1. 2. · designer:li yu teaching aims: 1.revise some common grammars and language points. (teaching...

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Page 1: 1. 2. · Designer:LI YU Teaching aims: 1.Revise some common grammars and language points. (Teaching Importances) 2.Manage to improve their ability of

单选题的应试技巧单选题的应试技巧1.命题趋势:考察在特定语境下语言知识的运用能力,即:将知道上升为能力。2.要求:语法和语言知识点;在语境中对语言意义的领悟 ·判断与运用能力。

Designer:LI YU

Page 2: 1. 2. · Designer:LI YU Teaching aims: 1.Revise some common grammars and language points. (Teaching Importances) 2.Manage to improve their ability of

Teaching aims:1.Revise some common grammars and

language points. (Teaching Importances)

2.Manage to improve their ability of comprehension, judgment and operation.

(Teaching Importances)3.Cultivate their feelings for English learnin

g. (Teaching Importance)4. Focus on the culture differences and trap

s in the multiple-choice. (Teaching Difficulties)

Page 3: 1. 2. · Designer:LI YU Teaching aims: 1.Revise some common grammars and language points. (Teaching Importances) 2.Manage to improve their ability of

How to do it effectively?

Page 4: 1. 2. · Designer:LI YU Teaching aims: 1.Revise some common grammars and language points. (Teaching Importances) 2.Manage to improve their ability of

First: In context一 .把握上下文所体现的交际因素,在特定语境下得体运用英语口语,做好情景对话题。

1.----Do you mind if I open the window?

----____ I feel a bit cold.

A.Of course not . B.I`d rather you didn`t.

C.Go ahead. D.Why not.

A. C. D都表示同意对方提议,而 I feel a bit cold.这句话的暗含之意:不同意。 Th

erefore , the answer is obviously: B.

Page 5: 1. 2. · Designer:LI YU Teaching aims: 1.Revise some common grammars and language points. (Teaching Importances) 2.Manage to improve their ability of

2.----I'm thinking of the test tomorrow. I'm afraid I can't pass this time.------_____. I'm sure you'll make it.A.Go ahead B.Good luckC.No problem D.Cheer up


Summary:focus on the differeces between chinese and English!

Page 6: 1. 2. · Designer:LI YU Teaching aims: 1.Revise some common grammars and language points. (Teaching Importances) 2.Manage to improve their ability of

二 .仔细推敲揣摩上下文语境中所隐含的时间因素,做好时态 ·非谓语动词 ·情态动词的题目。

1.Now that she is out of a job,Lucy ____ going ba

ck to school, but she has`t decided yet.

A.had considered B.has been considering

C.is going to consider D.considered

The blue part tells us that the action is going on. So B is the correct answer.

Page 7: 1. 2. · Designer:LI YU Teaching aims: 1.Revise some common grammars and language points. (Teaching Importances) 2.Manage to improve their ability of

2.John, a friend of mine, got married and spent $3,000 more than he____ for the wedding.A. will plan B.has plannedC.would plan D.had planned

The red part reminds us that the action should be "past of past".So D is correct.

Page 8: 1. 2. · Designer:LI YU Teaching aims: 1.Revise some common grammars and language points. (Teaching Importances) 2.Manage to improve their ability of

3.-----Is Bob still performing?

-----I`m afraid not. He is said____ the stage

as he has become an official.

A. to have left B. to leave

C. to have been left D.to be left

Could you give us a brief analysis?

SUMMARY:1.时间信息。 2.动词状态。3.动词与主语关系。

Page 9: 1. 2. · Designer:LI YU Teaching aims: 1.Revise some common grammars and language points. (Teaching Importances) 2.Manage to improve their ability of

三 ·抓住语境中的有效信息,通过对比 ·比较 ·推理 ·判断等方法,以及对事物 ·行为 ·发展进程进行合乎逻辑的想象,准确做好短语 ·词类的语义辨析题。1.As we joined the big crowd, I got ___ from my friends.A. separated B.spared C.lost D.missed

Similar phrases: get married, get engaged,get lost, get hurt,get burnt,get hit, get treated,get broken(表被动概念 )


Page 10: 1. 2. · Designer:LI YU Teaching aims: 1.Revise some common grammars and language points. (Teaching Importances) 2.Manage to improve their ability of

2.Progress so far has been very good.____,

we are sure that the project will be complete

d on time.

A.However B.Otherwise

C.Therefore D.Besides

3.All the people ____ at the party were his s


A.present B.thankful

C.interested D.important

从句意以及词组搭配来看,应该选 A。


Page 11: 1. 2. · Designer:LI YU Teaching aims: 1.Revise some common grammars and language points. (Teaching Importances) 2.Manage to improve their ability of

Second:Traps in it (知己知彼,百战不殆 )一 .插入语干扰1.He believes in himself , ___ , in my o

pinion, is of great importance.A. that B.which C. What D.as2.----He has`t come yet.-----What do you consider ____ to him?A.happens B.has happenedC.happening D.to happen



Page 12: 1. 2. · Designer:LI YU Teaching aims: 1.Revise some common grammars and language points. (Teaching Importances) 2.Manage to improve their ability of

3.John plays football ____ , if not better than,David.A.as well B.as well as C.so well D.so well as4.The manager decided to give the job to_____ he believed had a strong sense of duty.A.whoever B.whomeverC.who D.those




Page 13: 1. 2. · Designer:LI YU Teaching aims: 1.Revise some common grammars and language points. (Teaching Importances) 2.Manage to improve their ability of

二 .标点符号的干扰 1.Tom,____ sure to come tomorrow. A.is B.be C.was D.would be 2.Alice, you feel the bird,_____? But I fed it yesterday. A. do you B.will you C.did`t you D.don`t you

三 .疑问句的干扰 Who would you rather ____ with you tomorrow,Tom or Sm

ith? A.have to go B.have go C.have gone D.had go

只要让这个妖怪现原形即可:把它变成陈述句!You would rather have who sb. do... .迎刃而解!




Page 14: 1. 2. · Designer:LI YU Teaching aims: 1.Revise some common grammars and language points. (Teaching Importances) 2.Manage to improve their ability of

四 .倒装句干扰1.On the grass ___ two sheep.A.lies B.lie C.lying D.laid2.Only when your identity (身份证 ) ha

s been checked, ____.A.you are allowed in B.you will be allowed in C. will you allow in D.will you be allowed in

Page 15: 1. 2. · Designer:LI YU Teaching aims: 1.Revise some common grammars and language points. (Teaching Importances) 2.Manage to improve their ability of

3.The old couple have been married for 40 years and never once ___with each other.A.they had quarreledB.they have quarreledC.have they quarreledD.had they quarreled

TIPS: 1.and 2.have been married 3.ne


So the answer: C

Page 16: 1. 2. · Designer:LI YU Teaching aims: 1.Revise some common grammars and language points. (Teaching Importances) 2.Manage to improve their ability of

五 .从句与先行词分离干扰1.The question came up at the meeting___

_ we had enough money for our research.

A.that B. which C.whether D.if

2.It was an exciting moment for these foot

ball fans this year,_____ for the first time i

n years their team won the World Cup.

A.that B.while C.which D.whenfocus on the relationship between the two blue parts.

Page 17: 1. 2. · Designer:LI YU Teaching aims: 1.Revise some common grammars and language points. (Teaching Importances) 2.Manage to improve their ability of

六 .省略句干扰 1.The girl is very shy, and never speaks u

ntil ____ to.

A.spoken B.speaking

C.speak D.be spoken

2.----Mum, why do you always make me e

at an egg every day?

----____ enough protein and

nutrition as you are growing up.

A.Get B.Getting

C.To get D.To be getting



Page 18: 1. 2. · Designer:LI YU Teaching aims: 1.Revise some common grammars and language points. (Teaching Importances) 2.Manage to improve their ability of

八 .被动句干扰

Every minute is made full use of ____ at ou

r lessons.

A.to work B.working C.works D.worked



Page 19: 1. 2. · Designer:LI YU Teaching aims: 1.Revise some common grammars and language points. (Teaching Importances) 2.Manage to improve their ability of

九 .搭配干扰1.This is the very room ___ I slept in that e


A.that B.which C.where D.at which

2.This is the very room ___I slept in the ev

ening. 哇,一模一样啊!REALLY?

Page 20: 1. 2. · Designer:LI YU Teaching aims: 1.Revise some common grammars and language points. (Teaching Importances) 2.Manage to improve their ability of

十 .强调句干扰

It is the ability to do the job____ matters

[not where you come from or what you a


A.one B.that C.what D.it

十一 .词形变化干扰I like football. ____ my sister and me.A.So do B.So are C.So did D.So it is with


Page 21: 1. 2. · Designer:LI YU Teaching aims: 1.Revise some common grammars and language points. (Teaching Importances) 2.Manage to improve their ability of

十二 .多义词干扰十二 .多义词干扰1.He is a strange character,____ is very hard

to get along with.

A.who B.which C.that D.where

2.He has a strange character,____makes him

difficult to get along with..

Page 22: 1. 2. · Designer:LI YU Teaching aims: 1.Revise some common grammars and language points. (Teaching Importances) 2.Manage to improve their ability of

Third:skills for it1.要整体把握语境,认真分析所隐含的信息,答题时必须读完全部信息,利用特定的语境来选出准确答案。



Page 23: 1. 2. · Designer:LI YU Teaching aims: 1.Revise some common grammars and language points. (Teaching Importances) 2.Manage to improve their ability of

只要大家注重细节,善于拨开乌云见太阳,就一定能够在单项选择中取得出色成绩!!!!YES , WE CAN! YES,Y


Page 24: 1. 2. · Designer:LI YU Teaching aims: 1.Revise some common grammars and language points. (Teaching Importances) 2.Manage to improve their ability of

Homework: 1. Manage to feel the usual traps in it and put them into practice.2. Learn to form a habit to imagine what we have seen into a vivid picture!

Try a sentence again:The complementary coastlines and certain

geological features (that seem to span the ocean)

are reminders of where the two continents were once joined. 译文:虽然远隔大洋,但是相互吻合的海岸线和跨洋延续的地质特征,会使人想到这两个大陆曾是连成一片的。

Page 25: 1. 2. · Designer:LI YU Teaching aims: 1.Revise some common grammars and language points. (Teaching Importances) 2.Manage to improve their ability of

Consolidation: (对比选择) 1.There _____ no bus, we had to walk home.

There _____ no bus and we had to walk home.

A. was B. being C.be D. to be

2. The teacher ____ , there are fifty people in the room.

Fifty people are here, ____ the teacher .

A. includes B. including C. included D. include

3. I found his eyes ____ on the baby.

I found him ______ his eyes on the baby.

A. fixing B. fixed C. to fix D. fixes

Page 26: 1. 2. · Designer:LI YU Teaching aims: 1.Revise some common grammars and language points. (Teaching Importances) 2.Manage to improve their ability of

4. I saw him __ at the back of the room.

I saw him ___ himself at the back of the r


A. seat B. seated C. be seated D. seat


5. I can`t help ___ the heavy work for the

girl of only seven.

I can`t help ___ the work for her, becaus

e I was busy now.

A .doing B. to do C. done D. do

Page 27: 1. 2. · Designer:LI YU Teaching aims: 1.Revise some common grammars and language points. (Teaching Importances) 2.Manage to improve their ability of

6. Please remember ____ off the light before going


I remembered _____ off the light. Who has turne

d it on?

A. turn B. turning C. turned D. to turn

7.Try _____ the work in another way if you can`t d

o it in this way.

We must try _____ the job , however hard it is .

A. doing B. to do

C. to be doing D.to be done

Page 28: 1. 2. · Designer:LI YU Teaching aims: 1.Revise some common grammars and language points. (Teaching Importances) 2.Manage to improve their ability of

8. The film is worthy ___ .

The film is worth ____.

The film is worthy of ___.

A.seeing B. to be seen

C. to see D. being seen

9. Our teacher required him ____ the compo

sition again.

Our teacher required he ____ the compositi

on again.

His composition required ___ again.

A.towrite B.writing C.write D.writes

Page 29: 1. 2. · Designer:LI YU Teaching aims: 1.Revise some common grammars and language points. (Teaching Importances) 2.Manage to improve their ability of

10. The building _____ now will be a chemistry lab.

The building _____ last year is our chemistry lab.

The building _____ next month is designed by a pr


A. to be built B.being built

C.built D.having built

11. ______ the whole city, we should stand on the to

p of the hill.

_______ on the top of the hill , you can see the w

hole city.

A. Seen B. To see C. Seeing D.See

Page 30: 1. 2. · Designer:LI YU Teaching aims: 1.Revise some common grammars and language points. (Teaching Importances) 2.Manage to improve their ability of

BYE-BYE!Thank you for your attention!!