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Jacobs State of the County


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    2015 State of the County Address 6-12-2015 Remarks as Prepared

    SECTION ONE - INTRO OPENING VIDEO Retrospective of First Term Good morning, ladies and Gentlemen and welcome! What a great look back at the last four years! Its gratifying to see what weve accomplished together. More than anything, I think of these past four years as transformative because of the historic achievements weve realized through partnership and collaboration. To each of you here today, and the thousands whove helped along the way, I offer my heartfelt appreciation for the part you have played. And speaking of historic achievements, how about this incredible center? How many of you are here for the first time? Isnt this amazing? Please join me in recognizing Ken Robinson, Jim Hinson and the Dr. Phillips Charities, Jim and Alexis Pugh not only for their incredibly generous financial contribution, but for their great work as champions for this project The Walt Disney World Company, Jim Seneff and CNL, the DeVos family, and so many miracle workers who have helped lead the largest philanthropic effort our community has seen. And how about this magnificent Walt Disney World Theater Truly magical! Walt Disney World your contributions to Central Florida have added a whole new dimension to the happiest place on earth. Thank you for making this dream a reality! But for our citizens and local performers, the vision wont be complete until our Orlando Philharmonic is performing on the Steinmetz stage. By the way how many of you caught the sneak peak of that new theater in the video? Lets put it back up there. What a great look at the 3rd hall! In the last two weeks we have taken a giant step forward in achieving that vision. Topping the list? Chuck and Margery Pabst Steinmetz. Their extraordinarily generous gift provides real momentum for fundraising. And of course, the announcement that Orlando City Soccer will privately fund a new soccer stadium is hugely positive, and offers Orange County and the City of Orlando the opportunity to partner yet again in closing the funding gap. Would all those who have played a role in creating the Dr Phillips Center for the Performing Arts please rise so we can thank you!

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    And along with those here today, we must never forget the hard-working men and women of the tourism industry, and how their culture of hospitality has helped to fund our venue projects including this gorgeous Dr. Phillips Center. With our record-breaking 62 million visitors, we continue to be a premier global destination. And just wait until we unveil OIAs multi-modal hub! When this is finished, it will be the first in North America to connect more than 5 modes of transport, including commuter rail, automated people movers, ground transit, All Aboard Florida, and of course, air travel to nearly every spot on the globe. Investing in our tourism and travel infrastructure is so important, because lets not forget even when times were at their most difficult, our tourism economy provided a beacon of light toward recovery. In recognition of their impact on Central Florida, including the 1 out of every 3 jobs that they support, please join me in saying thank you to the leaders of this vitally important economic engine!

    our friends from Disney, Sea World and Universal Orlando

    our hotel industry leaders, including Rich Maledecki of the Central Florida Hotel & Lodging Association, and

    George Aguel and his worldwide team of Visit Orlando ambassadors

    Thanks to our many robust industries like tourism, Orange County has largely overcome the serious economic concerns of eight years ago. From the beginning of the recession in 2008 to fiscal year 2014, countywide property tax revenues had declined nearly 22% - from $477 million to $374 million. But today, and for the third consecutive year, those revenues are on the rise, with projections of nearly $431 million for the upcoming fiscal year. That economic strength is generating attention, with each of the big three credit agencies elevating the countys credit worthiness to historic levels. To quote from The Orlando Sentinel, the upgrades reflect the financial worlds growing confidence in Orange Countys new economic diversity and strength, as well as its resilience The upshot of these superior rankings? Loan and finance-cost savings in the millions for our taxpayers. In fact, next week I will sign the paperwork for a single bond refinancing that will save three million dollars. Please join me in recognizing Eric Gassman, our Chief Accountability Officer, and his entire financial leadership team. Increased credit ratings are very difficult to achieve, but they are so valuable and vitally important. Eric, team, great work by all! From housing starts to private sector investment, activity in Orange County is soaring, with our theme parks, alone, investing literally billions of dollars.

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    But the most important measure of all? Jobs. Again, the numbers tell the story. Since being elected in 2010, when our unemployment rate was a staggering 11.3%, today were measuring 4.7% more than 6 points LOWER than those very difficult days in the fourth quarter 2010. By these and so many measures, it is clear that the state of Orange Countys economy is strong! From the debut of SunRail, our new Citrus Bowl, and the Dr. Phillips Center, to more groundbreaking ceremonies than we can keep track of, we are building a thriving community. And theres so much to come Ultimate I-4, Lake Nonas new U.S. Tennis complex, the V.A.s new Medical SimLEARN Center by working together, we, my friends, are creating history. Thanks to the unwavering commitment of so many private and public sector leaders, including our own dedicated Board of County Commissioners, we are on a mission to create the best place to live, to work and to raise a family. I am honored to serve with these true public servants, who work hard for their constituency and our community each and every day. Please join me in recognizing our County Commissioners! Commissioner Boyd please stand so we can thank you Commissioner Nelson, Commissioner Clarke, Commissioner Thompson, Commissioner Edwards and Commissioner Siplin I would also like to take a moment to recognize your County Comptroller Martha Haynie, who in addition to her other roles, joins our board each Tuesday morning. Thank you, Comptroller Haynie would you and all of our constitutional officers who are here today please stand so we can recognize your service to Orange County. To our partners at the City of Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer and the Orlando City Council thank you for your hard work and partnership! To all of our mayors and city council members, as well as county commissioners in Seminole, Osceola, and Lake Counties, with your leadership and commitment, we are setting the new standard for effective, regional collaboration! And lets not forget our outstanding legislative delegation, led by a staunchest community advocate, Senate President Andy Gardiner! To our County Administrator Ajit Lalchandani, and my Chief of Staff Graciela Noriega Jacoby, whoever said no one is irreplaceable, obviously hadnt had the privilege of working with the two of them. And to the incredible leadership team at the County, and

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    the dedicated staff of over 7,000 county employees, from the bottom of my heart, and on behalf of our citizens, thank you. Would our leadership team please rise so that we can all recognize you for your dedication and contribution to our County!

    And lastly, Id like to thank my heart, my soul, and my core team of supporters and counselors my family. My husband Bruce and our four children (Josh, Max, Lisa, and Chase), and my incredibly strong mom I love you, and would never have embarked on this journey without your support. Thank you for taking this public service walk with me. SECTION TWO: SETTING THE STAGE - SECOND TERM Here in Central Florida, we can be proud of the solid foundation were building, and of our future as a great American community. Weve all seen cities and regions that have had their heyday wonderful periods of prosperity and achievement only to fall into sad decline. I see a very different future for our region. I see a future that is filled with creativity and innovation, rich in diversity, and a superb quality of life for our children and more importantly, for THEIR children! Together, we will make that dream a reality. When I moved here nearly 25 years ago, I soon discovered something amazing moving here was like moving home. Many of you know my story I was a homeowner and was involved in my neighborhood. I had four small children and enjoyed the parks and library with them. My life was simple back then, much more simple (funny). However, two critical things happened that changed the course of my life and brought me to where I am today. The first was a proposed division of my neighborhood by a major roadway and the second was a well-placed phone call by Mayor Linda Chapin. I wont go into the details because most of you have heard my story. But I realized I had to work outside of the boundaries of my neighborhood to effect change in my community, and that getting involved in local government was a vehicle for that change. When I first decided to run for the county commission, I was motivated by the fact that a small group of people could make a difference my neighborhood was living proof of that. I discovered that not only was Margaret Mead right, so was Linda Chapin, whose personal phone call and mentoring truly opened my eyes to see how, even though our neighborhood lost our road battle, we could have a very real and positive impact the future. At that time, I knew how great this community was, but I also believed it could become even greater. Once I understood how I could play a part, I ran for mayor with that thought in the forefront of my mind and each day I work to move us closer to that mark.

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    Over the last four years, I continue to be amazed by the individuals in this community that step up to the plate and join in that pursuit. Admittedly, it is sometimes easier to get things done when you are county mayor, but there is a genuine interest on the part of our residents, faith leaders and corporate citizens to make this community better. SECTION THREE QUALITY OF LIFE

    And that includes taking care of our own, by lifting people up and providing hope and opportunity. Look around the room from left to right, front to back each of you have played a part. From mental health to homelessness, and through partnerships with faith, charitable, and social service partners, we are committed to helping those in need. In particular, weve made great strides in caring for our homeless Veterans. Central Florida can be deeply proud of its history with the military. But our debt of gratitude is never fully paid, and today, as too many veterans and their families struggle with homelessness, we are fighting for them, as they fought for us. Working with regional partners, including our Central Florida Commission on Homelessness, the Veterans Administration and United Ways Mission United, we have pledged to END VETERANS HOMELESSNESS in Central Florida. With your help, we will achieve this goal. For decades, Orange County has been the leading provider of homeless services, budgeting more than $5 million annually. Earlier this year, we committed another two million dollars to that annual amount, and partnered with the City of Orlando to help attract new federal grants to house the chronically homeless. In recent weeks, we provided 40 more chronically-homeless housing units, in addition to the nearly two hundred that Orange County has already provided. But helping homeless families and children is even more complex than helping the chronically homeless.. From the lack of affordable housing and transportation, to bad credit many times through no fault of their own the barriers to ending family homelessness are staggering. Thats why, through the regional Commission on Homelessness, we created the Family Homelessness Committee. I asked our communitys greatest champion for children, Dick Batchelor, to chair this committee. To partner with that effort, Rulon Munns agreed to bring his heart, soul and leadership to the Orange County Committee, which looks at Orange Countys overall safety-net of programs. And last month, pastors from around the area including Pastor Youth, who led our opening prayer helped us to kick-off the Open Table program, which brings church families together with homeless families.

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    Through these and other efforts, we WILL create a path of hope and self-sufficiency for at-risk families. Id like to ask both committees to stand, as well as those participating in Open Table, our regional commission, and service providers so we can recognize your selfless service. There are other challenges that todays families are facing, including those dealing with mentally ill youth. Incredibly, sadly, 1 out of every 10 children suffers from a mental health disorder with symptoms that are very real, and sometimes severe. Last year I announced the creation of our Youth Mental Health Committee. This year we have moved beyond the recommendation phase and now with the help of our Youth Mental Health Implementation Committee chaired by Rich Morrison with Florida Hospital, were working to get the pieces of this puzzle aligned, so our parents know when to ask for help, and where to turn. Were also keenly aware of the dangers from domestic violence, and how children in this situation are so vulnerable to child abuse. The tragic reality is that 80% of battered women have children in the same position. In response to this harsh reality, I expanded the mission of our domestic violence commission to address issues related to child abuse. Through the efforts of our Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Commission, co-chaired by Judge Alice Blackwell and Dick Batchelor, and working together with our public safety partners, including Chief Judge Fred Lauten, State Attorney Jeff Ashton, and Sheriff Jerry Demings, we are working to protect and defend our youngest citizens. To work on this and other critical issues, were also blessed to have the special leadership of Dr. George Ralls, our new public health and safety director. I want to take a moment to recognize our Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Commission , as well as our Youth Mental Health Implementation Commitee, our law enforcement and public safety professionals, as well as members of the judiciary, and thank them for the crucial role they play. Also, to our men and women in the armed forces and their families here at home. We pay special tribute to your service, and to all the men and women who have chosen a career where they put their lives at risk to protect our citizens and our way of life. SECTION FOUR MS&T AND FOREIGN TRADE

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    Im so proud to say, that for the benefit of emergency personnel around the world, we are at the forefront of preparing our military and first-responders for their life-saving work. Through our renowned modeling, simulation and training cluster which generates nearly $8 billion dollars a year in statewide sales, and employs more than 27,000 Floridians Central Florida is a global leader in training fire-fighters to war-fighters. But I will tell you with success comes competition. In recognition of the threats to this industry, including BRAC and other federal realignments, in 2013, I created the MS&T Blue Ribbon Commission, chaired by Waymon Armstrong. To ensure that we retain this vital, high-tech sector, the commission has been working diligently with congressional and legislative leaders. Even this year, with a difficult legislative session really one for the ages weve seen a genuine acknowledgement of how valued this sector is. Were deeply hopeful that we will again be successful in securing significant legislative support for this catalyst industry, thanks to the efforts of our MS&T ambassadors, including UCF, the High Tech Corridor, the National Center for Simulation, Metro Orlando Defense Task Force, the EDC and our number-one champion, Congressman John Mica. Also! Be sure to mark your calendars for September 16th, when well be holding our first Florida Simulation Summit, focusing on the commercialization of MS&T. I look forward to showcasing some of the incredible products and people who are driving this industry, as well as what the future holds. Another important economic tool that were investing in is international trade. To connect local entrepreneurs and businesses with the global marketplace, in 2014 we launched the Central Florida International Trade Office as a pilot program. One year later, the CFITO is going strong. Funded in partnership by Orange County and JP Morgan Chase, the CFITO helps local companies looking for exporting opportunities, as well as streamlining the process for foreign investors. SECTION FIVE IDRIVE VISION And just as were nurturing international trade, were nurturing the heartbeat of our convention economy, International Drive. Let me give you an idea of whats happening, and more importantly, why. First, the vision. You know, were always reinventing ourselves. From our theme parks and their cutting-edge attractions to new venues and neighborhoods, we are a community in constant motion.

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    Its time to bring that sense of exciting change to I-Drive. Throughout its history, International Drive has been an acclaimed tourist corridor and convention center location. But I-Drive hasnt always been viewed as a destination for our local residents. That began to change especially when Pointe Orlando saw the potential of reaching out to the local markets, especially our young people and families Today, Point Orlando is a mecca for locals and guests from around the world, and I-Drive is exploding with entertainment options for Central Floridians. From I-Drive 360 to exciting developments in the works, already were transforming. But things are changing beyond these highly visible landmarks. As consumers, were changing. Think about how we develop new regions and neighborhoods today. From our acclaimed Horizons West where nearly 40% of our home building is taking place to Baldwin or Avalon Park, today we crave the feeling of being in distinctly authentic settings, with unique neighborhoods and restaurants. Think about your own travel, whether for business or family adventures. You want to explore the destination from the parks and museums to quaint neighborhoods and charming local establishments. Thats what we envision for International Drives future. An entire region with unique neighborhoods and a distinctly local flavor, that overflows with art, culture, dining and delight. To make this vision a reality, earlier this year I convened an I-Drive Visioning Committee. Ive asked them to work with our outstanding Orange County planners and convention staff in crafting a revitalized, long-term vision for I-Drive, embracing visitors as well as our families, entrepreneurs and young people. Were dreaming big, of beautiful plazas that flow seamlessly from meeting spaces to dining and living, with interactive art installations, unique entertainment, and a transformed transportation network. But of course, no discussion of I-Drive would be complete without the Orange County Convention Center a premier destination for business leaders from around the world. As the second largest convention center in the U.S., we welcome more than 1.3 million annual visitors, supporting 26,000 jobs and generating a $2.1 billion dollar impact. But to remain competitive, we must also invest in this asset. Thats why last year, our Board authorized a $187 million dollar capital investment project. To keep - and grow - our incredible line-up of convention and trade shows, were focused on the long-term vision, and how the convention center will fit into the broader I-Drive vision. From the research and our own experiences, we know that our convention

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    visitors want a uniquely local experience - not an impersonal, secluded convention center district. The I-Drive Visioning group is already hard at work. Weve seen some preliminary concepts, and I cant WAIT to roll out the formal plan. Were committed to creating a dazzling International Drive entertainment district that will be the envy of the world! A destination that visitors will want to come back to again and again but more important than that a place where locals will enjoy a unique lifestyle filled with entertainment, dining, and the arts. Weve got so many creative minds at work on this project. Please, will the participants of our I-Drive Visioning committee, as well as our planning and convention center staff, stand so we may recognize your contributions? SECTION SIX Branding Thanks to our theme parks and convention center, Orlando is one of the most recognizable regions in the entire world. We have such a positive image, providing the perfect platform for showcasing our never-ending story. To leverage that positive awareness, weve invested in a branding campaign, aimed directly at business decision makers. The reason? To increase employment opportunities today and for generations to come. And as our economic development community knows, for companies interested in relocating or expanding, Orlando only makes the short list about a third of the time. And another third of the time, we dont make the list at all. During our January Economic Summit, we launched the regions new branding campaign, Orlando. You dont know the half of it. Our goal? Make the short list every time, to create more career opportunities for our citizens, to diversifying our economy, and ultimately to boost wages. [Video of Branding Commercial] Isnt that great? Im so proud to publically thank the EDC, who we asked to take on this project, as well as the two individuals who really spearheaded this initiative. Please, join me in acknowledging the leadership and hard work of Rick Weddle and his EDC team, as well as Ken Potrock from Disney, along with his wonderful team of marketing and advertising geniuses! SECTION SEVEN: Creating Opportunity by investing in the Future

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    But more than anything, to build a vibrant economy where creativity, innovation and opportunity will flourish, we need to invest NOW in the tools that future generations will need. From efficient roads to a healthy environment, its our job our responsibility to invest, and invest wisely. Therefore, to insure that our great county is poised for success for generations to come, today I am proposing one of the largest capital investment projects that Orange County has ever undertaken. Totaling more than $300 million dollars, these investments will be spread through-out Orange County. Next month, I will be presenting a budget that includes a comprehensive initiative involving the construction of roads, parks, pedestrian safety projects, public and fire safety facilities, affordable family housing and more. The good news is that this proposal will not increase taxes. Through our conservative budgeting, and thanks to an improving economy, we are able to identify the annual revenue needed to finance this program from existing sources. And, to leverage the Countys high credit rating and historically low interest rates and before construction costs rise the time is now to address our infrastructure and public safety needs. SECTION EIGHT: WRAP This morning weve talked about so many essential aspects of what makes Orange County great. From a thriving sports, recreation and arts culture, to a deep commitment to helping those in need, we are truly your Home for Life. But more than how you or I are impacted, lets remember why were doing this, and for whom our children and their grandchildren. Without question, were prepared to take our place on the world stage, and we are poised for long-term success. Lets keep todays energy and momentum going by investing in our future, and by growing our awesome Orange County culture a culture of collaboration, a culture of caring, and a culture of creativity and innovation. May God bless each of you, and may God bless Orange County. Thank you!