1 aayar rr i i e everybody store i ten iinowf t 2t

IL I ui T f 1 1 I d- aaYar c < oc = 110M W t c7 1 P1I rr i e- 7au t > 44 i 93 i i 93 g ARE showing n lino of seasonable Wash Goods in 4 nIl the Into leslrnble Nhnlts such IU Green Yulloss rink and Blue in both solid and figured Prices run from lOc to 25c per yard lj a x FOR INSTANCE Pretty fancy figured SisHioIlIY swell at 25e w Now lino figured Dimities 8c < i Pretty quality India Linens at lOc to 30e fc Beautiful check Dimities lOc to 20c i 1 + L White Welt Cords anti figured Mtuvaillos for g Starts 20ce e Fancy T liir > i > sofloulardsllks Irctly lino Vnl Laces Insertions ranging in price from 8c to 15c pet yard w Laco allover for yokes 2oo to 1n yard in white ecruo and bleak Genuine Torchon Laces 5o to 20c 5 f Big lino Swiss and Hamburg Embroideries t with 2 2t t Fans and Parasols 93 Ton doz pretty now Fans sic a regular 10center j3 t Funs at lOe what other Jhouses jT- 2f 15c buys an elegant Fan with silk tassel Han 5 dlo elegantly carved sS of tL 2oc gets ono of our fancy linen Fans Como in J > Ci whito and hInd Would ho Oltefll ut J5e 93I3 Misses Parasols le to 125 Pure white silk Iumsolspluillfor 100 tL 93to Ci rfnno Ladies solid blach Parasols 150 to 250 1iiro Tuflbtn Silk colored Umbrellas 300n regular 350 quality If you want seasonable uptodate goods at 44 tPopular a a t I t t i C r 1 J1e v Practical Aids for Teachers and Applicants f It la a SPECIAL aM to applicants in the matter oi Theory ianti P aciicr Much craplaMJ has bu put upon this subject 1 H in lie examination and tunny an applicant otherwise qimli Rift is Mecivo III theory nl teichlug as this it a subject that bah4AGuide For Teachers It ii not a blOk prepared hone iguoraut of the needs ol 4 teachers and applicants u the result of experience of elev- en ¬ in the work by an ex member of the State pocketi encyclopedia teacher applicants must have v f PRICE 100 Three Copies to one Address 225 Cash With Order Books Mailed same day order is Reaelved SKND ALL Ounuiw TO JAS H FUQUA JR- Russellville 9 Ky r Hartford Republican I FRIDAY JUNE 14 Illinois Contra RallroadTlmo Tablo Nw time ritrd UtlM caret Hondnjr Itec 2 I too a t noon North found Honih Ilnnml mS5n Nols2daILx9Pm o IOCKI Fit IKIH + k NoUhlrI ID Nol dnrtOPin- t 8 n Y4 NlTn Agent r CURE FOR aN Com Tumuouo Uso mama linld br drorelrtt N 7 UM PTION For nice fresh Candles call at Sin- ger Office Ice Cream Sherbet and Cake at Singer Office l Nicest Cheese and Crackers in town at Singer Office Mr C B Raley Rosine called to see us Tuesday TPor delicious Cream and Sherbet at the Singer Office 1 1 You can find the right RtoJs at the right price at Carson Cos Mr Wra Dean Dundee made us quite a pleasant call Monday f PractlcO and scientific horseshoeln g twenty years experience 45 gt v A B ROWR Centertown Ky Do yon know who will get the pre eat at Melvlns Show Come vote fo four choice New plays new songs new joke l and good music at Melvin a Show this week r t ti Its a yonnrrr a long time t O ltpget tbebest out ol oar Suits CARSON CO- t l i iiii iAll kinds of thlu Dress Goods fo weather at Catf on Cos All kinds of cool comfortable Cloth ing for hot people at Carson Cos Summer Clothing as thin as a cob I web and as light as a feather at Car son Cos IWagon wheels refilled ten dollar per setA i B RowR Centcttown Ky I If you want a refreshing drink o J Soda Water Lemonade or Phosphate call at the Singer Office See our Oxfords for old ladles broad easy and comfortable CARSON Co It will cost you nothing to vote fo the mo t popular lady at Melvin Show One receiving the most vote gets a handsom present WANTfiD Ten chestnut or whit soak telepVoie polls 30 feet in length eight inches at tip Cumberland Telc I phone Telegraph Co On account of Epworth Leagu Convention at San Francisco Cal July 18 to 21 round trip tickets wit be sold at rate of 62 15 going and re- turning via different routes and 53 I going and returning via same direr route Tickets on sale July 6 to i final limit for return August 31 1901 IIN CUBA roundr Scotts elses l In summer or you will lose IIt you havclt tJned ror a rmple SCOTT DOWNE cbemuu 40415 Pearl Street New York I 5M and Jicn nil druggliU ll r Horn IQ tltp wlfa of Mr U r Weal the 7th lust a fine 14 pound girl Mrs Jerome Allen near town has a severe rate uf flux I Teachers examination Friday am Saturdry July 21 and 22 Mr C II Stanley of Ten Is vII lung his brother Dr A F Stanley Mr Tinsley moved the post office yesterdoy to M L Heavrins law of Gee Mrs Magdalene Rogers is visitinG her son Mr Jo B Rogers Beave Dam Mr J B Foster returned to his home Wednesday after several months absence Mr C S McCullough is in Mr Plercess place at the Cumberland ex ¬ change Mr M L Hcavrln was in Louis vllle and Owtnsboto Monday and Tuesday Mr and Mrs Will Dean and Mrs Thomas Dundee visited Dr and Mrs J R little Monday Julge James P Miller is In attend- ance at the Southern Baptist Conven lion Murray Ky Dr and Mrs A F Stanley have taken n oms nt Mrs Circle Williams They moved Tuesday Messrs Cheat Wedding and A P Mldkfl Sulphur Springs made us a pleasant call Wednesday Miss Jessie Smith Offensboro re turned home Tuesday after a short visit to relatives In and near town The citizens ol Haitford are invited to an open metticgol Hartloid School board tomorrow night June 15 1901 Mrs K W Ford cud daughter MlfS Nancy returned yesterday from- a ten days visit to relatives in Fords villr Remember tomorrow is the day fo the Hartlord and Central City boys to cross bats I base ball Dont fall t see it- The Matooic picnic at Dundee the 22dd promises to be a rare treat IJveryloJy ought to take that in Its quite the thing to co Childrens day exercises at Sblnkle Chapel Sunday were quite a success The good people spread a sumptuous dinner which was enjoyed extremely well by all vlsltltors We will deliver Cream and Sherbet to any part ot the city Rough River phone No 32 Cumberland phone No 46 3 rings SINGER OFFICE All lotus of devices to keep you cool this hot weather Thin Costa and Trousers Negligee Shirts Straw Hats thin Underwear and thin prices at Canon and Cos Mr and Mrs S T Stevens son and daughter Master Shelby and Miss Wicona ate visiting RtvIL Buice Taylor and attending Southern flap ¬ tilt Convention at Murray Last Saturday the Tay or Mines boys came over and did our boys up at base ball Alter the name was over came the demonstradnm the apology lor the lost game It was quite inter ¬ eatingMr Ira Kan land is dangerously ill of chronic diarrhoea When he joined the army in the Philippines he was a model 61 perfect health and his nn brtunale condition Is in a great meas ¬ use due to exposure On account of Good Roads Conven- tion Louisville Ky June 27 and 28 tickets will be sold at rate ol one fare for round trip Tickets on sale June 26 and 27 limited to June 29 for re ¬ turn S D VANMETKR Agt Strawberries Ice Cream Sherbet coolr Ing at store Go and take your sweetheait and en ¬ joy a teteatete in their new ice cieam parlorCome to Melvins Show enjoy the fun and vote for your preference oa most popular lady One receiving I most votes gets n handsome present FRKE Votes cost nothing Ad ¬ mission to and 20 cents reserved seats f 5 cents extra I Ourgcnlal friend Mr Frank Pierce has resigned as exchange manager and will accept a positron in the rut chine shops at Nashville Flank has onr best wishes for that merited suc ¬ cess which Is due him lie will leave r soon for Nashville regruuns d lire now better prepared than ever before to wale n better grade of fljur and give larger turnout Call and sec us Respectfully RRNPROW DEAN Dundee Ky Melvlns Comedy Company who I were here three years ago are be 3 this week In their canvass theater 5 Good brass and string bands best t show on the road A valuable pre 2ant given on last night of show to the mcfst popular lady Every 20 cent admission tickets entitles you to four votes and 10 cents or chllds ticket tc two vote and reserved seats 5 cents tc one more vote Mr George Baker of West Beave t Dam has announced his candidacy for Magistrate in the Hartford Magic terlal District Mr Baker submit his claims to the Republican party lor its approval lIe Is a young man worthy the honor and would Ink e especial pride in the work He 1 S eminently deserving at the bands ol his party and stands high wit r I ii rrYrafswrrran ltla fellow notkmeu el Tajlo MlnesIIe would ucquestoiably carry the mining role almost to amen which by the way Is the key lo sue ¬ cess and Mr Baker holds It This district ass patterned alter a mine ¬ entitle design christened Democratic and pledged to turn out a Democratic actor for the Fiscal Court but our fiend will charge the enemy and drive them Irom the field Mark this prediction TUB RKPUULICAN has been reliably Informed that there Is a machine man canvassing the county selling grain separators at all sorts of prices Mr R H Barnes near Beaver Dam pur ¬ chased one for 22 50 while his neigh ¬ bor Mr Joe Ford ought the same machine for 15 00 while others have paid as high as 130 oo The public should be advised of this doable deal ing therefore we give this bit of in formation for its benefit A VERY SAD ACCIDENT Guy Roark Died Wednesday While an Operation Was Being Performed Accident Unavoidable We had a very sad occurence In town Wednesday That day was the regular day for the meeting of the Ohio County Medical Society and quite a number of the physicians of the town and county were on hand to take pall Among the Interesting cases presented to the society was a little boy Guy Roark ten years od a son of Tom Roark ol Mcllenry theI or a bone below the knee Mr Roark was advised that an operation to remove this dead bone ass the very best thing to do for the boy and alter the society adjourned the operation was begun officer The whole number of physicians pres ¬ Theo operation lasted for afoot one hour and while they were dressing the limb otter the operation the boy coming out from the influence of chloroform he vomited rather freely and in get- ting ¬ a oig bnath at this time sucked quite a quantity ol the vomited mat ¬ ter back into his windpipe which kill ¬ ed him almost instantly Every ef ¬ fort was made to resnsltate him to no avail Every one was very much schockd over the accident but it was one of those rare accidents that human fore sight can not avoid Mr Roark be ¬ ing a poor tni n and this trouble com ¬ ing so sudden he was unprepared to takecare of the boys remains promptly so a collection was taken up at once born our citizens and every expense connected with the operation and fun ¬ eral was paid The boy was burned at McHenry yesterday For relief and comfort in Asthma BalUrds Horehound Syrup has no equal Price 25 and 50 rte J II Williams m f Attention Brethren All loiges in this and adjoining counties are respectfully invited to meet with us and join in the parade on the 22nd ol this month at Dundee Ohio county and we would respectful ly suggest that members of each lodge bring their regalia with them We hope that you will turn out brethren and help as to make this the biggest Masonic celebration ever held in this section of the State Put Grand Master Thos S Pettit oi Owensbbro Kentucky will deliver a Masonic ad ¬ dress on that occasion together with quite a number of other brethren who will make short talks W II MOORS Master Dundee Lodge U D a CENTERTOWN KY Rev E V Phipps preached an in ¬ teresting and instructive sermon here last Sunday Miss Clara P xton ol Louisville is visiting the families of Messrs L C Morton and Alvin Rowe Mr C K Reneer and family spent last week fishing at the take on Rough river Mr Willie James has secured a po ¬ sition as salesman with the Central Coal Iron Co at Render We wish him success Mr Denton and family of Irving too have returned to their home al ¬ ter visiting relative and friends here Mr Elijah James and wife spent last Sunday with Mr II II Davis and family Mr L C Brown and family have moved into the residence of Rev Ed Maddox on West Main Street Miss Poole the efficient milliner for Rowe Morton has returned to her home in Rochester MAUD If RENDER KY June nMr Willie James of Centertown has accepted a position as clerk for the Central Coal Iron Co at Render Mr Cleve Cobb and Miss Rosa Cobb of Sacramento were In Render last Saturday and Sunday on business There were quite a crowd from Rec der attended the game of base ball last Saturday between the crack nines ot Hartford and Taylor Mines Last Sunday evening there was quite an interesting game of bass ball played on the Render grounds be tween the crack nines of Render and Mcllenry The game ended with s victory for the Render team the score weighed 6 for Render and 1 for Mc < Henry This is the best game that has been played in this ctuaty for many years Next Sunday the Ren ¬ T uM eW4 eel iCm p Yt i fr der twin Fill play the eti ck nine of Central City when old Render will gain another grand victory to be marked lo their credit The game will be played on the Mcllenry ground Please do nollo get the swell barbe- cue on the 29th Inst that Id going to be the swell day ol the season There will be speaking by ProJ S W Bed ford ot Owenctoo for the h 0 R M Let every Redman and Odd Fellow be present Miss Lena Fentress is our uptodate post mistress at Reader Miss Pen tress has many friends here who are glad to see her accept this high and honorable position Mr Ed Mannnrning of this city Is on the sick list at this writing Mr E G Burton of this city wa in Rockport last Sunday on business Duo ENGINE Knights of Pythlas Memorial Rough River Lodge No fro K of P held memorial services at Oaknoid Cemetery last Sunday atterncoa in honor of their deceased brethren A large crowd was present and assisted the Lodge very materlaly by furnish ¬ ing flowers A nice program had been prepared by a committee and each member acquitted himself ad ralrably The Loge is in quite s flourishing condition and has been very fortunate with its membership having tort only lour members since its Installation eight or nine years ago Its membership Is made up ol tome ol Hartfords and surrounding countys best young men Attention Farmers Have you grain to sell or grind On Juno 15th we will close our mill for the purpose remodelling and enlarging the capacity of same and will remain closed until July 1st Como to mill at once and have enough ground to last you Beaver Dam Milling Co Call Meeting All the members ol the Cicero Max well Camp Sons of Veterans and those who want to join are respectful ¬ ly invited to attend a meeting an Sat- urday ¬ July 22 at the court house at i oclock to attend to some important business for the benefit of the camp Adj Singleton of Covington will be here to muster in the camp on Sat ¬ urday June 29 HH DAVIS ICapt MATANZAS KY June IoItaln is badly needed in this section Mr J A Thlchenor is on the sick list Mrs M E Birdwell who has been quite sick is improving Mr and Mrs John D Wilton ol Hartford were in this community last week Mr Wilson did some snr veylnifior the Jamestown Ccal Co Mr S II Render and wife visited the Mammothe Cave and the city ol Louisville last week They report a pleasant trip Rev II P Brown ol Rockport spent several days with friends and relatives In this community last week The Quarterly Meeting was largely attended at Point Pleasant last Satur ¬ day and Sunday Mrs Dania Miller Mcllenry spent several days last week with her daughter Mrs Alice Carter at this placeMiss Jessie Tatum is visiting rela ¬ tives in Russellville this week News BOY a Marriages Hetbet C Farmer Fordsville to Ella Hellos Fordsville date of mar riage June 9 Joseph B Gller Cromwell to Allice Herrel Cromwell dateof marriage June 9 Jas Bolin Cannelton Ind to Ma ¬ mie A Perry Fordsville date of mar ¬ riage June 12 a a SMALLHOUSE KY June nThe photograph cor cert given June loth by Mr T R Barnard was quite interesting and enjoyed by all presentMr Barnard a soldier of the late war visited his gradmotherMrs Ann Ross and other relatives In this vicinity recently Mrs Alice Pnlkerson is visiting her sister Mrs Tina 1 WIthiotv at Central City Muses Gracie Reid and Euloh Withrow are visiting their cousin Mrs Jeff Neal South Carrollton Mlsfl Ida Addington Messrs Chas Ross fond Walter Harris attended church at New Hope Muhlenbnrg county Sunday Eorn to the wife of Clarence Brown a girl Kiberta little soy of Mr Ward Vii ¬ llama is still quite sick Mr Ed Cleaver has a little child quite sick at this writing- TP Balls Centeitown visited his brother Mr II R Balls Tuesday night H A Good Cough Modlclno It speaks well for Chamberlains Cough Remedy when druggists use It in their own families in preference to any other I have sold Chamber- lain Cough Remedy for the past five years with complete satisfaction to myself and customers says Drug ¬ gist J Goldsmith Van Utten N Y I have always used it In my own family both for ordinary coughs and colds and lor the cough following la grippe and find it very efficacious For sale by Z Wayne Gliffin Bro DigestionThat It make life role tDbl I Itt sulk ire uat nut baoaa o they carj n but wIly IxxauiM they tnutt They know they arc Irritable and Jrctfal j but they cannot bo otherwise They complain of a bad taste In the mouth a tenderness at tho lIlt of the stom sell an uneasy feeling of puffy fulness headache heartburn and what not Tbo effectual remedy proved by perma- nent ¬ cures of thousands of severe cases Is Hoods Sarsaparilla Jlouo IILLA are the best caLbuu CALLS FOR CONVENTIONS To I Nominate Candidates for Magistrates and Constables In the Various Districts of the County HARTFORD MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT At a meeting of the Republican Committee of the Hartford Maglfter lal District held at Beaver Dam Ohio county Kentucky on June 8 1901 a majority ol said committee being pres- ent the committee was called to order > y the chairman and the Coo Ring resolutions were adopted Resolved lat That a mass con ¬ vention be held In the Hartford Mag Isterial District at Beaver Dam Ohio Bounty Ky oa Saturday July 23 1901 at 2 p m for the purdose of nominating candidates to be voted for at the November election 1931 for the office ol Justice of the Peace and Con ¬ stable of said district 2nd That the candidates receiving i majority of the votes cast In said convention shall be declared the Re publican nominees and have their names placed on the official ballot for the respective offices Wu BROWN Chmn- R C JARNAGIN Secy CENTERTOWM MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT- A meeting of Precinct Committee- men in the Certeitown Magisterial District was held In Centertown Ky on June 6 1901 The meeting was called to order by G F Chapman W P Render was appointed chair- man and G If Chapman was appoint- ed ¬ secretary July 6 1901 Is the day set for a mass convention to be held in Centertown Ky for the purpose nominating candidates for Magic ¬ trate and Constable All Republicans In said district are requested to attend the convention The day and hour of meeting is July 6 1901 at 2 p m W P RENDER Chmn- G F CHAPMAN Secy CROMWELL MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Committee met by call of C E Raley Chairman of District No2 at Rotlne June the 8th 1901 for the purpose of calling precinct conven- tions ¬ to elect delegates to the district convention for the purpose of nomi ¬ nating candidates for Magistrate and ConstableWe committee direct that there be a mass convention to meet in each precinct on July the I3th 1901 at 2 p m in District No2 composed of Cromwell Select Rosine and Horse Branch to elect delegates one for each twentyfive votes and fraction over twelve cast for Wm McKinley- In November 1900 Said delegates f- are to meet at Rosine July the i6th at s p m said delegates are to cast their votes as Instructed by their conven ¬ tion Delegated votes by precincts Cromwell 8 Select 51 Horse Branch 71 Rosine 9 CHRALBV Chmn W P MILLER Secy a ROCKPORT MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT At a meeting of the Republican Committee ol the Rokport Magister- ial District held at the residence of W II Wilcox Ohio county Ky on Jane to 1901 A majority of said commit ¬ tee being present the committee wa called to order by the chairman and the foowlng resolutions were adopt ¬ ed Resolved lat That a mass con ¬ vention be held in the Rcckpott Mag ¬ isterial District at Rockport Ohio county Ry on Saturday July 20 1901 at 2 p m in Heral Hall for the purpose of nominating candidates to be voted for at the November election 1901 for the offices of Justice ol the Peace and Constable oi said district 2nd That the candidates receiving a majority of the votes cast in said convention shall be declared the Re ¬ publican nominees and have their names placed on the official ballot lor the respective office WM HAMILTON W II WILCOX Com G M MADDOX J- FORDSVJLLB MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT At a meeting of the Republican Committee of the Fordsville Magister ¬ ial District held In Fordsville Ohio county Ky Saturday June 8 1901 a majority ol the committee being present The committee was called to order by the chairman and enter into business The following resolu- tions ¬ were adopted by the committee Refoved ist That a mass con ¬ vention be held at Fordsville Ohio county Ky on Saturday July 20 1901 at I oclock pm for the pur ¬ pose ol nominating candidates to be voted at the next regular election for the offices oi Magistrate and Con stable of said district 2nd That the men receiving a ma- jority of the votes cast In said conven- tion ¬ shall be declared the Republican nominees and have their name enter ed on the official ballot for the respec- tive ¬ officesJACOB CHANCELTOR Chmn- S C MILLER Secy BUFORD MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT I At a meeting of the Republican 1iPt 4c rr v r E Everybody Store Ii WAS never bettor prepared to supply your needs nowf 9 fJItho t er All kinds of country produce taken in ex change for goods Ii 1- ens so Bess vv s 1 Our Wash Dress Goods fabrics are too numerous to mention But n look through this lino is sure to prove satisfactory to yourself as well as the firm lit AttWite rcaa Seeds India Linens in all grades from 5c to 2oc lit Dimities in tho neat and tasty effects at a varioC ty of prices Nainsooks in small and largo QO OO t fJI 9 It is as necessary to keep tho feet cool as any p 9 other of the Lo and with this end in view upllLW a JLiof good easy ones for old as well as young and midA9 dieaged 1 lily sIu order to complete the summer wardrobe it is at that you top oil with a nice stylish Hat And with thus wo are well prepared to complete It the task for you C 0M f Who need Clothing Hats Shoes UnderwcarShirts certainlyI tQ It Business in this department still grows This- week will bring moro now Carpets Oil Cloths 1ft Mnttings Rugs Lace Curtains Blinds and poles- will bo now arrivals in this department this week t Wo can furnish any iJ mm tthing you need to wear anything you need to eat and can furnish youI tuna and money t tl i s Cm te1 BeaVer Dem < y acacaacaacacca Committee oi the Buford Magisterial District at Beda Ky on the 8th of June t901 a majority of said commit- tee ¬ being present the committee was called to order by the chairmen and the following resolutions dratted and adopted Reiolved rat That a mass conven- tion be held at Beda Ky In the Bu ud Magisterial District on SaturdayJ July 13 at 2 oclock p m 1501 for the purpose ol nominating candidates- to be voted for at the next regular election for the offices of Magistrate and Constable in said district and That the candidates receiving majority of titer votes cast in said convention shall be declared the Re publican nominees for Magistrate and Constable and shall have their names placed on the official ballot for said of- fices O R TINSLBY Chmn L P BENNETT Secy SULPHUR SPRINGS MAGISTERIAL DIS- TRICT ¬ At a meeting of the Republican Committee of the Sulphur Springs Magisterial District held at Sulphur Springs Ohio county Ky June 12I 1901 it was ordered that a mass con ¬ vention be held at Narrows Ky on the 30th of July 1901 for the purpose of nominating candidates for Magisl trate and Constable to be voted for at the next rrguar election All Re publicans are requested to attend tbei convention The candidates reedy lug the highest number of votes will be declared the nominees of the Re ¬ publican party and entitled to have their names entered on the official ballot J B WALLACE Chmn Aside from the serious Inconven ¬ ience and pain caused by piles there la a tendency to fistula and to cancer in the rectal regions Piles should not be allowed to run on unchecked Tablets Buckeye Pile Ointment is an infallible remedy Price 50 cts a bottle tubes 75 eta J II Williams- On u account of St Johns Day Celc 22ed tickets will be sold at rate of one slid one third fate Tickets sold Julie i limited June 33 for return- S B VANMBTBR Agt A Imitators have been many Thought- ful ¬ people have learned that true mel It comes only with the genuine Rocky IIedIIclue Bun rho Hpatat of UJBcul I A Hardly a day passes in families where there arc children In which j Ballards Snow Liniment Is not need ¬ ed It quickly cures Cuts Wounds Bruises Sums and Scalds Price and 50 rte J H Williams m25I A sallow jaundiced skin is a symp tom of disordered liver as it stings tram biliary poisons retained in the blood which destroy energy cheer- fulness strength vigor happiness tnlS life Herbine will restore the latural functions of the live Price io cents J H Williams m To Ccf COQ tlmtlon Fonver orII Ma On account of the Pan American IIxposltlou round trip tickets will be mid at following rates and limits 18 90 on sale only on each Monday luring the month of May limited to- five days for return 125 20 on sale daily limit fifteen days 12845 on sale dally limit October 31 for 10 turn 513 VANMBTBR A- gtOASorOnJA Bun Kind lot liars flasyt Botgl of thlLthe Jt1 tintrr Worib Knowing IIOlfbToale Ftnn letter than Calomel end Quinine Con ¬ tats no Annenle tlaaranteedtry It At Drag gUU GOo and 1100 bottle STtM Cl ranfeec900 Yearlylira ubsum to travel appointing mnnU otbin lor ocal work looking lit our IntvrMt 8UOO alary guaranteed yearly extra commUnlona and expense rapid adrancement old eitablUa ed bonM Urand rbance for carne nice or poaltlonlibemlIntern Write at ono 551- 18NTtrroKii VREsn 33 Church Nl Sew haven Conn Rough River Teleoliona CompinfI- XCOSrOUTID s 1 Talk being cheapand necessar > you should patronize home folks orownlinesand the whole county and business reasonable lyonly paying a runt to thRough River Telephone Company or 8Xflenspif Hartford Ky for particulars We cowed with all Independent Companies DONT BE FOOL- EDIO Tak th genuine orlglul ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Mad oly by MdUoo Mist- cia Madison WU H keep yen wall Our tied nark cut oa ach < pets ants Nvr = U bulk Accept n MaM TiiHi tats Ak row druggist An T or Kldatji I r PllUtar 1Idaer Ilia IUw rUai UaaMdi OuCalcanuof II t i f p e co

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Page 1: 1 aaYar rr i I E Everybody Store I Ten Iinowf t 2t


I ui




aaYarc < oc = 110M Wt c7 1P1Irr i e-

7aut> 44i 93

i i 93

g ARE showing n lino of seasonable Wash Goods in 4nIl the Into leslrnble Nhnlts such IU Green Yullossrink and Blue in both solid and figured Pricesrun from lOc to 25c per yard lj


FOR INSTANCEPretty fancy figured SisHioIlIY swell at 25e wNow lino figured Dimities 8c

< i Pretty quality India Linens at lOc to 30efc Beautiful check Dimities lOc to 20c i 1 +

L White Welt Cords anti figured Mtuvaillos forg Starts 20ce e

Fancy T liir > i >sofloulardsllksIrctly lino Vnl Laces Insertions ranging in price

from 8c to 15c pet yard wLaco allover for yokes 2oo to 1n yard in white

ecruo and bleak Genuine Torchon Laces 5o to 20c 5f Big lino Swiss and Hamburg Embroideries t with 22tt Fans and Parasols 93

Ton doz pretty now Fans sic a regular 10center j3t Funs at lOe what otherJhouses jT-

2f 15c buys an elegant Fan with silk tassel Han 5dlo elegantly carved sS

of tL 2oc gets ono of our fancy linen Fans Como in J>

Ci whito and hInd Would ho Oltefll ut J5e93I3Misses Parasols le to 125Pure white silk Iumsolspluillfor 100

tL93toCirfnnoLadies solid blach Parasols 150 to 2501iiro Tuflbtn Silk colored Umbrellas 300n

regular 350 quality

If you want seasonable uptodate goods at44 tPopular




I t ti

C r1 J1ev

Practical Aids forTeachers and Applicants f

It la a SPECIAL aM to applicants in the matter oi Theoryianti P aciicr Much craplaMJ has bu put upon this subject1 H in lie examination and tunny an applicant otherwise qimli

Rift is Mecivo III theory nl teichlug as this it a subject that

bah4AGuideFor Teachers

It ii not a blOk prepared hone iguoraut of the needs ol4 teachers and applicants u the result of experience of elev-



in the work by an ex member of the Statepocketiencyclopediateacher applicants must have

vf PRICE 100 Three Copies to one Address 225 Cash

With Order Books Mailed same day order is Reaelved

SKND ALL Ounuiw TO JAS H FUQUA JR-Russellville9 Ky

r Hartford RepublicanI


Illinois Contra RallroadTlmoTablo

Nw time ritrd UtlM caret Hondnjr Itec 2

I too a t noonNorth found Honih IlnnmlmS5nNols2daILx9Pm


k NoUhlrI ID Nol dnrtOPin-t 8 n Y4 NlTn Agent


aN Com Tumuouo Usomama linld br drorelrtt


For nice fresh Candles call at Sin-

ger Office

Ice Cream Sherbet and Cake atSinger Office

lNicest Cheese and Crackers in town

at Singer Office

Mr C B Raley Rosine called tosee us Tuesday

TPor delicious Cream and Sherbet

at the Singer Office

1 1 You can find the right RtoJs at theright price at Carson Cos

Mr Wra Dean Dundee made us

quite a pleasant call Monday

f PractlcO and scientific horseshoeln gtwenty years experience 45 gt

v A B ROWR Centertown Ky

Do yon know who will get the pre

eat at Melvlns Show Come vote fo

four choice

New plays new songs new jokel and good music at Melvin a Show

this week rt ti Its a yonnrrr a long time t Oltpget tbebest out ol oar SuitsCARSON CO-


iAll kinds of thlu Dress Goods fo

weather at Catf on CosAll kinds of cool comfortable Cloth

ing for hot people at Carson CosSummer Clothing as thin as a cob

I web and as light as a feather at Carson Cos

IWagon wheels refilled ten dollarper

setAi B RowR Centcttown KyI If you want a refreshing drink oJ Soda Water Lemonade or Phosphatecall at the Singer Office

See our Oxfords for old ladlesbroad easy and comfortable


It will cost you nothing to vote fo

the mo t popular lady at MelvinShow One receiving the most votegets a handsom present

WANTfiD Ten chestnut or whitsoak telepVoie polls 30 feet in lengtheight inches at tip Cumberland Telc

Iphone Telegraph Co

On account of Epworth LeaguConvention at San Francisco CalJuly 18 to 21 round trip tickets witbe sold at rate of 62 15 going and re-

turning via different routes and 53 I

going and returning via same direrroute Tickets on sale July 6 to ifinal limit for return August 31 1901

IIN CUBAroundrScottselsesl

In summer or you will lose

IIt you havclttJnedror a rmple

SCOTT DOWNE cbemuu40415 Pearl Street New York

I 5M and Jicn nil druggliU


rHorn IQ tltp wlfa of Mr U r Weal

the 7th lust a fine 14 pound girl

Mrs Jerome Allen near town hasa severe rate uf flux

ITeachers examination Friday am

Saturdry July 21 and 22

Mr C II Stanley of Ten Is vIIlung his brother Dr A F Stanley

Mr Tinsley moved the post office

yesterdoy to M L Heavrins law ofGee

Mrs Magdalene Rogers is visitinGher son Mr Jo B Rogers BeaveDam

Mr J B Foster returned to hishome Wednesday after several monthsabsence

Mr C S McCullough is in MrPlercess place at the Cumberland ex ¬


Mr M L Hcavrln was in Louisvllle and Owtnsboto Monday andTuesday

Mr and Mrs Will Dean and MrsThomas Dundee visited Dr and MrsJ R little Monday

Julge James P Miller is In attend-ance at the Southern Baptist Convenlion Murray Ky

Dr and Mrs A F Stanley havetaken n oms nt Mrs Circle WilliamsThey moved Tuesday

Messrs Cheat Wedding and A PMldkfl Sulphur Springs made us apleasant call Wednesday

Miss Jessie Smith Offensboro returned home Tuesday after a shortvisit to relatives In and near town

The citizens ol Haitford are invitedto an open metticgol Hartloid Schoolboard tomorrow night June 15 1901

Mrs K W Ford cud daughterMlfS Nancy returned yesterday from-

a ten days visit to relatives in Fordsvillr

Remember tomorrow is the day fo

the Hartlord and Central City boys tocross bats I base ball Dont fall t

see it-

The Matooic picnic at Dundee the22dd promises to be a rare treatIJveryloJy ought to take that in Itsquite the thing to co

Childrens day exercises at SblnkleChapel Sunday were quite a successThe good people spread a sumptuousdinner which was enjoyed extremelywell by all vlsltltors

We will deliver Cream and Sherbetto any part ot the city Rough Riverphone No 32 Cumberland phoneNo 46 3 rings SINGER OFFICE

All lotus of devices to keep youcool this hot weather Thin Costa andTrousers Negligee Shirts StrawHats thin Underwear and thin pricesat Canon and Cos

Mr and Mrs S T Stevens sonand daughter Master Shelby and MissWicona ate visiting RtvIL BuiceTaylor and attending Southern flap ¬

tilt Convention at Murray

Last Saturday the Tay or Minesboys came over and did our boys up atbase ball Alter the name was overcame the demonstradnm the apologylor the lost game It was quite inter ¬

eatingMrIra Kan land is dangerously ill

of chronic diarrhoea When he joinedthe army in the Philippines he was amodel 61 perfect health and his nnbrtunale condition Is in a great meas ¬

use due to exposure

On account of Good Roads Conven-

tion Louisville Ky June 27 and 28

tickets will be sold at rate ol one farefor round trip Tickets on sale June26 and 27 limited to June 29 for re ¬


Strawberries Ice Cream SherbetcoolrIng at storeGo and take your sweetheait and en ¬

joy a teteatete in their new ice cieam


to Melvins Show enjoy thefun and vote for your preference oa

most popular lady One receivingI most votes gets n handsome present

FRKE Votes cost nothing Ad ¬

mission to and 20 cents reserved seats

f 5 cents extra

I Ourgcnlal friend Mr Frank Piercehas resigned as exchange managerand will accept a positron in the rutchine shops at Nashville Flank hasonr best wishes for that merited suc¬

cess which Is due him lie will leaver soon for Nashvilleregruuns d

lirenow better prepared than ever beforeto wale n better grade of fljur andgive larger turnout Call and sec us

RespectfullyRRNPROW DEAN

Dundee Ky

Melvlns Comedy Company whoI were here three years ago are be 3

this week In their canvass theater5 Good brass and string bands bestt show on the road A valuable pre2ant given on last night of show to the

mcfst popular lady Every 20 centadmission tickets entitles you to fourvotes and 10 cents or chllds ticket tctwo vote and reserved seats 5 cents tcone more vote

Mr George Baker of West Beave tDam has announced his candidacyfor Magistrate in the Hartford Magicterlal District Mr Baker submithis claims to the Republican partylor its approval lIe Is a young manworthy the honor and would Ink eespecial pride in the work He 1 S

eminently deserving at the bands olhis party and stands high wit

r I ii

rrYrafswrrranltla fellow notkmeu el TajloMlnesIIe would ucquestoiably carrythe mining role almost to amenwhich by the way Is the key lo sue ¬

cess and Mr Baker holds It Thisdistrict ass patterned alter a mine ¬

entitle design christened Democraticand pledged to turn out a Democraticactor for the Fiscal Court but ourfiend will charge the enemy anddrive them Irom the field Mark thisprediction

TUB RKPUULICAN has been reliablyInformed that there Is a machine mancanvassing the county selling grainseparators at all sorts of prices MrR H Barnes near Beaver Dam pur ¬

chased one for 22 50 while his neigh ¬

bor Mr Joe Ford ought the samemachine for 15 00 while others havepaid as high as 130 oo The publicshould be advised of this doable dealing therefore we give this bit of information for its benefit


Guy Roark Died Wednesday While

an Operation Was Being

Performed Accident


We had a very sad occurence Intown Wednesday That day was theregular day for the meeting of theOhio County Medical Society andquite a number of the physicians ofthe town and county were on hand totake pall Among the Interestingcases presented to the society was alittle boy Guy Roark ten years oda son of Tom Roark ol McllenrytheIor abone below the knee Mr Roark wasadvised that an operation to removethis dead bone ass the very best thingto do for the boy and alter the societyadjourned the operation was begunofficerThe whole number of physicians pres ¬Theooperation lasted for afoot one hourand while they were dressing the limbotter the operation the boy comingout from the influence of chloroformhe vomited rather freely and in get-


a oig bnath at this time suckedquite a quantity ol the vomited mat ¬

ter back into his windpipe which kill ¬

ed him almost instantly Every ef ¬

fort was made to resnsltate him tono avail

Every one was very much schockdover the accident but it was one ofthose rare accidents that human foresight can not avoid Mr Roark be ¬

ing a poor tni n and this trouble com ¬

ing so sudden he was unprepared totakecare of the boys remains promptlyso a collection was taken up at onceborn our citizens and every expenseconnected with the operation and fun ¬

eral was paid The boy was burnedat McHenry yesterday

For relief and comfort in AsthmaBalUrds Horehound Syrup has noequal Price 25 and 50 rte J IIWilliams m


Attention BrethrenAll loiges in this and adjoining

counties are respectfully invited tomeet with us and join in the paradeon the 22nd ol this month at DundeeOhio county and we would respectfully suggest that members of each lodgebring their regalia with them Wehope that you will turn out brethrenand help as to make this the biggestMasonic celebration ever held in thissection of the State Put GrandMaster Thos S Pettit oi OwensbbroKentucky will deliver a Masonic ad ¬

dress on that occasion together withquite a number of other brethren whowill make short talks

W II MOORS MasterDundee Lodge U D


CENTERTOWN KYRev E V Phipps preached an in ¬

teresting and instructive sermon herelast Sunday

Miss Clara P xton ol Louisville isvisiting the families of Messrs L CMorton and Alvin Rowe

Mr C K Reneer and family spentlast week fishing at the take onRough river

Mr Willie James has secured a po ¬

sition as salesman with the CentralCoal Iron Co at Render We wishhim success

Mr Denton and family of Irvingtoo have returned to their home al ¬

ter visiting relative and friends hereMr Elijah James and wife spent

last Sunday with Mr II II Davisand family

Mr L C Brown and family havemoved into the residence of Rev EdMaddox on West Main Street

Miss Poole the efficient milliner forRowe Morton has returned to herhome in Rochester MAUD



June nMr Willie James ofCentertown has accepted a positionas clerk for the Central Coal IronCo at Render

Mr Cleve Cobb and Miss Rosa Cobbof Sacramento were In Render lastSaturday and Sunday on business

There were quite a crowd from Recder attended the game of base balllast Saturday between the crack ninesot Hartford and Taylor Mines

Last Sunday evening there wasquite an interesting game of bass ballplayed on the Render grounds between the crack nines of Render andMcllenry The game ended with svictory for the Render team the scoreweighed 6 for Render and 1 for Mc <

Henry This is the best game thathas been played in this ctuaty formany years Next Sunday the Ren ¬


uM eW4 eel iCm p Yt i frder twin Fill play the eti ck nine ofCentral City when old Render willgain another grand victory to bemarked lo their credit The gamewill be played on the Mcllenryground

Please do nollo get the swell barbe-cue on the 29th Inst that Id going tobe the swell day ol the season Therewill be speaking by ProJ S W Bedford ot Owenctoo for the h 0 R MLet every Redman and Odd Fellow bepresent

Miss Lena Fentress is our uptodatepost mistress at Reader Miss Pentress has many friends here who areglad to see her accept this high andhonorable position

Mr Ed Mannnrning of this cityIs on the sick list at this writing

Mr E G Burton of this city wain Rockport last Sunday on business


Knights of Pythlas MemorialRough River Lodge No fro K of

P held memorial services at OaknoidCemetery last Sunday atterncoa inhonor of their deceased brethren Alarge crowd was present and assistedthe Lodge very materlaly by furnish ¬

ing flowers A nice program hadbeen prepared by a committee andeach member acquitted himself adralrably The Loge is in quite sflourishing condition and has beenvery fortunate with its membershiphaving tort only lour members sinceits Installation eight or nine yearsago Its membership Is made up oltome ol Hartfords and surroundingcountys best young men

Attention FarmersHave you grain to sell or

grind On Juno 15th we willclose our mill for the purposeremodelling and enlargingthe capacity of same and willremain closed until July 1stComo to mill at once and haveenough ground to last you

Beaver Dam Milling Co

Call MeetingAll the members ol the Cicero Max

well Camp Sons of Veterans andthose who want to join are respectful ¬

ly invited to attend a meeting an Sat-urday


July 22 at the court house ati oclock to attend to some importantbusiness for the benefit of the camp

Adj Singleton of Covington willbe here to muster in the camp on Sat¬

urday June 29 HH DAVIS ICapt

MATANZAS KYJune IoItaln is badly needed in

this sectionMr J A Thlchenor is on the sick

list Mrs M E Birdwell who hasbeen quite sick is improving

Mr and Mrs John D Wilton olHartford were in this communitylast week Mr Wilson did some snrveylnifior the Jamestown Ccal Co

Mr S II Render and wife visitedthe Mammothe Cave and the city olLouisville last week They report apleasant trip

Rev II P Brown ol Rockportspent several days with friends andrelatives In this community last week

The Quarterly Meeting was largelyattended at Point Pleasant last Satur ¬

day and SundayMrs Dania Miller Mcllenry spent

several days last week with herdaughter Mrs Alice Carter at this

placeMissJessie Tatum is visiting rela ¬

tives in Russellville this weekNews BOY


Hetbet C Farmer Fordsville toElla Hellos Fordsville date of marriage June 9

Joseph B Gller Cromwell to AlliceHerrel Cromwell dateof marriageJune 9

Jas Bolin Cannelton Ind to Ma ¬

mie A Perry Fordsville date of mar ¬

riage June 12


June nThe photograph cor certgiven June loth by Mr T R Barnardwas quite interesting and enjoyed byallpresentMr

Barnard a soldier of thelate war visited his gradmotherMrsAnn Ross and other relatives In thisvicinity recently

Mrs Alice Pnlkerson is visitingher sister Mrs Tina 1 WIthiotv atCentral City

Muses Gracie Reid and EulohWithrow are visiting their cousinMrs Jeff Neal South Carrollton

Mlsfl Ida Addington Messrs ChasRoss fond Walter Harris attendedchurch at New Hope Muhlenbnrgcounty Sunday

Eorn to the wife of Clarence Browna girl

Kiberta little soy of Mr Ward Vii ¬

llama is still quite sickMr Ed Cleaver has a little child

quite sick at this writing-T P Balls Centeitown visited his

brother Mr II R Balls Tuesdaynight H

A Good Cough ModlclnoIt speaks well for Chamberlains

Cough Remedy when druggists use Itin their own families in preference toany other I have sold Chamber-lain Cough Remedy for the past fiveyears with complete satisfaction tomyself and customers says Drug ¬

gist J Goldsmith Van Utten N Y

I have always used it In my ownfamily both for ordinary coughs andcolds and lor the cough following lagrippe and find it very efficaciousFor sale by Z Wayne Gliffin Bro

DigestionThatIt make life role tDbl I

Itt sulk ire uat nut baoaa o they carj nbut wIly IxxauiM they tnuttThey know they arc Irritable and Jrctfal j

but they cannot bo otherwiseThey complain of a bad taste In the

mouth a tenderness at tho lIlt of the stomsell an uneasy feeling of puffy fulnessheadache heartburn and what not

Tbo effectual remedy proved by perma-nent


cures of thousands of severe cases Is

Hoods SarsaparillaJlouo IILLA are the best caLbuu


To I Nominate Candidates forMagistrates and Constables

In the Various Districts

of the County

HARTFORD MAGISTERIAL DISTRICTAt a meeting of the Republican

Committee of the Hartford Maglfterlal District held at Beaver Dam Ohiocounty Kentucky on June 8 1901 amajority ol said committee being pres-ent the committee was called to order

> y the chairman and the Coo Ringresolutions were adopted

Resolved lat That a mass con ¬

vention be held In the Hartford MagIsterial District at Beaver Dam OhioBounty Ky oa Saturday July 231901 at 2 p m for the purdose ofnominating candidates to be voted forat the November election 1931 for theoffice ol Justice of the Peace and Con ¬

stable of said district2nd That the candidates receiving

i majority of the votes cast In saidconvention shall be declared the Republican nominees and have theirnames placed on the official ballot for

the respective officesWu BROWN Chmn-



A meeting of Precinct Committee-men in the Certeitown MagisterialDistrict was held In Centertown Kyon June 6 1901 The meeting wascalled to order by G F ChapmanW P Render was appointed chair-

man and G If Chapman was appoint-ed


secretary July 6 1901 Is the dayset for a mass convention to be heldin Centertown Ky for the purposenominating candidates for Magic ¬

trate and Constable All RepublicansIn said district are requested to attendthe convention The day and hour ofmeeting is July 6 1901 at 2 p m



Committee met by call of C ERaley Chairman of District No2 atRotlne June the 8th 1901 for thepurpose of calling precinct conven-


to elect delegates to the districtconvention for the purpose of nomi ¬

nating candidates for Magistrate and

ConstableWecommittee direct that there

be a mass convention to meet in eachprecinct on July the I3th 1901 at 2p m in District No2 composed ofCromwell Select Rosine and HorseBranch to elect delegates one foreach twentyfive votes and fractionover twelve cast for Wm McKinley-In November 1900 Said delegates f-

are to meet at Rosine July the i6th ats p m said delegates are to cast theirvotes as Instructed by their conven ¬

tion Delegated votes by precinctsCromwell 8 Select 51 Horse Branch71 Rosine 9 CHRALBV Chmn



At a meeting of the RepublicanCommittee ol the Rokport Magister-ial District held at the residence of WII Wilcox Ohio county Ky on Janeto 1901 A majority of said commit ¬

tee being present the committee wacalled to order by the chairman andthe foowlng resolutions were adopt ¬

edResolved lat That a mass con ¬

vention be held in the Rcckpott Mag ¬

isterial District at Rockport Ohiocounty Ry on Saturday July 20

1901 at 2 p m in Heral Hall for thepurpose of nominating candidates tobe voted for at the November election

1901 for the offices of Justice ol thePeace and Constable oi said district

2nd That the candidates receiving

a majority of the votes cast in saidconvention shall be declared the Re ¬

publican nominees and have theirnames placed on the official ballot lorthe respective office



At a meeting of the RepublicanCommittee of the Fordsville Magister ¬

ial District held In Fordsville Ohiocounty Ky Saturday June 8 1901

a majority ol the committee beingpresent The committee was calledto order by the chairman and enterinto business The following resolu-


were adopted by the committeeRefoved ist That a mass con ¬

vention be held at Fordsville Ohiocounty Ky on Saturday July 20

1901 at I oclock pm for the pur ¬

pose ol nominating candidates to bevoted at the next regular election forthe offices oi Magistrate and Constable of said district

2nd That the men receiving a ma-

jority of the votes cast In said conven-


shall be declared the Republicannominees and have their name entered on the official ballot for the respec-





I At a meeting of the Republican

1iPt 4crr v r

E Everybody StoreIi WAS never bettor prepared to supply your needsnowf 9fJIthot er All kinds of country produce taken in ex

change for goods

Ii 1-ensso Bess vv s 1

Our Wash Dress Goods fabrics are too numerousto mention But n look through this lino is sureto prove satisfactory to yourself as well as the firm

litAttWite rcaa Seeds

India Linens in all grades from 5c to 2oc

lit Dimities in tho neat and tasty effects at a varioCty of prices Nainsooks in small and largo

QO OO t fJI9 It is as necessary to keep tho feet cool as any p

9 other of the Lo and with this end in viewupllLWaJLiof good easy ones for old as well as young and midA9


1 lily

sIu order to complete the summer wardrobe it is

at that you top oil with a nice stylish HatAnd with thus wo are well prepared to complete

It the task for you C0M f

Who need Clothing Hats Shoes UnderwcarShirtscertainlyItQ

It Business in this department still grows This-week will bring moro now Carpets Oil Cloths

1ft Mnttings Rugs Lace Curtains Blinds and poles-will bo now arrivals in this department this week

t Wo can furnish any

iJ m m tthing you need towear anything you need to eat and can furnishyouItuna and money

t tl is Cm te1BeaVer Dem <yacacaacaacacca

Committee oi the Buford MagisterialDistrict at Beda Ky on the 8th of

June t901 a majority of said commit-



being present the committee wascalled to order by the chairmen andthe following resolutions dratted andadopted

Reiolved rat That a mass conven-

tion be held at Beda Ky In the Buud Magisterial District on SaturdayJ

July 13 at 2 oclock p m 1501 for

the purpose ol nominating candidates-to be voted for at the next regularelection for the offices of Magistrateand Constable in said district

and That the candidates receivingmajority of titer votes cast in said

convention shall be declared the Republican nominees for Magistrate andConstable and shall have their namesplaced on the official ballot for said of-





At a meeting of the RepublicanCommittee of the Sulphur SpringsMagisterial District held at SulphurSprings Ohio county Ky June 12I1901 it was ordered that a mass con ¬

vention be held at Narrows Ky on

the 30th ofJuly 1901 for the purposeof nominating candidates for Magisltrate and Constable to be voted for atthe next rrguar election All Republicans are requested to attend tbeiconvention The candidates reedylug the highest number of votes willbe declared the nominees of the Re ¬

publican party and entitled to havetheir names entered on the officialballot J B WALLACE Chmn

Aside from the serious Inconven ¬

ience and pain caused by piles therela a tendency to fistula and to cancerin the rectal regions Piles shouldnot be allowed to run on unchecked

Tablets Buckeye Pile Ointment is aninfallible remedy Price 50 cts abottle tubes 75 eta J II Williams-


account of St Johns Day Celc22edtickets will be sold at rate of oneslidone third fate Tickets sold Julie ilimited June 33 for return-


Imitators have been many Thought-



people have learned that true melIt comes only with the genuine Rocky

IIedIIclueBun rho

Hpatatof UJBcul I


Hardly a day passes in families

where there arc children In which j

Ballards Snow Liniment Is not need ¬

ed It quickly cures Cuts WoundsBruises Sums and Scalds Priceand 50 rte J H Williams m25I

A sallow jaundiced skin is a symptom of disordered liver as it stingstram biliary poisons retained in theblood which destroy energy cheer-fulness strength vigor happinesstnlS life Herbine will restore thelatural functions of the live Price

io cents J H Williams m

To Ccf COQ tlmtlon FonverorII Ma

On account of the Pan AmericanIIxposltlou round trip tickets will bemid at following rates and limits

18 90 on sale only on each Mondayluring the month of May limited to-

five days for return 125 20 on saledaily limit fifteen days 12845 onsale dally limit October 31 for 10turn 513 VANMBTBR A-gtOASorOnJABun Kind lot liars flasyt Botgl

ofthlLthe Jt1tintrr Worib Knowing

IIOlfbToaleFtnn letter than Calomel end Quinine Con ¬

tats no Annenle tlaaranteedtry It At DraggUU GOo and 1100 bottle STtM

Cl ranfeec900Yearlylira

ubsum to travel appointing mnnU otbin lorocal work looking lit our IntvrMt 8UOO

alary guaranteed yearly extra commUnlonaand expense rapid adrancement old eitablUaed bonM Urand rbance for carne nice orpoaltlonlibemlInternWrite at ono 551-

18NTtrroKii VREsn33 Church Nl Sew haven Conn

Rough River Teleoliona CompinfI-




Talk being cheapand necessar>

you should patronize home folks

orownlinesandthe whole county and business

reasonablelyonly paying

a runt to thRoughRiver Telephone Company or

8XflenspifHartford Ky for particulars

We cowed with all Independent Companies


EDIOTak th genuine orlglul

ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEAMad oly by MdUoo Mist-cia Madison WU Hkeep yen wall Our tiednark cut oa ach <

pets ants Nvr=U bulk Accept nMaM TiiHi tats Ak row druggist

An T or Kldatji Ir PllUtar 1Idaer IliaIUw rUai UaaMdi OuCalcanuof II t

i fp e co