09-14 tikun article for foundation

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  • 8/12/2019 09-14 Tikun Article for Foundation


    Temple Israel Foundation Article for September 2014 Tikun

    The Colorado River asin and Temple Israel Foundation

    This mornin! I listened to a stor" on #$R about the Colorado River asin %hich caused me to

    reflect on the Temple Israel Foundation& This massive under!round %ater source has beendr"in! up faster than e'pected due to recent drou!hts and over use b" millions in the %est& Thescientist reportin! on the situation su!!ested there needs to be an authorit" created to mana!ethis situation before it(s too late and this valuable resource dries up permanentl"&

    )hile the Temple Israel Foundation is in no dan!er of dr"in! up* the stor" about the asinreminded me of %h" our Foundation is stron! and needs to !ro% stron!er movin! for%ard&Similar to the under!round River asin* the Foundation is rarel" seen up close b" Temple IsraelCon!re!ants but is used ever" da" to sustain the life of our Temple in the form of !rants anddistributions& +an" "ears a!o the leaders of Temple Israel had the foresi!ht to create a separateentit" and board to mana!e the Foundation in the event of a ,drou!ht- and formed anindependent board to mana!e its assets& Throu!h the prudent ste%ardship of the oard* theFoundation not onl" survived the most recent Financial Crisis but has !ro%n the assets of theFoundation to .2&/ million toda"&

    The oard of The Temple Israel Foundation is currentl" %orkin! on developin! a lon! termstrate!ic plan that meets the lon! term needs of Temple Israel(s chan!in! needs anddemo!raphics& In the meantime* man" con!re!ants have alread" stepped up and put in placeplans to donate portions of their estate* retirement plans* life insurance* annuities and trusts tobenefit the Foundation& )e alread" have nearl" .1 million in pled!ed !ifts to the Foundationfrom individuals and families %ho are members of our e!ac" Circle&

    ou can e'pect to learn more about our strate!ic plan in the comin! months& In the meantime*please consider supportin! the %ork of the Foundation in one of the follo%in! %a"s

    earn more about The Foundation and make a !ift to one of our 43 e'istin! funds b"visitin! our %ebsite at %%%&templeisrael&or! foundation&htm

    +ake a !ift to our Annual Fund Raisin! Campai!n A Perpetual Stream %hen "oureceive our letter or a call after the hi!h holida"s& 5ifts can be paid over 6 "ears and beconsidered to%ard the establishment of a fund named for "ou and "our famil"&

    +ake a deferred !ift and become a member of The Legacy Circle b" desi!natin! The

    Foundation a beneficiar" of "our estate* retirement plan* life insurance* annuit" or trust& $urchase a tree or a !rove of trees to beautif" the Temple Israel Cemeter" as part of the

    master landscapin! plan for the cemeter" on $erformance $ark%a"&

    +ore information on the Temple Israel Foundation and !iftin! opportunities can be obtained b"contactin! 7'ecutive 8irector* 7laine Tenenbaum* at 9/14: ;//