1 a r fetastitirs srf-«r-r«-*k«:skstsssss · antday. onthe ground that lie wanted'...

rKSTABUSHED AUGUST 24,1852. WHEELING, WEST VA.J^IDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 14,1879. VOLUME XXYII..NUMBER 148. vast local business. lie showed that the DV TCI COD AD LI WASHINGTON. penie end doing ell the bualness, would ant meetings that the Democrats will have. day. Tho musters will probably lock out CLx Irrt/HTffV Krle and AtlanUc A Great Western roada ' LLUjrvrtrn. .. One ot the Inducement* supposed to the spinners. although thsv deafre to con. **°* *' Wgw*' i{\ HfA JnlCUlyf UU-V«- '"'* " """* ========== cai-turkd DUT1I1.IIU. The Chahrmsn-Your company perhaps Influence Thurraan lor a new aee- tlnue work. There hss been further were bankrup^ Mncerns.both ot U,etn T0 TBK DAILY INTBLliaXNCXR. w,._Th. candolt? elon ls the hope of his elecUon stoppagesol the milla aS n^uSea oli heavily in default on their bonds to-day. ^.jwmjbww,.0.0., tebraary 13. lue Dr< Grwn that It would and aa President pro tern, of the Senate. Auction of wages. ss«-' « re«urfse«l» Nir«.i. while the BalUmoro A Ohio rosd owes no ........ does. They hsdslreadv broken down an The Democrato. however, In a smsll Forty Arms at Bolton gave notice of " manadollar. GENERAL NEWS wS a la r»nhv o? ow w nwand whbJ °Pp°«lll»? backed by millionaires, and the matter, to-dsy followed Bayard instead of ten per cent reduction In the wages ofthe Si"" ...0,1.. what wu regarded as ira.u n WUIil-lirifc IILVW Vi an<11 a larjra quantityoiilowwinManuwnuj- °n|y raa]tvll to lower the rates. Thurman, in au attempt of the latter to spinners. They offer to accept a reduction Ms* Auam* wado lie also discussed the bills submitted by ty. In Uie tight two moonshiners were Doney.'That Is rather a proof In make a little political capital out of a show Gporcent. If the masters refuse the miPl H - verv excellent speech on the railroa Senators Turner and Johnaoh, and showed n , Attnmnv ft»n*nil of thn f*vorof competition? of favor to the anti-Chinese bill. Mr. offer 10,000 spinners will strike. 01 I IB M uflttiti'un in u.e Senate yestonJay. The lho committee that the interpretation President Hay68 Letter to Col- opto- Dr. Green replied that a year after Uie Sargent had urged consideration of this . I U I II11 Sed tone of it was esp*ciallv note- pnt upon Ulelr charter would ||mply put ^ Ka? SSSSSHi &£& Mre SSffiUM'WKI'r the °ave" ttun^Soutbu^of^e . I III T IIT .rtiiy. Wheeling on the local schedule while not ""s^retl'rv She'SS^ Kli |S" t^the W reduction 4J cents ne'r message, whole country, the revenue bill should be . Felbru"}' "l^nesa y||| III "T- ThnniM llornbrook taking any other place off of it He con- . Secretary Sherman In hU letter to the During the last year the pnce averaged first taken up and disposed of. Mr.Thur- ! re ?r at kanata The number of deaths wi T»e many fr^,H | tateof tended that it was not natural or Just that Political Doctrine That Will DO OTp^dUures for^e hex^ Is ^icenU per message, as againstll 48 ten man at once antagonised Mr..Bayard, and T^e mo^UvVh^re U deJ^r^ 250 - ,rr po,K n t? r i. to ne t0. AKiyg., rh . ,i« ol » I"1""'' on its business, and that in theae days of Chancellor Northcote On the Zll U filfil '??!;! m? nn? jmi creasing their charges. There was no with the Republicans, and so carried tho fi* L., s ? ,?' ^ho Medical Commia- . . ~r.T, . oiiast.r in Africa. asMsfsatfiBSs! ^Aa&sss^is'&s ftasrjtassisps nn i Trn Tin; lolmltalileCharley Caldwell, of New so and maintain its status as a trade centre. ^ "in.^, nn,li?r moneT- crats voted with K°yard. The House Dem- won,« at la8t accounts. I II I I 111ILK ^,-z" SSSK'iL»" ssjaBi;»wsflrfe.,'ari,srai:»ftfSdiad!issa tint tlie Senate makes him think of the compelled to cut down the local tariff on . Sfen2nS2SSfiSn«tar. «nm In rarnemi what ls regarded as a great monopoly almost certain without regard to I he aettan passing through the %ei Canal without muled srhool at Parkcrsburg. nineteen twentieths of Its West Virginia },f '^flrnlnE onffinWrtta tl ensSrt ht on tf*?nP*rt °[ Associated Press. 1 of Uie Senate. There are very few still communication with the shore. ,mns=ri...... s-".»>-.. »' rfttaiM.ju.ta, |=y%SSt5iE aft'iSKSiyfflSss ss= llrbry «' 'lV"l''n; " in 1]o .ia Il..t alLkmjL road wu DtaU'M.the Pending Tel.- , ^ Cflc.nT" "*"1 "" 'me. i mrra-.iin mi P.bu, P.bniiry B-TheC.lnMHrtlll i,v Tliev have concluded a contract ,lrlvile«d to chanre elsh cents ^r Z graflh Legislation. ami Bayard were the principal speakers. T Don»v-And tte D.bSffl CMJABV savsoptiio.. rewlvS to m, «, the im»achment of Uie Itiverslde Iron Worksol thU city ' ifr < 11 , Tho lloiiso Committee on Expenditures The cffi?msa^f ranraa. ' Secretary Sherman says In regard to the the Debroglle Ministry but\aa not re, m- .t.. rails for the Clarksbunr P0' m"° 'or 'relght, and six cents per mile ..... . n.u.i . _ in tho Dopartmont of Jnstlro this morn- « njj"AhtlMrf r«> recommendations (rom film to ex-Collec- moved the clause oirainst It from the lorfiirnMliingthc , perpassenger, yetasa niatterof fact 02 per Anti-Chinese Debate in the Senate. Ing instructed Clialrman Durliam tore- ,hj 'a.27 n IS ms oImIm to tcr Arthur' for the sppolntmont of Moyt Amnosty bill for reasons connected with <V«M Narrow cent of ^business had beendone in the port the Eevised Statutes authorising the a^w?rT tonhlt?b^iute^othin1 !?d Co, ini,in ,!h? P'rty tSctlc. ' wlUl ptt'ferrerl tlie rails of the Riverside Com- Stale Bl one quarlot o( thM0 ratea- raiaiDEXT haven to lOLi.KcrroR aPPolntmont and pay of snporvlsois of to concesl In wnnMtlonTlth tli^ reli? «°use that ne »it«J Intended to publish The heirs of Napoleon First have been mjv to tliosc of several other manufao- In conclusion Mr Kevser announced wekbitt. n '«,?« special doputy marshals. nonji The announcement has been made *'®ry«'I1'" in any way by defeated In the actmn against the State fo: !, rnnini. of whom thev iiiitflit 1 * ccti Tho committee also decided to report tho i...... Bnrn ._j .m i r, ,y,at ...,. B>nl1,, Arthurs,but he bad looked In vain for tho recovery of the ChlnHs miiunm «nri turersat otherpoint , to the committee that next week tlie new , _ , .77 hill regulating the mileage of marshals trensm!?d?.McliiIfn( sll^thsr mStZ. copies, and the letters were probably not arms at Chateau Plerrefonds or thJli have bouwlit on equal terms, because o h Urlflf ,d , ^ ff A lure Letter .r AdeleeBwed ... Sound and Jor other purposes. bSs of like ^vl« for a Ilk. oricTSwh' de®med *or'h prewrvlng. tfehoiml that valul out of Xe civil lUt! ,hei, reputation for good material and «» ">'- Tho Kepuhllcanmemliers ol the Senate, * vDe_P . ' Arthur, If he Intended to disclose tho prl- "UU VMI work, which is a substantial com- ... ' tHmb.i Adtaint.ir.iion Pnbti. in caucus this morning, adopted the re- sUlon paMrMmes to us and wishes us^ »»!«communicfltiotis, whould publish tho itntdni by laduns. .. h M r nurlanrest and most en- treight ,llrilr> and he beUe?ed ^th ol A«w«. port presented by tho committee appoint- letters themselves, Instead of the garbled Diauwood, P T FehruTv i-t i^.t fllir A O plnaent toont olour rg . thefn would meet many If not N«W\°11K, lebrunry 1.1-Gen. Edward cd to arrange the order of bUHlnoss for the . ' Ai^Lloil P,rt»- 8o far as Corwln Is concerned it » i... . . ,y .. 1 I _ H F A I* Hrprising concerns that wiaro happy to o( the complaint that hul s. Merritt, collector of customs of tho port remainder of tho session. It wm agreed or else they mSth^lhaf^reM 7»h« mere reference ofhUappH,ation to raldcda cat^ofth" hunJra o^the' VfltMl izsL*w. sr, T .its -v.ejzizssssfpffis KKarSffiaFS a&'s'sfJSsf&ait' gFlSSSF,tt! fetaStitirs ... rrssfflssa, s«-.n.tta ~ srf-«r"-r«-*K«:SKSTSSSSS poeh .-ttt- ;. miimtcd 4 " * 4. .. i t *t I strictly business principles and acording Tho proposed constitutional amendment nnjjbv our beat euatnmli*? AiuusnNa bbsun tbkaty et^ between sixty and eishty rioting <n.p stuurt introdupM » a^*j"latllou cowtion against the road, , to the.rules ior tho civil service which on the subject o( war claims; the bill for The Chslrman.Do vou know wh»t the Ixjhdos February H .1Thp Rnwlflrm in 8trikerfl- The commandant ol tL militia i«r the Removal of the Capital. At thecloecof Mr. Keyser's statements, were rccommonded by the Civil Service the further distribution of the Geneva nrrangement L betwoen toe AiraUlSd BiSwHa^have^bron ordar^'»1hrfdiSm of the district has been instructed to aid The ilistlngushetl represontat ive from a number of questions were asked him by Committee in the administration of Gen. award; Wlndom's proposition authorising Pre>B?nd other wSSSJ? Associated Bulgaria ^ve t^norderod^{^^em. the Sheriff if necessary. p,|,lridK county having failed bv his llle commlu^ (mainiy ,uch . weha/e ftjnfc «»I »»* » perfectly Inde- "J l^^ofe^HlnVcioirimo^t M l'r. Orecn-lSv tty I have some ^in?e!lby^l,eT,lfn^ngresi ^ ^ L eloquence to persuade the House on Wed- already referred to), and he entered into ^r. Neither my recommendation*1 nor for the colonization of the colored people pu ffin i. Tihe i6? Aw<y?i«te<1 Tho Ministerial ioqnialB intimate that dctroit Mich. Februarv n .Hon nenlav to pass tlie usury bill In conversation with various members in that of Secretary .Sherman, or any mem- and various measures concerning the ifis- inake arrt^mft^ ^th0^ fnr Uni^rftft^bill Zach Chandler was unanimoualv nomi ill eriijiMsl shape.that is, y|th the rogtrt3 ^ lhe conflicting InterpreUUons ^r of "»"» bv cable, but we have nothing to do confined to matters of Internal interest, nated for U. S. Senator by the Republican double forfeiture clause-yesterday in- p.t upon secUons 2 and 6 of the charter K^iStZX and^or»l«Tn l. ^ and*(3r^next^MoSavthcs^onaofae *'Ul the news. The principal points will be the criminal caucus at Lansing this evening. Induced a bill for the removal oflhe company M publishe(1 ,B lhe Ist^ .d «corSi^g to the S«2W» S^.TaSdthSt ^ St""1 r°,QrUW ,h6 'M" g0Vem- if the »eat of government to Charleston slngxCBR 0f yesterday. rules. There must. I assume, be a few portion of each morning hour shall be de- i con^^wShihp^ilwmi^ Thn Pr«.M«ni nl ti.a Pnii^ pi « ant Day. on the ground that lie wanted ' confidential places tilled by those you per- voted to tho unobjected business on the clws^^2lmMUnB^T^)sdos, February 13..F. B. Chatterton, w do business in a henlther financial WELLSBURG. sonally know to be trust,worU.y, butre- Render, under what >s known as the Segvaph MTp,tlies the priritagS £ pESKS "iSutIhf riague JS"?" °«V,e ,I)r"ry Theatre.hu atmosphere, where the ^entolbank in- - . no'lTlTnVa.n "nZZ tttiu Of the Teller Committee W"«S« SnJrZtUtt Z Tim ®?tM K ^ ai"Wruptcy.LlabliiUes duence was not so offensive to his al- . Welwouro, February in. ,'le u a friend u> Mr Arthur to-day appointed as a committee Messrs. , "if the goveramenl w II hi able to make stato- 940'000' . SUSPEV.,0V r.,(Ar- Rdllon inieiiigencer. nnHnn mnn !n uSSHIn Hoar. McMillan Kirkwood Garland and fwecn"ore*nd^ew York. There is real- ments relative to tlie affairs in Afganistan . bank suhpevsiox. Mr. Stuart is one of the veteran legisla- Something has been said of late con- he is our friond. Tho good of the Wallace, to inquire into the followlug S\r^ntI^Wihonpl^|0Ur noiible to^d!smTJ|fthoiiAWlanhlaSa? U hehner^Tone A Co'a Bank'eloaed'tnfdav" I tors ot West Virginia, and has served his cerning some inquiries that had been "rviceshouJd bethesole end in Ktween W«h^gZfand New YorkweS Stoffion Juie'pr^n" 1 'mm Antlcipa.lng/run; th^yd«Mrf Phpun people bo.li at Wheeling and Charles- made with reference toiwhat inducements to!neI?re themlLrSnSlc'l m'ised by assessment or othe^upo^ ?h" VT,°.,C0U!i!, mai"Uin, «*""» w»o» r«oM south . r.ca-sa- ^ They expect to pay in full. VlltjdU ton, before the removal of the Capi- were offered here for the establishment of by the Civil Service Commission. I shall the Federal office holders or employes for IhS^^Sfv^tSlT rf^a^SSSriSl^ltrLS TK00Pa ^assacbk tiibib KNOLisn liabiuties $110,000. iU) to the latter place and after- manufactories.. The best induocmont that issue no new order on tho subject utpres- election purposes, and under what circura- j "\r?' » * ""ertat advan- 0YFlCKHa New Yobk, February 13..Pinckney, wards. When he was hero in old we know of to partiea who are prepared to ent I am glad you approve of the message, stances and by what means, and if so what Senator Matthews.Have vou not rnn A correaDondent of th«Jack.,01n * ft:; .B.Plce dealers, have suati,« we never heard of his wanting to enter into any kind of manufacturing is J^J^pISediSH Kthlni!fcirr.?ed ' expeXl%nSrthor whether" 3 trK"'f0wei,h »ny for,i Wclusive Ouorrfw telegraphs to that paper that in- P""''"'- L'ab, I,ties $110,000. remove the Capital to any otlser point, but offered by the founder of Laxeifrville.and p } assossments were or not in violation of the r'Kl,t to erect telegraphic lines on their telllgeuoe has beon_ received from South TELEGRAPHTfl TiRHPQ wedo know that when he was at Charles- that is all necessary grounds free "gratis Again, congratulating you and assuring law- n-' r-.- w k ». that thenative levies sening with ton in ls7o he worked ever so hard tore- for nothing," and coal as cheap as it possi- you of my enUre continence, I remain, The committee then adjourned till next contrecU with railS foMh^wlwlvt cr^UebofflMrs """" General Peel, of Ixindon, a famous turf move the (.'apital from that point to bletolayit down. Any party or parties oim. «««, right of way, and I assume that this bill The Colonial Secretary, referring to the m*n' *s !je&('' mm Wheeling, lie was one of tho celebrated who mean business will do well to avail Tnfvfi X F Mrrrtit »a\es. nu. qrebn, ok the \v bstehv union, ox the would not affect them as there are plentv above report, says that he has no informs- GemGrant and party arrived at Bom- I ^\|||^|^|^ louonitiM. il.nt ioioo'iclied and orosecuted themselves of this excellent oooortunitv WoroMroTBJnMAMlunaiATKW »vco*- of other avenues open. tlon in any way confirming the rumor thnt ba.v iestenlay, W/Ulllvl II in 1,1 n .i,. .,i 11,» \ nnnv in R.ol.nnv -ii Hairy AwociaMon ousss. Senator Mattliews.^Yes, yes, but let me the natives have risen against their olll- The Petersburg, Va., Commercial NaBennett and lhirdett, and that fou.nu the A party In liethany was ch&rgedwith * , n ,, , . put a Question. Under the irt of lKAit an cers tinnal Hanlr tlm inai untinnni u._i, i_ ,l. Unk atmosphere down tliore very redo- allie^^hat^s^^hs^dLtTSf ^,"CA"0' cbra'iy 14.The Dairy As- mor^1^B"h^rd arauments wlt^rospeet >'ou J'?1 " inteipet It, any organization parliament rb-asskublbs. city, has gone into liquidation. lent of complicity in a scheme to gonge the'cow T?e owner of the cow brought " , f y. *"^1cn'. '7 to Senator Jones' bffl, authoriiing railroad "Jf New York, for tele- I/3ndox. February 13.Parliament will The New York Balktin says that Alfred tlie State. sulUo* damages IS aieCountv c£m at Interests, by J. H. Kail, of Klmira, X. Y.. companies to construe and maintain tele- h'°.^.r1f0.'»»! nJ»-v «ny post ro-assetnblo to-day/ The House of Com- Kayue,senior partner in the 4rm of Kayne, Mr. siuurt was in a hurry to leave tho present term. The case was tried be- to which some objection was raised ou ac- grarSi lines for commercial purposes, apitooffeal ^WaUonlntoFlorida' fof a'Wrno°n Spring A Dale, dle<l to-day of pneumonia. L'hirlesion I Iko one ofthe mod old fore a Jury and consumed the best part of count of personal allusions. The follow- and to sccure to the government the use }«?' rMa for and the Houso ofUrds at 5 o clock. Lord The Commissioners of Champaign counApostle^ho slamped^ds feet day after day, ami shook oir their dust as a testimonial CtVh" Ays the bm created by the worn Weston. Union Telegrapii Company, U nof Xl SgSliS l!?^, TZ'T ^ overcha^ng iaxl ° nd'U S£SXsl,tMSn *is<pBRSft5a« ssaMsasttiaf 5&dSE3S3 SP«»!rSi.teas ..r.Ai';s',5s'..s!:iT!.siiKb: £. !. fflsuB.'gAiattaa amggBaAn,gg raa- " - -liave Uie vote put and the question dccid- aud Et Ixiuis road. It was decided to hold a dsiry exhlbl- ihfrowas^irneed (oMhlsle^ffibn^d'it companies whereby you hind thorn to pro- .81' Stafford Norllicote, Chancellor of Vicar General Kiindig ol Milwaukee eil in favor of removal, that he moved tho Arrangements are being made for vigor- tlon hore in connection with the fat stock hibit oaotlier telegraph company to oome Kxchequor, in the House of Commons, who was stricken wltli an'onlexv Wednral previous qustion, to cut off debate, and wo^rT,hf A a"^'i , , ,S 8 Its aim wisTes- lh" ol the road, notwithstanding tl.U afternoon said it was not desirable to llay, ffaEhXTto dSSffiMC I I IIIITrn TIIIT voted enthusiastically to get uway from H^TOeZ'n^u^ of'flo^ Atli°ur"eJ - f. Mllf. =/utn ^ X ^t act jives them the right to go on an? e^rete .^preclate iunduly the feel confident that howif soo^ Lover' Q Hfl L HAL Uuileston. From all aceounU, Uie ancient sacking paper, has leased the interest of c.lllnlon on srew Vork ontr.1. Union Telegraph Company. Such coinpe- D Green.In the first ulaco It dons not «te general admiration for tho gallantry A Kln8»b)n, Jamaica dispatch sayB that II II III II III I I III I. Ut was not in much nnre of u hurry to hi. de^iell partner in the paper mill and Buffalo, February 13.-A collision oc- H»ifflSiyU>>«)'of thftroops and universal sympathy for °»t ">«»U. "U,,,M 1 UU 1 *,u, of Srslom than Chap w. to get - ^^rC&ndVr'of curred on the New York Centml Ifallroad ^^r^d wipe^StdSter^oll^t a..y from the late "permanent seat." the S uSSuXnSBS M »' "»«» »' ''«»». mllroads w-lileh hacf telegraph lines ami ^ h.vi^fl^' X ETreiXwm.nts^aVe befoTe Vinc!I"Now lie wants to go back again. And order from the State Grange of Missouri yesterday afternoon, demolishing two en- 'J1080 which hail not had been doing for r&t t0 .iw'.hem there 1 ThatnmLor u Thur silay. He rccommendeil an abst- cl'as. McGIII was yesterday hanged at this, loo, notwithstaudlng the fact that for two hundred Acme Mowers.cash on glnes and caboose,breaking the bumpers m oftehwralfh'm l" given hy tlie Stfltw. Tber» is noSlngab- ticuoe of expression of views upon tho dls- Cleveland, Ohio, for the murder of Mary tlie ttniQsuhere down there is still badlv <l«"very. We aro glad to note the success of every car and killing n number ot sheep road' tilm hadnnv Iines » «lc»ra»|i, and Solmcly prohllikorv In" ll t iat andYcan Mler. «»tU further details were received. Kelly on December 2, 1877. At precisely uie auinspmrc iiown tticro is stilt uattj o( ,ho Acmc works. and hogs in transit to tho east. !?,"£,! lh l0, a," ' 1>oIb?- not^seobow thisbin KnJtoClni. Tho papers in tho case have alreadv been 12 o'clock the tmp was sprnng, and In 134 tainted lyuh a scent very oflenslye to the Albert ltedman, recently connected with . .-. m°irnl!l.ll'lM?^ri thnTlni "n motion ol Mr Matthews the com- 1,Won the table, and others will shortly minutes he was pronounced dead. Tho lltlfiroKil'TlK^'rer^- STISh. SrSiSlS'S rni..ee.d,onmed until to-morrow morn- gj»j g-ffi VT- ^ ^a^Tafe "rr -yxt ^ ab,B,o congmtui.,.,i,eabQutl"^... I,, -y .»« til. Mexican people arc unani- GaTflTd'iXCbSm^r'oft o ^ra^'l^0^1^ ?P^» I 13,-Arrlved: litre the at sphere nurgod of this taint us. mous for closer comuiercial relations with whothcrusng their own telegraph lines iwpnDiicm memtior ofthe 0fthe ^orld. Thore Is every reason for Nederland, from Antwerp. /V T "T" Won? seiiiuii fo it once more in the nlaco An attempt was made on Monday night the United States. o??l>o'inlU^ISSlLrid" £l. 0lllnJe'^a,ioI,|1 Congress a day Qr two satisfaction with the progress of the Berlin I-osdon, February 13,-The Wisconsin C ^A I I I I inn, ill tonce more in tliei lace t0 entertho drugstore ot Cooper A McClel- wfil.ilfo ^v^i^nrniS \v °*° would not, under any clrcum- treaty. The Russians have alreadv begun and Ethiopia, from New York, arrived. from which lie was in such a hurry to dc- land from tho rear do^r. After scarifying a D«mwii t ouini Trauur.r'a Detain.- f|"' iI mV| ' ',. i,j,i stances, consent to allow his name to go to withdraw from Turkoy, and there Is * . * Idrtin 1873. the panel of the blind with a knife and r,on"- before tlie Hennblican Convention for Z every reason to hope for a iimpleteevacuo- "i"'* * ' forcing tho casing to which tho lock hasp °»wsoo, February 111..The exandnu- "r^"® 1"8 'll,^»'®''Ji|J<;onson- P tlon for the tion in due time. The Chancellor pralsod Klver 10 feet and rising slowlv. tt.e ltailraiHi netMieia itieffeMte. 0r keeper Is attached, partly loose from tlie tion 0f tho accounts of the late County *.ihoraJK^of^th^B^iiioreJboWS " , f on ,0''°°v..rJ ! Ul*t hf *" Uie enerey still dlsplayeil byUvard.tho WeaUier cold, with snow storm prevailal twlsy, anil various remarks wore made by '"-Jos. Hail, claim agent, of Steuben- t onions be^n In ISdo" ' Ve'Kmma Graham, from Pittsburgh, **»,£&* """ - S>S^SS?5 P^tSEp^, from Clncinn.,l, J»o«, Xewlon and Woods. Finallyamo- 0. B. C. Bai.timoiik, February 13,-Flvo iud«esof Xhmightunder tlfeaututo oiufe ,Sf,rfiey '""kly admit1 that now under discussion, and which it Is passedup at8 a « Iion #»s made by Senator Jones, and car- The (J>lr w. e. b^i. or WhMllni. election wore convicted and sentenced to- State of New York.and most of^the Stales, an,l |or this reason "he can not Kn^and^lostataoverlh^Cro^nlamlsl a. >i!° nur"'r e 1 or ar crs urg at 10J n«l. to recommit the question to tho Judi- ctl. s«ntiod. day tor intorforing with the United States . aii ,bS il^»n.. ii.^i! !lon??tl>r "w0Pf wminatlon for paying the l*orte <6,000 nnimally beside The local packets arrived and departed "»'y Committee for report, it being un- He was a young man with a bright pros- Suporvlsois at the recent Congressional P,?/Tni ....iLiVini, n?iur?.<i.i tho Qnvornonililn. JJo has told several the surplus stipulated in tho Anglo- on time. ._ mmmbka ^too.1 that Vice President Keyser, of peet before him. He hsd a loving wife election. Un^on Co& l^d "Tlrnl sWute\Tk Crown, which U about £100,0.5. a Business on the lan.Ung Is good. QCCTUC 00(11)0 W Mtiiuore i Ohio Company, desired and pleasant family relations, was a good ..,h. ,he ,.,.n»rulmi, M,.i., some decree a compact with his company. Gubernatorial nomination came from Ra'thbono and Mundella, Liberals gave Piiranmoi. Febru^l<t_T»lv«ri'>f.., lilt UUUUd I"submit to the committee some facts and business man and could always command don. tmnimifcthem^sMM oflhoPMtoffl qulrlera in'mlcal to him, and with an In- notice that they would usk questions to- Weather clouliy and «j?d Jrpimenu in answer to various state- a good situation and remunerative wages. PorrsviiAR, Pa., tebruary 13..The S rtin0nt at iS^a^^ates and«fnf ? i -v? ! ' 'lis othor morrow in reference to pleura pnoumonia Nasiiviiie Februarv It i(i,.A,(.ii!. «enu ,..de by Col. Johnson In hi, long wTave known "Billy" from childhood, housesover the Kohlnoor mines are sink- S'p.ife a! ^Th'itSter^Sh.Lt Is'hlsEet Inronlvb M, . 10^»fllbrU,lry 13-Rlver ""'"f speech ot \Vednesduy. The motion to and there was no young man whom we The inmatos^haxe tied for gafoty, a valuation. The Government hal fixed ous rival, and dow not intend to pqt him- ft UbpralJMu/wffi^ Owcikxati, Fobruary 13.-Wver 22 feet, ^mmit was not carried without consld- esteemed more highly. The vory soul of fire record. roSnan?1'hid SSKfalulMi^.i.em° f!'i a»Eede|or'by ^rdChellntford were'Tltl" and failing. \Veather clearing and cold. mlile opposition, tlio vote standing 11 to honor, truthful and cheorfnl, he was the aUhomii nc!t bound to accent thai lupa nomination hu ([oosnot want, and held, drew attention to the lllue Book, Arrived; GraniteState.Pittsbiirvh; CllnI# life of tho family and social circle. In tho Nsw York, February I3.-TIio New ®n|KJ°JjSl w"loh "»«1 by Sherman as an which sot forth that Lor.1 Chelinsford's St- Uuis; Con. Mdltr, Memphis. .tt 1|,|, . .. Bad boreavemont the family have .the York Tattcreall's were burned to-night, argument against him in the Senatorial demands for infantry reinforcements were P»P»rt^: Stockdale, Pittsburgh; Robert Ah0 romniiii " ov®"ln* ,l,e sincorost sympathy ol this whole com- wlthoverOO horses otiho SOln the stables. PS?j?l?i tVc^amera'te lSnUtlinf7J??ir^ vf', The Ioipre«lon here is that Judge only applications,and werocomplled with. Mitchell, New Orleans. Mimaittee met in the Senate ball, and, as "'"unity, ills remilns were brought to Some of the>imals were valuable road- denartment busln^s and n,?," lu t 'he com ng mjn. Foster It U There was no request for cavalry. ,, J - »L 0 . t the previous meetiug, a number of Sen- Cadlson Haturdsy, and on Sunday after- .tors. Two llremen were severely in- SSi^MrtliSta iUlsS^ffh.«Ji J5" J?" lo«'nF «rRund.'. '.or ?,ho «PedlUon to, Afgaulstan may be Fnr .Wfitional TtUgmph S*t Fourth Pag,. Win, Delegates and siwetetors were ores- noon were Interred in our beautiful come- jural by a roof falling. w H becom, tben for Uio eofoni nn?t' t '"he "n noi 'he e e" h^e accomplished its oldest, and ^==.. wt Mr K,.vJrT,. i n, \ 1 tery. Some twenty-two members of t|)c $20,000 firr. - liatUiemVnMnv haiK monts of the party. Taf, It U thought, satUlactory arrangements for thl protee- AHesb..r cam.. 1^1 a ver> interesting argumentetlve obsequies, coming to. Cadis in carriages, ,tn,ct. this inornlmr. inlllcled the where there was little or no hii.ln«n m 01 tlto Hopubliosn vote, arenow.posslble. In regard to the present of local: total for three day. 1303 head of _ _ SrWWASK; s ssssi- KsS^KarsiS5SS5KS3SiSiKSSS HearthePr ces -.t&wass sbssr1-"*"-.pesiaftstftg*asaffiS5SffiSt: tliecelebrnted DarlmontU College ease, St.Louis, February 1S.-A. Kansas City oh. HarrU, safo mnnufac- Ifo admitted that it was a strong corpor- political amendments on the legislative " proposeareioiutJfin MMt^lM^he head; Yorken «' KM 10; s*i«l« lho celebratwl OharlesKlvsrca.se, dispatch s»ys that tho jewelry store of M. turer, about $7,000; small irvBDraupt;. aUon, but strong corporations had weak snnronrlation bill and throw HouMSf^omm^. Thnll^r tn ph'lad«lphlai W 30a4 60; roughs $3 25a3 SO. doctrine was distinctly laid dmm?y ». Wright wintered about three oVIock uitRts'isu ani> malt iiousii. j2S2SSSrtSfe th?nCT^SS«,£r J*e Supreme Court of theUnitod States thU mow ng by a negro burgUr named i^ndos, O.nt., February 18.-Carllngs ^phaiswffi whole the itemocraU hu creat^l mns^oS House of Lords, makes n statement slml- »5 10; good 100110 Iba «(*WW; commro f* under whtob vested right. f»rkor, who waa «Bfronted by Albert S"' iSftS* N°rthc0le' to/alr^to.051U., $3 Walso. £S «w.ta.i E-SSSSSKS SSVttaarW6S!S ..arSStK'SK .ksHMH? . .. i'J t-l''"ral Hallroad, and of the Coll de^ijl'f IP » policeman arrived to railroao Doit-nisa auosn. pass an amondment to the bargain? They amondmonts through, and are supported today and decided tint unless the maitere (orahipmsnt; reflntdOii for riddel ohladdi * Krle and tho Atlantic A arrest hln). Patrrson, N. J,, Fobruary ll|.-The were In no sense a monopolv. Thecountrv in thUnosldou bv tho lsnre bodv of th.lr ««reed to the old rates to 5 oVlort tfils very. P ff«l Wefon, laildnretl by Col. Johnson), ttr-T.o Tab. tl,llt pfrl>' in tho "'"o are a number "temoon t^py Mro«jd ilemhnil an advanoe I^xoox. F.bruary la-PrrnoLnm-Splriu ^adiidtUn, that ihey were .ower <»l a penny per hour nXaUKd; re5^,WW. KocMsi. i",0rC ^ 0,1,0localratea ho Balt,m088' P®^ruary ^.--TlieUoWeif partslof iffijjSEjS |lut W M*hat MlQ tQ February 13 .Theihlpown- /1HARLES £. DWIGUT H a hiRtoiical sketch in re- of Tennessee 8tate bonds to^lay endorsed with machinery a^u,n aJJt'1 ' "ie foatq qfjlje &so would show-Hhat bo (entering aronnd Bayard, whlEi^Thur. ew remain Ann at the closed docks, where \J ' mm ,10 l|iem,Hliowlug that tho first named tho action of the New York bdndholders burned (o-nlgtit. Total Toss $310,000; in- ono telegraph oompany could do the buil- nijin is the head of thio who desire to men are fed and housed. There were PRACTICAL CHKMI9T M MT PHwsl jKr-.il i *1 _i i i in nirriM.intr tn unftln tlm ili>htfttKixtv cents surauco $'JA,00U. The flames spread to the ness at lower ratos than two, or evon throe force an uxtra yoHidoti Thin inhiaot a>ni more applications for employment than * ' I «% II I #%* % «» «.*,;:'z' srj^pssaadant Sj@g4««!ist,saa LCfl rl IIV HQ -teaaswas* toe siXfitss. KxHassr-aS ^**«yssr.^ 11,1 Lun* .-i

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Page 1: 1 a r fetaStitirs srf-«r-r«-*K«:SKSTSSSSS · antDay. onthe ground that lie wanted' confidentialplacestilled bythoseyou per-voted to tho unobjectedbusiness on the clws^^2lmMUnB^T^)sdos,Thn

rKSTABUSHED AUGUST 24,1852. WHEELING, WEST VA.J^IDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 14,1879. VOLUME XXYII..NUMBER 148.vast local business. lie showed that the DV TCICOD AD LIWASHINGTON.penie end doing ell the bualness, would ant meetings that the Democrats will have. day. Tho musters will probably lock outCLxIrrt/HTffV Krleand AtlanUc A Great Western roada ' LLUjrvrtrn.

..One ot the Inducement* supposed to the spinners. although thsv deafre to con. **°* *'Wgw*'i{\ HfA JnlCUlyfUU-V«-'"'*""""*

========== cai-turkd DUT1I1.IIU. The Chahrmsn-Your company perhaps Influence Thurraan lor a new aee- tlnue work. There hss been furtherwere bankrup^ Mncerns.both ot U,etn T0 TBK DAILY INTBLliaXNCXR. w,._Th. candolt? elon ls the hope of his elecUon stoppagesol the milla aS n^uSea oliheavily in default on their bonds to-day. ^.jwmjbww,.0.0., tebraary 13. lue Dr< Grwn that It would and aa President pro tern, of the Senate. Auction of wages.ss«-' « re«urfse«l» Nir«.i. whilethe BalUmoro A Ohio rosd owes no ........ does. They hsdslreadv broken down an The Democrato. however, In a smsll Forty Arms at Bolton gave notice of"

manadollar.GENERAL NEWS wS a la r»nhv o? ow w nwand whbJ °Pp°«lll»? backed by millionaires, and the matter, to-dsy followed Bayard instead of ten per cent reduction In the wages oftheSi""...0,1.. what wu regarded as ira.u nWUIil-lirifc IILVW Vi an<11 a larjra quantityoiilowwinManuwnuj- °n|y raa]tvll to lower the rates. Thurman, in au attempt of the latter to spinners. They offer to accept a reductionMs*Auam*wadolie also discussedthe bills submitted by ty. In Uie tight two moonshiners were Doney.'That Is rather a proof In make a little political capital out of a show Gporcent. If the masters refuse the miPlH- verv excellent speech on the railroa SenatorsTurner and Johnaoh, and showed

n , Attnmnv ft»n*nil of thn f*vorof competition? of favor to the anti-Chinese bill. Mr. offer 10,000 spinners will strike. 01 I IB Muflttiti'un in u.e Senate yestonJay. The lho committee that the interpretation President Hay68 Letter to Col- opto- Dr. Green replied that a year after Uie Sargent had urged consideration of this. I U I II11Sed tone of it was esp*ciallv note- pnt upon Ulelrcharter would ||mply put ^ Ka? SSSSSHi&£&Mre SSffiUM'WKI'r the °ave" ttun^Soutbu^of^e.IIIITIIT.rtiiy.Wheeling on the local schedule while not ""s^retl'rv She'SS^Kli |S" t^the W reduction 4J cents ne'r message, whole country, the revenue bill should be . Felbru"}'"l^nesay|||III"T-ThnniM llornbrook taking any otherplace off of it He con-

.Secretary Sherman In hU letter to the During the last year the pnce averaged first taken up and disposed of. Mr.Thur- ! re ?r at kanata The number of deaths wiT»e many fr^,H | tateof tended that it was not natural or Just that Political Doctrine That Will DO OTp^dUures for^e hex^ Is ^icenU per message, as againstll 48 ten man at once antagonised Mr..Bayard, and T^e mo^UvVh^re U deJ^r^ 250

- ,rr po,K n t? ri. to ne t0. AKiyg.,rh .,i« ol » I"1""'' on its business, and that in theae days of Chancellor Northcote On the Zll U filfil '??!;! m? nn? jmi creasing their charges. There was no with the Republicans, and so carried tho fi* L., s ? ,?' ^ho Medical Commia-

..~r.T, . oiiast.r inAfrica. asMsfsatfiBSs! ^Aa&sss^is'&s ftasrjtassisps nn i TrnTin; lolmltalileCharley Caldwell, of New so and maintain its status as a trade centre. ^ "in.^, nn,li?r moneT-crats voted with K°yard. The House Dem- won,« at la8t accounts.IIIII111ILK

^,-z"SSSK'iL»" ssjaBi;»wsflrfe.,'ari,srai:»ftfSdiad!issatint tlie Senate makes him think of the compelled to cut downthe local tariff on . Sfen2nS2SSfiSn«tar. «nm In rarnemi what ls regarded as a great monopoly almost certain without regard to I he aettan passing through the %ei Canal withoutmuled srhool at Parkcrsburg.nineteen twentieths of Its West Virginia },f '^flrnlnE onffinWrtta tl ensSrt ht on tf*?nP*rt °[ Associated Press. 1 of Uie Senate. There are very few still communication with the shore.,mns=ri...... s-".»>-.. »' <« rfttaiM.ju.ta, |=y%SSt5iE aft'iSKSiyfflSss ss=llrbry «' 'lV"l''n; " in 1]o .ia Il..t alLkmjL U» road wuDtaU'M.the PendingTel.-, ^ Cflc.nT" "*"1 "" 'me. i mrra-.iin mi P.bu, P.bniiry B-TheC.lnMHrtllli,v Tliev have concluded a contract ,lrlvile«d to chanre elsh cents ^r Z graflh Legislation. ami Bayard were the principal speakers. T Don»v-And tte D.bSffl CMJABV savsoptiio..rewlvS to m, «, the im»achmentofUie Itiverslde Iron Worksol thU city ' ifr < 11 , Tho lloiiso Committee on Expenditures The cffi?msa^f ranraa.

' Secretary Sherman says In regard to the the Debroglle Ministry but\aa not re,m- .t.. rails for the Clarksbunr P0' m"° 'or 'relght, and six cents per mile ...... n.u.i . _ in tho Dopartmont of Jnstlro this morn- « njj"AhtlMrf r«> recommendations (rom film to ex-Collec- moved the clause oirainst It from thelorfiirnMliingthc, perpassenger, yetasa niatterof fact 02 per Anti-Chinese Debate in the Senate. Ing instructed Clialrman Durliam tore- ,hj 'a.27 n IS ms oImIm to tcr Arthur' for the sppolntmont of Moyt Amnosty bill for reasons connected with<V«MNarrowcent of ^businesshad beendone in the port the Eevised Statutes authorising the a^w?rT tonhlt?b^iute^othin1 !?d Co, ini,in ,!h? P'rty tSctlc.'wlUlptt'ferrerl tlie rails of the Riverside Com- Stale Bl one quarlot o( thM0 ratea- raiaiDEXT haven to lOLi.KcrroR aPPolntmont and pay of snporvlsois of to concesl In wnnMtlonTlth tli^ reli? «°use that ne »it«J Intended to publish The heirs of Napoleon First have beenmjv to tliosc of several other manufao- In conclusion Mr Kevser announcedwekbitt. n '«,?« special doputy marshals. nonji The announcement has been made *'®ry«'I1'" in any way by defeated In the actmn against the State fo:!, rnnini. of whom thev iiiitflit1*ccti Tho committee also decided to report tho i...... Bnrn ._j .m i r, ,y,at ...,. B>nl1,, Arthurs,but he bad looked In vain for tho recovery of the ChlnHs miiunm «nri

turersat otherpoint ,to the committee that next weektlie new , _, .77 hill regulating the mileage of marshals trensm!?d?.McliiIfn( sll^thsr mStZ. copies, and the letters were probably not arms at Chateau Plerrefonds or thJlihave bouwlit on equal terms, because oh Urlflf ,d , ^ ff A lure Letter .r AdeleeBwed ... Sound and Jor other purposes. bSs of like ^vl« for a Ilk. oricTSwh' de®med *or'h prewrvlng. tfehoiml that valul out ofXe civil lUt!,hei, reputation for good material and «»">'- Tho Kepuhllcanmemliers ol the Senate, * vDe_P .' Arthur, If he Intended to disclose tho prl- "UU

VMI work, which is a substantial com- ...' tHmb.i Adtaint.ir.iion i» Pnbti. in caucus this morning, adopted the re- sUlon paMrMmes to us and wishes us^ »»!«communicfltiotis, whould publish tho itntdni by laduns.. . h Mrnurlanrest and most en- treight ,llrilr> and he beUe?ed ^th ol A«w«. port presented by tho committee appoint- 3° letters themselves, Instead of the garbled Diauwood, P T FehruTv i-t i^.t fllirAOplnaent toontolour rg

. thefn would meet many If not N«W\°11K, lebrunry 1.1-Gen. Edward cd to arrange the order of bUHlnoss forthe .' Ai^Lloil P,rt»- 8o far as Corwln Is concerned it » i... ..,y ..

1 I _ H F A I*Hrprising concerns that wiaro happy to o( the complaint that hul s. Merritt, collector of customs of tho port remainder of tho session. It wm agreed or else they mSth^lhaf^reM 7»h« mere reference ofhUappH,ation to raldcda cat^ofth" hunJra o^the' VfltMlizsL*w. sr, T .its -v.ejzizssssfpffis KKarSffiaFS a&'s'sfJSsf&ait' gFlSSSF,tt!fetaStitirs ... rrssfflssa,s«-.n.tta~srf-«r"-r«-*K«:SKSTSSSSS poeh .-ttt- ;. miimtcd4 " *

4...i t *t I strictly business principles and acording Tho proposed constitutional amendment nnjjbv our beateuatnmli*? AiuusnNa bbsun tbkaty et^ between sixty and eishty rioting<n.p stuurt introdupM » a^*j"latllou cowtion against the road, , to the.rules ior tho civil service which on the subject o( war claims; the bill for The Chslrman.Do vou know wh»t the Ixjhdos February H .1Thp Rnwlflrm in 8trikerfl- The commandant ol tL militiai«r the Removal of the Capital. At thecloecof Mr. Keyser's statements, were rccommonded by the Civil Service the further distribution of the Geneva nrrangement L betwoen toe AiraUlSd BiSwHa^have^bron ordar^'»1hrfdiSm of the district has been instructed to aidThe ilistlngushetl represontative from a number of questions were asked him by Committee in the administration of Gen. award; Wlndom's proposition authorising Pre>B?nd other wSSSJ? Associated Bulgaria^ve t^norderod^{^^em. the Sheriff if necessary.p,|,lridK county having failed bv his llle commlu^ (mainiy ,uch . weha/e ftjnfc «»I »»* » perfectly Inde- "J l^^ofe^HlnVcioirimo^t M l'r. Orecn-lSv tty I have some ^in?e!lby^l,eT,lfn^ngresi^^Leloquence to persuade the House on Wed- already referred to), and he entered into ^r. Neither my recommendation*1 nor for the colonization of the colored people pu ffin i. Tihe i6? Aw<y?i«te<1 Tho Ministerial ioqnialB intimate that dctroit Mich. Februarv n .Honnenlav to pass tlie usury bill In conversation with various members in that of Secretary .Sherman, or any mem- and various measures concerning the ifis- inake arrt^mft^ ^th0^ fnr Uni^rftft^bill Zach Chandler was unanimoualv nomiill eriijiMsl shape.that is, y|th the rogtrt3 ^ lhe conflicting InterpreUUons ^r of"»"» bv cable, but we have nothing to do confined to matters of Internal interest, nated for U. S. Senator by the Republicandouble forfeiture clause-yesterday in- p.t upon secUons 2 and 6 of the charter K^iStZX and^or»l«Tn l. ^ and*(3r^next^MoSavthcs^onaofae *'Ul the news. The principal points will be the criminal caucus at Lansing this evening.Induced a bill for the removal oflhe company M publishe(1 ,Blhe Ist^ .d «corSi^g to the S«2W» S^.TaSdthStSt""1 r°,QrUW ,h6 'M" g0Vem-if the »eat of government to Charleston slngxCBR 0fyesterday. rules. There must. I assume, be a few portion of each morning hour shall be de- i con^^wShihp^ilwmi^ Thn Pr«.M«ni nl ti.a Pniipi«ant Day.on the ground that lie wanted' confidential places tilled by those you per- voted to tho unobjected business on the clws^^2lmMUnB^T^)sdos,February 13..F. B. Chatterton,w do business in a henlther financialWELLSBURG. sonally know to be trust,worU.y, butre- Render, under what >s known as the Segvaph MTp,tlies the priritagS £ pESKS "iSutIhf riague JS"?" °«V,e ,I)r"ry Theatre.huatmosphere, where the ^entolbankin--

. no'lTlTnVa.n "nZZ tttiu Of the Teller Committee W"«S« SnJrZtUtt Z Tim®?tMKai"Wruptcy.LlabliiUesduence was not so offensive to his al-.Welwouro, February in. ,'le u a friend u> Mr Arthur to-day appointed as a committee Messrs. , "ifthe goveramenl w IIhi able to make stato- 940'000'

. SUSPEV.,0Vr.,(Ar-Rdlloninieiiigencer.nnHnn mnn !n uSSHIn Hoar. McMillan Kirkwood Garland and fwecn"ore*nd^ew York. There is real- ments relative to tlie affairs in Afganistan .bank suhpevsiox.Mr. Stuart is one of the veteran legisla- Something has been said of late con- he is our friond. Tho good of the Wallace, to inquire into the followlug S\r^ntI^Wihonpl^|0Ur noiible to^d!smTJ|fthoiiAWlanhlaSa? U hehner^Tone A Co'a Bank'eloaed'tnfdav" Itors ot West Virginia, and has served his cerning some inquiries that had been "rviceshouJd bethesole end in Ktween W«h^gZfand New YorkweS Stoffion Juie'pr^n" 1 'mm Antlcipa.lng/run; th^yd«MrfPhpun

people bo.li at Wheeling and Charles- made with reference toiwhat inducements to!neI?re themlLrSnSlc'l m'ised by assessment or othe^upo^ ?h" VT,°.,C0U!i!, mai"Uin, «*""» w»o» r«oM south .r.ca-sa-^ They expect to pay in full.VlltjdUton, before the removal of the Capi- were offered here for the establishment of by the Civil Service Commission. I shall the Federal office holders or employes for IhS^^Sfv^tSlT rf^a^SSSriSl^ltrLS TK00Pa ^assacbk tiibib KNOLisn liabiuties $110,000.iU) to the latter place and after- manufactories.. The best induocmont that issue no new order on tho subject utpres- election purposes, and under what circura- j "\r?' » * ""ertat advan-0YFlCKHaNew Yobk, February 13..Pinckney,wards. When he was hero in old we know of to partiea who are prepared to ent I am glad you approve of the message, stances and by what means, and if so what Senator Matthews.Have vou not rnn A correaDondent of th«Jack.,01n * ft:; .B.Plce dealers, have suati,«we never heard of his wanting to enter into any kind of manufacturing is J^J^pISediSH Kthlni!fcirr.?ed ' expeXl%nSrthor whether"3 trK"'f0wei,h »ny for,i Wclusive Ouorrfw telegraphs to that paper that in- P""''"'- L'ab, I,ties $110,000.remove the Capital to any otlser point, but offered by the founder ofLaxeifrville.andp }

assossments were or not in violation of the r'Kl,t to erect telegraphic lines on their telllgeuoe has beon_ received from South TELEGRAPHTflTiRHPQwedo know that when he was at Charles- that is all necessary grounds free "gratis Again, congratulating you and assuring law- n-' r-.- w k».thatthenative levies sening with

ton in ls7o he worked ever so hard tore- for nothing," and coal as cheap as it possi- you of my enUre continence, I remain, The committee then adjourned till next contrecU with railS foMh^wlwlvt cr^UebofflMrs """"General Peel, of Ixindon, a famous turfmove the (.'apital from that point to bletolayit down. Any party or parties oim. «««,right of way, and I assume that this bill The Colonial Secretary, referring to the m*n' *s !je&('' mmWheeling, lie was one of tho celebrated who mean business will do well to avail Tnfvfi X F Mrrrtit»a\es. nu. qrebn, ok the \v bstehv union, ox the would not affect them as there are plentv above report, says that he has no informs- GemGrant and party arrived at Bom- I ^\|||^|^|^louonitiM. il.nt ioioo'iclied and orosecuted themselves of this excellent oooortunitv WoroMroTBJnMAMlunaiATKW »vco*- of other avenues open. tlon in any way confirming the rumor thnt ba.v iestenlay,W/UlllvlIIin1,1n .i,..,i 11,» \ nnnv in R.ol.nnv -iiHairy AwociaMon ousss. Senator Mattliews.^Yes, yes, but let me the natives have risen against their olll- The Petersburg, Va., CommercialNaBennettand lhirdett, and that fou.nu the A party In liethany was ch&rgedwith*

, n ,, , . put a Question. Under the irt of lKAit an cerstinnal Hanlr tlm inai untinnni u._i, i_ ,l.Unk atmosphere down tliore very redo- allie^^hat^s^^hs^dLtTSf ^,"CA"0' cbra'iy 14.The Dairy As- mor^1^B"h^rd arauments wlt^rospeet >'ou J'?1 " inteipet It, any organization parliament rb-asskublbs. city, has gone into liquidation.lent of complicity in a scheme to gonge the'cow T?e owner of the cow brought"

, fy. *"^1cn'. '7 to Senator Jones' bffl, authoriiing railroad "Jf New York, for tele- I/3ndox. February 13.Parliament will The New York Balktin says that Alfredtlie State.sulUo* damages IS aieCountv c£m at Interests, by J. H. Kail, of Klmira, X. Y.. companies toconstrue and maintain tele- h'°.^.r1f0.'»»! nJ»-v «ny post ro-assetnblo to-day/ The House of Com- Kayue,senior partner in the 4rm of Kayne,Mr. siuurt was in a hurry to leave tho present term. The case was tried be- to which some objection was raised ou ac- grarSi lines for commercial purposes, apitooffeal ^WaUonlntoFlorida' fof a'Wrno°n Spring A Dale, dle<l to-day of pneumonia.L'hirlesion I Iko one ofthe mod old fore a Jury and consumed the best part of count of personal allusions. The follow- and to sccure to the government the use }«?'rMa for and the Houso ofUrds at 5 o clock. Lord The Commissioners of Champaign counApostle^hoslamped^ds feet day after day,ami shook oir their dust as a testimonial CtVh" Aysthe bm created by the worn Weston. Union Telegrapii Company,U nof Xl SgSliS l!?^,TZ'Tovercha^ng iaxl ° nd'U

S£SXsl,tMSn *is<pBRSft5a« ssaMsasttiaf5&dSE3S3SP«»!rSi.teas ..r.Ai';s',5s'..s!:iT!.siiKb:£. !. fflsuB.'gAiattaa amggBaAn,ggraa- " - -liaveUie vote put and the question dccid- aud Et Ixiuis road. It was decided to hold a dsiry exhlbl- ihfrowas^irneed (oMhlsle^ffibn^d'it companies whereby you hind thorn to pro- .81' Stafford Norllicote, Chancellor of Vicar General Kiindig ol Milwaukeeeil in favor of removal, that he moved tho Arrangements are being made for vigor- tlon hore in connection with the fat stock hibit oaotlier telegraph company to oome Kxchequor, in the House of Commons, who was stricken wltli an'onlexv Wednralprevious qustion, to cut off debate,andwo^rT,hfA a"^'i , , ,S 8Its aim wisTes- lh" l« ol the road, notwithstanding tl.U afternoon said it was not desirable to llay, ffaEhXTtodSSffiMC I IIIIITrnTIIITvotedenthusiastically to get uway fromH^TOeZ'n^u^ of'flo^ Atli°ur"eJ - f. Mllf. =/utn^Xt act jives them the right to go on an? e^rete .^preclate iunduly the feel confident that howif soo^ Lover' Q HflLHALUuileston. From all aceounU, Uie ancient sacking paper, has leased the interest of c.lllnlon on srew Vork ontr.1. Union Telegraph Company. Such coinpe- D Green.In the first ulaco It dons not «te general admiration for tho gallantry A Kln8»b)n, Jamaica dispatch sayB that II II III I I III I I III I.Ut was not in much nnre of u hurry to hi. de^iell partner in the paper mill and Buffalo, February 13.-A collision oc- H»ifflSiyU>>«)'ofthftroops anduniversal sympathy for°»t">«»U."U,,,M 1 UU 1

*,u, of Srslom than Chap w.to get -^^rC&ndVr'of curred on the New York Centml Ifallroad^^r^d wipe^StdSter^oll^ta..y from the late "permanent seat." the SuSSuXnSBSM »' >« "»«» »' ''«»». mllroads w-lileh hacf telegraph lines ami^ h.vi^fl^'XETreiXwm.nts^aVe befoTe Vinc!I"Nowlie wants to go back again. And order from the State Grange of Missouri yesterday afternoon, demolishing two en- 'J1080 which hail not had been doing for r&t t0 .iw'.hem there 1 ThatnmLor u Thur silay. He rccommendeil an abst- cl'as. McGIII was yesterday hanged atthis, loo, notwithstaudlng the fact that for two hundred Acme Mowers.cash on glnes and caboose,breaking the bumpersm oftehwralfh'm l" given hy tlie Stfltw. Tber» is noSlngab- ticuoe of expression of views upon tho dls- Cleveland, Ohio, for the murder of Marytlie ttniQsuhere down there is still badlv <l«"very. We aro glad to note the success of every car and killing n number ot sheep road' tilm hadnnv Iines » «lc»ra»|i, and Solmcly prohllikorv In" ll t iat andYcan Mler. «»tU further details were received. Kelly on December 2, 1877. At preciselyuieauinspmrc iiown tticro is stilt uattj o( ,ho Acmc works.and hogs in transit to tho east. !?,"£,! lh l0, a," ' 1>oIb?- not^seobow thisbin KnJtoClni. Tho papers in tho case have alreadv been 12 o'clock the tmp was sprnng, and In 134tainted lyuh a scent very oflenslye to the Albert ltedman,recently connected with ..-. m°irnl!l.ll'lM?^ri thnTlni "n motion ol Mr Matthews the com- 1,Won the table, and others will shortly minutes he was pronounced dead. TholltlfiroKil'TlK^'rer^-STISh. SrSiSlS'S rni..ee.d,onmed until to-morrow morn- gj»j g-ffi VT- ^^a^Tafe"rr -yxt ab,B,o congmtui.,.,i,eabQutl"^...I,,-y .»« til. Mexican people arc unani- GaTflTd'iXCbSm^r'ofto ^ra^'l^0^1^?P^» I13,-Arrlved:litre the at sphere nurgod of this taint us. mous for closer comuiercial relations with whothcrusng their own telegraph lines iwpnDiicm memtior ofthe 0fthe ^orld. Thore Is every reason for Nederland, from Antwerp./V T "T"Won? seiiiuii fo it once more in the nlaco An attempt was made on Monday night the United States. o??l>o'inlU^ISSlLrid" £l. 0lllnJe'^a,ioI,|1 Congress a day Qr two satisfaction with the progress of the Berlin I-osdon, February 13,-The Wisconsin CAI I I Iinn, ill

tonce more in tliei lace t0 entertho drugstore ot Cooper A McClel- wfil.ilfo ^v^i^nrniS \v °*° would not, under any clrcum- treaty. The Russians have alreadv begun and Ethiopia, from New York, arrived.from which lie was in such a hurry to dc- land from tho rear do^r. After scarifying a D«mwii t ouini Trauur.r'a Detain.- f|"' iI mV| ' ',.i,j,i stances, consent to allow his name to go to withdraw from Turkoy, and there Is* . *Idrtin1873.the panel of the blind with a knife and r,on"-before tlie Hennblican Convention for Z every reason to hope for a iimpleteevacuo- "i"'** ' forcing tho casing to which tho lock hasp °»wsoo, February 111..The exandnu- "r^"® 1"8 'll,^»'®''Ji|J<;onson- Ptlon for the tion in due time. The Chancellor pralsod Klver 10 feet and rising slowlv.tt.e ltailraiHi netMieia itieffeMte. 0r keeper Is attached, partly loose from tlie tion 0f tho accounts of the late County *.ihoraJK^of^th^B^iiioreJboWS "

, f on ,0''°°v..rJ ! Ul*t hf *" Uie enerey still dlsplayeil byUvard.tho WeaUier cold, with snow storm prevailaltwlsy, anil various remarks wore made by '"-Jos. Hail, claim agent, of Steuben- t onions be^n In ISdo"' Ve'Kmma Graham, from Pittsburgh, **»,£&* """ - S>S^SS?5 P^tSEp^, from Clncinn.,l,J»o«,Xewlon and Woods. Finallyamo- 0. B. C. Bai.timoiik, February 13,-Flvo iud«esof Xhmightunder tlfeaututo oiufe ,Sf,rfiey '""kly admit1 that now under discussion, and which it Is passedup at8 a «Iion #»s made by Senator Jones, and car- The (J>lr w. e. b^i. or WhMllni. election wore convicted and sentenced to- State of New York.and most of^the Stales, an,l |or this reason "he can not Kn^and^lostataoverlh^Cro^nlamlsl a. >i!° nur"'r e 1 or ar crs urg at 10Jn«l. to recommit the questionto tho Judi- ctl. s«ntiod. day tor intorforing with the United States . aii ,bS il^»n.. ii.^i! !lon??tl>r "w0Pf wminatlon for paying the l*orte <6,000 nnimally beside The local packets arrived and departed"»'y Committee for report, it being un- He was a young man with a bright pros- Suporvlsois at the recent Congressional P,?/Tni ....iLiVini, n?iur?.<i.i tho Qnvornonililn. JJo has told several the surplus stipulated in tho Anglo- on time. . _ mmmbka^too.1 that Vice President Keyser, of peet before him. He hsd a loving wife election. Un^onCo& l^d "Tlrnl sWute\Tk Crown, which U about £100,0.5. aBusiness on the lan.Ung Is good.QCCTUC00(11)0W Mtiiuore i Ohio Company, desired and pleasant family relations, was a good ..,h. ,he ,.,.n»rulmi, M,.i., some decree a compact with his company. Gubernatorial nomination came from Ra'thbono and Mundella, Liberals gave Piiranmoi. Febru^l<t_T»lv«ri'>f.., lilt UUUUdI"submit to the committee some facts and business man and could always commanddon. tmnimifcthem^sMM oflhoPMtoffl qulrlera in'mlcal to him, and with an In- notice that they would usk questions to- Weather clouliy and «j?dJrpimenu in answer to various state- a good situation and remunerative wages. PorrsviiAR, Pa., tebruary 13..The S rtin0nt at iS^a^^ates and«fnf ? i -v? ! ' *° 'lis othor morrow in reference to pleura pnoumonia Nasiiviiie Februarv It i(i,.A,(.ii!.«enu ,..de by Col. Johnson In hi, long wTave known "Billy" from childhood, housesover the Kohlnoor mines are sink- S'p.ife a! ^Th'itSter^Sh.Lt Is'hlsEetInronlvb M, . 10^»fllbrU,lry13-Rlver ""'"fspeech ot \Vednesduy. The motion to and there was no young man whom we The inmatos^haxe tied for gafoty, a valuation. The Government hal fixed ous rival, and dow not intend to pqt him- ft UbpralJMu/wffi^ Owcikxati, Fobruary 13.-Wver 22 feet,^mmit was not carried without consld- esteemed more highly. The vory soul offire record. roSnan?1'hid SSKfalulMi^.i.em° f!'i a»Eede|or'by ^rdChellntford were'Tltl" and failing. \Veather clearing and cold.mlile opposition, tlio vote standing 11 to honor, truthful and cheorfnl, he was the aUhomii nc!t bound to accentthai lupa nomination hu ([oosnot want, and held, drew attention to the lllue Book, Arrived; GraniteState.Pittsbiirvh; CllnI#life of tho family and social circle. In tho Nsw York, February I3.-TIio New ®n|KJ°JjSl w"loh "»«1 by Sherman as an which sot forth that Lor.1 Chelinsford's St- Uuis; Con. Mdltr, Memphis..tt 1|,|, . .. Bad boreavemont the family have .the York Tattcreall's were burned to-night, argument against him in the Senatorial demands for infantry reinforcements were P»P»rt^: Stockdale, Pittsburgh; Robert Ah0romniiii

"ov®"ln* ,l,e sincorost sympathy ol this whole com- wlthoverOO horses otiho SOln the stables. PS?j?l?i tVc^amera'te lSnUtlinf7J??ir^ vf', The Ioipre«lon here is that Judge only applications,and werocomplled with. Mitchell, New Orleans.Mimaittee met in the Senate ball, and, as "'"unity, ills remilns were brought to Some of the>imals were valuable road- denartment busln^s and n,?," lu t 'he com ng mjn. Foster It U There was no request for cavalry. ,, J-»L 0 .

t the previous meetiug, a number of Sen- Cadlson Haturdsy, and on Sunday after- .tors. Two llremen were severely in- SSi^MrtliSta iUlsS^ffh.«Ji J5" J?" lo«'nF «rRund.'. '.or ?,ho «PedlUon to, Afgaulstan may be Fnr .Wfitional TtUgmph S*t Fourth Pag,.Win, Delegates and siwetetors were ores- noon were Interred in our beautiful come- jural by a roof falling. w H becom, tben for Uio eofoni nn?t' t '"he "n noi'he e e"J° h^e accomplished its oldest, and^==..wt Mr K,.vJrT,.i n, \ 1 tery. Some twenty-two members of t|)c $20,000 firr. -

liatUiemVnMnv haiKmonts of the party. Taf, It U thought, satUlactory arrangements for thl protee- AHesb..r cam..

1^1 a ver> interesting argumentetlve obsequies, coming to. Cadis in carriages, ,tn,ct. this inornlmr. inlllcled the where there was little or no hii.ln«n m 01 tlto Hopubliosn vote, arenow.posslble. In regard to the present of local: total for three day. 1303 head of _ _SrWWASK;sssssi- KsS^KarsiS5SS5KS3SiSiKSSS HearthePr ces-.t&wass sbssr1-"*"-.pesiaftstftg*asaffiS5SffiSt:tliecelebrnted DarlmontU College ease, St.Louis, February 1S.-A. Kansas City oh. HarrU, safo mnnufac- Ifo admitted that it was a strong corpor- political amendments on the legislative" proposeareioiutJfin MMt^lM^hehead; Yorken «' KM 10;s*i«l« lho celebratwl OharlesKlvsrca.se, dispatch s»ys that tho jewelry store of M. turer, about $7,000; small irvBDraupt;. aUon, but strong corporations had weak snnronrlation bill and throw HouMSf^omm^. Thnll^rtn ph'lad«lphlai W 30a4 60; roughs $3 25a3 SO.doctrine was distinctly laid dmm?y ». Wright wintered about three oVIock uitRts'isu ani> malt iiousii.j2S2SSSrtSfe th?nCT^SS«,£rJ*e Supreme Court of theUnitod States thU mow ng by a negro burgUr named i^ndos, O.nt., February 18.-Carllngs ^phaiswffi whole the itemocraU hu creat^l mns^oS House of Lords, makes n statement slml- »5 10; good 100110 Iba «(*WW; commrof* under whtob vested right. f»rkor, who waa«Bfronted by Albert S"' iSftS*N°rthc0le'to/alr^to.051U., $3 Walso.£S «w.ta.i E-SSSSSKS SSVttaarW6S!S ..arSStK'SK.ksHMH? .

.. i'J t-l''"ral Hallroad, and of the Coll de^ijl'f IP » policeman arrived to railroao Doit-nisa auosn. pass an amondment to the bargain? They amondmonts through, and are supported today and decided tint unless the maitere (orahipmsnt; reflntdOii forriddelohladdi *Krle and tho Atlantic A arrest hln). Patrrson, N. J,, Fobruary ll|.-The were In no sense a monopolv. Thecountrv in thUnosldou bv tho lsnre bodv of th.lr ««reed to the old rates to 5 oVlort tfils very. Pff«l Wefon, laildnretlbyCol.Johnson),ttr-T.o Tab. tl,llt pfrl>' in tho "'"o are a number "temoon t^py Mro«jd ilemhnil an advanoe I^xoox. F.bruary la-PrrnoLnm-Splriu^adiidtUn, that ihey were .ower <»l a penny per hour nXaUKd; re5^,WW.KocMsi. i",0rC ^ 0,1,0localratea ho Balt,m088' P®^ruary ^.--TlieUoWeif partslof iffijjSEjS |lut W M*hatMlQtQFebruary 13 .Theihlpown- /1HARLES £. DWIGUTH a hiRtoiical sketch in re- of Tennessee 8tate bonds to^lay endorsed with machinery a^u,n aJJt'1 ' "ie foatq qfjlje &so would show-Hhat bo (entering aronnd Bayard, whlEi^Thur. ew remain Ann at the closed docks, where \J '

mm,10 l|iem,Hliowlug that tho first named tho action of the New York bdndholders burned (o-nlgtit. Total Toss $310,000; in- ono telegraph oompany could do the buil- nijin is the head of thio who desire to men are fed and housed. There were PRACTICAL CHKMI9TMMTPHwsl jKr-.il i *1 _i i i in nirriM.intr tn unftln tlm ili>htfttKixtv cents surauco $'JA,00U. The flames spread to the ness at lower ratos than two, or evon throe force an uxtra yoHidoti Thin inhiaot a>ni more applications for employment than *' I «% II I #%* %«» «.*,;:'z'srj^pssaadant Sj@g4««!ist,saa LCfl rl IIV HQ-teaaswas*toe siXfitss. KxHassr-aS ^**«yssr.11,1Lun*
