080724 mosaica content related rtd

IST-034984 Dov Winer MOSAICA Review Meeting Paris July 24th, 2007 Content related developments

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Presentation of MOSAICA Content Related RTD Work. MOSAICA -Semantically Enhanced, Multifaceted, Collaborative Access to Cultural Heritage IST – 034984. MOSAICA Review Meeting, Paris – July 24th, 2008.


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Dov Winer

MOSAICA Review Meeting

Paris – July 24th, 2007

Content related developments

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• WP 1 objectives and content related tasks

• Main issues reported in the previous review

• Report on IPR resources for content providers – update of ID 2.0

• Support for content selection and Semantic Annotation

– Report on Disaggregation of resources

– MOSAICA Google Custom Search Engine

• Surveying and describing Deep Web sources – collaboration with MICHAEL

• Semantic annotation subjects and progress

• Ontology development

– Domain Ontologies

– Deployment

– Multifaceted Classes

• Future work

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WP 1 Objectives

• To identify Web based resources in Jewish cultural heritage.

• To identify resources in Jewish cultural heritage suitable for GIS.

• To negotiate access to the resources in Jewish cultural heritage with the content owners, and resolve the corresponding IPR issues.

• To populate MOSAICA ontology with selected resources in Jewish cultural heritage.

• To define methodology and specify interface for dynamic, online access to multiple, distributed resources in Jewish cultural heritage

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Content related tasks – WP1, WP2 and Wp4Tasks in which the leader is MAKASH (previously, JAFI) with

participation of ORT, COI, Technion and Straight (WP1)

• T1.1 Resources identification and selection.

• T1.2 Negotiation of access to MOSAICA resources and related IPR issues

• T1.3 Semantic annotation of selected resources

Task which the leader is Xlab with the participation of Cybercultus (WP1)

• T1.4 Definition of interfaces to multiple distributed MOSAICA resources

Ontology development (WP2)

WP2 – Nahum Korda – Straight / ORT

Board of Editors (WP4)

WP4 – Technion

Establishing and operating the MOSAICA Board of Editors

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Main issues reported in the previous review (July, 2007) - I

• ID 1.0 Report on Criteria for Selection of Web-base Resources in Jewish Heritage


– QUALITY (Accuracy, Clarity, Motivation)

– GRANULARITY (Intermediate, enough to identify)

– GIS ( with coordinate system or be so represented)

– Guidelines for Entering Resources



– Memorandum of Understanding – January 2007

– ID 2.0 Report Resources for the MOSAICA IPR Policy

• D1.1: Web based resources in Jewish Heritage

– Direct access to 8,821 resources; indirect to 32,307 images and eJewish.info MS SQL 5.0 database with another 18,000

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Main issues reported in the previous review (July, 2007) -II• Negotiations with content owners

– Jewish National and University Library

– Israel Museum in Jerusalem

– Diaspora Museum

– Ghetto Fighters House

– YIVO – Centropa – ENAME – Jewish Women Resources – Aleph

• Report on the Jewish Cultural Heritage Vocabularies Survey (31)

• Reports on the survey of storytelling theories, projects and ontologiesthat may support the VE development

– Storytelling Templates

– Ontologies based narratives

– Ontologies based working projects

• Establishment of the MOSAICA Board of Editors (WP4)

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Y e a r II

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Main issues related to content developments – Year II

• Report on IPR Resources for MOSAICA Content Providers

– Updates for ID 2.0

• Support for the selection and annotation of resources

– ID1.2 Report on some tools for the disaggregation of cultural digital objects

– Establishing a MOSAICA Google Custom Search site

• Definition of interfaces to multiple distributed MOSAICA resources

– D1.2 Methodology for Semantic Access to Distributed Web-based Resources,

• Quality content sources (deep Web) and dissemination channels

– Collaboration with the MICHAEL project

– Detailed annexes with Jewish Heritage collections identified in the UK and Italy

– Updated D1.1 Selection of Web-based resources in Jewish Heritage

• Semantic annotation of resources – main subjects and quantity targets

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IPR Resources for content providers – updates to ID 2.0

• Report on IPR Resources for MOSAICA Content Providers

– Updated version of ID 2.0

– Inclusion of detailed references to:

• High level Industry Seminar – Global Industry Roundtable on Levies and DRM

• UK: Gowers Review of Intellectual Property

• France: Rapport of the Commission Levy-Jouyet on the Economy of the Intangible

– Orphan works MoU

• An agreement on copyright was signed by libraries, archives and right holders, in the presence of Commissioner Viviane Reding. The Memorandum of Understanding on orphan works help cultural institutions to digitise books, films and music whose authors are unknown, making them available to the public online.

• http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/newsroom/cf/itemlongdetail.cfm?item_id=4145

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Support for content selection and Semantic Annotation

• Disaggregation of Resources

– Required due to the technical constraint that granularity of resources be at the atomic level – basic files and no composites like Word, PPT, pdf etc

– Proposed solution: provide the Content partners with tools for disaggregating resources into their atomic parts for annotation

– Internal deliverable ID 1.2Report on some tools for the disaggregation of cultural digital objects

• Google Custom Search Engine on Jewish Cultural Heritage sources

– http://www.google.com/coop/cse?cx=016599512364755762122%3Ahlp9hqhjwae click here

– Tool to facilitate partners’ access to specific resources for annotation defining the subjects and the kind of files they are seeking.

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MOSAICA Google Custom Search Engine

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Deep Web sources and dissemination - MICHAEL

• MICHAEL – Multilingual Inventory of Cultural Heritage in Europe

– It is one of the partners to EDL – EUROPEANA the European Digital Library http://www.europeana.eu click here

– collections mapping through Europe

• Quality sources, deep Web mapping and dissemination channels

– Collaboration with the leaders of the MICHAEL project :MiBAC (Italy), MLA (UK), Ministry of Culture (France)

– MOSAICA carried an effort to identify relevant collections and promote the collaboration between holders and registration at MICHAEL national instances:

ID 1.3 Report on the Survey of Deep European Jewish Content

– Substantial results in MICHAEL UK – common ground set in Italy and France

– http://www.michael-culture.org.uk/mpf/pub-uk/results.html?q=jewish&from1=search&search=Go click here

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Deep Web sources and dissemination - MICHAEL

• MICHAEL seminar for UK Jewish content providers and stakeholders convened by the European Association for Jewish Culture with our active support

– David Dawson (MLA), Lena Stanley-Clamp (EAJC), Louise Asher (Jewish Museum), Dr. Susan Hazan

– March 19, 2008 - 27 participants

• Mobilization of Italian Jewish Cultural Heritage collection holders

– MICHAEL e le politiche locali per i servizi digitalihttp://www.ibc.regione.emilia-romagna.it/michael/michael.htm

– Involvement of the Fondazione per i Beni Culturali Ebraici in Italia

– Detailed instructions how to contact the regional coordinators and register collections

• MOSAICA plenary presentation at the final MICHAEL event in Warsaw

– Interest in providing contents for MOSAICA from Bulgaria, Poland etc

– http://www.icimss.edu.pl/en/?id=99

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Updated D1.1 Selection of Web-based resources in Jewish Heritage

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Semantic Annotation

• Partners initial chosen subjects and the minimum target of resources to be annotated by each of them

– ORT Purim and others (1800)

– COI Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (1200)

– Technion Mendelssohn Family, Hanukia, Rosalind Elise Franklin, Rita-Levi Montalcini, Anglo-Jewish Association, Montefiore Family, Jacob Cohen (1000)

– MAKASH Music, maps, photographs - spanning geographical areas, Jewish holidays and ritual, life cycle (1000)

• Examples of main subjects for further annotation

– Jewish Holidays and ritual

– Jewish Life cycle - from birth to death and in-between...

– Jewish History

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Domain Ontologies

• Radical reengineering of the deployment

• Emphasis on multicultural character:– Division between Jewish cultural heritage ontology and generic

cultural heritage ontology

– Evaluation of the generic cultural heritage ontology

• Introduction of “multifaceted” classes

• Restructuring and completion of the generic classes (location and periods)

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Multifaceted Classes

• Modeling problem known as multiple classification criteria

• Allows multiple divisions of a

class in parallel

• Each division is a separate view

• Also allows grouping of

subclasses (MOSAICA top-level classes)

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Future Work

• Second round of annotation of the same resources annotated so far

– Rights , Original context, Missing concepts in the ontology

• Completing the annotation of at least 5,000 resources

• Linkage to additional EUROPEANA related projects – Athena, EDLocal, EFG

– Potential test-beds for MOSAICA tools

– Dissemination and business partners

• Ontologies:

– more restructuring (tedious and time consuming)

– Translation (French, Polish … Hebrew?)

– More natural language (and in all languages)

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Thank you for your attention!

Dov Winerphone: +972.2.6586043

Cellular: +972.508.261163

fax: +972.2.6584977

[email protected]

