1 cs 106 computing fundamentals ii chapter 22 “data types” herbert g. mayer, psu cs status...

1 CS 106 Computing Fundamentals II Chapter 22 “Data Types” Herbert G. Mayer, PSU CS Herbert G. Mayer, PSU CS Status 7/10/2013 Status 7/10/2013 Initial content copied verbatim from Initial content copied verbatim from CS 106 material developed by CS 106 material developed by CS professors: Cynthia Brown & Robert Martin CS professors: Cynthia Brown & Robert Martin

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Page 1: 1 CS 106 Computing Fundamentals II Chapter 22 “Data Types” Herbert G. Mayer, PSU CS Status 7/10/2013 Initial content copied verbatim from CS 106 material


CS 106Computing Fundamentals II

Chapter 22“Data Types”

Herbert G. Mayer, PSU CSHerbert G. Mayer, PSU CSStatus 7/10/2013Status 7/10/2013

Initial content copied verbatim fromInitial content copied verbatim fromCS 106 material developed byCS 106 material developed by

CS professors: Cynthia Brown & Robert MartinCS professors: Cynthia Brown & Robert Martin

Page 2: 1 CS 106 Computing Fundamentals II Chapter 22 “Data Types” Herbert G. Mayer, PSU CS Status 7/10/2013 Initial content copied verbatim from CS 106 material


Syllabus Define Data TypeDefine Data Type Information Content in BitsInformation Content in Bits Storing TextStoring Text IntegersIntegers Floating Point NumbersFloating Point Numbers Logical ValuesLogical Values Date TypeDate Type VariablesVariables

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Define Data Type• A computer data type is the representation of a A computer data type is the representation of a

particular range of valuesparticular range of values

• Such values can be numeric, textual, or otherSuch values can be numeric, textual, or other• Values 0 .. 255 constitute an integer subrange type• Values from ‘A’ .. ‘Z’ constitutes a character subrange

• We’ll look at the most common ones, such as We’ll look at the most common ones, such as character, integer, floating-point, character, character, integer, floating-point, character, booleanboolean

• For each one we learn:For each one we learn: What is the type typically used for in a program The potential range of values we can store What kinds of operations we can do on it

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Information Content in Bits

• One bit can have two values, 0 and 1. You One bit can have two values, 0 and 1. You cannot find a way to represent more than two cannot find a way to represent more than two different values with one bitdifferent values with one bit

• Two bits can represent 4 values: 00, 01, 10, Two bits can represent 4 values: 00, 01, 10, 1111

• Three bits gives 8 values: 0 followed by each Three bits gives 8 values: 0 followed by each of the 4 values for 2 bits, or 1 followed by of the 4 values for 2 bits, or 1 followed by each of the four values for 2 bitseach of the four values for 2 bits

• In general, adding a bit doubles the number In general, adding a bit doubles the number of values. With n bits you can represent 2of values. With n bits you can represent 2nn valuesvalues

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Storing Text

• One kind of data we often want to store is textOne kind of data we often want to store is text

• Text is made up of characters. To let computers Text is made up of characters. To let computers of different kinds interact with each other, of different kinds interact with each other, standard character sets are usedstandard character sets are used

• The ASCII character set (the old standard) uses The ASCII character set (the old standard) uses 8 bits per character: 8 bits per character: AAmerican merican SStandard tandard CCode ode for for IInformation nformation IInterchangenterchange

• Another common one is EBCDIC: Another common one is EBCDIC: EExtended xtended BBinary inary CCoded oded DDecimal ecimal IInterchange nterchange CCode; use by IBMode; use by IBM

• 8 bits can encode 28 bits can encode 288 = 256 different characters = 256 different characters

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• 256 characters is enough for upper and 256 characters is enough for upper and lower case English letters, punctuation, lower case English letters, punctuation, the 10 digits, space and new line, and some the 10 digits, space and new line, and some odd characters like letters with umlautsodd characters like letters with umlauts

• But there are many other alphabets in the But there are many other alphabets in the world, not to mention Chinese characters!world, not to mention Chinese characters!

• The new standard, called Unicode, uses 16 The new standard, called Unicode, uses 16 bits per character. With 2bits per character. With 216 16 possible possible characters, there are plenty to go around, characters, there are plenty to go around, or 65,536 different valuesor 65,536 different values

• Yet CDC supercomputers used 6-bit character Yet CDC supercomputers used 6-bit character set, no lower- AND uppercase letters!set, no lower- AND uppercase letters!

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String Type

• VBA uses data type String for strings of VBA uses data type String for strings of text, including single characters. text, including single characters. Example: “hello”Example: “hello”

• Each type, including String, has Each type, including String, has appropriate operations associated with itappropriate operations associated with it

• Note that there is no specification and Note that there is no specification and thus limitation on the length of a string thus limitation on the length of a string in VBA! Very convenient for userin VBA! Very convenient for user

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Operations on Types (Strings)

With the string type, most operations use With the string type, most operations use built-in functions. The built-in functions. The && string operator string operator concatenates two strings. For example:concatenates two strings. For example:

varA = “Hello ”varA = “Hello ” --note space at the end: ‘ ‘--note space at the end: ‘ ‘

varB = “There”varB = “There”

varC = varA & varBvarC = varA & varB

gives varC the valuegives varC the value

““Hello There”Hello There”

We’ll look at the string functions laterWe’ll look at the string functions later

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• Computer hardware is usually set up to Computer hardware is usually set up to handle two distinct types of numbers, handle two distinct types of numbers, integer and floating pointinteger and floating point

• There is often separate hardware for doing There is often separate hardware for doing arithmetic on each type, and they are used arithmetic on each type, and they are used in different waysin different ways

• Floating point Floating point number representation is number representation is defined via specific standards, the most defined via specific standards, the most common being common being IEEE 754 IEEE 754

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• God invented integers, man invented floating God invented integers, man invented floating point numbers! point numbers!

• Integers are used for counting, e.g. indexingIntegers are used for counting, e.g. indexing

• Excel/VBA has two integer types, called Excel/VBA has two integer types, called IntegerInteger and and LongLong. Integer is 2 bytes and Long . Integer is 2 bytes and Long is 4 bytesis 4 bytes

• Signed integer numbers range from -32768 to Signed integer numbers range from -32768 to 32767. Since there can be more than 32767 32767. Since there can be more than 32767 rows in a worksheet, it’s best to always use rows in a worksheet, it’s best to always use Long unless you know for sure your numbers Long unless you know for sure your numbers are smaller are smaller

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Floating Point Numbers

• This is the kind of number we use for general This is the kind of number we use for general computations, which can have a fractional computations, which can have a fractional partpart

• Internally they are stored in a form that Internally they are stored in a form that uses a mantissa and an exponent, allowing uses a mantissa and an exponent, allowing representations similar to scientific representations similar to scientific notation (3.14159 E 23)notation (3.14159 E 23)

• Excel/VBA has two floating point types, Excel/VBA has two floating point types, SingleSingle-Precision (4 bytes) and -Precision (4 bytes) and DoubleDouble--Precision (8 bytes)Precision (8 bytes)

• Double has way more precision and we shall Double has way more precision and we shall use it in CS 106use it in CS 106

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Operations on Types (Numbers)

• Numbers have the usual arithmetic Numbers have the usual arithmetic operations, with the usual precedence. So operations, with the usual precedence. So

2 + 3 * 4 means 2 + (3 * 4), not (2 + 2 + 3 * 4 means 2 + (3 * 4), not (2 + 3) * 43) * 4

• If you want the last version, use If you want the last version, use parentheses to change the precedence. You parentheses to change the precedence. You can always use parentheses to be sure the can always use parentheses to be sure the expression means what you want it toexpression means what you want it to

• Most arithmetic operations use the same Most arithmetic operations use the same notation when applied to integers or notation when applied to integers or floating point numbersfloating point numbers

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Mixing Integers and Floats

• If you write an expression that uses both If you write an expression that uses both integers and floating point numbers, the integers and floating point numbers, the result will be a floating point numberresult will be a floating point number

• Operations like exponentiation or division Operations like exponentiation or division also yield a floating point result when also yield a floating point result when applied to two integersapplied to two integers

• Types can be converted to related, other Types can be converted to related, other typestypes

• Such conversions can generate unexpected Such conversions can generate unexpected results, or else requires a user with results, or else requires a user with intimate understanding of all conversion intimate understanding of all conversion rules! rules!

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Logical (Boolean) Values

• Another data type is for logical values, Another data type is for logical values, called Boolean in honor of logician George called Boolean in honor of logician George BooleBoole

• Booleans have one of two values: Booleans have one of two values: TrueTrue or or FalseFalse

• Booleans in VBA Excel are two bytes – Booleans in VBA Excel are two bytes – efficient?efficient?

• Why two bytes for information that could be Why two bytes for information that could be encoded in one bit? The rationale is speed, encoded in one bit? The rationale is speed, since it would take longer for a computer to since it would take longer for a computer to extract the value of a single bit from a extract the value of a single bit from a group and the wasted bits are cheapgroup and the wasted bits are cheap

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Operations on Boolean

Boolean values are manipulated via Boolean values are manipulated via operations such as:operations such as:


We’ll look at these closely in our module on We’ll look at these closely in our module on conditionalsconditionals

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Date Type

• Dates are their own data type in VBA/ExcelDates are their own data type in VBA/Excel

• They take up 8 bytes, and can range from They take up 8 bytes, and can range from January 1, 0100 to December 31, 9999January 1, 0100 to December 31, 9999

• The basic display format for dates is The basic display format for dates is MM/DD/YYYY, though you can choose other MM/DD/YYYY, though you can choose other formatsformats

• Internally, starting with Jan. 1, 1900, Internally, starting with Jan. 1, 1900, dates are represented by a number which is dates are represented by a number which is 1 on 1/1/1900 and goes up from there1 on 1/1/1900 and goes up from there

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Operations on Dates

• You can add and subtract numbers from dates, You can add and subtract numbers from dates, as long as you are using dates after January as long as you are using dates after January 1, 1900 . E.g.:1, 1900 . E.g.:

2/12/12 + 7 is 2/12/19

• Excel is smart enough to go into the next Excel is smart enough to go into the next month or year if need bemonth or year if need be

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Other Data Types

• VBA has plenty of other data types, but the VBA has plenty of other data types, but the ones we discussed we’ll mainly useones we discussed we’ll mainly use

• VBA includes a VBA includes a RangeRange type, to define to a type, to define to a range of cells. These can be useful in range of cells. These can be useful in programming; we’ll introduce them as we need programming; we’ll introduce them as we need themthem

• There is also a There is also a VariantVariant data type that is data type that is kind of a grab-bag of all types together. It kind of a grab-bag of all types together. It uses a lot of extra space and we will avoid uses a lot of extra space and we will avoid it; too advanced!it; too advanced!

• However, Excel cells do automatically have However, Excel cells do automatically have the type the type VariantVariant, else you could not , else you could not arbitrarily assign a cell all kinds of valuesarbitrarily assign a cell all kinds of values

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Declaring Variables• When we start to use variables, we will make it a When we start to use variables, we will make it a

practice to declare them: state up front what practice to declare them: state up front what their data type istheir data type is

• The alternative, which might seem attractive, is The alternative, which might seem attractive, is to let Excel deduce their data typeto let Excel deduce their data type

• The problem with this is that it can make a typo The problem with this is that it can make a typo in a variable name into a serious, hard to find in a variable name into a serious, hard to find error as Excel just thinks it is a new variableerror as Excel just thinks it is a new variable

• Very common source of problems in old programming Very common source of problems in old programming languages, such as Fortran and PL/Ilanguages, such as Fortran and PL/I

• We will use We will use Option Explicit Option Explicit as the first line in as the first line in every VBA module we write to avoid this problemevery VBA module we write to avoid this problem

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The Dim Statement• To declare a variable we use a statement such as To declare a variable we use a statement such as

DimDim varA varA As LongAs Long

• Dim is a keyword that tells VBA that we are Dim is a keyword that tells VBA that we are getting ready to declare a variablegetting ready to declare a variable

• varA is the name of the variable – a user defined varA is the name of the variable – a user defined namename

• You must use the special keyword You must use the special keyword AsAs, between the , between the variable name and the name of the typevariable name and the name of the type

• Use Const instead of Dim to declare a constant, as Use Const instead of Dim to declare a constant, as in in

ConstConst varA varA As Long As Long = 1= 1

• A constant can’t be changed by the code; must be A constant can’t be changed by the code; must be initializedinitialized

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Names for Variables

• We’ll sometimes use fairly generic names (like We’ll sometimes use fairly generic names (like varA) in our initial examples; when you’re varA) in our initial examples; when you’re writing a real macro, use meaningful names for writing a real macro, use meaningful names for your variablesyour variables

• You cannot use a key word as a variable name, You cannot use a key word as a variable name, as keywords are as keywords are reservedreserved

• The name must start with a letter and is made The name must start with a letter and is made up of letters, digits and underscores; up of letters, digits and underscores; examples:examples:• My_value• min3

• It can be up to 255 characters in lengthIt can be up to 255 characters in length

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Names for Variables

• In our class, we will start all variable In our class, we will start all variable names with a lower case letternames with a lower case letter

• An example of a long descriptive name An example of a long descriptive name would be would be primaryInterestRateprimaryInterestRate or or primary_interest_rateprimary_interest_rate

• VBA does not distinguish by case, so varA VBA does not distinguish by case, so varA and vara are the same name to VBAand vara are the same name to VBA

• Again: VBA Again: VBA variable names are not case variable names are not case sensitive!!sensitive!!

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A Final Caution

• Things are not always exactly the same in Things are not always exactly the same in VBA as in Excel. Each has their own built-VBA as in Excel. Each has their own built-in functions, precedence rulesin functions, precedence rules

• For example: Excel cells are named by For example: Excel cells are named by alphabetic columns followed by numeric alphabetic columns followed by numeric lines, e.g. B4 --meaning column 2, row 4lines, e.g. B4 --meaning column 2, row 4

• VBA Cells() indices are both numeric and VBA Cells() indices are both numeric and list the row number first, such as list the row number first, such as Cells( 4, 5 ) --meaning row 4, column 5 Cells( 4, 5 ) --meaning row 4, column 5