y^ mother.-3iinyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84035821/1876-11-30/ed...?^,; yet f'tli---v--...

?^,; yet f'tli ---v-- /" .... . ! of ii<Ba.eeontfert Jra- ^ ."-"What ;&?• gg^-n a r o u n d t h e b o i h e . alfcaaj, to greet the/desr/3?ather antfMbjthetand t bfe|g r -; is it e truly grat . wcffld; tW" many ivefc'J tearts, is b.< •aijBUal.-THanfegiYinS".'*' !S ' icueew •itieet- thrifts a n& ! fi6n.<?rjed&y bs sst :j^»f"f: fqr-.yefeountfn^ ^e'abotijlai . Wrdsls*ith"/ w'hieh/'a joying;". Mitter '•'-'-"- --•'•---•-'~ s {.Qiir/days.-/'It'is&-. tta 1 **- .aia^BS^d! c t f e t ^ t f t j 6 a e a B a t ^ g _ 3 .'Wkoss #fe?se enjp.ty^ erirpfiqartfs aBb f 3 to :;siofi:'na parental roof is-spread : .r^lcome:gie"de?t); ones;-tea glad- xe- '•."•'.'!#'• J4y^waj;fttrei§h ; ayepast sweet, tm so sad./. Bat. fch^frls another/class t % V i f t Thk oTS^5; ; aim--i5resiiatfawfiig,. b.r.eva AGO reafcbeeause q.f past experience^ " : , -.bipsotv o\»r heart yeai^s for thos i&1$kQti&K0&0':oi$i$•-foreshadow 2 i&1$kQti&K0&0o$ ; ^ igioo.t% g^rio^v, feaT-an > :;iijHta aMsfc #iW&i%ei: no :.v daysj iioiiTy this purging .tide of .evil : >ud.w*bB;graigM be stayed, i.Aieh on. ". /.thes^daysgather^ fresh iMpeteand •','•(Toi^'the ioad : to; hopeless ruim -.- fhi j-^eBitiecpUBtfa^tte : meiaorIesqf ft pasLand present, all-th,e.osai)ifpM -3^tag,kin<in#spf B>ui whohss iso ;liouii : Mftilly'.spread Jw ,'iiess'wrj-u.s. and S i ^alLthese,- iimuraeraMa. wetei^s-tliere. ..^qmes : xs;.feail.of sadness for. the many, •^tbpa§? N adhdH)es. 1 ri0ti\)8dQf -their sun T strne,- qsetf. pneSi ^arnifed: itod.fed) cheere-a .-.-• a ""-"aripyi"vceseq tlife dVbiilvfiKf re^l- fet.jye ajar tu&met:%£ed euisi tt^r >vgi;etjiisaciaj^6;ffasting li:tli K'dfim)»tfeii£iai!i ' a n d p r a y e r lair:-.tlie- K'dfi.m)»tfeii;.£iai! oiiyefeiaa'cif fibtse wli&Keia \vaiftto ,-\ if '".'. V'Y . •X" •' ywhieheasts *l?gji : bf ;gtcosp. over par |>ri>btest-tlajs ofrgqioit!^--'^.eiafa of theii>vsiili trie. Aqetiins-of Ms ^rjcaij ••aroantHTSjWe^^^ : ^iriag, aiid. in obr elp'satioii BeftcTea "" "' '' >t Ja- th" " " ; "~ —-•-'•'-•*-•-••- "•.-•s.'.^L •%|ili of agQriy Tphie'h goes rfto' froni • •.: v/TBe-OVeat-Pruitiiig 1 SfpaL ;" i'ess of ou^.flgM single S j.atone- itgalat' i he .prf?i tiag tips o!-li^idiie, -vtVibave juet,te\re ' j S T ; . a i l Jftiidisof aiasfeaiid' og.- k i j egf-of t-Tif f&- : attempted £ d lje; iifiapugnetl ai»d trpdeEhancde.d. tyielW g gif: fis t>ce part of. dt;pbKey; toicaepv oflr •p'apeir •frotar- iv3SJfifcjfsyfcnd! ipj^ttis6tkift6 GI" ,, ;tet : as tJ' ^pM#^f.'-t %|^;.pi6'people.Were ai-ougeti gad fetemiJtjpH^*a'iiij9. or. cprnet of ike comi ty.se ie;\vee.lv}y visits iff; ' In pui u)TCSt!£ftfio"nsias;to . tlie cost ifpHMmg,.we fotmd.'as ^pjjlli&hed k r tliat jjie.i Jaii®l-5a I875 "the.".'bills"-, were' S2j5f!0. "teupribtiug in-"oflr. eouB^y• M k & |i ipttr;BoaififlsedaigBSice?tt IS75.at2QctSi. perfi>lio,a,na.agatiL tliisyear. af.samera.ie, .AS^attienaiapnt tti-the'.'Jaw.relattn^io-tli.a jjbjiblic»tlon -wasmaile.-iegtrlotiiis-t&eputfc ^aiil0Rtogei)erai" Iassarrdtft(»e "apjtijda !EBE Sueli 4 TB 32 £ISJES . OiF^EB—6fr PER CENT'S A ^ ^ C td TH® TAX- A Select CQ\inttitt«.<? FOE T5IE A ; proper, and the cominittee a good i . *BHf PKlKTIIiCi CHRAp* o n e . " "• . : - . . . . . - . . / : . - . ' " ; " - - - "" : . ! " ' " > ' . - ' - ' ; - - ' - ' ' . ' . Mr, Woolwor-|h pf-Jiyonaialesaic!,"' the printing eonpnoitttee.hacj; their; specified/duties to perform} and.; iii his opinion the/proposition; of.the geuHeman.fram ISJpfitague' Wafrcor- reet;, aiidh:e ; sho«ld! «ote for the spe^ q / Mr* ,.]VJ[nBn:c.oMdn ? fc seerthe-porut.. He- was-disposed" to beyGarefuV. of pf in tei'S-^thotight ilie gtandmi^OJij^ mitiee- eould. tajto care ©f •( libse goii-. K Cost -• Ijffst (Eilesday was the time fiied ttpoB fqribe^peeIaJ..QrdGi" on Puint ? iqg, ,J>ir i j i e ^Qarij.,' T i i e R t E g JiatT. y ii1(3; palavering iwit ^i h0 tiiiti ombje4aembers,.Ar6EQ, totd.tftaftbe /iijnss-was a .very shdri-Hyed pap^f; thatth©/.6tiitoT was 4'* t vij^6E";. that spil .fheir: Hp/s with t&suau3e.of.' the •'JJiafiEii, a u i i ' & a ' t ^ i t ' w a ? alt "moon-: shine'* nbpiit'ithe .p.£oj>le being'excit- ed; -On- the. -j>rintii}g c|.uestiou ;• and furtheraiote -if the Jtiitg could li'iiye ittesfc "one litoje year" theyeould -A CiUOD. IIVT, . JuCr, SneMott remai&ed that tlie experieaiee of the p/isfc &$.$• all In. f e yot" of a special, ioaiiniattee year, a- speciar'-consnpittee ,\? '•pointed and" a"price wais agre on whifth r.educed "the-prico-ovei? one third 1 , aiitf he'was disposed to -t'ry it a g a i n . : - . . - " . •;•; '•-. '- •"• • • '•' Mr- iSTiebei-gall/calied for the ffiyes> aiid nays OB- the "stib^tlijiiie, \yliich 1 "Was l o s t ' b y thefolloWin'g-vote": ; - • • AT3&.—Beshar t,- ; Jotesori : , • Lsw-f s, MeGarfy,;. IStiiler, -Mullini -Muau.,. J»«icunici.iiit«i,—?fo TLatr• r 6T is - Robl)crt;—tewis " i ' .. '. 'fesf Imlignatlon '' dt' ''f^ Ovei-" $ii> 3 .<JOd in" y i •pay .jK>r..«fi'.' ^•w?Ir.;fe3C..fax*«to'« 1 ^ antf liave •ia'on.eyileft, but if; ;t&e BtiardKstenfdtdiheH&aglityTiM^s it is" not. g t loiae y,~<ive inciiHeclGUl qfpity to'again- give"the pxmting 'to the Erag : ,^L% theylaacl-aireatly fat- ,tenedfeir : <)y6H<JD. : y..ears at-; fhi&pub-' He'erib. '. jQsfchSjFo.re:fliev61e'was to c. Spaed of; Stiprh^«-. f is a Mrge. taxpayer residing l-U the % il.hige ofiowTille.-im the. cottniyafort-s;.;;•:. .atickis afeo the jirqprietox.and -,ti1a UJV newspaper. p.ii.blib'hetl at I. \- v \l'r ! aforesaid.,.' ^P-he.'unde.EsigrttJ.'y? f^ 1 ''- fully : .r-epresetits.that i ii.' i I.e. i/ro,--"* 1 -!-. Mojf 'o£.Hisbusi'beBs' a«- u tmWt*.'.HHH-- has -oxaBjiaed ;sueli of' t.L'\( v ..!i. i-rrg bills" as-he has had-access- isiiy it lini- itecf .-^lanae, jjartieiiTarfy "thuSi.* --of .'4S7S acid iSTi,..hSying" fflea of" the : Jt>npia' emit- 'JiepaM'io.an/fQT. said -yHii.s," Laud' iK qC;-AinW •%*.'• Sni ^ii^ ai i.«sr.-is. pke. ".uMersigusd- -ha¥.eaiisetf" lire yaid bil3sfcr.tiiesaid yeaxS^t.Cf iecartefuliy esaminedby:. a compateiit b , as the rt find: \&ep%Mlc(t)i,: -c the Jcdlls- Wi&:t|ie said newa ife-. "{j&hiJsiied : : rates fqp-ad.-r. , mvX the tuidersigBed.alleges t h a t .sonete, &f sad'd bills -so. paId~:W-ei:e.- tria.de; agaio.st th^,tf«tti«t3:.\vlt$ iibatt- l ^ the sa.W bills, .'-. ISTAY-S—jFqster, IIItdlicoelc, .Tones, •KiltSj Jviebergalii-'Sheldon, "Turek,- •Vfilin. Wilecix, WoolwoTth^ 10. ." The oi ; igraal.- £esq.Iutidn j^as, felreti adopted, i?.s follo'ws: • • . ' '.'•. ' ATKS—Bt5shart, : . Foster,'" Hiteh- •'eo'ek:',' r Jo\i#%~lt}ti&, Z,ev?l<s f MnOaMy,' Miller, Mrillin, Muan,' isriebergall., Sheidon, Turelc^VaB.da-waiker, \ v al- iii-, Wilcpx, Mr; MuHin of High Maflvet; with-, oat the fe,ar of the-iRlngitjnd in the jnt&resiof.tie taxpayers, offered the' 'fqfiowipf. rfebluticin, vfhictiv wa§- .unanlmduslxagreed.to:. ..• "; • "." Ea$t>Tved, : -Th&t the eiei% ef the- Brard be authorized: to- procure for- the useofthaassesgioisof/the.se\ferT al .towais- three blanlp-Assessnieiit .Rdlltvfind three popi€B:t>ftlie same foi-each tosviiih : l<ewis county- for the cotaing. : y.ears, Viz.: 1^77 t 1878," 4nd-1-870,- Whatever•• be. vim "obtain thena on. the aiost reasqmvble tei'rasj aind .also it,^'distribute'.-tlieiri''"to. fue town elfirBS'of ;the : .>eve.r.at tbwnSj' .syid that "the,expense, c ''of the OixjAti; I'o'aiTdited by the-tlert Board. ' •", "dti motion . pf. Sir.. WileoXj/fhie Cierfe.wai: aixthorteed' to draw >ii order onthei'ire.a&tu'er'to pay n-. of.War." ; - : sqcb w.ork. es., givrflg ju^t caiB.e r to : .suspect that. iHiid'wbrR'-fenat .correctly "meas- d'that-all"of-tbe said" ,'bilis.are'ex- nt.iB;.price, an.<i t^at afiiao "itre .charged ska gre'atei 1 rate ibaii jLhe^aid newspaper usnaMy charges." iaiciivklu- &lsj that fbe^uiidersigjied fesiiiotliad a'ftieqflt&e'said paper fbt |S75 tqex- aniine,,.bttt ..that 'the Mil af the-kurf Silf. IS75 .was §1,18O.SO JV allowed at S-l f 180-.«5-, that•tiie"Uill" fbrfhe- said: .year i.h-_-q.f"-.tI}i ! ol^ain ; e.bbairae£er.' of .tbe hefoi'e Hientioufct}, to wit, •:-exor- •bltant iri-jiri'ee-and against; tb'eiuter- si-.ofl.hfetaxpaye'rs.of; Lewis eoaaty; hat tlie TiiiliJersigaed.-has not hitd ,.aj.>- poiiuMty t.b-.,exaiaine the .hills (aod : X i f h thfe. files-of .the l ; ' .The foilftsf i-ng-.estraK- from th'ivt i.n- "feu-i'Wttry... sheet,' the'-A'Hraiiy 'Jirtftw; is coplei} wiEh 'apprb^al ftiid.' cpui-. hiend.atiuii- by- that • "repository ©f Knavery aiid'fojiy;,-tljie-Ls\vi§;G6U'U"rS T J)ouOri>Ct{'-: •'-' -.' : . . •'•..'".• ''•".. '.'.•• 'fijjsre Is; ntst n mint la tlii.K.t>roaii fiitul who jsriotlobWuK .witb tittttaS. Iireutbtotli6 prtr- .-wecttn^s-ih; He\r Uii&xiis-.: -pteaelt. pivqepd- iij.£»s..ar6- in".Vogue...iS^poleMrto -taeWs are . a c l B p t c a . : •• " . - '. .'-. •••.."•• -. .-' I'aousaiiils "of ."doinberafs Bav ; e-&eoii djs- JraBchisffil ill LauIsiiiTWi" ThcStfite is inais- pijtabl-j-.tleMocwine. gt&' fonv jnilijons of —""* '" •—••-- aiatHtate caiittu-edl>y a -- aalT .ii.ot,.i)o-tnmultiti Years jh b-jr.pnrsnit of 'linoffleag*. undes difficulties "«'e have obtained-.the Joitiniai \& Republican.- anclihelje^vis County JJcnmcraVk bills: for printing ln- - 18v3",.and we publish th.enx here- with-,'; It. will, be' seen-, t h a t : .5O'eeh;ts psi- foiiQ is charged fqr-sli-of theieggf: ing.TOuntiea : havehad the s'as ddnefrorn-SO -£o-.-S5"eeh.fe«- Tl (son of-these organs was not such tliat it .wttg necessary for the-publics';.to be-taxed.for ,.thtii;.,giipp6.rL- • On •tij< eQntiiftiy, they havegiwvxa rich ©ij.i;p the hard' Jparned mqney.of the -.tax* payers. ' \\'ith only, two papers inthe- cauittg; .iheir c'l'dixinxy../business, afr , jardeti. a rich harvest. . Ol bey ccooiies qt about, the same populatien : have ft'ofo. Hve'tp; te.n"'paj'er4, but'tte'in^ .adyanuage' ;bf. thi§ ijarauxiJiy^f these their teach;.- 'There are .good-ami sab sltihMal reasons, why they could' hiiTe attSfdcd -thisj'•••work.- at-'lower." " ' than;'-iri'/' "ahy• other " county;-' _ _, pltm-. b.f- qiwi'stion- has. ;bseh- for d ..paper tp.gei- uj>-a iaw oSe. ^ve'elc anil ..then Eb lend the niattertothe. .other bijiije, thus, s^rvj-ng ; the setting yp/bf the type alteiniateiy, hlit.'with all of .|he?e faepi;tlos ; " they, .haye ine&ease'd tljeir e'harges ycai-iyfefteail of .eutfcfug .theni il'ttww. -.Sor-is -this all. They haye-irablisbHl matter waaiUhorized by/ la\V,'|riji.ti't;ig.. tq.tiieir joint! tafla- fne'e,." (as" fh efe'sftas'-W'.-fteei- : ^IHE-SS: 1'E . the coun-ty'.to->»pbse their rascaii ties)' ^over.fheirrpolrtieal friends tu get their bills thjflugb the hqardqf supe'ryisors. ; \V§"?hnIi giy.^ a"t : another fiuie "a,.llsi UDivuthorjzeti .by law. /riiey. are b thfc .nature o.f {^cheul 4'oioniisyiptte-i's noticed,. i>at4)eEs' •; Assoemtibn's,: f4tv iVll such; a : r<ii-nafte'rs-^qf Interest t.qi'ht. people, hjit nrealwiiys/jHiblished".JIH n e w s .'items," ' and . : are - st?.usii.t- after "eagerly.'./Eui". «!•£• "tfi'-e "pwiple -.to '& taxed".to i>.ay lor'.tueso rriews""'items Tf t'Ws'. is to -tiqnfinue -tfet? U}x-payer "hadliefter. -laxtfiQ' th.e'ir: -pnrse-over" to the rteg' : kt-..bne'e.-' Willi s*Heb- - r-'"'' .agen:)eiir,;as -Xve. saidv'w-bfcft. we" .bea.gbed.courify. to •tpovo.ou.t rif at o . n e e " . -."• - - . . - - ."•- - . •• ' ' . " : - ' . im»Vj-itirrecl? . . • •. •.-.• .... . •; p.iis sajutljat peaeefiil" eitlzens wlll-su1)- rolfc AyeJ:; aua lijA^abicttng |5yiiti(»taus wffl- subfflif- to the-wHt.of th6 .laajority also, XtaeEe .is ao ei?ai(Jeacte in. tMo public laaivnal's of tlierepnblleaa party that thoy hn,vo Use E'n-^Ii't;oijfc iafceat?oii-ofTOjapocfc^iia r tltcs df^jQrci WiU of tho"j>(?c!jjie.- THej sx& tletiH-nwneU to grasp Uitfesecutlve idiairoi tile" "hatioii," 1! th'ev can ao" itv;ac-aJl-iaaKaa^ds,u-ncl totid-e TrttU rvxtfvicS. rigor over, an i So\j. W..W2-.£v> ISIJTL cards IUI- jjoaia •?. 159 'cW'.bianfe-aiitiiii'rit^-.;;.^ i-^~- 3-50 . -7S cards,-. a-yi'Siiiitj ndeH-..-'--' -.-.'.;. '2.5;' ""2i.W b l a n k r e e e i p t s lo-rstifei-iHi."i.^l..V; ,'}'5i- b.r-.-halif <»•• owfted- qifieigljy or- otherV cer, eastodiaiii .agency/ jir agentbf any eity coiintyYill^qjthe*aivi^oi y/ j eity, coiintyiYill^jqjb.th sub-division, de|)aTtjne^t;qr pbytiqii •"of; this .State, JiasMtliertp '•'Tpithbtit'.itsJJ't been pibtainedi-*ecffJiiM,iCOtovej't6di, qr- : disposed oXahd-uot actually- recDver^d: baefr and. restpied, pr i qr to tlxe gas§ag& 'of.tbis act,'uiito :th'e peopl.e an.d law- : f.aI.qffieial-*eeeiyer T deposifafyj or oiis- todian.'thergqfj.eitbe!.- iir. s.pf.eie ; Qi' "by fuaand;iaw^^^ l f J : , s u c l i POE aridishafl Kaye:a-ifghi of: action' far the stwxe, an ct for ; any. d&rijds/es. of bthei^0qropens5tiotfgHe!^c•qVe^ -'/If. •Iqng : cs)nH-ntieti-".silSdce 'lias ;.xibt bred a eoldne'i?s-J5e;tw;eep. .us, VF&yesi?.. .WOHBV- lets' TshuMe ..frjetidly../hands .again",' ,'aiid: g o b n / i i i -felfewShip fb- i ' /" \ '[ : -S>at--is- e'rid^d"—anii. in hqw •Ijittie (lid J thinfej when. ; pen catoreri' "for.- the" miK'.h" readeVs bf .these febiui s |toe letiyes iynulci farle' ap".d...fbaatttumit: winils 'niqah,. aft d tjii-'bei-fe of Thanlis- : gi-vin'g/;riiQ'g,'betbre Ahb .i.ELteTcc'u---" ,;wo0ld.be renewed;-•". "•, : . : ".. '•".. ."'- - j|3iTt t*u*y i'.'Satiie tateV- Ijjttle note" time-. t't'never'-ha&gs'ht'ayIJy''bn"their ,-fiaiiils"; They ';l»ave •jib': : Qeeasjoii to. and t'erj "'te-baie it.Still ts.-.auci-.ctfrtk-, •shfl.ixlde;rs" uiHB- . : tivey -ara wt'll-' nigli' kiHt'd..'" Y-et .i'orptea.swre, and &i".sg.fe- tyi ixiia i f6r.self-i;es|ieet,si 1 ''e niettbusy lift;" . lik'eti .ctreaai/a'p-jitBe yeiirs : eoine and--- ='.c;q "iike-the'swiffc wipged.ships.^- ! . •'• ' " " ' "'Tfesc^siESJltft'' '" .; Wlt(i<Miiatgq?"'• ird Jebitu tless- :thr<Jrigs.;tia : at" .•tite';:nQ.te|-. r "j-h at. thrqugji the. -tbai day. .alle); 'da>7 tn.(in;tij'tiiter -riiouih fee ';>JIIH<;', .w&s.'-.al'nVost i ihen ' w/seli'aAei- ii'."ba«f "-ije •'eti<juijh:fb rirlat|ibu".«;f'- the".'whole-eteth' was- Kiwii.ip that tbagic centr<5y ]', •'-/• "T&osts who d'HTsq ".p jojitj'.o.fttn^CQitli.tKy. . . If tire outrages" oi" 1872 ami JSrt •are-repeated" in Louisiana, ihfrijuestldn ^7riiIJe iiarrifd to Con^res-s. Ihs uininfrv will Iw, aKitat^J by -It; torn QDP cjid of the'Uinft-to tlieot-iier. TiirwaiQr-tt-ordmbri ;' s,'trat..'has good- reason.fe.be- lieve, thitt At'jf a.re'af. tbe'sanife:. fbivr- aeferof'. tji©'-.bills- of i-afd.-tiiaijtey,'" to wit".? .exofWCaat-iii j-H'H'eausil against •the : mleresst:'qf said • taxpayers'; that the'inndqrsigned is satisfied" from- said is that the "snavof 45'Qo'Js arfair-"jafee for-tire." printing-,for' the .eac-ivcf the /eaid years-so.. .exam.in*d, and- Ibe atBde'rsigtted as-ail id "of :bis.gpod faith"ia saitt' , heuehy otteita to. tio. whole.x>f.:tfce priatiiig- at ...§S00 fop- the ; coun-ty forthe^eomitig year t in- l ns rendered In the bills afoiegaidj.oi -: tbe^ndersign : ed wiBI "dp all qS;. the saW^sintiing atilie: &uta,:of• WeBty• ceufs-"|!.CT• folio.; brat the' na-' .ei'sig'n.ed?desires it distinctly uader-. stabd" that be." does nqt-appeai before-' said BoaKlft&d.;.j.f(ni|)er Sqlieiting • e'iri.V p , b'4t as--,al careful .husiiiess ma'fl,-ah'd ,fts a. fasiSy.er. "vrtibjis-""uo-. fii6b what is Just-Mid light* ...-".: .With/greai; respeeiyouj rtt.ordswmbeturi&uK.. ,; Bayojaits will againgjeamiil \Vasbing1.oD. nioasands-"iv-ftr.ga-t,iiei' in aad nearthar o'ity, •toAvatofi'Uiv pR5gfi>ss «>f the diseiissui)!.' 'wiH-. l'liii. h-fsb. •Ahd'-wHowm Umi-ts to tin? tpmftle coii-Su- sfjaYnf ;" ! " \Vheri.tluA.\yas itJfittea, eojiretf and •.*u-dorse(.i-..it' .was .wIl-T&BLbwn -""that many tliotisaivd i-opn-blic-aBs had Btsvii .-Uistruiiolj-i^-e^" .\>y iVjvrauii Hi-Huirdu.- .ttqntlie. white HiiershitU driven every «i>Joi'ed- v-iJt"c.-r;.frbin u!k'..p»lb,.,ia- .ath^r .'cases.- .the--..aalib,t. /boies . tlestEoyccl where. thf re.- xvs£ •' heWy. repitblteaK 1 toaJttr|1ujeSiH.-.thai-.JiHfos&nfjers brt" the way wftlW^i^r'ns-"-qJ' ; elc9t;wn. ha.tl been Thcfy-feiatW" 't{iat"'-a.feir'*-.C'c>irn-t;.^w<? 'Hayes and \¥}je-elb£ th estate/qiL.aij.-' -. praT.* jurprsv ^..^'_L;^i^_._^_^.'_ ' .'259. j i a y J—2uftJ)on.Bs'oVai-j-tit/J>jLs£,.iVity •"' ii a) ,iy.•>. g .Jy., •feaew also,' thr.t .the"-State ; '.'of •York by the li/oWt-gtiT.penaaus'a farnq"iis fiauds :tl>a.t r '.disgraeeii. a %) ' b ! 4 d f . w , { i f tBey dW'n'of Ihf-y areno-tfl.t- to conduct a ptiofic paper^-ihat; seven thbei'sand ;-:f the 'majority/"jit' .To-fk" a'sy was ruacle. 6t pmi Isiio/.diressin-g iti male, attire, gs te/e.d tliemsflVt's as.. votei'i?,.and- did ..actually ,.-vote : for 'TiMen ihd\Seii- drielc%: •'They.'lviio.W t h a t ' a t '.l^ast. thirty. tbousWnd .fr^udiilent ybtes \vere 4 ^ V sa : B.d iii Brqsltivh', -ujaEfn^.iu}."oar Slate atotfe forAyfivotliQusauii fraqd- •ulebt.votes,, ail this V ^ §^ tion.Gr.war.:. : |n : - that they^ay; y&)^tft&xep&yni:Jitft) : Bec.^VM jflitiiU •c, lt>—.friutius; iiii fcir^. . Jan. 1, iKPr-i-PuK a<K-. ilrtur" jurors. ~. ' *i u'.!' "et«,.S>5" ft»U—i.'.^_- '\n. SO' •iStitti.attu-e • v h v. of" s t t •fratibBSj, af -all arts of:aliin> atrtioii^b'i : "afliscteti€csV -arts,- of:ali-in> atrtioii^b'i : -"afl.iscteti€.cs,V •ql'uil nrociaef'^j'iiH .-p"tu^. : a'H JawSi-all ' j M i ; l ~iU:h. ' r: &. r -d'i¥play of'fhe 1 Ijst"of .ijirta's..'.•....'...-. .^_L..'.„.'.,... ' y'60 Jaii.17—-{Hnxrfiiilc-stibJM^Piju^?^J.-^_»- '6-t.^>' Jrii.-'ai—Pttij, Suprt-iaie^Vuuit'-.qpV. tii,-- '•' •' ' .,.-.:•„.;,-: " 2 ua- .lfc-b.2.jif-^PrtMJBgeeBt-!SoateSi"gil«j>i-;td<' " -1 tj)! March 13—Pf rpttrig.-ai 'StUipujenAsv—. -1 '50. " Teaclj-fii-s* J3j •Ji<vj- 31—Prin-eiiikgoa.girrnoral terrju.^;-".; i;o:i ' .-PttB.-iaeeaaglioitd-br's^iu'i'vl^pr'sJ "3. Hi' aifl.svfb(Mj.e«:as,"JDist, A.tt- T yu-'-:_:-_- -tav. Aug: ij^Puti-. el«efion jroiTi-ij;. "lit ibi . lAi- '<& Aug.12—Frtoj" ' 200 circliiais ..NotJee'Cbi'bell .Uiiivoi^lty-__I^ -^-- 3 5& •.iCujf,.2S- : P'riiri.ting508-gian"aiuror4tt)H " '. .. < . aoo ji-siicet.blanks..-^ ..i-.,:;;,._ .- -.-i.sp Sept. iil^tirij.K'jni-D'rS ':u^i.;^:'J.~... ; ' :»$'i pet 1^5?ottc'e to'-teaeliej's aiitl-.trns—. • •,;. Elfietion notice- iqK : Blieprir___\_^,__" : 2 Stt af' S( ! k-,.p,r"etfedJii!5;.ag.¥ equld -pause. thought's .as- . .evejiing. bt:l]s- /st-ei'e- oliii'iaip^'fr.6'i?V. ; the iovWr 'ftfi ;derfiH •/•vi-i.thi.Qt' the;-'Uo ; ieed '-.Biases fVQi 1 4" -1^ Qfeuiesqjri.e-.j' MacliiQ<?ry Hall,. wi*!$."i.fs^ce3sei6is..hdftj -.'aiixf i A<gfe/'%!klh ; er. BwitSi o'g;-; •By::! .'ikihyay eve j;. wJaietf: -the. itfem: e'bns'tf,li tiy; ';g-iiding;lTfe.e;:sprites,. p , o;f ffie. eticeQ/as .;"J..-n.>f^to-tb,eoafrage^ifid'-'.yiffi(Js-fQ^ti.^- '- K6t-i'ee : toth<jstj-liaJsriag..xicC'ou SOO/'p'etit", h'e "gave Jbiteijitiyijeged ji^ fn is-! of/.other , conflict''' .-ties,."'.,... -3Iejnl)ers no ope was sis, Peefe aiid Jerfiej's,v.meirites'- ft the Jke-gislatare;.. denaastcted- adnit 86id3itd ffl] eshngiohata -iSf- fhe-'iegisla-tnre. . t thein i-al- 6jP.the 'gaaicl : refused tan'ep.ffiider- qideis- le rt.ia.emjbeiss- then. m&b. in c a n s a h b u t 1 1 4 5 i u i d p?e.eeecled In •a-Bpiiy td. dewi'aad Minifctanee. lith^xnefci timeDeherM'H ten >f 3&ug&v who then ehiing so aa-tell b sentinels M p"the b.e elected g p | y y . tfe'e ; pdral! of'-thgisafil esaipmetl- tfieir «redeiirials./Tfhey. wei-e/adajitfcetl to 4-rle- b /erti:to(\BheriOfie eV- a£teE/g:ajiii?Bg,a£-lmt'ssioii-" 'to- kite;-Hwis'0j, .p^oeeeflect .tp..,the of. the ..l^ot f/|teiif'' iifh flie. .•the -certificates./ of•.^ic.'etiGn.-.titben !lvoiii ./thR".feeords-.<#• ;the 'Buprc'ra© ' <•• f(i»ivf _-' •Sfv-soM-ip'rjS w«ff> vftnmid nn tiutirt.i, Mlh i / .were .magetl b,n / •Ltturehi|-d.e3eg*i.teS p ^ , were .deiular.etl'.inyalitiby. the' door- ficeepeiv wliereapon fhp totite : body ;' !*' . •Th-e^'-.asaetabtelinl' •^tateHflust 1 , fi;0iiJ'.t,h& sfeps a p'migst nviis i^'ad/m tlm .presence of the.' —""•' jtSryafiricXtize •; -.Signed by all.: thetrsiieeeSsors Ilere afra- jSp^fi^^ote hasmpt.deci- ded- -tbe : :eLuesSios.. M eotihttng the jleetorai.vote," ..... " In' Florida, -tSi© have th "canvassers g ; iy incite Nerthfira men, Ooji StearnSi and others to atf tena' their/ ineejaijgs.' The caaat'ass- ;ei-sat JColombja;, S. Gu -.lave beers reierfsed feom'-jiaii by.-ordear of. the /Daited; States .Court.: Their case will eatae up for a-. h'eariDg-en W«cJ- ind^-sopje. of the couns.-i dqn, a.nd ; offiers/protest io ©rail* against pntMng tb& traoj under the orders of Gbv.' Cliambei laia. The Eetiivnitig Board of tou - IsbaUbrieffyallutfeM tefs as 1 deem It expedient to call your' atteaMon to r refri3lng::.yoft t<>. the reports of the executive coajniit- tefe,seci-etary, anf.frea;suTfr for de- tails ofvthe business an, ; their' respeq- tiv6.depTaa'-tTiQen ts, Mi)®tot -. &s gens- •! •. At the last s'essibii.! sf fMs bo'Iy. se-ve-ral ,-..ipp'oriant' aijiPndBSeiil'? to -»>bse-.st-<,-•:' Juii&^i Hy-'tim.'-BintA i imn-^t", "f -•- •ricfaprWIffiojii.tio-ii was '.f&ly-kwiV'?- •' ' •/•"'/•:••.•.•'-••••":. . OUT •'.vhi-. atany'deipte. result; as to ho\v the State has geiie.:. .. .... • - :. : - ACXXGX QF/'XELM ' iouisiASA EE- ; .. yt'BJil^'G JipAKD. .' KEW ORLRAiiSs, S-pv. Sr.—fhtt.ier t-uriiiajg bbam'-tiiet at ll'o'eioej: i.'jsi- All : the meiMbersSyere pi^seirti and a large.-cro^v'd in the lobgy/' Th"e".Tis% i Krfley, lye dy'ra~oeratie. P p; dtoughtqu,! AH eraud'.'Haie,imrt -of •visiting «6ixnaitt-ee, .§nu.tti,.-.TrnQiL r ul:l,. and in-.thefa" seats, -••..•.-...• •• •.:•"--•• . Oflriag .t'he/p.SQ^eediuas', .affer eall- iit$: the.-libaLti-- in' •Vvrdtr,- Bresident Weils -stateii. il%t the- board. wotild dJi h f prpi«sts I) ,-heara'ead .any nautitis .OP llafeYer " ' ' ' " ' " ' | . - -an- iVy tt -"the?-...pi.Hmffcs. tb . : ihe tlE.-c{• that iii le.S of. the.b'parS BAtJ- been. ,tnbd- . liied £0. far as taailaw the ,"adniii--bibo •as ieb'iit£i.Dge*i(i'e'nceorexvpii-tie'afl'i- riayits iu ebntestijd: tease's. '.L'iA:' Zaeu-> .arie fee.d-a'|>ryteJstaguiKst the s-nddfu' 'iifitt^pn. 1 . o| the. rixte,'- oa.-tlie 'at : a- change liacl i -'.Mi'at.rtJius'thg .•de pQ hacllost the M pi-epsrljig rebutting jy waerea's this • privilege"had. beeri' a't ; pqidtd to tiste-a.'ep.a&Mcij-QS; llie- retttt.oir-ac-ts^ I%OH., la-iil'.asrde,.'/^ •' d o H i eottiisei foi : . . ; efli eautiidates;.'til.o'd."a;.i"g<i'tiea6 tba-f . the; hallotrboXes ..ql' isaist Baton Buiige he sent lor ju wder'ihat ',, the taliy- "s.beefs-'a-irf staJfenjenfe 6T- "the"- vo'teV sealed n,p-tii.-fo.tfr-t>f tijebosfes. eeiiUr be-.obtamea imd./Jhe.. vyie' coyjitetij" .ihe.do'piiiMJen^. \vere sealed up in. bqx- es 'tihi'qj.igh ignofanee. of thevJiiw o.h the ©art of the"'eonftMissionei'a"-of <4t j e : .tio.!j;-'-the-.-seCretapy-of- Hie-.-boaitl,was i-O:Stj;uc-ted qn.'/tfaturdity. to ..telegraph foi; the., boxe'*, hut. fuiled/tb 'doso on :the plek "of Tvaitt'rf iundVr siffii i i y all extotiusss was eratie eouusel are expedterifc / !Bri(jDffiris.nt anaong i&se-fethe neees3i&* of/so araend : lag s^c&bri 2 of JSe cbhstitutioH, »n- dfi^theiiead- 'bf pi-ga.ni?aS0h) as to ^^— J ^—' r~t ^—^ "f ^T.^ , v—— . * —*^ - ^^^->H " rm**-).*?^ . it befo%.the. adoption .of )d; wliidfiisp© esseat : iaf to' to tts had-mowlo«s and «ffle!ent' Po^ioxiu gmogeg " under of only iriarrect the/har|j)qny and bea.il- : ty..Q|-.oiji-. i system, -b'iit- gr€atJ;y". im- paired tjj.e ^fflcfeney ©f this" valua- bl Ijfe i !iri f p y ble Ijafe ih i.urje!iairi of-granges.. AX tiifi sani.e ..seSaion.iUbet .of ."sal ;fqr J'iitrone 'co-operatfiyu a&socla- t'iqn?.''" were titjbinittwt fo"'th"e' Nii- tfonul G-xapge im'd " 'recoiH^jrende!:! •to th^.-Pivt-Koxsi tbrouglioat'tl-ie cdini- Ba, ".to a-rloptj.. these iihthft -which Xi was ear purpr>se th ibte ll some i ar p -tvltli yhchaftg.,. wl .Me, but'ta1?«iiulbn : e they area' cfis- •jmntt.-d:-'liti& iiva-ehajjiythe perfrc- tloH ofAy3n(ib, by our.Brilkh fripads, 'htis;l>'feu. tiie «*ork ; oftlieir educated, ihj'ttkin>r,'p'raeti^al raen for" the last 35"yeiu^ :: ^the frarfiriu -fffricli-"'"we have given' otu'-Orde.r hai.bveH a-ti!- izijd tu. an e x t o i i -vyisieh \yp4?au..unly ; fbe.;BiriJ i -sheets anjgnien.f e"d,,: '" ."The.'.bGai^-' ex.f.-eiiii-ve'S' cleared di s ..Statesatid.Territofiesof. the-TJaian., .t?i]j and p.eriiwj.ts as various.in- pt-heji fuu.t«r( .^,-aut} in.iik'ir/f.p'Huueri,' They. artr "\vit^«ut a. ht"ai4' or" conBtcting Xirik'j '•'dak-t*!?o • m a n y i s l a n d s , iu/thtf Kea'", •'without e'veti .a- boat, yig'tog- f-FGitJ- Ol!t' -iO t l l f OUltT."^-"!S r i:lj3OBt of unity". Kbigh Is' the ini.t-iGji.ifiVd the s \v«at al}<r";tiK> roca}) was. rs • -.I-iifxt'iftt : ti.t»i i-e.-^im"!"; ilvi tj«.nr4 tx.---| a'-miueti .return's ti'&tp.- Wi«i ''fofliiwisig'j ...jpaj-ii-iics- a.ml •^aiy?',' 'yi.z^"-33It5nviflsi, i '.West " 13aion""/Kt)aae, '"" •'•vyeiij". il-e ancf fegyS. v j iollo\v. lijwe b.ffere iw<j<-on-it singfe- sltee.t &irtT%-eye v i e w /of Ioui\ hUTidrtt r'jjffiitiv* sogk-tiya in the lTiitU?i |.yt» .sogk-tiya iii-the- •ITiittf'il Cairoij,, / CTai-Btn'ia^, '^"Cfft'ivo.u-,.. jrarehaBPs.- fr-onj -, w-hHltsSjile-.'dur-jtug: . In Orltians F4.ri.5h. Xhp- -s aul iii« 'vote . had oiie of vtit; ; sK"H.i»jpu.!y..«f ".to "h a .. ... in EpglaS'a .»Bd." Wwjt «v. CM.a-i ; pi3pd from the. .-ggypriirfirij-t.' ivt'um.-', slitnving ih$fijasciielfil.'pftgfe>-f and po,sit!ffn «f'tSie co-oprrH.tfvi nioyvpon.ijt / dar-- ••fetes'. a.M^'p's.' -e}"G<tte(3. ; sp"eafce.'r."anil tbj}k-.th.e- 'chair. . • J&. : Gsplan«ti©n: of these .proceed-' * **\ /**»IT- . ' t i~r YY\ n^t*' f'^f^" ->»p\»-\r* /"i»*vv-i.-* ^w*/-i/-7 FTv*^-^ ccukiL^ 'SlJXvj?'. T.'iliitjv j.' .ti^.AiJ'K^ t - ti * ^M-*f^jyii v ^'s'- are a g,uoaiuiri-#6r/ ttife. traitisftt'tiqji "j>f isp/ Edgeaei-S! and . : Ija.ii£eiis, iij&yg .sixty tC"^!^^^^^.^^-"^.©'.!*' e-presefefc ^fi:yasisefe3 to, 5i''atKr fifte q bpy |i to' ^ei iaMng"his..s"eafrigs sp &§]j!eecb:j.and th^ i tfi ,^% fiftee,^ l i a ii- ^ft^.ij^rie ifaAey- © er dieXiuere fty".jiane. 3aiea>.' ,§\yBi,py,e !beiog! absent, -...^u. A," 6igatfii!e,d--:eoi)S!5fe-e.f.- idfiftfour.ngs ti\*s .-whites ; ! The .demoeratie rnenibea's,. after- lea\'"ingi. tJtie State -House, met ig- gM|i^altereotnstiitationi and Hfith gM|i^aler.eostai and Hfith- oui'.:. taking afiy ;aeti0B"a:djQui l ned '•in-n'Qt$^ot;'T^e'i5e^iJon.:'t?as^scr6t,- Mirv0eqds^ pl •of.thelegislatitteirom Orangeburg- ,-. n ..,s- .,-.A.i.«.^ Home with' th ^ with to /have to do =wath:the . v -.-. ' '"' f.i ::- t Sh&X&''iiIQ. J g the ates. the r /p)ir.?a.V man. .That. ipve fcir/ power/of.|o*e,; th %"/th Mt en, -"Tjpjtll: woric"'.a refe3i^a4.iipii/ifl. .. many, "alm©^ hopeless"^s^/: -Qniy - : '--"-" let. it /be/Mi,;'.. W« ; -&atie zeal -aria'/ enej-gy; hii| it fesq^pjimei'-jiftap-•' piited. fodilfeh^ .'M i j / t h < wicked/"., unwise, if net sugremeiy sefflsh' ' feliiW : in ±iie wild 'atten>«ftov destroy.,: «Hi^;pfor4id dgl#d\ t 3 c-aa and' .preserve ifte pj?tler,.it ' i / t l & feprateet"-, xyjs, .an&.thepfiheipieg/ 'underlie quf oi%9n32a.rfenj" liny. til a vofijiyiete victory is SGhieyed,.;", and: onr. w-ojM.fe.free•-Aoio" ]the. : " i j i ^ & But We inust .w<ir'fe in.-Jfii-ver '••'£ irood work is done, ia love^ iin need Iqye more.than'.Ishqse.wiio &xe'-' 'is the •.-' -'vrioBgs. ' %&i-.to" : fn'gry••';•.' tlTotis:h.t: aifoe,...imt. -pray fe.Bro>eV : -.-' du-jdlrig> our/ forceW .Tbef- good ' .- among 'jiiemjyill. sben-see 7 their'"." error, and like prodigals' rettira %<)'.' tbeir Father's house;. "'.The.'fead^TOcan'spare : uritil reforBaed/ ^ean^ .- the." Situation ca!te. fqraapr*3 "' rk, bore .prayer," more ..eharify,. or low, and- a stronger /Mtli in-tbe .; iaiiaatabte- 'principles 6i Qod. * as •" Fatlitr., and. isau ..as .a', brqtner.- Work begets a dseiier.!b"Vief<jr. the object far ^L-Idi-'we jabor,. aad.perS-' -. haps T$!e' pf e"d isonie" of us'ai ieasl.}-.-"; .tlilS sore -dise-iJ3lijQe I /«r .thei-e -has. / "Uetha relaxat-ixxnirio.uyeifurtstogro. •: cast? &©„gi'dwjh aiad tfiieieiiey of" . clinejn our-affeetioii for it, Wheie.'. ; been' i-lio't&sfej,-Jei"..HS jtroy;. •• il-Fftther. in;'^?al' bt^"' •:" %-he.. world. Is- not prepared- to -get /along •wHtoipat tlie, order"of'QqoaTenijiiate-. Theyenx 1 ;".' bedyiri' : th&ir jor'ganlatlioh alf-the-' and add fea.- • ; tores'pectiliar t.o;itself; 1 w/Mch/are •' VotTi preVeutaHye mm 'refeaajaatory,.- - . . We ofiee'heard-a.good" Mother.-3ii : . y^ that osr pfQ^r.Tyas tnore "prfe\ v entii- thtliv" rf'formaiory', 1 '' -Peirlia^s Sft, bat iffcp.-it.ii:i:-t' "{je'Sbixi .a it'.' fa"."working; ' i g ^ y ij ^Tjssveretlto.thi-ic natue.-*.. li;' ot-rfie ; o" Id!' il to and /S Q deQXbcratie" hienib£*£s •i ©»€ Jnto t h ' T i " A thtrnf ftJr'kriowledgtH ;"3W, "wWi-h;w t.hefir^t n-quisiie, h_ Isett-er id U J i j j i i j .BfejQ-a-,ffi-er]'ij'ta ; a?:rt.s.s.piQHf -Sfsi'Ki Ve •^4 T efi'hi i ' Sp«t} see. t rsiliejiiia-ej.'HtiS k ; : ea]iz : atiGn..of^hr.iS5. iaJHi^tBif 1 !?* r £be~ slent. v*rty'C's' ; <>j|? f: afitl" feilo«fe%\jj?:w^i'iv,;wiH e isci;,.- r .Iiu~- r --. 1™_^~-^_^-,I 5 ;»S«>' a<> {' v^BiirfV- 'iiu v bei) Imr'Jaad,"'aiad ha?e* "£?a"L ...... :;.-.•-.; •...•.-."..^.v-SiSsi Ss- .trade.ksd •eonifti'er'ce-, ,tliaa "aH the' Mi-'-.- ' ' '"" " "" " '""""" C5' TenlJi' AYianaV /fjpg^, ai : the" jffisfefBgat-te adinifc.Sjs. wtiajKiaKrj a,ji ; . JnTOesse-erovvd ha4-ais?ihwed itt fibiifc of the" State! .Houses when, thb fedei'al-Gffieej-- in --charge, ap- .proaehed -.©eiieHil-Hftmgton, vy-ho; y?a-s.3ti^he State Jlouse, \\ith. ; the- ' ' ?Tfeai;-th0Ei.'o:wx1 from- mg in. -...<3fenerar;SamptOH' irii- '^tely•g.pjpeareciTipoir'the front Of. '06.M'pitql-.and. su i> . ei£bJbjts ^ere tq : lofty, bd j in the} d JoA. , -tl. am '.tMy- tioin* ly, yy ^ . j * - CJ- oil "-on "bh© : troxfbl^ wMef s. It is /of- tli0 "greatest iEtiporfanpe tons all, as i H f :§Qu!tih Cfaroiiiiaj-vthat the ilu.rbe prfeseryed.. I appeal , white p e n $,nd, cqlpred, ians toiise every effort to -yoitali, whie pe $ d , c qp, C|iroljpians, toiise every .effort to •bldodShed and; desojatibn, 1 implore 'you: then-tft pre^eyY.e the -peace, j b;eg- also-.of-my. frietids to tMspejse, to; jsawe -the gEpunds of the. capitol, rim'dl aiso-a,d:flse all qql 0 pen t M&tticsatpe, • Kzep perfectly C IJeaVe the sheets and do nQtbi £ i t ' # * t t th jbttje8a;p]aced round, ia .finer ^onfeQf^ t i to to the Jaw ,as4 c o o f f j ^ have pef^ /jfectfaftlrin the justice$i pur cause. 1 Thk whites 'jftipiediafely di'^perssd,. afod w&tei eotittaet was f6Howed by i t d peoplev NQt 2S Sepxe House of. .7fe*,^.^0. sf democrats and ticipated : " an^ Judge Cook, . «leefc to the enfatiyes met. afc Hlfc Sixty fopr ftis w piftt p yt&m Iwofcn iti by jh Kb iil vea 68 laembers in the af.one.lras &i 'Fhe iTatioBal-.tJrawge of rons of iTurfianda'y hi'gaa its tenth r'fcibtU at tfet 1 Piilmgr J1(M at hoqri on \ The uieeting was iu foi'in' in thegfxth Bpgtee l>y .. _ ., Mastfer Joiia t. J^ones, of Arkansas.-.-' "•,- • •• / - , .- ..-• IN SESSIUX —:.-;.;—.—:,-,-'- .:. i -.,.- rT 3,eos-o.5 1 Itn near ce&Beeiion. with -each other, thto|?s'hay6!gre"at l *ub|ebfe" a ?"eU influene on' m e n t a l a*ub|ebfe, a "thnen-t that ages .ago the poet .So- idef ga\-fe Vent to, in sayiBg thai "when man becomes sla%:e. lie. iQ^es •ualfliisvklue.""•;•:.•;. ' .-• - ." "At •' last . session' 0f' tliis <3raaKe inuch iptervst wag expressed. in thi 1 action which had been takers by the .co-ppyrittivf soeietioj? ef. Q re'at JBri- ip/iaaagHrate, / "* •" : %VK#-. '^tte'SlPfiSwr^vp-^ef^iJii:-'". 4 : q^- "fearti^'.ciad.f^aai;fei-bhsed: feg^ evening t o a xneuee,an4 his' s^ie •iniEel3is»eii't a«-' ii vfteis of. warn- - i «-fiJ : iiVe""iji.t£« hearts qfi ers gs ibng'as" "iitienjprj-. liyes. ivoble bj t>thers is The God. Do&glas SYSTEM OF JEXCHAN'GK. 3.ea fche : £« and the agriculf UTAI -,-w -*,,;. Ci1lJ jtjjy jan (j in with was at 3 p. in., Wh Master, John T- Jone-5. ; OF THK GJSAKGE ; Under .the .. .^ ........ of ourcoostitutiou.uv are again convened in* annual sch- 3iori,- to consider and take such ac- tion in the--great interests of the ela^swerepresentas aaay appear ex- pedi«iht fqf the advaBeeiHent of our prrfspeEity,: aud as a consequence, the prosperity, of our country, aiid lbr : the good of ooi'Ofderi The feelnjl? -of enthasiasta wifeh which ypu. have .heretofore been greeted-from,this chaiK,on' like.o©- castqns, experieflces no abat0iient, bat receives new force from year to 5'ear, with the increase of bt-s ineaa- taeisfiip, powerand-,good •woi's^. If w&shaU build oar superstrijLetMe in harrooay with, and iii" tion to, the broad ani . foundatioas we have laid iwye tsiuse of deeper, of 3 able gratittide to Biva whofeassus- taiaed: us' so" far inOUT v^ik:, fflnd peraiitted. us to nitettogetJa^Hgain, with our iraajfes unbrqfeiij fahor in tttis glorious cause, £ observe bat few changes J& this 11 - since outfitst grai«l pHfeHa- at St* IJOUJS, *nd ^tskx* the QtfotigK chieii % :Speeiil' nit sut).spg!u6nt cprrespoaderice. .which I was dieted,' by a. restilu- f ion of ihi's Body, to continue, as I riiti, until a' potafc'was reached when, in" mj judgment,' with the approval of the Executive. Coniniit- te8..it beeanae .espediejiit to tend, a special conipiiSjiorier "to f onfer with r tho mithbriHes' in those Societies : upon this sabject, au$ to- iepreseat f om-ideasa-ud interest -in this sub-, j-jjeet, and,(O wprsseat-our ideas and.. : intere-st.-in this CJonBet:t3Oii- Brgth- j er J- W.. Wright was appointed, to ! this effic:\ arid It afords ins' sineere pleasure to bear testimony to the ability," dignity, ; a^^ S? ae * wJtn whieh.he "discharged its important duties. C'teptications of a very serioiw dm-i'iet-er Jmdiarisen through the niiisrcpre-entation ot" unfriendly parties, the flhara^er and extent of which were unknown -to-u-? until ascertained by oar eonimissionpi'i after his arrival in England. These matters Wfre &tliy discOfsed in the Co-operative Congress which rnel at -- " ' • Apiii last,-the ' ' with great app'auKi*.' Ii w<>s by u citi/jD bf P|ti>b;.'j-i. ihM . vrfeiiotcaflijnon for mettiug in Pins-tort.. ' K fur yur \vbi 1 t1|y W^ftot-hj -es trhyrVver.tii'-jr i^fliuf fh;s>$e.; in ibis lirk-fs ii rt-jbieeiu th? feet '.hat.i5ood J in povttteai-tern fteJQ = n^lya«ia . lias as r.obk sons rim \vili fiiiti- a hard battle to fight in:I county, •where, we has-*?"thfee;/good ; S;Kid. cilies, atM* eoal h?£vv*rs &!3<J- la- hotels, and tiotels: daughters of opening atwr elOfciag the ion having been extended to oat comjuisfidner. The reassurance of tnat Body of the earnestness and in- tegrity of oar Order in these nego» t-iatlons, sxiH theEr reference to Sir. Neale and oiir cbiiimissioher, by whofa important modMealiotis and changes af the anginal articles were agreed upon, sttboiMed to tlie Es- eeative Obrnmitis'e on ffe other siebj and assented tofrytViftt Com- mittee. Copies of the original at|« cles, the toWTOarioHS, aad c&aiiges stpd flie tfeportdf tUe«s:ecutiV'eC<Mn liiitteeoa tbB. ©tBfer side as? ' dr*mkafdsito get and even in i>a.!. tftorenes. M»t vouch.forth« ,priu«t>fa£of. XphI; aostin«n«e of ail the i-luirtli i or of all of toe y ^ God i'hai the roiglxry stu«it>liiig tf&tfcs iir immmi whogiiveupfa;i»-Mfi?losa aot beiag wiTBag to-gacri^ce.' beer, or eider, to.save then- lioai adratjbards s dobsft, Wh^i -hb-w ahy" man or woaia-B has tl}? c^eefctoasfca poer druntard to' giye up his Vsajw, wlie r e his sppeiji deadly paison,. than the love of life tBodefate fippjer is) Ms. eider ev*n. Ohi fiw-Sv njarel yefotin ikea at>4' by «te-lsrt»ns,"

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Page 1: y^ Mother.-3iinyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84035821/1876-11-30/ed...?^,; yet f'tli---v-- /".... . ! of ii

? ^ , ; yetf'tli

---v-- /".... . !of ii<Ba.eeontfert Jra-

^ ."-"What

;&?• gg^-n around t h e b o i h e . alfcaaj, togreet the/desr/3?ather antfMbjthetand

t bfe|g r-; is it

e truly grat

. wcffld; tW" many ivefc'J tearts, i s b.<•aijBUal.-THanfegiYinS".'*' !S' icueew•itieet- thr i f ts a n&!fi6n.<?rjed&y bs sst:j^»f"f: fqr-.yefeountfn^ ^e ' abo t i j l a i. Wrdsls*i th"/ w'hieh/'a joying;". Mi t t e r'•'-'-"- --•'•---•-'~s{.Qiir/days.-/'It'is&-. tta1**-

.aia^BS^d! ctfet^tf t j6aeaBat^g_3.'Wkoss #fe?se enjp.ty^ erirpfiqartfs aBb

f3to: ; s i o f i : ' n a parental roof is-spread:.r^lcome:gie"de?t); ones;-tea glad- xe-

' • . " • ' . ' ! # ' •

J4y^waj;fttrei§h ; ayepas t sweet, tmso sad./. Bat. fch^frls another/class t

% V i f t T h k

oTS^5;;aim--i5resiiatfawfiig,. b.r.evaAGO reafcbeeause q.f past experience^ "

: , -.bipsotv o\»r hear t yeai^s for thosi&1$kQti&K0&0':oi$i$•-foreshadow2 i&1$kQti&K0&0o$

; igioo.t% g^rio^v, feaT-an> :;iijHta aMsfc #iW&i%ei: no:.v daysj iioiiTy this purging .tide of .evil• :>ud.w*bB;graigM be stayed, i.Aieh on.". /.thes^daysgather^ fresh i M p e t e a n d

•','•(Toi^'the ioad:to; hopeless ruim -.- f h ij-^eBitiecpUBtfa^tte :meiaorIesqfft pasLand present, all-th,e.osai)ifpM

- 3 ^ t a g , k i n < i n # s p f B>ui w h o h s s iso;liouii:Mftilly'.spread Jw

,'iiess'wrj-u.s. and Si^alLthese,- iimuraeraMa. wetei^s-tliere.

..^qmes:xs;.feail.of sadness for. the many,•^tbpa§?NadhdH)es.1ri0ti\)8dQf -their sunT


qsetf. pneSi ^arnifed: itod.fed) cheere-a.-.-• a ""-"aripyi"vceseq tlife dVbiilvfiKf re^l-

fet.jye ajar tu&met:%£ed euisi

tt^r >vgi;etjiisaciaj^6;ffastingl i : t l i K'dfim)»tfeii£iai!i'and prayer lair:-.tlie- K'dfi.m)»tfeii;.£iai!

oiiyefeiaa'cif fibtse wli&Keia \vaiftto

,-\ if '".'.

V'Y .• X " • ' ywhieheasts *l?gji:bf ;gtcosp. over par

|>ri>btest-tlajs o f r g q i o i t ! ^ - - ' ^ . e i a f a

oftheii>vsiili trie. Aqetiins-of Ms ^ r j c a i j

••aroantHTSjWe^^^: i r i ag , aiid. in obr elp'satioii BeftcTea

"" " ' '' >t Ja- t h " " ";"~ —-•-'•'-•*-•-••- "•.-•s.'.^L

•%|ili of agQriy Tphie'h goes rfto' froni

• •.: v/TBe-OVeat-Pruitiiig1 SfpaL ;"

i'ess of ou^.flgM singleS j .atone- itgalat' i he .prf?i tiag

tips o!-li^idiie, -vtVibave juet, te \re' j S T ; . a i l Jftiidisof aiasfeaiid' og.-

k i jegf-of t-Tif f&-:attempted

£ d

lje; iifiapugnetl ai»dtrpdeEhancde.d. tyielW

g g i f : fis t>ce part of.dt;pbKey; to icaepv oflr •p'apeir •frotar-

iv3SJfifcjfsyfcnd! ipj^ttis6tkift6 GI"

,, ;tet:as tJ'^pM#^f.'-t

%|^;.pi6'people.Were ai-ougeti gadfetemiJtjpH^*a'iiij9.or. cprnet of ike comi ty.se

ie;\vee.lv}y visits iff;

' I n pui u)TCSt!£ftfio"nsias;to . tlie costifpHMmg,.we fotmd.'as ^p j j l l i&hed

k r tliat jjie.i

Jaii®l-5a I875 "the.".'bills"-, were'S2j5f!0. "teupribtiug in-"oflr. eouB^y• M

k & | i

ipttr;BoaififlsedaigBSice?tt IS75.at2QctSi.perfi>lio,a,na.agatiL tliisyear. af.samera.ie,.AS^attienaiapnt tti-the'.'Jaw.relattn^io-tli.ajjbjiblic»tlon -wasmaile.-iegtrlotiiis-t&eputfc^aiil0Rtogei)erai" Iassarrdtft(»e "apjtijda



TB 32 £ISJES . OiF^EB—6fr P E RCENT'S A ^ ^ C t d TH® TAX-

A Select CQ\inttitt«.<?


A ;

proper, and the cominittee a good i . *BHf PKlKTIIiCi CHRAp*o n e . " " • • . : - • . . . . . - . • . / : • . - . ' • " ; " - • - - " " : . • • ! " • • • ' • " • > • ' . - • • • ' - ' ; - - ' - • ' ' . • • ' .

Mr, Woolwor-|h pf-Jiyonaialesaic!,"'the printing eonpnoitttee.hacj; their;specified/duties to perform} and.; iiihis opinion the/proposition; of.thegeuHeman.fram ISJpfitague' Wafrcor-reet;, aiidh:e;sho«ld! «ote for the spe^

q/ Mr* ,.]VJ[nBn:c.oMdn?fc seerthe-porut..H e - was-disposed" to beyGarefuV. ofpf in tei'S-^thotight i l ie gtandmi^OJij^mitiee- eould. tajto care ©f •( libse goii-.

K Cost

-• Ijffst (Eilesday w a s t he t ime fiiedttpoB fqribe^peeIaJ..QrdGi" on Puint ?

iqg, ,J>ir i j ie ^Qarij.,' T i i e R t E g JiatT.

yii1(3; palavering iwit^ i h 0 t i i i t iombje4aembers,.Ar6EQ, totd.tftaftbe

/iijnss-was a .very shdri-Hyed pap^f;thatth©/.6tiitoT was 4'*tvij 6E";. that

spil .fheir: Hp/s with t&suau3e.of.' t h e•'JJiafiEii, aui i '&a' t^i t 'wa? a l t "moon-:shine'* nbpiit'ithe .p.£oj>le being'excit-ed; -On- the. -j>rintii}g c|.uestiou ;• andfurtheraiote -if t he Jtiitg could li'iiyeittesfc "one litoje yea r " theyeou ld


. JuCr, SneMott remai&ed tha t tlieexperieaiee of the p/isfc &$.$• a l l In. f eyot" of a special, ioaiiniatteeyear, a- speciar'-consnpittee ,\?'•pointed and" a"price wais • agreon whifth r.educed "the-prico-ovei? onethird1, aiitf he 'was disposed to -t'ry i ta g a i n . : - . . • • - " . • ; • ; '•-. ' - • •"• • • '•'

Mr- iSTiebei-gall/calied for the ffiyes>aiid n a y s OB- the "stib^tlijiiie, \yliich1

"Was lost 'by the folloWin'g-vote": ;- •• AT3&.—Beshar t,- ;Jotesori :, • Lsw-f s,MeGarfy,;. IStiiler, -Mullini -Muau.,.

J»«icunici.iiit«i,—?fo TLatr•r6T

i s - Robl)crt;—tewis" i '

.. ' . 'fesf Imlignatlon' ' dt' ''f^

Ovei-" $ii>3.<JOd in"y

i•pay .jK>r..«fi'.' ^•w?Ir.;fe3C..fax*«to'«1^antf liave •ia'on.eyileft, but if; ;t&eBtiardKstenfdtdiheH&aglityTiM^s

it is" not.g t loiae y,~<ive inciiHeclGUl

qfpity to'again- give"the pxmting 'tothe Erag:,^L% theylaacl-aireatly fat-,tenedfeir:<)y6H<JD.:y..ears at-; fhi&pub-'He'erib. '. jQsfchSjFo.re:fliev61e'was to

c. Spaed of; Stiprh^«-.

f is aMrge. taxpayer residing l-U the % il.higeofiowTille.-im the . cottniyafort-s;.;;•:..atickis afeo the • jirqprietox.and -,ti1a UJV

newspaper. p.ii.blib'hetl at I. \- v\l'r!

aforesaid.,.' ^P-he.'unde.EsigrttJ.'y? f 1''-fully :.r-epresetits.that i ii.' i I.e. i/ro,--"*1-!-.Mojf 'o£.Hisbusi'beBs' a«- u tmW t*.'.HHH--

has -oxaBjiaed ;sueli of' t.L'\(v..!i. i-rrgbills" as-he has had-access- isiiy it lini-itecf .- lanae, jjartieiiTarfy "thuSi.* --of .'4S7Sacid iSTi,..hSying" fflea of" the :Jt>npia'emit- 'JiepaM'io.an/fQT. said -yHii.s," Laud'

iK qC;-AinW •%*.'• Sni

^ii^ ai i.«sr.-is.

pke. ".uMersigusd- -ha¥.eaiisetf" lire yaidbil3sfcr.tiiesaid yeaxS t.Cf iecartefuliyesaminedby:. a compateiit

b, asthe

rt find: \&ep%Mlc(t)i,: -cthe Jcdlls- Wi&:t|ie said newa

ife-. "{j&hiJsiied::rates fqp-ad.-r.

, mvX the tuidersigBed.allegesthat .sonete, &f sad'd bills -so. paId~:W-ei:e.-tria.de; agaio.st th^,tf«tti«t3:.\vlt$ iibatt-l ^ the sa.W bills,

.'-. ISTAY-S—jFqster, IIItdlicoelc, .Tones,•KiltSj Jviebergalii-'Sheldon, "Turek,-•Vfilin. Wilecix, WoolwoTth^ 10. •." The oi;igraal.- £esq.Iutidn j^as, felretiadopted, i?.s follo'ws: • • . ' '.'•.' ATKS—Bt5shart,:. Foster,'" Hiteh-

•'eo'ek:','rJo\i#%~lt}ti&, Z,ev?l<sf MnOaMy, '

Miller, Mrillin, Muan, ' isriebergall.,Sheidon, Turelc^VaB.da-waiker, \ v a l -iii-, Wilcpx,

M r ; MuHin of H i g h Maflvet; with-,oa t the fe,ar of the-iRlngitjnd in thejn t&res iof . t i e taxpayers , offered the''fqfiowipf. rfebluticin, vfhictiv wa§-.unanlmduslxagreed. to: . ..• • "; • •"." Ea$t>Tved,:-Th&t the eiei% ef the-B r a r d be authorized: to- procure for-t h e useofthaassesgioisof/the.se\ferTal .towais- t h r e e blanlp-Assessnieiit.Rdlltvfind three popi€B:t>ftlie samefoi-each tosvi i ih : l<ewis county- forthe cotaing. :y.ears, Viz.: 1^77t 1878,"4nd-1-870,- Whatever•• be. vim "ob ta inthena on. the aiost reasqmvble tei'rasjaind .also it,^'distribute'.-tlieiri''"to. fuetown elfirBS'of ;the:.>eve.r.at tbwnSj'.syid tha t "the,expense,c ' 'of the OixjAti;I'o'aiTdited by the-t lert Board. ' •",

"dti motion . pf. Sir.. WileoXj/fhieCierfe.wai: aixthorteed' to d raw >iiorder onthei'ire.a&tu'er'to pay

n-. of.War." • ; - :

sqcb w.ork.es., givrflg ju^t caiB.er to: .suspect that.

iHiid'wbrR'-fenat .correctly "meas-d'that-all"of-tbe said" ,'bilis.are'ex-

nt.iB;.price, an.<i t^at afiiao "itre.charged ska gre'atei1 rate ibaii jLhe^aidnewspaper usnaMy charges." iaiciivklu-&lsj that fbe^uiidersigjied fesiiiotliada'ftieqflt&e'said paper fbt |S75 tq ex-aniine,,.bttt ..that ' the Mil af the-kurfS i l f . IS75 .was §1,18O.SOJV allowedat S-lf180-.«5-, that•tiie"Uill" fbrfhe- said:.year i.h-_-q.f"-.tI}i!ol ain;e.bbairae£er.' of .tbe

hefoi'e Hientioufct}, to wit, •:-exor-•bltant iri-jiri'ee-and against; tb'eiuter-si-.ofl.hfetaxpaye'rs.of; Lewis eoaaty;hat tlie TiiiliJersigaed.-has not hitd ,.aj.>-poiiuMty t.b-.,exaiaine t he .hills (aod

: Xifh thfe. files-of .the • l; '

• .The foilftsf i-ng-.estraK- from th'ivt i.n-"feu-i'Wttry... sheet, ' the'-A'Hraiiy 'Jirtftw;is coplei} wiEh 'apprb^al ftiid.' cpui-.hiend.atiuii- b y - t h a t • "repository ©fKnavery aiid'fojiy;,-tljie-Ls\vi§;G6U'U"rST

J)ouOri>Ct{'-: •'-' -.' : . . • ' • . . ' " . • ' '•".. '.'.••

'fijjsre Is; ntst n mint la tlii.K.t>roaii fiitul whojsriotlobWuK .witb tittttaS. Iireutbtotli6 prtr-

.-wecttn^s-ih; He\r Uii&xiis-.: -pteaelt. pivqepd-iij.£»s..ar6- in".Vogue...iS^poleMrto -taeWs are

. a c l B p t c a . : • • " . • • • • - ' . • . ' - . • • • . . " • • - . . - '

I'aousaiiils "of ."doinberafs Bav;e-&eoii djs-JraBchisffil ill LauIsiiiTWi" ThcStfite is inais-pijtabl-j-.tleMocwine. gt&' fonv jnilijons of—""* '" •—••-- aiatHtate caiittu-edl>y a

- - aalT .ii.ot,.i)o-tnmultiti


j h b-jr.pnrsnit of 'linoffleag*. undesdifficulties "«'e have obtained-. theJoitiniai \& Republican.- anclihelje^visCounty JJcnmcraVk bills: for printingln-- 18v3",.and we publish th.enx here-with-,'; I t . will, be' seen-, that :.5O'eeh;tspsi- foiiQ is charged fqr-sli-of theieggf:

ing.TOuntiea :havehad the s'asddnefrorn-SO -£o-.-S5"eeh.fe«- Tl(son of-these organs was not such tliati t .wttg necessary for the-publics';.tobe-taxed.for ,.thtii;.,giipp6.rL- • On •tij<eQntiiftiy, they havegiwvxa rich ©ij.i;pthe hard ' Jparned mqney.of t he -.tax*payers. ' \ \ ' i th only, two papers inthe-cauittg; .iheir c'l'dixinxy../business, afr, jardeti. a rich harvest. . Olbey ccooiiesqt about, the same populatien : haveft'ofo. Hve'tp; te.n"'paj'er4, bu t ' t t e ' i n^

.adyanuage' ;bf. thi§ ijarauxiJiy^f these

their teach;.- 'There are .good-ami sabsltihMal reasons, why they could' hiiTeattSfdcd -thisj'•••work.- at- ' lower." " 'than;'-iri'/' "ahy• other " county;-' _ _,pltm-. b.f- qiwi'stion- has. ;bseh- for d

..paper tp.gei- uj>-a iaw oSe. ve'elc anil

..then Eb lend the niatter to the. .otherbijiije, thus , s^rvj-ng ; t he • setting yp/bfthe type alteiniateiy, hlit.'with all of.|he?e faepi;tlos;" they, .haye ine&ease'dtljeir e'harges ycai-iy fef teail of .eutfcfug.theni il'ttww. -.Sor-is -this all. Theyhaye-irablisbHl matter waaiUhorizedby/ la\V,'|riji.ti't;ig.. tq.tiieir joint! tafla-fne'e,." (as" fh efe'sftas'-W'.-fteei-: IHE-SS: 1'E

. the coun-ty'.to->»pbse their rascaii ties)'^over.fheirrpolrtieal friends tu get theirbills thjflugb the hqardqf supe'ryisors.

;\V§"?hnIi giy.^ a"t: another fiuie "a,.llsi

UDivuthorjzeti .by law. /riiey. are bthfc .nature o.f {^cheul 4'oioniisyiptte-i'snoticed,. i>at4)eEs' •; Assoemtibn's,: f4tv

iVll such; a:r<ii-nafte'rs-^qf Interest t.qi'ht.people,hjit nrealwiiys/jHiblished".JIHnews .'items," ' and .:are - st?.usii.t- after

"eagerly.'./Eui". «!•£• "tfi'-e "pwiple -.to '&taxed".to i>.ay lor'.tueso rriews""'itemsTf t'Ws'. is to -tiqnfinue -tfet? U}x-payer"hadliefter. -laxtfiQ' th.e'ir: -pnrse-over" to• the rteg':kt-..bne'e.-' Willi s*Heb- - r - '" ' '.agen:)eiir,;as -Xve. saidv'w-bfcft. we"

.bea.gbed.courify. to •tpovo.ou.t rif ato . n e e " . - . " • - - . . - - . " • - • • • • • • - . • • • ' • ' . „ " • • : - ' .

• i m » V j - i t i r r e c l ? . . • •. „ •.-.• . . . . .•; p.iis sajutljat peaeefiil" eitlzens wlll-su1)-rolfc AyeJ:; aua lijA^abicttng |5yiiti(»taus wffl-subfflif- to • the-wHt.of th6 .laajority also,XtaeEe .is ao ei?ai(Jeacte in. tMo public laaivnal'sof tlierepnblleaa party that thoy hn,vo UseE'n- Ii't;oijfc iafceat?oii-ofTOjapocfc^iiar tltcs df^jQrciWiU of tho"j>(?c!jjie.- THej sx& tletiH-nwneU tograsp Uitfesecutlve idiairoi tile" "hatioii," 1!th'ev can ao" itv;ac-aJl-iaaKaa^ds,u-ncl to tid-eTrttU rvxtfvicS. rigor over, an i

So\j. W..W2-.£v> ISIJTL cards IUI- jjoaia •?. 159'cW'.bianfe-aiitiiii'rit^-.;;.^ i-^~- 3-50

. -7S cards,-. a-yi'Siiiitj ndeH-..-'--' -.-.'.;. • '2.5;'""2i.W blankreeeipts lo-rstifei-iHi."i. l..V; ,'}'5i-

b.r-.-halif <»•• owfted- qifieigljy or- otherV

cer, eastodiaiii .agency/ jir agentbf anyeity co i in tyYi l l ^q j the*a iv i^o i

y/ jeity, coiintyiYill^jqjb.thsub-division, de|)aTtjne^t;qr pbytiqii •"of;this .State, JiasMtliertp '•'Tpithbtit'.itsJJ'tbeen pibtainedi-*ecffJiiM,iCOtovej't6di, qr-:

disposed oXahd-uot actually- recDver^d:baefr and. restpied, pr i qr to tlxe gas§ag&'of.tbis act,'uiito :th'e peopl.e an.d law-:f.aI.qffieial-*eeeiyerT deposifafyj or oiis-todian.'thergqfj.eitbe!.- iir. s.pf.eie;Qi' "byfuaand;iaw^^^

l f J : , s u c l i


aridishafl Kaye:a-ifghi of: action'far the stwxe, an ct for; any. d&rijds/es. ofbthei^0qropens5tiotfgHe!^c•qVe^

-'/If. •Iqng:cs)nH-ntieti-".silSdce 'lias ;.xibtbred a eoldne'i?s-J5e;tw;eep. .us, VF&yesi?..

.WOHBV- lets' TshuMe ..frjetidly../hands.again",' ,'aiid: gobn/ i i i -felfewShip fb-

i ' /" \ '[ :

-S>at--is- e'rid^d"—anii. in hqw•Ijittie (lid J thinfej when. ;

pen catoreri' "for.- the" miK'.h"readeVs bf .these febiui

s|toe letiyes iynulci farle' ap".d...fbaatttumit:winils 'niqah,. aft d tjii-'bei-fe of Thanlis-

:gi-vin'g/;riiQ'g,'betbre Ahb .i.ELteTcc'u---",;wo0ld.be renewed;-•". "•,:. :".. • '•".. ."'-- j|3iTt t*u*y i'.'Satiie tateV- Ijjttle note"time-. t't'never'-ha&gs'ht'ayIJy''bn"their

,-fiaiiils"; They ';l»ave •jib'::Qeeasjoii to.

and t'erj "'te-baie it.Stillts.-.auci-.ctfrtk-,

•shfl.ixlde;rs" • uiHB- .:tivey -ara wt'll-' nigli'kiHt'd..'" Y-et .i'orptea.swre, and &i".sg.fe-tyi ixiia if6r.self-i;es|ieet,si1''e nie tt busylift;"

. lik'eti .ctreaai/a'p-jitBe yeiirs: eoine and---='.c;q "iike-the'swiffc wipged.ships.^-!. •'•

' " "' " 'Tfesc^siESJltft ' ' '".; Wlt(i<Miiatgq?"'• irdJebitu tless- :thr<Jrigs.;tia:at".•tite';:nQ.te|-.

r"j-h at .

thrqugji the.

-tbai day. .alle); 'da>7tn.(in;tij'tiiter -riiouih

fee ';>JIIH<;', .w&s.'-.al'nVosti

ihen 'w/seli'aAei-ii'."ba«f "-ije•'eti<juijh:fb

rirlat|ibu".«;f'- the".'whole-eteth' was-Kiwii.ip that tbagic centr<5y ]', •'-/•

• "T&osts who d'HTsq ".p

jojitj'.o.fttn^CQitli.tKy. . .If tire outrages" oi" 1872 ami JSrt •are-repeated"

in Louisiana, ihfrijuestldn ^7riiIJe iiarrifdto Con res-s. Ihs uininfrv will Iw, aKitat^Jby -It; torn QDP cjid of the'Uinft-to tlieot-iier.TiirwaiQr-tt-ordmbri ; '

s,'trat..'has good- reason.fe.be-lieve, thitt At'jf a.re'af. tbe'sanife:. fbivr-aeferof'. tji©'-.bills- of i-afd.-tiiaijtey,'" towit".? .exofWCaat-iii j-H'H'eausil against•the: mleresst:'qf • said • taxpayers'; thatthe'inndqrsigned i s satisfied" from- said

is tha t the "snavof 45'Qo'Jsarfair-"jafee for-tire." printing-,for' the

.eac-ivcf the /eaid years-so...exam.in*d, and- Ibe atBde'rsigtted as-ail

id "of :bis .gpod faith"ia saitt', heuehy otteita to. tio.

whole.x>f.:tfce priatiiig- at ...§S00 fop-the ;coun-ty forthe^eomitig year t in-

l ns rendered In t h e billsafoiegaidj.oi-:tbe^ndersign :ed wiBI "dpall qS;. the saW^sintiing a t i l i e : &uta,:of•WeBty• ceufs-"|!.CT• folio.; brat t h e ' na-'.ei'sig'n.ed?desires it distinctly uader-.

stabd" tha t be." does nqt-appeai before-'said BoaKl ft& d.;.j.f(ni|)er Sqlieiting • e'iri.Vp , b'4t as--,al careful .husiiiessma'fl,-ah'd ,fts a. fasiSy.er. "vrtibjis-""uo-.

fii6bwhat is Just-Mid light* •...-".: .With/greai; respeeiyouj

rtt.ordswmbeturi&uK.. ,;Bayojaits will againgjeamiil \Vasbing1.oD.

nioasands-"iv-ftr.ga-t,iiei' in aad nearthar o'ity,•toAvatofi'Uiv pR5gfi>ss «>f the diseiissui)!.'

'wiH-. l'liii. h-fsb. •Ahd'-wHowmUmi-ts to tin? tpmftle coii-Su-s f j a Y n f ;" ! "

\Vheri.tluA.\yas itJfittea, eojiretf and•.*u-dorse(.i-..it' .was .wIl-T&BLbwn -""thatmany tliotisaivd i-opn-blic-aBs had Btsvii.-Uistruiiolj-i -e^" .\>y iVjvrauii Hi-Huirdu.-.ttqntlie. white HiiershitU driven every«i>Joi'ed- v-iJt"c.-r;.frbin u!k'..p»lb,.,ia- .ath^r.'cases.- .the--..aalib,t. /boies . tlestEoycclwhere. thf re.- xvs£ •' heWy. repitblteaK

1 toaJttr|1ujeSiH.-.thai-. JiHfos&nfjers • brt" theway wftlW i r'ns-"-qJ';elc9t;wn. ha.tl been

Thcfy-feiatW" 't{iat"'-a.feir'*-.C'c>irn-t;. w<?'Hayes and \¥}je-elb£ th estate/qiL.aij.-'

-. praT.* jurprsv ^..^'_L;^i^_._^_^.'_ ' .'259.j iay J—2uftJ)on.Bs'oVai-j-tit/J>jLs£,.iVity •"' ii a)

, iy . •>. g . J y . ,•feaew also,' thr.t .the"-State;'.'of•York by the li/oWt-gtiT.penaaus'afarnq"iis fiauds :tl>a.tr'.disgraeeii. a

%) ' b ! 4 d f. w , { i f tBey dW'n'of Ihf-y areno-tfl.t-to conduct a ptiofic paper^-ihat; seventhbei'sand ;-:f the 'majority/"jit '

.To-fk" a'sy was ruacle. 6t pmiIsiio/.diressin-g iti male, attire, g ste/e.d tliemsflVt's as.. votei'i?,.and- did

..actually ,.-vote: for 'TiMen i h d \ S e i i -drielc%: •'They.'lviio.W t h a t ' a t '.l^ast.thirty. tbousWnd .fr^udiilent ybtes \vere

4 ^ Vsa:B.d iii Brqsltivh', -ujaEfn^.iu}."oarSlate atotfe forAyfivotliQusauii fraqd-•ulebt.votes,, ail this V ^

§^tion.Gr.war.:.:|n:- that they^ay;y&)^tft&xep&yni:Jitft):

Bec.^VMjflitiiU•c, lt>—.friutius; iiii fcir^. .

Jan. 1, iKPr-i-PuK a<K-. ilrtur" jurors. ~. • ' *i u'.!'"et«,.S>5" ft»U—i.'.^_- '\n. SO'

•iStitti.attu-e • vh v. of" stt •fratibBSj, af -allarts of:aliin> atrtioii^b'i:"afliscteti€csV-arts,- of:ali-in> atrtioii^b'i:-"afl.iscteti€.cs,V•ql'uil nrociaef'^j'iiH .-p"tu^.:a'H JawSi-all' j M i ; l~iU:h. 'r:&.r-d'i¥play of'fhe1

Ijst"of .ijirta's..'.•....'...-. .^_L.. ' .„. ' . , . . . ' y'60Jaii.17—-{Hnxrfiiilc-stibJM^Piju^?^J.-^_»- • '6-t. >'Jrii.-'ai—Pttij, Suprt-iaie^Vuuit'-.qpV. tii,-- '•' •' '

. , . - . : • „ . ; , - : " 2 ua-

.lfc-b.2.jif-^PrtMJBgeeBt-!SoateSi"gil«j>i-;td<' " • -1 tj)!

March 13—Pf rpttrig.-ai 'StUipujenAsv—. -1 '50.

" Teaclj-fii-s* J3j

•Ji<vj- 31—Prin-eiiikgoa.girrnoral terrju.^;-".; i;o:i

' .-PttB.-iaeeaaglioitd-br's^iu'i'vl^pr'sJ "3. Hi'

aifl.svfb(Mj.e«:as,"JDist, A.tt-Tyu-'-:_:-_- -tav.Aug: ij^Puti-. el«efion jroiTi-ij;. "lit ibi . lAi- '<&


' 200 circliiais..NotJee'Cbi'bell .Uiiivoi^lty-__I^ -^-- 3 5&

•.iCujf,.2S-:P'riiri.ting508-gian"aiuror4tt)H " '. .. <.

aoo ji-siicet.blanks..-^ . . i - . , : ; ; , . _ .- -.-i.spSept. iil tirij.K'jni-D'rS ':u^i.;^:'J.~...; ' :»$'ip e t 1^5?ottc'e to'-teaeliej's aiitl-.trns—. • •,;.

• Elfietion notice- iqK:Blieprir___\_^,__" : 2 Stt

af' S(!k-,.p,r"etfedJii!5;.ag.¥ equld


thought's .as- . .evejiing. bt:l]s-

/st-ei'e- oliii'iaip 'fr.6'i?V.; the iovWr 'ftfi

;derfiH •/•vi-i.thi.Qt' the;-'Uo;ieed '-.Biases

fVQi14" -1^ Qfeuiesqjri.e-.j' MacliiQ<?ryHall,. wi*!$."i.fs^ce3sei6is..hdftj -.'aiixf i

A<gfe/'%!klh ;er. BwitSi o'g;-;


.'ikihyay eve j ; . wJaietf: -the.itfem: e'bns'tf,li tiy; ';g-iiding;lTfe.e;:sprites,.p ,

o;f ffie.


.;"J..-n.>f^to-tb,eoafrage^ifid'-'.yiffi(Js-fQ^ti.^-'- K6t-i'ee: to th<jstj-liaJsriag..xicC'ou


h'e "gave


fn is-! of/.other

, conflict'''

.-ties,."'.,... •


no ope was

sis, Peefe aiid • Jerfiej's,v.meirites'- ftthe Jke-gislatare;.. denaastcted- • adnit8 6 i d 3 i t d ffl]

eshngiohata-iSf- fhe-'iegisla-tnre. .


i-al- 6jP.the 'gaaicl: refusedtan'ep.ffiider- qideis- l e

rt.ia.emjbeiss- then. m&b. inc a n s a h b u t 1145iuid p?e.eeecled In•a-Bpiiy td. dewi'aad Minifctanee.

l i th^xnefc i timeDeherM'Hten >f3&ug&v who then ehiingso a a - t e l l bsentinels

Mp " t h e

• b.e elected

g p | y y . t f e ' e ;pdral! of ' - thgisaf i l esaipmetl- tfieir«redeiirials./Tfhey. wei-e/adajitfcetl to


/erti:to(\BheriOfieeV- a£teE/g:ajiii?Bg,a£-lmt'ssioii-" 'to-kite;-Hwis'0j, .p^oeeeflect .tp..,theof. the ..l^ot f / | t e i i f ' 'i i f h flie.

.•the -certificates./ of•.^ic.'etiGn.-.titben!lvoiii ./thR".feeords-.<#• ;the 'Buprc'ra©•'<•• f(i»ivf _-' •Sfv-soM-ip'rjS w«ff> vftnmid nntiutirt.i,Mlh i /

.were .magetl b,n/

•Ltturehi|-d.e3eg*i.teS p ^ ,were .deiular.etl'.inyalitiby. t h e ' door-ficeepeiv wliereapon fhp totite: body

;' !*'. •Th-e^'-.asaetabtelinl'

•^tateHflust1, fi;0iiJ'.t,h& sfeps a p'migstnviis i^'ad/m tlm .presence of the.' —""•'jtSryafiricXtize•; -.Signed by all.:

thetrsiieeeSsors Ilere a f ra -j S p ^ f i ^ ^ o t e hasmpt.deci-ded- -tbe::eLuesSios.. M eotihttng thejleetorai.vote," . . . . . "

In ' Florida, -tSi© haveth"canvassers

g ; i y incite Nerthfiramen, Ooji StearnSi and others to atftena' their/ ineejaijgs.' The caaat'ass-;ei-sat JColombja;, S. Gu -.lave beersreierfsed feom'-jiaii by.-ordear of. the/Daited; States .Court.: Their casewill eatae up for a-. h'eariDg-en W«cJ-

ind^-sopje. of the couns.-i

dqn, a.nd; offiers/protest io©rail* against pntMng tb& traojunder t h e orders of Gbv. ' Cliambeilaia. The Eetiivnitig Board of t o u -

IsbaUbrieffyallutfeMtefs as 1 deem I t expedient to callyour' atteaMon torrefri3lng::.yoft t<>.the reports of the executive coajniit-tefe,seci-etary, anf.frea;suTfr for de-tails ofvthe business an,;their' respeq-tiv6.depTaa'-tTiQen ts, Mi)®tot -. &s gens- •!

•. At the last s'essibii.! s f fMs bo'Iy.se-ve-ral ,-..ipp'oriant' aijiPndBSeiil'? to

-»>bse-.st-<,-•:' Juii&^i Hy-'tim.'-BintAi imn-^t", "f -•- •ricfaprWIffiojii.tio-ii was' . f & l y - k w i V ' ? - • ' ' • / • " ' / • : • • . • . • ' - • • • • " : .

. OUT•'.vhi-.

atany'deipte. result; as to ho\v theState h a s ge i ie . : . .. ....• • - :. : -ACXXGX QF/'XELM ' i o u i s i A S A EE-

; . . yt'BJil^'G JipAKD..' K E W ORLRAiiSs, S-pv. Sr.—fhtt.iert-uriiiajg bbam'-tiiet at ll 'o'eioej: i.'jsi-All : the meiMbersSyere pi^seirti and alarge.-cro^v'd in the lobgy/' Th"e".Tis%


lye dy'ra~oeratie.P

p ;dtoughtqu,! AHeraud'.'Haie,imrt -of•visiting «6ixnaitt-ee,.§nu.tti,.-.TrnQiLrul:l,. andi n - . t h e f a " s e a t s , - • • . . • . - . . . • •• • . : • " - - • •. Oflriag .t'he/p.SQ^eediuas', .affer eall-

iit$: the.-libaLti-- in' •Vvrdtr,- BresidentWeils -stateii. il%t the- board. wotildd J i hfprpi«sts


,-heara'ead .any naut i t is .OPllafeYer " ' • ' ' " ' " '

| . - -an-i V y tt -"the?-...pi.Hmffcs. tb . :ihe tlE.-c{•that iii le.S of. the.b'parS BAtJ- been. ,tnbd-

. liied £0. far as ta ailaw the ,"adniii--bibo•as ieb'iit£i.Dge*i(i'e'nceorexvpii-tie'afl'i-riayits iu ebntestijd: tease's. • '.L'iA:' Zaeu->.arie fee.d-a'|>ryteJstaguiKst the s-nddfu'' i i f i t t ^ p n . 1 . o | t h e . rixte,'- oa.-tlie

'at :a- change liacl i-'.Mi'at.rtJius'thg .•de

p Q hacllost theM pi-epsrljig rebutting jywaerea's this • privilege"had. beeri' a't;pqidtd to tiste-a.'ep.a&Mcij-QS; • l l ie -

retttt.oir-ac-ts^ I%OH.,la-iil'.asrde,.'/^ •'

d o H i eottiisei foi: . . ;e f l i eautiidates;.'til.o'd."a;.i"g<i'tiea6 tba-f

. the; hallotrboXes ..ql' isaist Baton Buiigehe sent lor ju wder ' ihat ' , , the taliy-"s.beefs-'a-irf staJfenjenfe 6T- "the"- vo'teVsealed n,p-tii.-fo.tfr-t>f tijebosfes. eeiiUrbe-.obtamea imd./Jhe.. vyie' coyjitetij".ihe.do'piiiMJen^. \vere sealed up in. bqx-es 'tihi'qj.igh ignofanee. of thevJiiw o.ht h e ©art of the"'eonftMissionei'a"-of <4tje:

.tio.!j;-'-the-.-seCretapy-of- Hie-.-boaitl,wasi-O:Stj;uc-ted qn.'/tfaturdity. • to ..telegraphfoi; the., boxe'*, hut. fuiled/tb 'doso on:the plek "of Tvaitt'rf iundVr s i f f i ii i y all extotiusss was

eratie eouusel

a re expedterifc / !Bri(jDffiris.nt anaongi&se - fe t h e neees3i&* of/so a raend :

l ag s^c&bri 2 of J S e cbhstitutioH, »n-dfi^theiiead- 'bf pi-ga.ni?aS0h) as to

^^—J^—' r~t ^— ^ " f ^T .^ , v—— . * —*^ - ^ ^ ^ - >H " rm**-).*?^ .

it befo%.the. adoption .of)d; wliidfiisp© esseat:iaf to'to

tts had-mowlo«s and «ffle!ent'

Po^ioxiu gmogeg " under


only iriarrect the/har|j)qny and bea.il-:ty..Q|-.oiji-.i system, -b'iit- gr€atJ;y". im-paired tjj.e ^fflcfeney ©f this" valua-bl Ijfe i !iri fp yble Ijafe ih i.urje!iairi of-granges..AX tiifi sani.e ..seSaion.iUbet .of ."sal;fqr J'iitrone 'co-operatfiyu a&socla-t'iqn?.''" were titjbinittwt fo"'th"e' Nii-tfonul G-xapge im'd " 'recoiH^jrende!:!•to th .-Pivt-Koxsi tbrouglioat'tl-ie cdini-

Ba,".to a-rloptj.. theseiihthft

-which Xi was ear purpr>seth ibte l l some

iar p-tvltli

yhchaftg.,. w l• .Me, but'ta1?«iiulbn:e they area ' cfis-•jmntt.-d:-'liti& iiva-ehajjiythe perfrc-tloH ofAy3n(ib, by our.Brilkh fripads,'htis;l>'feu. tiie «*ork;oftlieir educated,ihj'ttkin>r,'p'raeti^al raen for" the last35"yeiu^ ::^the frarfiriu -fffricli-"'"wehave given' otu'-Orde.r hai.bveH a-ti!-izijd tu. an extoii -vyisieh \yp4?au..unly

;fbe.;BiriJi -sheets anjgnien.f e"d,,:

'" ."The.'.bGai^-'ex.f.-eiiii-ve'S'cleared di s

..Statesatid.Territofiesof. the-TJaian.,

.t?i]j and p.eriiwj.ts as various.in- pt-hejifuu.t«r( .^,-aut} in.iik'ir/f.p'Huueri,' They.artr "\vit^«ut a. ht"ai4' or" • conBtctingXirik'j '•'dak-t*!?o • m a n y islands, iu /thtfKea'", •'without e'veti .a- boat, yig'tog-f-FGitJ- Ol!t' -iO t l l f OUltT."^-"!Sri:lj3OBt

of unity". Kbigh Is' t heini.t-iGji.ifiVd the s

\v«atal}<r";tiK> roca}) was .


• -.I-iifxt'iftt:ti.t»i i-e.- im"!"; ilvi tj«.nr4 tx.---|a'-miueti .return's ti'&tp.- Wi«i ''fofliiwisig'j

...jpaj-ii-iics- a.ml •^aiy?',' 'yi.z^"-33It5nviflsi, i'.West " 13aion""/Kt)aae, '""•'•vyeiij".

il-e ancffegyS. v j iollo\v.

lijwe b.ffere iw<j<-on-it singfe- sltee.t&irtT%-eye view /of Ioui\ hUTidrtt

r'jjffiitiv* sogk-tiya in the lTiitU?i|.yt» .sogk-tiya iii-the- •ITiittf'il

Cairoij,, / CTai-Btn'ia , ' "Cfft'ivo.u-,.. jrarehaBPs.- fr-onj -, w-hHltsSjile-.'dur-jtug:

. InOrltians F4.ri.5h. Xhp- -s

aul iii« 'vote. had

oiie of vtit;; sK"H.i»jpu.!y..«f

".to"h a

.. . . . inEpglaS'a .»Bd." Wwjt «v. CM.a-i;pi3pd fromthe. .-ggypriirfirij-t.' ivt'um.-', slitnvingih$ fijasciielfil .'pftgfe>-f and po,sit!ffn«f'tSie co-oprrH.tfvi nioyvpon.ijt / dar--

••fetes'. a.M^'p's.'-e}"G<tte(3.;sp"eafce.'r."anil tbj}k-.th.e- 'chair.. • J&.:Gsplan«ti©n: of these .proceed-'* **\ /**»IT- . ' t i~r YY\ n ^ t * ' f' f " ->»p\»-\r* /"i»*vv-i.-* w*/-i/-7 • FTv*^-^

ccukiL 'SlJXvj?'. T.'iliitjv j . ' .ti .AiJ'K^t-ti* ^M-*f^jyiiv^'s'-a r e a g,uoaiuiri-#6r/ ttife. traitisftt'tiqji "j>f

isp/Edgeaei-S! and .:Ija.ii£eiis, iij&yg .sixty



fi:yasisefe3 to,5i''atKr fifte

qbpy | i to' e i

iaMng"his..s"eafrigs sp&§]j!eecb:j.and th^

i tfi

, ^ %fiftee,^ l i aii- ^ft^.ij^rie

• ifaAey- ©er dieXiuere

fty".jiane. 3aiea>.', § \ y B i , p y , e

!beiog! absent, -...^u. A,"

6igatfii!e,d--:eoi)S!5fe-e.f.-i d f i f t f o u r . n g s

ti\*s .-whites; !

The .demoeratie rnenibea's,. after-lea\'"ingi. tJtie S t a t e -House, m e t ig-gM|i^al tereotnst i i ta t ioni and Hfithg M | i ^ a l e r . e o s t a i and Hfith-oui'.:. t a k i n g afiy ;aeti0B"a:djQuilned'•in-n'Qt$^ot;'T^e'i5e^iJon.:'t?as^scr6t,-

Mirv0eqds^ p l•of.thelegislatitteirom Orangeburg-,-.n..,s- .,-.A.i.«.^ H o m e wi th ' th^ with

to /haveto do =wath:the . v-.-.' '"' f.i ::-tSh&X&''iiIQ. J



the r/p)ir.?a.V

man. .That.ipve fcir/

power/of.|o*e,;th %"/th M t

en, -"Tjpjtll: woric"'.a refe3i^a4.iipii/ifl. ..many, "alm©^ hope le s s "^s^ / : -Qniy -:'--"-"let. i t /be /Mi , ; ' . . W«;-&atie zeal -aria'/enej-gy; h i i | i t fesq^pjimei'-jiftap-•'piited. fodilfeh^ .'M i j / t h < wicked/".,

unwise, if n e t sugremeiy sefflsh' 'feliiW :

in ±iie wild 'atten>«ftov destroy.,:« H i ^ ; p f o r 4 i d d g l # d \

t3 c-aa

and' .preserve ifte pj?tler,.it' i / t l &


x y j s , .an&.thepfiheipieg/'underlie quf oi%9n32a.rfenj" liny.

t i l a vofijiyiete victory is SGhieyed,.;",and: onr. w-ojM. fe. free•-Aoio" ]the. :"i j i ^ &

• But We inust .w<ir'fe in.-Jfii-ver '••'£irood work is done, ia love^ iinneed Iqye more.than'.Ishqse.wiio &xe'-'' i s the •.-' -'vrioBgs. ' %&i-.to" :fn'gry••';•.'tlTotis:h.t: aifoe,...imt. -pray fe.Bro>eV:-.-'

du-jdlrig> our/ forceW .Tbef- good ' .-among 'jiiemjyill. sben-see7 their'"."error, and like prodigals' rettira %<)'.'tbeir Father's house;. "'.The.'fead^ TO •can'spare : uritil reforBaed/ ^ean^ .-

the." Situation ca!te. fqraapr*3 "'rk, bore .prayer," more ..eharify,.

or low, and- a stronger /Mtli in-tbe . ;iaiiaatabte- 'principles 6i Qod. * as •"Fatlitr., and. i sau ..as .a', brqtner.-Work begets a dseiier.!b"Vief<jr. the •object far ^L-Idi-'we jabor,. aad.perS-' -.haps T$!e' pf e"d isonie" of us'ai ieasl.}-.-";.tlilS sore -dise-iJ3lijQeI /«r .thei-e -has. /"Uetha relaxat-ixxnirio.uyeifurtstogro. •:cast? &©„gi'dwjh aiad tfiieieiiey of" .

clinejn our-affeetioii for it, Wheie. ' . ;

been' i-lio't&sfej,-Jei"..HS jtroy;. ••il-Fftther. i n ; ' ^ ? a l ' bt^" '•:" %-he.. world. Is- not

prepared- to -get /along •wHtoipat tlie,order"of'QqoaTenijiiate-. Theyenx1;".'bedyiri':th&ir jor'ganlatlioh al f - the- '

and add fea.- • ;tores'pectiliar t.o;itself;1 w/Mch/are •'VotTi preVeutaHye mm 'refeaajaatory,.- -. . We ofiee'heard-a.good" Mother.-3ii :.ytha t osr pfQ^r.Tyas tnore "prfe\ventii-

thtliv" rf'formaiory',1'' -Peirlia^sSft, bat if fcp.- it.ii:i:-t ' "{je'Sbixi .a

it'.' fa"."working;' i

g ^ yij ^Tjssveretlto.thi-ic natue.-*..

l i ; ' ot-rfie ;o" Id!' i lto

a n d /S

Q deQXbcratie" hienib£*£s •i©»€ Jnto t h ' T i "

A thtrnf ftJr'kriowledgtH ; " 3 W ,"wWi-h;w t.hefir^t n-quisiie, h_ Isett-er

i d U J i j j i i j

.BfejQ-a-,ffi-er]'ij''ta;a?:rt.s.s.piQHf• -Sf si'Ki Ve • 4Tefi'hii' Sp«t} see.

t rsiliejiiia-ej.'HtiS k;:ea]iz:atiGn..of^hr.iS5.

iaJHi tBif1!?* r£be~ slent. v*rty'C's';<>j|?

f: afitl" feilo«fe%\jj?:w^i'iv,;wiH e

isci;,.-r.Iiu~-r--. 1™_^~-^_^-,I5;»S«>' a<> {' v BiirfV- 'iiuvbei) Imr'Jaad,"'aiad ha?e*

" £ ? a " L ......:;.-.•-.; •...•.-.".. .v-SiSsi Ss- .trade.ksd •eonifti'er'ce-, ,tliaa "aH the'Mi-'-.- ' ' '"" " "" " '"""""


TenlJi' AYianaV / f j p g ^ , ai

: the"jffisfefBgat-te adinifc.Sjs. wtiajKiaKrja,ji;. JnTOesse-erovvd ha4-ais?ihweditt fibiifc of the" State! .Houses • when,thb fedei'al-Gffieej-- in --charge, ap-.proaehed -.©eiieHil-Hftmgton, vy-ho;y?a-s.3ti^he State Jlouse, \\ith.;the-

' ' ?Tfeai;-th0Ei.'o:wx1 from-mg in. -...<3fenerar;SamptOH' irii-'^tely•g.pjpeareciTipoir'the frontOf. '06.M'pitql-.and.

su i>

. ei£b Jbjts ^ e r e

tq: lofty,bd

jin the}


J o A . ,- t l . am '.tMy- tioin*

ly, yy ^ . j * - CJ-

oil "-on "bh©: troxfbl^ wMef s. It is /of-tli0 "greatest iEtiporfanpe tons all, asi H f :§Qu!tih Cfaroiiiiaj-vthat the

ilu.rbe prfeseryed.. I appeal, white p e n $,nd, cqlpred,ians toiise every effort to

-yoitali, w h i e p e $ d , c q p ,C|iroljpians, toiise every .effort to

•bldodShed and; desojatibn, 1 implore'you: then-tft pre eyY.e the -peace, • jb;eg- also-.of-my. frietids to tMspejse,to; jsawe -the gEpunds of • the. capitol,rim'dl aiso-a,d:flse all qql0?® pen tM& tticsatpe, • Kzep perfectly CIJeaVe the sheets and do nQtbi

£ i t ' # * t t th

jbttje8a;p]acedround, ia .finer

^ o n f e Q f ^

t i toto the Jaw

,as4 c o o f f j ^ have pef/jfectfaftlrin the justice$i pur cause.1Thk whites 'jftipiediafely di' perssd,.afod w&tei eotittaet was f6Howed by

i t d peoplevNQt 2S

S e p x eHouse of..7 fe* ,^.^0. sfdemocrats andticipated:" an^Judge Cook,

.«leefc to the

enfatiyes met. afcHlfc Sixty fopr

ftisw p i f t t pyt&m Iwofcn iti byjh Kb i i l

vea 68 laembers in theaf.one.lras &i

'Fhe iTatioBal-.tJrawge ofrons of iTurfianda'y hi'gaa i t s tenth

r'fcibtU at tfet1 Piilmgr J1(Mat hoqri on \The uieeting was

iu foi'in' in the gfxth Bpgtee l>y.. _ ., Mastfer Joiia t . J^ones, of

Arkansas.-.-' • "•,- • •• / - , .- ..-•IN SESSIUX • •

—:.-;.;—.—:,-,-'- .:.i-.,.-rT3,eos-o.5 1

Itn nea r ce&Beeiion. w i th -each other ,thto|?s'hay6!gre"atl *ub|ebfe" a ?"eUinf luene on' mental a*ub|ebfe, a

"thnen-t that ages .ago the poet .So-idef ga\-fe Vent to, in sayiBg thai" w h e n man becomes sla%:e. lie. iQ^es•ualfliisvklue.""•;•:.•;. ' .-• -." "At •' last . session' 0f' tliis <3raaKeinuch iptervst wag expressed. in thi1

action which had been takers by the.co-ppyrittivf soeietioj? ef. Q re'at JBri-

ip/iaaagHrate, / "* •":

%VK#-. '^tte'SlPfiSwr^vp-^ef^iJii:-'".4:q - "fearti^'.ciad.f^aai; fe i-bhsed: feg^

evening t o axneuee,an4 his' s^ie

•iniEel3is»eii't a « - 'ii vfteis of. warn- -

i«-fiJ:iiVe""iji.t£« hearts q f iers gs ibng'as" "iitienjprj-. liyes.

ivoble bj t>thers isThe




3.ea fche:£« and the agriculf UTAI• - , - w -*,,;. C i 1 l J j t j jy j a n( j in


was at 3 p. in.,W h Master, John T- Jone-5.

; OF THKGJSAKGE ; Under .the

.. .^ . . . . . . . . of ourcoostitutiou.uvare again convened in* annual sch-3iori,- to consider and take such ac-tion in the--great interests of theela^swerepresentas aaay appear ex-pedi«iht fqf the advaBeeiHent of ourprrfspeEity,: aud as a consequence,the prosperity, of our country, aiidlbr: the good of ooi'Ofderi• The feelnjl? -of enthasiasta wifehwhich ypu. have .heretofore beengreeted-from,this chaiK,on' like.o©-castqns, experieflces no abat0iient,bat receives new force from year to5'ear, with the increase of bt-s ineaa-taeisfiip, powerand-,good •woi's^. I fw&shaU build oar superstrijLetMe inharrooay with, and iii"tion to, the broad ani .foundatioas we have laidiwye tsiuse of deeper, of 3able gratittide to Biva who feas sus-taiaed: • us ' so" far in OUT v^ik:, fflndperaiitted. us to nitettogetJa^Hgain,with our iraajfes unbrqfeiij t « fahorin tttis glorious cause,

£ observe bat few changes J& this11 - since outfitst grai«l pHfeHa-

at St* IJOUJS, *nd tskx* the

QtfotigK chieii%:Speeiil'nit sut).spg!u6nt cprrespoaderice.

.which I was d i e t e d , ' by a. restilu-f ion of ihi's Body, to continue, as Iriiti, until a ' potafc'was reachedwhen, in" mj judgment,' with theapproval of the Executive. Coniniit-te8..it beeanae .espediejiit to tend, aspecial conipiiSjiorier "to f onfer with

r tho mithbriHes' in those Societies: upon this sabject, au$ to- iepreseatf om-ideasa-ud interest -in this sub-,j-jjeet, and,(O wprsseat-our ideas and..: intere-st.-in this CJonBet:t3Oii- Brgth-j er J - W.. Wright was appointed, to! this effic:\ arid It afords ins' sineere

pleasure to bear testimony to theability," dignity,; a^^ S? a e * w J t n

whieh.he "discharged its importantduties. C'teptications of a veryserioiw dm-i'iet-er Jmdiarisen throughthe niiisrcpre-entation ot" unfriendlyparties, the flhara^er and extent ofwhich were unknown -to-u-? untilascertained by oar eonimissionpi'iafter his arrival in England. Thesematters Wfre &tliy discOfsed in theCo-operative Congress which rnel at- - " ' • Apiii last,-the ' '

with great app'auKi*.' Ii w<>sby u citi/jD bf P|ti>b;.'j-i. ihM

. vrfeiiotcaflijnon formettiug in Pins-tort.. '

K fur yur \vbi1t1|y W^ftot-hj-es trhyrVver.tii'-jr i^fliuf fh;s>$e.;

in ibislirk-fs ii

rt-jbieeiu th? feet '.hat.i5ood J

in povttteai-tern fteJQ=n^lya«ia .lias as r.obk sonsrim \vili fiiiti-a hard battle to fight in:Icounty, •where, we has-*?"thfee;/good ;S;Kid. cilies, atM* eoal h?£vv*rs &!3<J- la-hotels, and tiotels:


of opening atwr elOfciag theion having been extended to oatcomjuisfidner. The reassurance oftnat Body of the earnestness and in-tegrity of oar Order in these nego»t-iatlons, sxiH theEr reference to Sir.Neale and oiir cbiiimissioher, bywhofa important modMealiotis andchanges af the anginal articles wereagreed upon, sttboiMed to tlie E s -eeative Obrnmitis'e on f fe othersiebj and assented to fry tViftt Com-mittee. Copies of the original a t | «cles, the toWTOarioHS, aad c&aiigesstpd flie tfeportdf tUe«s:ecutiV'eC<Mnliiitteeoa tbB. ©tBfer side as? '

dr*mkafdsito getand even in i>a.!. tftorenes.M»t vouch. for th« ,priu«t>fa£of. XphI;aostin«n«e of ail the i-luirtli ior of all of toe y ^God i'hai the roiglxry stu«it>liiig tf&tfcs

i i r


whogiiveup fa;i»-Mfi?lo saaot beiag wiTBag to-gacri^ce.'beer, or eider, to.save then-

lioai adratjbardss dobsft, Wh^i -hb-w ahy"

man or woaia-B has tl}? c^eefctoasfca •poer druntard to' giye up his Vsajw,wliere his sppeijideadly paison,.than the love of lifetBodefate fippjer is)Ms. eider ev*n. Ohi fiw-Svnjarel yefotin

ikea at>4'

by «te-lsrt»ns,"