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Rianti Soediro Suryo Tumor & Reconstruction Unit Cicendo Eye Hospital Bandung

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Post on 30-Sep-2015




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  • Rianti Soediro Suryo Tumor & Reconstruction UnitCicendo Eye Hospital Bandung

    Rianti Soediro Suryo

  • IntroductionEye Tumors can :* Be live threatening * Reduce vision * Cause cosmetic problems

    Rianti Soediro Suryo

  • Eye Tumor ClassificationExternal : on palpebra, conjunctiva, cornea and lacrimal sac.



    Rianti Soediro Suryo

  • Benign External Eye TumorDermoid cyst and dermoid tumorXanthelasmaMilliumPapillomaNevusVerruca vulgaris = Common wartMolluscum contagiosum

    Rianti Soediro Suryo

  • Malignant External TumorCarsinoma in situBasal cell carcinoma Squamous cell carcinoma Aquired melanosis Lacrimal sac tumor

    Rianti Soediro Suryo

  • Intraocular Eye Tumor1. Malignant melanoma.

    2. Retinoblastoma.

    3. Uveal metastatic tumor.

    Rianti Soediro Suryo

  • Orbital Tumor (1)HemangiomaNeurogenic Tumor : * Optical nerve glioma* Meningioma * Neurofibroma Rhabdomysarcoma

    Rianti Soediro Suryo

  • Orbital Tumor (2)Lacrimal gland tumor : * Benign mixed tumor * Adenoid cystic carcinomaMetastatic tumorMalignant lymphomaIdiopathic orbital inflammatory deseaseDysthyroid ophthalmopathy

    Rianti Soediro Suryo

  • Dermoid CystsCongenital tumorThe tumor wall consists of dermis and epidermis layerLocation : supero-temporal Tumor palpation : firm, round, and smooth, freely mobile under the skin.T/ : In toto excision

    Rianti Soediro Suryo

  • Dermoid Cysts

    Rianti Soediro Suryo

  • Dermoid TumorCongenital, located at the limbusConsists of connective tissue with hair follicles & sebaceus gland, walled by stra- tified squamous epitheliumSigns : solid, smooth, round, protruded mass, whitish in colour T/ : excision

    Rianti Soediro Suryo

  • Dermoid Tumor

    Rianti Soediro Suryo

  • Nevus = Benign Melanoma(1)Consists of pigment stained cellsObserved in children, grows during puberty with increase pigmentationNevus cells can be found in the : * epidermis : Junctional nevus * dermis : Compound nevus * whole dermic layers : Intradermal nevus

    Rianti Soediro Suryo

  • Nevus = Benign Melanoma(2)Malignant degeneration can happen to junctional & intradermal nevusSigns : slightly elevated, pigment stained, clearly defined lesionT/ : Excision ; with following indications : * cosmetic* irritation* rapid tumors growth

    Rianti Soediro Suryo

  • Nevus = Benign Melanoma

    Rianti Soediro Suryo

  • PapillomaLocation : margo palpebra and limbusSigns : tumor mass is cauliflower-like and pedunculatedLarge tumor size can resembles malignancyHas regrowth tendencyRelated to viral infection.T/ : In toto excision.

    Rianti Soediro Suryo

  • Verruca vulgarisNot a true tumorEtiology : viralShape : various T/ : excision

    Rianti Soediro Suryo

  • Molluscum Contagiosum

    Etiology : a pox viral Signs : small, pale, waxy, umbilicated noduleT/ : excision

    Rianti Soediro Suryo

  • Intraepithelial epithelioma = Carsinoma in situ = Bowen DeseaseLocation :cornea, conjungtiva, palpebral skinAge 60, particularly menSigns : Diffuse lesion, elevated, hyper-keratotic noduleT/ : In toto excision

    Rianti Soediro Suryo

  • Carsinoma in situ

    Rianti Soediro Suryo

  • Basal Cell CarsinomaKnown as Basal cell epithelioma90% on eyelids Age 50-55 y, particularly menSigns : ulcerative small node, with elevated borderRarely cause metastasis

    Rianti Soediro Suryo

  • Basal Cell Carsinoma: TherapyWide excision with 2 mm safety margin, controlled by frozen sectionRadiotherapyCryotherapyMohs ChemosurgeryCuretage and electrodessication

    Rianti Soediro Suryo

  • Basal Cell Carsinoma

    Rianti Soediro Suryo