001 cpd continued professional development 2016

CPD Continued Professional Development Continued Education and Training is like a river, always fresh and full of live

Upload: naglaa-mahmoud

Post on 15-Apr-2017




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CPDContinued Professional DevelopmentContinued Education and Training is like a river, always fresh and full of live

Who are You

Where are you today What do you have today

Where do you want to go after few years What do you have to do to go there

You Are Lost

Design your Life

Why self development?

To get a unique place in the job market To get a unique place outside Egypt

What is self development?

What are the Corners of Self development Technical courses Soft skills courses Managerial skills courses Marketing

Readings Research Practical life


Soft Skills- Group 1Fresh Graduates

English or French [Tow Languages] Technical report writing and C.V. Writing, Self-SWAT Analysis, Career planning, career path, Professional conduct and working Ethics Managing Stress Successfully

Oral presentation skills and confidence building.  Mastering Interpersonal Communication Negotiation skills Teamwork building and effective teams.    Time Management and Scheduling Creative thinking and Innovation

Soft Skills- Group 1Fresh Graduates

Office Cad Adobe Presentation Film Internet

Software skills - Group 2

Managerial skills - Group 3More than 5 Years

Personal Leadership SWAT Analysis Strategic Planning Effective Supervisory Skills Effective Office Management

Change Management Dealing with Change Managing Human Behavior and Attitudes Super Serving Others Corporate Image and Business: Etiquette for Success

Managerial skills - Group 3From 5- 10 Years

Project management Office Project management on site Firms and Engineering Office management as owner Entrepreneurship and starting your own business

Managerial skills – Group 4From 5- 10 Years

نجارة حدادة لحام نحت رسم على الزجاج، زجاج معشق رسم على الجلود، رسم على الخشب موسيقى كانافا، كوريشية، تريكو، تفصيل

Handcrafts & Hobbies – Group 5

Architecture & Construction Environmental and Green Electrical & Automation IT, Software & Mobile Mechanical & Industrial Oil & Gas Cement Production and Management Nutrition Food & Beverage Health & Safty

Technical courses

Thank youContinued Education and Training is like a

river, always fresh and full of live