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  • 8/9/2019 041510 final-1


    April 15, 2010 For Immediate Release

    American Patriots Gather On the Banks of the Potomac to DemandThat Their Government Abide by the Constitution

    Law s a re made fo r m en o f o rd ina ry under s tand ing and shou ld , the re fo re , be cons t rued by the o rd ina ryru les o f comm on sense . The i r mean ing i s no t to be sought fo r in m etaphys i ca l sub t l e t i e s w h i ch may m akeany th ing m ean eve ry th ing o r no th ing a t p l easu re .

    --Thom as Je f fe rson, 1823, Letter to William JohnsonApril 19, 2010 marks the 235th anniversary of the day when American colonials in Massachusetts stood shoulder-to-

    shoulder on the green at Lexington and at the Old North Bridge in Concord to stand against British Regulars who had

    come to seize their guns, ammunition, and other supplies.

    Thus began the War for American Independence.This April 19th, freedom-loving Americans from all walks of life will gather on both banks of the Potomac to peacefully

    demand that their government abide by the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The Restore The Constitution rally

    [http://restoretheconstitution.wordpress.com/about/] will assemble at Fort Hunt National Park near Mount Vernon and

    Gravelly Point Park across the Potomac from the Washington Memorial -- some of them legally armed (loaded sidearms,

    unloaded and slung rifles) -- to hold a peaceful demonstration with a single, simple message:RESTORE THE CONSTITUTION NOW!

    According to the Restore The Constitution organizers:We w ant to remind Am ericans that they have a basic human right to k eep and bear arms both for self-

    defense and to preserve individual freedom that is not only enshrined in the Bill of Rights, but is

    protected on ly by Americans wil l ingness to ac tua l l y exe r c i se that right. Just as is true w ith free speechfreedom of assembly, and every other right guaranteed by the Constitution if you dont insist on your

    Constitutional freedoms by exercising them in public, you w i l l lose them.

    In 1788, with the ratification vote by New Hampshire, the Constitution was adopted as the supreme law of the land. The

    Bill of Rights, as ratified by Virginia in late 1791, placed additional essential limitations on the powers of the government

    created by the Constitution. Together, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights set forth very specific limited powers for the

    Federal government, while also providing crucial protections for both individuals and the states from attempts by the

    Federal government to step outside those limits.

  • 8/9/2019 041510 final-1


    Over the years, as the nation grew and prospered, American citizens became lax in their vigilance against the slow and

    continuous encroachment of government into their private lives and affairs. Over the past 100 years, all three branches

    of the Federal government have stepped far beyond the clearly-articulated and mandatory boundaries set by the

    Constitution and the Bill of Rights.With the actions taken in recent years by power-hungry Republican and Democratic politicians (examples include the

    bank bailouts in TARP, the automobile manufacturers bailout, and the recent healthcare mandate) and activist Federa

    judges (example: the Kelodecision), more and more Americans have had enough. They have awakened, and they notice

    with increasing dismay as leading politicians in both the White House and Congress disregard and even openly mock the

    supreme law of the land. Todays patriots also recognize that when the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are interpreted

    consistently to justify the expansion of government and to mean whatever those in power say it means, we are headed

    towards a return to life as subjects under the thumb of tyrants.The American citizens who gather this April 19th at the Restore The Constitution rally will openly and safely carry their

    firearms as they peacefully assemble as close to Washington, DC as possible to proclaim their grievances and demand

    redress from their servant politicians and officials. In short, every one of the participants in the Restore The Constitution

    events will each be exercising God-given human rights explicitly acknowledged by the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of

    Rights. As the Restore The Constitution organizers put it:Can you imagine what the Founders would have said if they knew, after all of the blood and the pain of

    the recent revolution, that to enter the Federal governmental district created by the Constit ution, American

    citizens would have to completely disarm themselves while petit ioning their servants in government? The

    Founders would not have tolerated such arrogance by public officials, and they would have asked todays

    Americans some pretty tough questions as to why w e accept such behavior.

    Undoubtedly, there will be those in the media and government who will mischaracterize these loyal Americans as racist

    haters, bigots, right-wing extremists, domestic terrorists, and similar epithets. Those slanderous accusations ar

    completely false, and the men and women who will gather on the banks of the Potomac on April 19th are nothing of the

    sort. The participants in the Restore The Constitution event are patriotic, everyday Americans who simply insist that their

    government respect the rights guaranteed by and obey the limitations imposed by the supreme law of the land the

    United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

    For more information on the Restore The Constitution rally, please contact Daniel Almond at 404-788-9735 o

    [email protected].