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Student ID: 200860542 Tutor: David Bruce Module Code: PM504 Module Code: PM504 Class/Group: Group Z Module Title: Research Project Assess Title: Research Project Assignment Title: An investigation into the understanding of the effects of obesity and methods of losing weight among students at Liverpool International College. Tutor Name: David Bruce Student ID Number: 200860542 Date of Submission: 3 rd August 2012 Word Count: 3452 words 1

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Module Code: PM504

Class/Group: Group Z

Module Title: Research Project

Assess Title: Research Project

Assignment Title: An investigation into the understanding of the effects of obesity

and methods of losing weight among students at Liverpool International College.

Tutor Name: David Bruce

Student ID Number: 200860542

Date of Submission: 3rd August 2012

Word Count: 3452 words


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1 Introduction..............................................................................................................4

2 Literature Review.....................................................................................................5

2.1 Gene problem and disordered lifestyle...........................................................5

2.2 Choose healthy lifestyle and diet....................................................................7

2.3 Facilities and campaign are carried out by university.....................................7

2.4 Conclusion......................................................................................................8

3 Methodology.............................................................................................................8

3.1 Research Design............................................................................................8

3.2 Research Method............................................................................................9

3.2.1 Questionnaire........................................................................................9

3.3 Data Analysis................................................................................................10

3.4 Ethical Considerations..................................................................................10

3.4.1 Informed consent.................................................................................10

3.4.2 Guarantee Privacy and Confidentiality................................................10

3.4.3 Anonymity............................................................................................10

3.5 Health and safety..........................................................................................10

3.6 Limitation.......................................................................................................11

3.7 Conclusion....................................................................................................11

4 Findings..................................................................................................................11

4.1 Gene problem and disordered lifestyle..........................................................11

4.2 Choose healthy lifestyle and diet..................................................................12

4.3 Facilities and campaign are carried out by university...................................13

4.4 Conclusion....................................................................................................14

5 Discussions............................................................................................................14

5.1 Key findings in questionnaire........................................................................14

5.2 Limitation.......................................................................................................14

5.3 Conclusion....................................................................................................15

6 Conclusion.............................................................................................................15


Appendix 1................................................................................................................18

Appendix 2................................................................................................................20

Appendix 3................................................................................................................21


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Obesity is a worldwide problem prevailing in many countries, and perplexes a large

amount of students. This paper investigated the factors and solutions of obesity

related to students who are studying in LIC. With special focus on the perception to

obesity of students in Liverpool International College, the study discuss that the

different factors caused obesity and various solutions to lose weight. Quantitative

methods were used via questionnaire and the method of sampling was non

probability sampling. The project identified disordered lifestyle as well as imbalanced

diet as the main factors causing obesity. More practice would be the good solution to

deter obesity. It was shown in findings that more practice and balanced diet can be

solved this tough issue.

Key words:

Obesity Disordered Lifestyle Practice


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An investigation into the understanding of the effects of obesity and methods of losing weight among students at Liverpool International College

1 Introduction

Obesity is a worldwide problem prevailing in many countries today. According to Ling

(2005) over half of people in developed countries are obese and the trend is upward.

The World Health Organization (n.d.) defines as excessive fat accumulation and an

abnormal factor that presents a risk to health which leads to a multitude of chronic

diseases including diabetes, cardiovascular diseases as well as cancer, and even

death (Steelman and Westman, 2010).

To date a significant amount of empirical work has been conducted to investigate the

factors causing obesity and the solutions to lose weight (Nicolaidis, 1997; Kopelman,

2001). Recently, similar studies have been conducted in the factors and solutions of

obesity (Waine, 2002; Kiess et al., 2004; Ling, 2005). This research has given a

snapshot of factors lead to obesity towards alternative approach to lose weight.

Additionally, a growing number of studies identified the relevant element to obesity of

children and local people in developed countries (McElroy, 2006; Hu, 2008;

Steelman and Westman, 2010). However to date, limited studies have attempted to

cover the field of international students studying in Liverpool International College

and to simultaneously identify the factors and solutions to obesity. As a

consequence, to find out the factors causing obesity and identify the methods to

solve obesity matching with each factor which correcting people’s lifestyle behavior

is really useful for them to prevent obesity.

Three research questions will be demonstrated in the project: What factors do LIC

students believe to cause obesity? How do LIC students try to prevent obesity? And

what could LIC do to help students avoid obesity? The hypothesis is presented that

gene and disordered lifestyle like binge eating and sedentary life would be the

primary factors lead to obesity; Although people cannot change their genetic

makeup, however, they are able to actively choose healthy lifestyle and diet; Finally,

more publicity to obesity harm could be operated by LIC and it can put more


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emphasis on exercise facilities for students to practice.

First of all, it can be illustrated in the literature review about obesity related previous

research. Subsequently, it will evaluate associated research method and findings are

reliable and feasible. Finally, it will discuss the factors and solutions to obesity

between this research project and previous research.

2 Literature Review

It has been discussed three points in literature review which were gene problem and

disordered lifestyle, health lifestyle and diet, facilities are carried out by university.

2.1 Gene problem and disordered lifestyle

It has been witnessed an alarming increase in obesity rates in the developed

countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom (Hu, 2008). The figure

of obesity in the total population has rocketed from 38% to 54% in such countries

(ibid). Furthermore, Munsch and Beglinger (2005) pointed out that a large number of

disease associated with obesity which significantly decrease the life quality as well

as considerably increase mortality and morbidity. They also proved that obesity not

only took high risk factors for increased mortality, but also reduced life span. Due to

high risk aspect, Waine (2002) made an intensive study into obese problem

concluding that a number of diseases highly correlate with obesity. At the same time,

they set out that multitude chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular

disease as well as cancer can be attributed to obesity. An investigation conducted by

Bryan and Loscalzo (2011) shows that there is roughly a quarter of disease like

diabetes linked with obesity. According to National Health Services, apart from genes

that we cannot change, obesity develops gradually from poor diet and lifestyle

choices. Obesity does not happen overnight, but lifestyle choices such as binge

eating and sedentary life are significant factors in influencing a person’s weight

(Branca et al.). As for international students, who are the first time abroad far away

from their parents, there are a great number of factors lead to obesity, such as

homesick, culture shock, changes of diet, hard work. Homesick is the changes of

emotion that would lead to international students to get stuck in eating so as to


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becoming obesity (Branca et al.). There are some previous researches linked with

obesity which cover the same viewpoint of this research. Firstly, Munsch and

Beglinger (2005) claimed that processed or fast food can make people obese. They

made a survey on the internet about fast food received closely 3500 responses

which illustrated that 74 percent people would like fast food whereas two out of three

people are obese, the closely proportion proved that there is a link between fast food

and obesity. It is not a coinisidence that international students probably choose fast

food as their main food because it is easy to cook as well as save time. Therefore,

they confidently demonstrated that eating more calories than a person’s need is a

drawback to their health and weight. Moreover, junk food and snacks contain higher

amount of calories. Nevertheless, there is no alimentation in such food which is

detrimental to human being’s physical health, weight in particular (Kumanyika, 2010).

Secondly, Ling (2005) also found that the high fat and sugar in many ready meal and

processed food have direct connection with obesity among students. Unfortunately,

there is one thing worth seeing that an increasing number of tempting food and

restaurants around. It is not only easy to make people trap in binge eating which it

allows some people to numb out from a tough world (McElroy et al., 2006), but also

on behalf of a cozy and snug feeling that may not come from other people (Steelman

and Westman, 2010). International students in LIC are involved in heavy study

everyday may need tasty food to release pressure. Thirdly, Hu (2008) observed that

another considerable fact is that modern life is more sedentary than ever before.

Sedentary behaviors such as computer using as well as prolonged television

watching are highly relativity in obesity. Kumanyika et al., (2010) proved that

housewives in the 1950s ate more calories than their modern counterparts, but were

slimmer because their daily life involved in much more physical exercise during their

everyday lives. Additionally, using data from a wide prediction cohort study, the

Health experts' Follow-up Study, they have found that prolonged TV watching is

intensively connected with obesity. Also, people who watched TV more than 35 hour

per week had almost threefold increase in taking risk of obesity in comparison of

those who spent under 2 hour per week watching TV (McElroy et al., 2006). It is

responsibility for international students to study long time sitting in classroom, which

they cannot avoid sedentary life.


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2.2 Choose healthy lifestyle and diet

According to Ling (2005) food intake gained and energy expended regarding to

physically passive lifestyle in the modern society has contributed to the worldwide

development of obesity. Also, Ling (2005) proved that there are a multitude of

methods to control weight, even keep fit. Although people are not able to change

their genetic makeup, however, those who endured obesity could be able to change

their lifestyle and diet. First of all, Bryan and Loscalzo (2011) insisted that a balanced

diet which containing a wide range of nutrition as well as low fat and calorie level will

give people enough nutrition and average fat intake. Meanwhile Kiess et al., (2004)

stated that physical activity plays an important part in controlling weight because it

expended calorie intake. Nevertheless, vehicles, TV, remote controller deter people

from being physical exercise (WHO, 2000). Consequently, people have to take part

in more physical exercise than ever before and then it is obviously showed that

people look healthier and less obese. Secondly, Steelman and Westman, (2010)

recommended that vigorous practice such as jogging, brisk walking is beneficial to

people’s physical health. A tracking experiment from them verifies an individual

keeping on doing exercise will extend their lifespan more than five years. Finally,

more nutritious diet that are lower in fat is the recommendation from Bryan and

Loscalzo (2011) to give the obese people and also keep going on increase physical

activities and decrease food intake. International students could have a positive

attitude towards physical activities. Although studying is the prior task for

international students in LIC, the physical exercise can be the same weight

compared with studying, because as long as international students have good well-

being, they would have enough energy involved in studying.

2.3 Facilities and campaign are carried out by university

As previous studies shown, actively physical exercises are the reliable and feasible

methods for people avoid obesity. Likewise, WHO (2000) states that it is the

responsibility for government, organization as well as university to build Public

fitness facilities. Firstly, students including local students and international students

are the most important component for the university, university has responsibility to

build facilities for students to enhance their body condition. Subsequently, According


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to University of Newcastle (n.d.), Fitness equipments could be planed to develop

students’ muscular strength, endurance and body composition. Hence, it is clearly

shows that establish physical fitness facilities resemble an integral part of a

university. Additionally, except providing facilities, encouraging an active lifestyle by

issuing regulations and activities to release pressure of heavy study and stimulate

inspiration probably lead to efficiently learning. Last but not least, drawing upon

University of Birmingham (n.d.), positive publicity is the powerful voice that lead

people have a healthy lifestyle. Conversely, ironic effect of the negative publicity, to

some extent, caused obesity Ferry (2011). University would encourage international

students to take exercise with strongly positive guidelines. Consequently, it is

essential for the university to provide facilities and right path for international

students to prevent obesity. LIC would follow this way to build more facilities for

students to practice.

2.4 Conclusion

Drawing on these findings, it could be possible to explain the factors to obesity and

available solutions. However, this research will fill the gap in international students

studying in LIC as the previous study did not include international students and has

focused only on the local people or students in developed countries. This research

concentrates on the standpoints of international students thinking about factors that

causing obesity and possible solution to address this issue.

3 Methodology

Considered the importance of this topic, the research highlighted the key point on

students’ perception to understand the obesity in LIC. Consequently, the objective of

this study is to find out the factors and explore the solutions which are beneficial to


3.1 Research Design

Research methodology is known as the process of collecting and analyzing data for

research project. The data could be collected for practical or theoretical research.

There are a few significant factors such as validity of data, ethical consideration,


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reliability of methods have exerted great impact on analyzing data in order to achieve

the final aims.

3.2 Research Method

In accordance with the previous study conducted by Swinburn (2007), questionnaire

which related to attitudes, behavior and socio-demographic characteristics were

utilized in this quantitative research that centered in the issue of factors and

solutions, which try to bridge the gap of previous study. The new design involving

approximately 30 students studying in the spring of 2012, 15 male and 15 female

were used. It was carried out on 10th July 2012. In order to gain a comprehensive

appraisal, non-probability sampling was used in this research. Those students

adopted in an effort to cover different opinion. Participation was voluntary. Participants were chosen deliberately in term of a balanced percentage between

genders, ages so that different opinions could be collected. It was worth referring

that in this questionnaire, there are around 10% open-type questions in order to get

students’ in-depth perception whereas approximately four fifths of closed-type

questions for the sake of collecting statistical data to be abundant analyzed.

Participants completed questionnaire on their viewpoint consisting of factors

associated with obesity and methods of how to lose weight. The whole process for

the questionnaire were taken place in the library independently and given to the

students without course so that they have much more time to concentrate on the

questions. A pilot was taken place with four students face to face in the classroom

and the feedback was helped modify the questionnaire. It was give the suggestions

that the style of question 10 need to be simple and be more familiar with the

research questions. All questionnaires were collected and 100% were applied for

this research only. Finally, the timeline is shown as in Appendix 3.

3.2.1 Questionnaire

Open questions and close questions were combined into this questionnaire, which

aimed to find out the students’ perceive on obesity and how to tackle it. Firstly,

participants will be given consent form (Appendix 1) to acknowledge it and then a

questionnaire will be given to them. For example:

3 Do you think disordered life style has caused obesity?


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A) Yes B) No C) No idea

5Do you like to go to restaurant?

A) Regular B) Once a week C) Once a month D) seldom

Both questions were designed to find out the factors to obesity that matched with the

previous study. In additional, the question 6 & 7 were asked to the respondents to

seek the results that the solutions to obesity.

3.3 Data Analysis

To analyze the quantitative data in the research project, Microsoft Excel was used as

an effective tool to analysis data. Different kinds of graphs and mathematical

functions can be made by Excel due to exhibit the various numbers clearly and


3.4 Ethical Considerations

3.4.1 Informed consent

Participants were informed that this survey study only pays close attention to find out

the students’ point view of obesity and solutions to keep fit. Subjects could well

inform consent from different people who involved in this study in order to avoiding

any risks of considerable harming to participants.

3.4.2 Guarantee Privacy and Confidentiality

As obesity is a sensitive issue and a psychological harm to obese participants, the

research would be conserved privacy and confidentiality for participants. All the

participants were volunteers.

3.4.3 Anonymity

Information such as name, age cannot be asked to participants. Participants would

keep anonymous throughout the study.

3.5 Health and safety

The researcher can make sure that the whole questionnaire section was progressing


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in the quiet and comfortable room and all participants were safe.

3.6 Limitation

Due to the limited semester time, it was difficult for researcher to gather a wide range

of sample size and build an abundant database. Moreover, lacks of potential

participants were involved in the questionnaire. Thus, there was not exactly reliable

in data collection.

3.7 Conclusion

To conclude, questionnaire was the feasible and reliable method to collect data in

order to reach the final aims.

4 Findings

The final results will be exhibited in this part, which were collected in the

questionnaire answering by different respondents to find out the perspective of

students in LIC on factors and solutions of obesity. Furthermore, the results will be

shown in graphs and tables. Also, it will be compared with the research

hypothesizes. Drawing upon the various aspects in literature review, the results for

the Gene problem and disordered lifestyle, Choose healthy lifestyle and diet,

Facilities and campaign are carried out by university are illustrated separately.

Question 3, 4, 5 were related to the first point and question 6, 7, 8, 10 were

associated with second point as well as question 9, 12 were linked with the third


4.1 Gene problem and disordered lifestyle

Regarding to the disordered life style in the literature review, question 3 and question

4 have the link with this point. The results illustrated that nearly 80% respondents

chose ‘Yes’ in question 3 and 9% participants argued that there were other impacts

rather than disordered life to obesity( Figure 1). Furthermore, 46% respondents hold

the idea that the reaction for disordered life caused by anger and sadness which

defined as another key reaction for disordered life those 41% participants has


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chosen this option. However, only 3% respondents disagreed the bad emotions

attributed to disordered life that caused obesity (Figure 2).

Yes No No comments0


Figure 1:Disordered life caused obesity

Figure 1:Disordered life caused obesity



4% 6%


Figure 2: Eat in response to

Anger Sadness Frustration Boredom None above

4.2 Choose healthy lifestyle and diet

Due to the healthy lifestyle and diet in previous studies, question 6 and 7 aim to find

out the attitude of students’ lifestyle. The results demonstrated that nearly 90%

respondents chose ‘more than 5 times’ to eat processed meal and it worth seeing

that no one chose ‘none’ option in question 6 (Figure 3). Moreover, 75% participants

believed that their lifestyle was sedentary whereas less than 10% participants

considered that their lifestyle was active. Finally, it is amazing to see that more than

90% respondents selected ‘0-2 hours’ to practice in question 8 (Figure 4).


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3% 7%


Figure 3: How often eat processed food

None Less than 2 times Less than 4 times more than 5 times

Sedentary Active Moderate0


Figure 4: Lifestyle


4.3 Facilities and campaign are carried out by university

Question 9 aims to identify how the university helps students to avoid obesity.

According to the results that presented by respondents, it verified that 50%

respondents didn’t do any exercise and 35% participants chose ‘once a week’ to use

facilities that university provided. Nevertheless, only 10% respondents would like

using facilities that university provided (Figure 5). Moreover, an open question that

aims to find out the perceptions of students to avoid obesity that university can do.

The results shows that a great number of students would like universities are able to

provide more facilities free of charge as using the facilities in sport centre are

expensive now.

Once a week Twice or more Never Depend0


Figure 5: How often use the university facilities

How often use the university facilities


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4.4 Conclusion

It has been illustrated that the results from questionnaire has reflected the each point

in literature review and also it has proved that there is a link between results and

each point.

5 Discussions

It will be explained the finding in depth to compare with the each point of the

previous study in literature review in this part. As consequence, to decide the

evaluations of these findings are useful to convince hypothesizes of each question

about obesity.

5.1 Key findings in questionnaire

Related to the question 3 in appendix 1, it has been proved that the perception of

students considered that the disordered lifestyle has a close link with obesity which

was the same result in previous study (Kumanyika, 2010). Due to the results have

been targeted the achievement successfully, there are one more points need to be

explained. First of all, the findings demonstrated that bad emotions like anger and

sadness have exerted the great impact on disordered lifestyle which caused obesity.

Secondly, as for heavy study burden, a multitude of students in LIC would like to eat

out without regular time, which probably attributed to obesity. Consequently,

disordered lifestyle could be defined as the main cause lead to obesity. Additionally,

the research findings have similar point with the literature review that a large amount

of students have the sedentary lifestyle due to the hectic life. Furthermore, the

findings need to be highlighted which has the similar point in literature review that the

tough study burden would be the reason why students didn’t go to sport centre to do

exercise. Another reason would be the expensive gym fee because some of

students cannot afford this amount of money to do exercise in the gym.

5.2 Limitation

The small size sample could not cover the whole population in the questionnaire and

most of target population is Chinese students studying in LIC.


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5.3 Conclusion

In general, the findings have completely demonstrated the hypothesis of the

research questions and verify the each theme in literature review. The results

illustrated that the disordered lifestyle have the passive influence on obesity as well

as go on a diet on daily basis would be the effective method to lose weight and do

more exercise that provided by university can be the good way to keep fit.

6 Conclusion

Linked back with the research question and hypothesis, the present study was

designed to determine the factors and solutions to avoid obesity that students are

studying in LIC. There are various factors and solutions have been demonstrated in

literature review and this paper has argued the factors and solutions to students

avoid obesity. According to the findings from the questionnaire as well as related to

the previous study, the main findings have verified that disordered lifestyle and

imbalanced diet have the direct link with obesity which proved the previous study.

Also, do more exercise can be the good method to help students from obesity.

Furthermore, a significant result showed that a large number of students would not

like to go to sport centre to do exercise because of the high fee. The study has gone

some way towards enhancing our understanding to obesity. The key findings suggest

several ways to lose weight and keep fit which are eat balanced diet and do more

exercise. Moreover, the university needs to persuade students to use more facilities

to practice. Due to the limited time period and small size sampling, the current study

may not be evaluating the results precisely.


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BibliographyBryan, N.S. and Loscalzo, J. (2011). Nitrite and nitrate in human health and disease.

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Kiess, W., Marcus, C. and Wabitsch, M. (2004). Obesity in childhood and

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Switzerland Karger Publishers

McElroy, S.L., Allison, D.B. and Bray, G.A. (2006). Obesity and Mental Disorders.

London: Informa UK Ltd.

Nicolaidis, S. (1997). Obesity management and redux. San Diego : Academic Press.

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Waine, C. (2002). Obesity and weight management in primary care. Malden, MA :

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Appendix 1

I’m a pre-master student at Liverpool International College and this survey forms part

of a research project on factors and solutions to obesity related to students studying

in LIC. My research is general looks at the factors and solutions associate with

obesity and ideas that are significant to international students in LIC. This survey has

two aims. Firstly, to find out the factors causing obesity from the perspective of

international students and secondly to identify the methods to solve obesity matching

with each factor which make right path for international students.

I would be glad if you could complete this questionnaire and it only takes 5 minutes

to complete.

Participation in this survey is completely voluntary and anonymous. All responses will

only be used for academic research purposes and any information given will not be

sold or otherwise divulged to any third party and can withdraw it whenever you want.

Thank you for your kind help.

Questionnaire to investigate of obesity

Please circle the option which you want to choose.

1Please select your gender: A) Male B) Female

2Please select your age: A) Under 18 B) 18-22 C) 23-30 D) 30 plus

3Do you think disordered life style has caused obesity?

A) Yes B) No C) No idea

4Do ever you eat in response to?

A)   Anger B)   Sadness C)   Frustration D)   Boredom E)   None of the above

5Do you like to go to restaurant?

A) Regular B) Once a week C) Once a month D) seldom

6How often per week do you eat processed, pre-packaged foods (i.e. microwave


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A) None B) Less than 2 times C) Less than 4 times D) more than 5 times

7Describe your lifestyle

A)   Sedentary B)   Active C)   Moderate

8How much time per week do you spend exercising?

A) 0 to 2 hours B) 2 to 4 hours

C) 4 to 6 hours D) 6 to more hours

9How often do you use facilities that university provided?

A) Once a week B) Twice or more per week

C) Never D) It depend

10 When you buy food, how important is each of the following?





Not too


Not at all


Safety of food




11To what extent do you believe obese is a potential health problem for people?

A) Danger B) Concerned C) Unconcerned

12 Do you think in what way university can help students avoid obesity?


Page 20: €¦  · Web viewWord Count: 3452 words. Contents. Abstract3. 1 Introduction4. ... The project identified disordered lifestyle as well as imbalanced diet as the main factors causing

Student ID: 200860542 Tutor: David Bruce Module Code: PM504

Appendix 2


Question A B C D

1 111111111111111 111111111111111


111111111111 111

3 11111111111111111111111 111111 1

4 11111111111111111111 111111 11 11

5 11111111111111111 1111111 111 11

6 11111 111111111 111111111111111

7 11111111111111111111111 11 11111

8 1111111111111111111111111 111 11

9 11111111 1111 1111111111111111 11


111111111111111111111 111111111

11111111111111111 11111111 1111 11

11111111111111111111 11111111 1 1

11 111111111111111111 11111111 1111


Page 21: €¦  · Web viewWord Count: 3452 words. Contents. Abstract3. 1 Introduction4. ... The project identified disordered lifestyle as well as imbalanced diet as the main factors causing

Student ID: 200860542 Tutor: David Bruce Module Code: PM504

Appendix 3


Gather literature 1 weeks

Complete literature review 2 week

Design questionnaire 3 week

Pilot Study 4 week

Recruit participants 5 week

Complete analysis of results 6 week

Complete first draft 7-8 week

Complete final project 9-11 week