why i solarized marc karell mamaroneck, ny solarize westchester 2015

S Why I Solarized Marc Karell Mamaroneck, NY Solarize Westchester 2015

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Post on 16-Dec-2015




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  • Why I Solarized Marc Karell Mamaroneck, NY Solarize Westchester 2015
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  • Why Is Solar Good? Sunlight is there, its plentiful, and the source is free! Isnt it better to develop electricity from solar instead of from Middle Eastern or other oil or from nuclear? Pollution (from solar, there is none) Politics Risks (exploration, refining, transportation, nuclear) And its American and local companies who manage installation and upgrades.
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  • Oh, Come On, Is This Real or a Dream? Can Solar Really Help Me and the U.S.? The amount of sunlight hitting the U.S. equals over 20,000 quadrillion Btus of energy. Total U.S. annual energy consumption in 2007 was less than half of 1% of this. What a source of free energy to capture! Whos No. 1 in solar? Germany. And the average area in Germany has less sunlight than Seattle! If they can do it, we can do it right here in Westchester!
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  • Case Study. Our home! We installed solar PV on our home: early 2013. Steps involved: Shading, tilting evaluations (Google Earth) On-site inspection One year of previous electricity bills Design, contract, permits, inspections 27 panels, 6.7 kW system, 80% of usage. Net cost, after tax credit: $8,400.
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  • Economics Gross cost of solar panel: $11,700 Net cost after NYS tax credit: $8,400 Electricity savings: 1 st 12 months: $1,538 Savings in calendar year: $1,934 Simple payback: 4.3 years
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  • Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing. - Abraham Lincoln
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  • Solarize Westchester Learn more about the program at: www.SolarizeWestchester.com