1 biad development co., ltd projects sales & studies dept prepared by moh’d a. al-mahmoud...

1 Biad Development Co., Ltd Projects Sales & Studies Dept Prepared By Moh’d A. Al-Mahmoud B.S.c M.E.

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Page 1: 1 Biad Development Co., Ltd Projects Sales & Studies Dept Prepared By Moh’d A. Al-Mahmoud B.S.c M.E


Biad Development Co., Ltd

Projects Sales & Studies Dept

Prepared By

Moh’d A. Al-Mahmoud B.S.c M.E.

Page 2: 1 Biad Development Co., Ltd Projects Sales & Studies Dept Prepared By Moh’d A. Al-Mahmoud B.S.c M.E



• Budgeted Staff.• Establish customer base.• Good market image.• Reasonable working environment.• Good management support.• Efforts made to offer value for


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Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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4Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

S a le s T e a m*S a les E n g in ee r W e st P ro v .*S a les E n g in ee r E a st P ro v .

S tu d ie s & E aste m a tio n T e a m*M e ch an ica l E n g in ee r*E le c tr ica l E n g ine e r*D ra fts M a n

secre ta ry

Projects Sales M anager

M anaging D irector

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Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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Projects Sales & Studies Dept

E xecutive D ept.

C e n tra l & easte rn P rov .*1S a les E ng . & secre ta ryS edan ca r+ P C + desk & s ta tiona ry+ F ax & te l se t + m ob ile te l.

W este rn P rov .*1 S a les E ngS edan ca r + P C + D esk& s ta tion a ry + M ob ile te lephon

S a les T eamE ng inee ring lev e l

D ra fts M anM icros ta tion P CP lo tte r*C o p ie r*

E lec tr ica l E ng inee r1 E ng inee rP C + D esk & s ta tiona ry

M echan ica l eng inee r1 E ng inee rP C + D esk & s ta tiona ry

S tud ies & E a stem a tion T e amC lo sed o fficeD raw ing tab le

secre ta ryP ho toco py M ach ine *+ B inde r*&accesso ries*+ D raw ing cab ina t+ P C & N e tw o rk p rin te r+ T e l & fax S e t

Sales & Stud ies D ept.- D ept H ead offi ce- L uxery M eeting room

A dm in istration D ept.

G eneral M anager

Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

*:For Future plan

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7Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud



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What is Sales Dept.

• It is the department that handle the relations between the client and the company.

• Co-ordinate between all the player in the sales circle.

• Understand the customer mentality and control the prices according to it , submit the quotation and get the approval for it.

Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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The Customer

The Company

Sales Dept. Sales Dept

Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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Why Sales people

• To keep the company busy.• To keep our competitors worry.• To keep our customers satisfy. • Market survey.• Fighting for new projects.• Quality control.

Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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Sales Circle • Find new projects.• Get the details.• Study and estimate the project.• Co-ordinate with executive dept. • Issue the quotation.• Submit the quotation.• Manage all the negotiations to get the

approval.• Singe the contract. • Quality control, and costumer satisfaction.

Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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How to find new projects

• Re-contact and re-build the good relations with contractors & suppliers

• Re-shuffle the confidant with the company.

• Side visits.• Good publicity thru

internet, newspaper, professional magazines.

Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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Get the details• The experience with

customer relations gives the Sales people the responsibility for this job.

• Flexibility for copying the details.

• Keep contacting the client for new changes.

Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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Study and Estimation

• The engineers quota the material’s and man hours for the project.

• Discuses with the department head the client situation.

• According to that the dept. head specify the margins for the project.

• High commitment of submittal time.

Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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Co-Ordinate with Executive Dept.

• According to company engagement and project execution period the margins can be fixed.

• The ability to handle the project.• Finishing time.

Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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Issue the Quotations Depending on all specified

circumstances, categories and subjects the quotation now is ready.

Submit the Quotation• The salesman has to submit the

quotation to the concerns.• Try to find out the client classification

for the quotation he submit.

Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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Negotiations to get the approval

• All sales engineers are involve to get customers approval for the submitted quotation.

• Use all top management relations.• Use all sales tricks to bring the

client to negotiations table.• Wise price management (drops

and discounts).

Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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Sign the contract

This is our goal, to reach it, we mustn't miss any chance to force our customer to come to this point.

Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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Quality Control & Customer

Satisfaction Losing customer means loss business, and all

the time was spent to earn his trust, that can not be return.

So, sales dept. is responsible for following up, quality control and customer satisfaction.

To manage the negotiations and claims during the implementation process, sales dept. must have step by step feedback about the project.

Or be completely outside the implementation process,means that the quality control and customer satisfaction are out of sales dept authority.

Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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In today’s competitive world, one of the

most things which separates leading

companies from their follower is


Even companies who already a reputation

for producing quality goods or services

must work at improving every thing

they do in order to stay ahead. It’s

called QUALITY MANAGEMENT.Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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This coming pages produce to explain what we are doing to bring Quality management into our organization, the following pages should help us to understand what’s involved and what it will mean for us all. So,…

What is quality.?

Quality is meeting agreed requirements. It’s all those things that please our customers and keep them coming back

Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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Why does it matter.?Without customers, we

have no business.What happen when

don’t get right.?By not doing things

right first time we:• Waste time• Cause hassle to

others• Stress ourselves• Waste money and

materials• Introduce low morale.

Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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What are we doing about quality.?

We’re used to checking jobs, information etc., and we often try to fix mistakes or do the job again. But if the failure has already reached to the customer, it may be too late.

Quality is not something which can be guaranteed by checking other’s work and detecting their errors.

Preventing errors from ever happening is the key.

Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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Problems and errors are like fires..they cause a lot of disruption, they take

a lot of time and effort to stop, and they cause an awful lot of damage.

“Preventing fires” is the quality assuranceQuality assurance Focuses on preventing faults by ensuring

the job is done right in the first place, this means all individuals in the process are responsible for their own Quality

Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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To do this they need to:• Know what to do • Know how to do it• Measure how well they

do it• Take corrective action• Have the resources to

do it• Want to do a good jobIt mean thinking about

everything we do!.

Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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We will have formal system which ensure that we meet our customer’s requirements effectively and efficiently by:

• Determining the best way to do things, writing it down and sticking to it.

• Providing clear and accurate written instruction so that, if you are unsure, you can look it up.

• Keeping records to show we are in control.

Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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If things do go wrong, we must put them right (corrective action) and find a way to prevent the same things happening again (action to prevent recurrence).

What Quality system?.Quality system include every thing

we do, or don’t do, which can affect the quality of the service we provide to our customers.

Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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We are developing our quality system by firstly writing down what we actually do in all of our process.

We will need to identify:• Why is it necessary to do it?• Who is responsible for it?• What is required to be done?• When is it to be done?• Where is it to be done?• And how is it to be done?

Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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By doing this we will increase our understanding of where potential problem arise so that we can prevent them. We will be benefit because there will be:

• More consistency• Fewer mistakes• Less hassle• Less stress• Less firefighting• More satisfied customers.

Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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P.S.D action plan

the organization

and its policies

Procedures for groups of


FًWork instruction for individuals

RECORDSObjective evidence that we are doing what we say

we will do

QUALITY PLANS are supplementary to our normal documentation, to meet specific customers’ or service requirement


Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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Won’t that involve lots of extra work for everyone?

Not at all! It’s simply applying common sense working Smarter, not harder!

We’ll need to: • Plan carefully• involve everyone in what’s happening• Audit our system to check everything’s

ok.• Continuously look for ways to improve

audit is one way of achieving this.

Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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What is a Quality system Audit? An Audit is a simple way of monitoring our

quality system.it’s a check that we are actually doing what we say in our procedures and work instruction that is,our agreed way of working. It also evaluates that we are meeting our objectives by following these procedures.

Wherever we are failing to follow our agreed way of working and/or objective are not being met, it will be highlighted in an objective”No blame” way.

The important point to remember is that the audit check the system and not the people.

Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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But the system needs us all to be committed to making it work.

We want to be sure that our system is affective,reliable and easy to operate.

We can then show our customers that we are committed to meeting their requirement and also have a means of making improvements to our quality system.

Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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What does Quality system required us to do?




Our most senior executives will be expected to:

• produce a quality policy clearly stating objectives and commitment to quality and make sure everyone in the organization understand it.

• allocate enough resources and trained personnel for performing the work

• select management representative to co-ordinate the quality system.

• regularly review the quality system to make sure it is still suitable and effective

Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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Our system must:• be fully documented• satisfy our customer’s

requirements and expectations.• reflect the needs of our

company• define how the requirement for

quality will be met.• demonstrate, through planning,

that we meet requirements.

Quality System


Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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When we bid for business or receive an order or

contract, we must check that we:

• completely understand each customer order

• are able to meet exactly at the required time




Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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We must ensure that all documents and data which form part of our quality system are controlled authorized and that:

• the latest issues are available where they are needed

• changes are recorded and issued in writing.

• old obsolete issues are removed from circulation, to avoid confusion.


Data control


Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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When purchasing materials or services key to our processes and products, we must:

• Select our suppliers carefully, then only use those on our lists.

• Monitor how well they meet our needs.

• Always specify exactly what we require.

• Compare the prices between deferent suppliers.



Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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We must be able to identify clearly our service and products in

away which enable us to control them.


& tractability


Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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By examining our business process from beginning to end, we can identify those activities which affect Quality.we will then:

• provide written instruction to control those activities

• set standards to be worked to.

• monitor that the standards are being met in the way have described..




Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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We must have plan for inspection & verification at all critical stages of our process:

• Submit the quotations.• Start negotiations.• Sign the contract.• Implementation process.• Claims and Invoices.• Finishing.• Handover.


And Testing


Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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Whenever a problem occurs or we can see it might occur, we must:

• correct it immediately(if that is possible)

• formally investigate the cause

• take action to prevent it happening again

• document and check that the action have been effective.

Corrective &

preventive action


Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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Records which demonstrate that we are doing what we say we are, must be:

• Identified • Legible• Accurate• Easily retrieved• Filed to keep them safe• Retained for the period of

time we specify.


Of quality



Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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Our internal audit process will ensure that we:

• examine the activities we perform against what we have planned to do.

• control the planning, performance, reporting and follow up of the audit.

• have suitable trained independent personnel to carry out the audit.

Internalquality audits


Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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To make sure we have the right people for the right jobs we will need to:

• Identify people’s training needs

• Provide that training in the most appropriate way

• Keep records of that training• Ensure activities affecting

quality are only assigned to trained people.



Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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• Doing things right means saving time

• Follow the instruction means higher productivity.

• Higher quality means good business.





Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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We need the commitment of every employee of the company to make it


Our Quality system will ensure that we never” slip


Eng. Moh’d Al-Mahmoud

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• Streamline sales operation procedures.

• Accountability / overlapping

responsibility and job description

• Manpower planning.

• Standardization of quality control


• Standardization of management reports

for effective control and planning.