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1 © 2013 by Nelson Education Ltd. CHAPTER THREE Learning and Motivation

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Learning and Motivation

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Define learning and describe learning outcomes Describe three stages of learning and resource

allocation theory Discuss Kolb’s learning styles and describe the

learning cycle Describe conditioning theory and social cognitive

theory and their implications for T&D Define motivation and describe need and process

theories of motivation and their implications for T&D

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Describe the differences between mastery and performance goals and between distal and proximal goals and their implications for T&D

Define training motivation and discuss its predictors and consequences

Describe the model of training effectiveness and the predictors and consequences of learning and retention

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Understanding adult learning theory, how people learn, and their motivation for learning is integral to a training program’s success

Organizations need to be strategic in their approach

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Process of:Acquiring knowledge and skillsChange in individual behaviour as a result of some experience (formal or informal)

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Gagne’s model discusses five categories:

1. Verbal information

2. Intellectual skills

3. Cognitive strategies (Cognitive outcomes)

4. Motor skills (Skill-based outcomes)

5. Attitudes (Affective outcomes)

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Kraiger and colleagues’ model discusses three broad categories:

• Cognitive domain – knowledge• Skill-based outcomes – motor skills/technical• Affective outcomes – attitudinal and


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Implications for Training and Development A training program can focus on one or more

learning outcomes The extent to which a training program has an effect

on any of the outcomes depends in part to the training objectives

Different training methods will be more or less effective depending on the learning outcome a training program was designed to influence

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Different instructional events/conditions of learning are required for each of the learning outcomes

Learning outcomes are often interrelated Learning generally occurs over a period of time and

progresses through a series of stages

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Anderson’s Adaptive Character of Thought (ACT) Theory

Stage 1: Declarative knowledge Learning: knowledge, facts, and information Performance: Resource-dependent

Stage 2: Knowledge compilation Learning: Integrating tasks into sequences to simplify and

streamline the task Performance: Fragmented and piecemeal

Stage 3: Procedural knowledge Learning: Task mastery Performance: Automatic & habitual, resource-insensitive

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Implications for Training and Development Recognizes that learning takes place in stages

(declarative knowledge, compilation, proceduralization)

Indicates that different types of learning take place at different stages

The effects of both cognitive ability and motivational interventions on learning and performance depend on the stage of learning

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The way an individual gathers information, processes, and evaluates it during the learning process

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People can learn best by using all four styles Kolb notes the importance of a “learning cycle” in

which people use all four modes of learning in a sequence

Learning is most effective when all four steps in the learning cycle are part of the learning experience

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Implications for Training and Development Recognizes that people differ in the way they prefer to

learn Success and comfort in training depends on how training

approach and learning style match Design training programs to appeal to people’s different

learning styles Programs should be designed with each learning mode as

part of a sequence of learning experiences

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A. Conditioning Theory Learning is a result of reward and punishment

contingencies that follow a response to a stimulus

A stimulus or cue would be followed by a response, which is then reinforced

Strengthens the likelihood that response will occur again and that learning will result

Note that both forms of reinforcement will increase or maintain behaviour

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B. Social Cognitive Theory

People learn by: Observing the behaviour of others Making choices about different courses of action

to pursue By managing their own behaviour in the process

of learning

It is not just a result of reward and punishment contingencies

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B. Social Cognitive Theory (cont’d)

Three Key Components

1. Observation: Learning by observing the actions of others and the consequences Four key critical elements:

a. Attentionb. Retentionc. Reproductiond. Reinforcement

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B. Social Cognitive Theory (cont'd)

2. Self-efficacy: Judgments people have about their ability to successfully perform a specific task Influenced by four sources of information in

order of importance:

a. Task performance outcomes

b. Observation

c. Verbal persuasion and social influence

d. Physiological/emotional state

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B. Social Cognitive Theory (cont’d)

3. Self-regulation: Managing one’s own behaviour • Observe personal/other behaviour• Setting performance goals• Assess personal progress • Reward oneself for goal achievement

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Implications for Training and Development

Conditioning Trainees should be encouraged and reinforced

throughout the training process and training will be more effective

Social Cognitive Importance of training design in improving learning Consider use of behaviour modelling, increasing self-

efficacy, and teaching trainees about self-regulation in design of training

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Andragogy: An adult-oriented approach to learning that

takes into account the differences between adult and child learners

Pedagogy: The traditional approach to learning used to

educate children and youth

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Teaching Children versus Adults

Factor Children AdultsPersonality Dependent Independent

Motivation Extrinsic Intrinsic

Roles Student Employee

Child Parent, volunteer, spouse, citizen

Openness to change Keen Ingrained habits and attitudes

Barriers to change Few Negative self-concept

Experience Limited Vast

Orientation to learning



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Implications for Training and Development Impacts at every stage of learning process

Importance of design and instruction as a joint process

Identified in detail in Trainer’s Notebook 3.2

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Definition: Degree of persistent effort that one directs toward a goal

• Extrinsic motivation: Stems from factors in the external environment

• Intrinsic motivation: Stems from a direct relationship between worker and task

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A. Need Theories (Maslow/Alderfer’s ERG)

Physiological and psychological desires

• Maslow’s Need Hierarchy

• Alderfer’s ERG Theory

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Implications for Training and Development Employees’ needs must be considered in the

design of a training program

Employees not likely to be motivated to attend training, learn the training material, and apply it on the job if it doesn’t fulfill needs

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B. Process Theories (Expectancy/Goal Setting)

Address the process of motivation and how motivation occurs• Expectancy Theory

– Proximal and Distal

• Goal-Setting Theory– Mastery and Performance

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Implications for Training and Development Prior to training:

• Participants should have challenging goals for learning

Prior to and after:• Be provided with feedback so they know whether

they have achieved goals Setting specific and challenging goals should

improve trainee’s motivation to learn as well as performance on task

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Definition: The direction, intensity, and persistence of learning-directed behaviour in training contexts (motivation to learn)

Personality variables that predict training motivation:

• Locus of control

• Achievement motivation

• Anxiety

• Conscientiousness

• Self-efficacy

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Implications for Training and Development Trainer/Manager assesses trainee motivation prior

to training Ensure trainees are motivated to learn Management should try to influence factors that

predict motivation to learn

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Training motivation is also a strong predictor of learning and training outcomes

Self-efficacy, cognitive ability, and personality characteristics also have an effect on learning

Attitudes (i.e., job involvement, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment)

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Identified learning as the major goal of training and development

Described learning outcomes and their implications for training

Identified three stages of learning and four learning styles as part of learning process

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Discussed several theories related to learning and the implications of these to training including:• Two major learning theories (conditioning and

social cognitive) as well as adult learning theory• Needs theories and process theories of

motivation and their predictors and consequences

Identified model of training effectiveness and its linkages to effective training