1 a probabilistic signal-strength-based evaluation methodology for sensor network deployment...

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  • A Probabilistic Signal-Strength-Based Evaluation Methodology for SensorNetwork DeploymentAuthors: Sheng-Po Kuo, Yu-Chee Tseng, Fang-Jing Wu, and Chun-Yu Lin

    Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Chiao-Tung University

  • OutlineIntroductionWireless ad hoc sensor network overviewMotivation and goalProblem statement and assumptionsError estimate model and algorithmApplicationsConclusions

  • Wireless Ad Hoc Sensor Network OverviewA collection of sensor nodesEach sensor node is a tiny device which has capability:SensingComputationCommunicationA number of sensors could perform particular tasks collaboratively, such as target detection, location tracking, environment monitoring and controlling.

  • Motivation and GoalMotivation:For location tracking applications, given a sensor deployment:How to find the location of the object in the environment.How to evaluate the performance or error degree of the sensor deployment?Where to add more sensors to improve the performance of the sensor deployment?Our Approach:Introduce a probabilistic location estimation model to perform location trackingMoreover, propose an error model to evaluate the performance of the sensor deployment, and try to reduce the error degree.

  • OutlineIntroductionProblem statement and assumptionsProblem statementAssumptionsError estimate model and algorithmApplicationsConclusions

  • Problem Statement :Given a sensor network, taking RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) to perform positioning is inaccurate.It is because of the signal propagation model is sensitive to many factors, such as obstacles, distance, interference, fading, and multipath effects1s2s3d1d2d3Tracking result is errorOA

  • Problem Statement :Apply a probabilistic location estimation model to illustrate the inaccuracy caused by the unstable RSSI.For sensor deployment S, how to evaluate the performance:Formally, we define sound region A as:

    unsound region has some locations with high error degree for location tracking (i.e, could not satisfy the predefined threshold)

  • Environment Assumptions:An ad hoc sensor network with n nodesEach sensor node location is known (by manually input, GPS .etc )

  • OutlineIntroductionProblem statement and assumptionsError estimate model and algorithmPath loss modelDistance estimation modelLocation estimation modelError modelApplicationsConclusions

  • Path Loss ModelWhat is path loss:set a pair of the distance d between transmitter and receiver, the signal strength is fading with the distance If Sensor receive signal strength is dB, it will regard as the object at d =70What is the probability that sensor regard as the object at d=70m?Sensor

  • Distance Estimation Modelset a pair of the distance d between transmitter and receiver, for distance d, the signal probability is SensorInformally speaking, the signal probability appeared at d is

  • Location Estimation ModelNotation:

  • Location Estimation ModelWhen object be placed at o, sensor si estimate the signal strength probability of location l is:

    The signal-strength probability of location l that be accumulated by the sensor set S is:

  • Example 1:Environment:50*50 gridsParameter:Location Estimation model

    Object=(20,35) S1=(15,25)

  • Example 1:object=(20,35)Sensor S1=(15,25) S2=(35,25) S3=(40,45)object=(20,35)Sensor s1=(15,25) s2=(35,25)

  • Error Estimation ModelEs(o,l) expresses a kind of expected value for error meaning:

    We define the error degree of the object placed at location o when performing location tracking by sensor set S:

  • Error Estimation ModelFormally, we define to express the overall performance of the sensor deployment S for location tracking:

  • Example 2:The error degree of the sensor deployment S in location tracking :The overall performance of the sensor deployment S in location tracking:Error model

  • IntroductionProblem statement and assumptionsError estimate model and algorithmApplicationsApplication1:Deploying Sensors at the Weakest PointsApplication2:Awake and Sleep Protocol using Voronoi DiagramConclusions

  • Application 1:Deploying Sensors at the Weakest PointsThe policy for improve the error degreeAdd a new sensor node on the location o with maximum error degree Es(o)First one at sensor=(10,10)

  • Application 2:Awake Protocol in Voronoi DiagramVoronoi diagram characteristic:Awake protocol: : network configuration such as sensor set S, network topology (Voronoi), backoff timers. : predefined thresholdEach active sensor node has a unique backoff timer tiwhen timer reach 0, a active sensor will calculate two value in its monitor area: the overall performance in the si monitor area If , si will awake a sensor which is the closest to the location Locationmax in its area, and broadcast the updated network configuration .

  • Application 2:Awake Protocol in Voronoi Diagram

  • Application 2:Sleep Protocol in Voronoi DiagramSleep protocol:Each active sensor node has a unique backoff timer tiwhen timer reach 0, a active sensor will check its monitor area:If :Sensor Si sent Sleep_Request message to all neighborsWhen a node receive a Sleep_Request message , it will presume the node Si is sleep, and check its area.Sleep_Accept message: agree Si is going to sleepSleep_Reject message: Si cant to sleepSi turn off itself : only when it aggregates all Sleep_accept message form its neighbors, and broadcast the updated network configuration .

  • Application 2:Sleep Protocol in Voronoi Diagram

  • ConclusionsTranslate the Gaussian distribution in signal space to log-Gaussian distribution in distance space in order to model the distribution of distance measurement.Use a probabilistic approach to model location estimation.For location tracking requirement, propose a error model to evaluate the performance of the sensor deployment.Combine error model with awake/sleep protocol to control network topology.

    My name is ShengPo Kuo.Today, I will present our work about the deployment issue in the wireless sensor networks. The title is A Probabilistic Signal-Strength-Based Evaluation Methodology for SensorNetwork Deployment.This is the outline of this presentation.First, I will give a brief introduction of the wireless sensor networks and mention our motivation and goal of this paper.Then, I will explain the problem statement and the assumptions.Third, we propose an error estimate model to evaluate the location positioning or location tracking capability of a specific sensor network.Then, I will present some applications.Finally, I will draw a conclusion.

    Introduction:workmotivation & overviewProblem statement and assumptions:assumptionError estimate model and algorithm:algorithm & modelApplications and experimental Results: demo & modelWireless ad hoc sensor network has a collection of sensor nodes.Each sensor node is a tiny device. These sensors can sense, compute, and communicate with each other.So, it is usually to use a number of sensors to perform particular tasks, such as target detection, location tracking, environment monitoring and controlling.In this paper, we focus on the location tracking application.

    Wireless ad hoc sensor network overviewsensor nodesensorSensinge.g, ComputationCommunication:wireless linkneighborad hoc sensor network, sensor,trackingdetectionmonitor

    So, for a location tracking application, given us a sensor deployment, we can ask:How to find the location of the object in the environment? andHow to evaluate the performance or error degree of the sensor deployment? AndWhere to add more sensors to improve the performance of the sensor deployment?

    To answer these questions, we introduce a probabilistic location estimation model and then propose an error model to evaluate the performance of the sensor deployment, and then try to reduce the error degree.

    *deploymentmotivation:sensor deployment1.2.deploymentperformance3.sensorsperformanceOur Approach :1.location estimation model2.Error modelsensor deploymentperformanceerror degreeHere, I will define the problem and describe the assumptions.

    assumptionTaking received signal strength indicator to perform positioning task is usually inaccurate.This is because of interference, fading, and multipath effect.We can see this figure. If there are three sensors and one object located here.Each sensor measure the distance to the object.So, we can expect to get three circles to locate objects position.However, because of the unreliable RSSI, the estimation may be incorrect.For example, if the sensor s_3 measure a smaller signal strength value, then the positioning result will be wrong.

    RSSI():ex:1.2.interference3.signal propagationmultipathfading1.triangulation2.3.Sensor s1d14.s2s335.s36.algorithmtrackingerror7.8.error9.Informallysensor deploymenttracking OBerror degree (sensor)In this paper, we use a probabilistic location estimation model to illustrate the inaccuracy caused by the unstable RSSI.So, based on the probabilistic location estimation model, we want to evaluate the positioning capability of a sensor network.Formally, we can define as follows:Given a sensor network deployment S, we want to use an error degree Es of o to express the positioning performance when the object is at location o.So, if the error degree of any location o within an area A is smaller than a predefined threshold Et, then we call region A is sound.On the contrary, we call this region unsound region.

    1.Location estimation modelRSSI2.sensor deployment SSperformance formallysensor deployment performancebreak points/regions.sound regionregion Aerror degreethreshold Etregion Asound regionregionlocation trackingerror degreethresholdbreak points/regions3.error degree Es(o)This is our assumption:There are many sensor nodes and their location are known.These location information can be obtained from manually input or GPS devices.

    nsensor ad hoc sensor networksensor node(sensorGPS) Then, I will use a simple path loss model to introduce the decay of signal strength over distance.Also I will mention how to model the unstable signal strength.Then, I will transform the unstable phenomenon from signal space to distance space.Based on this model, we can derive we can derive the location estimation model and error model.

    Algorithm & modelPath loss modelpath loss modelDistance estimation modelsignal spacedistance spaceLocation estimation modelError modelerror

    In general, the decay of signal strength over distance can be modeled as this equation.Path loss of distance d equals to the path loss of a reference distance d_0 plus 10 times a path loss decay exponent n times log d over d_0 and finally plus a Gaussian random variable.When we only consider the first two parts. The signal strength decays from a reference distance d_0. d_0 is closed to the transmitter, such as 1 meter. One example of the first two part is shown in this figure. The signal strength decays as a log function.The final part is our concern. We usually uses a gaussian distribution to model the unstable signal strength.This unstable fact can be illustrated in this figure.When an object is fixed at this location. We collect all signal strength. And, in theory, we can get a distribution like this figure.

    path loss()1.transmitterreceiverdfadingfollowlog() 2.sensor 30ms,s(d=30,dB) ()mean PL(d) followGaussian normal distribution()transmitterd0log()d=30sensorPL(70)70m sensor70m signal spacedistance spaceThe previous slide shows the unstable effect is modeled by a gaussian distribution.Now, we transform the gaussian distribution from signal space to distance space.Using the path loss equation, we can derive a log-Normal distribution.This figure shows an example. We can see the x-coordinate is distance.

    distance spacetransmitterreceiverdX(d)sensord X(d)Using the derived distance estimation model, we can proceed to derive the location estimation model in theory.I declare some notation first.

    signal mappingnotationSnsensor(xi, yi)o(xo, yo)disensor si lilsensor si AregionOk, now I introduce how to derive the location estimation model.The first equation is the distance estimation model mentioned before.For positioning, each sensor will give its distance estimation result.So, for each location, we product all probability from each sensor and finally do a normalization.We note it Go(l).I use an example to let this location estimation model clearer.

    osensor si l si l g_o^i(l)()sensor s1nsensorsaccumulatenormalizedGo(l)() Go(l)sensor deploymentl In this figure, we place the object at (20,35). And the first sensor S1 is located at (15,25).Then, we use the G_o(l) to compute the probability of each location.The result is shown in the figure.We can see the cross-section from sensor s_1 to object is similar to the figure of the distance estimation model.

    50*50n=2 free space, variance=11(2035)Sensor(1525)Then, we can use the same way to compute the probability of each location when there are two, three or more sensors.Intuitively, if there are three or more sensors, we can estimate an unique location.

    2sensor2Sensor3Until now, given us a sensor network deployment, we can derive G_o(l) to represent the probability of each location in theory.Then, we focus on the error estimation model.We use Es(o,l) to express a kind of expected value for error meaning.Es(o,l) is defined as Go(l) times d(l,o).This means the error expected value of location l when the object is at location o.So, we can define another notation Es(o) by the summation of all locations within the area A to express the error degree of the object placed at location o when performing location tracking by sensor set S. Like the following equation.

    error modelsensor deploymentperformance1.()osensor set S l =()*()()o l Es (o,l)2.sensor deployment Stracking ooerror degree Es(o)=location l 1.4181Finally, we can define Es hat to express the overall performance of the sensor deployment S for location tracking.It sums up the Es(o) of all possible object location within the area A.

    sensor deployment Sperformanceerror degree=Es^Examplesensor deployment s1s2s3performance=31.6117This is an example of the error estimation model.We can see the location near by the sensors has smaller error degree.

    1.()Example1deploymentlocation trackingerror degree2.deploymentlocation trackingoverall performance5.7316104In the following presentation, I will introduce two applications using the derived error estimation model.

    1.Demo2.error modelperformanceThe first application is a deployment strategy. Its purpose is to deploy more sensors for a given deployment.We can see initially there are only one sensor.Based on the error estimation model, we can see the surrounding of this environment has higher error degree.So, we greedily deploy extra sensors at the weakest points for accuracy improvement.This is the final result after we deploy ten sensors.These figures show the improvement of this deployment strategy.

    error modeltrackingperformancemax error degreesensor()sensorrandom(1010)sensorerror()max error degreeaverage error degreesensorThe second application is a power-saving protocol.This power saving protocol let sensors change to sleep mode when there are enough sensors for the location tracking application and let sensor change to active mode when there are not enough sensors for the location tracking application. Here we use the derived error estimation to determine whether the sensors can satisfy the accuracy requirement or not.First, I will introduce the awake protocol.This protocol is based on the Voronoi diagram.Voronoi diagram is a graph. This graph algorithm can partition the sensor network into several polygons and all points in a polygon are closest to only one sensor in this polygon.

    Error model performanceawake protocolawakesensorVoronoi diagram()sensorsensoractive sensorVoronoiregionregionsensorsiAwake protocol1.Vtnetwork configurationsensor set Stopologybackoff timer2.Etthreshold3.active sensoruniquebackoff timer ti4.backoff timer0si2Sensormonitorperformance Ei (epsilon i)Location_maxregionerror degree5.performance Ei (epsilon i) threshold Et siawakeLocation_maxsensorWe can see this figure. The network is partitioned by the active sensors.We use black node to represent active sensors and the other gray nodes are inactive sensors.So, each active sensor calculate the error degree of each location in its polygon.If it detect that any location has error degree higher than the threshold, it will find one closest inactive and awake it.For example, if the red node in this figure has too high error degree, the sensor Si will find the closest sensor Sj and then awake it to improve the accuracy.

    performance Ei (epsilon i) threshold Et siawakeLocation_maxsensor sj

    On the other hand, if all location in a polygon satisfies the error threshold, the active sensor in that polygon should try to change to sleep mode.

    error modelredundant sensorawake protocoltimer=0performance threshold Etsleep_request messageneoghborNeighborsleep_request messagesisleepmonitor okoksleep_accept message sisi sleepsleep_reject messageSi neighborsleep_accept messagesleepWe use this example to illustrate this protocol directly.If sensor Si detects that all locations in its polygon are sound, it will try to go to sleep mode.Why not directly go to sleep mode?This is because this sleep decision may make some location cannot satisfy the error threshold.So, the sensor Si needs to send a sleep_request message to its neighbors to make sure its decision will not make some location unsound.

    ()Sisleep_request messageneighborsleep()neighborsisleepchecktopologyokoksi sleep_accept message.si neighborsleep_accept messagenetwork configuration Vt broadcastOk, this slide shows some conclusions.

    distance space2.model3.error modelsensor deployment performance4.error modelprotocolcontrol network topology