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  • 8/13/2019 05166129



    Wireless Sensor Network: Intricate Modeling andAnalysis of CNT and MEMS based Sensor Nodes

    Satyadhar Joshi2, Rohit Pathak1, Salman Ahmed2

    1Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research,2

    Shri Vaishnav Institute of Technology & Science,Indore, Madhaya Pradesh, India

    [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

    Abstract- We have analyzed the effect of innovations inNanotechnology on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and havemodeled Carbon Nanotube (CNT) and Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) based sensor nodes. SUGARlibrary in MATLAB has been used to illustrate the staticanalysis of deflection, display the structure and to compute the

    displacement parameters of a cantilever beam subjected to anexternal force. A WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) model hasbeen programmed using Simulink in MATLAB. We haveshown the integration of CNT in WSN as CNT based sensors,

    microprocessors, batteries etc. A proposition is put forward byus on the changes needed in the existing sensor node structureto improve its efficiency and to facilitate and enhance theassimilation of CNT based devices in a WSN. We have shownthe functioning of CNT based Nano devices in WSN technology.

    Finally we have commented on the challenges that exist in thistechnology and described the important factors that need to bekept under consideration for the calculation of the reliability ofCNT based devices and their key effects on the WSNenvironment.

    KeywordsWireless Sensor Networks, Nanotechnology,

    CNT sensors, MEMS sensor, Sensor Nodes, Reliability,Simulink Modeling, MATLAB SUGAR.


    INTRODUCTIONThe combination of recent technological advances inelectronics, nanotechnology, wireless communications,computing, and networking has hastened the development ofWireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) technology.Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks (WSANs) constitute anemerging and pervasive technology that is attractingincreased interest for a wide range of applications. WSN seeapplication in various areas like space research, biomedicalengineering, military applications such as battlefieldsurveillance and the quest for making low power, reliableand cheap sensor nodes has been a prime focus in recentyears. We know that Nanotechnology has enabled realization

    of low power devices such as MEMS devices and CNTbased FETs [11-12]. CNT based sensors have shown manybenefits over their past counterparts and are suitablecandidates in this Nanotechnology driven age [24].Nanotechnology uses the smallest unit of matter to engineernew materials and devices atom by atom, aiming atachieving superior properties and performance throughatomic scale architecture. An improvement in techniques ofNano-characterization and Nano-fabrication has helped us topave the way to develop many novel materials that can beapplied to various spheres of technology. For example theimpact of Nanotechnology on Wireless Communications hasbeen shown by Er. Ping Li in [14]. An Architecture ofQuantum-Based Nano-sensor Node for Future WirelessSensor Networks has been proposed [10]. WSN in space

    application has been shown in [6] which use adaptive MEMSantennas. Wireless Sensor Networks with BiomedicalApplications has been shown by Zachary Walker describingthe importance of Middleware [22]. Miniature AcousticCommunication Subsystem Architecture for UnderwaterWireless Sensor Networks has been proposed by SaunvitPandya [33]. WSN architecture for the Wireless HealthMobile Bio-diagnostic System for physiological studies hasbeen proposed [34]. Thus, we have expanded and proposed

    designing and modeling of MEMS based array of sensors inour paper that can lead to its practical applications in theseareas.

    II. MEMSSENSORSTrends toward smaller size, higher performance, and

    greater functionality for electronic devices are made possibleby the success of solid-state microelectronics technology.Recent developments in MEMS and wireless technologytogether enable remote sensing of the environment using alarge number of miniaturized wireless sensor nodes [1]. Asensor node AccuMicroMotion based on MEMS is proposedin [3] that has the ability to detect motion in six degrees offreedom for the application of physiological activitymonitoring. MEMS based sensors used in WSN forenvironmental monitoring, traffic monitoring and waterquality monitoring can be used for prevention of undesirableevents has been shown in [4]. Batteryless-Wireless MEMSSensor System with a 3D Loop Antenna RFID based devicehas been proposed by Sasaki which can be used for passiveRFID based sensors [8]. MEMS based sensors networksutilization for space application has been shown by Erfy in[7]. MEMS capacitive sensor for chemical detection hasbeen put forth in [5]. Thus we can see that MEMS devicesplaying an important role in Sensors and giving many

    advantages over their traditional counterparts.Reliability and failure mechanism in MEMS, its

    implications for WSN and the changes that are needed to bemade in the modeling of the nodal software and operatingsystem have been the major challenges in MEMS basedWSNs.

    III. SUGAR MODELING OF MEMSSENSORSDuring the last two decades, the field of micro electro-

    mechanical systems (MEMS) has advanced from producingsimple-function devices to building systems of greatercomplexity.

    With the ultimate goal of quickly and accuratelysimulating complex systems, we present efficient methods toconfigure, model, and simulate MEMS that are composed of

    2009 2nd International Workshop on Electron Devices and Semiconductor Technology

    978-1-4244-3832-7/09/$25.00 2009 IEEE

    IEEE Catalog Number: CFP0926CISBN: 978-1-4244-3832-7

    Library of Congress: 2009900354

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    a large number of lumped components. These methods arepackaged in a CAE for MEMS tool called SUGAR [26]. Wehave used Sugar to get results as shown in Fig. 1.

    Fig. 1. Modeling of Array of cantilever MEMS sensors SUGAR-

    Diagram of Structure.CODEI






    beamw = gridDim-fringeDim


    --Array junction

    junction = { node{} }

    for n=0,3 do --z

    for m=0,3 do --y


    junction[n] = node{0, m*gap, n*gap}

    junction[n+1] = node{}

    junction[n+2] = node{}junction[n+3] = node{}

    junction[n+4] = node{0, (m*gap), (n*gap)-(gap-



    beam3d { junction[n], junction[n+1] ; material=p1,

    l=gap-beamw, w=gap-beamw, h=beamw, oy=90}

    anchor { junction[n] ; material=p1, l=gap-beamw,

    w=gap-beamw, h=beamw, oy=90}

    beam3d { junction[n+4], junction[n+2] ; material=p1,

    l=beaml, w=beamw, h=beamw, ox=90}

    beam3d { junction[n+2], junction[n+3] ; material=p1,

    l=beaml/1.5, w=beamw/2, h=beamw*4, ox=90}end


    Thus we can calculate various parameters required inreliability calculations from SUGAR simulation program asshown above. Here we have the sensing parameter as 1 1( )F x is a function of the linear displacement. Attaching materialsat the free end of the cantilever and studying the change inparameters can help in realizing the application of MEMSbased sensors. Here in the simplest case 1 is the lineardisplacement.

    IV. CNTSENSORS ANDNANO PROCESSORSResearch on carbon nanotubes is ever intensifying in

    diverse fields of science and engineering in spite of the more

    than a decade that have passed since and many applicationsbeing proposed over the years. Realization of CNT basedsensors devices can make them a suitable candidate for WSNsensor nodes. Functionalization of CNT can lead to noveldevice application giving advantages of their uniqueproperties [25].

    We know that conductance of CNT depends on therolling of the graphene sheet which in turn depends upon thechiral vector as given by the equation

    where n and m are integers and 1a , 2a are unitvectors in the bi-dimensional hexagonal lattice of thegraphene sheet.

    The radius of the nanotube being

    Hence we can model a sensor dependent on the

    above parameters as follows:1. Define m, nand calculate the radius required for the

    particular sensor as electronic structure (energyband gap structure) depends on the integers, m andn.

    2. Take note of impact of working temperature andenvironmental factors on the reactivity of CNT likehydrogenation, oxygenation, NO2, NH3, CO, O3 asstudied in [24, 25].

    3. Effect of elasticity, mechanical motions and effectof other adsorbent on CNT surface.

    4. Predicting the reliability of the sensor.

    Fig. 2. Interaction of CNT and other molecules.

    We know that variations in current conductanceproperties of CNT make it a useful for detecting gas andchemicals as shown in Fig. 2. We can illustrate the variationof current vs. time in a CNT based sensor from the graphs inFig. 5 [24]. The special semiconducting properties of CNTshave been exposited that makes them a suitable candidate forthe future development of Nano-processors and Nano-scalecircuitry [28, 30-31].

    Atashbar et. al. [37] has asserted that SWNT basedefficient gas sensor using SWNT functionalized with SodiumDodecyl Sulfate improved the solubility of SWNT in DI

    ( )1/22 2

    0 / 2R a n m nm = + +

    1 2= +hC na ma


  • 8/13/2019 05166129



    water significantly. He proposes that this functionalizationreduces the short range attraction forces by introducingrepulsive forces of equal strength and this results in thealteration of structural, electronic, and mechanical propertiesof the nanotubes.

    We are aware that there is a change in conductance ofCNT on absorption of CO, NH3, CO, O3, NO2 and O2 and

    other gases [24]. Jing Li[18] has proposed a unique andcommercializable way to develop Nano-scale chemicalsensors with polymer-coated CNTs for selective chemicalsensing in gas phase. But we need more exploration incoating and doping techniques for broad applicationcoverage. In Fig. 3 we have shown the integration of CNTsensor in a WSN. The main challenges for any engineeringapplication of CNT are its reliability and interconnects.Functions of CNT based devices have been shown in Fig. 5.

    Our proposed Mathematical Model in this regard

    We know that

    ( )1/22 2 / 2

    c cr a n m nm

    = + +

    Where r is the radius of the CNT and ac-c, n, m are theparameters needed for calculation of the radius

    2 2( )3 h

    c c

    Cm mn nD a

    + += =

    2 2 1/2( )3

    2 2h

    c c

    Cm mn nr a

    + += =

    We propose a parameter which is a gas concentration

    operator that varies from 0 to 1 depending on the number ofgas molecules adsorbed on.That is,

    0 1 Where 0 signifies extremely high adsorption of gasmolecules and when it has value equal to 1, it is for pureCNT.We know that,

    Resistance,R length .

    Also, R 1/External surface areaAnd R {adsorption coefficient of a gas on CNT}Now, we further propose that

    1/N N where N is the no. of gas moleculesadsorbed on a CNT i.e. concentration of gas molecules.

    And where is orientation of molecule.

    1 k = +

    is constant for a particular gas and kis effective valencyof the gas.

    Here, 0k > if gas molecule is electron acceptor and0k < if gas is electron donor.

    Thus, we have


    .Then the proposed equation for resistance of CNT is

    2 2 1/23 ( )c c


    a m mn n


    + +

    Where is resistivity, L is length of CNT, c ca is C-C

    bond length in CNT equal to 1.42 , m and n are parametersdepending on structure of CNT.

    Fig. 3. Graph between Resistance and Number of particles (R vs N)

    Fig. 4. Graph between Resistance and (R vs )

    Finally, putting value of

    Thus the variation of resistance with N (number of gasmolecules) in Fig. 3, and variation R with gamma has beenshown in Fig. 4.


    MATLAB CODE FOR GRAPHfunction [ output_args ] = Equation_resist1( d )syms gamm;

    x=-1000:1:10; %Range for our resultm=10;n=10;


    N=1000;rho=1;one = rho * alph * (beta ^ thet);two = (m ^ 2) + m*n + (n ^ 2);three = (3 ^ 1/2) * a_cc * (two ^ 1/2) * (N ^ gamm);ans = one/three;

    y=subs(ans, gamm, x);plot(x,y);

    02 2 1/23 ( )c c

    Ra m mn n N


    + +

  • 8/13/2019 05166129



    Fig. 5. Integration of CNT based devices for a WSN.

    Fig. 6. Functioning of CNT Devices in WSN.

    Fig. 7. CNT based sensors advantages and challenges.

    V. RELIABILITY OF CNTBASEDWSNContemporary work in computation of WSN reliability is

    pretty generalized and Nano-scale devices based WSN hasnot been the sole focus of the research done in this area. Thechallenges and advantages are shown in Fig. 5.

    In our previous work we have shown that MEMSreliability can be calculated using HPC thus making their

    practical applications possible [39]. Effects of the failure ofsensor nodes are studied and no compromise data acquisition

    methods have been proposed in [21]. Requirement forsustained, reliable and fault-tolerant operations have beenconferred and a solution has been proposed by Kaminska in[15].In this regard the reliability calculations by probabilisticgraph models and algorithm have been demonstrated byHosam M. F. AboElFotoh [17].

    Reliability studies in respect to Common Cause Failures

    have been examined [20]. Modeling and evaluating thereliability of Wireless Sensor Networks as subject tocommon cause failure has been described in [18]. Datatransport and the reliability of data transport protocols havebeen discussed in [19]. Thus if we can predict the cause offailure then we can modify the protocols in our systemaccordingly. In Nano domains the failure can be caused dueto large number of problems and errors which needs to bemodeled and predicted in advance. Ad hoc wirelessarchitecture has been introduced by Kamiska in [15] for thesustainability of self-configuring Wireless Sensor Networksand the routing scheme forwards sensor data along fuzzy andintentionally redundant paths to provide for reliability and

    fault-tolerance has been proposed. In [23] Zhand Dingxingdiscusses coverage algorithm based on probability toevaluate point coverage. Reliability in Wireless SensorNetworks using Soft Sensing and Artificial Neural Networkmethodology has been demonstrated by Rubina Sultan [21].Optimizing availability and reliability in Wireless SensorNetworks applications by the use of middle wares has beenshown in [16]. Thus we need to develop middleware inaccordance with the challenges that exist.

    But reliability and performance of the Node in a CNTbased Sensor Node depends on the Sensor, Nano-processor,Nano-battery sources as shown in Fig. 5. Thus we need to

    make appropriate changes in the middle ware and OperatingSystem.

    Our analysis shows that Reliability of CNT depends on:-1. Functional group(s) attached, length and chirality of

    the CNT molecule2. Packaging model used3. Integration with other devices and interconnects4. Other factors such as temperature and

    environmental parameters in the particular setting we plan itsuse.

    VI. DISCUSSIONWe have shown that since CNTs are used in many parts ofthe sensor nodes, MEMS and Nano-processors [28, 20],

    therefore, it is necessary to study the reliability and effect ofvarious parameters on CNT based devices. We have shownthe importance of functionalization of CNT and its realisticapplications in chemical sensors and other Nano-electronicdevices [35, 36]. The sensor software has to be modified forCNT specific computations and in case of detection oferroneous readings by the node in CNT based calculations;corrective measures are needed to be incorporated into thesoftware to counter these readings. Certain changes have tobe made in the operating system of the node for correctivemeasures and precise computation of reliability. The

    software application algorithms need to be adapted as per thenew parameters of the sensor nodes.

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    Algorithms for the functioning of the sensor node:ALGORITHM ONE


    Step 1: Input from CNT SensorsStep 2: ADC convertersStep 3: Data sent to CNT based Nano-processorsStep 4: Computation of data to study the reliability

    of the signal and the various aspects of occurrence ofdiscrepancy in the readings of the functional CNT sensorsEnd

    Modifications needed in current Operating System forCNT based WSN:-

    1. Minimizing the inconsistency in the readings of CNTsensor nodes due to functional CNTs.

    2. Inclusion of correction for the CNT based Nano batterysource.Modeling of CNT based devices in a WSN environment suchas CNT Sensors, CNT electronics, CNT based power sourcescan be done in this way. Since CNT is the main ingredient ofdevices, its reliability is of paramount importance. We havecorroborated that the reliability of CNT based sensor nodedepends upon functionalization of the CNT molecule,application, interconnects and packaging. VHDL-AMS(VHSIC hardware description language Analog and Mixed-Signal extensions) modeling can be done as substantiated in[26].

    Fig. 8. Modeling of a CNT sensor Node.

    Fig. 9. Simulink Model.

    Shown above is Simulink model and the testing of a CNTbased WSN sensor node. The connections are described inFig. 6. The modeling of parameters of CNT is shown are Fig.7. A comprehensive modeling of MEMS sensors, ADC(Analog to Digital Converter) and Nano-processor can bealso done through VHDL-AMS but there are no options forCNT based circuitry in the proposals [27, 32].

    VII.CONCLUSIONThus we have shown how Nanotechnology enabled

    devices can be used in a WSN environment and thechallenges that needs to be confronted. We havesubstantiated the integration of CNT based devices in WSN.We corroborated the challenges that exist on modeling ofCNT and MEMS based devices for a WSN sensor node. Wehave demonstrated the functioning of CNT devices and thepossible reliability issues effecting WSNs. We have alsoproposed the changes that are needed in the analysis of thecurrent setup of a sensor node system to enable and improve

    the integration of CNT based devices in WSN. Change in theproperties of the MEMS and CNT devices that is needed tobe incorporate in their analysis has been proposed. We haveconstructed a Simulink model in MATLAB and using thesame we have performed the testing of a CNT based WSNsensor node. Thus, the modeling of CNT based nodes can bedone in packages like Simulink in MATLAB. Integration ofSugar [17] MEMS as an added functionality with MATLABalso remains an area to work in this regard.


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    Choose functional part of CNT sensors/ MEMS sensors

    Model the CNT based Nano processor

    Calculate the parameters of Sensors, the discrepancy ofvalues based on the functionalization of CNT

    Model the Nano Battery

    Programming of Nano Operating System

    Calculate the functioning and reliability of the Model.

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