06 project isa

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RISC microprocessor architecture.


  • CS 3220 Project ISA

  • We will be designing processor, need an ISA What do we want in our ISA

    Easy to decode (youll have to write this in Verilog) Easy to write assembler for (youll have to write one) Easy to write applications for (youll do this, too)

    Similar tradeoff involved in designing real CPUs Plus backward compatibility But for CS 3220 we dont want backward compatibility! Encourages laziness and cheating

    (Verilog code may already be posted somewhere)

    CS 3220 Fall 2011 - Prof. Milos Prvulovic 2

  • CISC or RISC? Definitely RISC (much easier to design)

    Fixed-size or variable size? Definitely fixed (fetch and decode much easier)

    How many things can be read or written Each register read (>1) complicates register file Each register write (>1) complicates register file a lot! Each memory read or write (>1) creates lots of

    problems (memory ports, pipeline stages, hazards).

    CS 3220 Fall 2011 - Prof. Milos Prvulovic 3

  • How will we access memory Do we use only LD/ST, or do we allow

    memory operands in other kinds of instructions? Only LD/ST is far simpler to implement because:

    Mem operands in ADD, SUB, etc. require many flavors for each instruction (tough to decode)

    And we need to describe the entire decoding logic in Verilog Dont want multiple memory accesses per inst!

    Even one memory stage in the pipeline is complex enough

    OK, well have LW, SW

    CS 3220 Fall 2011 - Prof. Milos Prvulovic 4

  • Lets have some arithmetic ADD, SUB, what else?

    How about some logic? Option 1: AND, OR, NOT, XOR, etc. Option 2: Lets just have one! Which one? NAND!

    Can fake others using NAND, e.g. NOT A is A NAND A Lets use Option 2 for now

    Easier to write assembler, easier to decode But leave room (unused opcodes) for others

    Comparisons? It depends Option 1: Conditional branches do comparisons Option 2: Comparison instructions, one cond. branch Option 3: Mix of the two

    CS 3220 Fall 2011 - Prof. Milos Prvulovic 5

  • Conditional branches PC relative, need decent-sized offset operand Hard to write if-then-else and loops if branch

    only goes e.g. 3 instructions forward or back How will we call procedures?

    Option 1: Special branch that saves return address Option 2: Save RA in SW, use normal branch

    How will we return from procedures? Option 1: Specialized RET Option 2: Jump-to-address-in-register (JR)

    Lets have only one call/jump/return inst for now! Similar to JALR instruction from CS 2200 Syntax would be JAL Rdst,Imm(Rsrc)

    CS 3220 Fall 2011 - Prof. Milos Prvulovic 6

  • Typical conditional branches BEQ R1,R2,Label ; Go to Label if R1==R2 Can also have BLT, BLE, BNE, BGT, BGE Need to encode two registers in the instruction BEQZ R1, Label ; Go to Label if R1==0 Can also have BNEZ, BLEZ, etc. Need to encode only one register in the instruction

    (so we can have a 6-bit offset) Can have implicit operand, e.g. always R1

    BEQZ Label ; If R1==0 go to Label But R1 wont be very useful for anything else

    CS 3220 Fall 2011 - Prof. Milos Prvulovic 7

  • Need at least 2 to do ALU operations Plus one to be a stack pointer Plus one to save return address

    Unless we want to save it directly to memory Nice to have a few extra

    One for return value (to avoid saving it to stack) Some to pass parameters? Need at least 2 (more is even better)

    Need at least one for system use Well work on this in the last two projects

    OK, this is already 8 or more, so lets have 32 When writing code in assembler, well see that more is better

    CS 3220 Fall 2011 - Prof. Milos Prvulovic 8

  • Bits in instruction word? Hmm, lets see Need room for opcode

    How many types of instructions do we have? Can have a secondary opcode for some (e.g. for ADD,SUB, etc.)

    Need room for register operands Do we want 1, 2, or 3 or those? 3! This will use 9 bits in the instruction word

    Need room for immediate operands The more the better, but too few will be a problem

    Lets have 32-bit instruction word 8 not really an option (not enough room) 16 is very tight (with 16 regs, only 4 bits left for opcode) So lets do 32 (allows large offsets, more regs, etc.)

    CS 3220 Fall 2011 - Prof. Milos Prvulovic 9

  • How about 8? Will need multi-word values often (e.g. loop counters) PC must be larger than this, procedure calls get tricky

    Can we do with 16? Most loops and programs will be OK Immediate operand can load entire constant (nice) Can display entire word on HEX display

    But it makes sense to have 32-bit registers Same as instruction word Almost never have to worry about overflows and such

    CS 4290/6290 Fall 2009 Prof. Milos Prvulovic 10

  • Byte-addressed or word-addressed? Word-addressed is simpler

    Only need LD/ST instruction, vs. LW/SW, LB/SB, etc. Dont have to worry about alignment

    But Hard to switch apps to byte-addressed later Cant use e.g. 16-bit memory locations We can achieve most of the HW simplicity

    if we require word-alignment So well have byte-addressed aligned LW/SW only

    Can drop alignment limitations later if we want to But can add LB/SB, LH/SH later if we want to

    CS 3220 Fall 2011 - Prof. Milos Prvulovic 11

  • How many bits for the opcode? For insts w/ 3 reg operands, 15 bits already used

    Leaves 17 bits for opcode! But For insts w/ 2 reg and 1 imm operand

    E.g. LW R1,-4(R2), ADDI R1,R2,64, BNE R1,R2,Label Imm and opcode must fit in 22 bits (10 used for regno)

    Lets have a 16-bit immediate and 6-bit opcode Very few reach issues in branches and LW/SW Fairly large constants in ADDI, SUBI, ANDI, etc. We have 64 opcodes

    Sounds like a lot, but its not Well use a trick called secondary opcode to save these primary opcodes

    CS 3220 Fall 2011 - Prof. Milos Prvulovic 12

  • Have a smaller primary opcode (our six bits) Instructions with an imm operand only have this opcode

    Can only have up to 64 such instructions Instructions without an imm operand have plenty of bits left over

    E.g. ADD Rd,Rs,Rt uses just 21 bits for primary opcode and register numbers

    Idea: Use these extra bits for a secondary opcode Uses only one primary opcode for many ALU instructions The extra 11 bits in these instructions => the actual operation We dont need all 11, so lets use 6 of these

    Primary opcode of 000000 means 3-reg ALU inst Secondary opcode determines the actual inst

    E.g. 000000 is NOP, 000001 is ADD, etc. Still need to assign specific opcodes to instructions

    CS 3220 Fall 2011 - Prof. Milos Prvulovic 13

  • Does it matter which inst gets which opcode? E.g. LW is 0, ADDI is 1, 3-bit ALU is 2, etc.?

    Make the decoding easy! Let some opcode bits tell us what kind of inst we have

    Assigning opcode numbers as a list is messy Use an opcode chart

    CS 3220 Fall 2011 - Prof. Milos Prvulovic 14

  • We have 6-bit primary opcodes (two octal digits)

    CS 3220 Fall 2011 - Prof. Milos Prvulovic 15

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    0 ALUR








    Less significant 3 bits


    e si



    3 b


  • When OP1 (primary opcode) is 000000, the secondary opcode is decoded using:

    CS 3220 Fall 2011 - Prof. Milos Prvulovic 16

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7



    2 ADD SUB





    7 Why are GT, GE swapped?

    Why is AND not here?

    Why is EQ not HERE?

    Why is NAND not here?

  • We definitely need LW/SW and BEQ/BNE

    CS 3220 Fall 2011 - Prof. Milos Prvulovic 17

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    0 ALUR


    2 LW SW


    4 BEQ BNE




    Less significant 3 bits


    e si



    3 b


    Why are BEQ, BNE here?

  • Where do we put JAL (Call/Return/Jump)? No immediate operand use secondary opcode!

    CS 3220 Fall 2011 - Prof. Milos Prvulovic 18

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    0 ALUR


    2 LW SW





    7 Mor

    e si



    3 b


  • Uses immediate => cant use OP2! I-format variant for every ALU operation?

    A 3-register ALU instruction spends one OP2 opcode A I-format ALU inst spends an entire OP1 opcode

    Pick carefully which ones we provide! Avoid redundancy dont need both ADDI and SUBI!

    SUBI R1,R2,N == ADDI R1,R2,-N Add only instructions we will need often

    Will often increment counters, pointers, and such we want ADDI Will often mask values we read from I/O we want ANDI Will often combine bit-fields for I/O we want ORI

    CS 3220 Fall 2011 - Prof. Milos Prvulovic 19

  • OP1 for ANDI, ORI, ADDI

    CS 3220 Fall 2011 - Prof. Milos Prvulovic 20

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7



    2 LW SW





    7 Mor

    e si



    3 b


  • How would you put a 32-bit constant into a reg? Start with zero in a register (easy, use XOR) ADDI a 16-bit constant OK, half-way there! What now?


    Lets add a HI instruction! Gets lower 16 bits from src reg The upper 16 bits come from the immediate operand Can use ORI then HI to put 32-bit value into a reg

    CS 3220 Fall 2011 - Prof. Milos Prvulovic 21

  • OP1 for HI

    CS 3220 Fall 2011 - Prof. Milos Prvulovic 22

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7



    2 LW SW





    7 Mor

    e si



    3 b


  • Which bits in the instruction word are The primary opcode? The secondary opcode? The register numbers? The offset?

    Obviously, some of these have to overlap ADD Rz,Rx,Ry

    Using 21 bits (6 for OP1 and 3*5 for regnos)

    ADDI Rz,Rx,Imm Using all 32 bits, so 16-bit Imm here overlaps with Ry above

    CS 3220 Fall 2011 - Prof. Milos Prvulovic 23

  • Three things to worry about Must be able to find the primary opcode

    All insts must have it in the same place Speed

    Things we need first should be in the same place in all insts Complexity of decoding

    Good if same things in the same place even if they dont have to be Good if nothing is broken into multiple pieces (e.g. offset)

    Traditionally, primary opcode in most-significant bits So bits 31:26 are the primary opcode

    Traditionally, offset/immed in least-significant bits So bits 15:0 are the offset/immed (when it is used)

    Register numbers in-between Bits 25:21, bits 20:16, and (if no immediate) bits 15:11

    Secondary opcode must be somewhere in bits 10:0 We only need six bits, so well use 5:0

    CS 3220 Fall 2011 - Prof. Milos Prvulovic 24

  • Which register number is which? Sometimes we need two source registers (e.g. BEQ)

    And we have bits 25:21 and 20:16 for those

    Sometimes we need one src and one dst (e.g. ADDI) These must also be in 25:21 and 20:16

    Cant always have src and dst in the same place! Either 25:21 or 20:16 must act as both src and dst!

    CS 3220 Fall 2011 - Prof. Milos Prvulovic 25

  • We always have the first src register So make 25:21 always be that first src register

    Now, 20:16 is src in BEQ but dst in ADDI We are left with no choice about that

    Things are not so bad (yet) Can use 25:21 and 20:16 to read two registers,

    then if only one needed, just dont use the one we read using 20:16 Can use 20:16 as write-regno, then enable the write only if it is needed

    But for ADD, do we use 20:16 as the second src or as the dst? If 20:16 is second src for ADD,

    the reg to write can be in 20:16 (ADDI) or in 15:11 (ADD) but the second src (if it is needed) is always in 20:16

    If 20:16 is dst for ADD, the reg to write is always in 20:16 (if there is a write) but the 2nd reg to read sometimes in 20:16 (BEQ) and sometimes in 15:11 (ADD)

    Which option is better?

    CS 3220 Fall 2011 - Prof. Milos Prvulovic 26

  • Option 1: Second src always in 20:16 Can read 2nd src without decoding

    (throw away what we read if no 2nd src needed) but need to decode the primary opcode to select dst

    Option 2: Destination reg always in 20:16 2nd src sometimes in 20:16 and sometimes in 15:11 Need to decode OP1 to know what to read,

    but register number for writing known without decoding Which one is better?

    CS 3220 Fall 2011 - Prof. Milos Prvulovic 27

  • {op1,rx,ry,rz,5b0,op2} This format is used when OP1 is ALU3 or JMP For ALU3, function is rz = rx OP2 ry

    {op1,rx,ry,imm} This format is used when op1 is ADDI/ANDI/ORI, LW/SW, BEQ/BNE For ADDI/ANDI/ORI, the function is ry = rx op sxt(imm) For HI, the function is ry = {(imm

  • Instruction opcodes and register names Are reserved words (cant be used as labels) Appear in either lowercase or uppercase If there is a destination register, it is listed first

    Labels Created using a name and then : at the start of a line Corresponds to the address where label created

    Immediate operands number or label If number, hex (C format, e.g. 0xffff) or decimal (can have - sign) If label, just use the name of the lable (without :)

    For PC-relative, the immediate field is label_addr-PC-4 For other insts, the immediate field is 16 least-significant bits of label_addr

    CS 3220 Fall 2011 - Prof. Milos Prvulovic

  • Each register has multiple names R0 is Zero (should be always zero) R1..R4 are also A0..A3 (function arguments, caller saved) R5 is also RV (return value, caller saved) R6 and R7 reserved for assembler use (well see later for what) R8..R15 are also T0..T7 (temporaries, caller saved) R16..R23 are also S0..S7 (calee-saved temporaries) R24..R27 reserved for system use (well see later for what) R28 is GP (global pointer) R29 is FP (frame pointer) R30 is SP (stack pointer) R31 is RA (return address)

    Stack grows down, SP points to lowest in-use address

    CS 3220 Fall 2011 - Prof. Milos Prvulovic 30

  • .ORG Changes current address to

    .WORD Places 32-bit word at the current address can be a number or a label name If label name, value is the full 32-bit label_addr

    .NAME = Defines a name (label) with a given value (number) Otherwise we would have to name constants using .ORG 1 One:

    CS 3220 Fall 2011 - Prof. Milos Prvulovic 31

  • Do not actually exist in the ISA Translate into existing instructions

    We will have (for now) SUBI Ri,Rj,Imm => ADDI Ri,Rj,-Imm NOT Ri,Rj => NOR Ri,Rj,Rj BR Label => BEQ Zero,Zero,Label BLT Ri,Rj,Label => LT R6,Ri,Rj BNE R6,Zero,Label BLE,BGT,BGE => Similar to BLT CALL Imm(Ri) => JAL RA,Imm(Ri) JMP Imm(Ri) => JAL R6,Imm(Ri) RET => JAL R6,0(RA)

    CS 3220 Fall 2011 - Prof. Milos Prvulovic 32

  • Separate inst and data memory? Good: Our design will be faster, cheaper Bad: How does one load programs into memory?

    Well have separate imem and dmem for now Well see later how to unify them

    How much memory? There are 239,616 memory bits on-chip, so 8kB (2048 32-bit words) of imem 8kB (2048 32-bit words) of dmem Leaves about half of memory bits on the FPGA chip

    (for register file, debugging in SignalTap, etc.)

    CS 3220 Fall 2011 - Prof. Milos Prvulovic 33

  • We want our programs to Read SW, KEY (so we can interact with it) Write to HEX, LEDG, LEDG Maybe some more I/O

    Need instructions for this! Special instruction for each device, e.g. WRLEDG

    Extensions are hard (change processor as each device added) Special IN/OUT instructions

    Assign addresses to devices, then use IN/OUT to read/write Memory-mapped I/O (this is what well use)

    Each device gets a memory address, LW/SW can be used for I/O Cant use those memory locations as normal memory!

    CS 3220 Fall 2011 - Prof. Milos Prvulovic 34

  • Write an assembler Reads assembler listing for this project ISA

    Including pseudo instructions Outputs a file with 2048 32-bit words of memory

    in the .mif file format (Test2.mif, Sorter2.mif) Verilog design of a multi-cycle processor

    Implements this ISA, PC starts at (byte address) 0x20 Uses Sorter2.mif to pre-load its 8kB memory LW from address 0xFFFFFF00 reads KEY state

    Result of LW should be 0 when no KEY pressed, 0xF when all are pressed This means we actually need LW to get {28b0,!KEY}

    LW from address 0xFFFFFF10 reads SW state SW to address 0xFFFFFF80 displays value on HEX display SW to address 0xFFFFFF90 writes to LEDR SW to address 0xFFFFFFA0 writes to LEDG

    CS 3220 Fall 2011 - Prof. Milos Prvulovic 35

    Dont panic (yet)! Will do most of the design in lectures!

    CS 3220Project ISAISA decisionsWhich instructions? Memory!Which instructions? ALU!Speaking of branchesConditional branches?How many registers?Size of instruction word?Register size?Memory addressing?ISA definitionPrimary/Secondary OpcodeAssign Primary OpcodesOpcode ChartALUR Secondary OpcodesOpcode ChartOpcode ChartImmediate-format ALU?Opcode ChartConstant into register?Opcode ChartInstruction FormatInstruction FormatInstruction Format: Registers?Instruction Format: Registers?Instruction Format: Registers?Instruction FormatAssembler syntaxRegister NamesAssembler syntaxPseudo-instructionsMemory?Input/Output?Assignment 2