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Ele m e nta ryVocabu lary



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Pearson Education Lim itedEdinburgh GateHzrlow Essex CM JO 2JE. Englzndand assoabted companies throughout the world.www.longman-elt.com

@ B J Thomas 1990

First qublished by Edwaid Arnold,a divtsion of Flodder and Roughton Ltd

Fourth impression 2000

Second 8nd subsequent editions first published by Thomas Nolson and sons Ltd 1990

Ihis (revised) edition ptlblished by Addison Wesley Lonvman Limited 1596ISBN 0-17-557128-7

AI1 rll?ls reserved. No parr of this pub//cat/bn may be reproducei stored in a retrieval syslern,or transmitted in any form or by any means, electroniz mer/lanl'c't photocopying, recording orotherwise, without the prior wrftten permission of the Publishers.

Printed in Malaysia, ACM

Illustrated by Gillian M artin, Dave Rpmnant

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o n te ntsIntrodud ion

Dictionary Prad ice 1

TopicsThe Family 3, Transpor't 4, Parts of the Body 5, Clothes 6, Bathroom and 8edroom 7,Living Room 8, ln the Street 9, The Seaside 10, The Country 11, The House 12,The W eather 13, Going Shopping 14, W ork 16? Education 18, M oney 20, A Life 21,Sport 23, Free Time and Holidays 25, Illness and the Doctor 27, In the Morning 29,The Telephone 31, W atching Television 32

How To Do ThingsHow to do the Washing up 33, How to make an English Breakfast 34,

How to do Keep-fit Exercises 35, How to use a Radio Cassette Flayer 36Related W ord Groupsgasic Adjedives 37, dasic Adjecfves: opposites 38, Verbs 40, Adion Verbs 41,Adjedives describin' g Charader 42, People's Appearance 43. Materials 45,Geographical W ords 45

W ord Building'ful' and 'Iess' 46, 'lnteresting? and 'Interested' etc. 46, 'er' and 'or' 47 'ist' and 'an' 47 .1

'Hourly', 'Daily' etc- 47, 'en' 48 Num ber + Noun 48 'unl 'dis' 'in' 'im' 'il' 'ir' 49 . I l ?


1. ; l 1

Adverbs of M anner 50, Compound Nouns 51, W ord Forms 52

IdiomsVerb Fhrases 55, Touch 57, Preposilional Phrases 57, Pairs 59, Time 59? 'M ind' 59,Things w e Say 60

M iscellaneousAbbreviations 61, Reading Dates and Numbers 62, Punduation Marks 63,Functuation 63, Spelling: noun plurals 66, Spelling: verbs ending in 'y' 67,Spelling: 'ing' form and regular 'ed' past tense/past participle 68,Spelling: miscellaneous poin'ts 69, The British Isles 72

W ord Games 73

Key 76

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IntroductionElementary Vocabtl/ary is for student who are doing a beginner's course in Englishand wish to check and expand their basic vocabulafy Students at intermediate Ievelw ill also find it usefut for checking and testing themselves. The book presentsessential words from a variety of common, everyday topic areas, vocabulary which aIIIearners willneed to know at an early stage of their s'tudies. The varied andenjoyable exercises include gap-filling, matching and word-building.

To 1he student(f you are studying w ithout a teacher, do not sim ply go throuih the book 'filling inthe btanks'. W hen you Iearn new words, pradise them and note the spelling beforeyou do other exercises, It is not enougln sim ply to vnderstand new words: if youw ant the words to become part of your adive vocabtllay you must use them in

conversation, com position or Ietters.To 1he teacherElementary t/ocabu/ary is divided into eigkt sections, each presenting words on adifferent basis of seledion and in a variety of exercises in which words arecontextualised . Diaionary Pracfce is provided by the first section. The next twosedions, Tbpfr.s and &ow to ..., contain words and phrases in basic lopic areas suchas shoppiog and How to u-b'e a Cassefte P/ayer, and include items usef ul for studentsw riting about or discussinq a padicular topic. The fourth Sedion, Related WordGroups, contains sets of essential adjedives' verbs and nouns which students shouldknow before proceeding to the intermediate Ievel. The fif'th sedion, Word Pu/'/c/fr?g,encourages students to be aware of how words are fofmed and should help them todeduce the m eanings of unknown words by recognising common patterns in wordformation. The sixth sed ion, ldioms, is an introduction to the everyday idiomaticusage of common vocabulary. The seventh section, M isçelleneous, is a referencesedion giving invaluable, practical information on the most com mon abbreviationsand rules of pronunciation and spellinq. W ord Gafnes provides spelling andvocabulary practice through a variety of exercises.

Throughout the book there are 'information boxes' containing interestinginformation about words and their usage.

Elem entary Vocabulary can be used in a variety of ways. Ezercises w ill probably bemost effedive if student do them only after the subjed matter has been introducedand explained. The book should not be used to give sludents a series of mechanicaltests. Exercises can be done as pair or group activities in class, followed by discussionor other creative tasks in which the students are required to use the w ords they havelearnt. Simpler exercises cari be done as homework, after suitable class preparationor with the aid of the key or a didionary.

Note: a companion volume, lntermedîate Vocabulary, also contains a number ofexercises suitable for elem entary Iearners and these exercises will supplement thematerial in this book.

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D ictio nary PracticeUse a good dictionary to do the following exercises. If you Iike. you can try to dothem without help first, but check your answers in a didionary afterwards .

Finding w ords

Put the follow ing w ords into alphabetical order.book boy bath bothbreak bitycle burn bank

Finding prohunciation

1 ln w hich of the following w ords is the -o pronounced/o/ as in lhot' and in which is ii pronounced IsI as in 'come'?


w rong donkey among across soncom pany m onkey love gone bom bnothing shop m other done M onday

2 ln w hich of the following words is the -h not pronounced?home house hour exhausted hairhonest honour high hope exhibition

3 In each of the following four-word groups underline the tw o w ords w ith

exactly the sam e pronunciation.e.g. peace peas pace piece (both words are pronounced /pi:s/lsew so sir saw 1oe 1oo tw o tarstill steel style steal m ail m ale m ile m illfear fur fair fare w ait w hite w heat w eighther here hear hair bar bear bare beer

Finding stress

M ark the stressed syllable in the w ords below .

e-g. 'beautiful under'sland 'finishbegin

' openofferprefer

photograph qhotographic breakfastphotographer Im portant appoîntm ent

Finding spelling

1 W hat is the corred spelling of the -ing forms (zplaying', 'sittingl) of 1hefollow ing verbs?hope Iie picnic w rile putstop hit travel begin die


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2 Finish the spelling of the words below w ith 1he correct endîngs fromthose above each group.-s -es (noun plurals)

dio' hero studio piano cargoa - - - - -

potato- kilo - echo - photo - video -

- er -Or -af

Ii beginn - begg - prison - translatow n - bachel auth - burgl inspect

3 Correct 1he spelling m ikakes in the following words.hollyday sislem seperate yroffeser acèomodationallw ays adress greatful Imediately responsable

Finding m eaning

1 Divide the follow îng word groups into groups of equal num ber below1he correct headings above each group.parts of a book parts of the body


clothing parts hum an sounds

w allet belt ticket yawn cuffsni'ff com b Iining zip purseIapel tough key sneeze hiccup

2 Each of the follow ing words can be used as a' noun and also, w ith acom pletely di/erent m eaning, as a verb. Give a sim ple exam ple of each,e.g. book I read a book. I booked a ticket for 1he theatre.

suit matcb box sink iron



ankle chapterpage w rist

things in our pockets

Finding different w ord parts

1 Put the pasttense of 1he verbs into 1he sentences.(a) She the class histoy (teacb)(b) He in the wac (fight)(c) They stones at the dog. (throw)(d) The river Iast night. rfreezel(e) He the beer quickly (drînk)(f) She to stay at home. (preferl

2 For each phrase below give a word beginning with 'night' w hich has 1hesame meaning, e.g. garment worn by a woman in bed (Answer: nightdress)terrible, frightening dreamhours of darknesstime of day w hen it get.s darkIast drink, usually alcoholic, before going to bed


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Top its

The Fam ily1 Look at the picture and then put 1he correct w ords in the sentences.son aunt niece cousins husband daughter childrenw ife uncle sisler nephew parents brother

>'X$Yqg gpo dll 8 , b. . . .

*' .. * ; -@ ) 9

. (. ''' > / = zz* ,.- = t ;J . .

1 V * ,'''- '' - : b) t. j u

v b- 1; nlss veg. -- ,o yûs ytsu ,,8

(a) Billis Vera's , so of course she's Bill's .(b) Billand Vera have two , Ray and Kate.(c) Ray and Amy have a , Jillr and a , Joe.(d) Joe is Jill's and Jill is Joe' ' .(e) Di and Don's are Kate and Bob.(f) Jill and 1oe are Di and Don's .(g) Bob is Jill and Joe's . Kate is their .(h) lill is the of Kale and Bob. Joe is their .

2 lns-trud ions as above.grgndson grandparents granddaughter son-in-lawfather-in-law grandchildren grandm other sister-in-lawbrother-in-law grandfather mother-in-law daughter-in-law

(a) Billand Vera have four , Joe, Jill, Di and Don,(b) Billand Vera are the of Joe, Jill, Di pnd Don.(c) Don is Bill's . Bill is Don's . .(d) Vera is Di's . Di is Vera's .(e) Amy isn't the daughter of Bill and Vera. She's their .(3 Billis Amy's . and Vera is her .(g) Kate isn't Amy's realsister. She's her .(h) 8ob is Ray's and he's the of Bill and Vera.

Give the following relatîonshlps.e.g. Ray and Di = uncle and niece

(a) Di and Don (e) Kate and Jill (i) Bob and Ray

(b) Bob and Di (f) Ray and Don () Vera and Don(c) Vera and Ray (g) Bill and Bob (k) Bill and Jill(d) Don and Joe (h) Bob and Kate (I) Vera and Amy

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1 M atch each of the follow ing words w ith the correct letter in the picturebelow.(aerolplane car ship motor-bike (motor-cycle)

Iorry bps train bike (bicycle)helicopter van boat underground train

6A m us-

-- .

.0D , Ost .- - .- - . . . (CD . -o

r -


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f e

2 Put the corred verbs from the following list in the passage below.lf necessary, add -s or -es.

reach wait ge1(2) taketz) pay go arriveI sometimes (a) to school on foot, but usually I (b) a bus becauseit's quicker by bus. l (c) fqr the bus at the bus-stop. W hen it (d) ' atthe stop, 1 (e) on and (f) my fare. W hen the bus (g) theschool, l (h) off. The joblrney (i) about half an houc

Use 1he ccrred word from the follow ing list or nothing. in the sentences.off on at for by lo

(a) Ann went school bus today? not foot.(b) She waited the bus the bus-stop.

(c) When thq bus arrived the bus-stop, she got .(d) Finally the bus reached the school busotop and Ann got .

4 Describe how you (a) go to school or work, (b) made a long journey.

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Parts of the Body

: M atch each w ord in the follow ing Iist w ith the corred Ieter in thepictures below.

bouom knee chest neck 1eg sole foot (pl: feet)tongue arrn toes ear eye back t00th (pI: teeth)shoulder hair w aist head Iips mouthfingers hand lhum b heel nose elbow



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2 Com plete the follow ing sentences w ith 1he corred words from Exercîse 1.(a) W e pick things up with our ,(b) IIick an ice-cream with my .(c) To eat something, I put it in my .(d) W e comb and brush our .(e) He had a cold and blew his .(f) 1brush my regularly, especially after eating.


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1 M atch eaêh word in the follow ing Iist w ith 1he correct Ietler in thepid ures below.

blouse casual jacket cap jeans suit belt

jackMt underwear tie shoes dress sockssw eater tee-shirt hat boots shorts skirtovercoat trousers shirt

w ï y.. f;z. 1 . F-x% VV '


g p

) . '--o D

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Put the correa words from the following Iist in 1he senientés 'b+1:W'- '''O n


in w ith

(a) He's dressed a dark suit.(b) She's got a yellow dress .(c) W ho's the man the red tie?(d) Maria's the girl the white blouse and black skirt.(e) It was very cold. He had an overcoat .(f) I remember her. She wa5 the one green shoes.

3 Describe how you or a friend are dressed using the phrases in Exercise 2(or simply 'He's wearing ') and adjedives Iike old, new, smart, casualxclea n, dirty, red, blue etc.


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Bathroom and Bedroom1 M atch each w ord in the follow îng list with the corred Ietter in thepicture below.loilet bed blanket hanger dressing-gow n tilesstool bath nightdress pillow chest of draw ersmirror sheets wardrobe pyjamas washlbasin

#. 2


. .Ac

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tj .: n'

P v.v .< ' N . . x . . . - --

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. v ' Q - * * *. W . g ; x

2 Com plete the follow ing sentences w ith the correct words from Exercise 1.(a) W e hang trousers, jacket and dresses in the .(b) W e keep shirts and underwear in the .(c) l sleep with my head on the .(d) 1 wash my hands in the .

(e) W e sleep between the under a warm .(f) I take my off before 1 go to bed.

3 Put 1he corred w ords from the follow ing list in 1he sentences below .on in to

(a) 1 put an extra blanket my bed.(b) I hang my clothes hangers the wardrobe.(c) 1 go bed at midnight.(d) l put my head the pillow.(e) I sat the stool.

(f) I keep undelw ear the chest of drawers.Cover the w ords in Exercise 1 and name 1he things in the pîd ure,

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Living room

1 M atch each w ord in the follow ing list with 1he corred Ietter in thqpidure below .sw itch sofalam p Iightceiling floor

m w (ql) v

C q :


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arm chairradiocarpet


lelevisionw aste-paper bin

2 Com plete the follow ing sentences w îth 1he correct w ords from Exerdse 1 .(a) I watch while I am sitting on the or in an .(b) I sometimes Iisten to the .(c) lf it's too hot, Iput on the .(d) I keep my books in a .

(e) Idon't keep oId Ietters. I put them in the .(f) Iput a on the sofa to make it more comfortable.

3 Put the correct w ords from 1he follow ing Iîst in the sentences below.in on lo

(a) Fut the fan.(b) The books are the bookcase.(c) He was Iistening the radio.(d) 5he sat an armchair.(e) They were sitting the sofa.

(f) Fut it the waste-paper bin.4 Cover the words in Exercise 1 and nam e 1he things in the pîcture.


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In the Street

1 M atch each word in the follow ing Iist w ith the corred Ietter in thepicture below .kerb car park ' queue Iitter-binsigns post-box poster parkinj wardenroad Iam p-post pavem ent traffic-llghtsbus-stop gutter crossroads railingscrossing parking meter pedestrians (people on foot)


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p h --- -w g N. y --- y - - y.. ; N.U ,,,,'''N gw .x

g l ê'. - j oq''

2 Com plete the followîng sentences w ith the corred words from Exercise 1 .(a) We stand in a to wait for a bus at a .(b) The cars wait until the turn to green.(c) You can cross the road at a .(d) Big advertisements are called s.

(e) We should jut waste paper in a .(f) A has to make sure that motorist use 5 corredly.

3 Put 1he correct words from the follow ing list in 1he sentences below.on at in to

(a) You can Ieave your car a car park or a parking meter.(b) They stood a queue the bus-stop.(c) ?ut that a litter-bin.(d) The traffic-light.s have turned red.(e) The pedestfian was just standing the pavement.

4 Cover 1he words in Exercise 1 and nam e 1he things in 1he pid ure.

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The Seaside

1 M atch each w ord in the follow ing Iist with the corret't letter in thepicture below.rocks sand cliff sea m otor-boatw ave canoe tent horizon sailing boatkayak stones hotel bungalow sw im m ing-coslumepier tow el beath sunsbade row ing boat

. >-7 - - -

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. ., or . . ---- - - - .-u...., a :. T.. ,.. t. .,,,.t .,- 1 - # o : . .

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R O,s.v L N

. s. m DN . < >o = . ; . bt /, , o aw Ym-. v rw -

2 Cover the words in Exercise 1 and nam e the things in the picture.Use the follow ing phrases.

on the leftin the backgroundin the middle

in the loregfound

on the right

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The Country

1 M atch each w ord in the follow ing Iist w ith 1he corred Ieuer in thepicture below .bridge valley hill sheep and lam b tractorfarm stream forest cow and calf chicken and chickw alerfall w ood barn horse and foalfield ' pond spade duck and duckling

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Cover the w ords în Exercise 1 and nam e 1he things in the picture.

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The House

1 M atch each w ord in the follow ing Iîst w ith 1he corred letter in thepid ure below .curtain blind roof shutteraerial fente path doorchimney slairs gate garajegarden floor w all satelllte disb

R ,=

1 c


v uz -- (r) r sc= - -


T zj y'' ' -. .

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-' -

(é) s wJe r2 5,

Q ' N v. W M

Cover 1he w ords in Exercise 1 and nam e the things in 1he pidure .

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The W eather

1 M atch each of 1he follow ing w ords with the correc pic ure.forecast cloud fog m ist sun snow w ind raln

CX Q5 cc K &p && Or Og o o &9 ' X e ohh ZZ , ' -c ' ': o o. . O'. . ... q ; ;. .


. o 5y : s ,.. j , ./ s . , o . ... - ) L'' : . . . L.. . . -,.::.... j a . , . .,. .V ' : g -. -s, . . .y .. ng . .,y

. -''' .' .. ., .

. / , . . w. , , .. <

2 Put each of the following adjectives in 1he correct space in the passagebelow.w e1 hotdry m ild

Ialways watch tbe weather forecast on television to see what tomorrow's weatherwill be like. ln England the weather changes very often. lt's very (a) .Sometimes it rains for a day or two, but afler the (b) weather, often withnoisy thunderstorms, it is sometimes (c) for a Iong time, with no rain at all.On some days the sun shines and the sky is (d) , but on other days it is so(e) you can't see the sun. The summers aren't usually very (f) butthe tem perature usually reaches 250, so it's quite (g) . In winter it issometimes quite (h) and pleasant but sometimes it's very (i) or even

() . The climate isn't very Qood for holidays but it makes thQ countrysidegreen.

freezing coldchangeable w arm


3 Finish each sentence on the Ieft below w ith the corred verb on the right.(a) We get wet when it (1) shines.(b) W hen it's very cold, everything (2) rains.(c) Children enjoy playing games when it (3) blows.(d) lt's cold in England when a norlh wind (4) freezes.(e) It's warm and pleasant when the sun (5) pours.(f) W hen it rains very heavily, it (6) snows.4 W hat's the w eather Iike in your country?

p . z > . ,. ,.- zjkbzs..x .zx z q.ug;k - wz.. à.L .t - . .t. . . c ... .o . . . . J;.t jxcjj ttj x :k..y:a â t kp.:czil- T qb. .$;::: < . .. . . ? ; ..% p. -. .r : t k :y ë)j -c %à.?z ..sz- .Jc7ls+...%zi . 4 qntr .7 .. . >r., ? aks ? . .i q kgjy jj tA -+ :4 G' ?.,ç .a 15 . .i bè : t.,..7t:: o. >,. v.. rtw...'t .. . , 'u'j; v( ='.s'. ::,4 0.-. .)2):

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Going Shopping1 M atch each of 1he followîng words w ith the corred item in the pid ure .

shelves tuslom ers check-oul cashier trolleyqueue assistant till m anager basket

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W <-e2 Put each of the following words or phrases in 1he correct space in thepassage below .pay push find spend takebuy sell need com plain look for

l loye shopping. t love looking round the shops and seeing al1 the things and all thepeople. My friends say 1 like to (a) money. It's probably true. There's a verygood supermarket near me. They have everything you (b) for your house. Ifyou want a tin of sardines, a tube of toothpaste, a box of chocolates, a carton ofmilk, a packet of biscuits, a botlle of beer or a jar of jam, you can (c) it atthe supermarket. They (d) everything. If yotl want a lot of things, you canuse a trolley and (e) it in front of you. If you don't want much, you can usea smallbasket. Then (f) the things you want. If you can't (g) themon the shelves, ask an assistant for help. When yotl see what you want, you just(h) it from the shelves and put it in the trolley. W hen you have everything,you must stand in the queue at the check-out to (i) . Give your money to thecashier. He or she will put it in the till and give you your change. If there is anything

wrong, if the service isn't good, customers can () to the manager. Oursuperm arket is super.

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3 Put the correci w ord or phrase from the follow ing Iist in each space.from round in front of for on at in to

(a) Before I buy, l look the shop.(b) l must buy som e things my house.(c) You can buy almost everything the supermarket.

(d) 1 pushed the lrolley me.(e) There's some nice fruit that shelf.(f) I asked an assistant some help.(g) 1 took some biscuit.s the shelf. -(h) l put the botles my trolley.(i) 1 had to wait a queue.() I gave the correct money the cashier.

M atch each of 1he follow ing words w ith 1he correct pic ure.jar carton tin bottle 'tube box packet

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ln w hïch of 1he above containers do w e usually buy 1he following things?sometimes m ore than one answ er îs possible.E.g. soup: 1in or packet

(h) wine (n) fruit salad(i) matches (o) honey

li) glue (p) sugar(k) fruit juice (q) cigarettes(I) face cream (r) paint(m) marmalade (s) rice5 On the Ieft below are phrases w e often use in shops. M atch each one to1he assistant's correct reply on the right.(a) Can 1try this jacket on? (1) Of course, if you have some kind of bank card.(b) Does this jacket suit me? (2) I'm afraid we don't give refunds.(c) Does this jacket fit me? (B) Certainly. There's a changing room over there.(d) Can l pay by cheque? (4) lt's a Iittle too Iong. Try a smaller size.

(e) I'm afraid I only have a f 10 note, (5) If you have a receipt.(f) Can I exchanqe this? (6) That's aI1 right. l can change it.(g) Can I have my money back? (7) Yes, it's just the right colour and style for you.


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1 M atch each w ord or phrase on 1he Ieft below w ith 1he corred phrase onthe right.(a) wages (1 ) certificates and exams passed(b) skills (2) a talk with a company about a possible job(c) experience (3) the times when you work(d) qualifications (4) point.s in your characler (politeness, honesty etc.)(e) interview (5) abilities, things you can do (type, drive etc.)(f) hours (6) work of the same type you have done before(g) personal qualities (7) money you get, usually hourly or weekly ('salary'

is usually monthly or annually)

2 Pu1 each of the w ords on 1he Ief't in Exercise 1 above in 1he correG spacein the follow ing conversation,Valerie: Hello, I'm Valerie W oods. l've come for an (a) for a job as a

secretalyMr W atls: Oh yes, M iss W oods. Please take a seat. W ell, have you done office workbefore? Have you any (b) ?

Valerie: Well, I'm afraid I haven't. I've just Ieft college. But Ihave some(c) . Flere are my typing and shorthand celificates.

Mr W atts: Good. Have you any other (d) ? Can you use a computer?Valerie: No, but 1 speak French and Spanish.M r W atls: Good. Your teachers tell us youdre very careful and you get on wellwith

other people, so there's no problem about your (e) . ln fad youseem very suitable.

Valerie: Thank you. Can I just make sure of one or two points? I believe the(f) are f 1 50 a week. ls that right?

Mr W atts: Yes, thal's right. And the (g) are nine to five, Monday to Friday.W ell, we'd like to have you, Miss W oods.

Valerie: Thank you very much. Ithink the job will suit me very well.3 Finish each sentence on the left w ith the correc't phrase on the right.(a) He found (1) in his work. .(b) He was (2) an advertisement.(c) He applied (3) his work very interesting.(d) He answered (4) at science and mathematics.(e) He had (5) honest and hard-working.(f) He was interested (6) to the company for a job.(g) He was very good (7) a Iot of expejence.


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4 Match each job in the following lis't with the corred picture.scientist waiter porter businessman journalistlibrarian priest Iaw yer carpenter labourersecretary farm er ad ress m echanic footballer

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5 W e often use the following adjedives to describe different kinds of jobs.Usîng a dlctionary to find 1he meanings if necessaly give one or tw oexamples of jobs from Exercise 4 for each adjedive.E,g. badly-paid (w ith Iow wages or salary): Iabourer, porter(a) interesting (d) physically hard(b) boring (e) exciting(c) mentally hard (f) well-paid

6 Describe

(a) a job that you have had(b) the job you have now(c) the job that you would like to have in the future

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Educalion1 Put each of the follow ing w ords in the corred space in 1he passagebelow.staf prim ary school pupils learn startterm s play-school com pulsory m ixed

Bobby's parents decided to send him to a (a) when he was lhree. Theywanted him to (b) to play with other children. In Britain children must, byIaw, (c) school at the age of five. Education is (d) - from then.Bobby's first real school was the (e) . There are three (f) a year andholidays at Christmas, Easter and in summer. The (g) are boys and girlstogether, so it's a (h) school. The teachers on the (i) are young andfriendly. Bobby Iikes the school.

2 Instrud îons as above.secondary school take specialise state school passprivate school fail subjects markssally has jus't star-ted her new school at the age of 1 1 . There are different kinds ofschool from this age, but the general term for them is (a) . Sally's school is agovernment school, usually called a (b) . Some parent.s pay to send theirchildren to a (c) . At first Sally will take a lot of different (d) (histoyEnglish, chemistry etc.) but, a'fter a few years, she'll begin to (e) in thingsshe is good at and interested in. Then she'll (f) some exams. If she can(g) a number of exams with good (h) (A,B,C), it will heip her to geta good job. Of course she hopes she doesn't (i) .

3 Instrud ions as above.courses Iast degree sludies graduategrant student keen fees

Harry is 21 . He passed his school exams with good marks and lef4 school at 19. Nowhe's at university. He's a (a) and he receives a (b) from the state tohelp him pay the university (c) and his personal expenses. He is very(d) on his subjed, mathematics, and it will be useful to him in the future,He works hard and enjoys his (e) . University (f) in Critain usually(g) for three years. After this, Harry hopes to (b) . A good(i) will get him a good job.4 Instrudions as above.m ark strict graduate prepare teacher training collegebehave Iessons homew ork classes

Jo is a teacher of English in a state secondary school. She's a (a) of SussexUniversity with a degree in English Literature. W hen she graduated, she first workedin an office but was bad at typing and soon got bored with the job, She decided toteach, so she went to a (b) . Jo teaches six different (c) of childrenbetween the ages of 12 and 18. The pupils enjoy her (d) , but she finds ithard work. She gives the children a Iot of (e) to do, and every evening she

has to (f) it and (g) for the next day. One problem is that 1hechildren in Jo's school don't (h) very well. They're often impolite. Jo and theother teachers have to be very (i) with them .


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5 Put the correct word from the follow ïng Iist in each space below.'from in w ith betw een of at to on

(a) Bobby started school the age of five.(b) They have a holiday Christmas.(c) There's a holiday 1he summer, too.

(d) The teachers the staff are very young.(e) Sally goes a secondary school.(f) Shelll probably pass good marks.(g) Harry's university.(h) He gets a qrant the state.(i) Mathematics will be very useful him the future.(j) Betty's a teacher English.(k) She's a graduate Sussez University.(I) She has a degree English Literature,(m) Her pupils are 12 and 18.

(n) She's very strid them.6 Use complete sentences to say what school subjeds you are, or weregood at bad at interested in bored w ith keen on

You can choose from the following Iist of subjects, using a dictlonary ifnecessary to find 1he m eanings.biology art history literaturem athematics chemistry Ianguages com puterssport physics geography

7 Use com plete sentences to answer the follow îng questions about schoolsin your country and your ow n educatlon.(a) Do children usually go to play-schools? Are they free?(b) Between what ages is education compulsory?(c) W hen do you have holidays?(d) Flow Iong are they?(e) W hat different kinds of secondary schools are there?(f) Are they mixed schools?(g) Are there many pfivate schools?(h) Did you specialise in certain subject.s at school? Which ones?(i) Did yotl take any exams? What were the results?() W hat did you do, or what would you Iike to do, at university?(k) How Iong do university courses Iast?(I) Do students receive grants?(m) Do you have to be a graduate to teach in a state school?(n) Did you do, or do you do, a Iot of homework at school?(o) Do pupils behave well at school?

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M oney

1 Put each of the follow ing verbs in 1he correct space in 1he passage.pay back spend save open Iendborrow earn asord ow e pay

Pam, l'm in trouble. l (a) f200 a week from my job, but l need to(b) about f 250 a week just on basic things Iike food, rent and fares.I can't make ends meet on f 200. l've got to (c) some money.Can yotlhelp?

Pam: Yes, OK. I'm quite well-off at the moment. I can (d) you f 1 00. Hereyou are. But why don't you (e) a bank account? lt's very simple, Thenyou can (f) a Iitlle bit every week, and you won't be so hard-up.

Joy: Fam, I haven't got enough money to put in a bank account I can't(g) my gas and eledricity bills. 1 can't (h) ---- to go on holiday.1'm not just a bit hard-up. I've got no money at all, l'm brokel Anyway, lhanks

for your help, l promise to (i) the f 1 00 next month. l don't Iike to bein debt. I won't forget. 1now () you f 100.2 Put each of the following words or phrases in the corred space in 1hesentences below.broke hard-up in debt w ell-of'f make ends meet

(a) 5he earns a 1ot of money. She's very .(b) He never has a lot of money. He can't afford Iuxuries. He's always .(c) 1'11 have to get an extra job in the evenings. Ican't on my salary.(d) I'm sorry 4 can't lend you any money. ( haven't got any. l'm absolutely .(e) He's . He owes money to me and to the bank too.

3 Put the correct word from the follow ing Iist in each space below .in from on

(a) He earns f 1 50 his evening job.(b) 1 spend f 8 a week fares,(c) 5he has lo make ends meet f 5O0 a monlh.(d) I put some money my bank account.

4 First match each item on the Ieft below w ïth its m eaning on the right.Then divide the words into two groups under 1he headings 'lncome' (moneyyou receive) and zExpenditure' (money you spend).(a) taxes (1) cinema, theatre, restaurant meals etc.(b) pocket-money (2) money for transpor't, e.g. bus? train, taxi(c) salary (5) part of income paid to government(d) enterlainmenl (4) money parents give children every week(e) rent (5) money from work, usually hourly or weekly(f) interest (6) money for Iighting, heating in your house(g) wages (7) money from work, usually monthly or'annually(h) pension (8) e.g. 6% a year from your money in the bank(i) fares (9) money for people who stop work at the age of about 60

() gas and electricity (1 Olweekly or monthly paymentq for your room, flat orbills house

Can you think of any more items of incom e or expenditure?


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Answer the follow ing questions using com plete sentences.W hat do you spend your money on?How mtlch does a dodor earn in yotlr country?Do you save any money? If so, how (bank, cash)?Is it easy to open a bank account in your countfy? How much do you need to s'tart?Do yout owe money? W ho to? W hen w ill you pay back the money?Is there something you want to do but can't afford to?Do you often lend m oney? W ho do you Iend it to?Do you often borrow money? W ho do yotl borrow it from?Do people in your country receive a state pension w hen lhey are old?How old are they when they begin to receive it?

(j) W hat bills do you have lo pay?(k) How much pocket-money did yotl receive when you were 12 years old?(1) In your country, what percentaqe of a person's income is taken in taxes?

A Life1 Put each of the follow ing verbs in the corred space in the passage.bring up Ieave setlle dow n educate movewas born join come from grow up becomelnterview er: Freddie, you're Scotland's num ber one footballer Tell us about your

early Iife. W here were you born?Freddie Fox: Well, I (a) in the North of Scotland 22 years ago. l (b)

a small, quiet village. lt was a nice place for a child to (c) andin the ftlture I'd Iike to (j) my own children in the countly

lnterviewer: And where did yotl go to school?,


Freddie Foz: W ell, education is sometimes a pfoblem in 1he country M y parentcouldn't (e) me themselves so I had to travel several miles tothe nearest school. 8ut then my father had to (f) to Glasgowfor his work,

lnterviewer: And you were inviled to (g) - Rangers Football Club.Freddie Fox: That's right.I was 1 6 so I was able to (h) school and

(i) a professional footballer.lntewiew er: And what about the future?Freddie Fox: W ell, I don't know. I'm stillyoung. 1'11get married. 1'11 play football a

Iong as I can. When 1 stop, I hope to get a job as a club manager. Andfinally l'd Iike to () - in the North of Scotland again.

Put the correct word from 1he follow ing Iîst in each space below .

as In at from

(a) He's the army.(b) He was born south Wales.(c) I come Sydney, Australia,(d) the future I'd Iike to be a dodor.(e) 1Iive - the countly not the town.(f) the moment l'm a secretaly

(g) 1'11 Ieave my job a few yeafs.(h) She wacts to get a job a nurse.

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3 Finish each sentence on the left w ith 1he corred phrase on the right.(a) To be a soldier (1) you join the fire-brigade.(b) To be a sailor (2) you join the post office.(c) To be a fireman (3) you join the civil service.(d) To be a policeman or policewoman (Q you join the army.

(e) To be a postman (5) you join the navy.(9 To be a civil servant (in a government of'fice) (6) you join the police force.

4 Answ er 1he follow ing questlons about yourself using com plete sentences.You can sometim es use the phrases 'in 1978. or 'w hen I was 17' etc.(a) W here do you come from? (village, town, region or country)(b) W here were yoU born?(c) W ho were you brought up by?(d) W here did you grow up?(e) Did your family move? If so, where to?(f) W here were you educated?(:) W hen did you start school?(h) W hen did you Ieave school? or when will you leave school?(i) W hen did you get marrîed? Or when would you like to get married?() What did you do when you left school? Or what will you do when you

leave school?(k) W hat would you Iike to do in the future?(1) W here would you Iike to settle dow n?

5 Using words from the exercises above (with verbs in 1he past tense)describe 1he lives of the follow ing people.

(a) Yoko Tanaka1 964 Born Tokyo, Japan:967 qarents died, Iived w ith aunt1970-82 School1 975 Aunt moved to Kyoto with Yoko1 982-86 Kyoto University1 986- CivilServant

(b) Oscar Gonzalez1937 porn Madrid, Spain, Iived with parent.s1942-53 school1 953-65 Navy1965-75 Police force (in Madrid)1975 Married1975- Security guard (in Barcelona)

6 Describe your ow n Iîfe.

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Sport1 M atch each w ord on the Ieft below w ith the corred phrase on 1he right.(a) team (1) someone who plays a sport, e.g. a footballer(b) player (2) number of goals or point.s each player or team has(c) am ateur (3) group of spoc men who play together, e.g. eleven footballers(d) professional (4) person who controls a game(e) spectalor (5) someone who plays a sport as a paid job(f) crowd (6) pame, e.g. of football(g) referee (7) someone who plays a sport only for enjoyment, not money(h) match (8) group of people who watch a sporting event(i) score (9) person wlno walches a sporting event

2 Put each of 1he follow ing verbs in the correc't space in the passage.w in lose draw train beat play score

l love football. I don't just like to watch it. l like to (a) , too. I belong to ateam. Of course it's not my job. We're just amateurs, not professionals. Not manypeople come to watch. We just have a small crowd. In fad, there are sometimesmore players than spedatorsl We have a game every Saturday, but we (b)together every Tuesday and Thursday evening to prepare and keep 'fit. W erre quite agood team. W e (c) mos't matches. We only (d) a few, andsometimes we (e) (for ezam ple, last Saturday the score was 2:2). NextSaturday our match is against a very good team, but I think wefll (f) them,and if I'm Iucky 1'11 (g) a goal or two. Ohl we have a problem. Do you knowmuch about footbaEl? W ould you lïke to run up and down in a black shirt andshorts? Our referee has broken his Ieg. W ould you Iike a job?3 ln most sports. a score of 0 (zero) is called lnil', but in tennis andtable-tennis it's called 'Iove'. A score of 1:1, 2:2 etc. (a 'draw') is called 'oneall', 'two all' e'tc. How do w e say the follow ing scoresifootball lennis/table-tennis(a) 2:0 (d) 30:0(b) 4:4 (e) 1 5:1 5(c) 0:0 (f) 0: 1 5

* z ,.

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4 M atch each of 1he follow ing sports with the corred picture below.skiing cycling basketball boxing horse-ridingshooting volley-ball badminton tennis baseballhockey lable-tennis cricket fishing golfskating m otor-racing running sw im ming rugbyfootball

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5 Can you ïind 1he following sjorling items in the plcures above?(1) boxing glove (1 1) Erlcket bat (21 ) football(2) running track (12) helmet (22) baseball glove(3) racing car (13) baseball bat (23) net(4) pistol (14) baseball cap (24) swimsuit(5) skls (1 5) skate (25) badminton racket(6) shuttlecock (16) target (26) golf club(7) baskelball (17) goal (27) rugby ball(8) running shoe (1 8) hockey stick (28) basket(9) horse (1 9) fishing rod (29) boxing ring(10) goggles (20) tennis racket (30) bicycle6 W hich sport do you like best, and w hy?

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Free Tim e and Holidays

In each space (a) in 1he three passages below putthe word from 1hefollowing group (a) which best suits the person in 1he pidure . Then do 1hesame for (b), (c) etc.(a) cultural things/parties/the open air(b) sociablezserious/adive(c) classical music/sport/dancing(d) meeting people/nature/reading(e) concefls/clubs/sporting events(f) libraries/the countryside/discos(g) go by plane/hitch-hike/take a train(h) hotel/youth hostels/camp sites(i) Iearn about other countries/have a good time/be close to nature() sunbathe/go for walks/visit historicas places

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o,r,,. 2 I'm keen on (a) . I'm a bit (b) , Myr hobbies are (c) and (d) so I spend a 1ot of

-0 time at (e) - and (f) . Holidays? W ell, I usually- S- (g) to save money and stay at (h) abroad

because I want to (i) , I (j) there.

1 l love (a) . Feople say l'm (b) , l like(c) and (d) so l often go to (e) and(f) . On holiday I (g) and stay at a nice(h) in spain- I want to (i) . Every day I ù)on the beach.

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3 I'm very fond of (a) . I'm a very (b)

person. l enjoy (c) and (.j) so I Iove aI1(e) and also (f) . Every summer my friendsand I (g) somewhere and sleep in our tents at(h) .' W e prefer to (i) . We () .

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4 Put the corred word from the followlng Iist in eath jjétè bèlöW.on at to by of about

(a) l often go discos and paoies.(b) We slayed a cheap hotel.(c) 5he sunbathes the beach.

(d) I'm very keen music.(e) I spend a lot of time concerts.(9 I often go concerts.(g) He s'tays youth hostels.(h) He wants to learn other countries.(i) I'm very fond the open air.(i) We stayed a camp-site.(k) They prefer to Iive close nature,(1) 1'm going there plane.

5 Fill in the table to show the advantages of differentlypes of transpoland accom m odation. The first one is done for you as an exam ple.(Note: you can use one tick or two.) ' , . . . . . . .

' S s à '>i 8 'e -% = :g w w .- =. 'A '/ >

%X A A A .B' X X X X R. cC z. p cs .. g's En T T T u s ,p.s .s .s .s .a g (y m.X = = =, cm -q w x

It's cheap.. ---.- zzp )-.. 1 1

It's comfortable.You feel free to do as you Iike. zIts interesting- z lNo need to plan or book. zzNo Ianguage problems abroad.It's quick. IIt's safe, not dangerous. 1

6 5ay what you think of the free-tim e adivities on the right below, usingthe phrases on the left.I Iove shopping.

I'm (not) interested in window-shopping.I (don't) Iike visjting museums and ar't galleries.I'm (not) keen on vlsiting hislorical places.I (donlt) enjoy being in the countryside.I get bored with swimming and sunbathing.

going for walks,meeting people.eating and drinking.colleding stamps/ postcards etc.cooking at home.

w atching television.7 Using w ords and phrases from 1he exercises above, describe how youspend (a) your free time when you don't go away and (b) your holidays.


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Illness and the Doctor

1 M atch each of the follow ing words w ith the correcl ltem in the picture .

dod or patient nurse receptionist lungsbrain slom ach heart chem ist

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2 Put each of the following words or phrases in the corred space in thepassage below.look after treat ache exam inesuffer keep cure operate

1' am a fam ily dodor. 1 have a nurse to help me and a receptionist to help thepatients w hen they come to see me. W hen 1 see patients in my surgery, first I Iistento their problems, then l (a) them. Then, if Ican, I(b) them fortheir illnesses. Some simply have sori throats, headaches or fIu and I give them aprescription to take to the chemist. Others (c) from serious diseases of theheart, Iungs, stomach or even brain. Ican't always (d) them myself andsometimes 1 have to send them to hospital for treatment. lf something is seriouslywrong with them, the hospital will decide to (e) on them. The trouble i5people don't (f) themselves properly. It really isnzt so difficult to (g)

well.If your head begins to (h) , have a rest. lf you always feel tired, getmore exercise. Eat well. Have a good diet. And have a regular check-up w ith thedoctor.

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3 Put 1he corret't w ord from 1he follow ing list in eàch space below.for on in w ith lo

(a) 1saw the doctor her surgery.(b) She listened my problems.(c) They treated me a heart problem.(d) Itook the prescription the chemist.(e) I had to go hospital for an operation.(f) Something's wrong my back, dodoc(g) They operated him immediately.

4 For each sentence on the left below, find the corred m eaning on theright.(a) She got a hearing-aid. (1) 5he couldn't see things far away.(b) She had no appetite. (2) Her head hurt.(c) She was a bit deaf. (3) 5he didn't want to eat anything.

(d) She was short-siyhted. (4) 5he bought something to help her hear betler.(e) She went on a dlet. (5) She rested.(f) She had a headache. (6) 5he couldn't hear very clearly.(g) 5he cut down on cigaretes. (7) She decided to eat and drink only certain things.(h) She took it easy. (8) She smoked Iess.

5 W hat advice would you give to a friend w lth the problem s on the Ief't?For each one, choose one or more item s from the right.(a) I've cut my finger badly. (1 ) Go and see a doctor.(b) I think I've broken my Ieg. (2) Take a day or two off work.(c) l'm always tired. (3) Youzll probably need an X-ray.(d) l'm smoking too much. (4) Why donlt you have yourey% trzqtpcl?(e) I've got flu. (5) You should go on a diet.(f) I'm getting a bit shorbsighted. (6) The chemist will be able to give

you something for it.(g) 1'm going deaf. (7) W ell, you'd better cut down.(h) I'm getting fat. (8) You might need a hearing-aid,(i) Therers something wrong with my heart. (9) Just take it easy for a few days.(j) I'm drinking 1oo much. (1 0) Go to bed for a few days.(k) I've Iost my appetite. (1 1) You should see a specialist.(I) l've got a headache. (1 2) You need more exercise.

(m) l'm sleeping badly. (1 3) You may need an operation.6 Describe your ow n health and any health problem s you bave.


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Put the corred verb from 1he follow ing list in each sentence below.dress put on w ear

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He's dressing.

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He's putling on his shirt.

He's wearing a suit.

(a) Folicemen uniforms so everyone knows who they are.

(b) It's cold. 1 think 1'11 a pullover before 1 go otlt.(c) I always very quickly in the morning.(d) W illiam is only a baby. His mother has to his shoes for him.(e) At a weddinq, people usually their best clothes.(f) After Iget out of the swimming pool, 1 dry myself, and go home.

4 Describe how you get up (a) on weekdays (working days) and (b) atw eekends and on holiday.

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The Telephone

1 M atch each verb on the Ieft w ith the correc phrase on the right .

(a) dial (1) wait(b) dial direct (2) ring a phone number(c) Iook up (3) phone a number yourself without using the operator(d) hold on (4) phone, call(e) ring (5) find information in a book2 M atch each word or phrase on 1he Ief't below w ith 1he correc't phrase onthe right.(a) wrong number (1) busy (when someone is using the Iine you want)(b) diredory (2) public phone box(c) direetory enquirîes (3) person who helps you make a phone call(d) o'ff-peak (4) phone number you get by mistake(e) inlederence (5) service you phone if you want to find a phope number(f) engaged (6) book of phone numbers(g) Iong-distance (7) very far, opposite of 'Iocal'(h) call-box (8) not so busy time (when phone calls are cheaper)(i) operator (9) bad sound which makes it difficult to hear(j) receiver (10) prices, charges(k) rates (1 1) part of the phone you speak into and Iisten to

3 Put each of 1he w ords on 1he Ieft in exercise 2 above in the corred spacein the conversation below .8i1l: Is that Jane?NeIl: This is 377 021 1 , There's no one called Joan here

Bi(î' Sorly l must have the (a) . Oh, just a moment, l want Jane, not Joan.NeII: Oh sorry, yes. She's here. Hold on a m omentJane: Hello, this is Jane.Bill: Hi, lhis is Bill. I tried to ring before, but the Iine was (b) .Jane- Yes, I was talking to my mother in Australia.Bill: Oh, a (c) call. Was it expensive? The (d) are very high, aren't they?Jane: Only if you go tlnrotlgh the (e) . It's quite cheap if you dial dired,

especially if you phone during the (f) period.Bill: W as it a good line? W as it easy to hear?Jane: It usually is, but today there was a Iot of (g) .8iI1: I need some help, Jane. Itried to Iook up Amy's numbef in the (h) but

l couldn't find it.Jane: l'm afraid I havenlt got it. W hy don't you call (i) ?BiII: I'm in the street, in a (I) , and I've got no more money.Jane: But it's free. You just pick up the (k) , then you dial 142.BiII: Oh yes, bow stupidl


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W atching Television1 W hat do you usually see on different television program mes? M atch eachtype of program me on 1he left below w ith the corred item on the right.(a) nalure films (1) football, bozing, swimminp etc.(b) quiz show s (2) life in different countries(c) news and current affairs (3) people trying to win prizes by answering questions(d) soap operas (4) advertisements for product.s(e) comm ercials (5) animals, fish, birds, flowers, plants etc.(f) travel films (6) information about what's happening in the world(g) comedies (7) jokes and funny situations(h) sport (8) information for pupils and students(i) educational programmes (9) story of the daily Iife of a family

2 W hich of 1he program m es above do you like? Use the follow îng w ords.relaxing exclting am using inleresting useful boring

E.g, I find nature films interesting.3 Put 'the correct w ord or phrase from 1he following Iist into 1he sentences.turn on look up plan record turn off sw itch

(a) I a programme if I don't Iike it.(b) 1 good programmes on my video-recorder.(c) 1 the television as soon as I get home.(d) I to another channel if I'm bored.(e) I my viewing very carefully.(f) I the times of the program mes in the newspaper.

4 Answ er the follow ing questions.(a) W hat are your favourite types of programme?(b) How do you watch television? (Do you plan carefully, record, watch evefything'?)(c) How many hours television do you watch every day?(d) W hat would you do without television?(e) ls television good in your country?(f) How many channels have you got in your country?(g) W hat are the advantages and disadvantages of television?

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H ow to D o Things

How to do the W ashing U p

1 M atch each of the follow ing words w ith the correct item in 1he pid ure .

dishes brush cupboard sink w ashing-up Iiquidsponge c10th draw er tap draining-board

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2 Pu1 each of the follow ing verbs in 1he correct space in 1he inslrud ionsbelow.

dry rinse turn off filladd drain put away turn on

1 First put aII the dil'ty dishes in the sink.2 the tap and the sink w ith warm watec Then the tap .

3 Now some washing-up Iiquid.4 W ash everything in the soapy water w ith a specialsponge or brtlsh .

5 everything in clean water.6 Fut everything on the draining-board to for a few minutes7 Then everything with a c$0th.8 Finally aII the clean, dry things in cupboards or draw ers

3 Do you wash the dishes Iike this or differently? Describe how you wash thedishes.

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How to m ake an English Breakfast

1 M atch each of the follow ing w drds or phrases w ith 1he corred pid urebelow.bowl jug tea-bag frying-pan kettle toastersalt pepper teapot table-tlo'th napkin glass

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2 Put each of 1he follow ing verbs in the correct space in the instrudionsbelow .fry boil stir clear aw ayadd pour Iay spread

1 the table (with the table-cloth, knives, forks, spoons, plates,glasses,napkins etc.)

2 To make tea, first the water in a kettle..' Put a tea-bag in a cup and the boiling water on it. f'Fhis is

quicker than using a teapot.)4 milk (from a jug) and sugar (from a bowl), and with a

spoon.5 M ake some toast, usinq the toaster, and butter on it.6 - eggs and bacon in a frying-pan.

7 ?ut it on a plate with the toast, and eat it with a Iittle salt and pepper.8 W hen you've finished your breaklast, a1I the breakfast things.

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How to do Keep-fit Exercises

1 Put each of the follow ing verbs in the correct space in 1he instrud ionsm ove raise Iow er lurn hang stand

10 I -' h ,1

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1 - w ith your feet apar't, Let your arms by your sides2 ' your arms above your head.3 your body firs't to the Ieft then to the right. (Don't your feet.)4 your arms to your sides again.

2 Instrud ions as above.

louch Iean hold bend bring straighten

. > 7 4 N1 Sit on the front part of a chair, with your feet on the floor2 the sides of the chair.3 back against the back of the chair.4 - your knees, anj them up to your chest.5 your Iegs and Iower them to the floor again .

3 Ussng w ords from the exercises above, give instrud ions how to do theseexercises.


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How to use a Radio/cassette Player1 M atch each of the follow ing w ords w ith the corred item in 1hepidure,plug buu ons batteries pointknob sw ilch controls lead

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2 Put each of the followïng verbs in the corred space in the instructionsbelow .turn up press unplug sw ilch on

turn dow n turn plug in sw itch off

First at the nearest point.Next at the point.(The above will not be necessary if your machine is batterroperated)

3 Put a cassette in the machine and the 'start' butlon.4 To the sound if it is too loud, the 'volum e' knob.5 To the sound if it is too Iow, turn the knob the other way.6 You can adjust the quality of the sound by using the otlner controls.7 W hen you have finished Iistening, press the 'stop' button.8 Next at the point.9 Finally, the machine.


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Related W o rd G roups

Basic AdjectivesIn the exercises below finish each sentence on 1he Ieft with the best phraseon the right.1(a) Glue is (1) thin and straight.(b) Jam is (2) fragile and lhin.(c) A wine-glass is (B) sw eet and sticky.(d) A pin is (4) straight and sharp.(e) A ruler is (5) sticky and useful.

2(a) A hammer is(b) Snow is(c) A pullover is(d) A cigaret'te is(e) An apple is

3(a) An elephant is(b) The Atlantic Ocean is(c) A Rolex watch is(d) A Rolls Royce car is(e) A mirror is

4(a) A comb is (1)(b) Arnold Schwarzenegger is (2)(c) Mount Everest is (3)(d) Jeans are (4)(e) The sun is (5)

(1) soft and cold.(2) round and sweet.(3) hard and heavy.(4) sof't and w arm.(5) Iong and round.

(1) expensive and pow erful.(2) accurate and expensive.(3) 5m00th and fragile.(4) powerful and slow,(5) huge and deep.

round and hot.high and dangerous.casual and useful.wealthy and famouscheap and Iight.

(1 ) hot and dry.(2) rough and dangerous.(3) tiny and weak.(4) calm and smooth.(5) hot and dangerous.


(a) A new baby is(b) Fire is(c) The Sahara Desert is

X tormy sea isd) ,s(e) / quiet sea is

6(a) A newspaper is(b) The Eifiel Tower is(c) A motorway is

(d) A ball-point pen is(e) A tiger is

(1) high and famous.(2) redangular and useful.(3) slrong and dangerous.

(4) Iong and w ide.(5) useful and cheap.

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7 Use the above adjectives to describe each of the following.(a) a cUp (h) an orange (o) sugar(b) a horse (i) a pencil (p) a Sony Walkman(c) a cat () ice cream (q) a knife(d) a botlle (k) a millionaire (r) a plate(e) chocolate (I) a butlon (s) a space rocket(f) a gun (m) a Eoeing 747 (t) an overcoat(9) a pa55p0rt (n) a sofa

Basic Adjectives- oppositesIn the exercises below replace each adjedive with its opposite from 1he Iistabove.1 lhick fat deep hot good Iate

(a) It was a bad idea. (d) l took an ear/y train.

(b) He's very thin. (e) The water's very shallow(c) The paper is thin. (f) We had a co/d meal.

2 tasual dark heavy major new young(a) My Iuggage is Iîght. (d)(b) It was a Iigh't evening. (e)(c) He's an oId man. (f)

3 w ide w ealthy 5m00th

She wore forma/ clothes.It's a minor probtem.It's an oId book.

busy talm sm all

(a) Itzs a big room. (d) They are a poor family.

(b) W hat a narrow streetl (e) The wood was very rough.(c) l've had a quiet day. ('f) She felt nervous about her exam.

4 safe short blunl public w ondedul clean

(a) The knife's very shorp. (d) It was terrible news.(b) It's a dangerous place. (e) He was wearing dirty clothes.(c) It was a priva'e meeting. (f) The film was very /ong.


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5 huge easy Iow guilly em pty 'tight

(a) The bottle is full. (d) lt was a tiny animal.(b) 1 am innocent. (e) My belt is too /oo-çe.(c) W hat a diHicult question (f) They are higb buildings.

6 dry eheap w eak w rong nice slow

(a) It's a fan train. (d) He gave the righ't answer.(b) The weather was nasty (e) She's a strong woman.(c) It was an expensive book. (f) It was very wet weather.

7 soft ugly rude stupid sad quiet

(a) He's an intelligent man. (d) The chair was hard.(b) She feels very happy (e) They're beautiful buildings.(c) He'j a very pof/te boy, (f) The music was too Ioud.

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In each group below complete each sentence on the left w ith 1he correctphrase on the right.1(a) W e climb (1 ) pidures and maps.(b) W e draw (2) eggs to make an omelette.(c) W e weigh (3) songs.(d) W e sing (4) mountains, stairs and Iadders.(e) W e break (5) ourselves, or a parcel before we send it.

2(a) W e build (1 )(b) W e celebrate (2)(c) We compare (3)(d) We disturb (4)

(e) We fasten (5)

people if we make a noise.our jackets or seat-belts.a birlhday or success by having a party.houses or walls.

two or more things to see which is better, cheaper etc.

(1) a pidure on the wall or our jacket on a peg.(2) a person' age if we don't know it.(3) Inungry animals and children.(4) a football with our feet.(5) our clothes when we pack, or a map when we've

finished using it.

3(a) W e feed(b) W e fold(c) W e guess(d) W e bang(e) W e kick


(a) we kqock(b) we light(c) we mend(d) we punish(e) We ride

5(a) W e repair(b) W e rub(c) W e shake(d) W e solve(e) W e taste

(1) a cigarette, a candle or a fire.(2) a nailinto 1he wall with a hammer.(3) bicycles, motoebikes or horses.(4) clothes which are torn or have holes in them.(5) people who do wrong by sending them to prison.

(1) a problem if we can.(2) food and drink to see if it's good,(J) broken machines, oId cars and parts of a house.(4) a bottle of medicine before we drink it.(5) our hands if it's very cold.


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Action Verbs

1 M atch each of the follow ing w ords w ith the correct pid ure.hairdresser artist driver athlete dressmaker cleaner

@ m. . c - p X)' . .>x.f '.

o z-y .

. uV. '& â y

> >




j -D . . g.

,/ 1 -

& k='l- x J

- +

(q) r kZJ 9W

* 1

1J e

W hich of them do the follow ing thîngs?(g) cul, shampoo and comb (j) measure, cu1 and sew(h) dust, sweep and polish (k) draw, pain't and sculpt(i) run, jump and throw (I) accelerate, overtake and reverse

2 Instrud ions as above.pilot teacher dentist postman soldier gardener

A > Osœ 7E-..4 x' u .

. *

D& u

, #


(g) prepare, leach and mark

(h) colleck sort and deliver(i) march, shoot and fight

(j) digz plant and water

(k) take oft fly and Iand(I) drill, fill and extrad

e c' *- .. ..

tlqlzh s: .>- -.) F 2++= ..e );


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Adjectives Describing CharacterIn each sentence below pu1 1he corred adjective from the group of threeabove i1.

im patient sociable adventurous

(a) She Ioves meeting people and going to parlies. She's a very person.(b) She Iikes new things and new places, even if they're difficult or dangerous.She's .H: gets very annoyed if he has to wait for anything. He doesn't like waiting.He's very ,

2 ambitious easy-going talkative

He never gets upset or annoyed when things go wrong. He's a verym all.He loves to lalk to people and tell them w hat he thinks and what he's done.He's .

(c) She wants to get an impor-tant job in a high position. Shezs .

3 Iazy naughty cheedul

(a) Little Rosie is always breaking things and doing what her mother tells her rtotto do. She's a girl.

(b) He doesn't Iike work, He prefers to do nothing. He's .(c) He's always bappy and smiling, Fle's very .

4 sensible selfish optim istic

She only thinks about herself. She doesn't care about other people. She's

(b) He has a lot of common sense. Fle always knows the corred thing to do. Fle's aboy.

(c) He always has good hopes for the future. He thinks everything wilù be fine. He'sYEW .

5 polite imaginative tidy

(a) she's very careful about her appearance and how she arranges her desk and herroom. She's a young lady.

(b) He always remembers to say 'please' and 'thank you'. He's very .(c) He has ideas Iike no one else's. He can write wonclerful stories, draw unusual

pictures and suggest unusual ideas. He's extremely .

6 For each of the 1 5 adjedives above find in the Iist below the bestadjedive which describes the oppos/te kind of person.(a) im polite (f) sad (k) bad-tempered(b) hard-working (g) well-behaved (I) unambltious(c) silly (h) patient (m) cautious(d) pessimistic (i) quiet (n) unselfish(e) unsociable () untidy (o) unimaginative

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People's A ppearance

1 In each space (a) in the two descriptions of people below put 1he corredword from 1he following pair (a). Then do the same for (b), (c) etc.

(a) sho/ (d) glasses (g) checkedstrongly-built bracelet striped

(b) in his thirties (e) his arms folded (h) well-pressedelderly his hands on his hips palched

(c) straight (f) casually-dressed (i) well-polished shoesbald formally-dressed trainers

= Q


He's a (a) , (b) mac. He's about75 and he's (c) . Fle's wearing (d)and he's standing w ith (e) . He's(f) in a dark suit and a (g) shir't.His trousers are (h) and he's wearin:(i) .



v r

He's a (a) man. He's probably (b) ,maybe 34 or B5. He has dark, (c) haicHe has a (d) on hi5 wrist and he'sstanding with (e) . He's (f) in a(g) shirt and (h) jeans.He's wearing (i) .

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lnstrudions as Exercise 1.

(a) average height (d) bow (g) plainslim necklace spotled

(b) middle-aged (e) her hands by her sides (h) smartteenage her hands clasped baggy

wavy (f) untidily-dressed (i) high-heeled shoescurly neatly-dressed sandals

@? j ;- 1Ye;J



@ @ @*


. ' >

She's a (a) , (b) womanof about 50. She has Iong, (c)hair. She's wearing a (d) and shehas (e) in front of her.She is (f) in a black and white(g) blouse and a (h)skirt. She's wearing black (i) .

She's (a) . she's a (b)girl of? perhaps, 1 8- She has fair,(c) hair with a (d)in it- She has (e) .She's (f) - She's wearing adidy (g) tee-shirt, old,(h) trousers and a pair of(i) .


;117 ,.-/

)) -

3 Using the w ords and phrases from the above exercises, describe 1hepeople below .


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M aterials

1 Com plete each sentence below, using 1he correct material from thefollow ing lis't.m etal plastic brick w ood paper denim thina rubberw ool slone iron steel cotlon glass Ieather

(a) Fullovers are made of .(b) A mirror is made of .(c) Books are made of .(d) Underwear (vests, pants) is often made of .(e) Jeans, and of-ten jackets and skirrs, are made of .(f) The Pyramids of Egypt are made of .(g) Shoes are usually made of .(h) Coins are made of .(i) Houses in Britain are often made of .(j) A cheap rtller is made of .(k) Doors are usually made of - .(I) The Eiffel Tower in Paris is made of .(m) Cutlery (knives, forks, spoons) is made of .(n) Crockery (plates, cups, saucers) is made of .(o) Car tyres are made of .2 W hat are the following things m ade of?cups, bottles, magazines, a w atch, Iuggage, windows, envelopes ; tables, a camera,jackets, typewriters, railway Iines, Tower 8ridge.

Geographical W ords1 Finish each sentence on 1he Ieft w ith the correct phrase on 1he right .

(a) Africa is (1 ) a city(b) Canada is (2) a river(c) Manchester is (3) a mountain(d) London is (4) a conlinent(e) Sicily is (5) a capilal city(f) The Amazon is (6) a canal(g) Everest is (7) an ocean

(h) The Himalayas are (8) a country(i) The Atlantic is (9) an island(j) The Mediterranean is (10) a desert(k) The waterway across Panama between oceans is (1 1 ) a mountain range(I) The Sahara is (7 2) a sea

2 W hat are 1he follow ing?Holland, Bali, the Nile, Kilimanjaro, the Caribbean, Liverpool, Paris, the Andes, suez,ëurope, the Gobi, Malaysia, New York, Fuji, Cairo, Cyprus, Asia, the Mississippi, thePacitic, the Thames, Brazil.

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W ord Bu ild ing


ful and -lessIt is sometimes (but not always) possible to make adjedives from nouns byputting -ful or -less on the end, e.g. 'careful' m eans 'with care', 'careless'means 'without care-'Make a Suitable adjective from 1he noun at the end of each sentence belowby addîng -ful or -less to 1he end.

(a) Thank you for the books. They will be very for my sludies. (use)(b) This pen won't write at all. It's completely . (use)(c) Thanks to modern technology, a visit to the dentist is now often quite .

(pain)(d) The policeman held my arms tightly behind my back. lt was very . (pain)(e) The government is trying to help families. (home)(f) Thank you for a1l you've done. You've been very . (help)(g) I'm vely very tired. 1 had a night last night. (sleep)(h) We are that the missing child wil soon be found. (hope)(i) W hat is this food? It has no taste. It's . (taste)

'Interesting' and 'Interested' etc.

The -ing form of verbs, e.g. 'interesting', 'tiring', and the past pa/iciple,e.g. 'interested', 'tired', are often used as adjectives, The difference inm eaning is seen in these sentences.History was very interesting at school. l was very interested in it.The journey was very tiring. W e were very tired when we arrived.Make the corred adjecive, -ing form or past participle, from the verb at 1heend of each Sentence.

It was a very football m atch. (excite)The children were very on Christmas day. (excite)We felt very on holiday. (relax)It was a wonderfully holiday. (relax)A shopkeeper likes to have cuslomers. (Satisfy)She was a nurse and found i a very job. (satisfy)It was a film. I nearly fell asleep. (bore)The book was very badly written. l soon got with it. (bore)After the explosion, the children were taken to a safe place. (frighten)A noise woke me up in the middle of the night. (frighten)He has an habit of not Iookîng at you when he's talking to you. (annoy)W e've had Iots of complaints from customers about our bad service.(annoy)


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- er and -Or

From an ad ion verb w e can som etim es m ake a noun ending -er or -or todescribe the person w ho does the adion, e-g . a 'player' is som eone w ho plays(football, etc.), a 'conductor' is someone who conducts (an orchestra).M ake nouns ending -er or -or from these verbs.

(a) work (f) employ (k) paint(b) visit (g) manage (I) build(c) clean (h) dired (m) collect(d) ad (i) operate (n) Sail(e) drive t) make (o) speak(Note: sometimes there is a small change in spelling. e-g. swim-swimmer,Iaw -lawyer, empire-em peror, and a sm all num ber of nouns end in -ar ,

e.g. Iie-liar, beg-beggar)

- ist and -anFrom a noun w e can som elim es m ake another noun ending -ist or -an todescribe a person conneded w îlh 1he noun , e.g. a ltobacconist' is someonew ho sells tobacco, a lBrazilian' is som eone from Brazil

From these nouns m ake other nouns ending -ist or -an descrîbing people.(Note: there are sometimes small changes in spelling-)(a) Christ (g) electricity(b) typewriter (h) bicycle(c) politic.s (i) art(d) America (j) quitar(e) piano (k) Rome(f) science (I) novel

'Hourly', 'Daily' elc.

W e can make adjedives from 'hour', 'day', 'week', fortnightl (two weeks),'m onth' and 'year' by adding -/y lo the end. Pu1 each of the follow ing wordsin its correc place ïn the sentences below.hourly daily . w eekly fortnightly monthly yearly

(a) The most famous British newspaper is Fhe Times.(b) Time is an American news magazine. 1 buy it every Ttlesday.(c) Her salary is f 1 2,000 a year and she receives a increase every

September.(d) He could possibly die in 24 hours. The dodors are giving him tests to

check his condition.5he goes to see her parents evew two weeks. They always pook forward tothese visits.l haven't yet received my salary cheque for February

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- 0n

1 W e can o'ften make a verb from an adjective (or sometîmes a noun,e.g. 'length', 'strength') by adding -en to 1he end. 'To darken' means 'tomake dark' or '1o become dark'.E.g. He darkened his haîr to change his appearance.

The sky darkened as 1he clouds covered the sun.In the spaces below put a verb ending -en made from the adjective or noun inbrackets.

(a) Some screws in this machine are loose. 1 must them. (tight)(b) My belt is very tight and uncomfo/able. 1.11 it. (Ioose/(c) Soon the dark clouds went away and the sky began to . (bright)(d) This pencil isn't very sharp. It' blunt. i'll it. (sharp)(e) This noise is so Ioud it'll me. (deaf)(9 The river is quile narrow here, but as it gets near the sea it begins to . (wide)

(g) The runway is too shor't to take Iarge, modern planes. Theylre going toit. (length)(h) The bridge is danqerous. It's not strong enough. There are plans to it.


Num ber + Noun

Instead of saying 'a journey which look three hours', we can say ta three-hour journey'. W e have made a compound adjeclive by conneding thenum ber and the noun, whkh is used in 'lhe singular. In 1he spaces below putsimilar com pound adjedives made from the words ln italics in the brackets.E.g. He was wearing a suit. (It cost 500 dollark

He was wearing a 500-dolIar suit.

(a) We went on a walk. (We went five miles)(b) There willnow be a break. (It will Iast %en mfnutes)(c) She's writlen a book. (It has 200 pagesj(d) It's a hotel. (It has 20 storeyk(e) W e had a holiday. (1t Iasted t>o >ee#J)(f) He's bought a boat. (It's ten m etres Iong)(g) She's started a English course. (It will last six months)

(h) The President will go on a tour in April. (He'll visit five ccuntr/es')(i) He drives a lorry. (lt wefghs f>o tonk

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un-, dis-, in-, im -, il-, ir-

1 To give som e w ords an opposite m eaning , un- is put in front of lhem ,e.g. 5he was very unhappy Put un- in front of 1he follow ing w ords and thenput each word in its correa space below .

necessary healthy w ell punctualem ployed fair pleasanl

Vera: You Iook rather (a) , Why don't you see a dodor?Alan: Oh no, that's (b) . l've just been working hard. I'm writing a bookVera: In this room ? W ith the windows closed? And you smoke . That's very

(c) , Youzll be i(l.Alan: But if I open the w indows , some very (d) smells come in from the

chemical factofy.Vera: And l hear you've been (e) since you lost your job in the Iibrary.Alan: Yes, they said I was (f) . But in fact I was only Iate a few times It was

Ve@ (9) .2 Instrud ions as above.satisfattory friendly conscious usual hu/ tidy successful

(a) Just look at your room. lt Iooks awful. lt's so .(b) He doesn't Iike the children in his new school. Tbey're rather ,

(c) I'm afraid your work is . Youdll have to do better.(d) It was an film. I've never seen one Iike it.(e) He hit his head on the door as he fell and was for 20 minutes(f) I applied for the job but l was .(g) Two people were injured in the accident but fortunately everyone else was .

3 lnstructions as above.

dress w rap tie Iock do pack

I like going away for a holiday but the best part is coming home again . I arrivehome. l (a) 1he door of my flat. l put my suitcase on the floor and start to(b) it. l take out the thinqs I have bought on holiday. I (c) thestring. I carefully (d) them, Iook at them and put them on the table. I feeltired but very happy. I go into the bedroom . l (e) my jacket and shoes. I takethem oH. I (f) and I have a bath. I relax. I'm home aqain .

4 Put each of the follow ing words in the correct space below . The w ordsw iI I be made opposite in m eaning by 1he dis- , in- fmo il- or ir- already în 1hesentence.

convenient polite form al honestregular corred legal

(a) Izm afraid the buses here are very ir . I sometimes have to wait an hour.(b) This information is in , The train Ieaves at 3.20, not 3.1 0 .

(c) The use of certain dangerous drugs is il . It's against 1he Iaw .

(d) His house isn't near the shops, transport or his work. It's in a veryin place-

(e) 5he didn't say zplease' or 'thank you'. She was very im .(f) lt's not a special occasion. Jus't wear ordinarg in clothes(g) She steals. She tells lies. She's completely dis .

6: :

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A dverbs of M annerAdverbs of m anner tell us how som ething is done, e.g. 5he sings beautifullyThey also describe adjedives, e.g. She was extreme/y successful.They are usually made from adjedives and usually end in '-/y':

slow -slow ly careful-carefully dangerous-dangerouslyAdjectives ending in -y usually drop the y and add -ily to make the adverb:happy-happily Iazy-lazily sleepy-sleepily

Adlectives ending în -/c usually add -a//y to make the adverb (but note:publîc-publicly):tragic-tragically comic-comically basic-basically

Some adjedives do not change as adverbs:fast-fast hard-hard daily-daily late-late

In the followîng sentences put in each space the adverb made from 1he

adjective in brackets.(a) I'm afraid l forgot to bring my camera, (stupid)(b) lt rained for three hours. (continuous)(c) He died , trying to save his friend's life. (heroic)(d) The children were playing in the garden. (noisy)(e) Please answer my questions . (truthftll)(f) The film ended - with the hero's death in a gun/ight. (dramatic)(g) She worked very . (hard)(h) He looked at the person who had interrupted. (angry)(i) 5he promised that the government would not raise taxes. (public)

(j) He's usually very Iively, but today he's juiet. (stranqe)(k) He arranged his desk very ' evey hing in its right place. (tidy)(1) l agree witb you . Youlre right. (complete, absolute)www IELTS U blogfa com

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Com pound Nouns

The important lhing to remember in a compoond noun (i.e. two nouns puttogether) is thatthe second noun is the real noun. The firs't is used Iike anadjective to describe what kind of thing or person 1he second noun is,e.g. a bedroom is a room w ith a bed in it.

There is no sim ple rule to tell you w hen the tw o parts of a com pound nounare w rit-ten logether, w ith a hyphen or separately. You rnusl learn the writlenform every time you Iearn a new compound noun , e.g. policem an, shoe-shop,raîlw ay station.

1 M ake compound nouns from the following phrases.E.g. a pot to m ake 1ea in: a leapot(a) a party for someone's birthday (g) a drivef of a lorry(b) a mark used after a question (h) a programme on television(c) a Iibrary of a college (i) a building used by the government

(d) a student at university (j) a class held in the evening(e) furniture used in an office (k) a window of a shop(f) clothes we wear at work (I) a knife for cutting breadIn a com pound noun the first noun is usually in the singular. M ake compoundnouns from 1he follow ing phrases.E.g. a seller of flow ers a flower-seller

(m) a book to write exercises in (s) juice from oranges(n) an inspedor of tickets (t) a Iist of books(o) a brush to keep your teeth clean (u) a magazine about films(p) an album you stick stamps in (v) a shop selling cameras(q) a map which shows roads (w) a bus which carries touristq(r) a Iace used for tying shoes2 W hen a compound noun is used in the plural, it îs normally the secondnoun (the 'real' noun) which is made plural. The first one, Iike an adjeclive,remains singular. M ake the follow ing plural.E.g. policem an - policem en; shoe-shop - shoe-shops; railway station J-.railw ays'tations

(a) stamp collection (e) famity doctor (i) airline pilot(b) city-centre (f) pidure-frame (j) matchbox

(c) teacup (g) dog owner (k) handbag(d) concerbhall (h) car-wheel (l) garden chair

.. . :. j' ..::.. . u. q;. .ryyr:.,; . . ) . ; '. ê..: .j. .9j,. k.:$: ...j. ..: '. '. ..'.; . LL , .' .(.. :j... .;g. :; . pk ' . .' . j x:. . % L4L jr : .()j. y: ., . :j? .. . - . ; .: . .. ..û: : . . . .. ... : .'. S:: #pj ;'q .. ; k: .::jjy . )k .b... : r ;Tq.. :. :.;'JE9 .'' ) . :, ' : .'.. j .. .:2: 't. j6 : qq..ylly $$t . . . .. ...1::.ç.'C;,.. . ' . '' ... .. '.'f.<zLq..'' L')) ;L ' .: L . ' :t / ;. .... ' . , :. . ' . .':' r. k ( ' ). ;'?..k?'..''. kt : . jjà:x (E( . .: '' ' t:.k) t ?ul . :) . k5 : . . .. y ) . (q. )). :j ?; .. .. '. ; ): ..(j . . .7i. .. . :' . ' . , ; .. . :)k 6 L'kï .: .;. . :$. ;. . ,.. . (è qy. ï.. xl ? .. 2 .. . . .. î ?' . $22 kj : . . ' à .L . - èr ,:. ; . t ). è''' ' ,ldlom lrqlangtlage 'where'theèwords areë'notnused'wlth,,th'lrru' su al ' basld 't Q'î,'t.c,'A'?, E'; ' ',E, :2

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W ord Form sIn each space in the exercises below putthe correct w ord from 1he 1w o orthree above i1.

1 decide (verb) decision (noun)

W illyou take the job? W e must have a quick . You must very soon.2 congratulate (verb) congratulations (noun)I'd Iike lo you on passing your exam . M any

3 permit (verb) permission (noun)W e cannot children under 14 to go without their parenl' .

4 invite (verb) invitation (noun)Did we send the Sm iths an to our party? Did we them?

5 arrive (verb) arrival (noun)The of the London lrain will be :5 minutes Iate. lt will at 1 0.45.

6 depart (verb) departure (noun)The next train for Newcastle w ill from pladorm 4. The .willbe in ten minutes

7 complain (verb) complaint (noun)I think 1'11 about this bad service. 1*11make a ,

8 argue (verb) argument (notln)They don't get on weil. They often , They're havinq an now.

9 impoaance (noun) important (adjedive)

It doesn't matlec It's of no . It's not .10 disiculty (noun) difficult (adjectlve)lt's very to operate this machine. l have great in doing it.

1 : height (noun) high (adjective)W hat's the of that mountain? How is it?

12 arrange (verb) arrangement (noun)l don't like the of the furniture in this room . l think 1'11 it diferently.

.1 3 bleed (verb) blood (noun)lf you don't do something about that cut. itlll aII over the place.

There/ll be everywhere.14 pradise (verb) practice (noun)You need more English . You must more.

15 describe (verb) description (noun)l gave the police a of the stolen goods. I had to everything.

16 explain (verb) explanatfon (noun)1'd like an of your absence. Flease why you weren't at workyesterday.

17 enjoy (verb) enjoyable (adjedive)I always have a good tim e at youf par-ties. l always them .They're very .

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18 fly (verb) flight (noun)W e to Brazil on Thursday. Our is at 10.45 a.m.

1 9 sîgn (verb/ signature (noun)Ineed your on this papeq please. Could you -- here?

20 meet (verb) meeting (noun)1'm going to som e friends tomorrow. Our is at two o'clock.

21 heat (noun) ho1 (adjective)lt's a very couptry The is too much for me.

22 suit (verb) suitable (adjedive)W hat about six o'clock? W illthat lime you? W ill that be a time?

23 relax (verb) relaxation (noun)on holiday I don't Iike to do anything. 1 just want sun, sleep, food and ,1 just want to take it easy and .

24 choose (verb) choice (noun).1 don't know which one to . lt's difficult to make a .

25 Iegalise (verb) Iegal (adjective)It isn't to sell alcohol to children, and the governm ent has no plans to


26 modernise (verb) modern (adjedive)My kitchen is very old. I'm going to it. I've always wanted akitchen,

27 industry (noun) industrial (adjedive)

Japan's has made her rich. Japan is an country.28 agriculture (noun) agricultural (adjedive)This is an area. There are no fadories, only farms, only .

29 simplify (vefb) simple (adjective)This explanation is too complicated. Can you make it m ore ?Can you it?

30 admit (verb) admission (noun)This ticket w ill one person free. It will give free .

31 freedom (noun) free (adjedive)The people demonstrated for more . They wanted to be .32 weigh (verb) weight (noun)I - 55 kilos. W hat's your ?

33 noise (noun) noîsy (adjedive)' It's very here. W here's 1he com ing from ?

34 safety (noun) safe (adjedive)1'm worried about the children's . I hope they're .

35 danger (noun) dangerous (adjedive)

The children can play here. It's not at all. There's no - -.36 peace (noun) peaceful (adjedive)Youfll find a1l the you want here. It's a very quiet, place.


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37 lose (verb) loss (noun)lf you your money, you should tell the police about the at once.

38 mix (verb) mixture (noun)First everything together and then put the in a saucepan.

39 dirt (noun) dir'ty (adjective)It was a very place, There w as everywhere.

40 violence (noun) violent (adjedive)W e live in times, There are pidures of in the newspapers every day.

41 measure (verb) measurement (noun)How long is it? The m ust be very exad. it very carefully.

42 kindness (noun) kind (adjedive)She w as very to us. I thanked her for her .

43 happiness (noun) happy (adjedive) happily (adverb)

(a) The children played in the garden aIImorning.(b) He has a good job and a Iovely Jamily. He's a very man.(c) Their children gave them a 1ot of .

44 succeed (verb) success (noun) successful (adjective)(a) The film was a great . It made 75 million dollars.(b) Do you think they will in finishing the work this week?(c) He was very in his job and soon became Managing Directoc

45 die (verb) death (noun) dead (adjedive)(a) lf the dodor doesn't come soon, she'll .(b) The police found a body in the river.(c) The of the Fresident was announced on television.www IELTS U blogfa com

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Id iom s

Verb Phrases1 Put each of 1he follow ing phrases in 1he corred space in theconversation below.m ake an appointm ent make a noise m ake surem ake your breakfasl make a Iist m ake your bed

Motber: George, don't forget to (a) and tidy your room. lt's nine o'clock.I'm going shopping.

George: OK, M um . Can you buy some things for me, please?M other: Yes, (b) of the things you want and give it to me. Quickly.

George: OK. I've got to (c) with the dentist. I've got toothache.Mother: AII right. I'm goinq out in two minutes. You'll have to (d) yourself.There's plenty of bread and eggs and tea.

George: OK,M um .Mothec And (e) you wash up aftarwardsl Don't forget.George: AII right. Here's 1he Iist of things I want. Thanks.Mother: Right. And don't (f) in the kitchen. Keep quiet. Remember your

father' in bed with flu.

2 Put each of the following phrases in the correct space in 1he passagebelow .

m ake a decision make friends make enquiriesm ake som e m oney make plans make an effort

To go and live abroad or not? It needs a Iot of thought. After you (a) to go,you must organise yourself. First (b) in your own country aboutaccom modation, language schools and work possibilities. You'll need thisinformation so that you can (c) , In the new county perhaps it willbe thefirst time you've Iived alone. Maybe you'll want to get a job to (d) so you'llhave to Iook for work. Yot might feel Ionely and you'll have to (e) withother young people. Sometimes this îsnzt easy in a big city. W ell, it's up to you. You'llhave to (f) .3 Put each of the follow ing phrases in the correct space in 1be sentences.take an exam take a seat take placetake a photo take any notice take care

(a) This vase is very oId and valuable. Flease when you clean it.(b) Look at that lovely old house. I think 1'11 of it.(c) He's working very hard every evening. He's going to - next month.(d) Mr Jenkins will be here in a moment. Please .(e) l told him it was a dangerous machinel but he didn't . That's why he

hurt his hand.

(f) The meeting will in the director's office at 1 1 a.m.


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4 Pu1 each of 1he follow ing phrases in 1he correc space în theconversatîon below.have a resthave a bath

Jennie: W hat do you do on Saturdays?

Donald: Wett, I get up Iate and (a) or shower.Jennie' Then you (b) ?Donald: Yes, bacon and eggs. Fruit juice. Then l tlsually (c) in the park

with a friend.Jennie: Oh, are you good at leanis?Donald: No, but we enjoy ourselves. We (d) .Jennie: And in the evening?Donald: Oh, I usually invite a few friends to my place and we (e) .

You know, music, food, drinks, dancing.Jennie: And on Sunday?

Donald: On Sunday I don't do anythinq. I just (f) .

have a partyhave fun

have a gam e of tennishave breakfast

5 Put each of the follow ing phrases in 1he corred space ln 1he sentences,keep calm keep still keep aw akekeep fit keep quiet keep a retord

(a) They by walking, running and swimming every day.(b) I want to draw a pidure of you. Don't move. .(c) Ladies and gentlemen, there is a smallfire in the cinema. There's no need to

worry. Flease just and leave by the exit doors.(d) Teachers must - - of student attendance by filling in tbe class register

every day.(e) l'm so tired I don't think 1 can any Ionger.(f) The children are asleep so don't make a noise. .

6 Put each of 1he follow lng phrases in 1he corred space in 1he passage.do m y shopping do me good do a 1ot of harmdo exercises do som e w ork do the housework

I think l'm very well-organised. I (a) at the supermarket every evening on myway home from work. W hen I get home, I (b) (cleaning, washing' tidyinqup etc.). After dinner I (c) I've brought home from the office. Before l go to

bed, I (d) to keep in good condition. I think they (e) because I'malways fit and weli. 1 don't smoke at all. l think cigarettes (f) .7 Put each of 1he follow ing phrases in 1he corred space in 1he sentences.get a train get ready get a Iot of m oneyget m arried ge1 flu

(a) Jim and Rosemarie are going to and I'm going to the wedding.(b) Nurses do a wonderful job but they don't .(c) lf you don't put on more clothes in this cold weather you'll .(d) The buses are very slow. Let's ,(e) We're going out in five minutes, children. Hurry up. . ?ut your coats on.


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?To u C h '

Put each of the follow ing phrases in the corred space in 1he passage.get in touch keep in touch get out of touch

W ell goodbye, M urray. I hope you have a good time in Africa. Youeve go my

address, so please (a) . W rite sometimes. It would be a pity to (b) .Oh, have you got Ann's address? 1 don't know where she is. I want to (c)w ith her to ask her to a party.

Prepositional Phrases

1 Put each of 1he follow ing phrases in 1he corred space in 'the passage.at school at w ork at once at Ieastat the seaside at hom e at last at first

1'11 always remember that day. 1 was 1 5. l had a bad cold and I was (a)alone. My father was (b) (he's a bus-driver). My older sister had gone to thecoast for a day (c) . My 1 3-year-old brother was (d) . My mother wasout shopping. I heard a strange noise. (e) I thought it was my motherreturning, bu1 it w asn't the door. (t w as waterl Rain? No, it w asn't raîning. Thekitchen taps? No, they were off. The bathroom? No. l thought and thought. It musthave been (f) ten minutes before I realised the noise came from the flatupstairs. (g) Iran upstairs and knocked on Mr Elack's door. No answer. 1knocked again. And again. (h) he came and opened it. He had turned onthe water for a bath, forgotten alI about it and fallen asleep in his chair.

2 Put each of the following phrases in 1he corred space în theconversation below.on foot on holiday on the other hand on fireon time on business on second thoughts on the one hand

Fam : Hi, Sue. Am I Iate? The traffic was terrible.Sue' No, you're not Iate. It's exadly six o'clock. You're exadly (a) .

W hat's the matler?1 ,am: Firemen and fire - englnes everywhere. There s a house (b) near the

cinema. I couldn't get a bus. I had to come (c) .Sue: W ell anyway, yotl're here. Liz can't come. She's in Italy.

Pam: Oh, is she (d) ? Italy's Iovely at this time of the year.Sue: No, she had to go tbere (e) . She's gone to a meeting for her firm.Pam: W ell, where shallwe go 'for our holiday? Spain? Idon't know. (f)

Spain's always senny in summer, but (g) it's a bit crowded.Sue: Yes, I thought of Spain too, but (h) I think I'd prefer Holland.


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3 Put each of 1he follow ing phrases in the corred space in 1hesentences.in prison in a hurry in tim e in troublein Iove in person in tears in a mess

(a) You can't make a reservation by phone or post. You must do it .

(b) She rang the police and they arrived just to catch the burglac(c) He spent six years for the crime.(d) Flease tidy tlp your room. It Iooks aM ul. It's realiy .(e) He's very difficult to control. He's always at school.(f) Andrew's been very quiet recently. I think he's with the new girl at

the office.(g) The children were very shocked and upset by the sad news. Many of them

lk/ k?t - 2 . ..... .

(h) Sorry I can't stop and talk now. l'm .

4 Put each of 1he follow ing phrases in 1he corred space in theconversation below .by chance by aII means by bus by postby phone by the w ay by car by mistake

Jack: I've done something stupid. (a) 1 told Sara I'd meet her tomorrow.1 meant to say the day after tom orrow. Tomorrow l'm busy at the office.

Alex: Can't you contad her and explain?lack: That's the problem . A Ietter wouldn't reach her in time, so I can't Iet her

know (b) . How can I tell her?Alex: (c) , or don't you know her number?Jack: She hasn't got a phone. Have you, (d) , got her neighbours'

number? You know. The Sm iths.Alex: No, sorry. W hy don't you drive to her flat now ? You could get there in an

hour (e) .Jack: No, it's being repaired, and it would take ages to go (f) . Anyway,

she's miles from a bus-route. Alex, do you think you could phone her ather office tomorrow m orning?

Alex: (g) , of course. Good idea. (h) , when will your car be OKagaip? l was going to ask if l could borrow it on Saturday.

Put each of the follow ing phrases in 1he corrett space in the

sentences.out of doorsout of breath

(a) This timetable's no good. lt's Iast year's. It's .(b) He's very sunburnt and heatthy. He spends a Iot of time - .(c) This telephone doesn't work. It's .(d) lf the government doesn't do something very quickly, the situation will

get .(e) He'd been running hard and arrived .(f) He's been for four months, but he thinks he'llget a job soon.

out of controlout of order

out of dateout of work


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1 Put each of 1he follow ing phrases in the correct space in the sentences.more or Iess on and oH yes and no so and so

(a) l've finished the book. l've got two more pages to read.

(b) In English, you begin a Ietter 'Dear '.(c) l've been Iearning English for six yeafs . There were several breaks inthat time, w hen I w as too busy to study.

(d) Do 1Iike my new job? W ell, . I'm not sure yet.

Instructions as above.peace and quiet Iikes and dislikes do's and donzts Iittle by Iittle

(a) Uncle Henry's coming to stay this weekend. W hat does he Iike to eat? W herewill he want to go? Has he any particular ?

(b) At first I found the new job strange and difficult, but Isettled down,

(c) The school is quite a relaxed place. It's not strid at all. There aren't many .(d) What a noisy, busy job this is. I'm looking fofward to getting some inthe country this weekend. '

Tim e

Put each of 1he follow ing phrases in the correct space in the conversation.one day from now on ages for good 1he other day so far

Fiona: Hello, Sally. l haven't seen you for (a) , At Ieast a yeac How are you?Sally: Hi, Fiona. I'm fine. I've just started a new business. W e started (b) .

In fad it was just Iast Thursday.Fiona: Yes, Iheard about it. And I've seen your shop. How's business?Sally: W ell, after only a few days I'm not sure. (c) it's been good, but we

sell sw im-suits and the weather's been very sunny, but now it's turning cold so(d) it might not be so good,

Fiona: W hat about you and Jim my? Are you two m arried yet?Sally: No, but probably in the 'future. I don't know when. (e) . W lnat about

you? You've been abroad a Iot. Are you qoing away again?Fiona: No, I've had enough travelling. I'm staying here (f) . W ell, I've got to

go. See you soon. I need a sw im-suit. '

'M ind'

Pu1 each of the follow ing phrases in the correc space în the conversation,change your mind I don't m ind m ind your headm ake up your m ind on your m ind read your m ind

(a) Tell me what's worrying you. W hat's ?(b) I'm depending on you to help me tomorrow. I hope you don't .(c) You must decide soon. Come on, .(d) This door is vet.y Iow so .(e) It doesn't matler if you come Iate. lt's OK. .(f) I know what yotldre thinking. I can .

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Things W e Say

The exercises below give phrases often tased in comm on sîtuations. In eachexercise find the best answer on 1he right to each phrase on 1he lef't.1(a) How do you do? (1 ) iye. See you. .

(b) How are you? (2) Sure, no problem.(c) Can you help me? (3) I'm fine.(d) I'm off. (4) How do you do?

2(a) Hi(b) l've passed my exam(c) I've failed my exam.(d) W here's Jack?


(a) Thank you very much.(b) I'm sorry I can't help you.(c) W here's the post-ofgice, please?(d) Do you fancy coming to the cinema


4(a) W hat a nice flat you have.(b) Are you hungry?(c) W hat are you going to give me for my

birthday?(d) Come on. W e're late.

(1 ) Congratulations(2) 0h, hard Iuck.(3) He's around somewhere.(4) Hi

(1 ) I'd Iove to,(2) Sorly I've no idea.(3) Never mind. Thanks anyway.(4) Not at all.

(1) W ait and see.(2) Yes, make yourself at home.(.8) Yes, I'm starving.

(4) Just a moment. Hang on.


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M iscellaneous

A bbreviations

Put each of the following abbrevialions in the corred place in the notebelow, w hich J ulie Ief't for her f at-mate , M olly.Abbrevialion M eaning W e say ..

etc, and so on (et cetera) 'and so on' or 'et cetera'e-g. for example (eyempli Jral/ag 'for example' or 'tor inA nce'c/o care of (in an address) 'care of'a-m . before noon (ante meridiem) 'a,m.'

m after noon (post meridiem) 'p.m.'- .Rd road (in an address) 'road'PTO Flease Turn Over (at the bot-tom of a page) 'please turn over'PS after writing (posffcr/pt) 'PS'U5 United States of America 'US'


1*- = a'-y m'--g, r- -/, ?-- .- < -,.,.t (,/ )l t h ''-') A ( i N t C 7 (Y J ? k ,,?L Jx-7-7 ' ,

. :' 1 -.- j'.. -'k---...- ,/ t% . .... '13 h s..-

3', h...... 1/' ', u. ..'' ', ' 1k-... t.. ... $- .. .. jjl t. 7. ( -j j, .....

. t..


$ ...,r.

' . t. ( E.' ... . '' . . ' . . . yyjk In . ';o Cœ5 FP' >tl

fodlt , ., : . . va ; r rru rrt- . =' 11 $ e.' I î.x J M l' & ' 1 8 m Gf' V

l bGr.k- 'IWs Y m A''1 ( W Q'*1- V Ci7 - 1 ',7 $ (-i'v G .7o skqsgfal, IIIwtZC tW M tvffN..l Cm'-,. Aw.K< fols'qke, cxm qou **: krR.qz , i'- tu'ou' LV '? (rJ - - >. M CJ z .t . c ow u- % .% Ix el rtwk (a ) v

os (u . Jqxxj.(pj S- xx e :SUXXV.J G' N t.x . irre.l &oax#-M 'Fvf<.ml 6 Mo..?x' a' ku,t cu'rê ':ë 6r- QV) - (X t'klf..k- '< /:<2 C-hfen o ) . F$êD G QGQY ' r(tM mr (>2 G'S tz txb - l 1% ïo fv $) , . ? i ( ,( ' , (E ' :

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.y ..k :


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2passage below.Abbrevialion M eaning W e say , ..BC Before Christ 'CC' or 'Before Christ'AD Aker Christ (Anno Dominl) 'AD' or 'Af-ter Christ'

i-e. this means (id est) 'that is' or 'i.e.'Ib(s) poundts) weight (libra) (1 lb = 0.454 kg) 'poundtsl'ints) (J') inchtes) (1 in = 2.54 cm) 'inchlesl'f't (') foot/feet (1 ft = 0.3048 m) 'foot/feet'UK United Kingdom 'UK' or 'United Kingdom 'EU European Union 'EU' or 'European Union'

Put each of the following abbreviations in the corred place in the

The piece of stone is about 1 (a) 9 (b) Iong and weighs nearly 6(c) . It bears the name of the Egyptian King Tutankhamen, who died over3,000 years ago in 1343 (d) . It was discovered almost exadly 3,000 yearsafter his death in 1655 (e) and taken to Constantinople ((f) themodern Istanbul). It will shortly go on a tour of museums in France, ltaly, Spain,Germany and other (g) countries, including, we hope, the (h) .3 Read 1he following sentences as they w ould normally be spoken.(a) I work Jrom 8.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and do housework e.g. cleaning, washinj etc.(b) His address is do Mrs L. steel, 4 Dover Rd, Chicago, US.(c) At the bottom of his letter hê writes, 'PS t'm going to Scotland next monlin,z

then, 'PTO', and he gives his scottish address on the back.(d) The average height of a man in the UK is 5f4 8 ins, i.e. about 1 73 centimetres,(e) ltaly is a member of the EU,(f) A metal objed 1 '9'' Iong of about 5O0 BC was found in the third century AD.

Reading Dates and Num bers

1 W rite 1he follow ing senlences as they would norm ally be w ritten.E.g. He paid one hundred and sixty pounds: He paid f 160.

(a) He died on the sixth of April seventeen forty-three.(b) They cost two pounds thirty-live pence.(c) My phone number is lhree seven oh double-four nine two.(d) There are one thousand two hundred and seventy-six people in the village.(e) 0ne centimetre is nought point three nine lhree seven inches.

2 Read the following sentences as they w ould norm ally be spoken.(a) I was born on 4th May, 1 937.(b) The ticket.s were f 4.50 each.(c) Fhone me on 4O8 91 17.(d) The price is f 12,750.(e) 1 Ib = 0.454 kilograms.


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Punctualion M arks

M atch each of the follow ing w ords or phrases w ith 1he corred pund uationmark below .inverted comm as apostrophe hyphen com ma sm all letterexclam ation mark question m ark full stop brackets capilal Ietter


G Look out ' he shouted .(b) (c)

ç'W hat's the m atter ?' she asked.(cI)

t;)'There 's a m otor-bike ' he said.(e).(f) (h) fI)

(continued on page 6)



Full slops, question m arks and exclam ation m arks

name purpose exam ples. full stop to mark the end of a sentence He was here yesterday .

after people's initials R L. Brown, W . Smithsometimes in abbreviations but often not Tues., Sept., U.K . or t)K,used, especially when abbreviation has first B.B.C . or BBC, Mr, M rs,and Iast Ietter of com mon word Dr, Rd? St

? question to mark the end of a dired question W here are you qoing?mark ls Bob here?

exclamation to mark the end of an exclamation Hezs deadl Good Lordmark or strong com m and Get otltl Be quiet Help

1 Put in full gtops, question marks and exclam ation m arks where necessary .

(a) Wezve received a Ietter from Mr A W Holden Have you seen it(b) He arrives on 1 7 Sept on BA flight 301 He'II stay in UK till the following Thurs

before going to the USA, Japan and Auslralia W hat a journey W ill Sue meethim at the airport

(c) Go Get out Now It' dangerous Can't you see(d) She asked me if the US is in the EU W hat a question(e) W hat are you doing Are you going out Remember to take your key


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Com m as

name ur ose exam Ies 1comma to mark a pause between words or lt was red, green and white. k

phrases in a list, except where they are I don't drink beec wine or spirijoined by 'and' or 'or' Sbe took out her key, opened

the door and went in.

round the name of a person spoken to How are you, John? J ou know, susan, this is serioround 'yes' or 'no' used as answers Yes, 1 know.

't . lo, I canround greetings etc, Hello, how are you? Goodbye,

'm off. Dear sir, Yours Truly, 1iin addresses (especially if writlen on 4 EIm 5t, W oking, Surrey, Engla

d dates 1 0th April/ 1988 1ne line) an1 Pu1 in com m as w here necessary.(a) Look Maria the British flag is red white and blue.(b) She can't act sing or dance. She'll never get into films or on television.(c) WellI can drive a car speak three Ianguages play the piano and repair almost

anything mechanical.(d) She lives at flat 1 2 Stewart Court Oak Street Westminster London.(e) She was born on 20th December 1 961 .(f) 'Alex did you get the bread'?'

'Yes it's in the kitchen M um.'

'Thanks here's the money.' iname purpose examples I

. comma afler subordinate phrases lf it rains, werll change our plans.at the beginning of W e'il change our plans if it rains.a sentence W hen I'd finished, I went home.

l went home w hen l'd finished.before question-tags at You w ill do it, won't you?the end of a sentence Ann was there, wasn't she?

2 Put in com mas w here necessary.(a) After you have finished this work you can go.(b) w ash your hands before you eat. ((c) If I have time 1*11 do it tomorrow. 1(d) As soon as he got home he phoned his cousin.(e) They'd help us if they were here wouldn't they?(f) You aren't going to wear that hat are you?(g) She'll be here at 7 won't she?

name purpose examples t, com ma to separate non-essential He's from Leeds, which is 10 miles aw ay.

phrases from the That's the town where I was born.main sentence Jacob, who is 8O, is in hospital.

Feople w ho steal should be punished.

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3 Put in com m as where necessary,(a) He works for Simmonds which is a Iarge manufaduring company.(b) Firms which employ fewer than 1 00 workers do not need to pay this tax,(c) His father who is a businessman has three cars.(d) Candidates who fai the exam may re-take it in June.(e) Tourists are advised to avoid countries where the disease is known to exist.(f) He's gone to Egypt where the climate is better for his health.


nam e urpose exam ples' apostrophe to show where a Ietter it's (it isl,l'm (1 am), I'd (1 would/had),

or Ietters are missing they'll (tlney will), don't (d0 not),in a word I can't (1 cannot)sometimes for an unusual He agreed, btft with lots of if 's and butls.plural form Her name has tw o I's

M .?% sit in the House of Commons.

1 Put in apostrophes w here necessary,(a) 1t.5 raining. Youd better take a raincoat or youllget w et.(b) Scientists dont understand how the plane lost one of its wings.(c) lts fascinating to watch a bird care for its young.(d) Remember that this word is spelt with two cs and two ms.

name purpose exam ples' apostrophe to show possession singular: the boy's mother , a child's toy,

especially for people M r Jones's son, a man's workplural: the boys' mother, children's toys,the Joneses' house, a men's club

2 Put in apostrophes where necessary.(a) Is that Johns car?(b) My fathers garden is always in good condition.(c) My parents home is small. They only have one bedroom.(d) The boys changing-room is on that Side of the sports-hall. This i5 the girls

changing-room ,(e) Look at that girls hair.

(f) These are the mens toilets. Those are the womens.

Inverted com m as

nam e ur ose exam 1esz inverted to mark the beginning 'M y sister's iII,' he said,

(used commas and end of direct speech He said, 'My sister's iII.'either (note use of commas 'How are you'?' she said.singly and capitals) 'Oh, no ' she cried.or in 'lt's Iate z ' he said 'so you must go.'pairs) 'ltzs late, ' he said- 'You must go.'


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Put in inverted com mas, full stops, com m as, question m arks, exclamationmarks and capital Ietters where necessary. (Dired speech is underlined.)(a) you Iook tired she said(b) he said you should qet a car(c) your friend phoned she said and i told him you were out(d) the children are asleep mary said they had a hard day(e) move and i'll shoot he warned(f) what lime is he cominç she asked he'llbe hunpry(q) i'd Iike lo live in england said max if the weather were better

name ur ose exam Ies 1z inver-ted to emphasise a word or to Don't begin a sentence with 'but'.

(used commas indicate a foreign word The 'shinkansen' is a lapanese train.either or unusualuse of a word Radar is the 'eyes' of the defence system .

singly sometimes round titles Have you read 'Treasvre Island'î ir in of books, films etc. Shakespeare w rote 'Ham /et'.

pairs) lsaw a film called 'Young Love'. jPut in inverted com mas where necessary(a) At American univefsities, first-year students are freshmen and second-year

students are sophomores.(b) We're studying Othello at school.(c) The brain of the machine is this computer here.(d) If you want a marriage paftner in lapan, you go to an omiai.(e) I've seen Gone with the W ind three times.

Spelling: noun plurals1

Singu Iar Plural Points

final -s, -ss, bus, boss, buses, bosses, add -es- z'h, -sh, -x church, churches, brushes,

brush, box boxes

final-y boy.donkey, boys, donkeys add -s if final -ytray, valley trays, valleys follows vowel (a.etiro,u)

fly, Iady, flies, Iadies, drop -y and add -iesbody, Iorry bodies, lorries if -y follows consonant -

sheep, fish sheep, fish no change in plural

Put the w ords in brackets into the corred plural forms. ,(a) We send you our best (wish) and many (kiss),(b) He bought a dozen (box) of (match).(c) For Chrislmas he gave his sons (watch) and his daughters (dress).(d) 7he (boy) are doing very well in their (study).(e) 5he colleds children's (toy) from different (country).

(f) (Library) are usually closed on (Sunday).(g) (Family) o'f (monkey) have different (way) of Iooking after their (baby).(h) He has 30 cows, 65 pigs and over 80 (sheep).(i) I often go to the river to see the birds and the l'fisI7l.

# @


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Singular Plural Points

final -f -fe, knife, shelf, knives, shelves, many nouns drop -6 -feself, life, selves, lives, and add --ve .çwife wives

roof, safe, roofs, safes, the others just add -shandkerchief handkerchiefs

final -o tomato, potato, tomatoes, potatoes, many nouns add -esvolcano, hero volcanoes, heroes

piano, photo, pianos, photos, the others just add -.skilo kilos

irregular child, t00th, children, teeth,m an, W om an, m en, W om en,foot feet

Pu1 the w ords in brackets into 1he corred plural forms.(a) Be careful, children. You'll hurt (yourself) with those sharp (knife).(b) Their (wife) waved their (handkerchief) until the train had disappeared from view.(c) Three people have recently lost their (life) falling from high (roof).(d) He bought two (kilo) of (tomato).(e) Here are some (photo) of famous (hero) of the Second W orld Wac(f) (Woman) can damage their (foot) by not wearing suitable shoes.(g) (ChiId) should brush their (tooth) twice a day.

Spelling: verbs ending in -y

Verbs 3rd person singular Regular -ed form Pointspresent simple tense

play? obey, plays, obeys played, obeyed, -.y a'Rer vowelemploy, say employs, says employed (a,%i.o,u)

just adds -% -edcry, study, cries, studies, cried, studied drop -y afterworry, fly worries, flies worried consonant,

add -fes, -îedArrange the follow ing verbs into tw o groups accordïng to the spellîng of 1he3rd person singular present simple 'tense (some have irregular past tenses).(a) Iike p/ay; plays (just add -.s) (b) Iike cry; cries (drop -y, add -iek

stay copy m arry display buycarry destroy occupy m ultiply dry

Put the verbs in brackets into 1he 3rd person singular present sim ple .

(c) In the city everyone lhurryl everywhere and (try) to earn a Iot of money.

Someone in the country (enjoy) 'the peace and qtliet of nature.(d) A man who (spy) against his own country (betray) his own people and, if he iscaught, (pay) with his Iife.


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Put the verbs in brackels into 1he -ed form (past simple or past participle).(e) The man said the train for Leeds was (delay) Until they were (satisfy) that the

track was safe.(f) I(apply) for the job, and was fannoy) when they said that Iwas not (qualify) for it.

Shelling: -ing form andregular -ed past tense/past participle


One-syllable verbs

verbs -ing form Regular ed form Points

wait, help, waiting, helpinq, waited, helped, most verbs just addrain raining rained -ing, -ed

stop, stir, stopping, stirring, stopped, stirred final single consonantswim swimming after one vow el doubles

w rite, care, writing, caring, cared, hoped final single -e afterhope, come hoping, com ing consonant is dropped

Iie, die, Iying, dying, final -Fe replace with ..ytie tying

QNote: -y; -w; -x are never doubled, e.g. staying, stayed, blow lng, boxing, boxed

Arrange the follow ing verbs into three groups according to 'the spelling ofthe -ing form .(a) like wait.. waiting (add -fng)(b) like stop: stopping (double final consonant, add -ingj(c) like write: writing (drop -e, add -ingj

sleep get give close hit read put boredig fail cure trim lose w ear clean winw ipe plug need shut drop start score Iean

Put 1he verbs in brackets into 1he -ing form .(d) John's (sit) in the (livel-room,(watch) television and (eat) a sandwich. The dog

is (1ie) at his feet. l'm tctltl some more sandwiches.Weere (llave) a party on Saturday. W e're (Iook) folw ard to (see) you there.We've been (plan) it for weeks. W efre (die) to see you again.

Put the verbs ïn brackets into the regular -ed form.(f) She (slow) down, (stop), (rub) her eyes ancl (stare) at the tall man who had

(Shotlt) and (step) out in front of her.(g) That night she (phone) me. In a (tire) voice, she (beg) me not to Ieave her.

'I'm (scare). Don't go. I...' She (pause).

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2Tw o-syllable verbs ending in One Consonanl after One VOW PI

Verbs -fng form Regular -ed form Point s

'listen Iistening Iistened stress on first syllable:'answer answering answered just add -/ng, -ed'visit visiting visited

M ain exception: final -/, e-g. 'travel: travelling, travelled

be'gin beginning preferred stress on sezond syllable:prezfer preferring regretted double final consonantrelgret regretling

Note: -y;-w;-x never doubled, e-g. obeying, allowed, relaxed

W rite 1he verbs in brackets in the corred -fng form . The s'tress is given.(a) Catherinezs (bergin) her new job tomorrow.(b) Listen to that noise W hat's ('happen)?(c) He spends a Iot of time ('travel) abroad.(d) They're ('open) a new shop in Oxford next month.(e) Iapologise for (forlget) your birthday.(f) Canada is now (jerlmit) tourists to enter the counlry without visas.(g) He's ('sharpen) h1s pencils.(h) I Iike to spend my holiclays (re'lax) on the beach.

W rite 1he verbs în brackets in 1he correc past tense. The stress is given.(i) My grandfather ('suffer) from very bad heajaches.t') She said she (prelfer) co#ee to tea.(k) The firm (aI'Iow) the workers to go home early during the very hot weather.(l) W hen they heard I was ill, they ('cancel) the meeting.(m) He (adzmit) to the police that he had stolen the money.(n) I ('oder) him some money, but he wasn't interested.(o) She (rê'gret) that she couldn't come with us.(p) Luckily no one was in the house when 1he explosion (ocdcur).

spelling: m iscellaneous points-1

W ords Points

also, almost, although, already, altogetheq only one -1always etc.

careful, useful? awful, wonderful, helpful, only one -1successful etc.

taught (past of 'teachz) au not oucaujht (past of 'catch')

Com plete the corred spelling of 1he incom plete w ords.(a) AI gh it was raining, we decided to go for a walk.(b) He has three sons and two daughters, that's five children al er.

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(c) 1'm al s tired, dodoc I never have any energy.(d) She's al y finished. W asn't she quick?(e) I've known him al t aII my life,(f) W hat a won I present Thank you very much.(g) The weather was aw 1. It was cold, wet and windy.(h) Thank you for being so Ine I when 1 was in trouble.(i) I find a tyqewriter very us I in my work.() This work Isn't very good. Please be more ca 1.(k) This year our teacher is Miss Harley. Last year Mr Weeks t t us.(I) l missed the 1 O.1 5 train, but l c t the :O.2S.


W ords Points

whose, wbo's whose = of whom (A hose pen is this'?)who's = who is Lwho% at the door'?)

its, it's its = of it (The dog ate its food.)it's = it is (lt's hot today,)

four, fourteen, forty note or in forty

Choose the corred item in each pair.(a) A woman (whose, who's) husband is dead is called a widow.(b) (W hose, W hols) at the door? Can you go and see, please?(c) I don't know (whose, whols) money this is,(d) t don't know (whose, who's) coming to the pady.(e) Students (whose, whods) results are bad must take the exam again.

(f) She's very interested in prazil and tits, it's) history.(g) (lts, It's) very hot today, isn't it?(h) I knew it was a giraffe because of (its, it's) Iong neck.(i) The firm has decided to change tits, itzs) name.i) 1 think (its, it's) going to rain.

Spell these numbers: (k) 4 (1) 14 (m/ 40 (n) 443

W ords Points

necessary. accom modation, address, success, note double consonant.sdifferent, possible, etc.

copier, dirtiest, Iaziness, happily, beautiful etc. final -. afler consonantchanges to -.ibefore -ec -est m ess. -ly -ful

system, mystery, pyramid, etc. note: -y- not -.i

Put în 1he m issing double letlers în 1he incom plete w ords.(a) Is it po ible to take a di erent train?(b) Can you give me any a re es of student a o dation?

(c) Hard work, not luck, is nece ary 'for examination su e .

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M ake a suitable w ord from each word in brackets.(d) He's very lazy. He's the (Iazy) person l know.(e) It's a very (beauty) part of the country.(9 W e have a very good photo-lcopy) in our office.(g) The birth of their daughter brought them a Iot of (happy).(h) I think the streets are (dirty) now than they were ten years ago.

Put the m lssing leter in each w ord in brackets.(i) The police don't know what happened. lt's a complete (m slery).() Tokyo has a very good public transport (s stem),(k) Have you seen the (p ramids) of Egypt?


Sblent Ieu er words (silent letter in brackets)

guard, guess etc. (u) ' school, character etc. (h)climb, comb etc, (b) knee, knife etc. (k)doubt, debt etc. (b) autumn, colulmn etc. (n)exhibition, exhausted etc. (h) receipt, psychological etc. (p)hour, honest etc. (h) write? wrong etc. (w)

Put in 1he m issing silent Ietlers in each incomplete w ord.(a) Did you com - your hair before you went to sc ool this morning?(b) Of course we were ex-austed after clim-ing the mountain.(c) That's our first g-esl - nocking at the door.(d) I think autum- is the -rong time to go there. Summer is bettec(e) W e need an -onest man with a good c arad er.(f) The assistant forqot to give me a recei-t when I bought 1he g -

itac(g) There is no dou-t that it is the best ex ibition for years.(h) 5he cut her -nee with a -nife.(i) lt took me an -our to -ri'te the Ietler.www IELTS U blogfa com

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The British Isl'sThe British Isles are the islands o'f'f the north-w esl of 1he continent of Europe.Britain (or Great Britain) consists of England, Scotland and Wales. The UnitedKingdom consists of Britain and Northern lreland. The Republic of lreland is aseparate, independent country. Match each country, city and sea below (incapital letlers) with 1he correc number on the map.



*W E 0 oo

a 1 *

Q . J 120?

, 4 7f nx.J .. D

115 8 o t 2


9 r0 1 3rnllex

n 50 1qB

0 Bf) 15(1kllometrex

ENGLAND (population 46 million) is the largest country in the British Isles.The capital, LONDON (5 million), is also the capital of Britain, tine seat ofgovernment and the home of the Queen.SCOTLAND (5 million) is in the nor'th of Britain. The Ianguage is Snglish but 1.5% ofScots also speak Gaelic. EDINBURGH (0.4 m illion) is the capital, The EdinburghFestival of Music and the Arts is held every year.W ALES (3 million) is in the west of Eritain. English is the main Ianguage, but 25%of the people also speak Welsh and 1 % speak only Welsh. The capital is

CARDIFF (0.3 million) in the south of W ales.NORTHERN IRELAND (1 .5 million), also known as 'Ulster', is part of the UnitedKingdom. lt has a large Roman Catholic minority. The capital is BELFAST (0.4 million).

THE REPUBLIC OF IRELAND (3 million) is also known as 'Eire'. The main lanjuaqeis English but lrish (Erse) is also spoken, 94% of the people are Roman Cathollc.DUBLIN (0.6 million) is the capital.THE NORTH SEA, east of Eritain, provides fish and also valuable oiI and gas fromunder the sea bed.THE CHANNEL, between England and France, is only 34 kilometres w ide at its

narfowest. To cross to France you can go by ship or by train through the newChannel Tunnel.THE IRISH 5EA Iies between Britain and Ireland.

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W ord G am es1they m ake

(a) A RM W A RF I L M S E A TN E W S S I D E




Rearrange 1he nonsense com pound nouns in each group b.elow so that

nine real com pound nouns.

(b) B U S L E GF O O T T R E ES A L T F I S H

T A B L E B R E A KP O L l C E C E N T R E



2 Com plete the spelling of 1he w ords

not day8noun of 'see'heaviness80


f'high' I G H TIOUN OI G H TayI G H Totdarkl G H Totwrong

below using the clues to help you .

3 Puithe m issing double letersin thew ordsbelow .

N E C E A R YT R A V E E DF O R G O E ND l E R E N TE X C E E N TI E D 1 A T E8 E G l 1 N G5 U D E D8 R E F E E D

4 M ake a new word from each word below by taking away one Ietlere.g. there - here stand - sand






w aistflighlread

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5 In a word square like this one 1he words read 1he sam e Ief't to right andtop to bottom . Can you make your ow n 9 or even l6-let4er square?




6 Fill in the puzzles by putting in 1he past tense of 1he verbs in the clues.

a) Across Down1 sing 1 sit3 Ieave 2 get4 take 3 Iose

6 tell 5 keep8 send 7 dig9 grow 8 see

1. 2.

3. 4. 5.

G. 7. B.


(b) Across3 swim4 come5 ring7 give8 think

Dow n1 catch

2 teach6 find9 have

10 hide

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6. 7.

B. 9. 1 Q.

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7 M ake as m any w ords as you can from BREAKFAST TIM E . Each letter canbe used only once in each new w ord. W ords m ust be three letters or m ore .

No proper nouns and no plurals. Then try again with UNITED NATIONS andCOUNTRYSIDE.

8 For each w ord below give another w hich has a different spelling and

meaning but exadly 1he sam e pronunciation.eag. pasl-passed hour-our


9 Rearrange 1he Ieters of the words below to form new w ords accordîngto 1he w ord on the Ieft of each group.e.g. birds: OPEING (Answer: pigeon)




10 In each square below 15 words are hsdden. A1I are în a straight Iine , topto bottom, Iefl to right or going dow n diagonally . Can you find aII 1hewords? In 1he first square, three words are already done as exam ples

Pal'ts of the Body



Z 1 C K l E C O WR E O A N D 5 W 0A L B O T F O X LB E A R E V O G FS G I R A F F E NC H O R S E P L GE W E T H L I I OT I G E R I G O AFl E t E P H A N T

Animals Clothes


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KeYDictionary Practice

Finding W ords (p.1)bank, bath, bicycle, biscuit,blood, book, both, boy, break, burn

Finding Pronunciation (p.1)1 /n/ wrong, donkey, shop, across, gone, bomb /a/ company, nothing, monkey, among, love,mother, done, son, Monday 2 honest, honour, hour, exhausted, exhibition 3 sew, so / steel,steal / fair, fare / here, hear / too, two / mail, male l wait, weight / bear, bare

Finding Slress (p.1)be'gin, 'open, 'offer, predfer, 'photograph, pho'tographer, photo'graphic, imfpodant,zbreakfastj a'ppointment

Finding Spelling (p.1)1 hoping, Stopping, lying, hitling, picnickinj, travelling. writing, beginning, putling, dying2 radios, potatoes, heroes, kilosj studios, echoes, pianos, photos, cargoes, videos / Iiac owner,beginner, bachelor, beggar, autbor, prisoner, burgiar, translator, inspelor 3 holiday, always,system, address, separate, grateful, professor, immediately, accommodation, responsible

Finding Meaning (p.2)pad.s of a book: indez, contents, cover, page, chapter / parts of the body: chest, thigh,thumb, ankle, w ristclothinq pads: Iapel, belt, lining, zip, cufi l human sounds: sniff, cough, yaw n, sneeze, hiccup /things in our pockets: wallet, comb, ticket, keyr purse

Finding Different Word Parts (p.2)1 (a) tanght (b) fought (c) threw (d) froze (e) drank (f) preferred 2 nightmare, night-time,nightfallj nightcap


The Fam ily (p.3)1 (a) husband, wife (b) children (c) daughter, son (d) trother, sister (e) parents (f) cousins(g) uncle, aunt (h) niece, nephew 2 (a) grandchildren (b) grandparents (c) grandson,grandfather (d) grandmother, granddaughter (e) daughter-in-law (f) father-in-lawdmother-in-law (g) sister-in-law (h) brother-in-law, son-in-law a (a) sister and brother (b) fatherand daughter (c) mother ant son (d) cousins (e) aunt and niece (f) uncle 1nd nephew(g) father-in-law and son-in-law (h) husband and wife (i) brothers-in-law (j) grandmother andgrandson (k) grandfather ancl grandclaughter (l) mothesin-law and daughter-in-law

Transport (p.4)1 (a) ship (b) helicopter (c) Iorry (d) (aerolplane (e) train (9 boat (g) car (h) bike (bicycle) (i) bus() underground train (k) van (I) motor-bike (motor-cycle) 2 (a) qo (b) take (c) wait (d) arrives (e) get(9 pay (g) reaches (h) get (i) take 3 (a) to, by, on (b) for at (c) at on (d) -, off

Parts of the Body (p,5)1 (a) fingers (b) hair (c) head (d) hand (e) thunlb (f) arm (g) ches't (h) knee (i) sole (j) foot(k) toes (l) heel (m) leg (n) bottom (o) waist (p) back (q) elbow (r) eye (s) nose (t) mouth(u) tongue (v) ear (w) Iips (x) neck (y) shoulder (z) 1:00th 2 (a) fingers (b) tongue (c) mouth(d) hair (e) nose (f) teeth


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Clolhes (p.6)1 (a) shif't (b) tie (c) suit (d) shoes (e) cap (f) casual jacket (g) jeans (h) tee-shirt (i) undefwear(j) belt (k) short.s (I) bootq (m) blouse (n) skirt (o) socks (p) jacket (c1) dress (r) hat (s) sweater(t) trousers (u) overcoat 2 (a) in (b) on (c) with (d) in (e) on (f) with

The Bedroom and Balhroom (p.7)

1 (a) pyjamas (b) wardrobe (c) nightdress (d) wash-basin (e) mirror (f) toilet (g) tiles (h) hanger(i) stool (j) chest of drawers (k) blanket (I) dressing-gown (m) bed (n) sheets (o) pillow (p) bath2 (a) wardrobe (b) chesl of drawers (c) pillow (d) wash-basin (e) sheeà . blanket (f) dressing-gowp 3 (a) on (b) on, in (c) to (d) on (e) on (f) in

The Living Room (p.8)1 (a) lijht (b) ceiling (c) bookcase (d) switch (e) lamp (f) television (g) radio (h) fan (i) sofa(j) cushlon (k) mat (I) armchair (m) rug (n) floor (o) carpet (p) waste-paper bin 2 (a) television ,sofa, armchaif (b) radio (c) fan (d) bookcase (e) waste-paper bin (f) ceshion 3 (a) on (b) in(c) to (d) in (e) on (f) in

In lhe Street (p.9)

1 (a) signs (b) post-box (c) bus-stop (d) poster (e) lamp-post (9 queue (g) road (h) traffic-lights(i) crossroads (i) car park (k) railings (I) litter-bin (m) pedestrians (n) pavement (o) kerb(p) parking warden (q) crossing (r) parkinq meter (s) guttef 2 (a) queue, bus-stop(b) traffic-lights (c) crossing (d) poster (e) Ilt-ter-bin (f) parking warden , parking meter 3 (a) in,at (b) in, at (c) in (d) to (e) on

The Seaside (p,10)1 (a) hotel (b) cliff (c) rocks (d) wave (e) pier (f) horizon (g) sailing boat (h) motor-boat (i) sea() canoe (k) sunshade (I) swimming costume (m) towel (n) stones (o) kayak (p) rowing boat(q) tent (r) beach (s) bunqalow (t) sand

The Country (p.11)

(a) waterfall (b) farm (c) spade (d) bridge (e) stream (f) barn (g) hill (h) field (i) wood j) pond(k) forest (l) duck and duckling (m) sheep and Iamb (n) cow and calf (o) valley (p) horse andfoal (q) trador (r) chicken and chick

The House (p.12)(a) satellite dish (b) aerial (c) chimney (d) roof (e) curtain (f) shutter (g) garage (h) blind (i) stairs(j) tuor (k) floor (I) garden (m) gate (n) path (o) fence (p) wall

The W eather (p.13)1 (a) sun (b) cloud (c) wind (d) fain (e) fog (f) mist (g) snow (h) forecast 2 ja) changeableb)

wet (c) df'y (d) clear (e) cloudy (f) hot (g) warm (h) mild (i) cold (i) freeztng 3 (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6(d) 3 (e) 1 (9 5

Going Shopping (p.14)1 (a) assistant (b) manager (c) cuslomers (d) shelves (e) cashier (f) basket (g) queue (h) check-out(i) trolley () till 2 (a) spend (b) need (c) buy (d) sell (e) push (f) Iook for (g) find (h) take(i) pay () complain 3 (a) Found (b) for (c/ at (d) in front of (e) on (5 for (g) from (h) in (i) in(j) to 4 (a) box (b) bottle (c) tin (d) carton (e) jar (f) tube (g) packet (h) bottle (i) box (j) bottle ,tube (k) carton, ti

.,bottle (l) jar, tube (m) jar (n) tin (o) jar (p) packet (q) packet (rJ tin, lube

(s) packet 5 (a) 3 (b) 7 (c) 4 (d) 1 (e) 6 (f) 5 (g) 2

lYork (p.16)1 (a) 7 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 1 (e) 2 (t) 3 (g) 4 2 (a) interview (b) experience (c) qualifications fd) skills(e) personal qualities (f) wages (g) hours 3 (a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 2 (e) 7 (9 1 (g) 4 4 (a) footballer

(b) farmer (c) actress (dJ librarian (eJ Sabourer (f) secretafy (g) tawyer (h) porter (i) mechanic1) journalist (k) businessman (() priest (m) carpenter (n) waiter (o) scientist

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Education (p.18)1 (a) glay-school (b) Iearn (c) st'ar't (d) compulsory (e) primary school (9 terms (g) qupils(h) mlxed (i) staff 2 (a) secondary school (b) state school(c) private school (d) subleds(e) specialise (f) take (g) pass (h) mafks (i) fail 3 (a) student (b) grant (c) fees (d) keen (e) studies(f) courses (g) Iast (h) graduate (i) degree 4 (a) graduate (b) teacher training college (c) classes(d) Iessons (e) homework (f) mark (g) prepare (h) behave (i) strict 5 (a) at (b) at (c) in (d) on(e) to (f) with (g) at (h) from (i) to, in () of (k) of (l) in (m) between (n) withMoney (p.20): (a) earn (b) spend (c) borrow (d) Iend (e) open (f) save (g) pay (h) afford (i) pay back (j) owe2 (a) well-off (b) hard-up (c) make ends meet (d) broke (e) in debt 3 (a) from (b) on (c) on(d) in 4 (aj 3 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) 1 (e) 10 (f) 8 (g) 5 ( h) 9 (i) 2 () 6. Income: b, c, f, g, h; Expenditufe:a, d, e, i, J.

A Life (p.21)1 (a) was born (b) come from (c) grow up (d) bring up (e) educate (f) move (g) join (h) Ieave(i) become (j) settle down 2 (a) in (b) in (c) from (d) in (e) in (f) at (g) in (h) as 3 (a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 1(d) 6 (e) 2 (f) 3

Sport (p.23)1 (a) 3 (b) 1 (c) 7 (d) 5 (e) 9 j) 8 (g) 4 (h) 6 (i) 2 2 (a) play (b) train (c) win (d) Iose (e) draw(f) beat (g) score 3 (a) two n1l (b) four a1I (c) nil aIl (d) thirty Iove (e) fifteen aI1 (f) love fifteen4 (a) shootinj (b) table-tennis (c) basketball (d) skating (e) football (f) motor-racing (g) rtlnninçfh) baseball (4) cricket () rugby (k) boxing fl) vollepball (m) cycling (n) golf (o) fishing (p) tennis(q) horse-riding (r) badminton (s) skiing (t) swimming (u) hockey 5 (1) k (2) g (3) f (4) a (5) s(6) r (7) c (8) g (9) q (1 0) s (1 1) i (1 2) f (1 3) h (14) h (15) d (16) a (17) e (18) tl (19) o (20) p(21) e (22) h (25) c/e/l/p (24) t (25) r (26) n (27) j (28) c (29) k (30) m

Fsee Time and Holidays (p.25)1 (a) parties (b) sociable (c) dancing (d) meetin: people (e) clubs (f) discos (g) go by plane(h) hotel (i) have a good time (j) sunbathe 2 (a) cultural things (b) serious (c) classical music(d) reading (j concerts (f) libraries (g) hitch-hike (h) youth hostels (i) Iearn about othercountries () vlsit historical places a (a) the open air (b) active (c) spor't (d) nature (e) Spor'tingevent.s (f) the countryside (g) take a train (h) camp sites (i) be close to nature (j) go for walk.s4 (a) to (b) at (c) on (d) on (e) at (f) to (g) at (h) about (i) of (j) at (k) to (I) by

Illness and 1he Doctor (p.27)1 (a) brain (b) Iungs (c) heaf't (d) stomach (e) dodor (f) patient @) nurse (h) receptionist(i) chemist 2 (a) examine (b) treat (c) suffer (d) cure (e) operate (f) look afler (g) keep (h) ache3 (a) in (b) to (c) fof (d) to (e) to (f) with (g) on 4 (a) 4 (b) J (c) 6 (d) 1 (e) 7 (f) 2 (g) 8 (h) 5

In the M orning (p.29)1 (a) shower (b) comb (c) briefcase (d) soap (e) hairbrush (f) newspaper (j) electric razor(h) alarm clock (i) toothbrush (j) teeth (k) clothes (l) pyjamas 2 d, f, h, b, J, c, a, c ky e, q, g: n,i, o, p, 1, m 3 (a) wear (b) put on (c) dress (d) put on (e) wear (f) dress

The Telephone (p.31)1 (a) 2 (b) . (c) 5 (d) 1 (e) 4 2 (a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 5 (d) 8 (e) 9 (9 1 (g) 7 (h) 2 (i) (J (j) 1 1 (k) 103 (a) wrong number (b) engaged (c) lonq-distance (d) rates (e) operator (f) off-peak(g) interference (h) diredory (i) directofy enquiries t) call-box (k) receiver

lYatching Television (p.32)1 (a) 5 (b) 3 (c) 6 (d) 9 (e) 4 (f) 2 (g1 7 (h) 1 (i) 8 3 (a) turn off (b) record (c) turn on (d) switch(e) plan (9 Iook up


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How To Do Things

How to do 1he Washing Up (p.33)1 (a) washing-up Iiquid (b) tap (c) sink (d) draining-board (e) cupboard (f) drawer (g) c10thh)

sponge (i) brush i) dfshes 2 (2) turn on, fill, tufn off (3) add (5) rinse (6) drain (7) dry(8) put away

How lo make an xEnglish Breakfast (p.34)1 (a) toasteo (b) napkin (c) fwing-pan (d) teapot (e) bowl (f) salt (g) jug (h) tea-bag (i) glass(i) tabIe-cIoth (k) pepper (l) kettle 2 (1) Iay (2) boil (3) pour (4) add,stir (5) spread (6) fry(8) clear away

How to do Keep-Fit Exercises (p,35)1 (1) stand, hang (2) raise (3) turn, move (4) lower 2 (2) hold (3) lean (4) bend, bring, touch(5) straighten

How to use a Radio/cassette Player (p.36)1 (a) knob (b) batteries (c) controls (d) buttons (e) point (f) lead (g) plug (h) switch 2 (1) plulg in

(2) switch on (3) press (4) turn down, turn (5) turn up (8) switch off (9) unplug

Related W ord Groups

Basic Adjectives (p.37)1 (a) 5 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 4 (e) 1 2 (a) 3 (b) 1 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) 2 3 (a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 2 (d) 1 (e) 3 4 (a) 5(b) 4 (c) 2 (d) 3 (e) 1 5 (a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 1 (d) 2 (e) 4 6 (a) 2 (b) 1 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) 3

Basic Adjectives: opposites (p.38)1 (a) good (b) fat (c) thick (d) Iate (e) deep (f) hot 2 (a) heavy (b) dark (c) young (d) casual(e) major (f) new 3 (a) small (b) wide (c) busy (d) wealthy (e) smooth (f) calm 4 (a) blunt(b) safe (c) public (d) wonde/ul (e) clean (f) short 5 (a) empty (b) guilty (c) easy (d) huge(e) tight (f) low 6 (a) slow (b) nice (c) cheap (d) wrong (e) weak (f) dr k 7 (a) stupid (b) sad(c) rude (d) soft (e) ugly (f) quiet

Verbs (p.40)1 (a) 4 (b) 1 (c) 5 (d) 3 (e) 2 2 (a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 1 (e) 2 3 (a) -5 (b) 5 (c) 2 (d) 1 (e) 4 4 (a) 2(b) 1 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) 3 5 (a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 4 (d) 1 (e) 2

Action Verbs (p,41)1 (a) driver (b) cleaner (c) artist (d) hairdresser (e) athlete (f) dressmaker (g) hairdresser(h) cleaner (i) athlete (j) dressmaker (k) artist (1) driver 2 (a) dentist (b) soldier (c) pilot(cl) gardener (e) postman (f) teacher (g) teacher (h) postman (i) solider (j) gardener (k) pilot(l) dentistAdjectives Describing Character (p.42)1 (a) sociable (b) adventurous (c) impatient 2 (a) easy-going (b) talkative (c) ambitious3 (a) naughty (b) Iazy (c) cheerful 4 (a) selfish (b) sensibte (c) optimistic 5 (a) tidy (b) polite(c) imaginative 6 (a) polite (b) Iazy (c) sensible (d) optimistic (e) sociable (9 cheerful jg) naughtyh) i

mpatient (i) talkative (j) tidy (k) easy-going (I) ambitious (m) adventurous (n) selhsh(o) imâginative

People's Appearance (p.43)1 (a) shoft (b) elderly (c) bald (d) glasses (e) his arms folded (9 formally dressed (q) striped(h) well-pressed (i) well-polished shoes / (a) strongly-built (b) in his thicties (c) stralght

(d) bracelet (e) his hands on his hips (f) casually-dressed (g) checked (h) patched (i) trainefs2 (a) slim (b) middle-aged (c) wavy (d) necklace (e) her hands clasped (f) neatly-dressed

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(g) spotted (h) smar't (i) high-heeled shoes / (a) average height (b) teenage (c) curly (d) bow(e) her hands by her Sides (f) untidity-dressed (g) plain (h) baggy (i) sandals

Materials (p.45)(a) wool (b) jlass (c) paper (d) cotlon (e) tenim (f) stone (g) Ieathef (h) metal (i) brick (j) plastic(k) wood (1) Iron (m) steel (n) china (o) rubber

Geographical W ords (p.45)(a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 1 (d) 5 (e) 9 (f) 2 (g) 3 (h) 1 1 (i) 7 (i) 12 (k) 6 (I) 10

W ord Building' - ful' and '-less' (p.46)(a) useful(b) useless (c) painless (d) painful(e) homeless (f) helpful (g) sleepless (h) hopeful(i) tasteless

'Interesting' and Interested' elc. (p.46)

(a) exciting (b) excited (c) relaxed (d) relaxing (e) satisfied (f) satisfying (g) boring (h) bored(i) frightened (i) frightening (k) annoytng (1) annoyed' - er' and '-or' (p.47)(a) worker (b) visitor (c) cleaner (d) ador (e) driver (f) employer (g) manager (h) difector(i) operator (j) maker (k) painter (I) builder (m) colledor (n) sailor (o) speaker' - ist' and '-an' (p.47)(a) Christian (b) typist (c) politician (d) American (e) pianist (f) scientist (g) electrician (h) cyclist(i) ar-tist () guitar'st (k) Roman (I) novelist

'Hourly', 'Daily' etc. (p.47)

(a) daily (b) weekly (c) yearly (d) hourly (e) fortnightly (f) monthlyz- enz (p.48)(a) tighten (b) Ioosen (c) brighten (d) sharpen (e) deafen (f) widen (g) Iençthen (11) strengthen

Number + Noun (p.48)(a) five-mile (b) ten-minute (c) 2O0-paqe (d) zo-storey (e) two-week (f) ten-metre(g) six-month (11) five-country (i) two-ton

'un-' 'dis-' 'in-' 'im-' 'iI-' 'ir-' (p.49) ' t # ' #'1 (a) unwell (b) unnecessary (c) unhealthy (d) unpleasant (e) unemployed (f) unpundual(g) unfair 2 (a) untidy (b) Unfriendly (c) unsatisfactory (d) tlnusual (e) unconscious(f) unsuccessful (g) unhud a (a) unlock (b) unpack (c) untie (d) unwrap (e) undo (f) undress4 (a) irregular (b) incorrect (c) illegal (d) inconvenient (e) impolite (f) informal (g) dishonest

Adverbs of Manner (p-50)(a) stupidly (b) continuotlsly (c) heroically (d) noisily (e) truthfully (f) dramatically (g) hard(h) angrily (i) publicly (j) strangely (k) tidily (I) completely, absolutelyCompound Nouns (p.51)1 (a) a birthday-par'ty (b) a question-mark (c) a college library (d) a university student (e) officefurniture (f) work clothes (g) a Iorrrdriver (h) a television projramme (i) a governmentbuilding (j) an evening class (k) a shop-window (I) a bread-knlfe (m) an exercise-book(n) a ticket inspector (o) a toothbrush (p) a stamp-album (q) a road-map (r) a shôelace(s) orange-juice (t) a book-list (u) a film magazine (v) a camera shop (w) a tourist bus2 (a) stamp colledions (b) city-centres (c) teacups (d) concert-halls (e) family dodors(f) picture-frames (g) dog owners (h) car-wheels (i) airline pilol.s (j) matchboxes (k) handbags(I) garden chairs


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W ord Forms (p,52)(1) decision, decide (2) congratulate, congratulalions (3) permit, permission (4) invitation,invite (5) arrival, arrive (5) depart departure (7) complain, complaint (8) argue, argument(9) impodance, important (10) difficult, difficulty (1 1) height, high (12) arrangement,arrange (13) bleed, blood (14) pradice, pradise (1 5) description, describe (1 6) explanation,explain (17) enjoy, enjoyable (18) fly, flight (19) signature, sign (20) meet, meeting

(2 1) hot, hcat (22) suit suitable (23) relaxation, relax (24) choose, choice (25) Iegal,legalise (26) modernise, modern (27) industly industrial (28) agricultural, agriculture(29) simple, simplify (30) admit, admission (31) freedom, free (32) weigh, weight(33) noisy, noise (34) safety, safe (35) dangerous, danger (36) peacer peâceful(37) Iose,Ioss (38) mix, mixture (39) dirty, dir't (40) violent, violencê (41) measurement, measure(42) kind, kindness (43) (a) happily (b) happy (c) happiness (44) (a) success (b) succeed(c) successful (45) (a) die (b) dead (c) death

Idiom s

Verb Phrases (p.55)1 (a) make your bed (b) make a list (c) make an appointment (d) make your breakfast(e) make sure (f) make a noise 2 (a) make a decision (b) make enqtliries (c) make plans(d) make some money (e) make friends (f) make an effor't 3 (a) take care (b) take a photo(c) take an exzm (d) take a seat (e) take any notice (f) take plice 4 (a) have a bath (b) havebreakfast (c) have a game of tennis (d) have fun (a) have a party (f) have a rest 5 (a) keepfit (b) keep still (c) keep calm (d) keep a record (e) keep awake (f) keep quiet 6 (a) do myshoppin: (b) do the housework (c) do some work (d) do exercises (e) do me good (f) do alot of harm 7 (a) get married (b) get a 1ot of monay (c) ,get tlu (d) get a train (e) get ready

'Touch' (p.57)(a) keep in touch (b) get out of touch (c) get in touch

Prepositional Phrases (p.57)1 (a) at home (b) at work (c) at the sea side (d) at school (e) at first (f) at Ieast (g) at once(h) at Ia$1 2 (a) on time (b) on fire (c) on foot (d) on holiday (e) on business (f) on the onehand (g) on the other hand (h) on second thought 3 (a) in person (b) in time (c) in prison(d) in a mess (e) in lrouble (f) in Iove (g) in tears (h) in a hurry 4 (a) by mislake (b) by post(c) by phone (d) by chance (e) by car (f) by bus (g) by aII means (h) by the way 5 (a) out ofdate (b) out of doors (c) out of order (d) out of control (e) out of breath (f) otat of work

Pairs (p.59)1 (a) more or Iess (b) so and so (c) on and off (d) yes and no 2 (a) Iikes and dislikes(b) litlle by Iittle (c) do's and donzts (d) peace and quiet

Time (p,59)(a) ages (b) the other day (c) so far (d) ffom now on (e) one day (f) for good

'M ind' (p.59)(a) on your mind (b) change your mind (c) make up your mind (d) mind your head(e) I don't mind (f) read your mind

Things W e 5ay (p.60)-1 (a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) : 2 (a) 4 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3 3 (a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 1 4 (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 1 (d) 4


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M iscellaneous

Abbseviations (p.61)1 (a) a-m- (bh p-m. (c) etc. (d) e.g. (e) PS (f) U5 (g) zlo (h) Rd (i) FTO 2 (a) ft (b) ins (c) Ibs(d) BC (e) AD (f) i-e- (g) EU (h) UK

Reading Dales and Numbers (p.62)1 (a) ... 6th April (or: April 6) 1 743 (b) ..- f .35 (c) ... 370 4492 (d) .. .1 276(e) lcm = 0.3937 ins 2 (a) ... the foufth of May nineteen thirty-seven (b) , .. four pountsfifty each (c) four oh eight nine double-one seven (d) ... twelve thousand seven hundredand fifty pounds (e) one pound is (or: equals) nought point four five four kilograms

Punctualion Marks (p.63)(a) inverted commas (b) exclamation mark (c) full stop (d) question mark (e) capitalIetler(f) small Ietter (g) apostrophe (h) hyphen (i) comma (j) bfackets


Full stops, question marksz exclamation marks (p.63)(a) W edve received a Ietter from Mr A. W . Holden. Have you seen it?(b) He arrives on 17 Sept. on BA flight 301 . He'11 stay in U.K. tillthe following Thurs.

before joing to the U,S.A,, Japan and Australia. What a journeyl Wilj5ue meet himnt the alrport?

(c) GoI Get outl Now It's dangerousl Can't you see?(d) She asked me if the U.5. is in the E.U, W hat a questionl(e) W hat are you doing? Are you going out? Remember to take your key.

Commas (p.64)1

(a) took, Maria, the British flag is red, white and blue.(b) She can't act, sing or dance. Sheell never get into films or on television.(c) W ell, Ican drive a car, speak three Ianguages, play the piano and repair almost

anything mechanical.(d) 5he Iives at Flat 12, Stewart Courl, Oak Street, W estminster, London.(e) She was born on 20th December, 1 961 .(f) 'Alex, did you get tl'le bread''

fYes, it's in the kitchen, Mum-''Thanks here' the money.'

2(a) After yotl have finished this work, you can go.(b) Wash your hands before you eat.(c) lf Ihave time. 1'11do it tomorrow.(d) As soon as he got home, he phoned his cousin.(e) They'd help Us if they were here, wouldn't they?(f) You aren't going to wear that hat, are you?(g) Shefll be here at 7, won't she?a(a) He works for Simmonds, which is a Iarge manufaduring company.(b) Firms which employ fewer than 1 00 workers do not need to pay this tax.(c) His father, who is a businessman, has three cars.(d) Candidates who fail the exam may re-take it in June.

(e) Tourists are advised to avoid countries where the disease is known to exist.(f) He's gone to Egypt, where the climate is better for his health.


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Apostrophes (p.65)1(a) lt's raining. You'd betler take a raincoat or you'llget wet.(b) Scientist.s don't understand how the plane Iost one of its wings.(c) It's fascinating to watch a bird care for its young.(d) Remember that this word is spelt with 'two c's and two m's.

2(a) Is that John's car?(b) My father's garden is always in good condition.(c) My parenl' home is small. They only have one bedroom.(d) The boys' changing-room is on that side of the sports-hall. This is the girls'

changing-foom.(e) Look at that girl's haic(f) These are the men's toilets. Those are the women/s.

Inverted commas (p.65)1(a) 'You Iook tiredJ' she said.(b) He said, 'You should get a cac'(c) 'Your friend phoned,' she said, 'and I told him you were out.'(t) 'The childfen are asleepr'Mary said. 'They had a hard day.'(e) 'Move and t'IIshootl' he warned.(f) 'W hat time is he cominj'?' she asked. 'He'll be hungry.'(g) 'l'd like to live in England,' said Max, 'if the weather were better-'2(a) At American universities, first-year student.s are 'freshmen' and second-year student:s

are 'sophomores'.(b) W e're studying 'Othello' at school.(c) The 'brain' of the machine is this computer here.(d) If you want a marriage partner in Japan, you go to an 'omiai'.(e) I've seen 'Gone with the W ind' three times.

Spelling: noun plurals (p.66)1 (a) wishes, kisses (b) boxes, matches (c) watches, dresses (d) boys, studies (e) toys, countries(f) Iibraries, Sundays (g) families, monkeys, wap, babies (h) sheep (i) fish 2 (a) yourselves,knives (b) wives, handkerchiefs (c) lives, roofs (d) kilos, tomatoes (e) photos, heroes (f) women,feet (g) children, teeth

Spelling: verbs ending in '-y' (p.67)(z) stay, destroy, display, buy (b) câl'ry, copy, marry, occupy, multiply, dry (c) hurries. tries,enjoys(d) spies, betrays, pays (e) delayed, satisfied (9 applied, annoyed, qtaalified

spelling: '-ing' form and regular '-ed' past tense/pasl participle (p.68)1 (a) sleep, fail, need, read, wear, start, clean, lean (b) dig, get,plug, trim, shut, hit, drop, put,win (c) wipe, give, cure, close, Iose, score, bore (d) sitting, Iiving, watching, eating. Iying,cutting (e) having. Iooking, seeing, planning, dying (f) slowed, stopped, rubbed, stared,shouted, stepped (g) phoned, tired, begged, scared, paused 2 (a) beginning(b) happening (c) travellin: (d) opening (e) forgetting (f) permitting (g) sharpening(h) relaxing (i) suffered () preferred (k) allowed (1) cancelled (m) admitled (n) offered(o) regretted (p) occtlfred

Spelling: m iscellaneous poinls (p.69)1 (a) although (b) altogether (c) always (d) alfeady (e) almost (f) wonderful (g) awful (h) helpful(i) tlseful (j) careftll (k) taught (1) caught 2 (a) whose (b) who's (c) whose (d) who's (e) whose(f) its (g) it's (h) its (i) its (j) it's (k) four (I) fourleen (m) forly (n) forty-four


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3 (a) possible, different (b) addresses, accommodation (c) necessafy, success (d) laziest(e) beautiful (f) copier (j) happiness (h) dirtier (i) mystery (j) system (k) pyramids 4 (a) comb,school(b) exhausted, cllmbing (c) guest, knocking (d) autumn, wrong (e) honest, charader(f) receipt, guitar (g) doubt, exhibition (h) knee, knife (i) hour, write

The British Isles (p.72)1 Scotland 2 England 3 W ales 4 N.lreland 5 The Reptlblic of lreland 6 Edinburgh 7 Belfast8 Dublin 9 Cardiff 10 London 1 1 The Irish 5ea 12 The North 5ea 13 The Channel

W ord Games (p.73)1 (a) armchairr film-star, newspaper, world war cinema seat, birthday, girlfriend, bookcase,seaside (b) bus-stop, football, salt water, table Ieg, police car, apple tree, goldfishr towncentre, tea-break 2 night, eight, sight, weight, eighty, height, might, Iight, right3 necessaly travelled, forgotten, different, excellent, immediate, beginning, succeeded,preferred 4 Diserent answers possible. (clloud; sttlick; notte), shotnle, (hleight, raliln,coatslt, (clhair, (Qhat, (blright, taltkling, (s)kiI1, heatrlt, tlrlies, (sllow, waitslt,(fllight, retald6 (a) Across 1 sang 3 Ieft 4 took 6 told 8 sent 9 grew Down 1 sat 2 got 3 Iost 5 kept7 dug 8 saw (b) Across 3 swam 4 came 5 rang 7 gave 8 thought Down 1 caught2 taught 6 found 9 had 10 hid 8 1, wear, their, heaf, meat write, peace, too, whole,read9 (foodl' toast, bread, meat, fruit, sausage, sandwich, chocolate, vegetables(sports): rugby, boxing, tennis, hockey, football, baseball, athletics. basketball(part.s of a house): roof; wall, door, hall, floor, window, ceilingr kitchen

10 tpart.s of the body): finger; hair, arm, Iips, face, hand, nose, head, eye, mouth, foottoe, neck, Ieg, back (Animal5): zebra, bear, catr doq, fox, cow, wolf, giraffe, horse, sheep,tiger, elephant, pig, Iion, goat (Clothes): blouse, sklr't/ jeans, jacket, sweater. dress, shorts,tlnderwear, socks, coat, shir't, suit, trousers, hat, tie

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