06 spd conceptgeneration

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Creación de conceptos


  • Creativity & ConceptGeneration:

    Structured Methods

  • Outline

    Concept Development in NPD Structured Methods for Concept Generation

    Brainstorming Collaborative Sketching IDEO Idea Cards Innovation Workshop Functional Decomposition Concept Expansion Triz/Creax

    Conceptual Blockbusting Conceptual Design Exercise

  • Draw no more than 4 straight lines(without lifting the pencil from the paper)

    which will cross through all 9 dots.

  • Sustainable ProductDevelopment Process:

    Concept Generation Product Architectures/ Platforms Dematerialization Strategy Concept Selection

    Reuse/ End of





    ConceptGeneration,Evaluation& Selection


    & Design



    Launch:SustainableProduct &Business


    Clarify the problem Search externally Search internally Explore systematically Brainstorming

  • Concept DevelopmentFunnel

    concept generation

    concept screening

    concept scoring

    concept testing

  • Ideation Process

    Ongoing ProcessGenerate AnalyzeAssess Decide

    Assemble illustratedprofiles of drivers fornew product strategy,for use in generatingideas and stimulatingbrainstorms:

    Technology Macro Trends Competition Potential Partners Potential Channels Specific user behavior

    Techniques will include: Customer follow-me Store visits Focus Groups Online intelligence

    Brainstorm massivevolume of product,service andpartnership ideas,followed byprioritization

    Brainstorms withgroups, Interns,Internal Visionaries

    Series of meetingswith Core,Stakeholders, Partners& Outsiders (2 hrs on 3Thurs)1. Kick-off & Context2. Brainstorm3. Prioritization

    Research customerreactions

    Evaluate commercial,and user feasibilitybased on establishedcriteria. Narrow ideasto a handful of strongcandidates:

    Take filtered ideasthrough feasabilityanalysis.

    Brainstorm as necessaryto break throughperceived barriers &constraints

    Produce decision-readyprofile of the top,feasible ideas.

    Choose products basedon opportunity sizeand implementationrestraints:

    Fast-track 2-3 ideaswith small ($1mm/yr) ideas withlonger and largerimplementation reqs.

    Table or reject otherideas.

    Measure ideationprocess, refine andestablish ongoingprocess for collectionand evaluation

    Process Post Mortem Measure Refine for reuse

    Establish ongoing ideacollection process,including: Publicize collection DB workflow Incentives Recognition Status updates

    Business CaseProcess People Timeline

    100 Ideas 400 Ideas 50 Ideas 5 Ideas

  • Concept Generation

    Preparation Gather and study information about the problem Define and understand the problem, the needs Observations, interviews, scenarios, benchmarking

    Generation is a Divergent Process Focus on creativity Go for quantity structured (intuition & logical) methods

    Stepping Back Cluster concepts Insight may be triggered by some apparently

    unrelated stimulus

  • Concept GenerationProcess

    Step 1: Clarify the problem Decompose a complex problem

    into simpler subproblems Focus initial efforts on critical

    subproblems Step 2: Search externally

    Interview lead users Consult experts Search patents Search published literature Benchmark related products

    Step 3: Search internally Individual and group search Make analogies, wish and

    wonder, use related stimuli, useunrelated stimuli, setquantitative goals, use gallerymethod

    Step 4: Explore systematically Concept classification tree Concept combination table Managing the exploration

    process Step 5: Reflect on the results and

    the process

    Ulrich and Eppinger, 2003

  • Fast Company, 2003

    Other Approaches:IDEO Method Cards

    Unfocus group: Assemble a diverse collection ofpeople to talk about product

    Experience prototype: Construct something and test it Empathy tools: Simulate someone elses experience

    (e.g., heavy gloves) Emotional dimension: Personal histories of objects A day in the life: How people actually spend time Behavioral sampling: Give subjects pages and check

    in randomly throughout day Extreme user interviews: Talk with those who occupy

    the edges Foreign correspondents: Collect information from

    other countries

  • Brainstorming Organization

    Form a diversified group. Build an environment for creativity and risk

    taking. Use games & exercises to stimulate creative

    thinking & minimize conceptual blocks. Select or bring in a facilitator. Select or bring in a recorder to write down

    ideas as they are presented. Use provocative action or stimuli if idea

    process slows down. Make use of shared ideation space.

  • Brainstorming Rules

    Make sure each participant has achance to express ideas.

    Listen to everyone.Do not allow judgments or critical

    discussion. No idea is a bad idea.Strive for quantity. Let participants build spontaneously on

    the ideas of others.

  • BrainstormingTechniques

    Have participants generate ideas prior tobrainstorming meeting.

    Use a round robin where everyone has 1turn to introduce an idea. (Nominal grouptechnique)

    Method 6-3-5 (6 participants, 3 ideas, 5 rotations) Generate 3 ideas After x minutes rotate to neighbor Modify, enhance or create 3 more new ideas Repeat 5 times

    Collaborative sketching

  • CollaborativeSketching

    Five participants collaborate on the incremental development ofideas.

    No direct communications permitted between participants. Each participant sketches one idea/concept on sketchpad for

    solving problem at hand. After x minutes each participant passes his/her sketch to the

    person sitting next to him/her. Each participant modified the sketch received or develops it

    further in any way he/she chooses. Portions of the previoussketch can be erased, but not all of it.

    The rotations continue until the originator getshis/her sketch back.

    Jami J. ShahArizona State University

  • Innovation Workshop

  • Thought Question

    What are the relativeadvantages anddisadvantages of involvingactual customers in theconcept generation process?

  • Methods that Focuson Function

    Functional Decomposition Formulate overall product function Split up overall function into sub-functions Identify material, energy and information

    flows.Allows Access to the Functional

    Solutions of Others.

  • Morphological Matrix

    Morphological Matrix

    Search for solution principles tofulfill sub-functions Identify as many solutions for

    each sub-function andauxiliary functions as possible

    Combine solutions to embodyphysical concepts Use morphological matrix to

    identify combinations ofsolutions

    Each combination of solutionswill fulfill overall function

    Use expertise and heuristics toeliminate infeasible solutioncombinations




  • Example: CoffeeMaker

    Mix Coffeeand Water







    Brewed Coffee










  • Morphological Matrix - Coffee Maker


























    S11 S12 S1j S1m

    Si1 Si2 Sij Sim

    Sn1 Sn2 Snj Snm

    Filter Osmosis Dissolve Ionize Stir

  • These ideas are all in: Michael Michalko, Thinkertoys: AHandbook of Business Creativity for the 90s.

    Concept ExpansionTechniques

    SubstituteCombineAdaptModify or magnifyPut to other usesEliminate or minifyReverse or rearrange

  • TRIZ:The Theory of Inventive

    Problem Solving TRIZ research began with the hypothesis that there

    are universal principles of invention that are the basisfor creative innovations that advance technology.

    Over 2 million patents were examined, classified bylevel of inventiveness, and analyzed to look forprinciples of innovation. The three primary findingsare: Problems and solutions were repeated across

    industries and sciences Patterns of technical evolution were repeated

    across industries and sciences Innovations used scientific effects outside the field

    where they were developed.

  • Without you moving the glass

    Example: RemoveWater from the glass

  • How many ways does the world know tomove a liquid?

    Acoustic CavitationAcoustic VibrationsArchimedes PrincipleBernoullis TheoremBoilingBrush ConstructionsCapillary CondensationCapillary EvaporationCapillary PressureCoanda EffectCondensationCoulombs LawDeformationElectrocapillary Effect

    ElectroosmosisElectrophoresisElectrostatic InductionEllipseEvaporationFerromagnetismForced OscillationsFunnel EffectGravityInertiaIonic ExchangeJet FlowLorentz ForceMagnetostrictionMechanocaloric Effect

    OsmosisPascal LawResonanceShock WaveSpiralSuper Thermal ConductivitySuperfluiditySurface TensionThermal ExpansionThermocapillary EffectThermomechanical EffectUltrasonic Capillary EffectUltrasonic VibrationsUse of foamWetting

  • function.creax.com

  • TRIZ Looks forContradictions and


    I want my table Strong but I want it to be light

  • I want my table tobe strong AND I

    want it to be light

    I want to improve: Strength

    without increasing the: WeightINVENTIVE PRINCIPLES

  • TRIZ - The 40 Inventive Principles 1. Segmentation 2. Extraction 3. Local Quality 4. Asymmetry 5. Combination 6. Universality 7. Nested Doll 8. Counterweight 9. Prior Counter-Action10. Prior Action11. Prior Cushioning12. Equi-potentiality13. The Other Way Round14. Spheroidality15. Dynamics16. Partial or Excessive Action17. Another Dimension18. Mechanical Vibration19. Periodic Action20. Continuity of Useful Action

    21. Skipping22. Blessing in Disguise23. Feedback24. Intermediary25. Self-Service26. Copying27. Cheap/Short Living28. Mechanics Substitution29. Pneumatics and Hydraulics30. Flexible Shells/Thin Films31. Porous Materials32. Colour Changes33. Homogeneity34. Discarding and Recovering35. Parameter Changes36. Phase Transitions37. Thermal Expansion38. Strong Oxidants39. Inert Atmosphere40. Composite Materials

  • These ideas are all in: Michael Michalko, Thinkertoys: AHandbook of Business Creativity for the 90s.

    Concept ExpansionTechniques

    SubstituteCombineAdaptModify or magnifyPut to other usesEliminate or minifyReverse or rearrange

  • ConceptualBlockbusting

    Perceptual BlocksEmotional BlocksCultural BlocksOrganizational Blocks

    Jim AdamsStanford University

  • Jim AdamsStanford University


    Conceptual blocks are mental walls thatblock the problem solver from correctlyperceiving a problem or conceiving itssolution.

    Everybody can be creative.Everybody has some conceptual blocks

    limiting creativity.

  • Perceptual Blocks Perceptual blocks are obstacles that prevent the

    problem-solver from clearly perceiving either theproblem itself or the information needed to solve theproblem Seeing what you expect to see; stererotyped

    seeing; premature labeling Inability to view the problem from various

    viewpoints Saturation Difficulty in isolating the problem Tendency to delimit the problem too closely

    Jim AdamsStanford University

  • Draw no more than 4 straight lines(without lifting the pencil from the paper)

    which will cross through all 9 dots.

  • 9 Dot Exercise

  • 9 Dot Exercise

  • ProblemStatement:Dealingwithplasticbeveragecontainers


  • Stakeholders

    Water Bottle CompaniesMunicipal Waste Collectors Local Residents Local Businesses that sell Water Bottles

  • Exercise

    Divide into groups that represent thedifferent stakeholders

    Brainstorm on ways to fix the problem ofwater bottles waste that clutters streets.

    Stakeholders: Water Bottle Companies Municipal Waste Collectors Local Residents Local Businesses that sell Water


  • One solution froma young innovator

  • More potentialsolutions

  • More potentialsolutions

  • TerraCycle: WormPoop

    From Terracycle.net

    1,223,180 bottles collected and reused

  • Contextual InquiryExercise

    Homework Assignment: Contextual Inquiry Go out in the field and perform a contextual inquiry of water

    bottle use and waste. Interview people who are water-oriented: people who drink

    water very regularly, people who specialize in selling water,people who are local advocates against plastic waste.

    Find the extreme users and interview them Observe people in context: buying water, drinking water,

    trying to dispose of water bottles on the street or in theirhomes.

    What are the important user needs when it comes toconsuming water? How do the different stakeholders interactwith water bottles?

  • References

    Michael Michalko, Thinkertoys: A Handbook ofBusiness Creativity for the 90s

    James L. Adams, Conceptual Blockbusting Jami J. Shah, Experimental Investigation of

    Progressive Idea Generation Techniques inEngineering Design, Proceedings of 1998 ASMEDesign Engineering Technical Conference, AtlantaGA

    Creax: Portal for creativity and innovationhttp://www.creax.net/

    This website has a pretty thorough list of the thingsyou need to do to brainstorm wellhttp://www.virtualsalt.com/crebook2.htm