07 ramsbottom united v lancaster city

rammy news V LANCASTER CITY 08.10.13

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07 Ramsbottom United v Lancaster City Matchday Programme


Page 1: 07 Ramsbottom United v Lancaster City

rammynewsV LANCASTER CITY08.10.13

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Page 3: 07 Ramsbottom United v Lancaster City

Welcome to the Harry Williams Riverside Stadium, and a special welcome toeveryone who has made the journey down from Lancaster tonight.

After what they will consider to have been a disappointing campaign lasttime round, the Dolly Blues are having a much better season this year, and theyarrive here on the back of a superb 6-0 demolition of fellow league side NewMills on Saturday.Could well be that we’ll need to be at our best this evening!To our visitors, enjoy your brief stay with us – result apart of course – and

have a safe journey home afterwards.IN AND OUTWhilst, like our opponents, we have made progress in the FA Carlsberg Tro-

phy, and look forward to a visit from Premier League (that is Evo-Stik PremierLeague!) Worksop Town in the next round, we sadly bade farewell to the FACup, sponsored by Budweiser, for another year.For those who made the trip to Barrow, it is likely to be one that stays in the

memory for some time, and for various reasons.The crowd, whilst lower than the Bluebirds have enjoyed in recent seasons,

was well above that predicted. To have played at a stadium like Holker Street,was also special. It’s many years since I last ventured up to the longest cul-de-sac in the country, and there have certainly been some changes since I was lastthere.The cover behind the goal has gone, leaving the terrace open to the elements,

but the main change has been the Main stand side. Last time I was there, it wasa low-slung wooden stand that had obviously reached the end of the line. Itwas miserable and depressing. It’s replacement, whilst not as long, is certainlymore striking, and in keeping with a club of the stature of Barrow.Whilst historically a League side, they appear to now accept that they are ba-

sically non-league, although very much at the top end of the pyramid.Financially, I gather things are none too clever. Being an outpost must pose

many problems, and indeed, was probably the main reason they lost theirLeague status in the first place, as they did not finish bottom of the league whenthey were voted out. Attracting players up there must also be of concern, alongwith the financial inducements required for them to make what is a lengthyjourney two or three times a week.But I have to congratulate the club on their warm welcome and professional

outlook.Having played another former League side just four days previ-ously, isn’t it a heartening thought that to have played two for-mer League sides in quick succession only shows the progressthat has been made here at Ramsbottom United?Of course, we also remember the trip for the wrong reasons!The 3-0 defeat was a fair reflection of the game, but the

main talking point was the red card dished out to Andy Daw-son.The resultant penalty was of little consequence. 2-0 or 3-0,

we still bowed out. But the sending off was, in my opinion, adisgrace.As he went in for the challenge, I remember thinking “You’ve

got to time this to perfection or else….”, and did he time it to per-fection! A superb tackle which should have resulted in a corner. Tohear the whistle and see the red card was quite unreal.

By the time you read this, we should knowthe result of our appeal to the F.A.. Justice sayshe will have it squashed.However, we are dealing with the F.A.!

Enjoy your non-league football!


President: J SmithChairman: H WilliamsSecretary: G ShuttleworthTreasurers: H Williams, C WoolfallCommittee: C Woolfall, A Edmundson, G Lay, DWolfenden, K ToppingLife Members: FA Rothwell, L Read, A Whalley, F Rothwell,J Wolfenden, P McSherry, A McleodProgramme Editor: R MossHospitality Manager: I McCoolCatering Manager: S FletcherTeam Managers: A Johnson, B MorleyFirst XI Coaches: J Hunter, G Moses, D GreenPhysio: K RichardsonRecent Honours: NWCFL Champions 2011/12Premier Runners Up 2010/112nd Div Champions 96/972nd Div Trophy 95/96Bolton Hospital Cup Winners2005/06. 2006/07, 2007/08The Harry Williams Riverside, Acre Bottom, Ramsbottom, LancashireTel: 01706 822799www.rammyunited.co.uk

Page 4: 07 Ramsbottom United v Lancaster City

If it's midweek then it must be a home league fixture - or at least that'sthe way our match programme appears to fall at the moment!You have to go back to the first Saturday in September (incidentally, the

match official that day was also a certain Paul Hodskinson) and our 1-1home draw with Northwich Vic's since our the last weekend home leaguegame, and how Andy Dawson didn't get on the score sheet that day stillremains a mystery! Unfortnately, that's the luck of the draw when the fixtures are compiled,

but I'll settle for the prize money from our FA Cup win against StocksbridgePark Steels and a share of the gate from Barrow as a means of softeningthe blow.

Our FA Trophy away win at Warrington Town on Saturday will bring avisit from Worksop Town on the 19th. Hopefully our supporters will be outin force on the day to shout the lads on into the Second Round Quaifyingon 2 November.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Our league form still lacks the consistency for us to make any significant

move up the league table, and it must be as baffling to you as it is to Jonnoand Bernard and everyone elseHaving brushed aside Premier League outfit Stocksbridge in the FA Cupreplay, we then went lost valuable points four days later at Mossley to alate, late winner.We then truly tore Darlington 1883 apart with three goals of real quality

and it looked like we were the title favourites rather than our visitors, andthen it was Barrow, who I hope everyone can accept deserved their win.Next up Radcliffe, and again we should have walked home with all threepoints rathre than just the oneSo what can we expect tonight?Well, Lancaster are riding high and there is a mighty ten point gap be-

tween the two teams, and after their emphatic 6-0 win over New Mills onSaturday they will clearly be in good spirits, so let's wait and see.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~By the time you read these notes we shall have a decision from The FA

on the dismissal Appeal the Club lodged on behalf of Andy Dawson duringthe Barrow game.

The reaction from the Barrow officlas was one like the vast majority ofspectators in the ground, and that was amazement at the penalty let alonethe red card, and those views have been echoed by many Barrow fans on

their forum, which we have used as part of our evidence.Having, likes others, seen the video replay many times over, I am asconfident as I can be that the red card will be rescinded. It was noth-ing more than a clean and timely challenge on the Barrow player,

and NO ONE, but NO ONE, on their side actually appealed for a spotkick, and I think that alone speaks volumes.

The final decision does of course rest with the Regulatory Panelat The FA, and that could be interesting!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please note that our Lancashire Trophy fixture against Atherton

LR has been put back 24 hours to 16 October in order to avoida clash with the England v Poland World Cup Qualifying gameon the Tuesday evening.Graham


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Tonight we welcome Lancaster City whohave had a tremendous start to the season.Unbeaten in the league and thrashed NewMills 6-0 on Saturday which shows the kind ofform they are in. I was impressed with themlast season even though we beat them twicethey played some lovey football but whereperhaps a little light up front. They have cor-rected that by bringing in one of the best for-wards about in Mark Jackson and hisintroduction has proves a master stroke. Theyhave some quality young players but havealso added two or three top experience lads.They'll be one of the teams to watch this sea-son for sure.As for our own form, well we certainly have

been firing in the cup competitions earningthe club quite a few quid in the process. Wehave taken the reigns off a little bit in the FACup and trophy and results and performanceshave been very good. Apart from the Mossleyresult where we conceded in the 93rd minutewe have looked pretty solid and have pickedup some what since the first four games thatwe lost.

On the player front we are hoping to hearin the next day or two the result of Andy Daw-son's appeal after being sent off against Bar-row which in my opinion was the worst refcard I have EVER seen given, we are hopefulcommon sense will prevail and it will be re-scinded. Jon Robinson served his one gameban on Saturday against Warrington after col-lecting five yellows and Joel Pilkington is hav-ing a bit of time off due to the birth of hisdaughter. We have also completed the per-manent signing of Billy Priestley fromBarnoldswick, a player we have watched forthree years since he was at Colne as ateenager and he's made a brilliant start to hisRammy career where we have gone three un-beaten since he signed. A great coup for theclub and one who will be a fixture in the teamfor many years.Once again thanks for the excellent support

at Radcliffe and Warrington where I have nodoubt at all that our supporters out num-bered the home fans in both games. Jonno

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Ramsbottom United bowed out of this year’sFA Cup competition in somewhat contentiouscircumstances.Whilst being unable to bridge the two divi-

sion gap between the two sides, the Ramswent out to three goals, all of which had an el-ement of questionability.Yet for the first half-hour, the Evo-Stik North

side had looked the equals of the more illus-trious Skrill North outfit.As early as the second minute Owen Roberts

attempted a cheeky free-kick aiming for theunmarked side of the goal whilst everyone wasexpecting the ball to be floated into the middleof the penalty area.

Shortly afterwards, Phil Dean raced thirtyyards down the centre of the pitch before fir-ing in from the edge of the box, only to see theball clear the bar by inches.At the other end, Barrow’s Greg Mills sent in

a beauty which beat Grant Shenton in theRams’ goal, but bounced back into play off thebar.

Mills then fed Alex Meechan, but his turnand shot from 20 yards sailed past the post.Jon Robinson then had a glorious chance to

open the scoring when he raced onto a de-fence-splitting ball from Roberts. Twice homekeeper Tony McMillan denied him as the balleventually sailed out for a corner.On 27 minutes the home side edged in front.What looked like a Ramsbottom throw was

controversially awarded the other way, andwhilst the Rams’ players were still questioningthe decision, the ball broke for Mills whothumped it home from the edge of the box.

Dominic Smalley cut in with a fine run thatleft a couple of the home defenders wellbeaten, and as he played the ball back, Robertsfired in from 30 yards but was just off target.

The home side, buoyed by the goal gradu-ally started asking questions of the Rams de-fence, and Mills again went close beforeShenton produced the save of the match. Afree-kick, some 25 yards out, from Sam Sheri-dan, looked destined for the top corner beforea wonderful one-handed save turned the ballround for a corner. From the resultant kick,Robbie Williams should have doubled the leadwhen he met the ball at the far post, only tohead it the wrong side of the woodwork.

As the visitors looked to the break with justa one goal deficit, they were struck anotherblow.The ball was played into the area, and as Dan

Warrender sought to protect his face, the ref-eree deemed that he had deliberately handledthe ball, and pointed to the spot. Meechanhammered home the spot kick on 44 minutes.

The second half saw very little from theRams’ front men, with most of the chancesfalling for the home team.

Mills, a constant threat, slid inside but sawhis effort clear the post, before a fine run downthe left wing by Paul Edwards ended with himcrossing the ball which Sheridan headed justwide.

Paddy Lacy then got in on the act with twolong range efforts within sixty seconds. Thefirst one from fully forty yards missed the barby inches and clipped the top of the netting,before a low drive sailed straight at Shenton.

Lee Gaskell lost the ball in midfield, and asit was fed through to Gareth Arnison, the Bar-row striker was unlucky to see his shot re-bound off the visitors bar.

On 75 minutes, it was game over with themost contentious decision of the afternoon.

Andy Dawson pulled off what looked like abrilliant clearance, as he appeared to whip theball off the toe of a Barrow forward who wasbearing down on goal. With everyone expect-ing a corner, the referee, after discussions withhis linesman, pointed to the spot and pro-duced a red card for a disbelieving Dawson.Grant Spencer was also booked in the ensuingprotests, but once the arguments had dieddown, Meechan buried the spot kick to finishoff any faint chance the Rams may have had.Substitute Nick Rushton could have inflicted

more misery on the Lancashire side in the finalminute but Shenton pulled off an excellentdouble save to deny him.The main talking point of the afternoon was

the severity of Dawson’s dismissal, which thereferee confirmed was for taking the striker’sstanding leg and not the ball, but result-wisethe Rams could have little to complain aboutas the Cumbrians deservedly moved into thenext round.

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3 - 0Holker Street28th September 2013Att: 677Barrow Goals: Mills (27), Meechan (44 pen, 77 pen)

fa cupdisappointment

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Since I last wrote we have continued to have a testing time both on andoff the field with some great results and some frustrating results wherewe felt we should have done better. In the last programme I wroteabout how Ian Flannery was building his playing time back up to returnto full match fitness but unfortunately during the Darlington game hepulled up again with the same hamstring injury which has been plaguinghim all season. Ian has decided to give himself time to properly rectifythis problem and continues to work on conditioning his knee, which washis problem from last season, whilst allowing the hamstring to healagain with no pressure of returning to play. This is not going to be aquick fix and patience is required for injuries of this nature. Ian will con-tinue to work hard on his rehab and hopefully will be available to playagain soon. In the FA cup defeat against Barrow we obviously saw Andy Dawsonpick up an incredulous red card for a goal saving tackle near the end ofgame. His suspension should be this Saturday for the Wakefield gamealong with Gary Stopforth who has a one match ban for picking up 5yellow cards. We are appealing Andy's red card and the appeal board ison Tuesday 8th October so at the time of reading this we should nowhether this card has been rescinded allowing him to be available forselection. Regardless of Andy's suspension he got substituted duringthe FA Trophy match with Warrington with a slight pull to his hamstring.We are not massively concerned about this injury but as the hamstringtightened up we felt the need to protect it from further damage. Weare now having a joke on the bench about a curse called 'The RammyHammy' which seems to be taking down our biggest and strongestplayers - fingers crossed we can break this curse soon!We had a few other regulars missing from the Warrington game, JohnRobinson was missing due to suspension for 5 yellow cards and not forany injury. Joel Pilkington was also missing as his partner just had theirfirst child together, congratulations Pilky. Both should be back for thisweeks fixtures.

On another note we welcome Billy Priestley to our team. He hasbeen a great addition to the dressing room as well as on the

pitch, although it is taking a few of the older players a bitlonger to understand his broad accent. Many jokes are cir-culating due to his 'Burnley speak' but he is a great guywho is enjoying the banter with the boys and has fit inwell.We continue to work hard as a team to try to lookafter and condition our players as best as possible.We do have a small squad but that means we are atight group of players who will work hard togetherand for one another to meet our mutual target.Katy


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Page 13: 07 Ramsbottom United v Lancaster City

TONY’S NON-LEAGUE TEASERS1 Telford United were previously known as what? 2 Who hosts Radio Five’s “Non-League Show”?3 The Rams former players, the Brierley brothers, first names were what?4 Who plays at Kirklands?5 Caernarfon Town and Bedworth United both play at grounds with the same name. What is it?6 Which club is former Ramsbottom United player Chris Wilcock now managing?7 Andy Townsend joined Southampton from which non-league club?8 Which non-league side beat Birmingham City at St.Andrews in the 3rd riound of the FA Cup in 1986?9 What colours do Poole Town play in?10 The Spitfires is the nick-name of which southern non-league club?


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Page 14: 07 Ramsbottom United v Lancaster City

EARLY YEARSAfter intensive research into the correct genealogy of

what is now Lancaster City F.C. it was discovered that theClub was actually formed in 1911. Organised AssociationFootball appears to have been played in the Lancaster areasince the later 1880’s and there were area representativesin the Lancashire Combination in the form of Skerton F.C.1897/8 & 1898/9 and Lancaster Athletic F.C. 1905/6 -1909/10 but the present Club was formed at meetings on9th May 1911 and 7th July 1911 at Market Hall Tea Rooms(Coffee House).

The previously thought link to the aforementioned Lan-caster Athletic F.C. was in fact incorrect, that Club havingfolded in March 1911 with it’s fixtures for 1910/11 in theNorth West Counties League being expunged from therecords. It was only after rigorous investigations by the Lan-cashire Football Association to satisfy them that LancasterTown had no link with Lancaster Athletic that the new or-ganisation was allowed to take its place in the LancashireCombination Division II for 1911/12.Promotion was swift to the First Division in 1915 and also

recorded a club record in the FA Cup when defeating Ap-pleby 17-2.

All competitive football was abandoned until 1919 dueto World War One, but on the return, Lancaster finished sec-ond in1919-20 season and fifth the following season. It wasat this point that the club’s ambitions suffered a massivesetback when they were refused admission to the new ThirdDivision (North) of the Football League. Had the club en-tered the league, their standing today may have been verydifferent. Town did take advantage of the absence of theclubs who had been elected to the league by winning theLancashire Combination for the first time in 1921-22, andthen again in 1929-30. The club also had a great FA Cup runin 1921-22 that saw the Blues knock out Third Division clubsStockport and Barrow.

1930 to 1940In the 1930’s, Town won two more Combination titles and

managed to attract regular crowds of around 3,000, equalto many league clubs at that time. During the next decadethe club had more successes as it added back-to-backChampionships in 1934-35-36. The Lancashire ChallengeTrophy was won in 1930-31 and 1933-34. The town of Lan-caster was given its City Charter in 1937, one of the cities tobe granted the charter as part of King George V1’s corona-tion celebrations. The club was appropriately renamed Lan-caster City but this new status never brought any luck withit as City failed to win the League title again.

1941 to 1960From 1945-46 after the Second World War, City enjoyed

some tremendous support with gates reaching 4,500 butfailed to find success. 1946-47 City reached the FA Cup 2ndround, 1951-52 Combination Runners-Up and Cup Winnersin the Lancashire Cup. 1961 to 2000Since the 1960s Non-League football has always been in

something of a state of flux, new leagues and divisions

being created on a fairly regular basis. This restructuringhelped City to get into leagues from a wider geographicalarea than previously, due to their presence in 1970-71 in theNorthern Premier League. The following season reached theFA Cup 1st Round Proper but lost out by the odd goalagainst Notts County. In 1976-77 City achieved their highestfinish of 7th, While 79-80 City were the Challenge Cup run-ners-up when loosing 2-0 to Runcorn at Manchester City’sMaine Road Stadium.

But in 1982 fortunes nose-dived when City finished in17th position (three places above their local rivals More-cambe) asked to drop down to the North West CountiesLeague for the following season due to financial difficulties.After five seasons in the NWC League, the formation of

the Northern Premier League First Division in 1987 pro-pelled the club back to a higher level as founder members.Success eluded City until 1994-95 when the club won thePresident’s Cup, and full recovery was completed by pro-motion in 1995-96 when the club achieved the double ofFirst Division Champions and Cup-winners. During the sameperiod the club opened its new social club, the Dolly BlueTavern.In 1987 the club moved again due to more restructuring,

as the creation of the NPL First Division when City becamefounder members. By the mid 1990’s the blues had won theLeague Presidents Cup twice in 1994-95 and 1995-96 withthe First Division Championship. From 1996-97 onwards Cityconsolidated a mid-table position and completed thedecade with a 6th position in the Premier Division and win-ning the NPL Challenge Cup.

2001 to PRESENTThe new decade started where the last one finished, re-

gaining the NPL Challenge Cup and recording our highestLeague position of 4th. In 2001-02 the club ended in 3rdposition. In 2003-04 City gained promotion to becomefounder members of the new Nationwide Football Confer-ence North Division and also progressed to the FA Cup 1stRound Proper.

During the close season of the 2006-07 season the clubwas taken over by a ‘mysterious’ backer that eventually be-came fatal as the bailiffs moved in. A shareholders commit-tee was formed to run the affairs of the club. In order tosurvive it was decided to put the Club into Administrationand relegation from the Conference North. The club con-tinued and was reformed as Lancaster City FC Limited andthen became founder members of the restructured UnibondLeague First Division North for the 2007-08 season thatended in a mid-table position. The following year the DollyBlues improved and were just three points short of that fifthand final play-off position. In 2009-10 a further improve-ment was made in what was the last season of a 17 yearUnibond League Sponsorship. But that illusive promotiondrive ended, having topped the league for much of the sea-son, with only two minutes remaining of the last game ofthe season with a penalty in the play-off final against Col-wyn Bay, a team 21 points behind City. The team did win aTrophy with the League Fair Play Award but was a scant re-ward.

Page 15: 07 Ramsbottom United v Lancaster City

today’s visitorslancaster city

In 2010-11 three trophies were won and City ended in 8th place.The President's Cup was deservedly won after defeating four sidesfrom the top five. The prestigious FA National Fair Play and Re-spect Award, representing clubs from Tiers 1 to 4, was also won,and the League Fair Play Award retained. Last season ended withwinning The President's Cup in its new format for the Leaguesoverall winners of the Fair Play Award but fell just three pointsshort of a league play-off place. The 2012-13 season was a season not to remember with a mid-

table position.

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1 - 1Stainton Park1st October 2013Att: 241Rammy Goals: Brooks (68)Radcliffe Goals: Robinson (28)

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Ramsbottom United made the short journey to bottom of thetable neighbours Radcliffe Borough, and came away with a pointin a game that really should have seen all three won.

After a frenetic opening half where both sides matched eachother, the Rams, playing down the slope, totally dominated the sec-ond half, but failed to clinch the winner their play deserved.

The opening 45 minutes proved to be an arm-wrestle, as thegame swung from end to end at a pace that never lessened.An early cross by Dominic Smalley was intercepted by a Radcliffe

defender with Lee Gaskell waiting to nod home, and Gaskell it waswho then turned his man before firing just wide from the edge ofthe box.At the other end Matthew Chadwick latched on to a poor clear-

ance from Rams keeper Grant Shenton, but fired over.More chances fell to the home side. Brad Robinson fired across

goal after a fine move down the right wing, before Chris Thompsonwent close from 20 yards.

For the Rams, Jon Robinson neatly beat a couple of defenders,but his final shot was too weak to trouble Chris Cheetham in thehome goal.Another fine link-up down the right wing finally opened the scor-

ing on 24 minutes. This time, the beneficiary, Robinson made nomistake as his fierce angled drive shook the back of the net, to giveRadcliffe the lead.

The visitors replied with a free-kick from Owen Roberts thatsailed a couple of feet over the bar, then fine play between Gaskelland Gary Stopforth set up Robinson, but his goal-bound effort wasblocked by some desperate defending.

A Danny Warrender header from a corner was nodded off theline for another, and as the half time approached, Stopforth didfind the net, but the referee had already blown for a foul on thekeeper.So after a fairly even first half, the visitors came out in more de-

termined mood, and playing downhill, they took the game to thehome side.Warrender and Smalley combined down the right before sending

in a low cross which was snatched off Robinson’s toes by the divingCheetham. Robinson headed a Roberts cross inches wide, and BillyPriestley was unlucky to see his header cannon back off the postfollowing a Grant Spencer corner.

Phil Dean’s rasping drive following a half-cleared corner sailedinches over the bar, as the home side were beginning to ride theirluck.

That luck finally ran out following a double substitution on 67minutes.Within a minute the scores were level. Another fine piece of inter-

play between Warrender and Stopforth saw the latter send in a lowcross which found substitute, former Boro player, Tom Brooks, whogleefully poked the ball home from close range with his first touch.

Two minutes later, the home side was reduced to ten men. AsDean raced down the left wing, he was unceremoniously stoppedby Radcliffe captain James Mullineux in such a fashion that the ref-eree immediately produced the red card.

The Rams continued the assault on the home goal with effortsfrom Brooks, Jordan Hulme and Stopforth all unsuccessful, beforeHulme was desperately unlucky in the final minute. Brooks fed himin the middle of the area, and as he hooked the ball goalwards itlooked like the winner but unfortunately it sailed just wide of thepost.

So a point apiece, but the general feeling amongst the largeRamsbottom following was that this was two points dropped.

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DATE OPPOSITION RES ATT STARTING ELEVENSat 17th Aug H CURZON ASHTON 1-3 254 Shenton Warrender Pilkington Stopforth + Dawson HulmeTues 20th Aug A Ossett Town 0-2 100 Shenton Warrender Pilkington * Drew Dawson HulmeSat 24th Aug A Warrington Town 0-1 192 Shenton Warrender Pilkington * Drew + Dawson HulmeMon 26th Aug H PADIHAM 1-2 309 Shenton Warrender Pilkington Drew + Dawson Spencer *Sat 31st Aug H AFC Liverpool - FA Cup 5-0 238 Shenton Warrender Roberts * Stopforth + Dawson RobinsonSat 7th Sept H NORTHWICH VICTORIA 2-2 212 Shenton Warrender Roberts * 1 Pilkington Dawson RobinsonTues 10th Sept A Ossett Albion 2-1 73 Shenton Warrender Pilkington Morley + Dawson RobinsonSat 14th Sept A Stocksbridge - FA Cup 2-2 129 Shenton Warrender Pilkington Stopforth Dawson Robinson *Tues 17th Sept H Stocksbridge - FA Cup 3-0 127 Shenton Warrender 1 Pilkington Stopforth Dawson + RobinsonSat 21st Sept A Mossley 4-3 173 Shenton Warrender Pilkington Stopforth Robinson Flannery #Tues 24th Sept H DARLINGTON 1883 3-0 396 Shenton Warrender # Roberts Stopforth Priestley Flannery +Sat 28th Sept A Barrow - FA Cup 0-3 677 Shenton Hulme + Roberts Stopforth # Dawson WarrenderTues 1st Oct A Radcliffe Borough 1-1 241 Shenton Warrender Roberts Stopforth Dawson PriestleySat 5th Oct A Warrington Town FA Trophy 2-1 103 Shenton Warrender Roberts Stopforth Dawson * PriestleyTues 8 th Oct H LANCASTER CITYSat 12th Oct A Wakefield Weds 16th Oct H ATHERTON LR Lancs TrophySat 19th Oct H WORKSOP FA Trophy 1QTues 22nd Oct H PRESCOT CABLESSat 26th Oct A Harrogate Railway AthleticTues 29th Oct H OSSETT ALBIONSat 2nd Nov A (FAT 2Q)Wed 6th Nov A Darlington 1883Sat 9th Nov H NEW MILLSTues 12th Nov H FC UNITED Doodson cupSat 16th Nov A Cammell LairdSat 23rd Nov H BURSCOUGHSat 30th Nov A Kendal TownWed 4th Dec A (Doodson Sport Cup)Sat 7th Dec A Curzon AshtonSat 14th Dec H OSSETT TOWNSat 21st Dec A Bamber BridgeThurs 26th Dec H SALFORD CITYSat 28th Dec H FARSLEYWed 1st Jan A PadihamSat 4th Jan A Northwich VictoriaSat 11th Jan H MOSSLEYSat 18th Jan H RADCLIFFE BOROUGHSat 25th Jan A ClitheroeSat 1st Feb H WAKEFIELDSat 8th Feb A Lancaster CitySat 15th Feb H HARROGATE RAILWAYSat 22nd Feb A (Doodson Sport Cup)Sat 1st Mar A Prescot CablesSat 8th Mar H CAMMELL LAIRDSat 15th Mar A New MillsSat 22nd Mar A (Doodson Cup SF)Sat 29th Mar A BurscoughSat 5th Apr H KENDAL TOWNSat 12th Apr A FarsleySat 19th Apr H WARRINGTON TOWNMon 21st Apr A Salford City Sat 26th Apr H BAMBER BRIDGE

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SUBSTITUTESMorning * Spencer Robinson # Brooks 1 Dean Drew + Smalley * Gaskell # Toth BradburyMorning + Spencer Robinson Brooks # Dean Warburton Smalley * Gaskell # Toth Bradbury +Smalley Stopforth Robinson Gaskell # Dean Warburton * Brooks # Spencer + Toth BradburySmalley Stopforth Robinson Gaskell Dean # Edghill * Morley Johnson + Brooks 1 # RobertsSmalley Spencer Gaskell 2 Brooks # 1 Dean 1 Pilkington * Bradbury # 1 Edghill + Drew Toth WarburtonSmalley Spencer Gaskell Hulme Dean 1 Bradbury Edghill Prickett Toth * MorleySmalley Spencer # Gaskell 2 Hulme Dean * Toth * Prickett Johnson Bradbury # Warburton +Smalley 1 + Spencer Gaskell Hulme # Dean 1 Roberts + Flannery * Brooks # Morley Toth PrickettSmalley # Spencer Gaskell 1 Roberts * 1 Dean Flannery # Morley Prickett Brooks * Toth+ HulmeSmalley Spencer Gaskell Roberts Dean 1* Hulme # + Brooks * 2 Toth + Prickett EdghillSmalley Spencer Gaskell Robinson * 3 Dean Pilkington + Brooks * Toth Dawson # EdghillSmalley * Spencer Gaskell Robinson Dean Edghill + Brooks * Toth # Morley JohnsonSmalley Spencer Gaskell * Robinson + Dean Brooks * 1 Hulme + Toth Morley EdghillSmalley Spencer Hulme Brooks Dean + Edghill + Gaskell * Toth Morley Pilkington

66/7: Parks Cup Runners-Up67/8:Parks Cup Runners-Up67/8: Kenyon Cup Winners71/2: Cornall Cup Winners72/3: Bolton Combination Div One Champions74/5: Bolton Hospital Cup Winners76/7: Bolton Combination Premier Division Champions76/7: Bolton Combination Open Cup Winners79/80: Bolton Combination Jackson Cup Winners81/2: Bolton Combination Jackson Cup Runners-Up82/3: Bolton Combination Second Division Cup Runners-Up82/3: Bolton Combination Second Division Runners-Up83/4: Bolton Combination Open Cup Winners84/5: Bolton Combination First Division Runners-Up84/5: Bolton Boys Federation Under-16’s League Champi-ons85/6: Bolton Combination Jackson Cup Runners-Up85/6: Bolton Boys Federation U18’s League Runners-Up85/6: Bolton Boys Federation U18’s Jubilee Cup Winners86/7: Lancashire FA Under-18’s Cup Winners86/7: Bolton Boys Federation U18’s Jubilee Cup Winners86/7: Bolton Boys Federation Under-18’s League Champi-ons87/8: Bolton Combination Open Cup Runners-Up

90/1: Manchester League Division One Cup Winners90/1: Manchester League Division One Champions93/4: Yorkshire Cup Runners-Up93/4: Bury & Radcliffe Junior Under-16’s Cup Winners93/4: Bury & Radcliffe Junior Under-16’s Champions94/5: Gylchrist Cup Winners94/5: Manchester Festival of Football Runners-Up94/5: Manchester County FA Youth Cup Winners94/5: Bolton Boys Federation Jubilee Cup Winners94/5: Bolton Boys Federation Cup Winners94/5: Bolton Boys Federation Premier League Champions95/6: North West Counties Division Two Cup Winners96/7: North West Counties Division Two Champions97/8: North West Counties Reserve Division Cup Winners98/9: Bolton Hospital Cup Winners98/9: North West Counties Reserve North Champions2000/01: Bolton Bys Federation Jubilee Cup Runners-Up01/2: Bolton Boys Federation Premier League Champions01/2; Bolton Hospital Cup Runners-Up05/6: Bolton Hospital Cup Winners06/7: Bolton Hospital Cup Winners07/8: Bolton Hospital Cup Winners10/11: North West Counties Division One Runners-Up11/12: North West Counties Division One Champions

rammy club honours

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Ramsbottom United deservedly moved into thenext round of the F.A. Trophy, with a deserved winat league rivals, and big-spending WarringtonTown.Having narrowly lost in a League game earlier in

the season at the Cheshire side’s ground, the Ramsmade amends despite suffering an early set-back.

A poor back header from Billy Priestley let inTown’s Liam Dawson who capitalised on the mis-take by firing an angled shot past Grant Shentonin the visitors’ goal.However, not to be shaken by the error, the vis-

itors responded almost immediately. JordanHulme neatly threaded a ball into the area for TomBrooks, who was then bundled to the ground,leaving the referee little option than to point to thespot. Phil Dean dispatched the resultant penaltykick to quickly restore parity.Dean then saw his volley sail over the bar, before

Scott Metcalfe responded with a free-kick thatcleared the Rams bar by a couple of feet.Dawson went close again for the home side with

a speculative shot from the right side of the area,before the visitors replied with a fine through ballfrom Hulme releasing Dean on goal. Josh Cook inthe home goal was equal to the challenge as heproduced a great save to deny the diminutivewinger.Midway through the first half, the Rams had an

amazing escape when a poor back header fromAndy Dawson failed to find Shenton. In nippedChris Gahgan, and in the midst of some desperatedefending, his overhead kick crashed against thepost before the visitors managed to clear the dan-ger.

Minutes later, the Rams scored what proved tobe the match winner.

Shenton threw the ball out to Smalley and heraced fifty yards down field before playing a per-fect one-two on the right with Tom Brooks. The re-turn ball fed Smalley in the box, and he fired lowpast the keeper into the far corner for a well-worked goal.

After a period of pressure from the visitors, thehome side broke down the right, and a long ballto the far side found Metcalfe completely un-marked, but fortunately, Shenton was quick off hisline to prevent an equaliser.

Grant Spencer went close for the Rams as thefirst half wound down, with the visitors deservedlyin front, and they could have been more comfort-able had the referee awarded a second penalty forwhat looked like a clear case of deliberate handballin the area.

The pitch was making flowing football difficult,and as the game wore on, both sides contributedto an error-strewn match, with many passes goingastray.

The worst one almost gifted the home side anequaliser. Spencer, seemingly running out of op-tions, chose to play the ball back to Shenton fromthe half-way line. His effort was woefully short, butShenton was again on top form to deny a one-on-one situation.

Hulme and Lee Gaskell both had opportunitiesto increase the lead, as the visitors looked com-fortable despite the slender advantage. Warring-ton were dependant upon long range strikes,which barely troubled Shenton, and the final whis-tle blew on a deserved win for the visitors, whonow entertain Worksop Town, from Evo-Stik Pre-mier at the Harry Williams Riverside Stadium in thenext round on Saturday 19th October.

Not hand-ball? Decide for yourself!

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1 - 2Cantilever Park5th October 2013Att: 103Rammy Goals: Dean pen (4), Smalley (26)Warrington Goals: (2)

penalty awarded for the shove on Tom Brooks

trophy success

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Former Football League side, Darling-ton, made their first ever visit to theHarry Williams Riverside Stadium as firmfavourites for the championship, but lefton the end of a comprehensive defeat.The Rams form this season has beenvery much up and down, but this per-formance, before a large crowd, was justwhat was needed before the tough tripto Barrow in the FA Cup.The home side took the game to theirillustrious visitors from the first whistle.A Phil Dean cross in the third minutefound Jon Robinson, but he scooped hiseffort over the bar.Just sixty seconds later, however, thesame pair combined to open the scor-ing.This time, Dean’s cross soared in be-hind the Darlington defence, and Robin-son swept the volley home to ease anyearly nerves.New signing, Billy Priestley, almostdoubled the lead minutes later when heheaded a corner from Owen Robertsinches wide, whilst at the other end, thevisitors nearly snatched an equaliserwhen Rams’ keeper Grant Shenton andDarlington’s David Dowson both con-tested a loose ball. Dowson it was whowon it, but his flick across goal sailedjust wide of the far post.Ramsbottom increased their lead on13 minutes.Some clever footwork from DominicSmalley saw him beat his marker beforeracing down the wing and placing aninch-perfect cross behind the retreatingdefenders for Robinson to powerfullyhead home.Robinson then turned provider whenhe slid in Lee Gaskell, but his attackingpartner could not find the target.Shenton had to be alert to maintainthe two goal advantage, when, at fullstretch, he pushed out a fierce free-kickfrom Terry Galbraith, and then had atouch of luck as the ball was played backinto the area, only to clip the top of thebar.Ian Flannery headed a corner over be-fore he had to leave the field with a re-currence of an injury, then a fine run byDean opened up a chance for Gaskell,but his flick sailed wide of the target.Amar Purewal was denied by the div-

ing Shenton, as the visitors neat playlooked to gain some reward, but thehome defence stood up to the chal-lenge well, whilst their forwards contin-ued to create openings of their own.A Grant Spencer free-kick was tippedover by Mark Bell, whilst a perfectlyfloated ball over the top saw Smalleydart between the defenders, but his firsttime volley sailed harmlessly over thebar.Darlington almost reduced the arrearsjust before the break, but somehow theRams goal remained intact as closerange efforts bounced back off the postand Shenton’s body.Gaskell, with the last touch of the half,should have done better when pre-sented with a glorious chance fromclose range, but he allowed his shot tobe tipped over the bar by Bell.The home side continued to press asthe second half opened.A poor back pass let in Gaskell, buthaving rounded the keeper, he watchedas Alan White scooped the goal-boundshot off the line.At the other end, an excellent moveby Steve Thompson and James Moorecreated an opening for Curtis Edwards,but he fired wide when he should reallyhave reduced the arrears.On 59 minutes, the Rams scored theall important third goal.Smalley won a header outside thebox, and cleverly played Robinsonthrough. With thoughts of a hat-trick inmind, he weaved his way into the areabefore unleashing an unstoppable lowdrive to notch his third of the night.Despite the setback, Darlington con-tinued to look for a way back, but thehome defence, superbly marshalled byPriestley and the returning, off thebench, Andy Dawson, held firm.Keeper Shenton helped by firstly div-ing onto a dangerous low cross, andthen changing direction in mid dive, asa defection altered the path of a drivefrom Ivan Pilatos.By this time, the visitors had realisedthat it wasn’t to be their day, and thehome side deservedly secured all threepoints with a performance that wasquite outstanding.

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3 - 0Harry Williams Riverside Stadium24th September 2013Att: 396Rammy Goals: Robinson (4, 13, 59)

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THIS WEEK’S MATCHESTuesday 8th OctoberCammell Laird v BurscoughSalford City v Bamber Bridge(West Riding Cup):Garforth v WakefieldGlasshoughton v Ossett Alb.Goole v FarsleyOssett Town v Tadcaster(FA Trophy Replay):Radcliffe v Clitheroe

Saturday 12th OctoberBamber Bridge v Cammell LairdBurscough v HarrogateClitheroe v KendalDarlington v PrescotLancaster v SalfordMossley v New MillsNorthwich v FarsleyRadcliffe v Ossett Alb.Wakefield v RammyWarrington v Padiham

directions to wakefieldWakefield is a real sod to get to - and even when you can see the groundyou still won’t have a clue how to find the entrance! The way we prefer is tolet Chris Woolly type ‘WF1 5EY’ into his satnav, and then you can just followhim! Alternatively, we’ve been advised that easiest it to follow the M62 tojunction 30 (Normanton) and head South on the A642 into Wakefield. You’rethen looking for the A638 signposted Doncaster, which will involve stayingin the left lane (first onto the A61 inner ring road, and then onto DoncasterRoad itself). The ground is about 800yards up Doncaster Road on the right.Last season we drove just past the main sign for the ground, and pulled intoa carpark on the right, which was miraculously where the turnstiles were hid-den! It takes about 70 minutes to get there. Good luck!

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Coach John Hunter

Joint Manager and midfielder Bernard Morley

Coach Glenn Moses

Coach John Hunter

Joint Manager and midfielder Bernard Morley

rammysquadJoint Manager and

striker Anthony Johnson

Physio Katy Richardson

Coach Darren Green

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Right-back Dan Warrender

Centre-back and Captain Andy Dawson

Goalkeeper Grant Shenton

Right-back Jordan Hulme

Left-back Joel Pilkington

Right-back Dan Warrender

Centre-back and Captain Andy Dawson

Goalkeeper Grant Shenton

Right-back Jordan Hulme

Left-back Owen Roberts

Centre-Back Billy Priestley

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Midfielder Phil Edghill

Midfielder Gary StopforthLeft-wing Phil Dean

Midfielder Grant Spencer

Midfielder Phil Edghill

Midfielder Gary StopforthLeft-wing Phil Dean

Midfielder Grant Spencer

Midfielder Tom Toth

Midfield Joel Pilkington

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Striker Lee Gaskell

Striker Jon Robinson

Striker Adam Morning

Striker Tom Brookes

Right-wing Dom Smalley

Midfielder Tom Toth

Striker Lee Gaskell

Striker Jon Robinson

Striker Tom Brookes

Right-wing Dom Smalley

Striker Luke Bradbury

Striker Matty Warburton

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EDITORIAL - SUPPORTERS CLUBWell, having missed the last couple of matches due to our band’s annual jollyover to Scarborough for the weekend, and then a stinking bout of Man Fluon Tuesday that saw us miss the draw at Radcliffe, we were mad for somefooty; even if it was to be a trip back over to the horribly unwelcoming Can-tilever Park. I have a vague memory that they’ve called it something like “TheHG Recruitment Stadium”. Brilliant! It’s almost as good an idea as changingthe name of a club with an enormously long history to something cheeky andcatchy in order to try and rustle up some extra paying customers - and if youlook at last week’s huge attendance of 53 at Cow-tootin’ Lane then you cansee how well that’s gone down!Both clubs have gone for that “Our Vision” thing; you know, where they talkabout their plan to have something big by 2020, like league football or what-ever it is that Brent dreams up late at night when he’s had a few too many.Warrington have put a load of wooden development boards around the en-trance, with “Warrington Town’s 2020 vision” written on them. Even on thedrive down the M62 you could see that those dreams are starting to reallytake shape, with virtually the whole of Warrington’s population heading in theopposite direction to watch the egg-chasers at Old Trafford! The “2020 vision”boards don’t look to be the end of the vision either. According to thegrapevine, sweary manager Shaun Reid was on a promise to be looking for anew job if he didn’t get something from us back in August - and he nearlydidn’t! If that rumour’s true then their board have gone in for that notoriouslyunsuccessful approach of beating up their manager and team if they don’tsucceed - perhaps not the best way to get the best from your squad! Rumoursalso abound that their wage bill is around £3000 a week, with five big busi-nessmen chucking in £500 each a week, no doubt expecting to just chuckmoney at the “vision” and have it happen.What ‘The Powers That Be’ at Warrington fail to realise is that their ground isone of the most unwelcoming in the league. We took some butties and a flaskthis time because the tea-bar is absolutely hopeless. Don’t get me wrong, thewoman who runs it is lovely (when she shows up), but she has some creepymafia-type fella standing behind her watching, and the pies seem to be allgone by ten past three - which is quite an achievement as it only opened at3:40 last time we were there! Also, if you want a ten minute tirade about thetoilets then please have a chat with Mrs Robbie. We’ve all grown to expectthat gents toilets might have neither seat, working light, paper nor often evena door, and we know that our women expect carpets, dried flowers, pastelwallpaper and heated seats, but to hear Mrs Robbie tell it, you’d be horrified.You can’t even GET to the toilets at Warrington until well into the game, incasesomeone sneaks into the ground for free, and then when you can get thereTrap One is missing a seat, while Trap Two is full to the brim and overflowing.It’s gone 8pm and Mrs Robbie’s still in the bathroom making gagging noises,and she’s pretty tough as these things go!

I think that what I’m slowly getting round to saying is that no amount ofchucking money at a “Vision” will ever fill these football grounds withpeople. What we all love about Rammy is the lovely ground, the lovelypeople, the china mugs and yes, to an extent, the multipack ‘not tobe sold separately’ crisps and Mars Bars. (We also love, and desper-ately miss Geoff, and wish that Harry would go and be nice to him).Brent’s 53 crowds will stop him ever realising any kind of vision, aswill Warrington’s 103 (most of which were Rammy fans). Even Brentknows that he has to make the matches a fun day out for people,though God knows he’s fighting a losing battle up there, but until War-

rington realise that they need to make the Matchday Experience memo-rable for the right reasons, it’ll remain fourth on my all-time list of “horrible

away trips”... unlike Lancaster City last season! 5-0!

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Managers: Anthony JOHNSONBernard MORLEY

Manager: Martin GRAY









Referee: Paul Hodskinson (Preston)Assistants: Anthony Parkinson (Preston), Daniel Locker (Southport)

Next home game: Wednesday 16th October, Atherton LR in LFA Trophy