1 * . : building; the church around the - bihle ....

THE SANITATION OF WORK ,. ,. ' By THE EEV ; DR. S. FARKES CADMAN Pastor Central Congregational ' Church , Br ooklyn, N. Y. IT IS trite to say that work is life' s sanitation. It is riot so trite to say that count>- less workers face their task reluctantly and with distaste . This attitude is not corlfined to those whoSe jobs ' - are ' tedious or wearisome. Too many are irritated , by their daily routine and rebel against it. They grud ge the strength and attention they have to bestow on bread-ear ning employ- ments. Fortunately for the large number who are too sensible to yield to this .weakenin g habit , life presently assumes fresh interest and their task becomes at- tractive. Fi^ quently it gives them as much solid satisfaction as even a well-spent holiday. What is the secret of so desirable a fitt in g in with one 's job ? It is the frank reco gnition that work ceases to be a tiresome grind and becomes an en- , ricltment and a. joy, once the worker realizes th at his job .enables him to dis- char ge his debt of service to his fellow men. . It has become chronic to associate work with restriction and depriva - tion ; to re gard it. as a harness that chafes body and soul. Even when it re- lieves us fro . m financial anxieties , it may still create the jaundiced outlook symptomatic of manhood 's deterioration. So one hears misleadin g allusion s to . serfdom, and loss of independence , as if one 's di gnity and freedom were bound u p in idleness and ease. ' . . .. . . ' ¦* . , Of course everythin g hinges oh our healthy-mindedness as workers , on > the tem per in which we undertake our obligations , on the motives that ani- mate us in : ap proaching them. Those -Who try to dod ge their duty and to justify ' their evasion by calling it a set up against social tyranny become parasites de- serving the contempt . of the rest of us. ' Religion Glorifies Lab or , So far as reli gion is concerned , it glorifies labor and gives it a vital pla ce in our conce pti on of life. Jesus declared that God is the Master Wor kman and that as His obedient Son He also, must work the works of Him that sent that ¦Sor Tinto the world. The assured inference is that an . idle believer is a mora l im possibilit y. If he is idle he is not a believer , and if jie is a believer he cannot be idle. May we not then thank the Father of all ' lights for the Lamp of Labor , fed by the oil of sacrificial service and pray th at its li glit may be rekindled in manifold households now becloud -ed by its absence? ' , ¦ Nay, more l TJie romance and.advent ure of one ' s career are secure d by doing, not by dreamin g, by losing one 's self in what one ' does and by br eathin g ' that self into the deed. So men ' arid wpifien have wrought in mine , forge , fac- tory , office , market, street, studio and the ' syeilues of public service until their co- operative labors have transformed " the ' iVbrld . \ . , ' V" . ¦ I anv quite aware that work is , tfst jjj y " too ' 6ftEn ill situated , ill p aid , ' too ' : ' laborious .and exacting. ' But it ought' noif io . be degradin g, and when it is reme- dies exist in law and tie public conscience that should be unsparin gly applied . Away with any devices , however profitable to the greedy, which crush human personality as God ' s most precious , product ; . . ' Juat Reco gnition The praise we often carelessly bestow on passin g figures of more notoriety than merit should always be given to the * Consecrated spirits who dp the ha rd and hazardous tasks—to the miner , the , ironworker , the fisherman , the farmer , the scrub woman , the sailor and their brothers and sisters who kee p clean and habitable town and city. Without thcfti. life' s ordinary necessities would not lie provided? I urge this just recognition because without question one of the chief sources of the failure of so called '" respectables " to ri ghtly guide their fellow citizens is their lack of appreciation 'for God ' s social saviours who do the really difficult jobs that have to be done , if we are not to perish from the earth . . . , . - . * Dwellers in fashionabl e or semi-fashionable quarters arc prone to forget what it costs in flesh and blood to keep them serene and comftfrtable. Tho Me and conscientious social workers and clergymen who are insisting upon a searching re-examination of personal standards of living and asking that care- less and non-social behavior shall cease, and vulgar display give way to wise expenditure and to giving till it , hurts are a godsend- to the nation at this hour. M^——^—»———j——-——»»———»¦ IB . THIS IS THE RESULT OF THE SPLEN DID CO-OPERATION OF THE FOLLOWIMG PUBLEC-SlPlklTE© FIRMS AMD INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE STRIVING TO MAKE OUR COUNTY A CLEANER . AND BETTER PLACE T-O LIVE. » _ _~. . _ - . . . . - . < . ' nl m ' ¦ ¦¦ ' ¦ . ' ¦ < ¦ -. ¦ '< ;¦! 1 * . : Building ; the Ch ur ch Around the - Bihle . J K .:• _ : : __ _ .... : - ' ' : : : ; : ' ¦ ¦ , ; ¦ . ¦ ¦ ! - ¦ ¦ —«* I SERMONETTE " ¦ ' E. Y/. HOWELI&CO. Lumber & Mason Material s BABYLON PANCHARD 'S The Beat Place To Dine Merrick Road Mat in pequa ISLIP COAL & FEED CO. "You 'll like Dm Weigh " newcoo 0. Hal f Clifton K. Sehlnnn ier ishp HUBBARD & SONS > Sand , Gravel, Moving & Storage BAY SHORE JOSEPH P. WARTA CHARLES A. FIS HER ROY B. DAVlS Su pervisor DYKSTRA AUTO SALES , " ' - Oldsmobile Agency BAY SHORE CHARLES H. DURYEA Justice o f the Peace FREDRIC WOOD Justice o f the Peace OVERTON & CO. Hardware BABYLON NEELY 'S OPEN KITCHEN ISLIP SANITARY LAUNDRY SAXON AVE., ' ISLlIf •'EV ERY LAUNIJRY SERVICE" ' H . , , ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . .. ' - , I ¦ 1 ; " c^ *' nl f . I I BAY SHORE J :,. ' . - CHURCHES . ffl * FIRST CONGREGATIONA L ' : .,' \CHU RCH ¦ ¦ 3 of Bay Shore I Ucv. Roy A. Welter , Minister 30 First Ave., Bay Shore ' * "' ¦ ' . ' ,Telep hone Bay Shore 025-W , first meth odist episcopal church * 2nd Ate, & Main St Bay Slioio Ed-jar S. Jflcli son, Minister first , church of Christ , w ' ' ' scien tist ' HI Lnwranca Lan e nnd Merrick Read : a . Bay Shore , 31. Tt. ' jj j Tho "fir st Chnrcla. of Christ , w KotmUrtt , In Bos ion, Mans. " | first iiAr ri sr church S of Ray Shore G Lindsay ' X Tronic , Pastor § Sunda y j nornlnir scrvlco Ui(0 n. m. I Sunda y sonooi *¦ *' w p. m. B, Y. P. O. ,: 7:00 p. m. Kvcnln u Servi ce 0:00 p. m. Friday, pra yer service .. 0:00 p. m. Stran gers and vlsltora nlwayn welcome . . ' s*. Patric k's r. o, onunoir of any Sliore Rev. Oonullua Duffy, Panlor Or der of. Mailtos: 0:30 , 0, O, 10 an d 11 n. m. , . Kvcn lmir dovotlpnn nt 0 o ' clock. iiKTiiur , a. m. k, oniin ' on B«v. Illriun S. Tynon , F»Hlor «i Broolc 8tr««l, Ray Sliono i ' ' ar. wnKE's i,«tiieran ciiiiboh I.awrane o tnne ami Merrick Roa d Ita? , I!. A. noueh , Paut or ' ." ' Ad«lr<io «t !|1 U. tfoni eomtty ' A\m. ' B - . ' I'lioiin,Bay Shore ISO M ¦ ' ' 8 oiiri st chuno n g of IlMintwooil fi v nav. jDlmiTll Iey. Rnolor u Holy Ooninnm lon (on tho foiirUi 9 Btirida y of (ho month...U;0O o- in. ¦ a MomlnB Pmyor nnd flormon (on S tho other Gundnya of th o -month ) s : 11:00 a, m. 3 Ohuv oh Boiiool „. ' .... ..10:00 am. I AMI TYVILLE CHURCHES ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CRURCn Amltyville First Nat. Bank Bid; , Greene Ave. Rev. Anf-iist F. Brann , Pastor (Tel. lllclisvllle 33S) FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH . Broadway near IMci rlpt Road , Amltyville , L. I , N. Y. { 'The Friendl y Clmrcli Ip the Friendly Town" Rev. Hartley J. Hnrtmnn , D.D., Mln. SAI NT MARTIN'S R. C. C11UKLH Ile v. John Finn , Pastor Parish RfRiilatlons fli m-Aiy Masse ;—7:30 , 0:00 fin d 10:30 ft. m. . sr. maiiv's p. e. oiiimcn Rev. Bayard If. Goodwin , Rcttor SIMPSON METHODIS T CIIU UCH Rev, Harry T. Howard, Minister BETHEL A. M. E. CHURCH Rev. R. It. Deivni, Pastor Mornln B worshi p at 11 a. m. OIdju rncotlrg nt 13:30 p. m. I LINDENHUR ST CHUR CHES FAITH RHILR CHURCH Rev. Cliarlea Wesley Marfan , Mln. Buntlny Bclioo), 0:45 n, in. ; Mornl p« Soi-vice, 11:00 n, m.; Kvonln g Qcrv- ico, -7:40 p, m. GRACE MRTHOD IST nirtBCOPAl cinnt oii Itev. Barton Bovee, Pastor LlnCenlinnt , L. I. , OVtC LADY OP PK RPETUA L HELP n , e. church BT. J OH N'H LUTII CRAN CHUltOli , ' .Sunday fieliool , OiSO; Mornin g service, 10i4(l; evenlne nervl ee, Il ls, ?iT ; vj y 3*TjTi7™^j | 7w';.ij i ' » \:! < \, y r CHURCH LISTING ;^ I BABYLON CHURCHES i SEVENT H DAY ADVENTIST Dclmcr P. Wood, Minister Odd FcII oks Hall, OD Deer Park Ave. "Tho Chur ch With a Welcome" Services every Sabbath (Satur- day) . Sabbath School nt 3 p. m.; Preaching Service nt 4 p..m. ; Bible Lectures every Thursday evening at 8 p. m. FIRST " aUTHERAN CHURCH , Locust Ave, west of Car ll Rev. Elmer E. Ziebpr , Pastor Sunda y School every Sunday ot 9:00 a v m. Morning Service every Sunday ot 10:00 n. ra. CHRIST CHURCH ^ARISH Rev. Edward J. * Burllngham , Pastor All services nt Cha pel. 8:00 a, m. —Earl y Celobratlon. 0:30 o. m. School. , 11:00 o. m. —Li tany nnd Ho ' ly Com- munion. ST. JOSEPH 'S R. C. CHURC H Re v. * UHck O'S. Buckley, Paster R ev. Jolin J. Holland , AsslBta qJ Sun day Masses : 7, 8, 0 and 10:90 o ' clock. We ekday Mosses: 1 nnd 8:15 o' clock. I Saturday Mass at 7:30. Holy days of Obli gation: Masses ot 0:3O, 7:30 an d 8:30 o' clock, Devotions: Sunda y 8 p. m. Rosary, Li tany, Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament. FIRST . PRESBYTERIA N CHUnCI I Rev. A. E. Abben , Pastor FIRST BAPTIST CH URC H Ilev. David B. Chene y, Paster Preachin g by pastor at 10:30 a. m. Bible School at 11:45 n. m, METHODIST EPISCOPAIi CHURCH Babylon, h. t N, Y. O. Newman Hoglo, 8.T.B. , Mi nJiler I PORT JEFFERSON j CHURCHES CHRIST CHURCH , EPISCOPAL Rev. Charles A. Livingston Choral Eucharist and sermon D:0O a. m. Oliurah School 10. -30 n, in. christian science: rocictv Odd Fellowo* Hall , Fort Je iferun A Dran -ch of Tlie Mother Cluireh , The First Church nf Christ , Scltrt- tlut , In Ronton, Mass. Service* eiioh Sunday moinln ? at 11:00 o' oloclc. RcndlnB room open flrat ' and third rv/d ayA from I' M to i p, m. Tho public in cordially In- vited to atten d tho norvlces nnd to tiso t ho rendi ng room, , FIRST PR K SRYTERIAN CHUI10II (luorffo 3. Rcluter , Minister FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH lVat ion 8. Wallace , Pastor MBTHO DIRT RP1SCOPA I, CHURCH tuv. 1. 1. Smith , Fastor btonv nno oic M, e. cnunoii iteV, Charles R. Wllllami flundny School nt 10 n. m. Morn- Inu worship and normon at 11. The nvon lnor eorv lco nt 7:45. I' roycr mcctlnir, Wcdncsdn y ovonlntt ot 0 ¦p. in. Vou nro welcome, i Hu nday—Bally Day ST. PATJ Ii'S lUTHEEAN ^CitpHC^, ' . ' g . John 3. Mltal , Piatar - . , ,,„, . , W Sunda y School every Sunday-at i. S 10 a. m. DL-vlne servlco . -wlth.ser . ri , i B mon at 7:30 p. m. Evcrybed yi -wel- . .. " jjj come. . ii. - .: ¦• .. - .. . , ui' - § . ISUP ; '^ -' : ^? I- CHURCH ES :; I •XBINITT EVANOEiaO SL ' ; '" ' g LUTHERAN CHURCH :; ¦ '' ' S of lsUp " ¦¦'¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ ' ¦'¦ g Rev. Carl G. Gernanht ; Ptutor '" '" ' s Pastor ' s Study Phone S(M0 * ' . , ' 'IB I SLIP METHODIST CHUR CH '' ' IS Hev. R. R. Roberts , Easfi ir " , ' r ' ,( jg ST. MARK'S EPISCOPAE . CHURCH v | ¦of IsUp 1 *- -' " 1 -' 1" - ¦:• ' »¦»¦ ¦;• § Eev. Wlillsm H. Curtfa , Rector g . FIR ST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH " ! H of isiip ' ' . !- -*ii.!• ' ¦••> !- - •¦¦ -• I a Eev, Oscar L. Daley, Pa stoif : " s CHRIST EVANOEMCAL ¦ ' ¦¦ ' '¦>' ¦ ' ¦ "' 5 LUTBEBAN CHURCH jjj oS Isllp Terrace * jjj Rev. Paul II. Land , Pastor H . We cordially Invito tlto public to fi our services, as follows : S Sabbath School O:30A M . n English Services 10:00 AM. B CHURCH OF ST. JOHN OF GOD fi of Central Isllp S Ilev. James S. MeConnlek , Pastor Cj Mass week days at 7:30. jjj . 7:00, 8:30, Children ' s Mass, and S 1 0:30. i S School of religious Instruction m after tho 0 o' clock Mass. @ Even ing devotions at 0:00. S BT. MARY'S R. 0. CHURCH g of East Inllp S Rev. Thomas.W. Connoll y, Pastor g Rev. Richard D. Lavell H Maises—Sunday, 0:3tt, 0 : 00, 0:15 S 10:3 0 a. m. -Weekdays—Summer , S 0:00 a. m. Winter , 7:00 a. m. Holy - g Days-fl:0O , S:00, 0:15 n. tn. First 0 l' - riaay, il- .00, 8:00 u. a\, Evtnlini ^ nervicc nccordlnij to nnnoiincement. |g School of Religious Imtriictlon— -3 Atler 0:16 a. tn. mwa each Sunday. E ContesfltoiiB—Stttiitihi Va , uvea ' tit CJ Solemn fenntn , eves of ilrnt 1 1 ' rldn ' y, h 4:00 to fl. -OO ond 7:30 to 0 -p. m. ' " ;| g ST. MAI t rS CltUKCli OF '' g SONICONKO HM " H Itev. John Tllley. " ReeJ or "'"" !; Holy Communion (on' the second * c Sunda y o* tho month ) ..O:30' iy. '' ih.' ; ' D Momlns Prayer and Sohtioh (oh ' C tho other Sundays O:30 ! n , ; m. '' C Cliurch school .,,.. , ' . ' 110:30 n. m." g IIAUPPAU OE METHODIST n ' g CiWnVIl ¦' "¦¦ ' -;'- ¦ 3 Rev. Kenneth D. (Inw ty, Minister ' f 0 Btmds y Behool ;.,io:ob b. ' irr: - ; ' § Mornin g Worship 11:00 a, ' m, 5 •pvonlng Borvlco »i80 p. 'in, * ' ; jjj CHURCH OF THE MEB8IAII " ' S of Centr sl lullp " r ""' ¦ ' " m Rev. John Tllley. R«tor ' , ' Ci Holy Oommunlon Con Uie first ' & nnd third Sunda ys of the month) " ' t O; 0D n. in, h OJmroli Soltool lfl'fl ? n. m. S Evcnln a service nnd normon 7:30 g METHODIST KPISCOPA L , ,,, Q CHURCH of Ceirlral *»lj p , ,. jjj Ilev. Doiukld Ihrtwl , Pastor , . g Btmdaj j - school, 10:00 h. m. ' ' "' ' , "& Morning Worship, 11:00 n, m. Q Evenin g Womlilp, 7:« pr m. r!l '" S mti^mtmislmi^ WHAT are the secret purposes ot Clod? From lilstor y and from 3 revelation , I think we are sate in declaring tliat God' s secret K purposes ior man are the destruction ot every opposing force to S man ' s nbfelest development. Now the stran ge thing is. that every ( S opposing lorce grows out of man ' s own obst inacy. The liquor * S traffic , the drug traffic , personal greed , war—all these are built jjj out of tho evil within ' man. .0 the eradication of moral evil is a problem demandi ng more ,,. jjj knowledge than we have unless we yield implicitly to the woids B 1 and the life of Jesus Himself. We do not need more psychology, ¦ ffl but we need more Chrlst- llkeness. ¦ . ' a Are we sure that the purposes o* God will be fulfilled in man? . ' ' . ¦ a As we look at the world today wc wonder. But our world toda y jjj is infinitel y better off than it his ever been before. H . Our new spiritual sensitiveness makes our old world' s sins . S seem more abhorrent. Whe n the grain is ripe and tho yellow S waves ri pple the secret purpose In the heart of the grain Is i ul- 3 till ed . "When mat stands r ipened in character arid Godlike the! " jjj secret purpose of God is fulfilled. ' ' " , '' . * "¦ ' . ' ' , § God Pur poses | §' " ¦ ' ' . ' ' ' ' .: ' ' gs sv J ' jlS,a Habit ol thou ght with most people who have any knowl- edge of Christianit y to associate with It the idea of peace. _ S 'Whether rightl y or wrongly, there is ^ nn instinctive Iceling that ' g . , ' ,, ' Christ iaid Chr istianity can have no fellowshi p with -war and § ' . '. '" bloodshed/ That convlctioii ii probabl y the result of tdc influence g . ' ' . ' " ' " of a good many factors, but arises as much from the general - g- "*" . ' character of Ch ristianity as from any particu lar element or at- . 3 ' .;. -. - ,. tribute ol . lt. B x ' . . it is not surprising, then , that the peace movement should be B ' a church movement. Indeed , so much is it a church movemeiit ;H . that , ' were church influence , promotion and -under-writing re- H moved from the scene , there would be very little to the .pe nce .S - movement. The Church is "in , with and under " the peace move- § - ment. ' In fact, the peace movement is the product of Church K leadership. . 12 ¦ EJ, . i l;: ;? 1 - , ' . - , ' * —"^ : —" " \ ' QP eace g ' ¦ ' . ROCK OF AGES.

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Pastor Central Congregational ' Church , Brooklyn, N. Y.

IT IS trite to say that work is life's sanitation. It is riot so trite to say that count>-

less workers face their task reluctantly and with distaste . This attitude is notcorlfined to those whoSe jobs'- are ' tedious or wearisome.

Too many are irritated ,by their daily routine and rebel against it. • Theygrud ge the strength and attention they have to bestow on bread-ear ning employ-ments. Fortunately for the large number who are too sensible to yield to this.weakenin g habit , life presently assumes fresh interest and their task becomes at-tractive. Fi^quently it gives them as much solid satisfaction as even a well-spentholiday.

What is the secret of so desirable a fitt ing in with one's job ? It is thefrank reco gnition that work ceases to be a tiresome grind and becomes an en- ,ricltment and a. joy, once the worker realizes th at his job .enables him to dis-char ge his debt of service to his fellow men. .

It has become chronic to associate work with restriction and depriva -tion ; to regard it. as a harness that chafes body and soul. Even when it re-lieves us fro.m financial anxieties , it may still create the jaundiced outlooksymptomatic of manhood 's deterioration. So one hears misleadin g allusion s to

. serfdom, and loss of independence , as if one 's dignity and freedom were boundup in idleness and ease. ' . . . . . . • ' ¦ * . ,

Of course everythin g hinges oh our healthy-mindedness as workers , on >the tem per in which we undertake our obligations , on the motives that ani-mate us in : ap proaching them. Those -Who try to dodge their duty and to justify 'their evasion by calling it a set up against social tyranny become parasites de-serving the contempt .of the rest of us. •

' Religion Glorifies Lab or, So far as reli gion is concerned , it glorifies labor and gives it a vital place

in our concepti on of life. Jesus declared that God is the Master Wor kman andthat as His obedient Son He also, must work the works of Him that sent that¦SorTinto the world.

The assured inference is that an .idle believer is a mora l impossibilit y.If he is idle he is not a believer , and if jie is a believer he cannot be idle. Maywe not then thank the Father of all ' lights for the Lamp of Labor , fed by the oilof sacrificial service and pray that its liglit may be rekindled in manifoldhouseholds now becloud -ed by its absence? ' •• ,

¦ Nay, more l TJie romance and.advent ure of one 's career are secure d bydoing, not by dreamin g, by losing one's self in what one' does and by br eathin g

' that self into the deed. So men ' arid wpifien have wrought in mine , forge , fac-tory , office , market, street, studio and the'syeilues of public service until their co-operative labors have transformed "the 'iVbrld . \ . • , ' V "

. ¦ I anv quite aware that work is ,tfst jjj y" too' 6ftEn ill situated , ill paid , ' too ':' laborious .and exacting. ' But it ought' noif io . be degradin g, and when it is reme-

dies exist in law and tie public conscience that should be unsparin gly applied .Away with any devices , however profitable to the greedy, which crush humanpersonality as God 's most precious , product ;.

. ' Juat RecognitionThe praise we often carelessly bestow on passin g figures of more notoriety

than merit should always be given to the * Consecrated spirits who dp the hardand hazardous tasks—to the miner , the , ironworker , the fisherman , the farmer ,the scrub woman , the sailor and their brothers and sisters who keep clean andhabitable town and city. Without thcfti. life's ordinary necessities would notlie provided? I urge this just recognition because without question one of thechief sources of the failure of so called '" respectables " to ri ghtly guide theirfellow citizens is their lack of appreciation 'for God 's social saviours who dothe really difficult jobs that have to be done , if we are not to perish from theearth . . . , •. - . *

Dwellers in fashionable or semi-fashionable quarters arc prone to forgetwhat it costs in flesh and blood to keep them serene and comftfrtable. ThoMe and conscientious social workers and clergymen who are insisting upon asearching re-examination of personal standards of living and asking that care-less and non-social behavior shall cease, and vulgar display give way to wiseexpenditure and to giving till it, hurts are a godsend- to the nation at this hour.M^——^—»———j——-——»»———»¦ IB .




» _ _~. —

. _ - . . . . - . < .' nlm • ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ . ' • ¦ • <

¦-. ¦ '< ; ¦!

1 * . : Building; the Church Around the - Bihle . JK .:• _ : : __ _ .... : - ' ' : : : ; : ' ¦• ¦ • , ; — ¦. ¦ • ¦¦ ! - ¦¦ —«* I


E. Y/. HOWELI&CO.Lumber & Mason Material s


PANCHARD 'SThe Beat Place To Dine

Merrick Road Mat inpequa

ISLIP COAL & FEED CO."You 'll like Dm Weigh "

newcoo 0. Hal f Clifton K. Sehlnnn ierishp

HUBBARD & SONS> Sand, Gravel, Moving & Storage




ROY B. DAVlSSupervisor

DYKSTRA AUTO SALES ,"' - Oldsmobile Agency


CHARLES H. DURYEAJustice of the Peace

FREDRIC WOODJustice of the Peace




' •

H . ,, ¦ ¦¦ ¦ . . . ' - , I ¦

1 ; " c^*' nl f


. - CHURCHES .ffl * FIRST CONGREGATIONA L': .,'§ ' \CHU RCH¦¦• 3 of Bay Shore


Ucv. Roy A. Welter , Minister30 First Ave., Bay Shore'* " ' ¦ '. ' ,Telephone Bay Shore 025-W

, first meth odist episcopalchurch

* 2nd Ate, & Main St„ Bay SlioioEd-jar S. Jflclison, Minister

first , church of Christ ,w ' ' 'scientist

' HI Lnwranca Lan e nnd Merrick Read: a . Bay Shore , 31. Tt.•' jj j Tho "fir st Chnrcla. of Christ ,

w KotmUrtt , In Bos ion, Mans.

" | first iiArrisr churchS of Ray ShoreG Lindsay ' X Tronic , Pastor§ Sunda y jnornlnir scrvlco Ui(0 n. m.


Sunda y sonooi *•¦ *' w p. m.B, Y. P. O. ,: 7:00 p. m.Kvcnln u Service 0:00 p. m.Friday, pra yer service .. 0:00 p. m.

Stran gers and vlsltora nlwaynwelcome. • . '

s*. Patric k's r. o, onunoirof any Sliore

Rev. Oonullua Duffy, PanlorOr der of. Mailtos: 0:30, 0, O, 10

and 11 n. m. , .Kvcnlmir dovotlpnn nt 0 o'clock.

iiKTiiur , a. m. k, oniin'onB«v. Illriun S. Tynon, F»Hlor«i Broolc 8tr««l, Ray Sliono

i' ' ar. wnKE's i,«tiieran ciiiibohI.awrane o tnne ami Merrick Road

Ita? , I!. A. noueh, Paut or' ."' Ad«lr<io«t !|1 U. tfoni eomtty 'A\m.

' B • - . ' I 'lioiin,Bay Shore ISOM ¦ ' '

8 oiirist chunong of IlMintwooil

• fi v nav. jDlmiTll Iey. Rnoloru Holy Ooninnm lon (on tho foiirUi9 Btirida y of (ho month...U;0O o- in.

¦ a MomlnB Pmyor nnd flormon (onS tho other Gundnya of tho -month )s : 11:00 a, m.3 Ohuvoh Boiiool „. '.... ..10:00 am .



First Nat. Bank Bid; , Greene Ave.Rev. Anf-iist F. Brann , Pastor

(Tel. lllclisvllle 33S)


Broadway near IMcirlpt Road,Amltyville , L. I, N. Y.

{'The Friendl y Clmrcli Ip theFriendly Town"

Rev. Hartley J. Hnrtmnn , D.D., Mln.

SAINT MARTIN'S R. C. C11UKLHIlev. John Finn , Pastor

Parish RfRiilatlonsflim-Aiy Masse ;—7:30, 0:00 fin d

10:30 ft. m. .

sr. maiiv's p. e. oiiimcnRev. Bayard If. Goodwin , Rcttor

SIMPSON METHODIS T CIIU UCHRev, Harry T. Howard, Minister

BETHEL A. M. E. CHURCHRev. R. It. Deivni, Pastor

Mornln B worshi p at 11 a. m.OIdju rncotlrg nt 13:30 p. m.


FAITH RHILR CHURCHRev. Cliarlea Wesley Marfan , Mln.Buntlny Bclioo), 0:45 n, in.; Mornl p«Soi-vice, 11:00 n, m.; Kvonln g Qcrv-ico, -7:40 p, m.


Itev. Barton Bovee, PastorLlnCenlinnt , L. I.


BT. JOHN'H LUTII CRAN CHUltOli, '.Sunday fieliool , OiSO; Mornin g

service, 10i4(l; evenlne nervlee, Il ls,

?iT;vjy3*TjTi7™ j|7w';.ij i'» \ : ! < \, y





Odd FcIIoks Hall,OD Deer Park Ave.

"Tho Chur ch With a Welcome"Services every Sabbath (Satur-

day) . Sabbath School nt 3 p. m.;Preaching Service nt 4 p..m. ; BibleLectures every Thursday evening at8 p. m.

FIRST "aUTHERAN CHURCH, Locust Ave, west of CarllRev. Elmer E. Ziebpr , Pastor

Sunday School every Sunday ot9:00 avm.

Morning Service every Sunday ot10:00 n. ra.

CHRIST CHURCH ^ARISHRev. Edward J. * Burllngham , Pastor

All services nt Cha pel.8:00 a, m.—Earl y Celobratlon.0:30 o. m.—School. ,

11:00 o. m.—Litany nnd Ho'ly Com-munion.

ST. JOSEPH 'S R. C. CHURC HRev.* UHck O'S. Buckley, PasterRev. Jolin J. Holland , AsslBta qJ

Sunday Masses : 7, 8, 0 and 10:90o'clock.

Weekday Mosses: 1 nnd 8:15 o'clock.I Saturday Mass at 7:30.

Holy days of Obligation: Masses ot0:3O, 7:30 and 8:30 o'clock,

Devotions: Sunda y 8 p. m. Rosary,Litany, Benediction of theMost Blessed Sacrament.


FIRST BAPTIST CH URC HIlev. David B. Cheney, Paster

Preachin g by pastor at 10:30 a.m. Bible School at 11:45 n. m,


Babylon, h. t„ N, Y.O. Newman Hoglo, 8.T.B., MinJiler


CHRIST CHURCH , EPISCOPALRev. Charles A. Livingston

Choral Eucharist and sermon D:0Oa. m. Oliurah School 10.-30 n, in.

christian science: rocictvOdd Fellowo* Hall , Fort Je iferun

A Dran -ch of Tlie Mother Cluireh ,The First Church nf Christ , Scltrt-

tlut, In Ronton, Mass.Service* eiioh Sunday moinln ? at

11:00 o'oloclc. RcndlnB room openflrat ' and third rv/dayA from I'M toi p, m. Tho public in cordially In-vited to atten d tho norvlces nnd totiso tho rendi ng room,

, FIRST PR KSRYTERIAN CHUI10II(luorffo 3. Rcluter , Minister

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCHlVation 8. Wallace , Pastor


tuv. 1. 1. Smith , Fastor

btonv nnooic M, e. cnunoiiiteV, Charles R. Wllllami

flundny School nt 10 n. m. Morn-Inu worship and normon at 11. Thenvon lnor eorvlco nt 7:45. I'roycrmcctlnir, Wcdncsdn y ovonlntt ot 0¦p. in. Vou nro welcome, i

Hunday—Bally Day

ST. PATJIi'S lUTHEEAN ^CitpHC^,'.' g .John 3. Mltal , Piatar -. , ,,„ , . , W

Sunday School every Sunday-at i. S10 a. m. DL-vlne servlco. -wlth.ser .r i , i Bmon at 7:30 p. m. Evcrybed yi -wel-. .. " jjjcome. . ii. - .: ¦• . . - .. . , ui' - § .

ISUP ;'^ - ' :^? I -CHURCH ES : ; I


of lsUp " ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦ ¦¦¦ ' - ¦¦'¦ gRev. Carl G. Gernanht ; Ptutor '" '" ' s

Pastor 's Study Phone S(M0 * ' . ,' ' IB

ISLIP METHODIST CHUR CH '' ' ISHev. R. R. Roberts , Easfiir " ,' r ',( jg

ST. MARK'S EPISCOPAE . CHURCH v |¦of IsUp 1 * - -'" 1-' 1"- ¦:• ' » ¦» ¦¦;• §Eev. Wlillsm H. Curtfa , Rector g .

FIR ST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH " ! Hof isiip ' ' . !- - * i i . !• '¦• • > !- •-••¦¦-• I a

Eev, Oscar L. Daley, Pastoif : „" s

CHRIST EVANOEMCAL ¦ '¦¦' ' ¦ > ' ¦'¦ "' 5LUTBEBAN CHURCH • jjj

oS Isllp Terrace * jjjRev. Paul II. Land , Pastor H

. We cordially Invito tlto public to fiour services, as follows : S

Sabbath School O:30A M. nEnglish Services 10:00 AM. B

CHURCH OF ST. JOHN OF GOD fiof Central Isllp S

Ilev. James S. MeConnlek , Pastor • Cj

Mass week days at 7:30. jjj. 7:00, 8:30, Children 's Mass, and S

10:30. i SSchool of religious Instruction m

after tho 0 o'clock Mass. @Evening devotions at 0:00. S

BT. MARY'S R. 0. CHURCH gof East Inllp S

Rev. Thomas.W. Connolly, Pastor gRev. Richard D. Lavell H

Maises—Sunday, 0:3tt, 0 :00, 0:15 S10:30 a. m. -Weekdays—Summer , S0:00 a. m. Winter , 7:00 a. m. Holy - gDays-fl:0O , S:00, 0:15 n. tn. First 0l'-riaay, il-.00, 8:00 u. a\, Evtnlini ^nervicc nccordlnij to nnnoiincement. |g

School of Religious Imtriictlon— -3Atler 0:16 a. tn. mwa each Sunday. E

ContesfltoiiB—Stttiitihi Va, uvea ' tit CJSolemn fenntn , eves of ilrnt 1 1'rldn'y, h4:00 to fl.-OO ond 7:30 to 0 -p. m. ' " ;| g


Itev. John Tllley." ReeJ or "'"" !;

Holy Communion (on' the second * cSunda y o* tho month ) ..O:30' iy.'' ih.' ; ' D

Momlns Prayer and Sohtioh (oh ' Ctho other Sundays O:30 !n,; m.'' C

Cliurch school . , , . . ,'.' 110:30 n. m." gIIAUPPAU OE METHODIST n ' g

CiWnVIl ¦ ' <¦ "¦¦ ' - ; ' -¦ • 3

Rev. Kenneth D. (Inw ty, Minister ' f 0

Btmdsy Behool ;.,io:ob b. 'irr: - ; ' §Mornin g Worship 11:00 a, ' m, 5•pvonlng Borvlco »i80 p. 'in, * '; jjj

CHURCH OF THE MEB8IAII " •' Sof Centr sl lullp " r ""' ¦ ' " m

Rev. John Tllley. R«tor ' , ' CiHoly Oommunlon Con Uie first ' &

nnd third Sunda ys of the month) " ' tO; 0D n. in, h

OJmroli Soltool lfl'fl ? n. m. SEvcnln a service nnd normon 7:30 g

METHODIST KPISCOPA L , , , , QCHURCH of Ceirlral *»ljp , , . jjjIlev. Doiukld Ihrtwl , Pastor , . g

Btmdaj j- school, 10:00 h. m. '' " ' '," &Morning Worship, 11:00 n, m. QEvening Womlilp, 7:« pr m.r!l • ' " S

mti mtmislmi

WHAT are the secret purposes ot Clod? From lilstory and from 3revelation , I think we are sate in declaring tliat God's secret K

purposes ior man are the destruction ot every opposing force to Sman 's nbfelest development. Now the stran ge thing is. that every ( Sopposing lorce grows out of man's own obstinacy. The liquor * Straffic , the drug traffic , personal greed , war—all these are built jjjout of tho evil within 'man. . 0

the eradication of moral evil is a problem demandi ng more , , . jjjknowledge than we have unless we yield implicitly to the woids B1 and the life of Jesus Himself. We do not need more psychology, ¦ fflbut we need more Chrlst- llkeness. ¦ . ' a

Are we sure that the purposes o* God will be fulfilled in man? .' ' . ¦ aAs we look at the world today wc wonder. But our world toda y jjj „is infinitel y better off than it his ever been before. H .

Our new spiritual sensitiveness makes our old world' s sins . Sseem more abhorrent. When the grain is ripe and tho yellow Swaves ripple the secret purpose In the heart of the grain Is iul- 3tilled. "When mat stands ripened in character arid Godlike the! " jjjsecret purpose of God is fulfilled. ' '" , '' .* •"¦ ' . '' • • , §

God Purposes |§'" ¦' '. ' ' ' ' .: ' ' gssv


' j lS,a Habit ol thou ght with most people who have any knowl- „edge of Christianit y to associate with It the idea of peace._

S 'Whether rightl y or wrongly, there is^nn instinctive Iceling that '

g . , ' ,, ' Christ iaid Chr istianity can have no fellowshi p with -war and§ '. '.'" bloodshed/ That convlctioii ii probabl y the result of tdc influenceg . '' . ' " ' " of a good many factors, but arises as much from the general -g - "*". ' character of Christianity as from any particu lar element or at-

. 3 ' .;. - . -,. tribute ol . lt.B

x '. . it is not surprising, then , that the peace movement should beB ' a church movement. Indeed , so much is it a church movemeiit

;H . that ,' were church influence , promotion and -under-writing re-H moved from the scene, there would be very little to the .pe nce •

.S - movement. The Church is "in , with and under " the peace move-§ - ment.' In fact, the peace movement is the product of ChurchK leadership. .

12 ¦ EJ, . i

l;: ;? 1 - ,' . - , ' * ———"^—:—" "\ ' QPeace

g '¦ ' . ROCK OF AGES.