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Page 1: · Web viewThink about it: What do you desire for the other members of your Life Group (this is shown in what you pray for them)? How could you change your prayers

PhilippiansKnowing Christ

Studies by Geoff Gertzen

Page 2: · Web viewThink about it: What do you desire for the other members of your Life Group (this is shown in what you pray for them)? How could you change your prayers


Study 1 - The Letter of Philippians............................................4

Study 2 - Real Partners............................................................5

Philippians 1:3-11.....................................................................5

Study 3 - To live is Christ: To die is gain...................................7

Philippians 1:12-26...................................................................7

Study 4 - Conduct yourself Worthy...........................................9

Philippians 1:27-2:11................................................................9

Study 5 - Children of God.......................................................11

Philippians 2:12-30.................................................................11

Study 6 - The Greatness of Knowing Jesus............................13

Philippians 3:1-16...................................................................13

Study 7 – Citizens of Heaven.................................................15

Philippians 3:17-4:7................................................................15

Study 8 – Think, Practice, Live...............................................17

Philippians 4:8-23...................................................................17



Page 3: · Web viewThink about it: What do you desire for the other members of your Life Group (this is shown in what you pray for them)? How could you change your prayers

IntroductionPhilippians surprises us. It is a joyful letter (Motyer 1984:11) despite the author’s personal circumstances. Paul is chained and in prison. He is uncertain as to how his personal future is going to develop. He receives an unexpected financial gift from the Philippian church brought to him by Epaphroditus. Paul writes to express his gratitude and to encourage them to continue in their partnership in the gospel with him. He writes to call them to ongoing, radical Christ shaped lives. At the center of the letter is a beautiful hymn extolling the humble attitude that characterized Jesus. The apostle calls the Philippians to emulate this attitude in their own lives. The church in every age faces constant pressure and Philippi was no different. There is some disunity, there is the ever present threat of false teachers and there is always the pervasive sin that resides in every human heart. In the midst of these challenges the apostle calls the church to preach Christ, to conduct themselves worthy of Christ, to suffer for Christ, to model themselves on Christ, to rejoice in Christ and to know Christ as they long for his return.

Geoff Gertzen - July 2014 MethodAs we read together we will be intentionally looking at 4 big themes in this letter:-

Joy in sufferingUnity of the churchGrace and worksThe church in a fallen world

This letter lends itself to praying the contents back to God. Take time each week to write a prayer based on study for the week.

Sandy Willcox Feb 2017


Page 4: · Web viewThink about it: What do you desire for the other members of your Life Group (this is shown in what you pray for them)? How could you change your prayers

Study 1 - The Letter of Philippians

Read the book of Philippians

1. Find out what you can about the background to the letter of Philippians. Try and find out something about

The city The church in the city (Acts 16) The date of the letter The author The occasion for writing the letter (Phil 4:10-20) The purpose of the letter

Think about it: How does knowing something about the background to the letter help us to better understand the contents of the letter?

Read Philippians 1:1,2

2. The letter begins with an introduction of the authors. What do they call themselves? What does this tell us about the attitude of these two leaders to gospel work?

3. Who are the recipients of the letter4. What is a saint, overseer, deacon? How does the Apostle greet

the church? Why are these words so important?


Page 5: · Web viewThink about it: What do you desire for the other members of your Life Group (this is shown in what you pray for them)? How could you change your prayers

Study 2 - Real Partners

Philippians 1:3-11

William Taylor (2007:14) defines partnership as energetic, wholehearted, active and consistent engagement in a project. Describe 5 places where real partnership happens…

Read Philippians 1:3-11

1. What does Paul thank God for? (vs 3 – 5)2. How does Paul feel towards the believers (saints) in this

church (v7-8)?3. What is the day of Christ? How does this event influence your

thinking and actions?

4. What does Paul pray for? (vs 9 – 11)

5. What unites Paul and the Philippians?

6. How is this partnership demonstrated? (4:10ff)?

Think about it: Why is partnership so important in the Christian life? (See Rom 12:3-9; 1 Cor 12:12-26 to help you answer this)

Think about it: How are you partnering for the advance of the gospel? What could you/should you change?


Page 6: · Web viewThink about it: What do you desire for the other members of your Life Group (this is shown in what you pray for them)? How could you change your prayers

Think about it: What do you desire for the other members of your Life Group (this is shown in what you pray for them)? How could you change your prayers to make them more like Paul’s?

Think about it: List five things that you could do in order to encourage knowledgeable and discerning love to develop in your group.

Pray the Bible

Our Father,We are so grateful that we are not alone.We thank you that you have given us partners along the journey of life.We thank you that we are part of a body.Thank you that you have begun a good work in us and will bring it to completion on the day of Christ.Help us to live with the day of Christ in our minds.Grow in us a deep and knowledgeable love for each other. Give us discernment and make us pure and blameless as we wait for your Son’s return.Fill us with the fruit of righteousness for your glory and praise.Amen


Page 7: · Web viewThink about it: What do you desire for the other members of your Life Group (this is shown in what you pray for them)? How could you change your prayers

Study 3 - To live is Christ: To die is gain

Philippians 1:12-26

What gives you joy? What makes you feel alive?

Read Philippians 1:12-26

1. What has happened to Paul (v13)? What has happened as a result (2 things v13,14)? How could this result have happened?

2. What is taking place in Philippi around Paul’s imprisonment (v15-17)?

3. What is at the centre of Paul’s desires (v18)? What does this preaching of the gospel bring to Paul (v18)?

Think about it: What is the connection between our desires and our joy?

4. What does Paul expect is about to happen to him (2 things v19,20)?

5. What turmoil is present in the apostle’s heart (v21-26)? What does this teach us about his life-agenda and his heart’s desire?

Think about it: Do you think your death will be gain?Think about it: Are you eager to meet Christ? Why? Why not?

For reflection:


Page 8: · Web viewThink about it: What do you desire for the other members of your Life Group (this is shown in what you pray for them)? How could you change your prayers

Maltbie Babcock, said,

“Life is what we are alive to.” The thing that excites us and “turns us on” is the thing that really is “life” to us. In Paul’s case, Christ was his life. Christ excited him and made his life worth living."

Think about it: What changes could you make so that you could truthfully say of yourself: to live is Christ: to die is gain?

Pray the BibleFather Almighty, we long to say, ‘For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.’

Forgive us that this is usually not true of us…We live for ourselves.We live for our desires.We live for our comforts.Forgive us, cleanse us and change us!

Give us such a love for you that the treasures of this world pale into nothingness.Give us such an affection for you that we long to spend eternity with you.Give us such a desire for you that we seek you with all of our selves.Give us such a joy in you that any other joy becomes insignificant.We cannot do this of ourselves. We need the power of your Holy Spirit.


Page 9: · Web viewThink about it: What do you desire for the other members of your Life Group (this is shown in what you pray for them)? How could you change your prayers

Study 4 - Conduct yourself worthy

Philippians 1:27-2:11

Do you face opposition and resistance in your Christian life?

Read Philippians 1:27-2:11

1. How should the believer in Christ live (v27)? What may prevent Christians from acting in this way (v28)?

2. What is the key component of living in a ‘manner worthy of the gospel of Christ’ (v27b)?

Think about it: Think of some other places where this same truth is taught

3. Why is Christian unity extraordinary (v28)? What do you think this verse means?

4. What is the privilege of the Christian (v29)?

Think about it: Do you think of suffering as a privilege? How could we help each other to think this way?

5. What does Paul appeal for them to do in their suffering? Why (v1,2)?

6. List 4 attributes of a genuine Christian (v1,2). Do you show these?


Page 10: · Web viewThink about it: What do you desire for the other members of your Life Group (this is shown in what you pray for them)? How could you change your prayers

Think about it: Are you committed to Christian unity with people unlike you in your local church and on campus? Our understanding of God and his word is enriched as we read the bible together with those who have different cultural lenses to ourselves.

7. What sin should not be present in a Christian’s actions (v3)?

Think about it: Describe ways in which you see rivalry and conceit in your own heart.

8. What (who) should our attitude to other people be like (v5)?

9. Describe Jesus’ actions (v6-8). Why are these actions remarkable?

10. What happened as a result of Jesus humbling himself (v9-11)?Talk to others During the week talk with someone whose background is different to yours about what it means to lead from a position of service and humility.

Pray the Bible

Philippians 2:5-11 is most probably an early Christian hymn in honour of Christ (O’Brien 1991:186). Write a prayer in which you pray for each other to embrace these characteristics of Christ for yourselves.


Page 11: · Web viewThink about it: What do you desire for the other members of your Life Group (this is shown in what you pray for them)? How could you change your prayers

Study 5 - Children of God

Philippians 2:12-30

What would childhood in a perfect family look like?

Read Philippians 2:12-30

1. What is the Christian to work out (v12)? How? Does this surprise you? What happens as this takes place (2 things v13)? Explain.

2. What attitudes should characterise the Christian life (v14)? Why (v15)?

Think about it: Do you grumble? Do you take grumbling seriously? List three action steps to stop grumbling.

3. Describe the Christian life in the world (v15,16) (three things)?

4. What privileged title are Christians given in this passage (v15)?

Think about it: Do you think of yourself as a ‘Child of God’? How might this affect your life?


Page 12: · Web viewThink about it: What do you desire for the other members of your Life Group (this is shown in what you pray for them)? How could you change your prayers

5. How does Paul understand his own personal suffering (v17)? What does this enable him (and them) to do (v17,18)? Surprised?

6. How does Timothy exemplify the things Paul has been teaching so far in this letter (v19-24)? How is Paul an example of what he is teaching by sending Timothy to the Philippians?

7. What did Epaphroditus bring to Paul (v25; 4:18) (2 things)? Why did they send him? What happened to him as a result 2 things)? How should they treat him when he returns?

Pray the Bible

Each member of your group should take one verse from this section and pray the content of that verse to God for all of you, asking him to do these things in your lives and in the lives of Christians in Cape Town. For example a prayer on v15 might be something like…

Dear Father, Please help us to be blameless and innocent. Forgive us for the many times when we have been at fault, stained and wicked.Help us to be worthy of the title ‘Child of God.’May we show to the world the characteristics of our beloved Father.Forgive us the many times when we are an embarrassment to you.


Page 13: · Web viewThink about it: What do you desire for the other members of your Life Group (this is shown in what you pray for them)? How could you change your prayers

Study 6 - The Greatness of Knowing Jesus

Philippians 3:1-16

What is the most important thing in your life…?

Read Philippians 3:1-16

1. What does the word finally indicate (v1)? What does it not indicate?

2. What attitude are the Philippians to have (v1)? What attitude are they not to have (v4b)? Why (v7-9)?

3. How does Paul think about religion (v4-7)? Surprised? What does Paul warn the Philippians to do about religion (v2)?

4. What is at the heart of being a Christian (v8-10)?

Think about it: Do you know Christ? Think about it: How do you know someone?

5. What has happened to Paul as a result of knowing Christ? (2 things) (v8)? How does he now think of the things we esteem?


Page 14: · Web viewThink about it: What do you desire for the other members of your Life Group (this is shown in what you pray for them)? How could you change your prayers

6. What does God do in the person who turns to Christ (v9,10)? How?

7. Describe some of the components of knowing Christ (v10)? How does this manifest itself in the Christian’s life?

8. How does the Christian live in response to God’s work for us in Christ (v12)? What is Paul’s attitude to life now (v13,14)?

Think about it: Are you looking forward to heaven?

Call to action.

During the week speak to someone on campus that you do not know. Student, staff, cafeteria. Get to know how to greet in someone else’s language. Find out a bit about their family. Talk about your biological family and your Christian family.

PrayWrite a prayer.Share it with the group


Page 15: · Web viewThink about it: What do you desire for the other members of your Life Group (this is shown in what you pray for them)? How could you change your prayers

Study 7 – Citizens of Heaven

Philippians 3:17-4:7

The Bible uses deeply meaningful words to describe the Christian. List as many of these titles as you can…

Read Philippians 3:17-4:7

1. How should the Christian live (v17)? Does this come as a surprise to you?

2. What attitude troubles the apostle (v18)? Why do they live this way (v19b)?

3. What realities should pervade the Christian’s thinking and expectations (v20-21)?

4. Why do Christian’s need to be encouraged to stand firm (v1)?

5. How are Euodia and Syntyche not displaying the things Paul has urged in this letter (v2) (see 1:27; 2:2,3)?


Page 16: · Web viewThink about it: What do you desire for the other members of your Life Group (this is shown in what you pray for them)? How could you change your prayers

Think about it: Where is there disunity in our church? How could we resolve this?

6. What place does joy have in the Christian life (v4)?

7. What place does gentleness have in the Christian life (v5)?

8. How should the Christian handle anxiety (v6)? What will happen when we do (v7)?

Think about it: Has God given you peace when you have prayed? Share a story with your group. Share this with someone who is not in the group.

Pray the Bible:

Write a prayer thanking God for your citizenship in heaven. Ask him to help you to eagerly await the return of his Son.Ask him to give you joy.Ask him to help you to stop worrying but instead to trust in him.


Page 17: · Web viewThink about it: What do you desire for the other members of your Life Group (this is shown in what you pray for them)? How could you change your prayers

Study 8 – Think, Practice, Live

Philippians 4:8-23

Read Philippians 4:8-23

1. Spend some time learning Philippians 4:8 off by heart.

Discuss the following comment: “You are what you think”.

Think about it: How can we help each other to think true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, praiseworthy things?

2. Discuss the following comment in the light of v9: “I don’t like the apostle Paul.”

3. What does God promise when Christians seek to live his way (v9)?

4. How did the Philippian church show its partnership with the apostle Paul (v10-18)?


Page 18: · Web viewThink about it: What do you desire for the other members of your Life Group (this is shown in what you pray for them)? How could you change your prayers

5. Describe the apostle’s contentment (v11-13). What is the secret of his contentment?

Think about it: Are you content? Why? Why not?

For reflection: Look back over Philippians and jot down some key thoughts that you would like to internalize and live by.

Pray the Bible

Say the grace (v23) together as you close the book…


Carson DA 2004. Basics for Believers. Nottingham, England. IVP.

Motyer A 1984. The Message of Philippians. Leicester, England IVP

O’Brien PT 1991. The Epistle to the Philippians NIGTC. Grand Rapids Michigan: Eerdmans

Taylor W 2007. Partnership. Ross-shire, Scotland: Christian Focus.