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• U';:{\l1 11)::1'\.:.11. :)liJlX l<Juv, prUL ~lIJCC H,q;(;,

1000ern L8ng. Assn., Medireval Acad. America,! Assn. Deans of Womcn, Phi Beta Kappa.The Poems of, John AUdelay, 1931. Home:I! House, Wellesley, Mass. ,

riNG, Fred T., business exec.; born Knox.\., Dec. 27, 1890; s. Fred S. and Emma E.

\Y.; B.S. inM.E., Iowa State CoiL, 1913;la A. l\fcFeatters, ~Iar. 24, 1919. Asso. with!10use Electric Co., Chicago, since 1913, V.P.43; dir. Am. Steel Foundries since 1946. Mem.

Soc. Engrs. (trustee), Electric Assn. (Chi·RepubJican.' Presbyterian. Clubs: The' Chicago

(former pres.) (Chicago); Bob O'Link Golfnd Park, Ill.). Home: 5210 Lakewood Av.,40. Office: 20 North Wacker Drive, Chicago 6.

TI II G, Frederic Allen, art official; b. Oak·,:011., .Ian. 26, 1873; s. Frederic AugusttJS and'W ,Tracy ,( Allen) W.; cd. pub. schs., Welles·Is. :\Iass.; hon. 111.A:, Kenyon' Coil., 1920;.F ..\., Lawrence Coli. 1931; m. ,Olive Cook.

1903: 1 son. Frederic Allen. Adive in arts,fts movement; sec.·treas. Soc. of Arts andBoston, .1900·12;,dir. of muscum. John Herron,:st., InrJianapoJis, .1912·13; dir. Clevelandf .\rt, 1913·30; pres .. Am. Fedn. of ,Arts;

Superintendent div. of applied arts. Dept.. St. Louis Expn., 1904 (awarded diploma,Id menal for this senice, arran~ement' of;. etc.): memo Intrrnal. Jury of Awards for14, Dept. Art,in same .. ~Iem. Am. Assn. ofIS (pres. 1921·23; V.p. 1924·27). Unitarian..;36 1IIcDona]dSt.,' :\Iount Dora, Fla:; (sum·

'PInQuit, :\le ..

TING, Gertrude; h. :\ew York, N.Y.; d. Wil·unhar and Anna Phillips (Stickney) Whiting;

Hye (:\. Y.) Sem .. ·1 yrs.; grad, JIo1Jins (Va.):899; agregee Institut Professionel Neuchate·

Dentelles, 1909; studied Teachers ,College,ia and :\ew York unlrersities, and OxfordIt). Formerly director Auxiliary Society of'rk League of Girls' Clubs, National and New'a~u('s of Women, Workers, and of Hotel Irvin'men. Inc.; treas. :\Ianhattan Trade Seh. for·reas. The Virginia Hotel; pres. :\Iutual,BenefitInd. Was founder, corr. sec. and V.p. Rye Sem.fOllnder and former pres. :Needle and Bobbin

:Iso The Spinster. Worked indexed samples of~l' grounds, hanging' in 1I1e!. 'Museum, NewHon. fellow Met. Museum of Art; fellow Royal·ts: Master Craftsman, 1939, Boston Soc. Arts,fts; memo Authors' League America, Les AmisHe. Episcopalian. Author: A Lace Guide for

and Coll~ctors, 1920; Too]s and, Toys ofry. 192i. Col1aborator on AntiQue Laces ofH1 Collectors, 1926. Contbr. to mags. Home:~d St., New York 23, N.Y.

TI NG, John Downes. artist: b. Ridgefield,July 20. 1884;' s. Willian;' Wallace and Cath·

'ane (Downes) W.; grad. Yale Sch. of Fine'PIO. B.F.A .. 1915; studien unncr Clifton S.

of Boston, and Lucius W. lIitchcock. Newt'. \'. Y.: m. Meredyth Gooch, May 10. ·1913;1--Katherine Wyman, Elizabeth Coolidge. Ac·engaged as iJlustrator sea stories~ books 'on'r life, etc., since 1911; has made illustrations'. ~Iag .. Robert McBride & Co., E. P. DuttonG. P. Putnam's Sons, Doubleday. 'Page & Co.•

on ~Iiffiin Co., Harper Bros., etc. Mem. Co.:e,t. Conn. NaL Guard, 1917·18; with Camou­"DS, U.S. :-;'avy, 2d District, ,June·Dec. 1918.Conn. Acad. of Fine Arts. Rockport; (Mass.)m. 1Jnitarian. Cillbs: Paint and Clay (pres.:\ew Haven, Chess (:-Icw' Haven). Author:

JIllllistration. 1920; Storm Fighters, 1927;.... 1928; The Trail of Fire, J930, Old Newj Scenes (in color). 1939. His outstandingis "Oid Ironsides" (puh. as art print, 24x30);"Dawn at Seichrprey" Pllrrhase~ for Conn .

.\rmory, 1935. Member World Federalists ot1946. Home: 291 Edwards S!.Studio: 254

:e St., New Haven, Conn.:TlNG, J~n Talman, ehmn. bd. and pres. AlanSteel Co.; b. Detroit, Mich., Aug, 1, 1887;xander Talman and Louise (lIlartine) W.;r. of :\1ich., 1909: m. Ruth CJare, July 6,hiJdren-John Talman, (It. A.A.F., killen in'rash, Trxas, 1945), William Bradford. V.P.n. mgr. Hamilton Coke & Iron Co., Ham·0 .. 1927·31; ".p. Alan Wood Steel Co., Con·;en, Pa .• 1932·35, exec. V.P. and dir" 1935­3. since 1939; director 'Birdsboro Steel ,Foun·:\Iachine Company. IDir. Am. Coke and Coal

,Is Institute, .N..A.~f., American Iron and'nstitute; dir. Steel Dil'., WPB, Washin~ton,Iline 1943 to April 1944: dir, Norristown PennCo., dir. :\Iontgomery Hospital, dir. American)duct Coke Inst. :\Iember Mining & ,lI!etal·i Engineering Society. Eastern States Blaste & Coke Oven Association, Mayflower Societynsylvania, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Republican.1. Clubs: Union League (Phila.) ; Golf,'~vid's Golf, Duquesne (Pittsburgh). Horne:Pa. Office: care Alan Wood Steel Co., Con·

~en, Pa.

~ --- .• ----~ •• ;- _n'" •••.•• ~';. "~·II ••' I"""" ,,"U UU. ,-,v.;' 1\....)'. VLII\...U uo) 0\.161". U."-l. 'V!, lJl\llCl.1', L'!Jala':'Il-.""lll.monweaJth & .Southern Corp. sl~ce ,July, 1940; d1r. War. Mcm. N.Y., ,AsserhbJy" 1905·11-, N.Y., StateCentral. Ill. L1ght Co.; pres., dIr, Consumcrs Power Senate. 1918·28; mem.,71st.to 73d,Congresses (1929.Co., dlr. Southern ,Co., Bankers Trust Co.,. Moore 35), 38th ·N. Y. 'Dist .. Mem.· Am. and' N.Y., State barInvestment Company.J. 'Dem. ,presdl. eledor, Mich., assns" ;Spanish War Vets.,: Sons of Vets., ,Republican.1932. Mem. Am., ¥ich., Statc bar assns." (pres. Episcopalian", Mason. ' Clubs: Rochester. 1Ilasonic.1932:,33). Episcopalian. Home: 415S. Thompson St., Author: Law of Arrest, 1901; Whitley on Bills. Not.es.

,Jackson, Mich. Oftice: 20 Pinc St., New York 5, Cheeks, '1918. Home: 254 Culver ,Road. Office: 39 ./

N.Y.; also 212 Michigan Av., West Jackson, Mich. State St., Rochester, N.Y ..• ,r..P,~""WHITI NG" Lawren~e Harley, banker and military WH ITLOCK, Albert Newlan (hwIt'16k) ,',lawyer; b. }.JI~'

historian; born in .Plattsmouth, Nehraska, January 29, ' Richmond, Ky.;' Sept. 'I, :1887; s.James ·V. and /j;:Df\:('1890;' son of Har]ey Edwin and Ada Augusta (Simp· Alice F:- (Baker)W;; B.A., U.: of Ky., 1906, M.A.; Ilsori) Whiting; University of Chicago, 1913;m; 1908;- LL.B:, Harvard; ·1911;m. ,Charlotte' ReedElranor Robinson Countiss, 'Apr. 30, 1925 (died Thurston, 'Aug. 29, 1912~~"prin. Caldwell Hi~h 'Sch.;1931); children-Lawrence H.; Barhara Eleanor. Richmond, Ky .• 1906; instr. depi;: of EngliSh, U. ofPres. Whitin~ & Co.~ investment hankers. Chicago, Ky., 1906:08; admitted ·to Ky. bar,1909; asst. prof.since 1921; founder, 1924, and since pres., Am. Fur- law, 1911·12,prof., 1912·35, acting dean, 1913:15,niture Mart Bldg.' Co., Inc.; chmn. bd ... Forman nean, 1915·19, U. of Monl\;. mem .. Murphy & ,Whit-Realty Corp,; pres. H. E. Whiting & Co., ( all Chi· lock, Missoula, Mont.,' 1917·194Q;·generalattorneycago); dir: Acme' Stcel Co.,: Chicago; founder, for· C.•:l\1.St,P:&P, R.R. ·Co., Seattle, Wash., 1935:39;merly pres., Boulevard Bridge Bank (now Nat Boule·, coullsel' for trustees" ,same railroad, Chicago, '1939·45,yard Rank), Chicago; founder, 'formerly chmn.' bd:. vice pres. and gen.' counsel since. Dec. 1945. Mem.Indiana Limestone Co.l, Bedford, Ind. Vice pres. Chi· State Bd.· of Law, Examiners, Mont., 1917·33. Mem.cago Assn. Commercc and Industry. Served at Platts- Am;,,' IlL. Mont. and Wash. State bar: assns., Sigmaburg (N. 1',) Training: Camp, 1916; maj., Provisional' Chi.:Democrat.,' Mem .. Christian (Disciples) Ch.Training Bn.;,U. of Chicago,. winter 1916·17;eommd. Club: Rainier, (Seattle). Home: 300 Sherinan Rd.,capt.,cav., N.A., 1917; assigned capt. and acting Kenilworth; Ill. Ornce: 888 Union Station, Bldg., .

maj., 332d Machine Gun Bn., 86th Div., later, div, Chicago 6, IlL',:,' , IC

personnel officer, hdQrs. staff, Gen. Thos. H. Barry; , ' ' ... ,•.\C;t.:r:>'f

hecam e chief, C,lassiflcation diV", Ani. "ceil.'s Dept., WH ITLO CK, E(rn, est) Cf!de, V~O].lIl1S,t,tcacher; b.Z','Washington, D.C., Dec. 1917, also miL as so. Com. Leon" Kan., July 3, 1885, s. WI]lIam Thomas and :

on. Classification of 'Personnel in the Army; apptd. A?da Belle, (B~vans). W.;. g.rad. -. Carthage (M~.) I\{IchIef personnel officer,' A.E.F.;·G.ILQ ...• France, Feb. H1gh SCh:. 1903 •. ,studle!i. VIOlIn WIth Ralph WYI1~, I \y.J i:1917, also memo Gen. John .J. Pershir~'s G:H.Q. Kansas CIty, Adolph Wel?lg, Am. Conservatory, ChI' r-' .istaff; aSSIgned exec. orncer in' charge hankin~ opera. cago, Issay Barm~s, Berhn; Germany,:Sam.uel Gard-tions, finance burcau, A.E.F., Paris, Dec. 1918; 'meni. n~r, Inst. of Mus1cal Art, New york;' studIed theory

Am. Mission to Negotiate Peace, Peace Conf., Paris, :;Ith Rgsset~er Cole, Chic~go; m.. 'Anna .Wap]es; June1918, also spI. asst. to U.S. Commnr. 'of Finance for .•. 19L. (,hvorced 1924) " 1 dau .. EhZ~b~th Belle

Europe;mem. allied exchange com:in charge German' (,Mrs., ElIzabeth',Belle Hogan). 'Head,vlOhn dept .•exchan~e operations, PeaceConf.; retired from mil. 1 oly., Coli.; ,Ft.Worth; ,Tex., 1908·12.,Sout~western

service with rank of It. co1. engrs.; .became sP1. asst. Conservatory,: Dallas, Tex .• 1908,11, St. Mary s CO;L.to the Ad). Gen: on Imatters relatln~' to army per. Dallas: 1908·20,. F!. Worth Conservatory since 19-4,sonnel system, Oct. 1939; ohserver for sec. of war Our, Lady of VIctory Acad." Fort Worth, 1916·26,

at maneuvers, 1940-41: apptd. expert consultant to Tex.' State. C?l!. for Women, ,193~.37; 'memo faculty,sec. of war, Feb. 194.1, also serl'ed as, sP!. ass!; to Texas; Chnstlan U., sInce 1943. ~on~ert !!lasterdlr. personnel and adminstrn. War' Dept., Gen.' Staff; .Fort, on ortl1 Symphony. ()rchestra, .191a·36. rnu~lc cd·co!., A.U.S. War Dept. Staff, 1941-45; now ,writer Itor Fort Worth Star-Tele~ran: smce 1926; dIrectorfor War Dept. on comparative studies of world mil. Broa.dwaY Presbyn:' Ch:<,ch?1rsllJce J928 •. Mem:' Tex:,systems and mi!. manpower. Mem. Am. Mil. Inst., MUSIC" Teachers .1\ssn. (dlr.),Muslc Teac~ers Nat.Soc. Am. Legion Founders (pres. 194.7.). Phi Kappa :~ssn.· Preshytenan, ,:M~son .. ~o·author (WIth Cath·t:si. Re~ublic.an. E~iscopalian. Clubs: Racquet, Ca. ll1ka Venth); M~ Memor.les: a blOgraphY,of Ca!,1 Ven!h.SinO, ChIcago AthletIC I (Chicago) ; Lake Genera Coun- Contbr. to mUSIcal PeriOdIcals. Home. 482,) Colhn·try (pres.); Army and Navy (Washin~ton); Bankers wood Av., Fort Worth 7. Ornce:,426 So. HenMrson

(New York). ,Home: 11r,2~ Lake Shore Dr. Ornce: Av." Fort' Worth 4, Tex.", '666 Lake Shore Dr." Chlcago:*, WH,ITLOCK, George E(mett), industrialist; b.WHITING ' . , Georgetown, Il1., Mar. 20, 1894;, s, Hardy Henderson' .• MII1YGray (Mrs, Howard,M. Wh.ltll1!Ih and La'ura Elizabeth (Doime]]y) W.; m., Isabelle

artIst, b., Fo\t Dodge, .ra.; d. Lyman .Calvm and Emily Judson, ,Aug'- 10, 1918; children-Robert Jud­Mar~ C:(Senp~s) Gray., prep. edn., WII.lard Sch .• son, Shirley Ann. Began career at age 16 with Ever­

Berlm, ?ermany, art •Iedn." Art~nst. ChIcago, Art itt;' Metzger & Flanders;' employee, stock controlSt!ld,ents League ~ew York, also m Pyt: class under dept., Dodge Bros. Co., 1914.17; prodn. mgr. ord.WIlham 1\1. ~~a~e, m. H~ward M., Wh1t~ng, Oct.:18, nance dept., 1917.19,' supt. pressed steel dil' .• 1919.1930 .. Has eX~Iblted at Nat. Acad. peslgn, Corcoran 29; gen. mgr., City Auto Stamping Co., Toledo, 0 .•G.allery, Wa.shmgton, D.C .• Acad .. Fine Arts. Carne· 1929.37; pres. Mullins Mf~. Corp., Salem, 0., sincegl.e Inst., PIttsburgh, Art !nst.Chleago, Pa. Acad.of 1937, Pres. _Pressed Metal Inst. (foUnder), 1943; dir.Fine ~.rts., A.N.A., 1929. m~m. Grand, Central Art Niles Rolling Mill Co:, Sharon Steel Corp., Am.(Jallene~, Nat. Art~ Club, (hfe). Home:, 110 York Welding &, Mfg. Co., Trumbell Co. (I·icechmn.

St., GUIlford, Conn. I .:' , ' c?m ... on econ. nevelopnient)., Awarden flrst CivilianWHITING, William Alonzo; prof. biology;b~ Mead. CItatIon Oy U.S.Ar~y Ordnance Dept., World \\3r n.

ville. Pa:, June 15. 1890; s. John Xenophon and Anna Mem,. Red Cross( dIr.) '. Warren Chamber .of CommerceHayward (Smith) W.; B.S .• ' Allegheny Col!., 1914; (v.P.).· Cluhs: Athletic (Detroit); Umon, CountryPh,D .• Cornell U .. 1921; m. Marion Bright: Sept.' n, (Cleveland); Youngstown, Country. ,(Youngstown); ,1918; children~John I Irwin, Allan Bright. Instr. BUCkeye; Trumbu]] (Warren~. Home: .Warren·Sharon .:bacteriology, Cornell Univ., 191i·21; prof. biology, Rd .• Warren O. Office: Mu]]ms Mfg., Salem, O. ':

Birmingham·Southern Co]] .• since 1922,also chmn. " WHITLOCK,. Lester Johnson"ai'my officer;' h. J. ~t;;div. natural sciences .. I Fellow A.A.A.S.; memo .Ala.' Piqua;'Miami·County"O., oC,t. 27, 1892; S. Horac~V'~ ,varna Academy of SCIence, Beta Beta Beta. Omicron Eugene and No.ra MaylGilbert) W.; A.B., Miami U. i

Delta Kappa, Theta Chi Delta, Lambda Chi Alpha. (Oxford, 0.), 1914; grad. Command and Gen. Sta r~YDe,:"ocrat. Methodis~. ICo·Author: Variatio~s in Bac· Sch., 1938; m: ,Anna Dee Nichols, Jtily'18, 1924 (died I.\1k 'term Counts from MI]k as, Affected by MedIa and In· 1947); 1 dau., Ann Helen. Entered army, 1916; pro. V"

cubati?n Temperatur~, 1922; The Relati.on hctween the moted through grades to maj., gen.; assLchief ofClumpln~ of BacterIa land the ·Utensll Flora. 1924; staff. Gen. Hdqr., Southwest Pacific Area, 1942; dep.Labor~tor.y Manual. in !Jeneral Zoology, 1925; Flora?f chief or staff, 'Gen. Hdqrs., S.C. A.P., Japan, 1945.the Blrmln~ham Dlstnct, 1927; Laboratory Manual 1IJ 47;, comdg. 10th Inr. Div .• Ft. Riley, Kan", sinceG~ne~al BIOlogy, 1931. Home: 715 8th Av, W., 1948. Mem. Beta Theta Pi (Alpha chapter) . Mason

Bl1mmgham 4, Ala. I (32°. Shriner). Home: 2 Barry Av., -Fort Riley, Kan.

WHITLA, Ez~ Ra.Yi (wit'lii), lawycr, .stockgrower; WHITLOCK, Paul CamerOn~lawye~; b .. Rlchmondb. nr. Alexannrta, Mmn .. Apr. 18, 1881, S. ,Jesse L. County, N.C, Jan. 16, 1878. s. Eh DaVIdson andand Mary (Reid) W.;I LL.B., U. of Kan., 1902; m. CaroJine (Cameron) W.; prep. edn .•' RockinghamMary Ursula Williams, July 18. 1906; children- (N.C.) Acad. and' Davis Mil: Sch.', . Winston·Salem,Walter William, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. Kenneth N.C.; B.S.,' U. of N.C., 1898; m; '"Maude Crosland,Branson), Blanche Margaret (Mrs. Kendall Wood),¥June 5," 1901; children-Maude '(dec.), Virginia

Alice Katherine (Mrs. I Robert D. Read). Admitted LeGrand' ('lIIrs. Janies Orr Cohb) , Paul Cameron,to the bar and hegan practice at Olathe, Kan., 1902; Elizabeth Caroline' (Mrs. Douglas DulY Connah). Neill.practiced at Coeur d'Alene, Ida., since 1903; pros: Admitted· to North" Carolina bar 1899, and beganatty., Kootenai County! Ina .• 1905·07; memo Whitla & pradice' at Rockingham; mOl'ed to Charlotte, N.C.,Knudson; owner 'and operator of one of largest live 1906; mem: Whitlock,"Dockery' & Moore; t1llst officerstock ranches in North IIdaho. De!. to all 'Repuhlican American· Trust: Co" Charlotte, 1911 '22, now dir.,State conventions, Idaho, since 1904; deJ. to' Rc- corp. counsel,' Charlottc, 1911. Pres. N.C. Orthopedicpublican Nat: Conv., 1916, 28; memo Rep. Nat. Com. Hosp., Gastonia. ·N:C. Trustee Stonewall Jacksonsinre 1930, mem.· exec! corn. since 1936, vice chmn. Training Sch .•. · 'Concord; N.C., 1923-41. Pres. Char·sInce Apr. 1942. Mem. Am .• Kootenai County. and lotte C. of C:, '1918; memo American. N.C. andIda. bar assns. Presbyterian, Mason (Shriner). Clubs: Mecklenburg County bar assns, Democrat. Metho-Officers, 'Couer d'Alene Country. Home: 11th and nis!. ,Home: 1200 E; ~[oorehead St. Office: Law

Harrison. Office:' Wiggrtt Bldg., Coeur d'Alene, Ina. BIng., Charlotte, N.C.I -' .... " .. uu. ._ ••.• ~ _