€¦ · !"#!$012*3" "#$%&'! !"# $% &%' ()*+ ,-#./ &,012!...


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Page 1: €¦ · !"#!$012*3" "#$%&'! !"# $% &%' ()*+ ,-#./ &,012! 345678 9:;7

Emil Nolde








Page 2: €¦ · !"#!$012*3" "#$%&'! !"# $% &%' ()*+ ,-#./ &,012! 345678 9:;7

'3.137 * I. Moonlit Nigln (Mondnac!;t). (1903). Oil on cnuvas, 251hx32;~'. Signed [ower righr. Wall raf-Richartz-M useum, Cologne,til. p. 1"-

~3 ...:J"O 2. Slimmer Guest - Mtlll under TI"erS (Fcrienga~t - Mann tuu cvBaumen). 1904. Oil on ClIlY~lS, zs1/1x 341!.I". Signed and datedlower right. Nolde foundation, Secbiil l

(,.,3~Sj * J. Spring Indoors (Friihlillg im Zimmer). J90+ Oil 011 canvas,)47/8 x 287/8". Signed and dated lower right. Nolde Found-

'trion, Scebull. J.~l.p. r3 ~ / . . . ,Ir l "~3.'"r * 4- Hru-ocst Day (Lmletag). (I90:.j.j. ou on canvas, 28 'I'ix 34,1J#.Signed lower right. Collection Andreas Kohlschurter-Pehr,Cambridge, Massachusetts. (Exhibited in ~v Y.ill:l~~-)

r-" Ill. p. ') 'e, y .~3.~,';)* 5. The Free Spirit (Freigeist). (1<)07). Oil on cnuvas, 27~8X

tJbr [.1-/f.A). "", '5Ly"Si"l1cd lower ri<>ht Nolde Foundation, Sccbi-ill. 1l1.p.1G-~) 0 O'

(.,.0. /ljO G. Red and Yellow Roscs (Rotc fmc! gelbe Rosen). 1907',?il O,1lCl.nvas, 25J/A,xj21h". Signed :1I1d duted lower left. \\'allr:u-Richart%-Museul11, Colognc

7· CallIe ill the Lowland (Ochsen im Koog). 1909. Oil on Cl.nvas,~~. Signed and dated lower right. Los An~cles Count~f

Muse~m of Art. G:ft of Josef VOIl Stcr.nbcl\~~"l'~ _JS~ tl. 25·S. The rarest Pflth (Wiald'Weg). (1909). ad on ~)J "=2,8 . .J. ~*26.

Signrd lower left. Collection Dr. Rauen, Hamburg. ~54It':J1,.,f.t,3. IJ./f" * 9· The' Last Supper (Abendmahl). 1909. Oil 011 canvas, 34~ x

42 '''. Signed and (Lued lower right. The Royal Museum ofPine Arts, Copenhrq;cn. Ill. p. IS

to '3. ;) 3D 10. Man (/lui Liu!e Girl (MaI'lJl lind Heines Madchen). (1910). Oilon canvns, 34;>/8x ;1,'. Nolde Found:Hion, ScebLill

~ lNBlII. 11. Dance Arollnd the Golden Calf (Tam. urn das goldene J<alb).([9[0). Oil on cnnvas, 345/8 X 415/sn. Signed lower left. NoldeFOulldntion, Seebi-ill. 111.p. 21

34JJ· s,... * 12. Chrisl Among the Children (Christus ulld die Kinder). (1910).Oil on canvas, 34lh x 417/8". Signed lower left. The Museumof Modern Art, New York. Gift of Dr. W. R. Valentiner.III. p. 20

13· Smoking Steamers (Qualmel'lde Dampier). (1910). Oil oncanV:lS, 22112 x 28'/8". Nolde Foundation, SeebLill

14· JI Class of \\line (Am \\"leintisch). (19II). Oil on onvn~,H1;~ x 2'~". Signed lower right. Nolde Foundation, Seeblil1.

IlL p. '9q. Slovenes (Slow en en). (1911). all on canvas, 311/,X271/.I".

Signed upper left. Nolde Foundntion, Seebi.ill. Ill. p. 29

r6. StiflLije oLA/asks I (MaskenstillebenI). (191 f). Oil on Ollv.as,28:1/4 X 306h'. Signed lower left. Nelson Gnllery of Art. Atk1nsMuseum, l(;:tl1sas City, Mis~ollri (Friends of Art Collection).(Exhibited in ~ ~i. .illld ~ Francisco ~). Ill. p. 30



17. \lloman In Bright Light {Frau: in heilem Licht). (1912.). oil on {, 3. J 7J.canvas, 2}'hx I~Collection Mr. and Mrs. Morton D. May,St. Louis

13. Motber and Child (Mittler lind Killd). (1912.). Oil on canvas, (. 3 . J (,,;l30~3X 28"Siglled lower right. Sradrischc Gnlcric im Landes-museum Hanover.

19. Child and Big Bird (Kind mid grofJer Vogel). (1912). Oil on ~3.IJ..../icanvas, 2.9X32.1/'I~. Signed lower center. The Royal Museumof Fine Arts, Copenhagen

Candle Dancers {Kerzent an zerinncn). (1912). Oil on canvas, ,.3. Jq~39J/'fX 3~1/('. Signed lower left. Nolde Foundation, Scebiill.Ill. Lover and p. 31 (CcJJ....O ~ 'PL.-,q...Tl:..)Mary of Egypt: In the Port of Alexandria (Mrnia Aegyptiaca: "'3. Jo~l m Hafen von Ate xondrien). (19[2.). Oil on crmvas, 339ftX39(J(. Signed lower left. Kuusthnllc, Hamburg. 111. p. 22Mary of Egypt: The Conversion (A"a)"ia Aegyptiaca: Die Bi!-ke/mmg). ([9[2). Oil on cnn vas, 4 [:l/lfx 47'Jf· Signed lower '3.103left. Kunsthnl!c, Hamburg. 111. pp. 22, 23 IJLX ~ WtfT .... e<JJ.~ 1't,,rJoTt..Mary of Egypt: Death inthe Desert (Maria AegYPliaca: Der ,,~.ls1Tad in riel' \Viiste). (1912). Oil 011 cnl1vns, 3r/!3X39:1,.'4'.Signed lowcr center. KUllsr.halle, Hamburg. Ill. p. 22 JJMother and Child (Mllue,. ltl1.d Kind). (1913). Oil on canvas, ~3./Y I2.7~1X 2.it/". Signed lower left. Collection Ono SckiFer,Schweinfurt . Ii:,Battlefield (Schlnchljeld). (191}). Od on C:lIlVaS, 4't~X47 ,f.Nolde r:oundntion, Scebi-ill

The Sea III (Dns Meer f II). (1913). Oil 011 C;l.nV;1S,34 x j9:~/~"· 'B. :;;1;[Signed lower left. Nolde rOl1llC!:ttiOIl, Serbi-ill. 111. p. 39 (c.oJot -piQ:ie..)flo~er ~'I~:riel~. (Blllmr:ngartcn). (c. 1913!' Oil 011 catl\·~~,t.5.111281i'fx 34~ . Signed lo~ver nght. Collection Mr. :\lld, MI~.Monon D. May, Sr. LOLliS. Ill. p. 50 (CoJo<. -p~a.3l)Nuw lik. (191-1)' Oil 011 cnnvas, 27~x41'Signcd upper left. (.5. J~gMuseum rolk\V~lng, Essen. (Exhibited in ~ York 2.!ili,).Ill. p. 14 """The I?/Ilcr (DcI' Hen·scher). (1914). Oil on cnnV;l';, H'~X (,,3.. j(pj~7Y;::'·Signed lower right. G:llcrie Rudolf Hoffm:lnn, j-b:n-

bcng.lIl p.)6 (c.ol~ Plo..:k) . l.iqThe Two Goldsmiths (Goldsclmlledc). (c. [91-1). Od all wood, ~.3.J I~' Si<>lled lower right. Collection Nlr. :lnd J\!lrs. ThomasI'vl. F~1tt~r, \Vestfidd, ~l'bSS;1ChllscttS. Ill. p. 2 ..:l1-V k ..2 O..it'Rnssia/1 II (Russe II). (c. 191-1). Oil on call"as, 2.G~x 2.3~Signed lower right. Collection L;1rry Aldrich, New York.

lllp·)7 7Three Russians (Drei Russell). 19'5. Oil on burlap, 233/'IX "3./J.3efi(. Signed nnd cbted upper right. Collection Mr. nnd Mrs.D:lvid B:lka!:lr, Boston. (Exhibited in New YQrk ~). Ill.

P·37 d/l4n1a/./o (Mlilauin). (19l5)' Oil on canns, 301/~:\283/4~. (.,.o,lJ,Si~ned lower left. Busch-f:..eisinger Museulll, J-1arvnrd Uni-versity, Cambridge, IVla~s:lchusctts. Anonymous gift in memoryof Curt V:llcntin

* 20.

* 2.r.

* 2.2..

* 23·

'" 28.

* 30.

* 3 I.

* 32..

3 3·



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(.3.11S"34' ft:r.Sch. (Hen." ScIJ.). (191,5)' Oil all cnu vn s, .~/1};2."~/s'"Signed lower right. Collection C. G. Schicfl cr, Hamburg

~3.I fdl 35· Summer Geests 11 (Fcricngiiste /I). (1915). Oil all cnn vns,

33',yxYi/~". Signed lower lcfr. Collection Mr. and Mrs. LenM. Rogers, New York

r.eB.::<.ff 36. Evening Glow - Sonsb Pacific (Abcndgl/ll - Mecv der Siidsee ).(191))· Oil on canvas, 3..J.x 3~8'" Signed lower right. Collect-ion .NIL and Mrs. Donald \X/inswll, Los Angeles. Ill. P.;5The Entombment (Crab/egung). (1915)' Oil on canvas, 31'/8 X.16". Signed lower right. Nolde Foundation, Sccbull. TIl. p. 1.)

Flowers {Binmen}, (1915?)' Oil on burlap, 2611.1 x 331/.1". Sig-ned lower left. The Museum of Modern An, New York. Giftof Mr. and Mrs. Werner E. Josten

39. Sea 1/ (Meer 11). (1915 ?). Oil on canvas, 16~" 35.6/i". Signedlower right. Collection Dr. Bcruhnrd Sprcngel, HanoverLandscape ioitb Young Horses (Lant/scha/I mil [ungcn P/er-den). (1916). Oil on canvas, ~"J ••• C)9'14". ~igncc1 lower right.Nolde Fcundution, Seebi-ill ..;l 'j JC 3" -=-r; 4':'3.~1' -II. Fishing Baal (Fiscbkfltlcr). (1916). Oil on c::\nV:l~, JiJ1"18':/4". Signed lower right. Nolde Foullclation, Seeblill

,3.;}Ji741. Self Portrait (Se/bSlbilrl). (1917). Oil on wood, 3A~X!55/S".. Signed lowel' right. Nold~ pound;1tion, Seebii]]

~3.'<C;O·{j· Polish Cirl (Polnisches Madchen). (1917). Oil on e:ll1va,S,

, Jjl/tx~f(. \X'orld 1-IOllse Galleries, New York~0.1q S-44. Brolber ,mrl Sister (Bmder find Scln.oester). (191 S). Oil on

canvas, JOYI x 2 5"/~". Si~~ncd upper l·iSht. Nolde FOllnc1:'ttion,SecblillYOllng Girl (Junges Madche!?). (1918). Oil on canvas, Hl ..~:\lSI/f. SiSlled Lipper rir;IIt:. Nolde FOlll1d:uion, Seebi-ill ~/Ilgeborg. (1919). Oil all C:lI1V:1S,IrJ~X 10VI". Signed lowerleft. Colleclion Herbert ;\hyer, NelV York * 64.Dar/eeu (Tanzeril1l"1ell). (192.0). Oil on C:1nv~s, 41:;/,x 34A/~r·Signed lower left. SW:ltsgalcric Stuttgart ~-=:. D4,l.) T~' oP,::( 65·Christ alld Ihe /ld/tI!C1'cSS (Chri5/115 //lId die Siindc)·in). (1926).Oil on canV:1:;, 3N x +~~. Siblled upper left. Dr. W:dthcrBerndorff, Cologne. Ill. p. 26 (c.ot..O~ --P.lo..A-T(.)

W.lI,3* -19 "/3e )'e as lillIe children" (So iiJr 1·lieht. werdct wie die Kil,-der). 19"9' Oil on C:lllv:l:;, 41·1gx471/'I". Signed :lnd (btedlowcr right". Collection Ernst Henke, Essen. (Exhibited in ~

!:£r.k onlv). J1!. p. 2.7~3.~i-'50. Sea E (Afeel" L'j. (1930). Oil on wood, !.~)!("3~'" SiGnedlower Idt. Nolde round~tion, Seeblill . _woo .....r.J.~* 51. SlIltry E7j>lIing (Schwii/er AbC1ld). (19)0)· ad on ~28f~x 3rf/~". Sit:llcd lower righr. Nolde Foundation, S'2cblill.IlL p. 43 (C<Y-b,- 7A.fnr) * 69·The Family (Die Familie). (1931). Oil on canvas, j~:i/8r ,$1//;. / 1/Sign:d Jower right. Noldc Foundation, SccGlill .-y'd~ ~..2 f YRi pt' SUlljlowers (Rei fe' SO!1ncnblulI1ell). (19 F)' Oil on canvas,29 x 3(. Signcl.l lower center. The Detroit Institute of Arts.

IlL p .j6~5.'1054· In (1.e Lemon Crove (/11'1 Zitronengarlen). (1933). Oil on


. p.J02"-J.o.

'3.;)7,/45~3./75',6,,3 ...:(~347

1.3 .jJr, 4S

i,J..,wt 5'

~)./'fi-' 53

canvas, 2S~/tX 3fjSigncd lower right. Collection Dr.clo g:E. H. M:1X Lutze, Bad Homburg VOl' del' HolleFrisian Farm Or! c{ Canal (Friesengeboit ((1/1 Kar/at). (19.35)· 'B.~/'7OiJ on canvas, J§';\i _ h·'il~". Signed lower right. Nolde Found- _ \arion, Seebull. TIL p. 48 c:<..'j ~ 311-- {, (COJ-O.c P'-"'TT'f::)

56. Flowers and Clouds (Blumen nnd Wolkell). (19.18). Oil on ~3.c:< 71canva s, 2S?fX j41;sIT. Collection Dr. Bernhard Sprcagcl, Han-over

* 57. The Great Gardener (DcI' grope Cartner). (1940). Oil oncanvas, 27~fx 22"-'Signed lower right. Collection Dr. Bern-hard Sprengel, Hanover. Ill. p. 45

* 5 S. Great Poppies - Red, Red, Red (Grojler MaIm - Rot, rot, rot).(r942). Oil on canvas, _8111.' 34]/3

n• Signedlower right. Nolde

Foundation, Seebull. Ill. p. 47 -2 t:j ~ 3S~ "59. Sunflowers in the Storm {Sonncnbl umen im SllIrmwind).

(1943). Oil on wood, 28;\/4 »: )45/sn• Signed lower right. NoldeFoundation, Sccbull ..< 8' ~ )( ~-'jI ~ ..

60. Two Figures (Zsoei Menscbcn). 1945. Oil all wood, j4!/4x265/sn. Signed and dated lower right. Nolde Found:1tion,Seebiill

61. Friends (Frellndil1l1en). (1946). Oil on canvas, 2J.;.!~x 22".

Signed lower ribht. Nolde [oun.:hrloll, Scebiill NOLIW 1;..1#1;* 62 Lumillous Sea (LlChtes Mer!) (1948) Od on canvas, zB~ , "Ci'

Jjuf. Signed lower left Nolde Foundatlon, Seebull [11.P 40 (,.5. cf\c'\ I- FJU.C.nlb(FrecvxiiflflUl} (ICJ14). oil on canll<l.l. '-3.:{/~

\VI\ 1 I:I;COLORS AN 0 DRAW/I N GS ~~ X ~'1 ::i/r II ~ol4,~Early L:1ndscapcs and Ponraits • No+- elCh • Nt Y

s"" '" I qOG3. B~fore SUlII"ise. (18~q). \Vatcrcolor,'\31~x~1 Nolde Found- c.~.atl011, Seeblil1. II,!. p. 61 (G,..4.0c.) " [,~'i.lt'rSunset. 1908. \\/J.tercolor, 141/'1 x 191/,1 ........Slgncd and d;ltcd (" 3.~"3lower left. Nolde Foundation, Scebi.ill. Ill. p. 61Portrait of Jdaxim Gorky. 19°5. Dbck chalk, jJ..'/~xs.fis". (,j.IS;"Signed and cLued lower right. KUllSlhallc, H:ll11burg

Studies for Religious Pi<.,:rures19°9

" 66. Head of an Ap05tle. \V:nercolor, 13:1/" x I 11/or", Si~lled lowerright. Kunsthallc, I-l;unburg. 111.p. (,4 &Ij/ti[-{earl of a Prophet.. W:ltercolor, Is"/;).":'.12'!B"'l'\..City ArtMuseum of 51'.Louis

H:lmburg Harbor 1910

63. (,.3. 'J/

(.~. ''f).

(,3• .;jGo"right. Nolde Foundation, SeehlillSailboat. India ink 011Japall p:lJ)Cr,~. Signed 11d:1tcQ. (, 3.J. "I:Jlower right. Nolde Foundation, Seebtill lc3t r I 'j" II 1lZilcr- 83


Pier in Hamburg /-larvor. Indi:1 ink, ~~ Signed lowerright. Kunsrhal1e, I-blllburg 10 )c. /OJ it /:c.'-


Steamer 011 the Elve. Pen and wash, IjfJ~x ~/8"ASlbl1ec! lowerleft and lower right. W:lllraf-Riehart:t-Museum, Cologne. 111.p.6, 1'llilif>·Tugboilt. India ink on J:lpall l.J:"lpcr,91~X 13/~:.t..Signcd lower

r _



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Sill'"(,,3. J~1 72. Tilla Dnrieux, 1,)07· \'(I::ncrcolor, IS:l!,X Ij'/~nI\...Signed anddated lower right. Collection Mrs. Heinz Schultz, Great Neck,New York

) cf/.J-/7 7}. Three Seatul Figures. (c. 1911). Brush, ink and wash, 81/~x121/~". Signed lower rigllt. The Museum of Modern An, NewYork. Gift of Curt Valentin ..Toe Dancer. (c. '91 T). India ink on Japan paper, I~X rJrSigned lower right. Nolde Foundation, Secbull J flWi·Toe Dancer. (c. 1911). Watercolor, lol!A.x~( Signed lowerright. Nolde Foundation, SecbullSinger. (c. 1911). Watercolor, 121/fxS:J/~". Signed lower right.Kunsrhallc, Hamburg. Ill. p. 68

77· Singev. (c. 191 r }. Watercolor, zx61/f. Signed lower right.Kunsrhalle, Hamburg

~3~3J* 78. MaSley of Ceremonies. (c. 1911). India ink all Japan paper,. i~. I Illtx IJ1rSigned lower right. Nolde Foundation, Sccbull.

III. p. ,8Two Ladies. (c. 19J1). India ink on Jap;l!1 paper, Il~S;;jg".Signed lower right. Nolde Foundation, SeebiillPort rail. of Mary Wigman. (c. 1910). Watercolor, ~.Signed lower right. Collection Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Edin-p~rtl., Che~lut Hi.!.I, Massachusetts. 111.p. 6) ,f2 J< I~ S.~ht~LOlor t'la:h.J

South Pacific 1913-1914

~3...<(,0" 74

~. ;;"1 75

(".3.)5"* /6.


(.e. ,;/{.&' 79ft,s.I"t1* So.

(,,3 .J.r~*8,

~3..J3{ s,

41'.11'+ SJ

~3.do. g.)*84

~3.«'IE * 86.

0.1'11 87·

~3·Jn S8.

0.165 89·

(,3.j~O 90

Actors, Dancers and Night Life

SOlllh-Sea Island Chief. Watercolor, 19X IJ5/g". Signed lowerright. Collection Dr. G. Thiem, Hanover. TIl. p. 64Native - Red Hair. Watercolor, ,,+ 151/8". Signed lowerright. Nolde Foundation, SeebiillHead of a Native. Watercolor, llirx t1i'Signed lower right.Collection Herbert Mayer, New YorkChinese Junk. Watercolor, I~X T11/~". Signed upper right.Collection Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Victor Thaw, New York.III. p. 6,Chinese Junks. Watercolor, r)/lx TftI! Signed lower left. \'\/all-raf-Richanz-Museum, Cologne

Figure Studies


Self Port rail. Watercolor, ISlhx [)/i. Signed lower right.Noldc Foundation, Seebull. 1Il. p. 65 1I}... '5ljlffSpalllsh Wlomall. (1914). Watercolor, t~I~A..Slgned lowerright. \YIallraf-Richartz-Museum, CologneSpanish ~\I'oman. Watcrcolor, IS:lj~x I)l/~". Collection Mr.:lnd Ml's. William D. Vogel, MilwaukeeWoman with Red Hair. (c. [910). Watercolor, T~X 13Ih".Signed lower left. Busch-Reisinger J'vluseum, Havard Uni-versity. Cambridge, Mass;lchmetts. Gift of Edward M. M.Warburg\l1oman. Watercolor, [Jij. x I 3

'/i:.. Signed lower right. Kunst-

hallel Hamburg

Amaryllis and Anen/OIlC. \Vaten.:olor, Ij:lf.lX 13:I/S". Signedlower right. The Museuil'l of Ivlodern Art, New York. Giftof Philip L. Goodwin ~t: ylt. ~.While and Red Amaryllis. Watercolor, ~". Signedupper left. Kunslhal1e, Hamburg /3..La.,. 1. J f"Poppies and Larkspur. \Vatercolor, Ij1hx IS". Signed lowerright. Collection NIl'. and Mrs. Harry Lynde Bradley, Mil-

waukee SIQ u., J7QRe(~ Poppies. Watercolor, I) x 11~ ..Signed lower left. Col- W· /1)lewoll Mr. and Mrs. Hans Popper, San Francisco. 111. p. 66lc.o-t~piYellow.lris and \,(//~ile Peonies. Watercolor, ~. Signed (,~. J~Olower nght. Collection Mr. ;:Inc! Mrs. J;-tans Popper, San Fran-';"0 102 :li' ~ J?~ " blj"..r

NeI- £J<tt. ~-- ~

91. Young Girl. \'('at('rc010r, lSI/2X 1)'jB". Signed lower right.Nolde Foundation, Sccbull

92. Portrait of a Boy. Watercolor, IS x 131/~". Collection Dr.Hcnt y M. Roland, Wokiug, Surrey, England

9). Girl's Head. Watercolor, ~". Signed lower right. Col-lection Henry B. Blundeu, Haslemcrc, Surrey, England

15~ )G J,;}." "1"'-Conplei

* 94· The Lovers (Self Portrait of tI~ Artist with his W/ife). (19)1)·SI1~'

Watercolor, 1}1/1(x 19~"A Signed lower center. CollectionMrs. Ala Story, Santa Barbara. 111.p. 69The Conple. (1934). Watercolor, ;It~x 13"'1Signed lower right.Collection Alfred and Anne Henrzcn, HamburgTwo Bearded MCI1. \'<I;1tercolor, 16"/sx 14lj.I". Signed lowerleft. Collection Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lynde Brndlcy , Mil-waukeeMagicians. (19jO-34). W:ltercolor, 201/f.4X1-t:I/~". Signed lowerleft. The Museum of Modern Art, New York. PurchaseThe Couple. W:ltel'color, 17'!-1 x I jl/.I". Signed lower righr.Collection Mr. and Mrs. M:1X Wilk, Ridgefield, ConnecticutTbc Conplc. W:ltercolor, I ·;3,Jrx 17%SigllCd lower right. Col-lccrion Mr. and Mrs. C. Bagley Wright, Jr., Seattle




100. Slar \\lalk('J'. \'(/atercolor, 171/~ X 11-a,'1'. Signed lower righl'.Nolde Foundation, Seebi.il1SI/.ffrage/./es. Waten:olor, JI~' 19'(1;". Si,'ned lower right.Nolde Found;ltion, StebLiI\ '-.0 1-lt. 151"You/h. W:ltercolor, '1c?/ix [41/,:. SigHed lower right. NoldeFoundation, Secbiill




103. Two Goldfish. Watercolor, I)l/~X 18:1/8". Signed lower right.Kunsth:1lle, Hamburg

1°4. Flamingos. Watercolor, 1'oJyx 1j~ Signed lower right. NoldeFoundation, Seeblill




* 108.




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FlOWNS. Watercolor, 1.1..~6.xr8~8,n. Signed lower left. Col-lection Herbert Mayer, New York por c.ctt. ,(J--:....::::L:Blne Iris. Watercolor, 1'1 x II~Signc~er right. CollectionMrs. Bliss Pnrkinson, New York

Da~lias. Watercolor,'-'~;,x l"'~,Signed lower right. Col-lecrion Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lynde Bradley, Milwaukee

Red and Yellow Sunflowers. Watercolor, tl\~X r};7/s". Signedlower right. Collection Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lynde Brndlc v,Milwaukee

SlInf!o~er in FI/!! Bloom .. Watercolor, IJ:I/sx roU1. Signedlower right. Nolde Foundacion, Scebull


Landscapes and Seascapes SI & 11'(

115· Kurland. \'(faterco[or, ~~6 x I SJ/e" x Signcd lower left. Smd-tisdie Calcne irn Landesmuseum, Hanover. 111. ~. }3

116. Northern Seacoast. Watercolor, IJ'/~X ISI/t/.rISl~cd lowerright. Wallraf-Richa rrz-Muscurn, Cologne Nor E;JCN . l::!....:....!:.

117· Hills. Watercolor, 9 x Io~.,". Signed lower ~ ~te Col~lee-ion

t 3 ..JrLI (S. The Red Cloud, Watercolor, I J IltJ x 173/(. Signed lower rightCollection Dr. and Mrs. Max M. Stern, New York

~J.:t?j 119· Farm by the Wharf. Watercolor, I J:I/4 X Is1;~". Signed low<.:rleft. Collection Dr. and Mrs. Max M. Stern, New York

~&J.:)1112.o. Red Evelling CloudL W:ltercolor, ~ew. Signed low::?rright. Collection Dr. Bernlurd Sprengel, Hanover /3 \L '7"

12.I. Sunset on the Sell. Watercolor, 13!ix 11~.Signed lower left.Wallraf-Richarrz-Mll~elllll, Cologne EJ'~~;-

112.. Dark Cloud over the Sea. (c. J930). W:1tercolorI1IJII. ;. 11710".I3LJsch-Reisinger Museum, Har\'ard Univel·sitY.J Cambridge,MassacllllsertS. Gift of Sally J. '[(llhn. (Exhibited in ~ Y.QJ:k.

~ I';;'$. ",) 1-f " "1",-~3.13 f 11). Piny of Lights 0/7 Lake Zurich. W;lIcrcolorM.1.'fa-x 1171'.~~. /0.y.Sigl1cd lower right. Wallraf-Riclnl'u.-Museul11, Cologne

,'3.~~ 12.-+. Evening Sky over Lake Geneva. Watercolor, 1)18X 177J!'.Signed lower righL Nolde Foundation, Seebli11

MOllnta;'1 Peaks. Watercolor, 13';/S x I S~on. Signed lower right.Nolde Found.:nion, 5echiill

\Vimer Evening. Watercolor, I-! x 181/0". Signed lower right.Nolde Foundat'ion, Seehlill

'3-cJdJ 117· The End of Summer. Watercolor, IJI/~xJ~*"' Signed lownright. Nolde Foundation, Sechlill

{3,~3,,*118. North Sea. \V;"Itercolor, 1JI/r.~"· SigneJ lower right.Nolde roundation, Scehi.ill. 111.p. 6J

'h.fl./ *

{pJ /310].10/!

0;)31 "5, C 3 .:;l7J.. ,,6.

Unp3ilHed Pictures

(,3 ·Jl"o* "9·rl6..H~--

The Passer-by. Watercolor ;"Ind gou3che on japan paper,9:1/.1x 6~s". Signed lower left. Nolde FOUll(btion, Sethiill. ill.p. 75 ({A)kt>fl- 7'<.~rr;,)The Promenade. Watercolor :'Ind gouache on japan p;lper,61/.1.' 6:11," Signed lower right. Nolde found:ltion, Seeblil1

'i>IGo.... 7~ .<?~ "

I·GJ .•N/ '30.

I J I. Couple WIa/king. Watercolor and gouache on Japan paper, ~.3. I; J'S"~,. ill! x 5"/~w. Signed lower right. Nolde Foundation, Seebtill

1 j2-. The Skater. Watercolor and gouache on Japan paper,~ ~ j ...1S ..:LNolde Foundation, Sccbull "f;'1€i,H-J /0 ¥ rt-:

13]. Girl in Field of Flowers. Watercolor and gouache on ~ ~ 3 ..::J....J7paper, 93/8 x 7". Signed lower right. Nolde Foundation, Scebull

IH· Two ~men in Landscape. Watercolor and gouache on Japan '3:> .:J.70pap'e~", S7/8 x 71/1. Signed left side center. Nolde FoundationScebull

* 135· G/:r!S from Far Away. Watercolor and gouache on Japan Po- (a· d/lper, ri§itx IO~/4n",~~;~ lower right. Nolde Foundation, Sec"bull. IlL p. 74

"* IJ6. Circus People. Watercolor and gouache on Japan paper, SA3x7?r{. Signed lower right. Nolde Foundation, Seebull. 111.p. 73

I J7. The Silel1lJ)ne. Watercolor and gouache on japan paper. 10 x ~.:3"5~~ .

71/~ " Signed bottom left of center. Nolde Foundation, Sec-bull

1 Jl'i. Affection. Watercolor and gouache on J3p:l11 paper, ~". 'i> . If YSigned upper right. Nolde Foundation; Secbiill 7-J, ¥- c; tllb/~J1ot' .;Ja;

I J9· The Pardon. Watercolor and gouache on japan paper, ~ ~ 3·.J/. Signed lower right. Nolde Foundation, Seebull JJ )c f,~~S;f~r

140. Delirium. Watercolor and gouache Oil Japan paper, 6:114 x 71/e". ~ 'B. ;Lo,;;l.,.Nolde Foundation, Seebi-ilJ 'S""14 Hoi

141. Consolation. Watercolor and gouache on Japan p;:.per/l.i~x ~ '061/"!.w. Signed lower left. Nolde Foundation, Scebli11

'42.. judge and Young W/oman. Watercolor and gOLJ3che on Japan &, 3paper, Tol/r 85/s"~~tl~d lower right. Nolde Foundation,Seeblill

'4.3. The Love of Fl.J.wers. Watercolor and gouache on ~p;:.pcr, ,3 ..;l.,..,;l..lf93/,1 x ~~~:l~d upper right. Nolde Foundation, Sechi-i11 ._

-. S/~"'Il" I '13'44· Bold GirLs. Watercolor and gouache on Japan papcr>\S'/S x", 2> ./~. Nolde Foundation, Seehiill

145· In the Loge. Watercolor and gouache on Japan paper,~". ~ 3 .~.J3~". Signed lower right. Nolde Foundation, Scehi.i!l 'f }'$"4 S''jll-r

* 146. Old Man w~'.!h-BeaHI. Watercolor :lnd gOLJache on Japan paper, ~ ~ , d orlolh,,, 9"fSigned lower right. Nolde Foundation, Seehi-ill. TIl.


147· Head 0/ a Womal1. Watercolor and gou;:.che on Japan paper,I S'~I+r- .

1 I 4J.x SI/4"A.Slgned lower right. Nolde Foundation, Secblill •

"* 14S, Little FaUll. Wo.tercolor and gouache on Japan paper, 9.x rJ;'J"S"l% 3 . .:<.;;;c 1Signed lower left. Nolde Foundation, Scebi-il1. Ill. p. 73

'49· Two Sai~boats at D/lSk. W;:.tercolor and, gouache on Japan I c;paper, ~J,4ff~i~ed lower right. Nolde Foundation, (, 3 .c::J..' /Seehiill 1. • .....

150. Rough Sea. W;:.tercolor and gouache Oil Japan papcr'hx9wSJtf,ZI 3 .~-I;;.-Signed upper left. Nolde Foundation, Seehlill

151. kfountain Land.-cape. Watercolor and gouache on japan paper, G.3' -=l3 2>81~"\ 6". Signed lower right. Nolde Foundation, Seehi-ill

* 152.· Bird Over MOIWJ1!iJH. Watercolor and gouache on Japan pa- CD 3 . /7-<"per, 9 x 6~~:iJ~ed lower left. Nolde Foundation, Seeblill. III.




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:17" .ss: 153·

~3 .:)'/0 154·

&3 -~'73 I 55.

&3 . :<37* I 56 .

:l83 -S~ 157·

1-'-/ If ·11j I 5s.

~d .<J-/j 159·

sr. ~ .07 * 160.

Co 3 . .;2.ocJ ,6,-

I t3 ''(0/ ,6,.


It. -17 * ,68

1 66.

170. Rich Farmers [Gvossb anern]. (1918). Etchini; and aquatint, .y:J(, .~CJ

Sl"/W x I 11,-'!t6". Signed lowcr ribht in pencil. (Sch. R 193Rag(11JlHf fills (Lusn Perl). 1898. Drypoinr, 31:1/16X ].1/:>.".Signed TV!I V). The Museum of Modern A rt, New York. Gift of Mrs.lower right in pencil. (Scb. R I, Ill/TH). The Museum of Mo- John D. Rockefcllervjr.der» Art, New York. Purchase -~Sjt4I+'" 171. Slaves (Sklaven). (1918). Etching and aquatint, I 2:\11> x 8". -<.jS3,rJ/JFf1rewell (Abschied). kt906j. Etching and aquatint. 6a/ol x ~". Siencd lower riahr in pencil. (Sch. R 198). The Museum ofSigl1c(~lg~JlI? right ill pencil. (Sch. R 20). Nolde Foundation, Moder-n An, New York. Gift of Mrs. John D. Rockcfcller, Jr.

Sccbdll ~ [:1'1+. /::!...;± ~ tJ6tNf'"" 172. The Animnt Lover (Del" Tierirennd). (1918). [tchin!; and 1/ I.~\~!man's HC1l~1 Frcll/cl'lkotdl. iI9061..~~tchini!.l\7'/8x6j/t/". aquatint, Il1:l/lUX8\l/w". Signed lower right in pencil. (Seh. rc,,,,1</,,,, 1,.0,-"",<: ';:'4Hi'!, .... w,....( ell. I{ 24, V, . o\(~Foundanol~ee ullNor- ~ , ~ R 203, fUIT). The Museum of Modern Art, New York. GiJt ofNude (Ak~). (1906). Etcm~g~7'i/~'( 5"/8". (ScI,. R .34, TT, a). Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. . ~ ...~'5'~"'rNolde Foundation, Sccbull. Ill. p. 52 17.3. The Esthete (Del' .Ae:·thet.e). (191.8). Etching and aquatlnI:-'\12~ II: ~ a .ao 6-Portrait of a WOr/MIl (Fral/.l!llfJl"ofil). (1907). Dr ypoinc, j 17/S'X 9o/t. Signed lower rIght In pcncil . (Sch. R 1.05). Nolde ~o~d-8:\/.1". Signed lower right in pencil. (Sch. R 68). The Museum of acion, Seebbl! ~"S'b ~Modern Art, New York. Larry Aldrich Fund * 174. Flood (Uberschwcl!'lnJJtrJ~. (191.1..). EtehinS1':"fI~x 16~". / ; ...11-11100 del Cnril. ('908). Aquatint and etching, 12.x 9"/11,". Sig- -S-/~""·O~t."1l.'_,""rt--d '11. "PiN."' .... 5 biil l III ~ J. q/?~ ~ (Sell. R 223, It). Nol c .~ounclat\OIl, ce L1. '~5' ,i .....rned lower rit:ht ill pencil. (Seh. R 88, ll/lI). Thc Museum of. /') F I' 6"/ -} " 1 /

•.•• U •••• • .. c.,... 175· Sailboat (~ege/)o~t). (1922. ·,tClllll,;, l' ~X9' 8~ Igne .0- &, .:Jj.Ll~1odcln .A.l:, New YOlk. ,~~Ilch;lse, 'SI,,,,~ J..oR· _",u,,-ptIX-L \ver right In pellcd. (Seh. 'R 227). Nolde I~ollndatlon, Seebtill J 1Sell POl.·lrali (Sel~stporlr~t). (190~?'~,tchlng l~ ,'9 (Seh. :31,

R 89, 11). Noldc l~oul1dat'lon, Sccbull~ $111."41' I ~;.~ 11'Reclining \\"foman (Liegcnde., \Veib). 1908. ETching and ;lqua- WOODCUTS 'SIC-tt' m1.u(.1i(

tint, printed in Qrecn, 121/8X IS"/s". SiQned lowcr right in 6 T!' B' / (/J C V /) ( 6) "X' I 6"') I le/~ ~ ~ * L7. 'Je _to·ge /I"( er WiSe age. 190 . \ OOCCLlt,t, .,X !.DB. /pel1<.:il.Seh. R 92, TIl/III). The Muscum of Modern An, New Bt/J,f. Signed lower rit:,ht in pencil. (Seh.1-1 9, lTl). Nolde'{ork. Plll."clJasc. Ill. p. 52. Foundation, ScebLill. til. p. 56 $i~t+r '"j)l..lJ(..J<.D(//~[i,/~'a1lJ:,U~t~i)~ft~lltlil~ ~'ifr:10:

1/8". (Sch. R 106, 177. The I (aliml (f talie1'ler). (1906). \,(' oodeut, 1 1:1/;; X 9~" "Signcd t, 3 . J,J<j

1!1)"N6I<rC'FoundatIOll,~eebu Nor U.!t. t-l.uo I -,' 'I (SI H' 6)'N II F I' 5 b--'I~ ower I"Ig 1t In penci. ,c 1. 2. . _ ole "oulle alton, ee u ~LO't.Dance II (Tam If). (1 90~.) Etching, 8"/8 x IO'/~' .,,(Seh ..R 1 10 * 17g. Fishing Baal (Fisch, dtll'/"Jpfer). (I 910). WOOdCllt,I,J~x T)J/~,,{I'r 3 . .:).102-ITT). Nolde Foundation, Seehi.ill )J..A-IL ~1ci.1+1 llllSigned lower right In pen<.:il. (Seh. 1-1 ]4). Nolde Foundation,Street UrdJin (S/rassenjllnge). (1908). Etching, 10:J/lI,x81/~".

Seebi.ill. Ill. p. 56Signed lower tight in pencil. (Sch.R 112.). Thc MusC'um of

T N. U. * 179· Prophet. (1912.). \'l/llOdcut, 12·-'/SXS:I/.I". Siglled lower right in !Jc.61Modern Art, New 'X'ork. Purrhase NOT" t: ~ ~o ~ I

':S"14n..CO ,N '"P.lolCI"\: L.p'-Q;'CJl,"'i~IIa.'" I-I" I pencil. (Sch. H I 10). The ivluseutn of Modern Art, New York.Steamboat (uaomp]er). (191O).",.t.tcJflng, IL·lj ,~f1". (S('1. "

< I J,. k.lt., Given Anonymously. 1.11. p. 57R 135, IV). Nolde Foul1datiou,Seebi.ill "P..tl'trt:.. .. Jc.l+r I VHmnbllrg Harbor (HamburJ!.,.Jreihajen). (1910). Etching and 180. \Voman's Head, I If (Frauenkopf, f II). (1911). Woodcut, 1171s x "';O-J..j· 'ItJ

,,,,",,,.. 1 81:\/11)". Si!,;llcd lower right in pcncil. (Seh. H 116, lll). Theaquatint, 11~X 16~" -"Signed and dated lower rigl! inpencil. (Sch. H. 1.37). Collection Nlr. and Mrs. E. Powis Jones, Muscum of Modern An, New York. Gift of Mrs. John D.Nell' York. III. p. 54 Rockefeller, .Jr. 1.Q. V f~" ~I&I+'- '!iI.OCJ<Loading Dock, Hambl/rg (Reiherstiegdock, Hamburg). (1910). 181. Serf (J(necht). (1912). Woodcut, 11 lVIU.1 ,1/_ "ASigned lower ~ 3 .~Etching, aqu;ltint and drypoint, 121/n 16'l/w". Signed lower right in pencil. (Sch.HI 17, Ill). Noldc Foundation, Seebullright in pencil. (Seh. R 145, [lIII). The Museum of Modern 181. CtlIulie Dancers (f(erunra1'lurillnel1). (1917). \X!oodcut, 12 xAn, Ncw York. Gift of Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. 91/.1". Si;,;ned lower ri!;;ht in pencil. (5eh. H 127, V(?)/V). The .J 1'Y.Ij-J,Solomon {lnd His \\'Iivc$ (Salomo und seine Frauen). (I911). lvluscum of Modern Art, New York. Larry Aldrich Fun~ ,~

C' r. ./ }" -I' ~ I 5).,.r I.D_ ....Etching and aquatint, 117/8 XI ]11/111".Signed lowcr right in * 1<,)3· /·.a1l71?' ( ·,wH./e). (I 9i 7)· \\!oodcllt, - ,x 11 If" :::.igned owerpencil. (Sch. R 153, Ii/II). The Museuill of Modern Art, New l'LSht III penCIl. (Sch. H 128, 11). No de Foundarion, Seebiill. ('J ,,JOjYork. PUI'chase 11\: p. 5"7Suibt's (Schriftgcfehrte). (1911). Etching and aquatint, printed 184. }"ollYlg Couple (Junges Paar). (1917). \Voodcut, I 2..">/-",x 91h6". d C j.,f'S'in brown-black, 1o\/~ x 1 I :l/oj". Signed lower rlght in pencil. Signed lower riglH in pencil. (Sch. H 133, Ill/II I). The Mu-(Sell. R 154, IT/H). The Museuill of Modern Art, New York. Scum of Modern Art, New York. Purchase

PUl'chast:. Jll.p. 55 185. The DoC/ors (Doktoren). (1921.). 'vloodcut, 19'/SX271:lh6", ..t.I17.o<jbThe Arti-,J!s Wi/·fe (Fran N.). (191 [). Drypoint, 91/IuX!'1/111". Signed 10ll'er ribht in pencil. (Sci,. H 166, 1I1l11). The MuseumSigned lower right in pell<.:il. (Seh. R 16), TrUllT). The Museum of Modern An, Ncw York. Gift of r-.'Trs.John D. Rockefeller,of Modern Art, Nc'\\' York. Purehasc. Ill. p. 53 Jr. 86



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, 3sr;·"i '95

{J,!?? '96


31;· "1/ '97·

3;'''1->1 * '99'



Sclf Portrait with Pipe (gop! mit Pirile). (1907). Lithograph,15:J/~-" r rt/s". Signed lower right in pencil. (Sch. L 5, bib).The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Gift of Mr. and Mrs.Carroll Cartwright

Alice. 1907. Lithograph, printed in color, 1]1/.1 x Sll/ln", Signedlower right in pencil. (Seh. L 7 alb). The Museum of ModernArt, New York. Curt Valentin Bequest

Alice. 1907. Lithograph, primed in black, 131/8 x S'h~. Notsigned. (Sch. L 7, bIb). The Museum of Modern Art, NewYork. Purchase

Sonde-burg (Bci Sondcrberg}. (1907). Lithograph, printed incolor, IlI/sx '9all". Signed lower right in pencil. (5ch. L. 19,final proof). The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Gift ofMr. and Mrs. Eugene Victor Thaw

Bright Day (He!!er Tag). (1907). Lithol:;;nph, II -' 1~IIIR" 3..

~ch.l20). Nolde FouncbtlolJ,..."Seebi-ill 'i', ......,. J-?~ I. ~~?I~Htb .. '»Rrtp .4..3l,..A)£K.. .I~J4.H--j J ~ pt ......_"l;; ..ingel Tangel, /7. 19°7. Lithograph, 12·1/.1x 1S-/8 . SIgned

lower ri~ht in pencil. (Sch. L 26). The Museum of ModernAn, New York. Purch:lse

Man in a Top Hat (Mann in Zylinder). (J91 I). Lithograph,primed in brown-bl:lck, 2;:1/~ X 17Ih". Signed lower right jnpencil. (5ch. L ;9, llb). The MUSel,llll of Modern Art, NewYork. Gift ofl'vlrs. DOIl:1ld B. Str:1US

Profile. (191 I). Lirho~r:1ph, 61/1H X37/Hi". Signed lower right inpencil. (Sell. L 4-l (?)). The Museum of Modern Art, NewYork. Purchase

YOllng Wloman in I-Ia/. (Junge Fralt in HUI). (191 I). Litho-gf:1ph, 61"/11) X 3:1/4". Signed lower right in pencil. (Sch. L 45).The 1vluseuIll of Modern Art, New York. Purchase

The Three Killgs (Die Hciligen Drei KOllige). (191 i)' Litho-graph, printed in color, 1.51/4x 1.[". Not signed. (5ch. L492 Or 5F). The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Purchase

The PeddieI' (Hiindlel'). (1913). Lithogr<tph, printed in color,2-'~'{J:1~I\t+;~~~[d lower right in pencil. (Sch. L 50). TheMillnc;lpolis 'Jnstittlte of Ans, Misccll;lI1eolis. Purch;lsc Funds

Discussioll (Diskussion). (1913)' Lithograph, printed in color,from three stones, 297/11; x 2JI/.I". Signed lower right in pencil.(Sch. L 51, Czl1.). The Museum of Nlodern An, New York.PurchaseYoung Couple (D(/s jung£' Pam). (J9Jj). Lithograph, pri[~tedin color fl'om three stOlles, 241/~ X 201/11;". Signed lower rightin pencil. (Sch. L p CrlE, eleventh nri;ltion). The. Museumof Modern An, New York. Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr.Purch:Isc FundYoung Couple (Das junge Paar). (191;). Lithograph, pril~tedin color from three stones, 2..J.7/10X 1.01/10". Signed lower ngh~in pencil. (Sch. L p., 1)1 liE, sixth vari:ltion). ~he Museum otModern An, New York. Mrs. John D. Rockcleller, Jr. Pur-duse Fund. 111. p. 5S



Young Couple (Das junge Paar). ([913). Lithograph, printedin color from [our stones, 241hx20:'i/IlI". Signed lower rightin pencil. (Sch. L 51., DiE). The Museum ofModern An, NewYork. Gift of Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr.

Mother and Child (Mutter nod Kind). (1913). Lithognwh1 ~ oJ • ..<3.1..Sl4itlfo" ~M.I L

printed in color from two stones, rS'hx 171~""Signed lowerright in pencil. (Sch. L 53). Nolde Foundation, Secbull /Yor Ck/,. ~.-¥:Grotesques (Grotesken). (19tJ). Lirbograph, p~·inre(! in eol~]" djl:(. ~/from four stones, 23 x 191/4~. Signed lower right In pencil.(Sch. L 54, DIE). The Museum of Modern Art, New York.Purchase

Dancer (Thneerin}, 19]3. Lithograph, primed in color, 211/111x ~ B .J 7"271/8". Signed lower right in pencil. (Sch. L 56). CollectionMrs. Gertrud A. Mellon, New York COJ...oK rLIJ IE. ? ~IWindmill (\\findmij!Jle). (1913). Lirhogrnph, primed in color, e s.2t'14x 27Vl~ :('~Cil'.L 61, Dr). Nolde Foundation, Secbull

Fall Landscape. (191.6). Lithograph, primed in color, 231/J.! t,.,3. ;;'0'lj I t}4" . (Not in Sch.). Nolde Foundation, Scebiil l

Windmilf Oll the Shore. (191.6). Lithograph, primed in color,231h x 3'r1/.l

n• Signed lower right in pencil. (Not in Sch.). The

Museum of Modern An, New York. James Thrall Soby Fundc: 'jJ.lnThe Sea (i\t'eer). (c. 1926). Lithograph, printed in color, ~

~. Sioned lower [i"ht in pencil. (Not in Sch.). CollectionJ"C>-.O" .1. .3 '3"~'1IEl."Nlrs. Heinz Sel1Uln, Great Neck, New York .:(S r ok .;J 'Y

No, <,rH, I~.


* 1.°3·

2°4· 0< 7/


Dates enclosed in par~ltheses do not appear 011 the paintings. Indimensions height precedes width. \'V'orks marked wirh an :1steriskare illustrated. The German titles for the oils ;lre generally thoseNolde himself gave to his canvases; those for the pl·jilts are givenby Schiefler (bibl. 2 1,1.2). \Vatercolors and drawings, r<1rely titledby Nolde himself, are listed with the English form of the tid,-,sindicated by the respective lenders. We al"(~ indebted to WernerHaftm8.nll For supplying titles for the "Unp;1illted Pictures".

