the cooler land and falls as rain. North American areas receive more rain than Europe (see map) because the mountains contain all the moisture at the coastal area in North America where as in Europe the rain slowly falls as it moves across the continent.

What Kinds of Vegetation (Plants) Does it Have?Usually, Marine West Coast climate areas receive regular rain that supports thick forests and a wide variety of plant life including evergreen trees (conifers) such as spruce, cedar, pine, redwood. Many species of ferns and grasses also grow in this area. North America's Redwood trees (Sequoia) are the tallest trees in the world. (See below) The high amount of precipitation and moderate temperatures results in these massive, beautiful trees.

Tallest Living Things on Earth

Redwoods are HUGE Trees A Redwood Stump

What Kind of Animals Does it Usually Have?The lush vegetation found in Marine West Coast climate provides food for a wide variety of birds such as eagles in North America and penguins in New Zealand. Mainly small mammals are found here, except for a few different species of bears in some areas.

Humid Continental Climate Type

What Seasons Does it Have?Humid Continental climate is one of the few climates with 4 different season. Warm and humid summer, cool and dry autumn (fall), cold and harsh winter, and a warm and wet spring makes living in Humid Continental a unique experience of weather that will keep you guessing.

What are the Temperatures like?Similar to Subarctic climate, Humid Continental has a wide range of temperatures, which means low cold temperatures and high warm temperatures. Summer month temperatures average about 71 degrees and winter months usually average 25 degrees. However, summer days can reach over 100 and winter months often reach below zero, which produces a 100 degree temperature range. The main reason for the temperatures of Humid Continental is latitude. Places that are 40 degrees away from the equator are over 2,800 miles from the equator, this results in less direct sunlight and less warmth. How Much Precipitation Does it Receive?Humid Continental climate has a misleading name. It is not always humid here, but it has enough precipitation to not be considered arid or semiarid. Between 20 and 50 inches of rain falls in this climate zone. Almost all regions with this climate experience snow. The moisture is evaporated from the land at a slow, regular pace, which explains why precipitation falls regularly throughout all 4 seasons.

What Kinds of Vegetation (Plants) Does it Have?A wide variety of plants are found in this region. Evergreen (confier) forests are found in the north and mixed with deciduous forests (lose leaves) as you move south. Most grasses and shrubs survive here. Some areas of Humid Continental are covered in grassland. These are sometimes called temperate grasslands. This climate is excellent for farming since it has warm summers and regular rainfall.

Mixed Forest(conifer and deciduous trees)

Temperate Grasslands(wheat field below)

What Kind of Animals Does it Usually Have?A wide variety of plants often supports a wide variety of animals including bears, wolves, coyotes, deer, and other smaller mammals. Thousands of birds live in this climate region. Many of these birds migrate. Animals who live in climate regions with a large range of temperatures often migrate.

Red Squirrel(Russia)

US White-tail Deer(United States)

Coyote(United States)

Subarctic Climate Type

What Seasons Does it Have?Subarctic climate has 2 seasons. The winter is much longer and extremely cold, with the cool to mild summer lasting only 2-3 months. The summer is sometimes only 1 month long. What are the Temperatures like?Since it is found away from the coast (interior), the ocean water doesn't help to warm the land in the winter. The main cause of the temperatures in Subarctic is latitude. Temperatures can reach -40 degrees in the winter and be as high as 85 degrees in the summer--which is the widest range of temperatures of any climate. That would be a 125 degree temperature range.

How Much Precipitation Does it Receive?There is very little evaporation because of the cold temperatures, so very little precipitation falls here. Between 10 and 20 inches of rain falls in Subarctic areas. Most of the rain falls in the summer, when evaporation levels are higher. Subarctic regions are covered in snow for most of the year. The short warm summer melts most of the snow.

What Kinds of Vegetation (Plants) Does it Have?Not all trees are able to survive the long winters, but evergreen trees (conifers) such as pine and spruce are hardy enough to survive the cold. The forests of Subarctic climate are often called the Taiga. Taiga is the largest land biome in the world since large areas of Russian and Canada are covered in Subarctic Taiga. A biome is an area that is similar in climate and geography. Other ferns, shrubs and grasses can be found during summer months.

Conifer Needles Conifers are found in many climates

Conifers are green in winter--"Evergreen"

What Kind of Animals Does it Usually Have?Many animals can survive the harsh climate of the Subarctic. Black and Grizzly Bears, Bald Eagles, wolves, bobcats, and wolverines are some of the animals found here. Caribou and moose are also found here. All of these animals either hibernate or

migrate during the coldest months of winter. Thick fur also allows them to survive the cold winters. In the summers, mosquitoes are known to swarm is huge groups and drive people crazy.

Brown Bear

Bobcat Mosquito Swarms

Tundra Climate Type

What Seasons Does it Have?Tundra climate areas experience a a very harsh winter and a cool summer. During the summer, much of the snow and ice melts and forms soggy marshes and bogs. However, some of the deeper parts of the soil stays frozen even through the summer--a layer called permafrost, as in permanent-frost. The permafrost can be between 10 and 35 inches. The permafrost prevents the melted snow and ice from draining into the ground water, so marshes and bogs form.

Soil Layers

What are the Temperatures like?Winters are very harsh in Tundra climate. Winter months temperatures are usually between -18 and -50 degrees. "Summer" temperatures range from 35-50 degrees. High latitudes are the main cause of of the low temperatures. These areas mainly receive indirect sunlight. Indirect sunlight delivers light, but little heat. Even during the

summer, Tundra mainly receives indirect sunlight, which is why temperatures rarely go above 50 degrees.

How Much Precipitation Does it Receive?Tundra climates receive low levels of precipitation. Between 5-15 inches of precipitation falls every year in Tundra climates, usually in the summer. The temperatures are far too low to cause significant amounts of evaporation. If Tundra received just a few less inches of precipitation it could be considered a "desert".

What Kinds of Vegetation (Plants) Does it Have?The permafrost (frozen soil) prevents any trees from growing here (see picture below). Many different types of mosses, lichens, and algae grow in Tundra climate. Lichens are a mixture of algae and fungus (see Ice Cap Climate). Some grasses and low shrubs can also survive.

What Kind of Animals Does it Usually Have?

The main animals found in Tundra climate are Polar Bears, Musk Ox, Arctic Fox, Snow Owl, reindeer, and lemmings. Many insects and birds also exist, especially during the summer.

Polar Bear Musk Ox Reindeer (Caribou)

Ice Cap Climate Type

What Seasons Does it Have?Since Ice Cap is at the poles, it has extreme seasons. There isn't a traditional summer since the temperatures almost never go above freezing. However, there are 2 seasons. The seasons are determined by the amount of light. During the "summer", there is nearly 24 hours of light, since the pole is pointed toward the sun. During the "winter" the pole is facing away from the sun, which causes nearly 24 hours of darkness.

Light Exposure During "Seasons"

What are the Temperatures like?Ice Cap is the coldest climate on Earth. Antarctica is usually colder than the Arctic. The "warmest" month averages about -16 degrees. The coldest month averages about -70 degrees. During the winter, temperatures regularly reach -90 degrees. The coldest temperature ever recorded was -128.6 degrees. Ice Cap temperatures are so low because of its latitude near the poles. These areas receive only indirect sunlight, and during winter it doesn't even receive indirect sunlight! During the winter this area is in total darkness (see image above). How Much Precipitation Does it Receive?With all of the ice and snow, you might think Ice Cap receives a lot of precipitation, but it doesn't. It is too cold to evaporate the water, so the humidity is low, so there isn't water in the air to create precipitation (snow). In fact, Ice Cap averages less than 10 inches of precipitation, so technically it is a desert--for this reason climatologist (people who study climate) call Antarctica a "polar desert".

What Kinds of Vegetation (Plants) Does it Have?

Most traditional plants can not grow in this harsh climate. However, in some areas there is plant life such as moss and lichen--lichen is a mixture of a fungus and algae.


What Kind of Animals Does it Usually Have?Most people are familiar with Penguins in the South Pole and Polar Bears near the North Pole, but there are other animals in the harsh environment. Many other birds such as the Albatross make frequent stops in these areas. Seals are another animal that survive Ice Cap climate.

A r i d C l i m a t e T y p e (all measurement in Fahrenheit and inches... sorry rest of the world)

Where is it Usually Located?Nearly 33% of the Earth's land is covered in Arid climate. The word arid means dry. The two colors on the map represent warm and cold Arid climates. If land has an Arid climate it is usually a desert. Most deserts are found along the 30 degree latitude line (north and south of the equator). This is due to the pattern of cold water currents, which force dry air over the land. Other Arid climates exist in the center of continents or in the rain shadow of large mountain ranges. A rain shadow is land on a side of a mountain that is very dry because the mountain forces warm air higher into the sky, which cools it and it falls as rain, but only on one side of the mountain.

What Seasons Does it Have?Most Arid areas do not have regular seasons. For instance the Sahara Desert is always hot and dry. However, some places do have changes in temperature depending on the latitude and the surrounding climates. So, since there are temperature differences, we can say there are 2 seasons, summer and winter.

What are the Temperatures like?Temperatures can reach as high as 130 degrees or as low as negative 30 degrees. The temperatures will depend on the latitude of the desert. The farther from the equator the colder they will be. On the map above you can see areas of cold desert (light red) and hot desert (dark red), and distance from the equator is clearly the


How Much Precipitation Does it Receive?Precipitation (or the lack of) is the main factor that defines Arid climate. To have an Arid climate, an area must receive less than 10 inches of rain per year. However, many areas of arid climate receive far less than that. Some deserts around the world don't receive 10 inches of rain in 10 years! The Atacama Desert in Chile is known as the driest place on Earth. It averages 0.04 inches of rain each year. (pictured below). Cold currents carry dry air, so these lands are blasted with dry air most of the year, which causes the low precipitation.

What Kinds of Vegetation (Plants) Does it Have?There are a few Arid climate areas that are so dry that no plants can survive, such as Atacama Desert. However, many Arid climate areas do receive some rain (up to 10 inches a year), so you will find vegetation in most Arid areas. To survive in this climate, plants must either require very little water or be able to store water. The plants often have long roots and thorns. Some examples are scrub bushes, grasses, and cactus.

Saguaro Cactus Prickly Pear Aloe Vera

What Kind of Animals Does it Usually Have?Over thousands of years certain animals have adapted to the lack of water and extreme temperature to survive in an Arid climate. Camels store water in their bloodstream and can drink 40 gallons of water in 10 minutes, allowing them to go days without water. Foxes and jackals can also be found in deserts around the world. Snakes such as the Sidewinder and scorpions can also survive the Arid climate.

Sidewinder Desert Fox Scorpion Camel

S e m i a r i d C l i m a t e T y p e

What Seasons Does it Have?The seasonal changes depend on the latitude, but it is safe to say most places experience a summer and winter. Usually the winter produces more rain. When the cooler winter air meets the warmer land rain sometimes falls.

What are the Temperatures like?The temperatures in Semiarid climate depend on the latitude. They will follow the same temperature patterns as the surrounding area. For example in northern United States the Semiarid climate can be very cold, especially during winter. Temperatures can be as low as -15 degrees. However, it the African Sahel or northern Australia, temperatures remain high throughout the year, so latitude is clearly the cause of temperature in Semiarid climate.

How Much Precipitation Does it Receive?Since Semiarid climates are found surrounding Arid climates, its no surprise they are dry areas. An area is considered semiarid if it averagesbetween 10-20 inches of rain annually (yearly). Some years these places may get 20-40 inches of rain, but sometimes 5-10--this is why they are semi-arid and dangerous for human settlement. Similar to Arid climate, Semiarid climate's precipitation levels are due to ocean currents. Ocean currents shift with the season, but they also slowly change course over time--this is how world climate change happens. When the Ocean currents shift, it dramatically changes the climate of the land.

What Kinds of Vegetation (Plants) Does it Have?Semiarid is too dry to support forests of trees, but a few scattered trees that require less water can be found here. Mainly grasses and shrubs cover Semiarid land. Similar to Arid plants, these plants can be thorny or waxy--adaptations to preserve or protect water.

What Kind of Animals Does it Usually Have?The animals found in Semiarid are very different from animals found in Arid climates. The grasses of semiarid climate attract grazing animals such as wildebeests, zebras, giraffes, gazelle, deer, and bison. Most of these animals migrate when conditions are too dry. The herbivores of Semiarid climates attract carnivores such as coyotes, jackals, hyenas, lions, and wolves can survive in Semiarid climates.

Gazelle Jackel

Highland Climate Type

What Seasons Does it Have?There are no seasons in Highland climate. Any seasonal differences would only be felt

at low elevations, near the bottom of a mountain.

What are the Temperatures like?The reason mountains need their own climate type is because the "climate" changes as you move up the mountain. At the base (bottom) of a mountain it might be 80 degrees and sunny, but as you climb the mountain it will get colder and be rainy. As you keep

climbing, it might be snowy and freezing cold. In fact, the temperature drops about 3 degrees every 1000 feet in elevation as you move up a mountain. So, the temperatures

in Highland depends on the elevation.

Elevationand Temperature

How Much Precipitation Does it Receive?The amount of precipitation in Highland climate depends on the elevation. Sometimes

the land around the base of a mountain is dry, but snow may cover the top of a mountain. This happens because high mountains force warm air to rise, where it cools and creates precipitation. The level of precipitation in a Highland climate depends on

the elevation you want to measure.

What Kinds of Vegetation (Plants) Does it Have?The type of vegetation that grows in Highland also depends on the elevation. At the

base (bottom) of the mountain the vegetation will be the same as the surrounding climate type. So, a mountain in the rainforest will have rainforest at the base. As you

move up in elevation it will change to plants that can survive colder weather, eventually there will be no vegetation at very high elevations. In fact, on high mountains you can

see what is called a tree line or timberline. A tree line is a clear elevation line that divides where trees are able to survive from areas that are too harsh for them to live.

Most mountains have different tree lines depending on temperature, soil, and moisture.

What Kind of Animals Does it Usually Have?Again, the types of animals will depend on the elevation and the surrounding area.

Typically, different types of goats and sheep are common in Highland climate. Mountain Goats are common in the Rocky Mountains--their feet are adapted to walking

and jumping on steep cliffs. Large cats such as Mountain Lions and Snow Leopards are also found here. Snow Leopards, found around the Himalayas, have large feet and

big thick tails to give them better balance in mountain terrain.

Snow Leopard Mountain Goat
