1 electronic reporting of fisheries information in alaska

Download 1 Electronic Reporting of Fisheries Information in Alaska

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Post on 18-Jan-2018




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3 eLandings NMFS Restricted Access Management (RAM) halibut & sablefish IFQ database NMFS Sustainable Fisheries (Groundfish) ADF&G Commercial Fisheries Division International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) eLandings System Catch and Production Reporting by Industry Industry User


1 Electronic Reporting of Fisheries Information in Alaska 2 eLandings - Background One-stop reporting of landings and production to multiple agencies electronically Increases timeliness and accuracy of fisheries data entry Creates an electronic record of landings and production that may be extracted by processors and agency staff 3 eLandings NMFS Restricted Access Management (RAM) halibut & sablefish IFQ database NMFS Sustainable Fisheries (Groundfish) ADF&G Commercial Fisheries Division International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) eLandings System Catch and Production Reporting by Industry Industry User 4 eLandings NMFS Restricted Access Management (RAM) halibut & sablefish IFQ database NMFS Sustainable Fisheries (Groundfish) ADF&G Commercial Fisheries Division International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) eLandings System Catch and Production Reporting by Industry Industry User Data Techs Manual landing 5 Interagency Electronic Reporting Program Components eLandings Web based reporting seaLandings Desktop reporting viaAgency Interface for review and editing submitted electronic data Elandings 24/7 Server Initial and Final submission tLandings Desktop reporting via flash drive 6 Three eLandings Interfaces Web Interface 7 seaLandings Stand-Alone Software 8 Agency Desktop 9 eLandings Environments Production Training Test 10 Forgot Your Password? 11 Resetting Password 12 Searching for Reports 13 Status of Reports Unsubmitted: Changes have been saved but data have not been submitted to agencies Initial Report Submitted: Users have 7 days to final submit their reports; can find and edits reports easily in Reports Menu; deletions must be made by agency staff Final Report Submitted: Users can edit reports for 90 days after final submit. After 90 days need to contact agencies to unlock. 14 Deleting an Unsubmitted Landing Report 15 Adding or Editing Users & User Permissions 16 17 Xxxxx Registering a new user 18 xxxxx 19 Setting User Preferences 20 Grading and Pricing Templates 21 22 Multiple Copies of Fish Tickets 23 24 Data Extraction Tools 25 Data Extraction Demo