01 winter edition

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  • 7/25/2019 01 Winter Edition




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  • 7/25/2019 01 Winter Edition



    Table of Contents

    Page 3 Praying Through Lent

    Page 4 Church Council

    Page 5 Photo collage

    Page 6 Lenten Schedule

    Page 7 Credo Confirmation

    Page 8 AUMC Missions: AfricaPage 10 AUMC Missions: Charlottesville / Albemarle County

    Page 12 Toddler Playgroup

    Page 13 Member Care / Hospitality

    Page 14 Small Group News

    Page 16 Bowling for a Cause

    Page 17 Financial Report

    Page 18 Here WEE Grow Again

    Page 19 Bits n Pieces

    Page 20 Staff Listing

    MessiahAn Oratorio in Three Parts, by George Frideric Handel

    A vde f a pefmae f f "Messa," pefmed by te C f Kg's Cege, Camb

    be sw te Satay Sday, Ma 6, fm 2:30 pm t abt 5:00 pm. Tee w

    temss f abt 10 t 15 mtes ae Pat 1. If y d't ave ts m me t

    ws t ste y t y favte pats, pease fee fee t me ad g as y ws.

    Friendship Ladies

    The UMW Circles have disbanded, but the Mary Mills Circle would like to continue informal f

    Now known as The Friendship Ladies, all women of the church are welcome to attend the third T

    each month at 10am in the Friendship Classroom. We are planning lighthearted fellowship with

    luncheon dates. You are invited!


    The Aldersgate Ringers are looking for several more ringers. We rehearse on Tuesday evenin

    Sanctuary from 6:00 pm to 7:15 pm., and ring about every six weeks for the 11:00 am ser

    occasionally for the 9:00 am service). We are happy to teach you the basics of handbell ringi

    contact Melody Day at 434.906.3919 or [email protected].

    The Friendship Luncheon is always a fun time at the DoubleTree Hotel! We eat a lunc

    by the DoubleTree chef, enjoy fellowship with each other, and listen to entertaining or info

    guests such as speakers, singers, and musicians. Luncheons are held on the third Tuesda

    month at 12:30 PM. If you would like to join us, please see Jean Ward (964-1178). You do

    to be a member of the Friendship Class. As long as you enjoy Christian fellowship, please c

    United ethodist en

    Aldersgate United Methodist Mens group meets the second Thursday of the month at 6the Hospitality Room on the lower level. On February 11th, we will schedule our annual SwSupper out with our wives. In March, our big activity is our annual St. Patricks Day Coand Cabbage Supper on the 19 th. This will involve the cooking on Friday the 18thand serving of hundreds of guests on Saturday evening in the Fellowship Hall with the help of Troop as waiters. Come join in the fun and fellowship. Contact Merrill Bishop at 434.975.3

  • 7/25/2019 01 Winter Edition


    H WEE G A c v !


    fa sae bke eds saes ad aedae. O tta


    wee p by $18,000 ad we ad ve 3,700 pepe tg t

    sp. O vtee fe was 175 stg ad we ad ve 400

    sgs papate! We sd ve 37,000 tems ad

    dated ve 800 tems t te tg ete Bemt. It

    was qte a evet ad a ea w



    O vtees ae wat make te sae s a ge sess;

    wtt tem te sae wd t

    be pssbe. Of te 175 vtees, 45 f tem wee Adesgate

    membes. Y a ask ay f te fks w eped t te fa w m f t s ad wat a geat

    pptty t s t get t kw membes as we as te deds f pepe w me

    tg ds as vtees, sgs, ad sppes. I d pe y w j s Ma f

    spg sae! Y a sg p t vtee e f tw ways ...


    G e t www.eeweegwaga.m ad k Vtee Ve. Tee y w

    d a f te dates we eed vtees ad t w sw y w t eate a at t sg

    p as a vtee. If y d tat y at d a we 4


    s, g aead ad sg p f

    te s tat as te mes y a wk ad te e


    ma Kae at

    [email protected] wt te ata mes y a be t ee.


    Sg p dg Sp Cat dg te mg weeks. Fd Kae Cag te Reed Rm

    wt e sg p seets ad we w get y stated!

    If you have volunteered with us before


    would like to be available to talk to potenal

    volunteers during Sip n Chat, please let Karen know!

    Spring Sale Dates:

    Ma 2





    Ma 3







    Ma 8


    Vtee Sp

    Ma 9


    Caty Sppg Evet

    Ma 10





    Restk IvetyMa 12


    Opeg Day

    Ma 14





    Pb Sae Days

    Ma 20


    Csg Pk p day



    "Praying Through Lent"

    is our congregational emphasis during the 40


    day time of prepara

    celebration of Easter. During each worship experience throughout this sermon series we'll

    into scripture and will explore a spiritual practice to help us all draw closer to God and to th

    us. We anticipate many conversations and opportunities for spiritual growth as we seek to fo


    sh Wednesday

    February 10


    Psalm 51

    First Sunday of Lent

    February 14


    Luke 4:1



    Boy Scout Sunday (11:00)

    Second Sunday of Lent

    February 21


    Psalm 27

    Third Sunday of Lent

    February 28


    Luke 13:1



    Fourth Sunday of Lent

    March 6


    Youth Sunday

    Fifth Sunday of Lent

    March 13


    John 12:1



    Palm Sunday

    March 20

    10:00 Combined Service


    Maundy Thursday

    March 24, 7:00 pm


    Good Friday

    March 25, 7:00 pm



    March 27


  • 7/25/2019 01 Winter Edition



    2016 Church Council

    These are the names and faces of those currently serving the Aldersgate congregaon on Church Council, which

    meets monthly. Should you have any general quesons or comments, feel free to e-mail [email protected].

    Laa Nes

    Lay Leader

    Nay Bema

    Recording Secretary

    Fat Pate



    Mke Tt

    Spiritual Growth

    Ja Fest


    Sta/Parish Relaons

    Be Campbe

    Council Chair

    Pat Dae


    Sta/Parish Relaons

    Ta Se

    Member Care

    and Hospitality

    Jefe Ham

    Member Care

    and Hospitality

    Las Oedf

    Trustees ChairCae Cag

    Youth RepresentaveSsa Pate

    Lay Member

    to Conference

    Katy Mse


    and Missions

  • 7/25/2019 01 Winter Edition



    Rjc R!

    Melody Day leads

    hand bells for our Navity

    C J.W. M

    Ocial mascot of the

    Aldersgate UMC oc

    A Pc f Ev G

    Eang together ...

    one of the things we do best!

    Aldersgate UMC ... Everyone is welcome!

  • 7/25/2019 01 Winter Edition



    -L S S G-w be meeg at vas dates/mes -pease vst te webste ad

    stay ted t te Aemets Iset te weeky be f detas

    -P f f c L v, pvded by te Sety f Sat Adew, te Natex

    begg Febay. C Sta w as be eag a deva t be psted eetay dg Let

    te webste ad sa meda.

    -W, Fb 10 -A W -Past S w be at te Stabks ass fm te Fas

    Sqae Ma Rte 29 fm 6:30- 9:30 am ad Mke Tt ad Rae Me w be te

    pakg t jst R Rad. Y may stp by ete a t eeve te mps f te ases (a fay

    wd tat meas we' make a ss y feead wt ases) ad paye.

    -W, Fb 10 -A W Wat 7pm, sey ae pvded - Lete Sem

    Sees (Payg tg Let) begs wt Cfess.

    - S, Fb 14 - Fst Sday Let, St Sday, St. Vaee's Day - Lete Sem Sees

    (Payg tg Let) es wt Fasg.

    -S, Fb 14-Cgega-wde seve pptty -J ygest membes te aa

    tad f makg ppe eae eats ad deveg tem t a a sg me. F me fma

    pease tat Rae Me.

    -S, Fb 21 - Sed Sday Let - Lete Sem Sees (Payg tg Let) es

    wt Stdy

    -S, Fb 27-Cgega-wde seve pptty - J yt ad yt fm ass

    te Caesve Dstt at AUMC te ae f a Stp Hge Nw Pakagg evet ad t make

    seepg mats f te meess fm pas gey bags. Tme TBA. Pease tat Rebea Wage f me


    -S, Fb 28 -Td Sday Let -Lete Sem Sees (Payg tg Let) es wt


    -S, Mc 6 -Ft Sday Let, Yt Sday -Lete Sem Sees (Payg tg Let)

    es wt Wsp

    -S, Mc 13- F Sday Let - Lete Sem Sees (Payg tg Let) es wt


    -S, Mc 20-Pam Sday -Cmbed Wsp at 10am -Lete Sem Sees (Payg tg

    Let) es wt Medta

    Connued ...

    Weekly Small Group Prayer

    A tme f paye s fed wt wdef mmets we y may st at te feet f Gd ad a

    We y may pe y ea t t Gd ad ea Hs ve despte a te se f te wd.

    Ea week Wedesday eveg fm 5:00 t 6:00 pm, a sma gp gates Rm 108

    paye. We ave bee gateg f tw yeas w wt ms, Spte, paye ad

    dsss. O gp s aways pe t pepe ad y may atted evey week as m a

    We weme tse w ave spea tets eeds ad we aways pay f Adesgates paye.

    F me fmat, tat Mke Tt at [email protected].

    How Do Small Groups Get Started?

    Lke t de y bye? Lke t ke? Gg tg te ss f a famy membe, sett

    dagss, dve, te fe-age? Ejy eadg mystey bks? Wy t fd t

    ad mmty w ejy te same tgs y d ae te same pae fe!

    Y, yes YOU, a stat a sma gp at AUMC! Y dt ave t ave a semay deg

    gw p te t takes smee(s) w s (ae) wg t mmt te tme ad

    gateg a gp ad w w pay f Gds gdae. Y gp a be st-

    tem (a 6-

    abt ss ad ge

    tem (a 6-mt

    pgam wkg t

    me ke), g

    w meets te fst

    evey mt t wak

    Dwtw Ma pk

    ad pay f

    Y a meet at te

    y me, esew

    mmty. Y

    mmt tme at ea

    meetgs t pay tg

    Spte a devek- eveyes spta jey. If y fee aed t stat a gp ad wat t ds

    tat Mke Tt at [email protected] Past Stt Davs at sttdavs@


    Sme exampes f sma gps at AUMC w wd ve t ave y j ae te Sd

    Sem Dsss Gp, te Wedesday Eveg Wmes Bbe Stdy, te Satday M

    Gp, ad te Tsday Caft Gp. Ts s t a exastve st! T fd me, ead t

    aeda ek t webste at www.vam.g.

  • 7/25/2019 01 Winter Edition


    Saturday Morning Mens Small Group

    Prayr Bar Mstry is provided by the Saturday Morning Mens Small Group.

    The following is a story from Linda Austin on the Prayer Bear Ministry. Thank

    you, Linda, for your willingness to share this story:

    In November my good friends nephew, Zac, died unexpectedly in North

    Carolina. Zac had been in the military for a little over a decade. During thisdecade, he was deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan five times. Zac was a family

    man and had to leave his wife and children many times (once being back

    stateside for less than a month before being called to return to overseas duty).

    Zac did not talk much about the horrors of war, but did share a few

    heartrending episodes with close family and friends. Unfortunately the ravishes

    of war was his secret companion and the PTSD was so sever that unexpectedly

    he took his own life. Zac left behind a young family and large extended family, including a devastated

    mother who suffers from MS.

    During times of acute grief it is difficult to know how to comfort those in great pain. Not knowing what to

    do, I went to my church to pray. When I turned to leave there were the Prayer Bears in the pews. The

    Mens Group sponsors these sweet little teddy bears that sit every week waiting to give comfort and love to

    anyone in need. The bears wear a cross, with a prayer pinned to them. I took several and was able to sendthem to Zacs daughters immediately.

    My friend tells me the girls (ages 5, 8, 10, & 14) loved the Prayer Bears. When the 8-year-old daughter had

    to return to her elementary school she was wearing the cross that belonged to her bear. The bear seemed

    to mean the most to the 14-year-old who memorized the bears prayer. At the memorial service a week

    later all four girls sat in the front row with their Prayer Bears. I wouldnt be surprised in the bears

    accompany the girls to Arlington National Cemetery when their dad will be laid to rest with our countrys

    great veterans.

    I am so thankful to Aldersgate United Methodist Church and the Mens Group for their wonderful ministry.

    Sincerely and with great gratitude,


    Te Satday Mg Mes Sma gp meets evey Satday mg fm

    8:00 t 9:00 am Rm 208 at te . We sped a fma

    sag f ffee ad fd, fewsp, ad fat. A me ae weme ad te

    sma gp s pe t j at ay tme. Ctat Jata Petes at

    [email protected] Mke Tt at

    [email protected] f me fmat.

    14(Lenten Schedule connued)

    -T, Mc 24-Mady Tsday Wsp at 7pm, sey ae pvded -Lete Sem

    tg Let) es wt Stde

    -F, Mc 25 -S, Mc 27 -Labyt avaabe at te f y t me (at m

    advesed) t wak te abyt ad medtate.

    - F, Mc 25 - Gd Fday, Teebae Wsp at 7pm, sey ae pvded - Lete

    (Payg tg Let) es wt Sbmss

    -S, Mc 26 -Hy Satday Hke, a ae weme -detas TBA -Pease tat Laa N


    -S, Mc 27 -Easte Sday (wsp at 9 & 11) -Lete Sem Sees (Payg tg

    wt Ceeba. Cde's Easte Ceeba, dg Easte Egg Ht, at 10am.

    Credo Conrmaon at Aldersgate is for students in grades 6 -12.

    Confirmation is not the beginning or the en

    of the faith journey Confirmation is about ma

    disciples It is that simple and that challengin

    Students each have a mentor from our congregaon and will have the opportunity ne

    our course to decide if he/she wants to join The United Methodist Church, specically A

    your student is not already signed up, you are an adult who would like to be a mentor,

    like to support our upcoming class, please contact Rachel Miller at rachelmiller@cv

    Monday, February 1st


  • 7/25/2019 01 Winter Edition



    Imagine No Malaria

    In Sub-Saharan Africa, malariakills 1 child every 2 minutes.

    Aldersgate United MethodistChurch supports Imagine No

    Malaria that is working to beatmalaria once and for all. Byimproving the ways people fightthe disease using bed nets,providing access to diagnostic testsand medicine, draining standing water, and improvingsanitation, malaria deaths have already been reduced by morethan half. There are literally 300+ clinics, hospitals andoutposts maintained by the United Methodist Church in Africa.

    Ghana: Fred Amoah-Darko,

    Ambassadors for Christ


    Aldersgate UMC provides $2,500each year to support the work of FredAmoah-Darko, the Regional Directorfor Ambassadors for ChristInternational (AFCI) in Africa andthe Middle East. Freds role is to equip church leaders with thetools necessary to evangelize their country. He established theAmbassadors Leadership Institute, with a curriculum to trainpastors and church leaders not just academically, but alsopractically. As Regional Director, he is building teams of like-minded leaders from Africa. From the most rural villages,Fred, and Ambassadors for Christ International teams, arespreading the message of Christ and developing disciples who

    will ensure that the Great Commission is a priority within theirspheres of influence for many years to come

    Fred lives in Ghana with his wife, Ruby, who is also activelyserving the work of AFCI. They have 3 grown children.

    AUMC Mis

    Africa University, Zimbabwe

    Through the Virginia Conference,Aldersgate financially supportsAfrica University, a private United-Methodist related institution thathas more than 1,200 students from22 African countries. It grants both bachelors and madegrees in various programs.

    Te 2015 Advet B was a wdef me f fewsp ad fd. Ts yea te b

    betwee 9 am ad 11am seves s tat we wee abe t bg tgete te ee gega

    te eeba f te seas.

    If y ave a teest payg a pat

    Cae / Hsptaty Team, we wd ve t a

    ae sma pjets tat d t eqe m

    ad we aways ave a geat me tgete

    Adesgate. Pease fee fee t tat Je

    434.960.1597, jefe@evetswtpaa

    Se at [email protected] wt tees


    Membe Cae s as espsbe f aagg te sede f tse

    sg sp--at, w s ed ea Sday befe ad ae te

    Wsp seves te Reed Rm. Sp--at s as a me f geat

    fewsp f bt membes ad vsts a fma

    atmspee. Tee ae a few Sdays s avaabe f tse tat

    wd be teested sg sp--at f te 11:00 Wsp

    seve. Hsg smpy meas tat y mmt t a Sday evey

    te mt (tat's y 6 mes a yea) t make se tee s fd

    ad beveages avaabe ae te 11:00 Wsp seve. Adesgate

    pvdes a f te sppes, y y ave t pt te fd/beveages

    t ad ea p at 12:30. If ts s smetg tat y mgt be

    teested epg wt pease tat Jefe Ham at

    [email protected] 434.960.1597 Ta Se at

    [email protected].

    Are you a gregarious, outgoing person? Do you enjoy talking to peexcited about Aldersgate and want to help seekers and new residentsThen there is a place for you! Each weekday from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm, have a friendly face (or faces) in our office narthex to answer phonpackages, and welcome visitors who come through the door. This is pfriends, spouses, and individuals who would like to spend a few hours a to our community. If you would like to volunteer one day a week, pleaOBrien, Church Administrator, at 434.973.5806 or AmyOBrien@cvauminformation.

  • 7/25/2019 01 Winter Edition


    Te AUMC weeky tdde paygp s gg we! We met se t 8 mes dg te Fa, t we a mt,

    ad wee vey appy wt te pptty t get t kw ea te bee ad ave te de pay.

    Sme f aves ded Cate Mta Appe Oad, a paks, ad a vst t te e sta!

    If y wd ke me fma abt we ts gp meets ad fte pas, pease fee fee t

    tat T ([email protected]; 804.450.7035) Hed ([email protected]; 434.806.3467).

    Upcoming 2016 Schedule

    2/1 Paygp at AUMC ( Fewsp Ha), 9:30 am.

    Pease bg de tys t sae.

    2/ 16 Mms Ngt Ot, 6:30 pm

    Hymead Paea Bead

    3/7* Sades-Me Ta

    (pakg s avaabe bt Rt. 20 N ad Rt. 53 E)

    We w meet by te bk wa ea te

    pakg aea Rt. 53, 9:30 am.

    3/15 Mms Ngt Ot, 6:30 pm, La TBA

    4/11** Pe Pak, 1400 Pe Pak Rd., Cve, 9:30 am

    AUMC Paygp w meet fm 9:30 t 11 am te

    st Mday f ea mt. (**Except in April when we

    will meet on the second Monday due to Albemarle

    County Public School Spring Break.)

    Mms Ngt Ot w meet at 6:30 pm te td

    Tesday f ea mt.

    If t s ay days we tsde aves ae paed,

    we w meet te Fewsp Ha (*except 3/7

    we will be in the Youth Center due to Here WEE Grow

    Again, if weather is bad) f sde f. Pease bg

    tdde de- tys ad bas t sae.

    I ase f wte weate, paygp w be aeed f Abemae Cty Pb Ss ae aeed.

    Pease pa t j s f Mms Ngt Ot eve f y aet abe t papate paygp!

    Africa LighthouseBaptist Temple,Barboursville

    In December 2015,AUMC hosted AfricaLighthouse Baptist Temple

    in a program titled African Stories. Thperformed a Christmas pageant, and sevtold their stories of how their faith has suthrough escape from violence or persecutransition to life in the United States.

    Aldersgate United Methodist Church hasrelationship (through church member Fathis church of African refugees and immthe Charlottesville area who come from countries in Africa.

    Jamaa Letu Orphanage, Dem. Repub

    AUMC supports the Jamaa Letu orphanGlobal Ministries of the United Method

    Bibles for Liberdale

    United Methodist

    Church in


    In this 2,000-membercongregation, there wereno Bibles in their local language (Xitsthis language were needed for the wand Christian Education for childreadults. In 2015, Aldersgate raised $5,0

    385 Bibles @ $13 each.

    ions: Africa


  • 7/25/2019 01 Winter Edition


    The Wesley Foundation

    1908 Lewis Mountain RoadWe look forward to welcoming new

    students each year and at any time duringthe year. Unlike many student groups at UVA, Wesley is not a club. There are nosign up dates. Wesley is a faith community and the doors are always open. Wesleyis a community of people but its also a place. We are located on the corner ofEmmet Street and Lewis Mountain Road and we open up the building from earlymorning til late at night, to give students a place to meet, study, talk with thecampus minister, raid the kitchens leftovers, or pray in the chapel. You arewelcome to make yourself at home here and we hope you do.

    Alliance of Interfaith Ministries (AIM)1025 Park StreetThe primary purpose of The Alliance for Interfaith Ministries (AIM) is to

    provide emergency assistance to families threatened with homelessness, loss of

    power or fuel, or other temporary financial crisis.

    198 Spotnap RoadLove INC mobilizes The Church to transform lives and communities In the Nameof Christ. We know that th e needs are overwhelming, and often beyond thecapabilities of a single church or ministry. That i s why our vision is to mobilize the

    members of local churches and ministries, partnering together with them and providingthem with opportunities for service.

    Heart Havens of CharlottesvilleCharlottesville UMC DistrictHeart Havens builds and supportshomes where adults with intellectualdisabilities have the opportunity to live in a family setting while makingpersonal choices, achieving individual goals, and contributing to thesurrounding community. There are currently 11 Heart Havens homes acrossVirginia and the Charlottesville UMC District is raising $400,000 to build onein Charlottesville.

    It doesntmatter why you are hungry. We are here tohelp.The Blue Ridge Area Food Banksupportsapproximately234 pantries, soup kitchensand outreach programs across Western and CentralVirginiawhich distribute food directly to anyone inneed.

    The Haven 112 Market Street The Haven is a dynamic, multi-purpose community space. Itenhances our city by providing a centralized location for resource

    providers, a commercialkitchen, a day haven, a community garden,and a cultural and arts space in downtown Charlottesville. TheHaven has adopted aHousing First approach to ending homelessness.We understand that homelessness is a housing crisis, and thesolution to homelessness is housing. With this in mind, wefacilitatehomeless prevention, coordinated assessment, housing navigation, housingstabilization, and coordinate with Thrive to administer rapid re-housing.

    EmergencyFood Network900 Harris Street3 days of food supplies ready onthe day requested.

    Our Missions in Charlotte

    Hospice of the PiedmontSince 1980, we havebeen guiding patients and familiesthrough this difficult journey with comfort, compassion,and dignity. Hospice of the Piedmont, the regions oldestmission-driven, nonprofit hospice organization,

    providesservices that are covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance;no one is turned away due to an inability to pay.


    Centers ofCentral Virginiais a Christian non-profit organizationfocused on the needs of women in theCharlottesville, Albemarle, Culpeper,Orange, Greene, Madison, Buckingham,Louisa, Fluvanna and Rappahannock,Virginia Communities.

    Food Backpacks and School Supplies, Greer ElementThe Weekend Backpack Program fills close to 200 bacnutritious food for children who otherwise would have noweekend. Each week during the school year, Aldersgate volu

    at nearby Greer Elementary School on Thursdays at 6:00 pm.

    American Cancer Society, Relay for Life1445 Rio Road EastFor over 100 years, the American Cancer Society (ACS) hasworked relentlessly to save lives and create a world withless cancer. Together with millions of our supporters world-wide, we help people stay well and get well, find cures, anagainst cancer.

    Families AnonymousWe are a support group for people who are experiencing conas the result of a family member, based on 12 Step principlweekly at Aldersgate United Methodist Church, and prosupport for families in distress.

    Project Treasure BoxWe are dedicated to enriching the lives of less fortunate chcentral Virginia area by providing educational, fun and pduring Christmas, Easter, and back-to-school times. Ourprovide l ocal u nderserved preschool -aged children with Trefilled with new items of their own such as art supplies, lehygiene products, toys, stocking-stuffers and gift certificatesWe provide a complete "Christmas-in-a-box" to 36 children a36 complete back-to-school backpacks in the fall and 36 Eastthe spring.

    Gleaning at the City MarketGleaning to help stop hunger oneapple at a time! Join other volunteersto glean produce at the City Market topass on to our hungry neighbors.

    Habitat for Humanity919 West Main StreetHabitat for Humanity ofGreater Charlottesville wasfounded in 1991 as an affiliate of Habitat for Humanity Internthe past two decades, we have built homes in partnership with mlocal low-income families. We also currently manage the SouthHome Park and operate the local Habitat Store, which raiseHabitat homes by selling building products and other donated mOur Mission Habitat for Humanity of Greater Charlottesvi

    create simple, decent, affordable housing in partnership with families, volunteers and the communities of greater Charlottesv

    sville/Albemarle County

    Action in ReadingThe Action in Reading (AIR) program is dedicated to helpincultivate a love of reading! We meet each Wednesday from in the Community Building of a local apartment community reading, puzzles and games. We are unique in that the prograthe students own neighborhood! Come join us on Wednesdaysment necessary.