1 campus, 1 community 2010 resource guide

1 campus, 1 community communy resource guide 2010-2011

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1 Campus, 1 Community 2010 Resource Guide


1 campus, 1 community communy mmccccc

resource guide 2010-2011


This resource guide is designed to help your organization connect with the Jackson community through service and to give you the tools you need to succeed in philanthropic efforts.

Table of Contents:

What is 1C1C?- pg. 3

Sample projects-pg. 4

Community partners- pg. 5

How to get involved- pg. 6

Who to contact- pg. 7

Who are we? 1C1C is a partnership with the Midtown neighborhood and a

commitment to school-age children and youth. It is not a club,

but a relationship.


“1 Campus, 1 Community is not just a program or an office—it’s a movement...A movement to break down the boundaries between ‘us’ and ‘them’ so that together, we can build real and lasting partnerships that will change us all for the better.” -Dr. Darby Ray

1 Campus, 1 Community is not just a program or an office—it’s a

movement. A movement to transform the way we think about

community service and the way we relate to the off-campus

community. A movement away from the assumption that “we”

know or have what “they” need. A movement to break down the

boundaries between “us” and “them” so that together, we can

build real and lasting partnerships that will change us all for the

better. At Millsaps College, we are on the move to a new way

of being in community.

1 Campus, 1 Community is a campus-wide commitment to

engage the wider community in modes of full partnership and

mutual respect. It signals our intention as a college community to

work with community partners to identify challenges and

problems that we come together to address.

1 Campus, 1 Community is an invitation to open our eyes and

hearts to the needs and blessings that are close at hand: the

neighborhood across the street, the public school around the

corner. Consider yourself invited!

The 1 Campus, 1 Community Center for Engaged Learning and

Living maintains a database of community partners, projects, and

needs and connects interested individuals and groups to these

constituencies. We cultivate positive relationships with

community partners, and we work with campus organizations

and academic programs from across the college to promote,

coordinate, track, and assess community engagement efforts.

Each year, we help connect Millsaps students, faculty, and staff

to service opportunities, and we encourage the building of long-

lasting partnerships between the college and the community.

“Millsaps is the only one that

comes over and does things in Midtown and

with Midtown"

-Block Party Guest


A sample of 1C1C projects

Midtown Majors – a neighborhood boys’

basketball team that participates in City of

Jackson leagues

Operation Cinderella Story- an event that

provides gently-worn formal wear to

Rowan Middle School students for their

8th grade dance

MLK Day Play & Serve – a day of games,

learning, and service for the children of the

Midtown and Millsaps communities

Take a Kid to the Game Day – an event

where Millsaps students host Midtown kids

at campus athletic events

1C1C Block Party – annual springtime

party that brings the Millsaps and Midtown

communities together for food, fun, and


Reading is FUNdamental – a literacy

program hosted by Millsaps students at

Brown Elementary School in Midtown

Halloween Trick or Treating – Midtown

kids come to Millsaps for trick-or-treating

in the dorms

100% Adopt-A-Class – student organiza-

tions at Millsaps “adopt” 100% of the

classes at Brown Elementary School


Operation Cinderella

An eighth grade girl from Rowan Middle School

chooses a dress to wear to her school dance.

The dresses are donated by Millsaps sorority



Community partners

Midtown Neighborhood

Brown Elementary School o 146 E. Ash Street o Contact: LaQuanda Sims (simls@


Rowan Middle School o 136 E. Ash Street o Contact: Mike Gaines (gainema@


Midtown Partners Community Garden o 329 Adelle Street o Contact: Monica Cannon

(monicacannon@midtownpartners. org)

Midtown Partners Meals With Wheels o 114 Millsaps Avenue o Contact: Monica Cannon (above)

Little Samaritan Montessori School o 162 Millsaps Avenue o Contact: Monica Cannon (above)

Project Innovation After School Program o 329 Adelle Street o Contact: LaTanya Dixon (latanyadixon


Mississippi Children’s Home o 100 Wesley Avenue o Contact: Dr. Darby Ray (raydk@


Good Samaritan o 114 Millsaps Avenue o Contact: Karen Clem (karenclem@


Grace House o 236 Millsaps Avenue o Contact: Kelly Long 601.201.5454

[email protected]

Other Partners

Operation Shoestring o 1711 Bailey Ave. o Contact: Wade Overstreet 601.353.6336

ext. 20 [email protected]

Stewpot Community Services o 1100 W. Capital Street o Contact: Tara Lindsey

601.353.2759 [email protected]

Boys’ and Girls’ Club o 1450 W. Capital Street o Contact: Randal Gray 601.969.7088 ext. 23

Habitat for Humanity

o 1260 Ellis Ave. o Contact: Elliott Imhoff

[email protected]

Gleaners o 359 North Mart Plaza o Contact: Nancy Willis 601.956.4740

Grace Place

o Galloway United Methodist Church 305 North Congress Street

o Contact: Leslie Bingham 601.326.3443


How to help 1C1C: Join the 1C1C Student Leadership Team! Our team is a diverse group of young people who advocate for service across the campus and help interested individuals and groups connect to specific needs in the surrounding communities, especially the Midtown neighborhood and Jackson public schools.

Visit the 1C1C Facebook page to find out about

upcoming events.

Look at the Millsaps Website to see what

programs are going on around campus.

When searching the web, use GoodSearch.com

and type in Millsaps College-1 Campus 1

Community to donate to the cause every time

you use the search engine!

The 1 Campus, 1 Community Center for Engaged

Learning and Living (1C1C CELL) is the volunteer

center for the college. We’ll be happy to connect

you to service opportunities and partners.

Visit the 1C1C Center to talk to our staff or to

peruse the Community Service binder that

contains information about service sites all

around Jackson.

Office location: Top floor of the Student Center

Office number: 974-1237

Office hours during the school year: 1pm-4pm

Students at the Block Party, Operation Cinderella, and Habitat for

Humanity come together as 1 Campus and 1 Community.


Who to contact on campus about getting involved: Student Leadership Team: Maria Underwood, Bolton Kirchner, Hailey Miranda, Laura Cost, Josh Whitam, Lindsey Claire Brown, Denae’ Hebert, Will Lammons, Mary Kate Rees, Amy Patterson, Alex Lawson, Chelsey Overstreet, Treshika Melvin, Courtney Ramsey

Dr. Darby Ray

Darby is 1C1C Director. She is also a Religious Studies professor at Millsaps and Director of the

Millsaps Faith & Work Initiative. Darby loves developing mutually beneficial partnerships

between the college and the community.

Email: [email protected]

Box Number: 150348

Raymond Clothier

Raymond is Associate Director of the Millsaps Faith & Work Initiative and served as the interim

Chaplain of the college during the 2008-2009 school year. Raymond oversees the Lilly Interns and

Fellows programs and the C.A.L.L.S. (Considering a Life of Leadership and Service) program. He is

an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ.

Email: [email protected]

Box Number: 151618

Ms. LaQuanda Sims

Quanda is a 1C1C Postbaccalaureate Fellow and is head of the 1C1C Schools Team. She

graduated from Brandon High School and then Millsaps College with a major in Biology. Quanda

oversees the 100% Adopt-A-Class program and Reading is FUNdamental. She also helps supervise

the Wellspring Community Service Living-Learning Program.

Mr. Mike Gaines

Mike is a 1C1C Postbaccalaureate Fellow and is the head of the 1C1C Neighborhood Support

Team. He graduated from Lanier High School and Jackson State University with a major in

Political Science. Mike oversees the Midtown Majors boys’ basketball teams and 1C1C special

events. He also helps supervise the Wellspring Community Service Living-Learning Program.

Center for Engaged Learning and Living (C.E.L.L.)

The C.E.L.L. is on the third floor of Student Life and holds the offices of Mike and LaQuanda. Stop

by anytime during the week between 1-4pm to talk to either of them, or come by whenever to

see the resource guide and booklet. We love company!

1 Campus 1 Community

Box # 150348 Jackson, MS 39210
