1 ar if of- sherlock t rt our 4qpittsburg isfl 1080e otimi...

1 VHJNiSIAV JULY 20 THE PADUCAH EVENING SUN PAGK rsvf v Ar rrrr If the Return of- SHERLOCK rt p i NIHOLMESi Author or The Advcntlirt of hcrlo Ji Holm l The Hound of the BatkcrrlUc TbeI1WSTRATED 11 of Jht Four A Study In ScatUt Eta BY f D S- TECI2srIID f The Adventure of tt Blank Peter e No 0 of the Series t Continued from yesterday Wlml then I Is lie ultcrnntlvfi- Tlits hue of liivrnllpntlon which II I I t hero myself been pursuing It may give us nothing 1 cnunot tell Hut nt least I shall follow It to the cuil t Several tellers were walling for Holme nt Maker street lie snatched i i- r j one of them up opened It and burst r out Into A triumphant chuckle of laugh lor- Uscollcnl f Watson Tho alternative develop llnvc you telegraph forms I lust write n couple of messages for Ralcliffe highway Send three men on to arrive III tomorrow morning Basil Thats my name In those parts Tlio other In Inspector Stanley I Hopkins 10 Lordl street 1rlxlou Como breakfast to morrow nl 1150 Important Wire If dui unnbtc la mama Sherlock lIolmeH lucre I Wutsou this Infernal case Urns I haunted mo for ten days 1 hereby banish It completely from my presence st Tomorrow I trust that we shall hear the last of It forever Pliant nt till hour iinmetl Iiinpiftor Stanley Hopkins appeared and we sat v ° breakv lost which Mrn Hudson land prepared Tbe young detective was In high pi Us nt hli success < You really think that your solution must t bo correct V naked Holme I could not Imagine n more complete 1 came ft did not fceni to mo conclusive j ° You imtonlih inc Mr Holmes + What more could one ask for Does your explanation cover every jnlntrUndiiiiblcilly I find that young Nell gnu arrived at lie IlrnmblBtyc hotel ou r the very tiny of the crime He came on f the pretense of playing golf HU room was on the ground floor mid ho could net out whwi ho 111001 I That Very night be went dots to Woodmans Ire than Peter Carey nt the hint quarreled with I bici gull Wiled him with the harpom I Thm borrtflcd by what be lied done h > fail out of the I hut dropping the uoiehoolt which he had lirouftlit vllh him In order to question Peter Carey nbout lime different securities You may juvo l observed that some of them mro marked with tlekx and the others i Ilse grew I majority were not Those s which nro ticked here been traced on the London market hut the others pro Mttimhlv worn still In the poMCsulou of Carey and younjj Nrllgun i cord tig t ta 1 bh own nocnunt Wilt niulou to rll ov- er ¬ thrum In order to do the right thing by his fathers creditors After his light ho did nut dare to approach the hut again for some time but at last he- r r F forced himself to do so In order to ob tain the Information which l he needed Surely that Is all simple and obvlou r Holmes Rinllcd mad shook his head k Jlt seems to me to have only one drawback Hopkins nnd tlipt U that It Is Intrinsically Impossible Mare you tried to drive a harpoon through a youi tails My I friend Watson could tell you that I Hpcnt H whole morning In that exercise It In no cnsy matter and re- quires t n strong nnd practiced arm Hut this idea was delivered with Hiich vio lence that the Vend of the weapon sunk deep Into the wnll Do you Imagine that this nnncmlu youthrwas t capnblo of KO frightful nn nxsaultr Is be the man who hobnobbed In mm kud Avnter with niack Peter In the lead of night Was Cirr ttCt by Colllui W sUr The third nipUcodl ltal amen oj ro nutrl1ubta app raraneo It bin profile liiit Was neon on thin blind toO iiiglila Uufovo Ko no Hopkins It I N mother hud more ojmjdablo jrton r for whom wo must sceV The dfelectlvcB flee lad grown lon ¬ ger and longer during Holmes speech lllH hopes and his amblUons were nil crumbling about bjtn limit he would not abandon his position without a struggleYou cant Jelly that Xellgan was present that night Mr Holmes The boot will prove that I fancy that 1 hare evidence enough to satisfy n jury even If you are able to pick a hole In It Decides Mr Holmes I have lull my baum upon my non As to this terrible person of yours where Is he1 01I rather fancy tint lie Is on the stair said Holmes serenely I think Watson that you would do well to put that revolver where you cab reach It He rose and laid a written paper iihon n side table Now wo ore ready sold he There had been some talking In gruff voices outside nUll now Mrs Hudson opened the door to say that there were three men Inquiring for Captain Basil Show them In one by one said Holmes The llrst who entered Mn llltle ribbonpippin of n man with ruddy cheeks and huffy white side whiskers Holmes had drawn n letter from huts porUct What name he asked lames Lancaster I 10m sorry Lancaster but the berth IH full Here Is half n sovereign for your trouble lust step Into this room end wail there for a few minute The second man wax n long dried up creature with lank hair and sallow cheeks Ills name was Hugh Iuttlns lIe also received his dismissal his half sovereign amid the order to wait The third applicant was n man of remarkable appearance A fierce bull- dog ¬ face was framed In n tangle of hair nnd beard and two bold dark cyefl gleamed behind the cover of thick tufted overhung eyebrows He saint- ed ¬ nnd stool sailor fashion turning hN rap round In hit hands Your name asked Holmes Patrick Cairns I Harpooner Yes sir twentysix voyages Dundee I suppose Yen sire tad ready to start with an explor ¬ ing ship Yes sir- What wages 1 Eight pounds n mouth Could you start at once As soon ns I get my kit Have you your papers Yes sir He took n sheaf of worn and greasy forms from his pocket Holmes glanced over them nnd return ¬ ed them You nrojtwt t the man I want s- aidGRIPIT itnri not make you tick or otherwise c uie you any IncunTenlcncv Uurea In H hours PeriodicPains Dr Miles AntiPain Pills remedyfor backache nervous or sick head ¬ ache or iny of the distress ¬ ing aches and pains that cause sufferingAs and leaves the system in an ex ¬ hausted condition it is wrong to suffer a moment longer than necessary and you should take the AntiPain Pills on first in ¬ dication of an attack If taken as directed you may have entire confidence in their effectiveness as welt as in the fact that they will leave no dis ¬ agreeable aftereffects They contain no morphine opium chloral cocaine or other dangerous drugs For a long time I have suffere- dieemalmost rnoromthan keencendure These attacks come on every month and list two or three days 1 have never been able to get anything that PatnPIIT short time My outer who suffers withUIOI 7i S Michigan St South Bond Jnd Dr Mlles AntlPaln Plllt are sold by your drugalit who will guarantee that Itfalls 25 dotes 25 cents NeVer sold In bulk Miles Medical Co Elkhart Ind A L1bui1Nlu n- rnnY plyle 1n1 ErINS CsIaIDt6erI- NCIANI1t0 is C S MENDWOMIENetltj db b I Hlotl aum 01100 I of I mueuutmmbrau I S rtlnUii cud not Mtrln peal or polnonnui Gold bet elruglete tt ist la pieta l WilHer exam 7 l r3Ulk rap J7i Circular fr t on viuert be nororfltlTo tti Krcemeht onTfioiitdc Able ynuiilfpilt tbc Whole matter will be settled Time Jenman lurried across the room and t took up the pen Shall I sign hprdi ± 1m nskw stoop IIIR over JIM table Holmes leaned oh his shoulder and passed both lands over his neck Tills will do sild he I heard n click or steel and n bellow Jllio nu enraged bull The next Instant HolmoH and time eaman wore rolllug ou the ground together He was n man of such gigantic strength that even with the handcuff Holmes hind so deftly fastened upon bis wrists ho would have very quickly overpowered my friend had Hopkins anti I not rushed to ills rescue Oiily when I pressed the cold imirxlc ofMbe revolver to his temple slid he at last understand that resist ante was vain We lashed his ankles with cord and rose breathless from the struggleI I really apologize Hopkins snld Sherlock iIolmtsrI fearrthat the scrambled eggs are cold rHoweVcr you will enjoy the rest of your break rust all limo better will you not for the thought that you have brought your enso to n triumphant conclusion Slnnley HojiUlns was speechless with nmazeiQcnt I dont know whet to say Mr Holmes l bcblurted out nt last with a- very red face It seems to me that I here been making a fool of myself fromlhubeglnnlug I understand now what I should never have forgotten that 1 am tile pupil and you nre the master Even now I sco what hove done but I dont know how yo did It or what It signifies Concluded tomorrow linschnll 1Inycre and Foot Racers Louis J Krugr exchampion long distance foot racer of Germany and Holland writes Oct 27th 1901 During my training of eight weeks foot races nt Salt Lake City in April last I used Dallarda Snow LIni- ment to my greatest satisfaction Therefore I highly recommend Snow Liniment to all who are trou bled with sprains bruises or rheu < matlsm 2Gc GOc 1 bottlo Sold by Alvoy List Paducah Ky CHILDS LUNG Had n Steel Tin In llIinhy Had Swallowed It Philadelphia Pa July 26A del ¬ kate operation was performed In lime Childrens Homeopathic hospital In this city yesterday when Dr Thomp- son of the resident staff took a steel pun from the left lung of a 19months old child The pin was swallowed by the lit tlc girl Hcsalo Chalmers at her homo jn Pleasantvllle N J lastVednes 11ny and Dodged In her left lung When brought to the hospital the child was lu agony The operation was highly successful and unless tome complication sets In the baby v 111 recover Alcohol lamps were kept burning under water pans In the room to keep the air moist and tho temperature was kept at 80 degrees during the operation The throat was silt and an Instrument Inserted which remov- ed the pin A sliver tulle was then placed In the opening to I permit time child to brunthc and the cut lieu up Croup Is a violent inflammation of time mu ¬ cous membrane of the wind plpo which sometimes extends to the la ¬ rynx and bronchial tubes and is one of tho most dangerous diseases of children It almost always comes on In tho night Give frequent small doses of Ballnrds Horehound Syrup and apply Dullards Snow Liniment externally to the throat 2Dc BOc U Sold by Alvoy List Pnducan Iy 111x1- 1tti IHtKSSKI IJKK Iiuiilsvillo ills Were Cnptiiiril at KlKlii III Y Klgln III July 26Two girls Mamlo ODoiinell nnd Nolllo ONeil of LoiilHvllle were captured hero while masquerading In male attire They wore detected In limo act of jumping Into trousers In an obscure spot north of the city and captured after I a hot chase through n corn Hold Tho girls sold It was all foolish- ness ¬ but not halt us foolish ns some things they had read about In dine novels i Miss QOonnell wore trousers Which she claimed to have stolen from a Chicago mntorman Time otii or girl took a more serious view of thin Hltuutlon and talked froojy about her post life Sue ttuld sho escaped froln u con Vent at her old homo In Louisville 1 Ky two years ago amt then came to Chicago whore she secured employ ¬ ment In u department store Some men do good deeds tor pub ¬ lication and not as a guaranty Or altos always old enough to know hotter S sss Ss I i IWITH I correct all irregularities of the howrlo m it S S Sn SS oj I RIVER NEWS I Calro2tL306 faili Ch no gaG0O 2 fall Cincinnati 1080e fall Bvnnsvillo 1 1a612fall Florence e101 rise Johnsonvllle Louisville G303rlEc 47O2 t fallI I Mt Carmel GIiO1i fall Nashville 8702 rise IIrtDavis i SL Louis 1J190D rise Ml Vernon lJflJI fall Paducah HtOrriill 1 Tho Kentucky Js l diio oiit of the Tonncsgfc river l tomorrow j Thoblck Fowler lct on time this morning for Cairo The Joo I Fowler arrived with n large passenger list this morning and left at noon for Kvansvlllq The Annie Ilussoll a pleasure boat owned by Mr Russell Gardner Hi i wealthy St Loup buggy manufactur ¬ er passed up tho Tennessee river this morning Mr Peter Wilton mate oil i limo Dick Fowler who has been connived to his homo from illness reported morningu The Clyde leavesthis afternoon at 5 oclock for the Tennessee river Tho Reuben Dunbar arrived today from Clarksvlllo and left at once for Nashville The City of Saltlllo passed hero last night for St Ixuls The City ot Memphis Is due to- morrow ¬ out of the Tennessee river for St Louts Tho engineer ot time steamer J D Richardson has gone to Najhvlllo Tcnn to got the steamer H W Dut merit of the Hyman line ready to conic to this city She will run be ¬ tween St Louis and the lower 1111¬ nois river points GlobeDemocrat The Sprague and Williams are on tho way up from New Orleans The flees Leo leaves Cincinnati for Memphis next Sunday morning The fine boats of this lino will re ¬ main In the trade long as they can run and do the business they aro do IUKCapt W J Montague died n few days ago In Wlllspolnt Tex He was an old friend und associate In the Red river trade many years ago and brother of tho lao Tom Montague ft Mississippi river pilot who lost his life by the burning of the steamer Fashion Tho Waterways Journal says Tho present plan for Improving the Ohio river contemplates a navl ¬ gable depth of six feel at pool stage which depth Is Insufllclent by two and onehalf feet for the system of boats now In use on time river in the transportation of freight to New Or ¬ leans The pools below dam No I- on time Ohio river will therefore bo useless for harbor purposes for tho eruCt now In use nnd If Increased harborage In the vicinity of Pitts hurt IH sought down the Ohio river It ran only ho obtained In two ways Boats must either be so changed as to draw only six feet or tho system of locks and dams bo so changed as to accommodate at least tho present boats Chicago Kxciinilon The annual excursion to Chicago via tho Illinois Central railroad will bo run August 22 100C by special train leaving Moro at 9 a m via Cairo faro for tho round trip E6 Tickets will bo good returning until AugUst 30 No extensions will bo granted J T DONOVAN Agent Paducah Icy G C Warflcld T A Union Depot C W SCOTT THE UMBRELLA MAKER IUt opened at molt R Third kt Umbrella covered sad repaired I Ktncy piraiol cud umtteltaiepilrlDC arpetUlty DR HOVER 1131 S FOURTH ST 9 to it Am Phones Office hoar V t to 3 p m New B- 7togpm Old 77 Henry fflainmen Jr IIIN7ei t Is Dir did Ewlicky Hook Binding Hank Work Legal and Library Work a specialty NEW STATE HOTEL D A BalUy Pro- pMETROPOLIS ILL Keweit Land best hotel In the city Rltea t 200 Two large iiripli rooms Bath tqoms Biectrlt UgHts THe onlycedtrailyrroctteO lintel lln the dly- eeerclaUtreill Solicit l- t I c a I IL to 1 1 ThcobioalJYotu The people of the south aro strong In their allegiance to time iiiciiory of their great generals who futiglttand bled under tho Stars and liars said Jess Dandy of time otimI I Confederate during tho recent re ¬ union as to tho greatest military leaders of tho world The gentleman of the soutlv strongly maintained that the nocalled rebel chieftains were time greatest fn tho world for bra ¬ very end knowledge of military tac ¬ tics Just for the suite of argument I suppose I said that Moses was tho greatest loader of them all Moses cried the battlescarred he- ro ¬ Why ho wont no soldier ho was a lawmaker Yes r replied but ho was a great general too Didnt hd lead tho armies of Israel through tho wilder tress tot1 forty yearn l Shucks that aint tiothln re torltfd the man of the south Stone ¬ wall Jackson could beat him all hol- low ¬ Didnt ho lead his army out of the wilderness In three days Many Paducah theater goons have doubtless wondered what became of Winsome l Gladys Wallace who used to play here every year Till Now York Mirror tolls CenturyLimited Gladys Wallace who was formerly so popular with audiences has re ¬ turned fo public notice K6w people recognized IhMrs E Bird Inzcll Otto of the survivors of tho wreck who reached New York and went to the Holland House time little Gladys Wallace of yore She and her hus ¬ Wallaceretired years ago married a wealthy Chica ¬ go electrical engineer and lives a quiet domestic life at Kenllworth prevlonslyshe Cranes leading artists She also star ¬ red In Fanchon and other successes of Maggie Mitchell Manager Thomas Roberts has re ¬ signed his position with tho News Democrat and next week will be at the Kentucky theater regularly The season opens In two or three weeks and Manager Roberts is booking n largo number of good attractions Among the latest booked is The County Chairman Time College Wi- dow will In al probability also bb secured This week Mr Roberts is looking after time repairs in progress at tho theater Articles have been flied In time county clerks office at Owtznsboro incorporating the Grand Theatre Co Time capital stock is 2000 T A Pcdley will be president and J Gort Durch secretary and treasurer T A Psdley and J Gore Burch manage two theatres In Bvansvlllc one In l lust St Louis and one In IJollovlow III besides the Grand In Owcnsboro which timer built lust year Prof Harry Gilbert today hind a Ictfer from George Smith tho violin 1st who for about n year lived in Pa ducah but whose home Is In LouIs vlllo saying that he had lust signed a contract for n tour of 1 Kiirope be ¬ ginning October 1st at u salary of 100 a week This rising young vir ¬ tuoso has already been all over tho world I Lulu Olasors now musical piece IInrrrD of a lively Anrrican woman In Europe I DolI ¬ Victor Norbert has writ tell tho music Miss Glaser Is to open tho regular season at the Knickerbocker theatre Now York For time yearsJanmes nerlng will appear the coming on sun as costars Mr and Mrs Jlnckott will open the wason al the 28In Sutro > Raymond Hitchcock has purchas ¬ lndIs I season will upon shortly when he will be seen In I Easy Dawson Maude Attains Is alternating time wicks of her Butmtvar between hoi country place at Ronkoneomu L L uutl tiermutOuhtuhl home In tho Cat skills J Ktlfel llarrymoro having seen nil Inloadeit l swaterhugpiacas j t vat CoGoollwfnu spending the month ot July omr lICit ranch lot Call fnrnl1 Do Wolf Hopper will open hl8 soa n- W 00 t ri t 4 < < Our V 4QPittsburg F- J Coal isFl the cheapest on theF rf r A mark t We also have the best t Ken V tucKy Coal in Paducah FGet our prices before placing your p 4 r Zorder l PITTSBURG COAL COy MOTTS I SOLD BY A WeakPENNYROYAL or and banish pains of menstruation They are LIFE SAVEII9te girls at wonmubood aiding development of organs and body No known remedy for women equals them Cannot do bum Ufa becomes a pleasure SlOO PI311 BOX BY NAIL Sold by drulflsts nIt MOTTS CHEMICAL co ClevclrAioOhla AEY LIST AND G C O KOLI PADUOAHj KY E21SLIP ° YOUR ANCHOR of CARE Sttl the Blue In Ml dtllzht U A U I Tirtl I I on the STEUU 3TCAMStllP IVIMHI I l note beet l l t the a coaaoct tOI I I I fryerrum0PAMnlteuSteamshipCoCHICAGO I I tt Char Cor e r Vacation Time in the Rockies H No Colorado visit Is complete without a trip lo to the mountains i The best hunting camping and fishing places are found along the Colorado Mdland Railway U Cripple Creek Leadville Gleuwood Springs and Salt Lake City are best rcacLei by the Mid ¬ laud Latest designs of observation cars H Send for bcoklcts and illustrated literature for 1905 convention visitors t II W JACKSON Geu Agl C H SPEERS G P Ai- Denver 1- ill Adams St Chicago Cjlo son In New York on September 4 III the new opera Klysla by Ilogl nulil Do Kovoii und Frederick Hauk 4I1 II hits been llnnlly decided that Aluxlno ISMIottH now ploy shall be called Her Great Match The ploy Is by Clyde FltCii Indlgestloi With Its companions heartburn flatulence torpidity of tho liver constlptlon palpitation of tho heart poor blood hendnclio and other ner vonis symptoms sallow skin foul tongue offeuBlvo breath and a le ¬ glen of other ailments is at once the most widespread nnd destructive malady among tho American people The Hcrblno treatment will cure all thoso troubles 50c bottle Sold byAlvey List Paducah Ky Go to the Best Resort in the Stat- eCrittenden Springs Now Open for the Season With everything thoroughly reno vatttl add firstclam Near Marlon Ky Bus meets all trains Write l for Information ABRAM 1 WEIL CO CAMPBELL BLOCK Telephone Office 369 Residence 726 INSURANCE DRB 8 GRIFFITH Truchoart Building Both Phnne5Olri > i 8S residence von Office Honrs 7 to 9 a a 5 i to 5 p tn 57 Jo 9 p m St FOR jlRIver 1 i STEAMER CLYDEt t tenet Paducah for Tennease WTSI Every Wednesday at 4m ° + WM T HUNTER Master EUGENE ROBINSON Clerk Xhii company is tot responsible for t I Invoice charges unless collected by the- lek 2l of the oat I I b 1CDWAN Wl wwm7eNws1 eas>1a d REAL CStATG AdUNCYX- HCAM IUL atm wrna L lnruur euU OLD + fOICM a r Cz = c b w y a tltitlSlMu w MItKM IrA Acme Hotel PM RogcrrHMlit Brookport IllinoisI I RATES SLOO PER DAYt t Livery Rig ReaousbleRate PADUCAH UNDERTAKING COMPANY 8 P rOOLj Manager GUY NANCI Asat loj lioutli Third HtrtetRetldence am itoio Roth Phases no PrIer Re onible am Snbicrlbo tor the inn f i rA

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Ar rrrrIf the Return of-


iNIHOLMESiAuthor or The Advcntlirt of hcrlo Ji Holml

The Hound of the BatkcrrlUc TbeI1WSTRATED11 of Jht Four A Study In ScatUt Eta BY f D S-TECI2srIIDf

The Adventure oftt Blank Peter


No 0 of the Series

t Continued from yesterday

Wlml then IIs lie ultcrnntlvfi-Tlits hue of liivrnllpntlon which IIII

t hero myself been pursuing It maygive us nothing 1 cnunot tell Hut ntleast I shall follow It to the cuil

t Several tellers were walling forHolme nt Maker street lie snatched


j one of them up opened It and burstr out Into A triumphant chuckle of laugh

lor-Uscollcnlf Watson Tho alternative

develop llnvc you telegraph formsIlust write n couple of messages forRalcliffehighway Send three men on to arriveIII tomorrow morning Basil Thatsmy name In those parts Tlio other In

Inspector StanleyI Hopkins 10 Lordl

street 1rlxlou Como breakfast tomorrow nl 1150 Important Wire If

dui unnbtc la mama Sherlock lIolmeHlucreI Wutsou this Infernal case Urns

I haunted mo for ten days 1 herebybanish It completely from my presence

st Tomorrow I trust that we shall hearthe last of It forever

Pliant nt till hour iinmetl IiinpiftorStanley Hopkins appeared and we satv °breakvlost which Mrn Hudson land preparedTbe young detective was In high piUs nt hli success


You really think that your solutionmustt bo correct V naked Holme

I could not Imagine n more complete

1 cameft did not fceni to mo conclusive

You imtonlih inc Mr Holmes+ What more could one ask for

Does your explanation cover every

jnlntrUndiiiiblcillyI find that young Nell

gnu arrived at lie IlrnmblBtyc hotel our the very tiny of the crime He came on

f the pretense of playing golf HU roomwas on the ground floor mid ho couldnet out whwi ho 111001I That Very nightbe went dots to Woodmans Ire thanPeter Carey nt the hint quarreled with

Ibici gull Wiled him with the harpom

I Thm borrtflcd by what be lied doneh > fail out of the Ihut dropping theuoiehoolt which he had lirouftlit vllhhim In order to question Peter Careynbout lime different securities Youmay juvol observed that some of themmro marked with tlekx and the others

iIlse grew I majority were not Thoses which nro ticked here been traced on

the London market hut the others proMttimhlv worn still In the poMCsulou ofCarey and younjj Nrllgun i cord tig tta

1 bh own nocnunt Wilt niulou to rll ov-


thrum In order to do the right thingby his fathers creditors After hislight ho did nut dare to approach thehut again for some time but at last he-

rr F forced himself to do so In order to obtain the Information which l he neededSurely that Is all simple and obvlou r

Holmes Rinllcd mad shook his headk Jlt seems to me to have only one

drawback Hopkins nnd tlipt U that ItIs Intrinsically Impossible Mare youtried to drive a harpoon through ayouitails MyI friend Watson could tell youthat I Hpcnt H whole morning In thatexercise It In no cnsy matter and re-

quirest n strong nnd practiced arm Hutthis idea was delivered with Hiich violence that the Vend of the weapon sunkdeep Into the wnll Do you Imaginethat this nnncmlu youthrwast capnblo ofKO frightful nn nxsaultr Is be the manwho hobnobbed In mm kud Avnter withniack Peter In the lead of night Was

Cirr ttCt by Colllui W sUrThe third nipUcodl ltal amen oj ro

nutrl1ubta app raraneoIt bin profile liiit Was neon on thin blindtoO iiiglila Uufovo Ko no Hopkins ItIN mother hud more ojmjdablo jrton


for whom wo must sceVThe dfelectlvcB flee lad grown lon ¬

ger and longer during Holmes speechlllH hopes and his amblUons were nilcrumbling about bjtn limit he wouldnot abandon his position without a

struggleYoucant Jelly that Xellgan was

present that night Mr Holmes Theboot will prove that I fancy that 1

hare evidence enough to satisfy n juryeven If you are able to pick a hole In ItDecides Mr Holmes I have lull mybaum upon my non As to this terribleperson of yours where Is he1

01I rather fancy tint lie Is on thestair said Holmes serenely I thinkWatson that you would do well to putthat revolver where you cab reach ItHe rose and laid a written paper iihonn side table Now wo ore ready soldhe

There had been some talking In gruffvoices outside nUll now Mrs Hudsonopened the door to say that there werethree men Inquiring for Captain Basil

Show them In one by one saidHolmes

The llrst who entered Mn llltleribbonpippin of n man with ruddycheeks and huffy white side whiskersHolmes had drawn n letter from huts

porUctWhat name he askedlames LancasterI10m sorry Lancaster but the berth

IH full Here Is half n sovereign foryour trouble lust step Into this roomend wail there for a few minute

The second man wax n long driedup creature with lank hair and sallowcheeks Ills name was Hugh IuttlnslIe also received his dismissal his halfsovereign amid the order to wait

The third applicant was n man ofremarkable appearance A fierce bull-dog


face was framed In n tangle ofhair nnd beard and two bold darkcyefl gleamed behind the cover of thicktufted overhung eyebrows He saint-ed


nnd stool sailor fashion turning hNrap round In hit hands

Your name asked HolmesPatrick CairnsIHarpoonerYes sir twentysix voyagesDundee I supposeYen siretad ready to start with an explor ¬

ing shipYes sir-

What wages1Eight pounds n mouthCould you start at onceAs soon ns I get my kitHave you your papersYes sir He took n sheaf of worn

and greasy forms from his pocketHolmes glanced over them nnd return ¬

ed themYou nrojtwtt the man I want s-

aidGRIPITitnri not make you tick or otherwise c uieyou any IncunTenlcncv Uurea In H hours


Dr Miles AntiPain Pills

remedyforbackache nervous or sick head ¬

ache or iny of the distress ¬

ing aches and pains that cause

sufferingAs andleaves the system in an ex¬

hausted condition it is wrongto suffer a moment longer thannecessary and you should takethe AntiPain Pills on first in ¬

dication of an attackIf taken as directed you may

have entire confidence in theireffectiveness as welt as in thefact that they will leave no dis¬

agreeable aftereffectsThey contain no morphine

opium chloral cocaine or otherdangerous drugs

For a long time I have suffere-dieemalmost rnoromthan keencendureThese attacks come on every monthand list two or three days 1 havenever been able to get anything that

PatnPIITshort time My outer who sufferswithUIOI7i S Michigan St South Bond JndDr Mlles AntlPaln Plllt are sold by

your drugalit who will guarantee thatItfalls25 dotes 25 cents NeVer sold In bulkMiles Medical Co Elkhart Ind



rnnY plyle1n1 ErINS CsIaIDt6erI-


MENDWOMIENetltjdb b I Hlotl aum 01100 I



rtlnUii cud not Mtrlnpeal or polnonnuiGold bet elruglete

tt ist la pietal WilHerexam7 l r3Ulk


Circular fr t on viuert

be nororfltlTo ttiKrcemeht onTfioiitdcAble ynuiilfpilt tbc Whole matterwill be settled

Time Jenman lurried across the roomand ttook up the pen

Shall I sign hprdi± 1m nskw stoopIIIR over JIM table

Holmes leaned oh his shoulder andpassed both lands over his neck

Tills will do sild heI heard n click or steel and n bellow

Jllio nu enraged bull The next InstantHolmoH and time eaman wore rolllug outhe ground together He was n man ofsuch gigantic strength that even withthe handcuff Holmes hind so deftlyfastened upon bis wrists ho would havevery quickly overpowered my friendhad Hopkins anti I not rushed to illsrescue Oiily when I pressed the coldimirxlc ofMbe revolver to his templeslid he at last understand that resistante was vain We lashed his ankleswith cord and rose breathless from thestruggleI

I really apologize Hopkinssnld Sherlock iIolmtsrI fearrthat thescrambled eggs are cold rHoweVcryou will enjoy the rest of your breakrust all limo better will you not for thethought that you have brought yourenso to n triumphant conclusion

Slnnley HojiUlns was speechless withnmazeiQcnt

I dont know whet to say MrHolmesl bcblurted out nt last with a-

very red face It seems to me thatI here been making a fool of myselffromlhubeglnnlug I understand nowwhat I should never have forgottenthat 1 am tile pupil and you nre themaster Even now I sco whathove done but I dont know how yodid It or what It signifies

Concluded tomorrow

linschnll 1Inycreand Foot RacersLouis J Krugr exchampion long

distance foot racer of Germany andHolland writes Oct 27th 1901

During my training of eight weeksfoot races nt Salt Lake City in Aprillast I used Dallarda Snow LIni-

ment to my greatest satisfactionTherefore I highly recommendSnow Liniment to all who are troubled with sprains bruises or rheu <

matlsm 2Gc GOc 1 bottloSold by Alvoy List Paducah



Had n Steel Tin In llIinhy HadSwallowed It

Philadelphia Pa July 26A del ¬

kate operation was performed In lime

Childrens Homeopathic hospital In

this city yesterday when Dr Thomp-son of the resident staff took a steelpun from the left lung of a 19monthsold child

The pin was swallowed by the littlc girl Hcsalo Chalmers at her homojn Pleasantvllle N J lastVednes11ny and Dodged In her left lungWhen brought to the hospital thechild was lu agony The operationwas highly successful and unlesstome complication sets In the babyv 111 recover

Alcohol lamps were kept burningunder water pans In the room to keepthe air moist and tho temperaturewas kept at 80 degrees during theoperation The throat was silt andan Instrument Inserted which remov-ed the pin A sliver tulle was thenplaced In the opening to Ipermit time

child to brunthc and the cut lieuup

CroupIs a violent inflammation of time mu ¬

cous membrane of the wind plpowhich sometimes extends to the la ¬

rynx and bronchial tubes and is oneof tho most dangerous diseases ofchildren It almost always comes onIn tho night Give frequent smalldoses of Ballnrds Horehound Syrupand apply Dullards Snow Linimentexternally to the throat 2Dc BOc U

Sold by Alvoy List PnducanIy




Iiuiilsvillo ills Were Cnptiiirilat KlKlii III


Klgln III July 26Two girlsMamlo ODoiinell nnd Nolllo ONeilof LoiilHvllle were captured herowhile masquerading In male attireThey wore detected In limo act ofjumping Into trousers In an obscurespot north of the city and capturedafter Ia hot chase through n cornHold

Tho girls sold It was all foolish-ness


but not halt us foolish ns somethings they had read about In dinenovels i

Miss QOonnell wore trousersWhich she claimed to have stolenfrom a Chicago mntorman Time otiior girl took a more serious view ofthin Hltuutlon and talked froojy abouther post life

Sue ttuld sho escaped froln u conVent at her old homo In Louisville1Ky two years ago amt then came toChicago whore she secured employ ¬

ment In u department store

Some men do good deeds tor pub ¬

lication and not as a guaranty Oraltos always old enough to knowhotter

Ssss Ss I



correct all irregularitiesof the howrlo m itS S Sn SS



Calro2tL306 failiCh no gaG0O 2 fallCincinnati 1080e fallBvnnsvillo1 1a612fallFlorence e101 riseJohnsonvllleLouisville G303rlEc

47O2t fallII

Mt Carmel GIiO1i fallNashville 8702 rise


SL Louis 1J190D riseMl Vernon lJflJI fallPaducah HtOrriill1

Tho Kentucky Jsl diio oiit of theTonncsgfc river ltomorrow j

Thoblck Fowler lct on time thismorning for Cairo

The Joo IFowler arrived with nlarge passenger list this morningand left at noon for Kvansvlllq

The Annie Ilussoll a pleasure boatowned by Mr Russell Gardner Hi i

wealthy St Loup buggy manufactur¬

er passed up tho Tennessee river thismorning

Mr Peter Wilton mate oili limo

Dick Fowler who has been connivedto his homo from illness reported

morninguThe Clyde leavesthis afternoon at5 oclock for the Tennessee river

Tho Reuben Dunbar arrived todayfrom Clarksvlllo and left at once forNashville

The City of Saltlllo passed herolast night for St Ixuls

The City ot Memphis Is due to-


out of the Tennessee riverfor St Louts

Tho engineer ot time steamer J D

Richardson has gone to NajhvllloTcnn to got the steamer H W Dutmerit of the Hyman line ready toconic to this city She will run be ¬

tween St Louis and the lower 1111¬

nois river points GlobeDemocratThe Sprague and Williams are on

tho way up from New OrleansThe flees Leo leaves Cincinnati

for Memphis next Sunday morningThe fine boats of this lino will re ¬

main In the trade long as they canrun and do the business they aro do

IUKCaptW J Montague died n few

days ago In Wlllspolnt Tex He wasan old friend und associate In theRed river trade many years ago andbrother of tho lao Tom Montague ftMississippi river pilot who lost hislife by the burning of the steamerFashion

Tho Waterways Journal saysTho present plan for Improving

the Ohio river contemplates a navl ¬

gable depth of six feel at pool stagewhich depth Is Insufllclent by twoand onehalf feet for the system ofboats now In use on time river in thetransportation of freight to New Or ¬

leans The pools below dam No I-

on time Ohio river will therefore bo

useless for harbor purposes for thoeruCt now In use nnd If Increasedharborage In the vicinity of Pittshurt IH sought down the Ohio riverIt ran only ho obtained In two waysBoats must either be so changed asto draw only six feet or tho systemof locks and dams bo so changed asto accommodate at least tho presentboats

Chicago KxciinilonThe annual excursion to Chicago

via tho Illinois Central railroad willbo run August 22 100C by specialtrain leaving Moro at 9 a m viaCairo faro for tho round trip E6

Tickets will bo good returning untilAugUst 30 No extensions will bograntedJ T DONOVAN Agent Paducah

IcyG C Warflcld T A Union Depot


UMBRELLA MAKERIUt opened at molt R Third kt Umbrellacovered sad repaired IKtncy piraiol cudumtteltaiepilrlDC arpetUlty


9 to it Am PhonesOffice hoar V t to 3 p m New B-

7togpm Old 77

Henry fflainmen JrIIIN7ei tIs Dir did Ewlicky

Hook Binding Hank Work Legaland Library Work a specialty



KeweitLand best hotel In the cityRlteat 200 Two large iiriplirooms Bath tqoms BiectrltUgHts THe onlycedtrailyrroctteOlintellln the dly-

eeerclaUtreill Solicit l-



c a IILto1 1


The people of the south arostrong In their allegiance to time

iiiciiory of their great generals whofutiglttand bled under tho Stars andliars said Jess Dandy of timeotimII

Confederate during tho recent re ¬

union as to tho greatest militaryleaders of tho world The gentlemanof the soutlv strongly maintained thatthe nocalled rebel chieftains weretime greatest fn tho world for bra ¬

very end knowledge of military tac ¬

tics Just for the suite of argumentI suppose I said that Moses was thogreatest loader of them all

Moses cried the battlescarred he-


Why ho wont no soldier ho wasa lawmaker

Yes r replied but ho was agreat general too Didnt hd lead thoarmies of Israel through tho wildertress tot1 forty yearn l

Shucks that aint tiothln retorltfd the man of the south Stone ¬

wall Jackson could beat him all hol-low


Didnt ho lead his army out ofthe wilderness In three days

Many Paducah theater goons havedoubtless wondered what became ofWinsomel Gladys Wallace who usedto play here every year Till NowYork Mirror tolls

CenturyLimitedGladys Wallace who was formerlyso popular with audiences has re ¬

turned fo public notice K6w peoplerecognized IhMrs E Bird Inzcll Ottoof the survivors of tho wreck whoreached New York and went to theHolland House time little GladysWallace of yore She and her hus ¬

Wallaceretiredyears ago married a wealthy Chica ¬

go electrical engineer and lives aquiet domestic life at Kenllworth

prevlonslysheCranes leading artists She also star¬

red In Fanchon and other successesof Maggie Mitchell

Manager Thomas Roberts has re ¬

signed his position with tho NewsDemocrat and next week will be atthe Kentucky theater regularly Theseason opens In two or three weeksand Manager Roberts is booking nlargo number of good attractionsAmong the latest booked is TheCounty Chairman Time College Wi-dow will In al probability also bbsecured This week Mr Roberts islooking after time repairs in progressat tho theater

Articles have been flied In time

county clerks office at Owtznsboroincorporating the Grand Theatre CoTime capital stock is 2000 T APcdley will be president and J GortDurch secretary and treasurer TA Psdley and J Gore Burch managetwo theatres In Bvansvlllc one Inllust St Louis and one In IJollovlowIII besides the Grand In Owcnsborowhich timer built lust year

Prof Harry Gilbert today hind aIctfer from George Smith tho violin1st who for about n year lived in Paducah but whose home Is In LouIsvlllo saying that he had lust signeda contract for n tour of 1Kiirope be ¬

ginning October 1st at u salary of100 a week This rising young vir¬

tuoso has already been all over thoworld


Lulu Olasors now musical pieceIInrrrDofa lively Anrrican woman In Europe

IDolI ¬

Victor Norbert has writ tell tho musicMiss Glaser Is to open tho regularseason at the Knickerbocker theatreNow York

For timeyearsJanmesnerlng will appear the coming onsun as costars Mr and Mrs

Jlnckott will open the wason al the28InSutro >

Raymond Hitchcock has purchas ¬lndIsIseason will upon shortly when hewill be seen In IEasy Dawson

Maude Attains Is alternating time

wicks of her Butmtvar between hoicountry place at Ronkoneomu L Luutl tiermutOuhtuhl home In tho Catskills

JKtlfel llarrymoro having seen nil


swaterhugpiacasj t

vat CoGoollwfnu spending themonth ot July omr lICit ranch lot Callfnrnl1

Do Wolf Hopper will open hl8 soa






t 4< < Our V4QPittsburg F-

J Coal isFlthe cheapest on theFrfr A

mark tWe also have the bestt KenV tucKy Coal in Paducah

FGet our prices beforeplacing your p




WeakPENNYROYALor and banish pains

of menstruation They are LIFE SAVEII9te girls atwonmubood aiding development of organs and body Noknown remedy for women equals them Cannot do bum Ufabecomes a pleasure SlOO PI311 BOX BY NAIL Soldby drulflsts nIt MOTTS CHEMICAL co ClevclrAioOhla



YOUR ANCHOR ofCARESttl the Blue In Ml dtllzht U A U ITirtl I

I on the STEUU 3TCAMStllP IVIMHI Il note beet

ll t the a

coaaoct tOI

I I Ifryerrum0PAMnlteuSteamshipCoCHICAGOI


tt CharCore


Vacation Time

in the RockiesH No Colorado visit Is complete without a trip lo

to the mountains

i The best hunting camping and fishing places arefound along the Colorado Mdland Railway

U Cripple Creek Leadville Gleuwood Springsand Salt Lake City are best rcacLei by the Mid ¬

laud Latest designs of observation cars

H Send for bcoklcts and illustrated literature for1905 convention visitors




ill Adams St Chicago Cjlo

son In New York on September 4

III the new opera Klysla by Iloglnulil Do Kovoii und Frederick Hauk4I1

II hits been llnnlly decided thatAluxlno ISMIottH now ploy shall becalled Her Great Match The ployIs by Clyde FltCii

IndlgestloiWith Its companions heartburn

flatulence torpidity of tho liverconstlptlon palpitation of tho heartpoor blood hendnclio and other nervonis symptoms sallow skin foultongue offeuBlvo breath and a le ¬

glen of other ailments is at once themost widespread nnd destructivemalady among tho American peopleThe Hcrblno treatment will cure allthoso troubles 50c bottle

Sold byAlvey List PaducahKy

Go to the Best Resortin the Stat-

eCrittenden Springs

Now Open for the SeasonWith everything thoroughly renovatttl add firstclam Near MarlonKy Bus meets all trains Writelfor Information


CAMPBELL BLOCKTelephone Office 369 Residence 726


DRB 8 GRIFFITHTruchoart Building

Both Phnne5Olri > i 8S residence vonOffice Honrs 7 to 9 a a 5 i to 5

p tn 57Jo 9 p m





tenet Paducah for Tennease WTSIEvery Wednesday at 4m ° +


Xhii company is tot responsible for tI Invoice charges unless collected by the-

lek2l of the oatI

I b 1CDWAN Wl wwm7eNws1


HCAM IUL atmwrna Llnruur euUOLD + fOICMa rCz= c b w y

a tltitlSlMu w MItKM IrA

Acme HotelPM RogcrrHMlit

Brookport IllinoisI I


Livery Rig ReaousbleRate


8 P rOOLj ManagerGUY NANCI Asat

loj lioutli Third HtrtetRetldence am itoioRoth Phases no PrIer Re onible


Snbicrlbo tor the inn

f i
