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Class 11

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Post on 29-Nov-2014




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Class 11

a.中心 ___ translation b.鎖上 ___ centre/center c.翻譯 ___ car park / parking lot d.運動用具 ___ laundry service e.晚上 ___ sauna f.停車場 ___ internet access g.洗衣服务 ___ evening h. (連線)上網 ___ exercise equipment i. 蒸汽浴 ___ locked

a.中心 _c_ translation b.鎖上 _a_ centre/center c.翻譯 _f_ car park / parking lot d.運動用具 _g_ laundry service e.晚上 _i_ sauna f.停車場 _h_ internet access g.洗衣服务 _e_ evening h. (連線)上網 _d_ exercise equipment i. 蒸汽浴 _b_ locked

k l m n

f g h i j

a b c d e

shampoo stump Korea air conditioner

manager desk Philippines clock radio/ radio alarm

trash can/ trash bin

pillow waitress mirror toilet paper coat hangers

Remember: :00 = o’clock :15 = a quarter after/past :30 = half past :45 = a quarter to

a b c d

d e f g

Remember: :00 = o’clock :15 = a quarter after/past :30 = half past :45 = a quarter to

three o’clock one o’clock 6:25 five after ten / 10:05

1:30 / half past one

2:15 a quarter past two

7:45 / a quarter to


4:30 / four-thirty

Ask each other these questions: 1. What time did you go to work today? Yesterday?

2. What time did your work begin?

3. What time does/did your work end?

4. What time do you take a bath in the evening?

5. What time do you eat dinner? Lunch? Breakfast?

6. What time do you like to get up?

7. What time do you like to go to bed at night?

Q.廁所在哪裡? A.女廁在進去右側精品店玻璃櫃右方(男廁在左側電梯旁)

Q: A:

Q.電梯在哪裡? A.前方大廳酒吧對面兩側。

Q: A:

Q.廁所在哪裡? A.女廁在進去右側精品店玻璃櫃右方(男廁在左側電梯旁)

Q: Where's the bathroom / restroom? A: The women's restroom is to the right of the souvenir

shop. (The men's restroom is to the left of the elevators.)

Q.電梯在哪裡? A.前方大廳酒吧對面兩側。

Q: Where are the elevators? A: The elevators are in the in the lobby, across from the bar.

Here are some words you might hear today: fitness centre - 健身中心 room service - 送酒菜到客房的服務 car park - 停車場 laundry service - 洗衣服务 evening - 晚上 sauna - 蒸汽浴; 桑拿浴 latest - 最新的; 最近的 locked - 鎖上 indoor - 室內的; 戶內的

translation service - 翻譯服务 secretarial service - 秘書服務 exercise equipment - 運動用具 audio-visual equipment - 視聽備配 beauty salon - 美容院 internet access - (連線)上網

5.6 Match the words with the pictures. 5.7 Listen to me read the conversation, and follow along on page 99. 5.7 Work together and try to check which hotel has the services in the list on page 26. 5.8.1 Work together. Connect the answers to the questions.

5.8.2 Put the words “can” and “have” in the sentences. 5.8.3 Put the correct words into the sentences. 5.8.4 Put the words into the hotel brochure. 5.9 Go to page 73 and write down five words you learned in this unit.

cart [kɑrt] caught [kɔt]

tail [tel] toil [tɔɪl]

hour [aʊr] are [ɑr]

heart [hɑrt] art [ɑrt]

worse [wɝs] worth [wɝθ]


I can think of six thin things, but I can think of six thick things too.

The blue bluebird blinks.

If you want to buy, buy, if you don't want to buy, bye bye!