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1 The Vedanta Kesari October 2019 `15 1 A Cultural and Spiritual Monthly of the Ramakrishna Order since 1914 The V edanta K esari O ctober 2019 (Cover story p. 11)

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A Cultural and Spiritual Monthly of the Ramakrishna Order since 1914



O ctober 2019

(Cover story p. 11)

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Dear Readers,The Vedanta Kesari is one of the oldest cultural and spiritual magazines in the of the magazine, then called Brahmavadin, came out on 14 Sept 1895. Brahmavadin was run by one of Swamiji’s ardent followers Sri Alasinga Perumal. After his death in 1909 the magazine publication became irregular, and stopped in 1914 whereupon the Ramakrishna Order revived it as The Vedanta Kesari. Swami Vivekananda’s concern for the magazine is seen in his letters to Alasinga Perumal where he writes: ‘Now I am bent upon starting the journal.’

‘Herewith I send a hundred dollars…. Hope this will go just a little in starting your paper.’ ‘I am determined to see the paper succeed.’ ‘The

in.’ ‘It must be supported by the Hindus if they have any sense of virtue or gratitude left in them.’ ‘I pledge myself to maintain the paper anyhow.’ ‘The Brahmavadin is a jewel—it must not perish. Of course, such a paper has to be kept up by private help always, and we will do it.’For the last 105 years, without missing a single issue, the magazine has been carrying the invigorating message of Vedanta with articles on spirituality, culture, philosophy, youth, personality development, science, holistic living, family and corporate values. Over the years, production and publication costs have gone up manifold. A non-commercial magazine like this can continue its good work only assistance of well-wishers. Hence, we appeal to our readers and admirers of Swamiji to support us by donating to the following schemes:

TheVedanta Kesari

cern for the magazine is seen in his letters to Alasingaw I am bent upon starting the journal.’ ars…. Hope this will go just a little inmined to see the paper succeed.’ ‘The

e Hindus if they have any sense of ’ ‘I pledge myself to maintain then is a jewel—it must not perish. Of

ept up by private help always, and

out missing a single issue,the invigorating message spirituality, culture, evelopment, science, rate values.on and publication A non-commercial e its good work only eaders and admirers ating to the following











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> Turn overleaf to explore further...



Series 5: Understanding India - through Swami Vivekananda's eyes

Swami Vivekananda had a deep appreciation of India, which was born out of four distinct factors:

(i) His personal encounter with Sri Ramakrishna (of whom he said, ‘This man had in fifty-one years lived the five thousand years of national spiritual life'),

(ii) His extensive travels and first hand encounter with people across the length & breadth of the country (during the 6-7 years of his life as a wandering monk),

(iii) His personal experience of the Western response to Indian ideas, which further sharpened and improved his understanding of India (during the World Parliament of Religions and later when he was the representative of India to the West), and

(iv) His own vast spiritual realizations, of which his meditation on the rock in Kanyakumari is the most famous.

In this new series, we take up parts of lectures in which Swami Vivekananda has spoken about India, such as: INDIA - THE SACRED LAND, THE SAGES OF INDIA, THE RELIGION WE ARE BORN IN, THE MISSION OF THE VEDANTA, THE FUTURE OF INDIA, THE WORK BEFORE US, VEDANTA & ITS APPLICATION TO INDIAN LIFE, THE COMMON BASIS OF HINDUISM, etc. We will thus try to understand India through Swami Vivekananda's eyes, and thereby build a deeper appreciation of our own country.

After his grand success at the World's Parliament of Religions in Chicago in 1893, Swami Vivekananda toured and lectured across the West for three years. Then he returned to Colombo on 15th January 1897.

Colombo gave him a hero's welcome. It was here that he gave his first public lecture in the East. The topic was: ‘India – The Sacred Land’. In this issue, we study this lecture and try to appreciate (from our limited point of view) the key messages that he presented...

Formerly I thought as every Hindu thinks …that this is the Punya Bhumi,

the land of Karma. Today I stand here and say, with the conviction of truth,

that it is so. If there is any land on this earth that can lay claim to be the

blessed Punya Bhumi, to be the land to which all souls on this earth must

come to account for Karma, the land to which every soul that is wending its

way Godward must come to attain its last home, the land where humanity

has attained its highest towards gentleness, towards generosity, towards

purity, towards calmness, above all, the land of introspection and of

spirituality — it is India. ...Here is the life-giving

water with which must be quenched the burning

hearts of millions in other lands. Believe me, my

friends, this is going to be.®

Designed & developed by

ILLUMINE Knowledge Catalysts


India – the Punya Bhumi focus in this issue:
















: A









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Key messages from the lecture: India – The Sacred Land

The world owes a great debt to India. All races contribute great ideas to humanity. But all races, except one, have advanced their ideas by conquering other races. It is India alone which has shared her ideas without conquering others.


There have been many great nations which have lived in glory for a short time and vanished thereafter. But India has endured through thousands of years – each misfortune, each experience making her stronger and more constant.


For all other nations, religion is one of the many occupations of life, such as politics, enjoyment of social life, and accumulating wealth. But in India alone, religion is the central occupation. India’s national life is centered around religion.


Source: Based on Chapter 2 (Evolution of Religio-philosophic Culture in India) of The Cultural Heritage of India Vol. IV, Published

by The Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Kolkata


400 CE onwards – Advaita philosophy, as

formulated by Adi Sankara

– Upsurge of Saivism, Vaishnavism, and Saktism

800 CE onwards

– Development of Visishtadvaita & Dvaita philosophies – Sri Vaishnavism (~11th C) – Vira Saivas (~12th C) – Chaitanya movement (~13th C) – Varkaris (~13th C) – and many more...

Bhakti Movement

~1800 - 1900CESpiritual renaissance of Sri Ramakrishna & Swami Vivekananda

~1000 CESufism

In India, influenced by the Vedanta

~1400 CESikhism

Founded by Guru Nanak who says "the chief of

gods is the one Lord, the true Name of God”

BCE ~2000 years

2000 - 600 BCEVedic Period

Vedas formed the philosophical and spiritual

basis for people

~ 600 BCEBhagavatismSubstituted a personal God 'Hari' in place of the abstract idea of universal soul - devotion was central here.

~ 500 BCEBuddhism

A highly developed ethical life was seen as the sole

means of attaining salvation ~ 400 BCEJainismRegarded austerity as the essential means of salvation.

400 BCE - 400 CE – Development of 6 systems

of philosophies

– Reconciliation of Vedic faith with sectarianism,

and the evolution of synthetic Hinduism

CE ~2000 years

“ ToTo t thehe o oththerer n natatioionsns o of f oo t thehe o ottee ooththerer nnaaeeToTo tthehe ooththerer nnatatioionnhhToTo tthehe ooththerer nnatatioioooToTo tthehe ooththerer nnatatioioeeToTo tthehe ooththerer nnatatioionnToToToTo tthhtthhtthhhhee ee ooooththththeerr nnaattiittioioioionnss o of f ss ooffoof f ththe e woworlrld,d, r releligigioion n isis d,d, r releligigwoworlrld,d, r reeeeththee woworlrld,d, rrelelllhhee woworlrldd llhhee woworlrld,d, rr llththee woworlrld,d, rreeeeee woworlrldd rreerrrrththththe e wwoorrllddlld,d,ddddd,d, rrrreeeelliilligigioion n iilligigiiiiigigggioioioion n isisssisis onone e amamonong g ththe e mamanyny mamanyny ononee amamoonne e aamm g g ththe e mmmmonongg ththee mmoonngggg ththththe e mmmmmm yyyyaanynyyyaaaannnnaannaaaannnynynnyyyy

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ftfterer i idedeasas h havave e mamarcrchehed d ouout t frfromom h herer,,.....i.idedeasas a aff.....i.i...i.idedeasas a aftfterer i idedeasas h havave e mamarcrchehed d ouou.......i.idedeasas aaftfterer iidedeasas hhavavee mamarcrchehedd ouou............iiiidedededeaass aaffaaftftftfteetteerr iiiidedededeaass hhaavve e mmaarrrcrccchheed d oouut t frfromomt t frfrfrfrrroomm hhererhheerr,,,,rr,,bubut t eveverery y wowordrd h hasas b beeeen n spspokokenen w witith h a a blblesessisingngbubutt evevereryy wowordrd hhasas bbeeeenn spspokokenen wwitithh aa blblesessisinnt t evevvverery y wowordrd h hasas b beeeen n spspvvevevereryy wowordrd hhasas bbeeeeeebubutt evevereryy wowordrd hhasas bbeeeenn spspeebubutt evevereryy wowordrd hhasas bbeeeenn spspbbuut t eeeevvvveerryyrry y wwoorrdd hhaass bbeeeen n spspspspokokenen wwitithh aa blblesessisinnookkeenn wwiitthhtth h a a bblleellesesesesssiiiingnggggg

foforere i it.t. W We,e, o of f alall l nanatitiononssbebehihindnd i it t anand d pepeacace e bebeffdd i it t pptteehihindnd iitt anandd pepeaattiiiibebehihindnd iitt anandd pepeaabbeehhiiiinndd dddd iiiiiit t tt aannd d ppeeaacce e bebefoforere i it.t. W We,e, o of f alall l nanacce e bbeeffeefofofoforrrere iit.t... WWeeWWe,e,e,e, ooffoof f aalll l nnaatitionontitititiooiioonnssssff t thehe w wororldld, , hahaveve n neveverer b beeeen n a a coconqnqueueriringng r racace,e, ff tthehe wwororldld,, hahaveve nneveverer bbeeeenn aa coconqnqueuerrldldldld,,ofof t thehe w wororldldllddddofof tthehe wwororldldllff tthehe wwororofofofof tthhtthhee wwoorrldldllllldld,,dd,, hahaveve nneveverer bbeeeenn aa coconndd,, hhaavvee nneevveerr bbeeeen n a a ccoonnqqueueriringng r raaqquueerrririiingnggg rraacce,e,cce,e,e,e,

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Every race has a unique orientation and a specific mission to accomplish. India’s mission is not political greatness or military power, or some other such thing, India’s mission is to accumulate into itself all the spiritual energy of the race and to share it with the world at the right time.

India has never preached her thoughts with violence and through conquering other races. She charms seekers from other nations silently and imperceptibly.

At first sight, Indian manners & customs, philosophy, and even literature, can be repulsive, but as seekers discover the great spiritual









To clarify, India has two sets of truths – Shruti & Smriti. Shruti represents the eternal principles founded upon the universal laws of nature. But Smriti represents the customs over the ages. It is the Shruti ideas that have spread all over the world.


“ “EEEEEaEachch r racace,e, s simimililararlyly, , hahas s a a EE ,,EaEachch r racace,e, s simimililararlylyEaEaEEEaEaccchch rraacce,e,e,e, ssiiimimiillaallaarrlylylyly,, hahass,, hahassyy,,,,,, hhaas s aaa a pppepecuculiliarar b benent,t, e eacach h raracece h hasaspepecc rarapepecuculiliarar b beeeepepecuculiliarar bbenenpppepecuculiliarar bbeeppppppeeeecccuculilililiaaiiaarr bbeennt,t, e eacach h rrrrhht,t,t,t, eeaacccch h rrrrrraaceceaaaacece hhaaaaaaccee hhasasaassa a pepecuculiliarar r raiaisoson n d'd'êtêtrere, , eaeachch pepecc êtêta a pepecuculiliarar r raiaisosonneeeeeecceepepecuculiliarar rraiaissa a ppeeeecccuculilililiaaiiaarr rraaiissiissoon n d'd'êtêtrere,, eaeaêê''êtêtrere eedd''êê''êêêêêêêêttrrttttrereee,,ee,, eeaachchcchh raracece h hasas a a p pececululiaiar r mimissssioion n toto hhaa mmasas a a p pececululiaiaaaaacece hhasas aa ppececululiaiarr mimisssshhraracece hhasas aa ppececululiaiarr mmmmhhhhraracece hhasas aa ppececululiaiarr mimissssaaaacece hhasas aa ppececululiaiarr mimiraracece hhasas aa ppececululiaiarr mimissssrraaccee hhhhaaaass aa ppeeccccuulliilliiiaiar r mmmmiissiissssioionnioioioion n totototototo

SSSSSlSlowow a andnd s sililenent,t, a as s ththe e gegentntlele SlSlowow a aww a andnd s sililenent,t, a as s ththe e ggwwllowow aandnd ssililenent,t, aass ththeellSlSlowow aandnd ssililenent,t, aass ththee ggooSlSlowow aandnd ssililenent,t, aassSSllowow aandnd ssililenent,t, aass ththee ggSlSlowow aandnd ssililenentt aass ththeeSlSlSSSlSloolllllloooowwwwww aaaaaanndd ssiilleelleennt,t,t,t, aas s ththththe e ggeentntlleennttllttleleeelele dedew w ththatat f falallsls i in n ththe e momornrnining,g, atat f fffffdedew w ththatat f faattdedeww ththatat ffaadedededeww ththththaaaatt tt ffaaffffaalllsls iinn ththee mmlllslslsls iiiin n ththththe e mmoornrniioorrrnrniinngginingggg,,,,ununseseenen a andnd u unhnheaeardrd y yetet dd u uuuuu eeenen aandnd uunhnheaeardrduuseseenen aandnd uunhnheaeaddnnseseenen aandnd uunhnheaeardrdnnsseeeenn aanndd dddd uuuuuunnhheeaarrdd yyyyeteteett ppprprododucucining g a a momostst t trerememendndououssmmprprododucucining g a a momostst t tmmprprododucuciningg aa momosspprroooodduudduucciiiningggg a a mmmmmmoosstt ttrrrerememendndttrereeemmeennddooououssddoouussreresusultlt, , hahas s bebeenen t thehe w worork k ofof nn reresusultlt,, hahass bebeeerreesseessuulltt,,tt,, hhaas s bbeeeenn tthehe wwnnnn tthehe wworornn ee wworornn nn tthhtthhee wwoorrkkk k ofof rrk k ofofofof

spspiriritituaual l raracece u upopon n ththe e woworlrld d oonnspspiriritituaual l raracece u uspspspspiiirirrriittuuttuuaal l raraaaccee uupppopon n ththe e wwoopoponn ththee wwuuppoooon n nn ththththe e wwoorlrlddoorrllddd d ff t thohougughtht. . [H[Howoweveverer].]..... w whahat t I I vvofof t thohougughtht. . [H[Howoweveverer].]..... w wvvofof tthohougughtht.. [H[Howoweveverer].]..... wwofofofof tthhtthhoouguggghhtt.... [H[H[H[HooHHoowweevvvveerr]]rr]]...... wwhahahhaatt IIt t I I

memeanan b by y ouour r rereliligigionon w wororkikingng ononmemeanan b by y ouour r rereliligigionon w wororkikinnnn bbyy ouourr rereliligigionon wwoooomemeanan bbyy ouourr rereliligigionon wwororkikimmeeaann bbyy oouur r rreelilililiggiiggiiooiioooonn nn wwoorrkkrrkkiingngiingngggupuponon t thehe n natatioionsns o oututsisidede o of f ttssupuponon t thehe n naaupupupupoonn tthhtthhee nnaattioionsns oouuttiittioioioionnss oouuttsisiddtt iisssisiddttssttssttssiidddedeee o of f dede ooffoof f IIInIndidia a cocompmpririseses s ononlyly t thehe yy ttInInddInInInIndidiiia a cocompmpririsesessdidiaaiia a ccoompmpmpmprrririssiisseesss s ononlylyoonnlylylyly tthhtthhtttttthheeee

kkgrgrououndnd, , ththe e rrooppprprininciciplpleses, , ththe e babackckgrgrououndnd, , ththbabackckgrgrooooprprininciciplpleses,, ththee babackckgrgrououndnd,,ooprprininciciplpleses,, ththee babackckgrgrououndndpprrrriiinincciippiipplleellesesss,,ss,, ththththe e bbaaccckckggkkggrrrrrroooouunndd,,dd,, ththththeee e fofounundadatitionon u upopon n whwhicich h ththatat h h ff ppfffofounundadatitionon u upopon n whwhicich h ththhhfofounundadatitionon uupoponn whwhicichh ththfofofofouunndadadadatitititiooiioonn uuppuuppoon n wwhhicicicich h hh ththththaaaatttt rereliligigionon i is s bubuililt.t.""rreelilililiggiiggiiooiioonn iissiis s bbuuililt.t.""iillt.t...""

.....i.in n ouour r bobookoks s a a clcleaear r didiststininctctioion n isis m madade e .....i.in n ouour r bobookoks s a a clcleaear r didiststininctctioion n ii......iiiin n oouur r bbooookksskks s a a cclleelleeaar r didididissiissttiittiiininccttiittioioioion n isisss m madadisis mmaaddeeeedde e f f trtrututhshs. . ThThe e onone e seset t isis isis bebetwtweeeen n twtwo o sesetsts o of f trtrututhshs. . ThThe e onone e sesettbebetwtweeeenn twtwoo sesetsts ooff trtrututhshs.. ThThee ononee sesebbeetwtwtwtweeeen n twtwtwtwoo sseetstststs ooffoof f trtrtrtruurruutthhtthhss.. ThThThThe e oonne e sseet t isisisisisis foforerevever.r..... . .....ththesese e arare e arare e ththatat w whihichch a abibidedes s ffththththatat w whihichch a abibidedes s foforerevever.r..... . .....ttttththatat wwhihichch aabibidedess foforerevever.r..... ......ttththththththhhhhaatt wwhhiicciiccchch aabbiiiidedededeees s fofofoforreevveerr...... ......thth arareeeehhesesee arareeeeesesee ararththeeesese e aarrrre e rreeee

ffououndndeded u upopon n ththe e oonnththe e eteterernanal l prprininciciplpleses f fhhe e eeththe e eteterernanal l prprininciciplplesesththththe e ee eetteetteerrrrnnaal l pprrrriiinincciippiipplleelleseseses ffououndndeded u uppffooffoouunnddeeddeedd uuppuuppoonn ththnnoooon n nn ththththeee e heher r seset t hhhhe e otothhotothhununiviverersasal l lalawsws i in n nanatuturere. . ThTherer aarrssununiviverersasal l lalawsws i in n nanatutureressununiviverersasall lalawsws iinn nanatuturrssiviverersasall lalawsws iinn nanatuturererriviverersasall lalawsws iinn nanauunniviviviveeeeeerrssrrssrrssrrssaaaaaal l lalalalawwss iiiin n nnaatutututurereee ee otottt.. ThThee otothhhhThThee oooo.. ThThee ooooThThee otothh.. ThThThThe e ooooootthhtttthhhhhheer r sseer r sseeeettt t

cocompmpririseses s ththe e miminonor r lalawsws w whihichch g guiuideded d cocompmpririsesess ththee miminonorr lalawsws wwhhssees s ththe e miminonor r lalawsws w wppririseses s ththeeeecocompmpririsesess ththee mimihhcocompmpririsesess ththee mimiccoompmpmpmprrririssiisseesss s ss ththththththththhhe e eeee mmii aawsws w whihichch g gwwlalawsws wwhihichch gguiuissnonorr lalawsws wwhihichch gguiuiiinnoor r lalaaawwwwwwssss ss wwwwwwhhiicccchh gguuiidddededddedededed d ththe e woworkrkining g ofof o ourur e eveveryrydaday y lilifefe""ththee woworkrkiningg ofof oourur eeththththe e wwoorkrkrkrkiiiningggg ofofofof oouurr eeveveryrydadavveeryryryrydadadadayyy y liliffy y lilililiffiifefeiifefefefe""""

principles upon which Indian culture is built, they are deeply fascinated.

India’s religion in the form of the principles and fundamental ideas have silently impacted the whole world.






: D









, C














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India is also the land of harmonious co-existence. Here alone, we have been able to accept a wide diversity in religion. We have done it through the guiding dictum – that there exists only one Truth, but different groups of people call it by different names. This dictum has resulted in India becoming a most wonderful land of toleration which welcomes various religions.


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You can also access previous issues of Vivekananda Way here.

THE INDIAN VIEW OF RELIGION "They call Thee by various names; Thou art one."

One Truth


Sufis Muslims

Atheists/ agnostics


Nature worshippers




Buddhists Shaivites





How do Indians deal with the diversity and difference in India? We do not hate each other because we are different; we do not practice religious persecution; rather we learn to accept these differences and practice tolerance in every aspect of our national life.



“'T'Thahat t whwhicich h exexisiststs 'T'T'T'ThhTThhaat t wwhhicicicich h exexexexiiisiststsxxisisisiststststs isis O Onene; ; sasageges s cacallll I It t isis OOnene;;isisisis OOnnee;; sasageges s cacassaaggggeessees s ccaallll IIllll IIttttIIt t byby v vararioiousus n namameses' ' bybyyy vvaayybyby vvaabbbyby vvbbbbbbbyby vvaabbbbbbyy yyyy vvaarrioiousus nnaarrrrioioioiouuss nnaammesesmmesesss''''.....T.Thehe w whoholele h hisistotoryry .T.T.....T.ThhTTTThhTT......TThhTTTTTThhee w whoholele h hisistotoryryee wwhhoolelelele hhisisisistotototoryryryry

f f InIndidia]a] h hasas b beeeen n a a ff InIn[o[of f InIndidia]a][[ InIndidia]a] hhasas bbeeeennII[o[off InIndidia]a] hhasas bbeeeenn[o[o[o[offoof f InInIIInIndidididiaaiia]a]a]a] hhaass bbeeeen n aaa a rerepepetitititionon i in n mamassssiviveeeetitippeepepetitititionon iinn mamattiititionon iiiirerepepetitititionon iinn mamassrreeppeeppeetititttitiiiiititititiooiioonn iiiin n mmaassssssivivssiviviviveeeelalangnguauagege, , wiwithth uauagggggglalangnguauagege, , wwaaaangnguauagege,, wwaalalangnguauagege,, wwlalalalangnggguuaaggaaggggee,,ee,, wwiiiithththththth trtrememenendodousus p powowerer,,dodo ss p powowerer,,usus ppowowwwtrtrememenendodoususuuddddnn uurrememenendodousus ppooooememenendodousus ppoooo ppppdodousustrtrememenendodousus ppowowwwrrememenendodousus ppootrtrtrtreemmeenndodododododooouuuuss ssss ppppppoooooowwwweeeerrrrerereeeeeerr,,rr,,rr,,ofof t thahat t onone e cecentntraral l ofofofof tthhtthhaat t oonne e cceennttrarattrrttrraalll l dodoctctririnene""dodododoccttrrttrrririnniinnee""ee""

.....a.allll t thehe v vararioiousus s secectsts,,vvaavvararioiousus s sececttaa.....a.allll tthehe vvararioiousus ssececttaaaallll tthh aaaallll tthehe vvararioiousus ssaaaallll tthehe vvararioiousus sseevv rrioiousus ssecec......aallll tthhtthhee vvvvaaaarrrrioioioiouuss sseecctstssststs,,,,ss,,apappaparerentntlyly h hopopelelesesslsly y hhapappaparerentntlyly h hopopelelesesslslyyhhapappaparerentntlyly hhopopelelesesssapapapapppppppaarreennttllttlylylyly hhhhhhopopopopeelleelleeesesssssllyyllyycocontntraradidictctorory,y, y yetet l livivining g y,y,cocontntraradidictctorory,y, y yetet l liiyycocontntraradidictctorory,y, yyetet lliiccoonnttrrttrraadidididicciiccttoottoorryyrryyyyyy,,y,y, yyeett lliillivivvvininiviviiiningggggginin s sucuch h haharmrmonony.y. . .....HoHow w isis ononyy w w inin ssucuchh haharmrmiiinin ssuucch h hhaarrrmrm yyyyy.y. . .....HoHowwwwnny.y. ......HoHowwnnnny.y. ......HHnnonony.y. ......HoHowwwwyyoonnyynnnnyyyyyy.. ......HoHoHoHowwww isisisisisis ththatat p posossisiblble?e? " "ThThatat w whihichch hhatat wwhhwwtt p posossisiblble?e? ThThatat w wwwththatat pposossisiblble?e? ""ThThatat wwaahhatat pposossisiblble?e? ""ThThatat wwhhhhThThhhhhatat pposossisiblble?e? ""ThThatat wwaaththatat pposossisiblble?e? ""ThThatat wwththththaatt ppoossssiibblleellee?? """"ThThThThhhaaaatttt wwwwwwhhhhhhiiiiccchchiiccchch exexisiststs i is s OnOne;e; s sagageses c calall l ItIt b byyexexisiststs iiss OnOne;e; ssagageses ccaaexexexexiixxisisisiststststs iissiis s OOnnee;; ssagagggesesss ccaallll ItIt bblll l ItItItIt bbyyyyvavaririouous s nanamemes.s." " .....T.Thehe o onene vavaririououss nanamemes.s."" .....T.Thehe oovvaarrririooiioouus s nnaammeessss.."" ......TThhTThhee oonneeee grgreaeat t lelessssonon, , ththererefeforore,e, t thahat t grgreaeatt lelessssonon,, ththererefeforore,e,ggrreeaat t lelelelesseessssoonn,,nn,, ththththeerrefefefefooffoorre,e,e,e, tthhtthhaaaattt t ththe e woworlrld d wawantnts s momostst, , ththatat t thehe ththee woworlrldd wawantntssththththe e wwoorrllddlld d wwaannttsstts s momostst,, ththatat tthhmmoosstt,,tt,, ththththaatt tthhtthheeee woworlrld d hahas s yeyet t toto l leaearnrn f frorom m wwoorrllddlld d hhaas s yeyet t toto l leaearnrn f froromms s yyeet t totototo lleelleeaarrrnrn ffrrffrorooom m

ff IIInIndidia,a, i is s ththe e idideaea n notot o onlnly y ofofInIndidia,a, iiss ththee idideaea nnotot ooInInInIndidididiaaiia,a,a,a, iissiis s ththththe e idididideeddeeaa nnoott oonlnlyynnllyylly y ofof ofofofof totoleleraratitionon, , bubut t ofof s symympapaththy"y" totoleleraratitionon,, bubutt ofof ssymympapaththyytotototolelelelerraatitititiooiioonn,,nn,, bbuut t ofofofof ssyymmppmmppaaththththyyyy""""

BBBeBecacaususe e nonot t ononlyly i is s itit i in n ouour r cacaaaususe e nonot t ononlylyaaaaususeeaaeecccc ususee nonott ononlyly iiaaBeBecacaususee nonott ononaaeecacaususee nonott ononlyly iiccBeBecacaususee nonott ononlyly iiBBeeccccaaaauusse e nnoot t oonnlylylyly iissss itit iinn ououiis s iitt iiiin n oouurrr r bobookoks,s, b butut i it t rurunsns t thrhrououghgh e eveveryrys,s, b bbobookokssssbobookokbbooookksskkssss,, b butut i it t rurunsns t thrhrououghgh e evvs,s, bbuutt iit t rurururunnss tthhtthhrroooouugggghh eevveeryryeeryryryrypp ff o ourur n natatioionanal l liliteteraratuturere ff phphasase e ofofffphphasase e ofofffphphasasee ofof oourur nnatatioionanall lilipphhaasse e ofofofof ff oouurr nnaattiittioioioionnaal l lilililiteteraratuturrteteteterraatutututurereeeee anand d isis i in n ththe e nanatitiononalal l lifife.e. H Herere e ththanandd isis iinn ththee nanatitiononaattanandd isis iinn ththee nanatitiononaaaannd d isisisis iiiin n ththththththe e nnaatitititiooiioonnaall l lifife.e. H Hll lliillififififeeffee.. HHeeerereeHHeerre e anand d heherere a alolonene i is s itit p praractcticiceded loloanandd heherere aallllanandd heherere aalolonnoodd heherere aaloloooanandd heherere aallaannd d hheerree aalololololllolooonnee i is s itit p praraee iissiis s iitt pprraactcticicededccttiitticiciciceedd evevererydydayay, , anand d anany y maman n whwhososeennddevevererydydayay, , anand d anany y maman n wwddydydayay,, anandd ananyy mamannnnevevererydydayay,, anandd ananyy mamann wweevveerryyrryyddaaddaayyyy,, aannnnnnd d dd aannyy mmaan n wwhhososhhoosseeeeeyeyeses a arere o opepen n cacan n sesee e ththatat i it t isis cacaeyeyeses a arere o oppeyeyeses aarere oopepenn cacann seseee ththaacceyeyeses aarere oopepenn cacann seseee ththatat iitt iieeyyeeeses aarree ooppooppeen n ccccaan n sseee e ththththaatt iit t isisssisis ppprpracactiticeced d heherere a andnd h herere e alalonone.e. aannprpracactiticeced d heherere a arracactiticecedd hehererepprraacctitititicciicceed d hheerree aaaandnd hhereree aanndd hhereree aannnndd hheerre e aallononlloolloonneeee....

f f mimildldnenessss, , mimi.....T.Thehe l lesessosonsns o off......TThhTThhee lleeesessosonsns o of f mimildldmmnsns ooff mimillmmesessosonsns ooff mimildldlleeesesssssoonnss ooffoof f mmmmmmiildldldldnnnenessddnneeeessssssss,,,,ss,,foforbrbeaeararancnce,e, raragegentntlelenenessss, , ffggeennttllttlelelelenneeeess , , foforbrbeaeararancnceeaass,, foforbrbeaeararancnce,e,aaaa aass foforbrbeaeararancnceessss,,ss,, fofofoforrbbeeaarrrraaaanncce,e,e,e,

totoleleraratitionon, , sysympmpatathyhy, , anand d yy,,totoleleraratitionontotototolelelelerraatitititiooiioonn,,, , sysympmpatathhnn,, ssyympmpmpmpaatthhtthyhyyy, , ananyyyyyyyy,, aannddd d brbrototheherhrhooood,d, e eveveryryonone e mamayynne e brbrotothhbbrrootthhtthheerhrhooood,d, e eveveryryeerhrhrhrhooood,d,d,d, eevveeryryryry eeeeononee mmeeeeoonne e ee mmaayyaayyleleararn,n, w wheheththerer m manan, , wowomaman,n, oommleleaaleleleleaarrn,n, w wheheththerer m manan, , wowommmmrrn,n, wwheheththerer mmanan,, woworrrrn,n,n,n, wwhheeththththeerr mmaann,,nn,, wwoooommmmmmaannaan,n,,,n,n,oror c chihildld, , leleararnened d oror u unlnleaearnrneded,,rnrnoror cchihildld,, leleararneneddoorr cccchhiildldldld,,dd,, leleleleaarrrrnneed d uunlnleaearnrnededrrrr uunlnleaearnrnnnoror uunlnleaearnrnededoorr uunnlleelleeaarrrrrnrnnneedd,,,,dd,,

ff r racace,e, c casastete, , oror tete, , rrororwiwiththouout t rerespspecect t ofof r racace,e, c casaswiwiththououtt rerespspecectt ofof rracacee ccasaswwiiththththoouut t rreessspspspspeecct t ofofofof rraacce,e,e,e, ccaassteteeetete,,eetetetete,,eeee,,,, rrrroooorroooorrrrrrcrcreeeed.d. " "ThTheyey c calall l ThTheeee b by y vavaririouousscrcreeeed.d. ""ThTheyey ccalalll ThTheeee bbccrreeeedd.. """"ThThThTheeeyey ccaalll l ThThThTheeee bby y vavaririououyy vvaarrririiioouussssnanamemes;s; T Thohou u arart t OnOne.e.""nnaammees;s; TThohouueesseess;; TThhTThhoou u arartt OnOnaarrt t OOnne.e.""ee..""







