01: the launch issue

plus.three 1 plus.three unleashing potential. celebrating diversity 01

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Post on 21-Mar-2016




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Our Launch Issue.


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plus.threeunleashing potential. celebrating diversity


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80’s night at church rocked!

Got any kief pics? Send them to [email protected]



raphs b

y Dean N



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what do you love about the 80’s trend?

they are crazy and funny and don’t mind making fools of themselves...so we put them in our magazine..cos that’s how we roll.

we got to pick Ian’s genius brain before he left for distant lands and chatted to Bradley about his work in Zambia.

Kirsten Rowett bravely shares her story of hope and redemption.

take a peek into Sergio Leao’s latest creative project.

look, read, listen, watch...in that order.








this issue we tell you more about lifegroups.

check YOURSELF out.

this is plus.three

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plus.three is: Quinton Snyman, Stacey Sinclair, Ruschka du Toit, Dean Norman, Rasheed Ferguson, Cassan Ferguson, Daryl Brown contributors: Lauren Bosman, Michelle Parkin, Anton Homann, Clare Foxcroft Williams, Samantha O’Donovan, Kirsten Rowett

plus.three captures the diversity of the young adult culture and its sub-cultures. It allows you, as the reader, the freedom to experience the creative brilliance and potential that lies deep inside every one of us.

plus.three strives to be unique in the information it offers, what it resources you with and the way it communicates.

Our aim is to express who we are as a movement of people!

So why the name – plus.three? The name originated from one of our team members, Ruschka, who felt that plus.three was birthed out of the desire to not stay at this place (which will be different for every-one, I might add!), but to always be moving forward, going to new places through progression and growth. Hence the word plus!

Three symbolises who we are through community, friendship and team. It defines our essence of love, faith and hope.

It ultimately depicts the greatest source of our inspiration: God, Jesus and the Spirit.

I believe plus.three is destined to inspire all who come in contact with it to pursue and live out their creative purpose in every area of life. Giving us the opportunity to impact the trends of our society!

Unleashing Potential. Celebrating Diversity.

Enjoy our first issue!Quinton Snyman

plus.three rates: summer...yes, it has finally arrived; end of year parties...cos then you know it’s almost holiday; Malcolm Baxter...the best is yet to come; 09 elections - it’s an oppurtunity for change; the hospice shop - cheap “vintage” clothing, yes please.

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joel tammy

3 things you love about the 80s“the culture, the ethics people had, life was a symbol for everything.”

3 things you love about life“praying, living to influence ppl, socialising.”

3 things you love about the 80s“the vibe, the whole flower power deal, the passion people had.”

3 things you love about life“spending time with friends, the smell of roses, quality time with my daughter.”

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darren aj

3 things you love about the 80s“fun loving, loved the fashion, the fact that people didnt care what other ppl thought of them.”

3 things you love about life“music, the oppurtunity to do what I want to do, love meeting interesting people.”

3 things you love about the 80s“the fact that I was born, I only experienced the 80s for two years...so I don’t really know.”

3 things you love about life“God, the ocean, and family.”

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Rob Bowie

Cassan SpandeX

Karen B-Hive


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Karen B-Hive

Cassan SpandeX

Rob Bowie

played by Rob Shaw, is studying to be a teacher of maths and science; and teaching through sock-puppet theatre. He enjoys and singing love songs in front of the mirror with his hair brush.

played by Cassan Ferguson, is an actor/ interpretive dancer, who enjoys exploring her thoughts through her Neon skipping rope.

played by Karen Nienaber, is a hair model and enjoys put-ting toilet rolls into her hair. She would love to, one day, have a mullet hair cut and be Queen of the Mullets.

Their Interests:God, of course; people; entertaining you, the au-dience; listening to ABBA. Bloc Party; going to life group dressed as normal people; watching Ghost-Busters, Gummy Bears, HE-MAN, Fame, Foot-loose, Grease and following Neon compasses!

Thought of the Moment: While strolling through the streets of Parklands, suddenly a sense of fear crept all the way up my Neon-infused spine. I thought to myself: “Hmm… will we get mugged? Will someone steal my very bright and happy feeling leg warmers?” I told Rob and Karen how I felt, and they just encouraged me to not be fearful, and to not walk on Parklands streets without tons of friends beside me. At that moment a Neon light bulb flashed in and then faded out. I realised that life is meant to be shared

with your friends - Don’t do it alone!

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ian o’brien’sview

interview by Stacey Sinclair


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We asked our facebook fans, if they could ask you one question what would it be and this is the winning question from Dean Norman: “In a culturally influenced church structure, how does one differentiate between Truth and man made tradition?”Good question. Are we are talking about truth as factual or relational? Jesus (and most Jews) would regard truth as having a personality rather than being a list of objectively provable facts. That is why Jesus’ claim to be the truth was so radical. He was saying, “I am the personality that we think of as Truth!” Nevertheless, back to the question: I feel it is nearly impossible to differentiate between truth and man made tradition. This is because truth is always presented to us in the capsule of man-made tradition. Jesus, the Truth, incarnated himself into man made traditions. This is why he fully adhered to the Law of Moses even as his teaching outlined a new and better covenant. He never radically attacked sinful man made traditions like the subjugation of women or slavery; he knew the principles of his kingdom would lead to the demise of such sinful traditions in time. The idea of Truth totally stripped of all man made tradition is only an idea, and the planet has never seen such a thing.

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When did you get saved? I was 14 years old and had just finished Standard 6 (Grade 8). My home life had been disrupted by the break up of my parents and I had hated my first year of high school. I can honestly say I was in a bout of teenage depression when I was dragged to church and felt a spark of life that I had never felt before as the minister preached. During the salvation call, I opened one eye to check that my mum put her hand up in response to the salvation call, I put up mine.

What’s your most embarrassing moment? Insulting the “hopeless Springboks” while preaching at Table View AoG as Corne Krige, (then Spring-bok captain) sat in the crowd.

What would you say has been the most important life lesson that you have learnt so far? No matter how many noble and great pursuits there are in life, nothing is more important than to serving as husband and father to my family.

What are your four favorite things you love about life? I love taking my wife to a scenic coffee shop, enjoying a legendary cappuccino and a delicious snack. I love seeing my children smile. I love the solitude and silence of a mountaintop.

In what way do you hear best from God? I expect to hear from God when I pick up my Bible. Even if the text doesn’t leap out at me, I have heard from God after reading a portion. There are times when my reading of the Bible is like an epiphany. God seems to be speaking directly to me with a promise or a warning. If my heart is desperately seeking God then anything can be a medium for Him to communicate with me. Obviously I trust the Bible more than a song on the radio or the words of a friend.

being in your twenties and early thirties.

“ “

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If you only had time to give one piece of advice to Young Adults, what would it be?Whatever you do, enjoy being in your twenties and early thirties. Don’t spend your energy beating your-self up about everything you haven’t mastered yet. When the time is right you will become a master of your uniqueness.

Please complete:If I was in my twenties I would start investing a little money every month because by now I would be think-ing that it was worth it.

Your challenge to Young Adults would be……. Don’t look back on your twenties and wonder about lost opportunities. Take faith-filled risks. The only area where you should play it safe is with your sex life.

What is your favourite verse?Isaiah 45:2 This is what the LORD says:“I will go before you, and level the mountains...”



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Bradley Sinclair is part of AOG’s furniture. He has been attending the church for the last 16 years of his life. He is now a young adult with a heart and passion to reach the lost. He has been staying in Zambia for almost two years now.

by Stacey Sinclair

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What is it like, going to Zambia at the age of 20 and with nofriends? Exciting and terrifying at the same time! I have had an amazing opportunity to move out of the comfort of my home and its been challenging but wow I am so privileged to be able to do this. What have been the biggest obstacles to overcome?To not get totally freaked out when a local tries to hold your hand. In their cul-ture it is totally acceptable for one guy to hold another’s hand if they are friends. Cultural differences can be very interesting and very embarrassing. How often do you say God takes you out of your comfort zone?Comfort zone? What’s that? Just kidding. It all depends on you. Just like here I can choose to step out 10 times in one day or once a month. It’s all up to me. Something I’ve found though is my ‘comfort zones’ have changed a lot from when I was in Cape Town. Like in Zambia you could be stepping out of your comfort zone when you have to make decisions that affect the whole team or just trying to speak the local language.

Do you feel you have changed being in Zambia as a missionary?Sometimes you wonder if you are there to help change people or if you are there for God to change you. Its constantly challenging and we always have the opportunity to learn and grow as we go. Are we missionaries or are they?

What is it like to be able to see people’s tithes being put into action?Unbelievable! Actually seeing rows of fruit trees being planted and clinics run, and whole villages get saved is so incredible and humbling, knowing that we could have done nothing if it wasn’t for the support we have from our home churches. What three things do you miss the most about life in South Africa?Facebook :); Primi’s primo pasta: been craving it like crazy!; Friends and family. What are the biggest lessons that you have learnt over there so far?God always has a plan even when we don’t. So many times we have looked at a situation or problem and have had no idea what we can do but trust God. And almost every time we see how God has set that situation up for a reason. Also I’ve learnt the value of a flushing toilet.


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hs by Rasheed



and we took as many pics as possible!New Altum tours with Underoath


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17.10.1977 – 18.10.2008

Whose faith and joy in the LORD was an inspiration to those who knew him.

We thank GOD for the time we had to share with him and for the promise of eternal peace with GOD,

which Rashid is now enjoying.


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I was very lost, trying to find answers in other people and I did not like myself very much. I would rebel against all systems, which led to getting expelled from primary school and generally hanging around similar-minded people. Although I thought I was having fun, I was very angry and insecure.

When consequences finally caught up with my ac-tions, I found myself pregnant at the age of 15, and all my friends left me because I couldn’t have ‘fun’ anymore. The church and my Christian school really accepted me and stood by me. I saw God through them and desired the genuineness I felt from them. I started feeling love for my baby and came to the conclusion I could give her a better life if I gave her up for adoption. I tried talking to God about it, and really felt him telling me that He knew how I felt, how He had given up His only son to die for me. Then I felt so much peace, knowing that God was real and under-standing what He had done for me, I felt certain that the love I experienced was the truth, and so I decided to change.

I know now that the life I lead is truth! Life is not easier since knowing God, but I feel fulfilled and experience real joy!!! Through God’s love I have been healed of my past and my desires have changed. I now long to live a life that honours the One who set me free and know Him more!


by Kirsten Rowett

Got a story to share? Email us at [email protected]

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It’s always the quiet ones.

Walking into Sergio’s house the first thing I see is his ink black SMEG fridge, which could quite easily be a metaphor for his entire house; simple, stylish,

with a touch of humour. I am absolutely mesmerized by his creativity as I walk through each room. Everywhere something unique and beautiful, with detail,

surprises me. “I made this” is his response to almost every question. This quiet man’s creativity blows me away.


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interview by Ruschka du Toitphotographs by Dean Norman

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Sergio, not only are you a successful business man but you also have a very creative side to you. Tell us about this.I believe there are many similarities between art, design and business, believe it or not. Good ideas are what make them all work! I love creative thinking and I don’t mind working hard if it means my ideas will come to life (in art, design or business).

What is it about art and design that you enjoy the most?There is so much I love about it! From the initial thought process and seeing an idea develop into the end product. It is all extremely satisfying for me. I know it sounds cliché, but its truth that allows me to express myself!

I believe your house has turned into quite the construction site with you renovating it. Tell us about the work you are doing on your house and where the inspiration came from?Yes, the house is my first project of this size but definitely something I’ve want-ed to do for a long time! I am enjoying it for the most part and trying to do as much as possible myself, from building my own furniture, putting up wallpaper to plumbing, I’ve done it all! My inspiration comes from many places such as our Country, friends, family, movies and music. The list goes on and on….

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Do you have any interior design experience? And how would you describe your ‘style’?I don’t have any experience but I know what I like and I just hope people like it too. My style incorporates old and new with retro sixties and seventies being my favourite eras. I try to run a theme in each space with everything tying together in some or other way.

I know you are into the flooring business, but have you ever “reno-vated” for a living? Or is your house the first attempt?It’s totally new to me and a lot more work than I expected. I am happy with the progress so far though!

Tell us about your paintings.I like creating art for specific spaces. People add art to a room without really thinking about if it fits with the theme. A painting can make or break a room. My paintings need to tell a story or have some idea built into them to make them interesting.

Who inspires your painting style and technique?I’d like to think I have my own style but I am always stealing ideas from every-where and using them to tell my own stories. God is a huge inspiration to me. I try & push my creativity to the limits but nothing comes close to His creation!

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ODED EZER is an Israeli typographer, type designer and lecturer. I stumbled upon his work on the internet and am amazed by his innovation and ability to turn simple type into art. He creates beautiful shapes and inspirational designs out of foreign alphabets Latin and Hebrew.

“Ezer’s work is emotional and powerful... his typographies are as exceptional in this field as they are outstanding, to say the least” Die Gestalten Verlag www.odedezer.com

as sourced by Samantha O’Donovan


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Find, bookmark and share your favorite images!FFFFOUND! is an awesome website that allows users to post and share their favorite images they find while searching the web. The site holds a wealth of visual inspiration from illustrations, paintings and photographs to interior design and product innovation. There is loads of juicy stuff.


The Cool Hunter, is a website that showcases creativity. They select and celebrate what is beautiful and enduring from all that is sought-after in architecture, design, gadgets, lifestyle, urban living, fashion, travel and pop culture. I love their website because it is current and enlightens me with all that is new and exciting from around the world.


Share your creative resources with us! [email protected]

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READas read by Lauren Bosman and Anton Homann

“God Came Near” by Max Lucado

When Max Lucado writes he makes the Bible come alive and this is exactly what he did in this book. He describes it in such detail that you can almost see Jesus’ face when reading the book. We find out just how much Jesus wants to be close to us because in the end what it comes down to, is having a relation-ship with Him and being passionate about the God that we serve.

Max Lucado explains it so nicely where he tells us how God sent Jesus, but as someone so plain and ordinary that people would hardly notice him. God did that so no one would ever be afraid of feeling rejected by him. In the book, he emphasises how the death ofJesus was no accident and that he planned to die for us, and if it wasn’t for those soldiers he would have nailed himself to the cross.

God Came Near, is a book written for anyone who wants to get their passion back for God or for those that want their relationship with Him to be refreshed. It is for those that have become familiar with the Word and that want to see it through new eyes.

Just a tip for those that do decide to read it, you may need a couple of tissues with you. - Lauren Bosman

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”Velvet Elvis” by Rob Bell

The book, Velvet Elvis, in my opinion is about the truth of the issues of our faith, expressed in a way that will make you want to discover more. Sometimes we think we have it all figured out, and we think we have peo-ple figured out, but there is always a deeper meaning and reason behind things. This book humbles you as you find out that you actually know minimal and it will inspire you to find the reason behind the reason.

As a writer, Rob Bell is probably the best at sharing all the mysteries and secrets of God. You can see he is well educated in Theology, and his non-religious ways of looking at the Word helps him bring out the Truth. This has inspired me to get more educated and con-nected with the Holy Spirit because it is one thing to get revelation upon revelation from his work, but it’s even more amazing when you get that revelation yourself between only you and God.

I highly recommend this book for new Christians, andI dare the “aged Christian” to pick it up and give it a go. - Anton Homann


Read any good books lately? [email protected]

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LISTENas heard by Rasheed Ferguson and Dean Norman

BAND: New Altum ALBUM: Grace Forbids a Hopeless CaseStyle: hardcore/ screamo/ experimentalBloodwitness Productions

This polished compilation of old and new tracks is what New Altum fans have been eagerly waiting for. The overall style is hard, upbeat and polished with an-thems of faith such as their most recent single “Close Enough to Hear Your Heartbeat”. The lyrics are pas-sion filled and will find relevance to anyone who reads them. A few of the songs breach into other genres giving the album a dynamic feel, offering something for all listeners, one can’t expect less from one of the countries most popular and influential Christian bands. New Altum’s highly anticipated debut album was released on the 23rd of September. – Dean Norman

Wanna review some good albums? [email protected]

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BAND: Thrice ALBUM: The Alchemy Index Vol. I & II (concept album, four discs)Style: Ambient/Progressive Rock/Experimental/Folk Vagrant Records

Another amazingly put together concept album consisting of two volumes is The Alchemy Index by Thrice. This album contains two discs in each volume that makes up the four elements Fire, Water, Earth and Air. This concept has totally revolutionised the average song writer’s formula. According to every title e.g. “Water”, Thrice has written the music in such a way that it resembles that element in every way pos-sible, from the actual sound right down to the lyrics. Naturally “Water” would be the most ambient sound-ing album, where drum loops and spacey effects will allow you to relax and drift into your thoughts, whereas “Fire” is a harder sounding album with intensely heavy guitar riffs and more guttural vocals. The “Earth” album is definitely more “stripped down”, where acoustic guitars come into play and a more southern folk sound is explored while “Air” is like poetry with musical accompaniment. Even though Thrice is not a Christian band, Dustin Kensrue (the band’s frontman) is a devout follower of the Christian faith and brings it across in his lyrics in the most thought provoking way. You can literally base sermons on these songs and their meanings. These albums are sincere, heartfelt and musically breathtaking. – Rash Ferguson


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WATCHas seen by Rasheed Ferguson and Dean Norman

The Dark KnightWarner-BrosPG-13There is no doubt that The Dark Knight is the most successful and sophisticated film in its genre atpresent. Finally, a superhero film that dares to spill out of its children orientated market and conceptualise the movie on reality rather than fantasy. Consequently the film is dark, complex and has dis-turbing roles from both the joker (Heath Ledger) and Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart). Christian Bale takes on the role of Batman and Bruce Wayne and easily con-veys authority and displays admirable values without pretence. Bruce Wayne now established as batman notices a man named Harvey Dent who is challeng-ing Gotham city’s crime lords through legal and just means. Bruce sees a chance to hang up his bat gear and replace Batman with a truly virtuous figure. The Joker soon appears and starts to create waves in the criminal and just world with his anarchic mindset and truly horrific personality. Batman is then torn between backing Dent and dishing out his vigilante justice. This movie is definitely not for younger viewers as some of the scenes are graphic. If you’ve ever been a fan of batman then I doubt you will be able to get through this masterpiece without being awed. – Dean Norman

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DVD: 4400 (the series)Paramount PicturesPG

For those of you who love the series Heroes, you’ll definitely warm up to 4400 after watching the first season. The concept is simply this, through out the last 100 years or so, people start randomly disappear-ing off the planet at various points in time and nobody can explain why, eventually years later, government special forces, NTAC discovers a meteor headed straight for the earth at a speed that would be said to kill everyone in 30 minutes. Eventually it turns out to be a ball of light that ends up exploding in Seattle leaving behind the 4400 people that disappeared years before. While the series does show similarities to Heroes, where the 4400 end up discovering that they have special abilities, this series grows into its own exploring things like religion, faith and the battle between good and evil. It also is thought provoking in a way that constantly makes you think about the potential in yourself and in others. It has no cursing or explicit nudity and is very well thought out and written. Just when you think you’ve got it figured out, you find yourself discovering another twist in the tale. While seasons one and two lay a gripping foundation, seasons three and four will keep you wanting to see what happens next. – Rash Ferguson


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Vision for life groups: Life groups are about providing a place where peo-ple can come into a small group setting and share their views and experiences of God. The purpose of lifegroup is to learn from each other about who God really is. This will help us to improve our walk with God, but also to learn how to show a better reflection of Jesus in the world around us.

Culture of life groups:Life groups take place every Thursday evening from 19:30 to 21:00 at a regular venue. We aim to create a fun, friendly and comfortable atmosphere to make it easier for people to connect with other young adults, and mostly with God. Time for prayer and worship are also optional depending on the preferences for the evening. A leader will prepare a message on a specific topic and facilitate this discussion for people to share on. There will always be snacks and drinks to enjoy. - Free food? Great! I’m there!

Want to join a life group or find out more?Contact Bianca at [email protected]










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Keen to take some pics for [email protected]

Proxy DVD Recording

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So you want to be part of the plus.three movement? We need writers, designers, photographers. Drop us an email at [email protected] and we’ll hook you up.

Visit us at plusthreemag.blogspot.com