
Hope College Anchor HOPE 92J-LEGE- LIBRAE Official PubUcation of the Students of Hope CoUege at HoUand. Michigan J Courses Expand Curriculum In Five Major Departments Several new courses are being introduced on the campus this next semester. These courses will not only add interest to the individual's schedule; they will prove to be highly constructive in many ways. "Play Production" is a new course to be offered second semes- ter by Mr. Avison, professor of Speech. It is a course in beginning dramatics dealing with community drama, for three credit hours. AIMS OF COURSE The aim of this course as stated by Mr. Avison is "to make a sur- vey 6! the problems of play pro- duction for those who may have to deal with drama in schools, clubs, or churches." This aim has been formulated upon observation of the general lack of people in communi- ties with experience and training in drama. It is hoped that people will take advantage of any oppor- tunities to provide themselves with a background for more effective contribution to community life when called upon to participate in dramatic activities. The problems to be treated in this course may be divided into three broad groups: choosing the play, choosing the cast and crew, and staging which is to include planning and creation of scenery, accumulation of properties, costum- ing, lighting, make-up, sound effects, and other effects. In addi- tion to these, Mr. Avison hopes to treat some of the business prob- lems connected with a dramatic production. Among these are pub- licity, selling tickets, and making house arrangements. Learning to function in dramatics is an active process. There are four mediums through which this learning takes place, the last of which is per- haps the most important. These are reading, talking with experienced people, observing, and actual parti- cipation in plays. In the words of Mr. Avison, "The real way to learn about plays is to do plays." This course in play production will provide some actual experi- ence in the field. Some of this experience will come through a direct correlation with Pallette and Masque. There will exist a posi- tive relationship between the two: .class work and club work. Expe- rience will be provided in all three of the main areas of play produc- tion; acting, directing, and partici- pation in the stage crew. In order to function effectively as part of the cooperative activity of the play, it is necessary to have a knowledge and appreciation of these three areas. COURSE IN DOCTRINE Dr. Eugene Osterhaven is intro- ducing New Professor Harold Haverkamp Hope's new instructor in the Psychology department will be Professor Harold J. Haverkamp. Mr. Haverkamp has recently been released from the Navy in which he held the rank of Lieutenant senior grade. An experienced teacher, he was a member on the Psychology faculty of Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, Iowa, for two years be- fore entering the Navy. He gradu- ated from Central College in 1935 and received his masters degree .Tom the University of Iowa in 1940. In addition to his duties as in- structor of three sections of Psychology 301, Mr. Haverkamp will introduce a new course in Psychology which is entitled the "Art of Learning." He will arrive in Holland several days be- fore the opening of the new semes- ter and will be available for con- sultation. Mrs. Haverkamp and two sons will remain in Pella, Iowa, until the professor has located a resi- dence in the citv. Deputation Groups Present Programs in Church Meetings One of the main functions of the YMCA and YWCA is the for- mation of deputation teams com- posed of college students. This program of deputation work is in- tended to provide nearby churches with services and programs de- signed particularly for young peo- ple; to foster closer fellowship be- tween the churches and our church related college; and to provide our students with opportunities for Christian service. anuary Dr. Will W. Orr To Deliver Addresses During Religious Emphasis Week Faculty to Conduct Prayer Meetings; Personal Conferences to Be Arranged Qo 1 T1 r i <• t-* »-. • G. Malcolm Speaks in Chapel Exercises "The United States is God's country and it's the best country in the world," said Judge George A. Malcolm of Jackson when he spoke at chapel services last Fri- day morning. However, we must not live in isolation indivdually or as a country—but through read- ling and traveling we must learn of Teams of four, five, or more stu- the rest of the world and realize dents are sent out on request^ to that culture does not lie only in the United States, he said. Speaking on "International Se- curity in the Pacific," Judge Mal- colm, who spent many years in the Orient, said that in the Pacific lies the future of our country. The 18 million people inhabiting the 7,000 Philippine islands, have been con- verted from their head-hunting, primitive customs and have re- received education for democracy and independence which they will gain in July of this year. An im- portant factor which has helped to unite the Filipinos and will unite them in the future is the fact that 80 per cent of them are Chris- tians. War Effects Unfortunately, as a result of the war, Manila and almost every other major city lies prostrate. Every- thing the Filipinos had is gone and they will be forced to begin their independence poor, he said. There conduct a Sunday evening worship sen-ice, a young people's meeting, or a weekday prayer sen-ice. One of the most successful ar- rangements in previous years has been to send a team to a church on a Sunday to conduct both the Young People's sen-ice and the evening worship sen-ice. Included in this type of team is a chairman who will preside, a musician who will provide for both services, an accompanist, a speaker for the young people's group, and occasion- ally a seminary student to present the evening message. In addition to these groups. Pa- lette and Masque dramatics club will send a group to churches for presenting religious dramas which are appropriate for weekday reli- gious and social meetings. The "Y" deputation chairman for this year are Harriet Van Donke- laar and Alan Staver. They have set up a file of all those who have offered their sen-ices for such work, and when a request is re- ceived, the team is made up from those persons registered in the file. This year has been a very suc- cessful year in this work. Reports from the churches prove that the sen-ice is greatly appreciated, and creates a greater interest in the college. Speaker for Hope's annual Week of Prayer, February 4 to 8, will be Dr. Will W. Orr, pastor of the Westminster United Presbyterian church of Des Moines, Iowa. Worship sessions will convene daily at 11:0() A. M. in Hope Memorial Chapel. At the Monday service, Dr. Orr will present an address on the theme "Educated Christian Citizenship." Conducting the devotional period will be Libby Romaine, YW president, and Bill Haak, acting YM president. The Girls' Glee Club, under the direction of Mrs. W. Curtis Snow, will sing "O Divine Redeemer." Guest Speaker Has Outstanding Ability Dr. Will W. Orr, Hope's Prayer Week speaker, is the pastor of the Westminster United Presbyterian church of Des Moines, Iowa, a very large church which has grown greatly in the last decade under Dr. Orr's leadership. In addition to his ministerial duties. Dr. Orr senes as Vice President of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, and is a member of the committee now working on the possible union of the Presbyterian and Reformed churches. His work on this committee has made him very familiar with the Reformed 4 , t-,. • . , church, its functions and its prob- v\ere se\eral types of Filipinos dur-1 i ems ing the war. Some of them aided i course called, "Our Protestant Heritage". This study, divided into three parts, will begin with the "views held by all churches of protestant religion". The "spread of Reformed Faith" comes next. The "Fundamental concepts of the Reformed Faith" is to be the conclusion. In Dr. Osterhaven's words it will be, "that interpretation of Christianity accepted by the majority of the Reformed Faith in Europe and their Daughter Communions in America all of which are known historically as belonging to the Reformed faith." While not entirely new on the campus, an orientation course in the history- and field of Social Work will be taught by Mrs. M. A. Hadden. Assisting her will be Prof. E. P. McLean and several experts to various phases of social work. This course is offered to those majoring in social studies and other pre-professionals interested in a suney of the field. Opportunity will be given to observe several social agencies which are resources in the field and in cooperating with the Bureau of Social Aid, which is loaning Mrs. Hadden to teach on the campus. PREPARES LIBRARIANS A course preparing students as librarians of a high school library where less than 800 are enrolled is another addition. Miss Margaret Gibbs is in charge and one can re- ceive a Minor in it. The cultural background o f French science, art, music, litera- ture, and fashions will be taught by Miss Elizabeth E. Lichty if enough students sign up for the course. Library Additions Include Digest, Pamphlet Series Two new additions have recently been made to the shelves of our library. The periodical file has acquired a news digest entitled "Facts on File." This publication digests the world news from all periodicals and newspapers with no comment. It is thoroughly indexed and covers all news items. "Facts on File" is issued both monthly and annually, and it is exceptionally useful for determining dates' on which an event occurred and the important facts concerning the item. Our library now contains the annual copies beginning with the year 1941 together with the current subscrip- tion of this news digest. Another set of books has also been added to the reference depart- ment. It is entitled "The Careers Research Monographs." This set of books is made up of pamphlets concerning the various careers, and each pamphlet discusses a differ- ent vocation from all points of view. The present set of books contains about 120 vocations, and each monograph is written by a specialist in that field. All the material is authentic and gived the complete information, bringing the material up to date. This set is said to be the outstanding voca- tional reference set on careers in America. Next week the library book dis- play will feature a collection of Dutch books. In order that every student may know more about each book, a short history of each one will be attached. This exhibit will also fit in with Religious Emphasis Week, for it will also contain some old Bibles and New Testaments. L Shafer Leads Chapel; Relates Japanese Needs Dr. Luman Shafer readily cap- tivated the interest of Hope's fac- ulty and students in a brief chapel address presented last Monday morning, January 21. He gave a brief description of the cordial re- ception he and three other Ameri- can leaders received from Ameri- can Army officials on their visit to Japan to survey the postwar reli- gious situation. Dr. Shafer empha- sized the important place which the government officers believe the Christian Church occupies in post- war Japan. He also stated that the deputa- tion committee learned that Chris- tian American soldiers had created a fine impression in Japan. Chap- lains and Christian soldiers had al- ready visited many Japanese churches and were worshipping with Japanese Christians. In closing Dr. Shafer challenged Christian young people to consider entering Japan to aid these people who need spiritual aid. the Japs, others were all out for aiding the United States. Most of them lay between these two ex- tremes and although they favored the Americans, they were mostly- interested in gaining peace and in- dependence. Judge Malcolm said that he is optimistic about the future of Japan and stated that more prog- ress has been made toward democ- racy there than in Germany. Al- though they are guilty of unmen- tionable arocities, the fact that they say now that they are sorry is a hope. Education Needed The Japanese are well-disciplined and rulable people. They respect authority and it should be com- paratively easy to re-ducate them along democratic lines, he ex- plained. He told of their liking for baseball and said that if they be- lieve in that, they have the sports- manship sense that it takes for a good democracy. Also, through newspapers which are read by everyone who can read them, democratc ideas can be conveyed. General MacArthur, he said, has gained the confidence and admira- tion of not only the Japanese, but also the Filipinos. The present dis- turbances in some of the Pacific is- lands has been caused mainly by Jap propaganda, and without education for proper living, independence would result in chaos for these peo- ple. ACTIVE YOUTH WORKER Dr. Orr is particularly active in youth work and has a flourishing young people's program in his church. He and Mrs. Orr conduct a Youth summer camp each year at Central College at Pella," Iowa, which has proved to be very suc- cessful and popular. Dr. Orr is a comparatively young man and has a very fine Students Lead "Your Saturation Point" will be the subject of the Tuesday morn- ing lecture. Bunny Goff, YW vice- president, and Warren Hietbrink, YM secretary, will lead the devo- tions. Special music will include an organ solo by Miss Ruth Probst. Dr. Orr will present a talk, "So— I Stopped Praying," for the meet- ing on Wednesday morning. The musical contribution will be given by the College Choir, under direc- tion of Mrs. Snow. Devotional thoughts will be arranged by Mar- ian Mastenbrook, YW secretary, and Paul Tanis, YM treasurer. The Thursday morning speech will be "The Urgency of Jesus," with Mar- ian Dame, treasurer for YW, and Harold Des Autels, social chairman for YM, in charge of devotions. A string ensemble composed of Hol- land High School students will pre- sent a musical selection. Concluding Address "Almost An Angel" will conclude Dr. Orr's messages on Friday morning. Gertrude Maasen and Dick Vriesman, Y mission chairmen, will take charge of the devotional per- iod. A vocal selection will also be given by Mr. Vriesman. YW and YM members will hold a joint-meeting on Tuesday night for an open forum conducted by Dr. Orr. Personal conferences with understanding of the problems of ^ . T . youth. As a result, he has become * lm y ^ a ™ g e d through John perhaps the most sought after speaker and leader by youth groups in Iowa. IS EXCELLENT SPEAKER Dr. Orr possesses that rare com- bination of good humor and zest for life, and conscientious Chris- tian thought that make him such an intensely interesting person and inspiring speaker. He is at once fun-loving and genuine, possessing a fine personality that has en- deared him to so many young people's groups. Due to his wide experience and sympathetic understanding of young people, as many students as possible should take advantage of the opportunity to make per- sonal contact with him. Although these Prayer Week senices will be Dr. Orr's first speaking engage- ments in this section of the coun- try, they will undoubtedly not be his last, and Hope College is an- ticipating with pleasure his visit here. Rypstra, Van Lierop, Staver, Brandli Enter Ranks of Alumni on February 2 This edition was edited by Elaine Meeusen, Associate Editor. A previous issue was under the direction of Viv Dykema. The editorship will be determined from these issues and their work throughout the year Four students complete their academic work at Hope this semes- ter, all of whom intend to pursue further training. Al Rypstra, well known for his spontaneous wit and clowning on campus, leaves to attend Wayne University for a Public Administra- tion course under a Folkert Scholar- ship. Al, a U. S. Naval Reserve veteran, returned to the campus last year to finish a social science major. His Freshman year, Al joined the Fraternal Fraternity and became active in such organizations as Anchor, Choir, Glee Club, and Pallette and Masque. As a Frosh, too, Al was a participant on the Pull team which, incidentally, won! Al also led the rooting section in cheers that year. As a Senior, he was on Student Council and re- cently participated in the forum, "Is Democracy Workable Today?" Spanish Club and Tri Alpha also added to his extra activity list But sit down, girls, for Irene Lun- die. Senior of '45, has top rating for all his affection. VAN LIEROP Smiling, soft voiced, unaffected Peter Van Lierop also joins the alumni rank after Feb. 2. Peter has attended Hope for three semes- ters after, transfering from the University of Ghent in Belgium. At Hope he majored in Biology, planning to go on in a pre-medical course at Wayne University. Peter participated in Scalpel Club, French Majors, Y.M.C.A. and was a judge at the Homecoming pull. After completing his formal education, Peter and his wife plan to go to Africa as missionaries. STAUER Al Staver was one of the most active men on Hope's campus. As President of Student Council, Pres- ident of Tri Alpha, President of Junior Class, in Who's Who, Pi Cappa Delta, Alpha Chi, English majors and Oratory, he kept active all four of his years at Hope. As a Freshman he became a member of the Emersonian Fraternity. For three years he won the Bible Prise. Just what he wasn't in is hard to find. Al leaves for nearer home to attend New Brunswick Seminary, but something more substantial than rumor says many thoughts will remain in Michigan in the Detroit area. BRANDLI Littlest but not least is Bill Brandli, another busy Senior on campus. Bill also was an Emer- sonian, but joined Tri Alpha at its formation and held its office of Presidency this semester. Bill was President of Y, in Who's Who, Pi Kappa Delta, Alpha Chi, and busi- ness manager of the Milestone. As a Soph he won the Raven's Ora- torical contest and participated in debate. He was also Sophomore Class President. Bill left Friday to enter New Brunswick Theologi- cal Seminary. All four of these men have added to Hope's spirit, and they will un- doubtedly continue their good work in their individual endeavors. De Vries and Marian Korteling. Hold Prayer Meetings During Religious Emphasis Week, prayer meetings will also be held at 5:00 P. M. in the base- ment of the chapel. Faculty mem- bers will be in charge of these meetings. Dr. Edward Dimnent will head the session on Monday; Miss Laura Boyd on Tuesday; Pro- fessor Edward Wolters on Wednes- day; and Dr. Clarence DeGraaf on Thursday. At 10:45 each morning, the YW and YM cabinets will hold brief prayer senices. The YW and YM organizations sponsor the Week of Prayer. H. Ten Clay of Holland Addresses YW Meeting YWCA met Tuesday night, Jan- uary 22, with Rev. Henry Ten Clay of M a p l e w o o d Reformed church as speaker. Helen Goff presided over the meeting and read scriptures from Matthew 7:24-29, which is the parable of the house and the two foundations. Harriet Muyskens accompanied the singing of several hymns. Spe- cial music was presented by an a cappella trio composed of Marion Dame, Rosemary Finlaw, and Har- riet Muyskens. They sang the se- lection, "My God and I." Rev. Ten Clay's message was en- titled "Pebbles or Pillars." He pointed out that people can be clas- sified as either' pebbles or pillars, according to the life they live. Rev. Ten Clay stated that each individ- ual must make a self-evaluation and ask himself his purpose in life; and then, through God's guidance, rise from the level of the pebbles to that of the pillars. YM Hears Dr. Welmers on Topic of Evangelism YM members welcomed as their guest speaker on January 22, Dr. Thomas Welmers, a former Hope professor. In his message, Dr. Wel- mers pointed out that evangelism should originate within the church rather than outside the church. He cited that the present evangelistic movement in our country has de- veloped from the failing of the churches and ministers to stress Salvation and Christ.

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Page 1: 01-30-1946

Hope College Anchor HOPE 92J-LEGE-L I B R A E

Official PubUcation of the Students of Hope CoUege at HoUand. Michigan J

Courses Expand Curriculum

In Five Major Departments Several new courses are being

introduced on the campus this next semester. These courses will not only add interest to the individual's schedule; they will prove to be highly constructive in many ways.

"P lay Production" is a new course to be offered second semes-ter by Mr. Avison, professor of Speech. It is a course in beginning dramatics dealing with community drama, for three credit hours.

AIMS OF COURSE The aim of this course as s tated

by Mr. Avison is " to make a sur-vey 6! the problems of play pro-duction for those who may have to deal with d rama in schools, clubs, or churches." This aim has been formulated upon observation of the general lack of people in communi-ties with experience and t ra in ing in drama. I t is hoped that people will take advantage of any oppor-tunities to provide themselves with a background for more effective contribution to community life when called upon to participate in dramatic activities.

The problems to be treated in this course may be divided into three broad groups: choosing the play, choosing the cast and crew, and s taging which is to include planning and creation of scenery, accumulation of properties, costum-ing, lighting, make-up, s o u n d effects, and other effects. In addi-tion to these, Mr. Avison hopes to t rea t some of the business prob-lems connected with a dramatic production. Among these are pub-licity, selling tickets, and making house arrangements . Learning to function in dramatics is an active process. There are four mediums through which this learning takes place, the last of which is per-haps the most important. These are reading, talking with experienced people, observing, and actual part i-cipation in plays. In the words of Mr. Avison, "The real way to learn about plays is to do plays."

This course in play production will provide some actual experi-ence in the field. Some of this experience will come through a direct correlation with Pallette and Masque. There will exist a posi-tive relationship between the two: .class work and club work. Expe-rience will be provided in all three of the main areas of play produc-tion; acting, directing, and partici-pation in the stage crew. In order to function effectively as par t of the cooperative activity of the play, it is necessary to have a knowledge and appreciation of these three areas.

COURSE IN DOCTRINE Dr. Eugene Osterhaven is intro-

d u c i n g

New Professor

Harold Haverkamp Hope's new instructor in the

Psychology depar tment will be Professor Harold J . Haverkamp. Mr. Haverkamp has recently been released from the Navy in which he held the rank of Lieutenant senior grade.

An experienced teacher, he was a member on the Psychology faculty of Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, Iowa, for two years be-fore entering the Navy. He gradu-ated from Central College in 1935 and received his masters degree .Tom the University of Iowa in 1940.

In addition to his duties as in-structor of t h r e e sections of Psychology 301, Mr. Haverkamp will introduce a new course in

Psychology which is entitled the "Art of Learning." He will arrive in Holland several days be-fore the opening of the new semes-ter and will be available for con-sultation.

Mrs. Haverkamp and two sons will remain in Pella, Iowa, until the professor has located a resi-dence in the citv.

Deputation Groups Present Programs in Church Meetings

One of the main funct ions of the YMCA and YWCA is the for-mation of deputation teams com-posed of college students. This program of deputation work is in-tended to provide nearby churches with services and programs de-signed particularly for young peo-ple; to foster closer fellowship be-tween the churches and our church related college; and to provide our s tudents with opportunities for Christian service.


Dr. Will W. Orr To Deliver Addresses

During Religious Emphasis Week Faculty to Conduct Prayer Meetings; Personal Conferences to Be Arranged

Q o 1 T1 r i <• t-* »-. •

G. Malcolm Speaks in Chapel Exercises

"The United States is God's country and it 's the best country in the world," said Judge George A. Malcolm of Jackson when he spoke at chapel services last Fri-day morning. However, we must not live in isolation — indivdually or as a country—but through read-

l ing and traveling we must learn of Teams of four, five, or more stu- the rest of the world and realize

dents are sent out on request^ to that culture does not lie only in the

United States, he said.

Speaking on "International Se-curity in the Pacific," Judge Mal-colm, who spent many years in the Orient, said that in the Pacific lies the fu tu re of our country. The 18 million people inhabiting the 7,000 Philippine islands, have been con-verted from their head-hunting, primitive customs and have re-received education for democracy and independence which they will gain in July of this year. An im-portant factor which has helped to unite the Filipinos and will unite them in the future is the fact that 80 per cent of them are Chris-tians.

War Effects Unfortunately, as a result of the

war, Manila and almost every other major city lies prostrate . Every-thing the Filipinos had is gone and they will be forced to begin their independence poor, he said. There

conduct a Sunday evening worship sen-ice, a young people's meeting, or a weekday prayer sen-ice.

One of the most successful ar-rangements in previous years has been to send a team to a church on a Sunday to conduct both the Young People's sen-ice and the evening worship sen-ice. Included in this type of team is a chairman who will preside, a musician who will provide for both services, an accompanist, a speaker for the young people's group, and occasion-ally a seminary student to present the evening message.

In addition to these groups. Pa-lette and Masque dramatics club will send a group to churches for presenting religious dramas which are appropriate for weekday reli-gious and social meetings.

The "Y" deputation chairman for this year are Harriet Van Donke-laar and Alan Staver. They have set up a file of all those who have offered their sen-ices for such work, and when a request is re-ceived, the team is made up from those persons registered in the file.

This year has been a very suc-cessful year in this work. Reports f rom the churches prove that the sen-ice is great ly appreciated, and creates a greater interest in the college.

Speaker for Hope's annual Week of Prayer, February 4 to 8, will be Dr. Will W. Orr, pastor of the Westminster United Presbyterian church of Des Moines, Iowa. Worship sessions will convene daily at 11:0() A. M. in Hope Memorial Chapel.

At the Monday service, Dr. Orr will present an address on the theme "Educated Christian Citizenship." Conducting the devotional period will be Libby Romaine, YW president, and Bill Haak, acting YM president. The Girls' Glee Club, under the direction of Mrs. W. Curtis Snow, will sing "O Divine Redeemer."

Guest Speaker Has

Outstanding Ability Dr. Will W. Orr, Hope's Prayer

Week speaker, is the pastor of the

Westminster United Presbyterian

church of Des Moines, Iowa, a very large church which has grown

great ly in the last decade under

Dr. Orr 's leadership.

In addition to his ministerial duties. Dr. Orr s e n e s as Vice President of the Bible Insti tute of Los Angeles, and is a member of the committee now working on the possible union of the Presbyterian and Reformed churches. His work on this committee has made him very familiar with the Reformed

4 , t - , . • . , church, its functions and its prob-v\ere se \era l types of Filipinos dur-1 i e m s

ing the war. Some of them aided i

course called, " O u r Protestant Heritage". This study, divided into three parts, will begin with the "views held by all churches of protestant religion". The "spread of Reformed Fa i th" comes next. The "Fundamental concepts of the Reformed Fa i th" is to be the conclusion. In Dr. Osterhaven's words it will be, " tha t interpretation of Christianity accepted by the majority of the Reformed Faith in Europe and their Daughter Communions in America all of which are known historically as belonging to the Reformed fa i th ."

While not entirely new on the campus, an orientation course in the history- and field of Social Work will be t augh t by Mrs. M. A. Hadden. Assist ing her will be Prof. E. P. McLean and several experts to various phases of social work.

This course is offered to those major ing in social studies and other pre-professionals interested in a s u n e y of the field. Opportunity will be given to observe several social agencies which are resources in the field and in cooperating with the Bureau of Social Aid, which is loaning Mrs. Hadden to teach on the campus.

PREPARES LIBRARIANS A course prepar ing s tudents as

l ibrarians of a high school l ibrary where less than 800 are enrolled is another addition. Miss Margare t Gibbs is in charge and one can re-ceive a Minor in it.

The cultural background o f French science, art, music, litera-ture, and fashions will be taught by Miss Elizabeth E. Lichty if enough students sign up for the course.

Library Additions Include Digest ,

Pamphlet Series Two new additions have recently

been made to the shelves of our library.

The periodical file has acquired a news digest entitled "Fac ts on File." This publication digests the world news from all periodicals and newspapers with no comment. It is thoroughly indexed and covers all news items. "Fac ts on Fi le" is issued both monthly and annually, and it is exceptionally useful fo r determining d a t e s ' on which an event occurred and the important facts concerning the item. Our library now contains the annual copies beginning with the year 1941 together with the current subscrip-tion of this news digest.

Another set of books has also been added to the reference depar t -ment. It is entitled "The Careers Research Monographs." This set of books is made up of pamphlets concerning the various careers, and each pamphlet discusses a d i f fe r -ent vocation from all points of view. The present set of books contains about 120 vocations, and each monograph is written by a specialist in that field. All the material is authentic and gived the complete information, bringing the material up to date. This set is said to be the outstanding voca-tional reference set on careers in America.

Next week the library book dis-play will feature a collection of Dutch books. In order that every student may know more about each book, a short history of each one will be attached. This exhibit will also f it in with Religious Emphasis Week, for it will also contain some old Bibles and New Testaments.

L Shafer Leads Chapel;

Relates Japanese Needs

Dr. Luman Shafer readily cap-tivated the interest of Hope's fac-ulty and students in a brief chapel address presented last M o n d a y morning, January 21. He gave a brief description of the cordial re-ception he and three other Ameri-can leaders received from Ameri-can Army officials on their visit to J a p a n to survey the postwar reli-gious situation. Dr. Shafer empha-sized the important place which the government officers believe the Christian Church occupies in post-war Japan.

He also stated that the deputa-tion committee learned that Chris-tian American soldiers had created a f ine impression in Japan . Chap-lains and Christian soldiers had al-ready visited many J a p a n e s e churches and were worshipping with Japanese Christians.

In closing Dr. Shafer challenged Christian young people to consider entering Japan to aid these people who need spiritual aid.

the Japs , others were all out for aiding the United States. Most of them lay between these two ex-tremes and although they favored the Americans, they were mostly-interested in gaining peace and in-dependence.

Judge Malcolm said that he is optimistic about the fu ture of Japan and stated that more prog-ress has been made toward democ-racy there than in Germany. Al-though they are guil ty of unmen-tionable arocities, the fact tha t they say now that they are sorry is a hope.

Education Needed The Japanese are well-disciplined

and rulable people. They respect authori ty and it should be com-paratively easy to re-ducate them along democratic lines, he ex-plained. He told of their liking for baseball and said tha t if they be-lieve in that , they have the sports-manship sense that it takes for a good democracy.

Also, through newspapers which are read by everyone who can read them, democratc ideas can be conveyed.

General MacArthur, he said, has gained the confidence and admira-tion of not only the Japanese, but also the Filipinos. The present dis-turbances in some of the Pacific is-lands has been caused mainly by J a p propaganda, and without education for proper living, independence would result in chaos for these peo-ple.


Dr. Orr is particularly active in youth work and has a flourishing young people's program in his church. He and Mrs. Orr conduct a Youth summer camp each year at Central College at Pella," Iowa, which has proved to be very suc-cessful and popular.

Dr. Orr is a comparatively young man and has a very fine

Students Lead "Your Saturat ion Point" will be

the subject of the Tuesday morn-ing lecture. Bunny Goff, YW vice-president, and Warren Hietbrink, YM secretary, will lead the devo-tions. Special music will include an organ solo by Miss Ruth Probst.

Dr. Orr will present a talk, "So— I Stopped Pray ing ," for the meet-ing on Wednesday morning. The musical contribution will be given by the College Choir, under direc-tion of Mrs. Snow. Devotional thoughts will be arranged by Mar-ian Mastenbrook, YW secretary, and Paul Tanis, YM treasurer . The Thursday morning speech will be "The Urgency of Jesus," with Mar-ian Dame, t reasurer for YW, and Harold Des Autels, social chairman for YM, in charge of devotions. A str ing ensemble composed of Hol-land High School s tudents will pre-sent a musical selection.

Concluding Address "Almost An Angel" will conclude

Dr. Orr 's messages on Fr iday morning. Ger t rude Maasen and Dick Vriesman, Y mission chairmen, will take charge of the devotional per-iod. A vocal selection will also be given by Mr. Vriesman.

YW and YM members will hold a joint-meeting on Tuesday night for an open fo rum conducted by Dr. Orr. Personal conferences with understanding of the problems of ^ . T .

youth. As a result, he has become * l m ™ y ^ a ™ g e d through John

perhaps the most sought a f t e r speaker and leader by youth groups in Iowa.


Dr. Orr possesses that rare com-bination of good humor and zest for life, and conscientious Chris-tian thought that make him such an intensely interesting person and inspiring speaker. He is at once fun-loving and genuine, possessing a fine personality tha t has en-deared him to so many young people's groups.

Due to his wide experience and sympathetic u n d e r s t a n d i n g of young people, as many students as possible should take advantage of the opportunity to make per-sonal contact with him. Although these Prayer Week s e n i c e s will be Dr. Orr 's first speaking engage-ments in this section of the coun-try, they will undoubtedly not be his last, and Hope College is an-ticipating with pleasure his visit here.

Rypstra, Van Lierop, Staver, Brandli

Enter Ranks of Alumni on February 2

This edition was edited by Elaine Meeusen, Associate Editor. A previous issue was under the direction of Viv Dykema. The editorship will be determined from these issues and their w o r k throughout the year

Four students complete their academic work at Hope this semes-

ter, all of whom intend to pursue

fu r the r training.

Al Rypstra, well known for his

spontaneous wit and clowning on

campus, leaves to attend Wayne

University for a Public Administra-

tion course under a Folkert Scholar-

ship. Al, a U. S. Naval Reserve

veteran, returned to the campus last year to finish a social science major. His Freshman year, Al joined the Fraternal Fraternity and became active in such organizations as Anchor, Choir, Glee Club, and Pallette and Masque. As a Frosh, too, Al was a participant on the Pull team which, incidentally, won! Al also led the rooting section in cheers that year. As a Senior, he was on Student Council and re-cently participated in the forum, "Is Democracy Workable Today?" Spanish Club and Tri Alpha also added to his extra activity l i s t But sit down, girls, for Irene Lun-die. Senior of '45, has top rating for all his affection.


Smiling, soft voiced, unaffected

Peter Van Lierop also joins the

alumni rank a f te r Feb. 2. Peter

has attended Hope fo r three semes-

ters af ter , t rans fe r ing f rom the

University of Ghent in Belgium. At Hope he majored in Biology, planning to go on in a pre-medical course a t Wayne University. Pe ter participated in Scalpel Club, French Majors, Y.M.C.A. and was a judge at the Homecoming pull. Af t e r completing his formal education, Peter and his wife plan to go to Africa as missionaries.


Al Staver was one of the most active men on Hope's campus. As President of Student Council, Pres-ident of Tri Alpha, President of Junior Class, in Who's Who, Pi Cappa Delta, Alpha Chi, English majors and Oratory, he kept active all four of his years at Hope. As a Freshman he became a member of the Emersonian Fraternity. For three years he won the Bible Prise.

Just what he wasn't in is hard to


Al leaves for nearer home to

at tend New Brunswick Seminary,

but something more substantial

than rumor says many thoughts

will remain in Michigan in the

Detroit area.


Littlest but not least is Bill Brandli, another busy Senior on campus. Bill also was an Emer-sonian, but joined Tri Alpha at its formation and held its office of Presidency this semester. Bill was President of Y, in Who's Who, Pi Kappa Delta, Alpha Chi, and busi-ness manager of the Milestone. As a Soph he won the Raven's Ora-torical contest and participated in debate. He was also Sophomore Class President. Bill left Friday to enter New Brunswick Theologi-cal Seminary.

All four of these men have added to Hope's spirit, and they will un-doubtedly continue their good work in their individual endeavors.

De Vries and Marian Korteling. Hold Prayer Meetings

During Religious E m p h a s i s Week, prayer meetings will also be held at 5:00 P. M. in the base-ment of the chapel. Faculty mem-bers will be in charge of these meetings. Dr. Edward Dimnent will head the session on Monday; Miss Laura Boyd on Tuesday; Pro-fessor Edward Wolters on Wednes-day; and Dr. Clarence DeGraaf on Thursday.

At 10:45 each morning, the YW and YM cabinets will hold brief prayer s en i ces . The YW and YM organizations sponsor the Week of Prayer.

H. Ten Clay of Holland Addresses YW Meeting

YWCA met Tuesday night, Jan-uary 22, with Rev. Henry Ten Clay of M a p l e w o o d Reformed church as speaker. Helen Goff presided over the meeting and read scriptures f rom Matthew 7:24-29, which is the parable of the house and the two foundations.

Harr ie t Muyskens accompanied the singing of several hymns. Spe-cial music was presented by an a cappella trio composed of Marion Dame, Rosemary Finlaw, and Har-riet Muyskens. They sang the se-lection, "My God and I ."

Rev. Ten Clay's message was en-titled "Pebbles or Pil lars." He pointed out t ha t people can be clas-sified as e i the r ' pebbles or pillars, according to the life they live. Rev. Ten Clay stated tha t each individ-ual must make a self-evaluation and ask himself his purpose in l i fe; and then, through God's guidance, rise f rom the level of the pebbles to tha t of the pillars.

YM Hears Dr. Welmers on Topic of Evangelism

YM members welcomed as their guest speaker on January 22, Dr. Thomas Welmers, a former Hope professor.

In his message, Dr. Wel-mers pointed out that evangelism should originate within the church rather than outside the church. He cited that the present evangelistic movement in our country has de-veloped from the failing of the churches and ministers to stress Salvation and Christ.

Page 2: 01-30-1946

Page Two Hope College Anchor

Free Trade vs. Tariff Barriers o

The nations of the world are meeting at the London Con-ference during these weeks attempting to discover some amoelioration for our complex world problems. At the root of many of these problems is the trade policy advocated and practiced by these nations.

One of the many steps we must take to insure genuine peace is for the nations of the world to realize tha t economic co-operation is as vital as political accord.

To practice the system of f ree trade would be the ideal plan. This plan recognizes the interdependence of nations. This would show tha t we are no longer following the policy of isolation but we realize tha t we must work for the com-mon good. The system of f ree change would involve a grad-ual abolition of tariff barriers and what are commonly called cartels and blocs.

There are, however, those who claim we can only judge the future by our past history which proves that ta r i f fs are needed for protection. It is claimed that we have free t rade in the Uinted States tha t is not altogether successful; so therefore, how can we expect such a plan to succeed on a world basis. It is also imperative tha t any solution to trade problems must be practical; and therefore no "ideal plan" of free trade would rectify our present problems. A country operating under tariff laws can be prevented from selling products produced by underpaid workers. It is also true tha t production and consumption are the only things on the mind of man under f ree trade.

It is absolutely vital that we form some working system of trade co-operation. W'e must face the fact that a break-down in any system of trade that is chosen will inevitably result in world chaos.

"We cannot have genuine peace without healthy world trade, and we certainly cannot have healthy trade without genuine peace."

Test Your Religious Convictions Every sincere Chris t ian recognizes his need for periodic self-

examinat ion. He must r e - a f f i rm his convictions and determine if

he is actually apply ing Chris t ian principles to everyday living.

It is easy to be a nominal Chr i s t i an ; it is not easy to practice

Chris t iani ty .

In the rush of college activity which necessitates hard work

fo r classes, clubs and societies, and in the pursuit of recreation

and en te r ta inment , the average college student can scarcely find

t ime to pursue each avenue of activity. Of ten , to include all these

th ings in his daily program, he neglects his religious thought

and duty. So t h u s it is tha t continual re-consecration is needed

to maintain the desire to give religion an important place in life.

Only through cons tan t inspirat ion and zeal can each professing

Christ ian promote a working Chris t iani ty — a Christ iani ty in

which actions follow the blueprint of sincere belief and conviction.

Hope's Religious Emphas is Weok o f f e r s an excellent opportu-

nity for re-dedication to complete Christ ian living. " Y " always

engages as guest speakers prominent church leaders who present

messages which can be "mounta in- top experiences." The a f t e r -

noon prayer s e n ices can also produce a vital Christian experience

if each student par t ic ipa tes and conscientiously seeks a "blessing."

Those who devote serious, thought and prayer to the whole week's

program will not f ind it want ing in spiri tual value.

H o p e C o l l e g e flnohor Member

PbsociGded Colle6iale Press

RUTH JOLDERSMA Editor-in-Chief Vivian Dykema, Ela ine Meeusen , Associate Edi to rs Dorothy Wyenberg Business Manager

S T A F F F e a t u r e Edi tor Barbara Bi lker t

Society Edi tor Glenna Gore " C a m p to Campus" Edi tor Natal ie Bosnian Circulation Manager Nellie Mae Rie tsma Photographer William Gee

R E P O R T E R S Ruth Ruys Betty T immer Ruth Bonga Rachel Dyks t ra Har r i e t Hains Joanne Decker

Laura Johnson Heggy Pr ins Lois Meulendyke Grace Wagemaker Arkie Wieten Lois Van Wyck Dick Vriesman Mary Vander Wege Jean Meulendyke

Dave Kars ten Betty Vander Wege Gertrude Vredeveld Ginny Hemmes Carolyn Ingham Ruth Probst Marcie Wes te rman M a n a n Hanna Gordon Bell Gerry Scheerens Ellene Bosland Alida Kloosterman Phyllis Dietrich

Athlynn Lundberg Dorothy Atkins Nelliemae Wezeman

CIRCULATION Bob Danhof Dale Drew Betty T immer Marion Ter Borg Georgianna Schippers Jo Anne Biddle

Published every two weeks dur ing the school year by the s tudents of Hope College.

Entered as second class m a t t e r a t the post office of Holland, Michigan, a t special ra te of pos tage provided f o r in section 1103 of Act of Congress, October 3, 1917, and authorized October 19, 1918.

Mail Subtcriptiont, One Dollar Per Year Address — The Anchor, Hope College, Holland, Michigan

Telephone 9436



HOLLAND STATE BANK Deposits Insured up to $5,000.00


From Library Files . How well do you know t h e coun-

t ry and peoples so closely asso-ciated with us t oday? W h y not become bet ter acqua in ted? Among recent accessions may be found the t i t le "Belg ium", wri t ten by many authors , each a specialist in the field about which he wr i tes , and edited by Jan-Alber t Goris, "Bel-g i u m " br ings to us the country and i t s people, thei r a r t , educa-tion, l i te ra ture , politics and science, giving also a view of Belgium in the pos twar world. The discus-sions a r e wri t ten in non-technical style, te l l ing the s tory of the coun-try and its people in a way of in-terest to the average reader .

In the same series we find 'Czechoslovakia", edited by Robert Kerner , professor of his tory a t the Universi ty of California. Here we meet the Czechoslovakians as we met the Belgians, learning f rom people who know and unders tand them the i r present s t a tus in world affa i rs , their culture, ideals and s t ruggles .

Then there is "Po land" in whlth we have long had a deep interest . The volume begins with a brief historical and political background. We pass on to her economic, social and rel igious life. We gl impse the cul tural side of Polish life th rough a picture of her a r t s , music and l i tera ture . We see Poland in its relation to the United S t a t e s and other nations. Finally we consider Poland in t!ie p. 'ssent world order.

Not belonging to the series men-tioned above, but similar to it in that it acquaints MS with a people in whom we have a g rea t interest is the volume bear ing the title "The Dutch Eas t Indies, its Gov-ernment , Problems, and Politics", by A m r y Vanderbosh. When the Dutch reached these islands in the 17th century , there was a vast iifTerence in their s tage of develop-ment. The Nether lands govern-nent has tried to unify the govern-nent , education, health and eco-nomic policies.

Distances have shortened, people md countr ies who were g r e a t dis-ances f rom America a re through nodern travel in reali ty neighbors oday. We need to unders tand hem and work with them. We can lot all t ravel . What bet ter way is here f o r us to gain th i s under-t a n d i n g than through books?

HI u 0 t r 0 x

Now the news is ou t ! The

Dutchmen a r e having another

ann ive r sa ry . A week f rom next

Sunday, Holland will celebrate

the 99th anniversary of i ts

founding. F o r this event , the

choir under the direction of

Prof . Cavanaugh will pe r fo rm

toge ther wi th the Holland High

and Chr is t ian High Choirs. This will t ake place in the chapel, and promises to be quite a ga l a occasion.

At the l a s t meet ing of Musi-cal Ar t s a very del ightful pro-

g ram about Caesar F ranck was presented. If there are any applied music s tudents who are t ak ing lessons now, or have

taken a t some t ime, you a re

very welcome to become a

member of th is club. Second semes ter will begin a new type of meet ings , with p rog rams tha t are worthwhile both f rom the s tandpoin t s of education and en joyment . This is not

only a g i r l s ' club, but is open

to men s tuden t s as well. Let 's have a record crowd out next

month. The orches t ra has changed

its rehearsal t ime to Wednes-day at 4:30 P.M. At the Christ-mas Vesper , t h e orches t ra

showed g r e a t promise of build-ing up to a splendid organiza-

tion. A f t e r all, everyone can' t play an ins t rument , so those of you so ta lented, lend your abilities. It will seem more

impor tant if you're in it. Glee Club still has its fingers

crossed fo r - you - know - what . And are we pract icing! Or have you heard the s t ra ins of

"Begin the Beguine"? The first week of second

semester is P raye r Week, and some del ight fu l music has been planned to add to the spiri t of th i s SD?cial week. Be sure to a t tend each chapel service.

And d o n ' t forge t Nellie

Mae's recital in March.

IN DIGESTION By Elaine Bielefeld

Str ikes a re still in the headlines. Most impor t an t of them all is the steel industry s t r ike which is a f f ec t ing numerous others. Automobile workers by the score will undoubtedly find them-selves jobless with th rea t en ing l ayof f s in s ight . The Ford Motor Company, for instance, f aces a complete shutdown unless some-th ing happens soon. President T r u m a n o f f e r s no f u r t h e r plan o ther than the necessity of government managemen t . He believes t ha t all t ha t could be done has been done and tha t the fau l t lies in the "lust for power" of both labor and managemen t . Govern-ment seizure and operat ion of the str ike-bound meat-packing houses has been answered by the union with the reply, " W e shall co-operate ful ly with you in this seizure." Le t ' s hope fo r more

co-operation. Science is doing it aga in . The moon got it th is t ime and 100

ships will get it in May. At the Evans Signal laboratory in Bel mar , New Jersey on J anua ry 10th, the f i r s t r ada r contact with the moon was made by signal corps scientists . Al though only in its infancy this as tonishing technique has several war-

t ime and peacetime possibilities. The effect iveness of the atomic bomb will be tes ted this spr ing.

With Vice Adm. W. Blandy in charge t a rge t sh ips will be planted somewhere in the Pacific and a bomb will be dropped f rom a B-29 a i rc ra f t . The bomb will be of the type which was used aga ins t Nagasaki , J a p a n . Other t e s t s are scheduled fo r July when atomic bombs will be exploded on the su r f ace of the wa te r r a t h e r than dropped f r o m an ai rplane. 1946 promises to be a

year of scientific prosper i ty .



Dutch Mill Restaurant


A Complete Assortment

on Display

Brink's Book Store

A Hope G. I. Views

A French Wedding Dear Mom:

A f t e r supper the o ther ni te we went In to see our new Fi r s t Sgt . to see if we could somehow ge t passes back to our fo rmer com-pany, a s one of our buddies r w a s g e t t i n g marr ied on Sa tu rday and we wanted to go to the wedding.

Ear ly Sa tu rday morning, I was awakened by t h e prospective bride-groom, and told to hurry up and ge t dressed so I could help him with some a r r angemen t s . I had planned to wr i t e you t h e f i r s t t h ing in the morning , but the best man was la te t h a t morning, and I had help Ike ( the br idegroom) t ake

care of the detai ls .

Now the wedding, it was con-ducted French style, and I m i g h t add, wha t a s ty le ! Ike, th ree oth-ers and myself arr ived somewhere in the neighborhood of ten o'clock, a t the residence of the bride-to-be and were introduced to the f a m i l y and f r iends . Then we sa t around and talked. A t eleven we all went out and boarded the two G.I. t rucks , t ha t Ike had borrowed fo r t h e oc-casion, and took off f o r the ci ty hall. The French custom is a l i t t le d i f f e ren t from- the American here as they have no scruples about the bride seeing the groom and visa versa, before the ceremony. The bride did, however, ride with the best man and not the groom, until a f t e r the church ceremony. We got to the City Hall and went in fo r the legal end of the wedding. They read off a lot of s tuf f and near ly everyone there had to sign thei r John Henry. Then they passed the collection plate (quaint cus tom) and we took off again .

I fo rgo t to mention tha t jus t before we lef t the house I was hauled off to the side by Ike and introduced to "my da te fo r the day ." She was tall , a shade heavy, but very a t t rac t ive , and couldn' t unders tand a word of Engl ish . Well, to get back to the City Hall again . We bounced out of there , me with th is babe hanging on my a rm, and some joker snapped a pic-t u r e as we came out. We hopped into the t rucks again and lef t fo r the church. The church was a very p re t ty s tone building, somewhat like the Chapel. The service was Catholic and I spent most of the t ime nervously watching the res t of the boys and doing what they did, except ing the crossing and kneeling. The priest had an in ter -p re te r to say what he said in English, so every th ing was done twice. A f t e r the fo rmal service, we were taken down to the cel lar to record i t on the church books. A f t e r the s igning was finished, the bride and groom were pushed into position by the priest and we were ordered to line up to kiss and shake hands. I fel t a l i t t le silly kiss ing one side then switching my head to kiss the other , the way French Generals do in the movies, but I got th rough O. K.

A f t e r the church, we went to t h e photoshop to get the wedding pic-tu res made. We were there an hour and I near ly fell off the back bleacher, where they put me,

but came through again with fly-ing colors. Then s t a r t e d the long

a f t e rnoon . F i r s t we wen t out to

visit a f ew relat ives , each hav ing

a l i t t le snack wa i t ing f o r us. I t

was cold r id ing though and I was

g lad to ge t back to t h e house. A t

6:00 we sa t down to supper . Then we had a bowl of chicken-noodle soup, which w a s v e r y delicious. Nex t was a kind of po ta to salad, " s a n s " salad dress ing . My da te took it upon herself t o take care of me a t supper , and did a very good job. She piled m y pla te ful l of po ta toes and the br ide had a f i t . She announced t h a t I had p lenty of food to ea t yet and t h a t I shouldn ' t fill up on a n y one th ing. I had about th ree bites of pota toes and the bride ordered the p la te t aken away so t h a t I wouldn ' t ge t filed • up on potatoes. A f t e r the spuds, they brought in p ja tes fu l l of t h a t wonder fu l F r ench bread, which is much be t t e r t han any kind of bread t h a t we can ge t a t home, and also some baloney. The next course was some very good chicken and some Religious g ravy , and more bread, (I a lso had drunk

ipiqM (uaq ; Xq sa^OD, a a j q ; ^noqe about filled me up.

Then we took about ten minutes off f o r a seventh inning s t re tch , and everyone smoked, talked and sang . I was ready f o r desser t when they brought in the beef and peas. Both were very good, and I only regre t t h a t I couldn' t ea t more of it. All this t ime I was continually t r y i n g to p u t a li t t le of my terr ible French over to the girl f r iend , but I fa i led miserably and f inal ly sang a long wi th her , using dee dee da ins tead of the French words. I was wondering where I was going to f ind room for the desser t , when in came the salad and lamb. We a t e the salad, and were relieved when everyone genera l ly consented to let the leg of lamb go by untouched. Another ten minute break, a smoke, a toas t (me still d r ink ing Coca-Cola), and a sing. Next , some apple pie. Some-one had the discret ion to cut the l a t t e r p re t ty small , so I sur -mounted the obstacle p r e t t y well. Glad tha t the meal w a s all over, I sat back contentedly and looked around indi f ferent ly unti l someone walked in with the cake. I got a chunk big enough to dam up the Mississippi, but found a f r iend in ano ther G.I., who was willing to split mine with me. Thus , a t 11:00 at ni te , the supper ended. I am not e x a g g e r a t i n g a bit when I say

tha t we had a cont inual supply of va ry ing foods fo r f ive s t r a igh t hours. I have heard of such things, but never believed them.

The par ty had jus t begun. A t one o'clock we were due a t a dance. For some unknown reason, the dance broke up ear ly , and we got back to the house at 3:30. We sa t down and finished the res t of the cake and d rank a cup of coffee. At 4:00 we s ta r t ed f o r the depot here and we reached it a t about 5:00. It is a walk of about 4 o r 5 miles. I go t up a t noon and had a good chicken dinner and took a shower, then came r igh t here to wr i te you.

I probably missed a million detai ls but th i s is wha t I can remember of a F rench wedding.

Young Men's Sweaters


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Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes

Fairbanks-Morse Stokers





Page 3: 01-30-1946

Hope College Anchor Page. Three






Literary Club Scene of Fresnman Party

"Swing your par tner to and fro. Around and around you go." The voice of Mr. Clyde Geerlings, caller ex t raord inary , was heard above the g roans and squeals of the compe-ten t ( ? ) square dancers Friday n ight at the Barn pa r ty at the Woman's L i te ra ry club. The Korn Kapers were attended by 66 Alpha Sigma Alpha members and their escorts.

A f t e r an hour of square dancing, the t ired vict ims were prepared for anything—and they got it. Jan Joldersma, president, welcomed the gues t s and introduced the mistress of ceremonies, Muncie Vande Wege. Mr. Geerlings led in singing accom-panied by Dot Bergers. J e a n Sib-ley enter ta ined with several poems about "Li t t le Willie" and ended with "Jabberwocky." I t was ad-vised tha t no one in his r ight mind should a t tempt these poems.

Judy Mulder continued the Kap-e r s by making the fellows swoon to "Shine on. Harvest Moon." The Queens of Korn, Theressa Staal, Bernie Nichols, Iris Vande Bunte, Phyllis Weenink, Phyllis Mulder and Betty Vande Wege, sang ( ? ) "I Love Her Jus t the Same," ac-companied by a record on—pardon me! You're not supposed to know tha t .

"Up to now has been the Kapers. Now comes the corn." In a recep-tive s ta te of mind, the audience heard "Fr iday Afternoon Recita-t ion" in the farm school. Taking pa r t in the final act were Arkie Wieten, C o n n i e Hinga, Peggy Prins, Carol Prigge, Pauline Vien-ing and Muncie Vande Wege.

A f t e r the program the guests heard the dinner bell and the fa rm-er ' s wife served donuts and choco-late milk. A f t e r the livestock were fed and watered, all hands spent the remainder of the evening in playing games. I won't say who won Monopoly, but f rom now on, he's capitalist John DeVries.

Connie Hinga was chief f a rmer of the par ty . Ike Heemstra and Carolyn Ingham had charge of dec-ora t ing the stalls and Eunice Gross was in charge of preparing the harvest meal. Peggy Prins and Muncie Vande Wege provided the enter ta inment d u r i n g the rest period.

All hands hit the hay at 12:30. The Kare takers were Mrs. Mar-

garet Prins, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Geerlings and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schouten.

You Are Always WELCOME

at the

Mary Jane Restaurant

Musical Arts Hears Excellent Program

Thursday night marked a great

s tep forward in the recent history

of the Musical Ar ts Club. Betty

Fuller is to be commended for one

of the most well-planned and smoothly executed programs of the semester . Dorothea Dixon showed herself to be worthy of the title "college senior" when she spoke for some twenty-odd minutes of the personality and works of Cesar Franck, the subject of the evening. She spoke with ease and assur-ance, the audience sharing her en-thusiasm and responding freely to the interpolated humor in her talk. Hers definitely was not a last min-ute compilation of encyclopedic facts; quite to the contrary, it was indicative of more than a super-ficial amount of preparation.

Kitsema Speaks Nellie Mae Ritsema had the dif-

ficult assignment of describing the technical aspects of the organ to a group largely unfamiliar with the instrument . The result was a some-what academic t rea tment of the subject, but Nellie Mae showed dis-cretion in limiting her observations to the least technical aspects of a highly specialized subject.

Hear Franck's Works Several recordings of Franck's

works for the organ were played, of which the most sensational and dramatic was the Piece Heroique. In this work the volume becomes so great that an apathetic listener is an impossibility. Every nerve in the body becomes taut and the hearer is identified for a moment with eternity—so great is the emo-tional pinnacle to which Franck succeeds in bringing his audience. Yet the dramatic and sensational are not characteristic (\f Franck's works. He is more accurately "ca-thedralesque" as Dorothea termed it, and this is readily apparent in the major i ty of his works.



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.WARM FRIENDS of Hope CoUege

• "Let it snow, let it snow!" may have berm the desire of many of us several weeks past but, please, if it 's all the same with you I'd rathoi* he "taken for a sleigh ride in July ." Snow gets quite monoton-ous at t imes and this is one of those times. So, if any one of your acquaintances happen to know Mr. Weather Man, would you relay that message from yers t ru ly?

Kxairs are t h e predominant thought of all of us at the present time but over the week-end every Freshman Frolicked at Ye Olde Lit Clube in true Freshman Farmer style. Mr. Scholten (Don, that is) was right in there pitchin' all night long. Ruff, huh, Don ? Then too, you all know that Sorosites held their big formal function the next Sat-urday night. Some of them even had young men all the way from Grand Rap".ds — tha t ' s a metropolis to the East of us (Long Island, where Ess is from is in the Fast too). Third Floor Van Vleck Corner Rooms (Remember they made the headlines last issue thanx to those two strong, silent young men, Mr. VanHeest and Mr. John Smith) were ablaze with excitment until well a f t e r 2:00 a. m. Hut those poor girls, you know they get a date only now and then and mostly then. Vuh, ain't that comical?

For a little off the record chat-ter we understand that Mr. Don Mulder, he's on the basketball team you know, has one of the most talked of physiques on campus and lis legsl I'm speechless. Then too. Louise TerBeek has the reputation

for being the Klsa Maxwell of Hope College. Those Sunday night Ses-sions we understand are strictly sooopurb. How does one rate a bid to one of those select sociables? Address your requests for my at-tendance to the Anchor, Yatita, Yahta and I assure you, it will receive an immediate reply — in the affirmative, that is.

Of course you Know the latest twosome on the campus. Rachel Dykstra and Ray Heemstra make a love-—ly couple. And then too yet. we have House Board Presi-dent Ellison and Jack. Never to be forgotten are Dot Atkins of the •lass <»f '4(1 and her latest, Dick Van Dorn. Yuh, there you got it again. Well, that ' s what makes the world go around says one of our greatest poets, or was that a dramat is t . I'm not quite sure a f t e r ill these exams if you get square root by putt ing seven into forty-nine or by some new Biological process. My, college i s really rugged, isn't it. F rosh? This will teach you to spend your whole semester in hilarious living.

Well, dear readers (and I'm quot-ing my favori te author. Mr. Grimm, of the Grimm's Fairy Tales on that dear readers stuff) the night is young and I'm not so beautiful that I don't need a little beauty rest so, goodnite, and any similar-

ity of things in this column and as

they are in real college life is

purely on purpose. Yours for an-

other term of good, solid work. (I

love that s tuff ) . — WHOOZ1T.

Sibylline Presents Musical Program

A musical program in the Chapel basement entertained members of Sib last Friday. Pat Haskin, vice president, was in charge.

"Allelujah," or devotions, were given by Phyl Haskin. "United Harmony" featured the group sing-ing of sorority songs. "Variat ions" were by Isla Van der Heuvel who started reading a biography—Gen-eral Ike by Alden Hatch. Sib plans to continue the reading through the coming semester.

Edna Mae Van T a t e n h o v e , through "Interpreta t ions ," gave the life of Szostokowisz, prominent composer of the century, and told the story of his F i f th Symphony. In conclusion the group heard this same number as played by the Philadelphia Symphony, under Sto-kowski's direction.

Preceding the program a busi-ness meeting was held in the Sib room. Anne Van Derveer was elected as Pan Hellenic representa-tive. Mary Blair Bennett, fo rmer Sibylline and Dr. Irwin J. Lubber's secretary, was welcomed back to the group's meetings.



Holland State Rank Bldg.

Visscher-Brooks INSURANCE

6 East 8th St., Holland, Mich,

K N O L L ' S G I F T S H O P


Hobo Heights Scene of Dorian Meeting

i The Dorians t ramped down to

"Hobo Heights" Friday night for their regular meeting. Af te r a short business session, the evening program was turned over to Chair-man Ruth Quant.

Devotions, by Phyl Voss, were held in the little church off Main Street. Next we went to the town hall where Ruth Quant gave two very clever interpretat ions of poems concerning hoboes and their way of life. The next stop was the Opera House, s tar r ing Helen Van Dyke, who sang "Tramp-Tramp-Tramp" from "Naughty Mariet ta ." The evening came to a halt in f ront of the burlesque where Ruth Probst accompanied Ruth Dalen-berg in a short but extremely hu-morus act.


Ben Van Lente All Kinds of

INSURANCE 177 College Avenue


Phnto-finishinK, Framing and Gifts

10 E. 8th St., Holland, Mich

Sorosis Entertains Guests, Alumnae

O n S a t u r d a y With the Tulip Room a maze of

Sorosites and their guests ga th-ered for the "Peppermint Ball," pink, white and red decorations, the f i r s t Sorosis postwar formal , in the Warm Friend Tavern, Sa tur -day, J anua ry 26.

Carol Jean Hermance, in one of her most clever presentations, sang "A Kiss Good-Night" accompanied at the piano by Ruth Harmeling. "Oh, Fudge!" an original poem by Joyce Sibley was next read by the author. A sextet composed of Miss Hemmes, Miss Hermance, Betty DeVries, Marjorie Lukking, Betty Visscher, and Elaine Bielefeld then sang "On the Good Ship Lollipop," and "Candy." They were accom-panied by Betty Jane d e m o n s . In answer to a request f rom the sen-ior members of the society. Miss Bilkert gave her extremely adroit rendition of Betty Hutton's "His Rocking Horse Ran Away." Miss Bilkert then read her paper, "All Day Sucker." The sextet, accom-panied by Betty Jane d e m o n s ended the program with their very harmonious and delightful "Honey."

Glenna Gore was general chair-l man for the party and Ann Vander Jagt and Virginia Bilkert were in

j charge of the invitations. Ess Bo-,gart and Betty Van Dyke were responsible for the intriguing dec-orations and Betty DeVries and Natalie Bosnian composed the food committee. Ruth Joldersma ar-ranged for the dinner and evening music. Chaperones for the par ty were Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hinga and Dr. and Mrs. John Hollenbach.

Sorosites and their guests were Mary Lou Hemmes, Robert Koop; Elsie Parsons. Eugene Van Tama-len; Natal ie Bosnian, Don Schol-ten; Elaine Beilefeld, Ray Heem-

is t ra ; Ruth Joldersma, Robert Dan-jhof; Glenna Gore, Dale Drew; Vir-'ginia Bilkert, Don Lievensie; Anne VanderJagt , Harold Rodarmar;

I Esther Bogart, Robert Lindblom; ! Hetty De Vries, Ed Neusma; Ruth , Harmeling. Hobart Klaaran; Dor-I othy Boot. Philipp Meengs; Marge i Lukking, Robert Nieboer; Mary 1 McLean, Joe Palmer; Dorothy At-kins, Richard Van Dorn; Virginia lemmes, Jim Klompaarens; Betty

Jane d e m o n s . Bob Burton; Joanne St ill well, John DeVries; Barbara Hilkert, Lloyd Heneveld; Betty Visscher, Dale Van Lente; Betty

i Van Dyke, Robert Van Zanten; Lou Jonkman, Don Mulder; Carol .lean Hermance. Walter Kennedy; Joyce Sibley, Robert Van Ry; Gwen Lemmen, Vern Houting; Kay Steketee, Walter Scholten.

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Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Grand Rapids

. ,

Page 4: 01-30-1946

J PogelPour Hope CoUege Anchor

Hope Defeats Calvin 60 - 52 %

As Teams Meet In Gr. Rapids Hope basketball team emerges

victorious over the Calvin College players in a wild game 60-52, played on Tuesday, January 23, in Grand Rapids. This game marked Hope's third consecutive victory in five days.

Hope jumped into an early 4-0 lead, and a t one stage in the f i rs t half , held 24 points to Calvin's 14. As the half drew to a close, Calvin challenged the Dutchmen's 31-27 lead. During part of the second half, Hope held only a one point margin. But, with ten minutes left, Zuverink and Van Dis started hit-t ing the basket and forged ahead 49-39. At the sound of the horn, Hope led 60-52.

Gabby Van Dis scored 24 points for Hope, doing almost every con-ceivable trick with the basketball. He was closely followed by Don Mulder who tallied with 13 and Ken Zuerink with 12 points. The speed combination formed by Mul-der and Van Dis was hard to break.

Gene B r o e n e of the Calvin Knights totaled 12 points for the evening. He with the shooting ac-curacy of John Vander Molen kept Calvin in the contest.

The box score is: Hope (60) FG F TP Van Dis, f 12 0 24 Zuverink, f 4 4 12 Dal man, c 0 0 0 Slager, g 0 <• 0 Mulder, g 5 3 13 Heneveld, f 1 5 7 Van Liere, c 2 (• 4

Totals 24 12 Calvin (52) FG F Broene, f 11 2 Vander Molen, f 9 0 Kornoelje, c 2 1 Botts, g 0 0 Pallak, f 0 1 Pekelder, g 1 <) Bruinooge, g 1 '>

Totals 24 4 Van Dis Led Score


TP 24 18

5 0 1 • )


It seems as though everybody is taking to the air nowadays . . . We hear that the 1946 University of

Wisconsin football team will travel

to California by plane next fall for an engagement with the University of California gridders.

And while we're on the subject of air — the atmosphere around Ebbets field this year will contain an even greater amount of flying pop bottles . . . We have it from unusually unreliable sources that a thousand more box seats are be-ing added to "da home of da bums."

In a recent issue of the Tribune, we read that the Indians (of Cleve-land) made a f ree agent of Al Smith, veteran southpaw hurler . . . Sounded to us like American his-tory — or are we thinking of Cap-tain John? ? ?

It has been said of a lot of guys that they aren't worth a dime, but Walker Cooper is one guy who's worth $175,000 . . . At least that 's what the New York Giants paid this major league catcher when they closed the biggest postwar baseball deal with the St. Louis Cards.

The White Sox also parted with a pretty penny in order to get Jim Tabor, veteran infielder, on their lineup . . . Those Southern slave holders had nothing on modern big league baseball, what with the poor players wondering who will be their owner for next season.

If you go in for making dates in advance, you can hold November 1), 1946 open . . . That ' s the day set for the Michigan-Michigan State football game at Ann Arbor next fall . . . So, when the time comes, don't say we didn't warn you in advance.

We hate to get back on the sub-ject of baseball, but that sport seems to be consistently breaking its way through the snow dr i f t s to crash even the mid-winter head-lines . . . The latest bit of diamond dope to reach our ears is that Benny McCoy, that Grandville (Michigan, of course) Flash and Philadelphia second sacker, has been discharged from the navy.


This is it! ! — We're on our way! ! Basketball teams have been made out and play begins next Tuesday a f te r "Y." Captains will be chosen by each team that night according to Glenna Gore, chairman.

Making up team one are Albers, Chaput, Dykema, Gore, Lock-wood, Moolenaar, Ruys, Slinn, Venneman, and Van Ingen. On team two are Andre, Clemmons, Efird, Hanna, Ingham, Hichols, Scholten, Timmer, Van Leeuwen, and Vredeveld.

Members of team three are Biddle, Dalenburg, Eckema, Heem-stra, Kloosterman, Prigge, Sibley, Van der Heuvel, Vermaire, and Watson. Team four is composed of Bogart, Dame, Finlaw, Hemmes, Knol, Prins, Janet Snow, Van Derveer, Visser and Westerman.

Brewer, Demain, Fredericks, Hinga, Korteling, Pyle, Le Ronde, Mary Van De Wege, Midge Voss, and Wieten make up team five. Players on the last team are Dietrich, Goff, Hains, Huizenga, Johnson, Lievense, Quant, Van Dyke, Phyl Voss, and Van Egdom.

Let 's make the play fas t and furious — and give it the enthusi-asm you have bowling — which reminds me! Your enthusiasm seems to have been so great there, that you have been neglecting to put your ful l !!! name on the score sheets. Also, you've been bowling more than the two games allowed each Friday. Please heed both of these minor rulings next time you bowl, for the complications are most "confoosin'."

Well — "ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, here comes my wagon." See Ya!

Speaking of outs, Frank Chance,

famed 1906 Chicago Cub star , was

kept out of baseball's hall of fame

when he failed to receive the neces-sary 75% vote for admittance.

Chance, who died in Los Angeles in 1924 (honest, this isn't stale news — we got it out of last month's Press) was high man for the sec-ond straight year in the writer 's poll.

W W W R I C I S T £ R [ 0


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• • by Karsten Well, s t r ip my gears and call me shift less . . . I thought that

last week's paper was the last one but then the heads of the department of public information decided to put out another milestone in journalism . . . Speaking of writing . . . my poor aching f ingers a f t e r writing all those exams . . . Pause while we all laugh . . . They weren't too bad though and besides there is nothing like repeating a semester . . . You really understand a subject then . . . changing the subject . . . Friday night, the 25th, was a gala occasion for the Freshmen girls and their dates . . . The "Li t" rocked back and for th as the guys and gals rol-licked around and around to the music of fiddle, banjo (Peg Prins is going to take lessons on said instrument next semester) . . . And other undistinguishable sounds of a barn dance orchestra . . . (by transcription) . . . Everyone had quite a t ime and no casualties . . . The highlight of the evening, a f t e r the square dancing was the program . . . "Korn Kapers" . . . ( f i t t ing name) . . . Poor Willie, the bridge . . . and tha t ' s who you're with tonight . . . During the evening a s t range kind of laugh was heard ring-ing through the building'. . . You know sometimes I think some people are-well-you-know . . . . Speaking of funnies . . . he was going to cut out all those dates with De Kline and every-thing else important and study real hard 'til exams were over . . . Isn't that a ra re one? . . . Speaking of rare ones . . . the other night at the game . . . what g a m e ? . . . oh, any game . . . Pontier and "Curly" Hinga were si t t ing in the bleachers and Jack said, "Do you see that fella playing guard down the re? I think he is going to be our best man next year." Connie turned to him with those big brown eyes and said, "Oh, darling, this is so sudden" . . . Ha, ha, I popped a corny . . . Where do I get those things? "shooting the Ferdinand" with the boys . . . Speaking of boys just naturally brings us to girls . . . 'Nuff said, period . . . Speaking of periods . . . reminds me of all the period-icals called term papers that had to be written . . . (I 'm sorry about that periodicals) . . . Many was the night that Van Vleck (see Van Heest and Smith) Voorhees, Zwemer, and all the other "dorms," not to mention "town houses" burned with light, while all those industrious kiddies bent their heads over heavy volumes . . . of "Forever Amber" . . . Speaking of volumes . . . Jus t think of all the volumes everybody consumed in those weeks get t ing ready for those nice juicy exams . . . Speaking of exams . . . Lucky were those male individuals who only had a couple and could spend their nights with their favorite co-ed wandering through the campus osculating beneath the moon . . . (get a Webster novel and find out, but can't you guess?) . . . Speaking of guessing . . . I guess I've just about run out of words . . . for once . . . So I guess this is about all this time . . . I will miss you all (deep south, you know) next semester, but "He's 1-A in the army, and 1-A in—hubba hubba's—heart" . . . So as Mr. Hinga always says so fervently . . . g'bye . . .

Aw Resirvoir . . .




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