01robotics - programming basics

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  • 8/9/2019 01Robotics - Programming Basics


    Programming Basics -RobotC

    Introduction to Robotics

  • 8/9/2019 01Robotics - Programming Basics


    Thinking aboutProgrammingCreating a successful robot takes a team effort

    between humans and machines.

    Role of the Robot 

    The robot follows the instructions

    it is given, thereby carrying out the


  • 8/9/2019 01Robotics - Programming Basics




    Because humans and robots don’t normally speak the samelanguage, a special language must be used to translate the

    necessary instructions from human to robot. These humantorobot languages are called programming languages. Instructionswritten in them are called programs. R!B!TC is "ust one ofmany such programming languages that humans use to talk tomachines.

  • 8/9/2019 01Robotics - Programming Basics


    Think about “Behaviors”Behaviors are a convenient way to talk about what a robot is doing

    and what it must do. #oving forward, stopping, turning, lookingfor an obstacle$ these are all behaviors.

    Complex Behavior 

    %ome behaviors are big, like

    &solve the ma'e.(

    Basic or Simple Behavior 

    %ome behaviors are small, like &go

    forward for ) seconds.( Big

    behaviors are actually made up of

    these smaller ones.

  • 8/9/2019 01Robotics - Programming Basics


    Planning the Behaviors

  • 8/9/2019 01Robotics - Programming Basics


  • 8/9/2019 01Robotics - Programming Basics


  • 8/9/2019 01Robotics - Programming Basics



     *s the programmer becomes moree+perienced, the organi'ation of the

    behaviors in nglish will start to

    include important techni-ues from

    the programming language itself,

    like ifelse statements and loops.

    This hybrid language, halfwaybetween nglish and the

    programming language, is called

    pseudocode.It is an important tool

    in helping to keep larger programs


  • 8/9/2019 01Robotics - Programming Basics


    R"B"TC is te#t base$%Commands to the robot are first written as te+t on the

    screen. They are then processed by the R!B!TCcompiler into a machine language file that the robot

    can understand. inally, they are loaded onto the

    robot, where they can be run.

  • 8/9/2019 01Robotics - Programming Basics


    Co$eTe+t written as part of a program is called code. /ou

    type code "ust like you type normal te+t. 0eep in mindthat capitali'ation is important to the computer.Replacing a lowercase letter with a capital letter 1or acapital letter with a lowercase letter2 will cause therobot to become confused.

  • 8/9/2019 01Robotics - Programming Basics


    Co$e COLOR 

     *s you type, R!B!TC will try to help you out bycoloring the words it recogni'es. If a word appearsin a different color, it means R!B!TC recogni'es itas an important word in the programming language.

  • 8/9/2019 01Robotics - Programming Basics


    Statements%tatements are instructions for the robot. The most

    basic kind of statement in R!B!TC simply gives acommand to the robot. The motor[port3] = 127;statement in the sample program you downloaded isa simple statement that gives a command. It

    instructs the motor plugged into #otor 3ort ) to turnon at full power.

  • 8/9/2019 01Robotics - Programming Basics


    "r$er the Statements%tatements are run in order as -uickly as the robot is

    able to reach them. Running this program on therobot turns the motor on, then waits for )444milliseconds 1) seconds2 with the motor still running,and then ends.

  • 8/9/2019 01Robotics - Programming Basics


    RobotC RulesHow did ROBOTC know that motor[port3]= 127 and

    wait1msec[3000] were two separate commands.5as it because they appeared on two differentlines6

    7o. %paces and line breaks in R!B!TC are only used to separate words from

    each other in multiword commands. %paces, tabs, and lines don’t affect the way

    a program is interpreted by the machine.

  • 8/9/2019 01Robotics - Programming Basics


    R"B"TC Rules

    %o why *R they on separate lines6 or theprogrammer. 3rogramming languages are designedfor humans and machines to communicate. 8singspaces, tabs, and lines helps human programmers

    read the code more easily. #aking good use ofspacing in your program is a very good habit for yourown sake.

  • 8/9/2019 01Robotics - Programming Basics


    Punctuation%But what about R!B!TC6 9ow :I: it know where

    one statement ended and the other began6 It knewbecause of the semicolon 1;2 at the end of each line.

    very statement ends with a semicolon. It’s like the

    period at the end of a sentence.

  • 8/9/2019 01Robotics - Programming Basics


    Punctuation Pairs3unctuation pairs, like the parentheses and s-uare

    brackets in these two statements, are used to markoff special areas of code. very punctuation pairconsists of an opening punctuation mark and aclosing punctuation mark. The punctuation pairdesignates the area between them as having special

    meaning to the command that they are part of.

  • 8/9/2019 01Robotics - Programming Basics


    Punctuation Pairs

    :ifferent commands make use of different kinds of paired punctuation. The

    motor command uses s-uare brackets and the wait1Msec command uses

    parentheses. This is "ust the way the commands are set up. /ou will have to

    remember to use the right punctuation with the right commands or plan.

  • 8/9/2019 01Robotics - Programming Basics


    Control StructuresSimple statements do the work in ROBOTC, but

    control structures do the thinking. Control structures1or control statements2 are pieces of code thatcontrol the flow of the program’s commands, ratherthan issue direct orders to the robot.

    !ne important control structure is task main. very R!B!TC program includes

    a special section called task main. This control structure determines which code

    the robot will run as part of the main program.

  • 8/9/2019 01Robotics - Programming Basics


    Control Structures

  • 8/9/2019 01Robotics - Programming Basics


    CommentsComments are te+t that the program ignores. *

    comment can contain notes, messages, andsymbols that may help a human, but would bemeaningless to the robot. R!B!TC simply skipsover them. Comments appear in green in R!B!TC.