1 administration

1 ADMINISTRATION opinions and facts correctly and accurately from one person to another person or group of people. The primary objectives of administration in any organisation is that of coordina Is a social process concerned with identifying , maintaining , motivating , controlling and unifying formally and informally organisedhuman and material resources with an integnited system , designed specifically to achieve predetermined objectives . 2 ADMINISTRATION Is a formalized system which is intended to controll , supervise , plan and make decisions about the various activities of an organization It is the authoritative art of getting things done . 3 It has to do with things done with the accomplishment of the defined objectives 4 The capacity to co-ordinate 5 When two men co-operate to roll a stone that neither could have moved alone and rudiments of administration have appeared .

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1 ADMINISTRATIONopinions and facts correctly and accurately from one person to another person or group of people.The primary objectives of administration in any organisation is that of coordinaIs a social process concerned with identifying , maintaining , motivating , controlling and unifying formally and informally organisedhuman and material resources with an integnited system , designed specifically to achieve predetermined objectives .2 ADMINISTRATIONIs a formalized system which is intended to controll , supervise , plan and make decisions about the various activities of an organizationIt is the authoritative art of getting things done .

3 It has to do with things done with the accomplishment of the defined objectives

4 The capacity to co-ordinate

5 When two men co-operate to roll a stone that neither could have moved alone and rudiments of administration have appeared .The science of administration is thus the system of knowledge whereby man may understand relationships , predict results and influence outcomes in any situation where men are organized at work together for a common purpose .WHY ADMINISTRATION1 Exists to implement the decision of an organization .2 Influences the results to be achieved, the direction to be persued, and the various priorities, to be recognizedwith the organization.3 Determines in large measure, the organization climate and working relationships.4 can help to make employees more productive.5 Help to assemble and to ensure effective use of resourses.6 Unifies and co-ordinates the human and material, resources available for use in the organization.7 Evaluetesthe quality and quantity of outcomes actually accomplished8 Shapes to a large extent, the image and prestige of the organization.9 Tries to build into the organization provisions for innovation, for change and for development.WHAT DO ADMINISTRATORS DO ?Lead, plan, make decisions, organize, co-ordinate, motivate, communicate, budget, evaluate and control.ISSUES FOR ADMINISTRATORS1Motivation The inner drive which prompts people to act in a certain way.2 Communication Transmission of infomation fromone place or person to anotherWHY MOTIVATION ?1 A mediocre group if motivated can change into a highly productive team.2 Provides guidance, encouragement and instruction.3 Brings about high moral.4 If better motivated means no disputes or problems among peoples staff.WHY COMMUNICATIONIs intended for conveying information, instructions, advice, feeling, ting the efforts of people towards the archievement of goals.WHO IS AN ADMINISTRATOR1. Is regarded by some people as a dictator because he must give orders and get things done quickly without questions.2. A displinarian and a manager because the way he handles discipline.3. An exercutive man of his organisation because of the way he is making decisions and implementing its polices and programmes.4. To other an administrator is a coordinator who has to organise activities smoothly, and efficientlyHIS DESCRIPTION INCLUDEBoss" Leader, head, director, adviser, problem solver.An administrator can be described as an individual who directs the affairs of an organisation in such a way as to archieve its primary goals and objectives and who can get things done quickly and effectively. It involves effective planning, organising, supervising, controlling and evaluating.WHAT IS ADMINISTRATION1. The process of working with and through others to accomplish organisational goals efficiently.2. It is directing, coordinating, defining objectives, evaluating perfomance, providing organisational resources, planning, and building a supportive psychological climate.3. It is a process of functions like planning, organising, leading and controlling.From the definition given some common elements emerge.Fisrt there must be an organisational structure in which every member plays some role. Such an organisation must also have someone at the top who must provide central leadership, coordinate activities and make decisions.NEXT THERE MUST BE GOALS AND PROCEDURESGoals and objectives of the organisation must be clearly understood if the organisation is to fulfil its functions.Administration in the church you find that all the activities are directed towards the attainement of winning souls to christ and all people contribute towards thsat goal.ORGANISATIONMade up of any group of people united together to pursue and accomplish a common purpose as one team.ELEMENTS OF PROPER ADMINISTRATION IN AN ORGANISATION1. AIMS OF THE ORGANISATION MUST CLEARLY SPELL OUTNo organisation can succeed unless its aims are clearly stated.Aims give direction of purpose towards speciffic ends.Aims also form the basis o f evaluating the organisations degree of success.2. THERE IS NEED FOR DIVISION OF LABOUR AMONG MEMBERS OR WORKERS

Different people must be given different jobs according to their skills.People exercise their talents and abilities.3. THERE IS NEED FOR A HIERACHY OF AUTHORITYWork in any organisation can not proceed properly without some means of controlling, guiding, limiting and managing various units.This calls for chain of authority or a hierachy of authority.CHARACTERISTICS AND PRINCIPLES OF ORGANISATION AND ADMINISTRATION.1. Proper organisation2. Defined goals and purpose3. Definite structure and a system for providing leadership4. Need for personal polices in an organisation5. Need for proper coordination of functions, activities, interests and assignments if the organisation is to perform its functions properly and archieve aims.6. Members should have sense of security7. The organisation to mantain some meassure of stability, flexability its polices and programmes.8. Coorperation is most essential for the efficiant running of an organisation Functioning as an organic unit Working together9. Organisation should mantain an effective machinery for planning and decission making.10. It should develop an objective means of periodically evaluating its own programmes and policies inorder to ascertain to what extent it archieving its aims.MOTIVATION FACTORS IN AN ADMINISTRATION OF AN ORGANISATION[a] Promotion appointments[b] Study tours in another assembly[c] In service coursesPLANNING-Involves setting goals and objectives for the district,province, nation etc and developing bluepronts and strategies for their implementation.-It is a process as well as a means of orienting the institution towards goals.ORGANIZING-Involves bringing together human, finance and physicai resources in the most effective way to accomplish goals.-The process of determining the activities, to be performed inorder to archieve the objectives.LEADING has to do with guiding and supervising subbodinatesPlans of organisation are implemented by people and people need to be motivated , expectation need to be defined and communication channels need to be mantained.COMMANDINGMake the members do their work.COORDINATEUnite and corollate all activities.CONTROLLINGSee that everything is done in accordance with the rules which have been laid down and the instructins given.DIRECTINGThe continuous task of making decision embodying them.When we direct,we motivate, influence,guide or stimulate the actins of people towards the attainement of the desired organisational objectives.Direction is part of supervisionSupervision refers to the day to day relationships between on executive ( overseer ) and his subordnates(pastors)Coordination-The process of bringing related activities together.ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLSAsuccessful administration rests upon the three basic skills (1) Technical (2) Human (3) Conceptual skills1. TECHNICAL SKILLS- An understanding of the proficiency in the methods, process, procedures and techniques.It includes knowledge of finance.2. HUMAN SKILLS- The ability to work effectively and efficiently with others.It requires self understanding, appreciation, empathy and consideration for others.3. CONCEPTUAL SKILLS

THEORIES OF ADMINISTRATIONAdministration involves supervisors in a leadership role on one hand and subordinates(people working under the supervisers control)

1. THE CLASSICAL OGANISATIONAL THOUGHTIt has two aspects which are the scintific management approach and Administrative management approach.THE SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT APROACHThe programe include:(a) A clearly defined daily task for every worker(b)Standardized conditions and appliances used for the job to accomplish the task(c) High pay for successSuccess means completing the task(d) EXPERTISE-The task was accomplished by a very able and efficient workerMembers has to be mined and developed so as to handle difficult tasks- A good administrator should be kind sympathetic, considerate, honest and impartial and cater for peoples socialogical and phsychological needs.THE ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT APROACH-Concentrates on the broad problem of departmental division of work and co-odination..1. Reporting inform the superiors on what is going on, thus includes keeping yourself and your subordinates informed through records, research and inspection.2. Budgeting- All that goes with budgetingin the form of public revenue`Accounting control .CLASSICAL ORGANIZATION THEORY(1). TIME AND MOTION STUDIES- Is a task carried out in a way that minimixes time and effort required(2) DIVISION OF LABOUR AND SPECIALIZATIONEfficiency can be attained by subdividing any operation into its basic components to ensure workers perfomance(3). STANDARDIZATION OF TASKS Breaking tasks into components parts allows for ? performance.(4) UNITY OF COMMANDBy unity of command is meant that orders and instructions to an employee should be given by one person or manager.Any organization which lacks a specified unity of command is subject to confusion and conflict in its administration.Command is subject to confusionand conflict in its administration.To co-odinate the organization decision making is centralized with responsibility flowing from top to bottom.5 SPAN OF CONTROLL Unity of command and co-odination is possible only if each superior subordinates to direct.6 UNIQUENESS OF FUNCTION One department of an organization should not duplicate the functions perfomed by another.Need for co-odination

It means arranging the various activities of the organization in such a way that the whole process flows smoothly without delay, cillission or friction.It means that all the assemblies, areas or sections are informed of what is going on ahead of time and whenever changes of routine are going to occur.An obrubt administrative change without properCo - odination can cause great confusion.BASIC CONSIDERATION IN ADMINISTRATIONFor any organization to succeed two points must be considered carefully.EFFICIENCY - The maximization of profit or the satisfaction of perfomance.Organizational efficiency is based on the proper combination of the following factors.THE PERSONELL SLILL FACTORThe employees of an organization must possessthe right attitude and competent skills to enable them to get the work done.Efficiency of work is a combinationof both skills and proper attitudes where the employees are concerned. Inany organization there are several types of workers categonized n respect of their atitudes towards work.(1) THE LOYALISTSAre obedient towards authorityThey are always sure to follow any instruction given by authority concerned.They are good men for administration.Rarely say anything against the organization.They aim at excellency always2. THE BARGAINERSThey choose to discuss matters with the authority rather than go on strike when things go wrong.They like their work but not to sit idly and be explinted by the organization.They have a good attitde towards their work.3. THE VEGETATORSThey simply report on duty to put in the days work of ?Do not worry or care which way things go far as work is concerned.Contribute little towards employees welfare or towards new ideas for promoting the organization.They are like vegetables waiting to be watered and pruned.They do not take time to think of new ways of doing their job better.Are only interested in getting their salaries at the end of the month4. THE AGITATORSHas a negative attitude towards work.They are the complainers.They may for example agitate against the leader.Are not satisfied the way things are done.They do not come out in the open and say what they want.They grumble and gossip against the organisation and its administration.Their aim is to divide and dilute the devotion of other workers.Can ruin the working morale of other good workers and there fore lower their efficiency of performance.5. THE REJECTERSMay go to the extent of staging a strike.Rejecters are opposed to new ideas and techniques.They think any new ideas and changes are a threat to their jobs and positions.THE HUMAN RELATIONS APPROACHThis is an interaction between people in all kinds of situations in which they seek through mutal action, to archieve some purpose.It includes moral, group dinamics, democratic supervision and behavioral concerpts in motivation.THE HUMAN RELATIONS APPROACH- Seeks to seea man who is happy in his own working environment inorder for him to work well.When environment is condussive when:1. The physical facilities in which the person works( are ) both comfortable and secure2. The people with whom he works (are) friendly and capable of creating good social atmosphere for interaction among the workers.3. The machines or tools with which he performs his duty (are) safe and secure.IMPLICATIONS TO THE THEORYIn human relations theory, you are a good administrator if you :1. Take notice of your subordinsates work and comment them for good performances2. Treat them like human beings and give respect.3. Treat everybody equally.4. Tell them exactly what they have to do and always inform themof any changes eg through meetings or workers fellowship.Allow your subordinates to participate in the decision making.ADMINISTRATIVE BEHAVIORHere emplase on motivation which meant that people had to get rewards in exchange for the work they doFUNCTION OF ADMINISTRATION1. Puts into practice the decissions of the organisation2. It influences the results that are to be archieved the direction to be taken and identifies the most important aspects in the organisation.3. It also determines the working atmosphere of the organisation and the relationship tha exists among workers.4. It measures what the organisation has acocmplished in forms of how good a thing is(quality) and how much has been accomplished(quantity)5. It determines the prestige of the organisation ie whether the organisation is regarded highly or not at all6. It is responsible for perfecting existing ideas, making change s and developing the organisation.COMMUNICATIONThe transmision of information from one place person to another person.The method used to let another person or persons know what is taking place and when such a thing is taking place.In any communication there must be a sender of the message, or communicator , and a receiver or communicatee.Communication is not complete until the receiver has responded to the messageTYPES OF COMMUNICATIONCan be grouped into three types1. COMMUNICATION BY WORD OF MOUTHDisadvantages:(a)Messages get distorted in the process of transmission(b)Nobody can be held responsible for the message2. COMMUNICATION BY THE WRITTEN WORDLetter writing , news papers, books and magazines3. COMMUNICATION BY USE OF ELECTRONIC DEVICESIncludes: the telephone, radio and televisionThe message travels faster and effectivelyMETHODS OF COMMUNICATION1. THE DIRECT METHOD OF COMMUNICATIONThe message is given directly by the sender to the receiver and a reply is given on the spot.2. THE INDIRECT OR RELAY METHOD OF COMMUNICATIONThere is an intermediate agent/s through whom messages must travel before reaching the receipient.Another term used is the relay methodDisadvantages of the relay system:1. The message can be delayed on the way2. The message may be distorted3. The message can be diluted4. The message may be trappedIf an agent does not like a certain message reaching another one ,he may trap it ie sit on it.RULES GORVENING EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION1. THE LANGUAGE USED MUST BEAR THE SAME MEANING FOR BOTH SENDER AND RECEIPIENTWhen communicating, it is important for the sender to use words and signs which are familiar to the receiverAvoid ambiguous words and colloquial phrasesBe simple and preciseBe simple and straight forwad in your languageMake sure that the words used are accepted to the other personAlways choose carefully before you speak2.COMMUNICATE WELL AHEAD OF TIMEInform those who are going to be involved in it well ahead of timeThis gives them time to get ready for the eventLast minute communication causes a lot of inconvenience3. CONSULT AND CONSIDER EVERYONE INVOLVED IN THE EVENTConsult and inform everyone about his respective duty or role well in advance4. DO NOT RELEASE ANY OFFICIAL MESSAGE PREMATURELY5. WAIT FOR THE RECEIVERS RESPONSE BEFORE TAKING ACTIONPURPOSE OF COMMUNICATIONIt is intended for conveying, commands, information, instractins, advice, feelings, opinions and facts correctly and accurately from one person to another person or group of peopleGood communications help to stimulate ethusiasim and raise interests and motivationCmmuniction is not an inborn thing but has to be learned.The goals of the church or organisation become known and useful when they are communicated.Communication is the first task of an administrator. Communication involves two people a sender and a receiver.An administrator communicates not with himself alone but with the public.Communication does not take place unless the receiver interprets exactly the information being transmitted.Body motions, facial expressions, voice intonations and speech rapidly convey meaningful information.Administrators are always looking for effective communication.BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR GOOD COMMUNICATION1. Have something to say. Knowing exactly what to say is very important in communication.2. Clarify all your ideas on the subject before seeking to communicate to others.3. Be prepared. Prior preparation require full consideration of the following questions.(a) What is the purpose of communication?(b) Who is the audience ?(c) What is the scope of the subject?(d) Where will be the communication?(e) How can l best present the communication?For instance you will need to decide whether your message will be presented orally, in face to face meeting or printed in a memo, letter or newspaper.4. Brevity, clarity and relevance are essential for sound communication.5. Develop a natural style of delivering your communication.6. Use simple, straightforward laguage whenever possible.7. Check and recheck whethern your message/talk / instruction has been properly understood.8. Seek to be understood all the time and also to understand.Communication is a two way process. It is important to be a good listener too.Communication is purposive.Its primary administrative functions are informing, instructing or directing someone, evaluating someone or something and influencing anothers thought of behaviour.

LEADERSHIPThe success of any organisatin depends mainly on effective administration procedures and effective administration depends on sound leadership.MEANING OF LEADERSHIP1. The process of influencing the activities and behaviour of an individual or a group in efforts towards goal archievement in a given situation.2. It is a status of dominance and prestige aquired by ability to control, initiate or set the partten of behaviour for others.

CHARACTERISTICS OF LEADERS.Leaders are people with a purpose and a vision.They are not driffters, going along without seeing where theyn are going.Faint leaders can not win devoted followers.Real leadership requires the leader to be wholly committed to a single purpose.He/She must be friendly too because friendliness is important to good leadership.To be a good leader one must learn to be a good follower.A true leader does not drive his followers but gains their bgood will and loyalty by helping, motivating and guiding them.

LEADERSHIPAS A PERSONALITY GIFT.He has unique physical intellectual and socio-psychological traits which make him more superior than others.THIS INCLUDES: Dependability, friendliness, enthusiasm, forcefulness, persistence, knowing how to get things done, self confidence, alertness to and insight into situations, cooperativeness, and fluence of speech, judgement, originality, emotional, stability and popularity.He is described as stronger, more inteligent, more mature, more cultured and more impressive than any of his followers.He is more sensitive to the needs of the group he is leading.LEADERSHIP AS A STATUS, TITLE OR POSITIONMAKING POLICIES- Every leader is responsible for formulating guidelines which must be followed as a basis for directing the administrative machinery of the orgsanisationEXECUTION OF POLICIES- He is charged with the responsibility of seeing that decissins made in the organisation are within the confines of the organisational polices.PERFORMING A DUAL RESPONSIBILITY- He has a dual responsibility(1) To the general public(2) To the internal operation of his organisationFIRST- Usually means creating a good public image of the organisationSECOND- Is the duty which the leader must perform for the organisation that is his official duties?He assigns tasks, plans ahead and establishes ways of getting the task done.LEADERSHIP AS SOCIAL AND SHARED RELATIONSHIPIt is based on what the leader does to help the group define its goals, archieve its objectives or mantain its strength as a body.A leader who knows his people individually will most like to more sympathetic to their problems failures than one who does not know them at all.TYPES OF LEADERSHIPThose are:(1) Autocratic (2) Laisser faire(3) Democratic(4) Charismatic1. AUTOCRATIC / AUTHORITARIAN/ COERCIVE LEADERSHIP Commonly known as a dictator, is the one who decides and dictates He alone determines police and assigns tasks to members without consulting with them. The subordnates has to carry out his directives without question Any grumbling about the leaders actions or orders is met with force Autocratic leadership does not allow any group inspired decisions The leader is always aloof from the group. He is impersonal, task oriented and sees himself as the sole and the center of authority Autocratic leadership weakens the ability of the group and individualsLAISSEZ-FAIRE LEADERSHIP/FREE REIGN APPROACH French term meaning let people do what they want Laissez-Faire is leadership without a specific leader. The leader is mere figure or symbolHe gives few (if any) rules and is tolerantThe leader grants complete freedom to group or individualEach individual does what he/she wants and when he/she wants. The leader has no authority. He remains apart from the group and participates only when the group has asked him to do so. Any organization with such type of leadership, anarch reigns because no one determines whethersomeone is right.There is often frastretion, lack of purpose, and indecision.DEMOCRATIC / PARTICIPATIVE LEADERSHIP Members are totally involved in the making of policies. The leader gets power and authority from the group he lead Decisions about organizational matters are arrived at after consultation and communication with various people in the organization. The leader attempts as much as he can to make each individual feel important as member of the group Individuals are free to exercice their skills or talents toward the success of the organization The leader delegates responsibilities tohis followers.The final decision remains with the leader although the ground work leading to the decision might have be done by a team of people rather than one person, the leadership With this kind of leadership higher degrees of staff morale, iniative, cohesivesiness , freedom of action and work quality is promoted.DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP PROMOTES GREATER GROUP PRODUCTIVITY, PERSONALITIES, SHAPED AND LEADERSHIP IS MORE MATURE, MORE CAPABLE OF OBJECTIVITY AND LESS AGRESSIVE.

CHARISMATIC LEADERSHIP It is leadership influenced by a leader. The leader has extra-ordinary powerss over people whose obiedence is based on emotion rather than reason. He has super natural powers which automatically draw number of willing followers to himQUALITIES AND TACTICS OF A LEADERA GOOD LEADER SHOULD:1. Have consideration for others 2. Be intelligent 3. Have self confidence4. Be sociable, friendly and mix well with others5. Have speech fluency6. Be professional, objective , impersonal, impartial and act in the best interests of the group7. Have morale intergrity8. Be in sound health9. Have a sense of purpose , that is , having knowledge of what he/she wants10. Be responsible11. Have the ability to remain reasonable in difficulty situations12. Be influential- be willing to influence higher authorities13. Be efficientA leader should find ways of dealing with his superiors as well as with his subordnatesImpress your superiors by being competantA leader, in dealing with subordnates , should:1. Listen more than he talks 2. Be natural3. Avoid remarks(even in jest) that belittle a group member4. Deal with their problems5. Keep an open door to them6. Involve members in decission making7. Treat them fairly8. Give them a sense of belonging9. Give subordnates security and comfortable livingPERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF QUALITIES DESIRED OF A GOOD LEADERINTELLIGENCE-Involves natural intelligence, mature and sound judgement, broad mindedness,the ability to see, examine problems or tasssks and to be able to provide apropriate solutions to themIncludes the verbal ability to communicate effectively with other peopleSELF CONFIDENCEWhen self confidence is lacking in an administrator, he ends up being used by persons of groups who have confidence in themselves and their ideasSOCIABILITYHe must be friendly, cheerful and sociable in his approach to peopleHe must be interested in the welfare and problems of his subordnatesHe must be an example of courtesy, politeness and must towards the people whom he worksPROFESSIONALLY MINDEDHe must recognize the good of the profession and do what he can do to further itMORAL INTERGRITYHe must uphold high ethical and moral standardsHe should with courage stick to the mithHe must be honest and practice what he says HUMILITY AND MODESTYHe should be humble and modestyBoasting,arrogence and vanity must not be practiced by a good leaderSOUND HEALTHA sickly leader can not discharge his duties and responsibilities effectivelyGood physical and mental health is essential requisites for maxmum effectivenessDECISION MAKINGWe all spend our lives making decision some are good decision and others are bad decisions-Decision making is a major responsibilityof all administrators-Until decision making is converted into action it is only good intention-Effective administrators require intelligent decision making-Decisions are intelligent when they are appropriate for accomplishing specific goalsA good administratorsellhis ideas to his subordnates in a democratic mannerSTAGE 1 STUDY CAREFULLY THE EXISTING SITUATION .An intelligent administrator always studies his environment to see what is going wrong and what is being done right.He must be acquainted with the situation, be in a position to detect problems or difficulties which require decisions to be madeSTAGE 2 RECOGNISE AND DEFINE THE PROBLEMAll decision making begins with the identification of the problem in the organisationSTAGE 3 EXAMINE THE DETAILED MAKE UP OF THE PROBLEMIN THE EXISTING SITUATIONThe intelligent administrator has to clarify the problemSTAGE 4 DECIDE ON THE CRITERIA FOR RESOLVING THE PROBLEMWe have finished the describing, analysing and specifying the problem then as decision makers we must decide on what constitutes an acceptable resolution.STAGE 5 DEVELOP A PLAN FOR ACTIONThis stage is to identify the alternative methods available of tackling the problem evaluating the costs and consequencesPOWER AND AUTHORITY - Power is often equated with authority. Authority is an important dimension of any office and is necessary for achieving assigned tasksPOWERA form of raw energy that enables a person to carry out his/her own will despite the protestations of othersPower includes that is rigidly or starkly or coercive as well as controllthat is based on non threatning persuation and suggestion WHY DO PEOPLE SEEK POWER?Power is sought to control the decision making process in organisationAUTHORITY: Is the power to make decisions which guide the actions of another.The relationship between two individuals one superior, and the other subordinate- The superior frames and transmits decision with the expectation that they will be accepted by the subordinate - Subordinate to expect such decisions and his conduct is determined by them.DELEGATIONTHE MEANING OF DELEGATION1. Giving part of yuor work to your subordnates2. Giving the subordinate the necessary authority to carry out the work.3. Setting up control mechanisim to ensurethat work is being done according to predetermined sta00ndards.4. The accoutabilityof the superior to his own boss cannot deligate to the subordinate.BENEFITS OF DELEGATION1. Enables real decentralisayion by increasing the levels which decisions are made.2. Helps in job enlargement ie enlarging the scope of responsibilities.3. Helps in avoiding autocrats with the church organization.4. Reduces inciespensabilityHOW TO DELEGATEDelegation always implies taking calculatedrisks but can be minimised by adjustingthe delegation to the capacity of an individualMETHODS OF DELEGATION- FORMAL/INFORMAL IMPLIED.THE FORMAL-Detailed written instructions are issued outlining the scope of the delegated work.THE INFORMAL It requires a greater understanding between the superior and the subordinate -It is done orally and is therefore swift.