1 can we see the forest through the trees? ad melkert, associate administrator, undp regional...

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1 Can we see the forest through the trees? Ad Melkert, Associate Administrator, UNDP Regional Bureaux Cluster Meetings 2008 21.04.08 Slide 2 2 I. The Global Context: Economic growth (south>north/ MICs) Partnerships (south-south) Economic imbalances: Extractive industry; pollution The Bottom billion: Conflict; Natural disaster; land-locked Democracy and stability: elections and power-sharing Global Security New donors/ private foundations UN reputation (perceptions/ realities on the ground) Message: the UN needs to keep pace to remain relevant; UNDP will be held accountable for demonstrating results Slide 3 3 II. The UNDP trees: MDGs + Capacity development UN/UNDP Leap Internal Management Synergy Security Communication Slide 4 4 UNDP Tree 1: UN support for Scaling-up MDGs and Capacity Development: Support in design + implementation of national- MDG-based programmes + integration of government services LICs/LDCs: scaling-up MICs: focusing Addressing capacity constraints: Delivery capacity (HR, procurement, financial mgt) Strategic Planning (and resource mobilization) Specific Sector Strategies Millennium Campaign partnership Message : MDGs should be more than business as usual, connecting the local with the mainstream policies and institutions Slide 5 5 UNDP Tree 2: UN/UNDP One UN pilots national ownership; UN alignment w/national priorities; agency (resident + non-resident) participation; transaction costs; questions: strategic nature; sustainability of resources UNDAF: apply pilot lessons to UNDAF roll-out countries RDT role: coherence support and performance management RC/RR/CD: guidance + working relationship > dos and donts / firewall Message : the UN infrastructure is in place; reduce the talk, increase the action and impactmake it happen Slide 6 6 UNDP Tree 3: UNDPs Leap Where UNDP has to climb higher to meet urgent demand: MDG + local delivery Early recovery + system coordination Democracy and delivery (HDR?) Climate Change and energy Message: concentrate rather than spread resources; more leadership in less areas Slide 7 7 UNDP Tree 4: UNDP Synergy UNV Advocacy Integration Mobilization UNCDF Local development Inclusive Finance LDC emphasis/ learning UNIFEM Gender as a key to the MDGs Expertise/ Network Resources Message: leverage the added-value Slide 8 8 UNDP Tree 5: Internal Management Internal performance management Standards for planning, monitoring and reporting Clear and up to date policies, procedures and indicators Strengthen oversight + accountability Improving management/ staff behaviour (ethics office/ training) Risk management (esp. procurement) People management, recruitment and career Oversight of Regional Bureaux + role of RSCs Tailored operational modalities (Crisis/ MIC/ NCC etc.) Message: simplify and tailor ways of working: higher quality and clearer standards Slide 9 9 UNDP Tree 6: Security Threat is more than defining a high risk location Location/ UN House + host government interaction requires HQ guidance/ decisions Address host responsibility (Brahimi) Review DO requirements and support Decide and resource quickly Message: Do not accept inferior measures; (together with HQ) engage host governments Slide 10 10 UNDP Tree 7: Communication Externally: Tell the UNDP story Spread the message Be alert and savvy Internally: Strategic direction Human touch Feedback culture and mechanisms Message: Provide feedback on the effectiveness of our internal communication; raise awareness for external communication Slide 11 UNDP Gender Equality Strategy Objective: To deepen UNDPs work on gender, complement the SP and provide guidance for: Operationalising gender equality as the integrating dimension of the SP Developing institutional arrangements to support this integration Reporting gender equality results Broad-based consultative process guided by the Gender Equality Task Force. Approved by GSIC and received positively by Executive Board. Across ALL SP FOCUS AREAS, UNDP will support the development of national and regional capacities on gender equality and womens empowerment Strengthened accountability mechanisms, enhanced knowledge management and increased communication and advocacy on gender equality Message: Encourage the RR/RC and CD to take responsibility to lead the COs in implementing the GES Slide 12 12 The UNDP forest of the future: UNDP 2015 Advocate for democracy + participation/ stability Expert support to public delivery systems Supporter equality & Connector: anti-discrimination practice poverty-energy-climate Leader in crisis/disaster surge for recovery Slide 13 13 The UNDP forest of the future: UNDP 2015 contd. Coordination: agenda for action post-MDG Technical manager of system-wide funds Greater diversity / flexibility UN-system KM leader in country/ regional presence Staff demographic balance + gender parity in mgt Slide 14 14 UNDP: 2015 The centre of coordinated policy, knowledge and operational capacity on behalf of the UN system Ad Melkert, Associate Administrator, UNDP Regional Bureaux Cluster Meetings 2008 Can we see the forest through the trees?