05940842 lte a compact mimo ant japan

Muual Coupling Cancellaion for Compac MIMO Anenna wih 3 dB Hybrid Nobuo Nakajima, Tomoko Yamazaki and Wei Ni Scoo of Infoatics e Univesit of Eectro-Communications Co-shi, okyo, Jaan  nnakajima@cuecacp AbstrctMMO is one of the important technologies in LTE , WiMAX and LTE-Advanced for improving spectrum eciency. However, it is not easy to make a compact MMO antenna for portable terminals, keeping high performance. One of the problems is mutual coupling among the antennas. This reduces the eciency of the antenna. In this paper, a dB hybrid is used to cancel the mutual coupling. This idea can be applied to 2 N (N is integer) number of MMO antennas. In addition, by using tunable impedance matching circuits, wide operational bandwidth is available. Experiments were carried out for 2 MMO antenn as at 2.4 - 2.6 GHz ban d. Keywordscomonent; decouplig; celulr; LT 1. NTDUCTIN MIMO tecoogy was aeay appie fo ireess LAN systems to eance te secum eciency. ypicay, om two to four antennas ae impemente ot in te access  points an teminas. Regaing to te ceuar systems, suc as L E, iM a L E-Avance, MIMO technoogy is epoye in te inteationa stana an is now panne to e imlemented in eac system. Howeve, tee ae some roblems fo imlementing MIMO technology  to the actua systems. One is to esign a compact MIMO antenna fo ortable terminas. High  pefomance must  be kept uner the strict limitation in size. It is sai that the correlation of the receiving signal evel  becomes igher when antenna sacing  becomes closer. Higher correation causes MIMO capacit degraation. Furtermore,  te tigt mutual couing degraes radiation eciency. Accoing to te revious investigations, it was foun  tat te muua coeation roem  was not seri ous[ ]. Howeve, te tigt mutua couing causes  aiation oss. o cope wit tis roem, ecouing  technoogies wee eveoed [1] [ ][3]. is pape poposes a ecouing  technoogy tat uses a 3 B hbrid. he basic structures ae shown fo , 4 and antennas MIMO. Expeiments wee caie o fo anennas MIMO in  te .5 GHz ban. e moe the couping  becomes tight,  te naowe te banwith  becomes. herefore, tunable impeance matcing stucue was eveope to exten te opeationa anwit. 11. MIMO TENA STUCTUE WITH3 B HY Figure I sows MIMO stuctues with 3 dB bri in  te case of , 4 and antennas. Oerational rincie is exaine below in the case of antennas. In Fig. , the inut  wave is fe at pot I and spit to pot 3 an pot 4 wit equa ampiue. A pase of pot 4 wave eays 0 egees compaing wit te pase of pot 3. ese  waves aiate at antenna 5, 6 an coue  to te oppose anteas. ese two coue  waves ret  to 3 B ri an spit to pot 1 an pot wit equa amitue. At po , two outut  waves ae equa amlitude but out of hase (1 0 degrees). eefoe, tese waves ae cancee ou an thus  te couing  wave oes not appea at pot . On te ote  an, at pot 1, since two coue  waves ae te same pase,  te sum of tese waves appeas om pot 1. A coue  waves o not go to pot ut go to pot 1. If te 3 B yri is iea, te ecouing is euency inepenent an eimination is pefect. A of te eecte waves om te two anteas go to pot . Even if te wave is fe om pot in Fig. , the oeration is the same as exlained above. Imedance matcing circuits ae attache  to suress the  etue waves as shown in Fig. 1. At t 4 t Fig.1 Decouling Stuctue of the MIMO Antenna  wit 3 dB Hybrid IEEE

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8/3/2019 05940842 Lte a Compact Mimo Ant Japan

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Muual Coupling Cancellaion for Compac MIMOAnenna wih 3 dB Hybrid

Nobuo Nakajima, Tomoko Yamazaki and Wei NiScoo of Infoatics

e Univesit of Eectro-CommunicationsCo-shi, okyo, Jaan


AbstrctMMO is one of the important technologies in LTE ,

WiMAX and LTE-Advanced for improving spectrum eciency.

However, it is not easy to make a compact MMO antenna for

portable terminals, keeping high performance. One of the

problems is mutual coupling among the antennas. This reduces

the eciency of the antenna. In this paper, a dB hybrid is used

to cancel the mutual coupling. This idea can be applied to 2N (Nis integer) number of  MMO antennas. In addition, by using

tunable impedance matching circuits, wide operational

bandwidth is available. Experiments were carried out for 2

MMO antennas at 2.4 - 2.6 GHz band.

Keywordscomonent; decouplig; celulr; LT


MIMO tecoogy was aeay appie fo ireessLAN systems to eance te secum eciency. ypicay,om two to four antennas ae impemente ot in te access

 points an teminas.

Regaing to te ceuar systems, suc as L E,iM a L E-Avance, MIMO technoogy is epoyein te inteationa stana an is now panne to eimlemented in eac system. Howeve, tee ae someroblems fo imlementing MIMO technology  to the actuasystems. One is to esign a compact MIMO antenna foortable terminas. High  pefomance must  be kept uner thestrict limitation in size.

It is sai that the correlation of  the receiving signalevel  becomes igher when antenna sacing  becomes closer.Higher correation causes MIMO capacit degraation.Furtermore,  te tigt mutual couing degraes radiationeciency.

Accoing to te revious investigations, it was foun  tat te muua coeation roem   was not serious[].Howeve, te tigt mutua couing causes   aiation oss. ocope wit tis roem, ecouing   technoogies wee

eveoed [1] [][3].is pape poposes a ecouing technoogy tat uses

a 3 B hbrid. he basic structures ae shown fo , 4 and antennas MIMO. Expeiments wee caie o fo anennasMIMO in  te .5 GHz ban. e moe the couping  becomestight,  te naowe te banwith becomes. herefore, tunable

impeance matcing stucue was eveope to exten teopeationa anwit.


Figure I sows MIMO stuctues with 3 dB bri in

  te case of , 4 and antennas. Oerational rincie isexaine below in the case of antennas.In Fig., the inut wave is fe at pot I and spit to pot

3 an pot 4 wit equa ampiue. A pase of pot 4 waveeays 0 egees compaing wit te pase of pot 3. ese

  waves aiate at antenna 5, 6 an coue   to te opposeanteas. ese two coue waves ret to 3 B ri anspit to pot 1 an pot wit equa amitue. At po , twooutut   waves ae equa amlitude but out of  hase (10degrees). eefoe, tese waves ae cancee ou an thus

 te couing   wave oes not appea at pot . On te ote an, at pot 1, since two coue waves ae te same pase, te sum of tese waves appeas om pot 1. A coue

 waves o not go to pot ut go to pot 1. If te 3 B yriis iea, te ecouing is euency inepenent aneimination is pefect. A of te eecte waves om te twoanteas go to pot . Even if te wave is fe om pot inFig. , the oeration is the same as exlained above.

Imedance matcing circuits ae attache  to suressthe etue waves as shown in Fig. 1.



4 t

Fig.1 Decouling Stuctue of the MIMO Antenna wit 3 dB Hybrid


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8 annna MIMO

Decouping Strcture of the MTMO Antennawith 3 dB Hybrid (contied )

3 dB ybid3



Fig. Paths of the Couled Waves

In te case of 4 an anteas, te MIMO strcte  becomes moe comlicated. Howeve, the mutual coupling between  pos can be erfectly canceled as wel, if  the 3B ri an te impeance matcing circuits ae iea.


In or expeiments, sma ieectic antenas wit  meane ine aiation eement ae appie. e istanceetween two teas is 6 mm ( 0.05 waveengt). Poto an  pefomance ae sown in Fig. 3, 4 an 5. e mutuacoupling is ve tight (- dB ).

Figure 6 and 7 show  the hoto and   pefomance of the3 dB brid. he equency characteristics ae almost atwithin 3 GHz.

Fig. 3 Ceramic Antenna with Meander Line Radiato

Fig Closely Packed Antennas



�--4- E .� . .

, '•••: 6 h='-_4+".- =-

9 ;.·:·I _2  / ....

/P -1

I-22A�·,..-  q 8 ++- -15I-a  -18I-


2 2.2 2.4 2.6


Fig.5 Antea S Paametes

Fig.6 3 dB Hybrid

Or 3

-10 --�----------- ---- ---/-----�  831  i   i 

 841-20 : ---- ----


S11 :   : 

-30 ----;-- 821

-40 ----------i-------- : ---- ---- -----

2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.

Fig.7 3 dB Hybid Performances



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Fiue 8 n epeiment tutue feupi ntenn hbi n impene mtiiuit e nnete ui mi-tip tnmiin ieFiue 9 etu e f pt 11 n pt 222 In Fi 9b e ie 12 equen epne

  befe eupi n i ie te epne e

eupin It n be een tt te upi i eimite b te B bi n te te te e e einee bee te uin e t te inut pt

W ·3";2 -9Q ·12� ·15( ·18




Fi8 Epeiment tutue

"-- S2 ---


2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8


bn ine i ue f urein   te ein  e n in Fi 10 Dintinit b te bn ieue eetin n te mi-tip tnmiin ine Bjutin te mpitue n pe f te eetin eti e m te ntenn n be nee e mpitue f  te etuin e n te eete e t te bn u

 be te me n te pe f tem u be ppite ut f   pe Fm tee nitin te ent te pitin f   te bn ine e eteine In te epeiment te entn te pitin f te bn ine e jute b t ne Fiue 11 te reut t te equen f 272GHz, te eui e m te ntenn i nee

Fi 1 0 Bn Line Impene Mtin iuit

W 3 6 Q 12�  -15  1( 21



1 v

. .4


.6 .8

(a) Rt Fi Re L Pefne it Impene Mtin

Befe Oeup

m 3'_---J- -- 6p�T � 9-+-r"=�--V-

l,2 -+-


- 15 Afe Oeup

18 21


Frequency GHzb Coupling Loss

Fi9 Feqen Repne



tu   te muu uin   eiminte b te B bi bit i e n If te me te upin

 beme tit te nre te bnit beme pe  it ti pbem tunbe iruit   eepe f teimpene mtin Fi2 i bn tuue Retie

 pitin f te bn ine e eie b fi equtin

Eeti ent H / Eeti ent L = f f 1

 t = Eeti ent H - Eeti ent L 2

  ee t i eptin beteen t bne f ie mte equen f i ie mte eqen n

978145770787/11/$6.00 ©011 IEEE

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g is aveage wavelength on  the micro-stri line. Electrical

length is the phsical length divided   by g. he hsicallengths ae shown in Fig. 13.

Fig. 14 shows  the imedance matching circuit with thee rch lines and Fig. shows the e loss pefomances. PIN diodes o MEMS switches m ealicale to switch the opeational eqency as shown in Fig.1. In the expeiment, thin coppe stips ae sed   to coectand discoect the ranch line to the mico-stip tansmissionline. Fig. 14 is   the case whee the imedance is matched at.4 GHz hen  the middle branch line in Fig.4 is connected  to the micro-si line,  the imedance is matched at .5 GHz

When the  uppe branch line is connected  to the micro-striline, the impedance is matched at .6 GHz

s, the expeiments show that wideand decolingis enabled by the tunable matching circuit.

Fig.1 Dal Band Impedce Matching Circit


MachingPoint lor 

t �t__ _ ___ MachingPoint lor IL

Fig.13 Electical Length and t

Fig.14 hee Impedance Matching Banches

; h.-4l___·r'U", ::,: ,-/o X. 1- --4 :.._ "<, k-�...� � _61:- ;.- •. , . \ "/ \( .' -

9 \ /  :  \  ! 

" ,2  /  I \. \ / V .f 5 f f++�'8 \!

-21+ -+- 24 V

3reuenc Gz

Fig. Retu Loss Performances with Imedance Matching


Decouling fo closely acked MIMO antennas  wasachieved by using 3 dB hbrid. his decouling  technology

 will e sel fo ortale   teminal MIMO antea, ecse the mtal coling cses adiation loss and the MIMOcapacit deceases e to the SNR redction y  the inceased

 adiation loss.he more the coling ecomes tight, the narrower the

bandwidth becomes. o coe with this roblem, a tuableimedance matching circuit was develoed using the branchlines. Decouling equency can be conrolled by the ositionof the branch line. hus, wide band decouling erformancebecomes available by switching the branch lines that arecouled to the micro stri line at the different ositions.

Net esech taget s  to deveo a smal, wdebdand low loss 3 dB hrid. Capacit mst e evalatedexpeimentally in the mlti-ath envioent fo the MIMOantenna with 3 dB hbrid. 4 and antenna MIMO with 3 dBhbrid should be develoed and tested.


[1] W. Ni, N. Nima, "Two Microstrip Decoupling Techniques onighly Copled Antennas for MIMO Communications, WMC'09,(Sept 2009)

[2] [2] C.Chiu, C.Cheng and C.R.Rowell, "Reduction of mutual couplingbetween closely-packed antenna elements, I Trans. On Antennasand ropagation, vol.55, pp.1732-738,(June 2007)

[3] [3] S.Chen, Y.Wang and S.Chng,"A decopling   technique forincreasing the port isolation beteen to strongly coupled tennas,I Trans. On Antennas and ropagation, vol.56, pp.3650-3658,(Dec.2008)